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The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Watches More Supermarket Sweep
Matt & Chris dig through the archives to find all sorts of crap we never got the chance to watch for an all-new episode of The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour, which culminates in an epic viewing of their favorite show: Supermarket Sweep!
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This Week’s Dumb Deals: 25% off all home items
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This Week In Dumb:
Monday, March 17, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play The Walking Dead (Part Two)
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: BAFFLED!
Wednesday, March 19, 2025: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: The Informer (1935)
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Friday, March 21, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse: Chit-Chat & Tidbits #23
Saturday, March 22, 2025 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint: Prince of Space
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Game Show Night
Feature Presentation: A 1994 episode of Supermarket Sweep
Transcript: Yeah, Jackie and I'm starting this off. The Rams get down so nobody's scoffed. And don't you worry cause the Rams are rapping. When game time comes, we'll be back to zapping. We can't sing and our dance is not pretty. But we'll do our best for the team and the city. So get on your feet and clap your hands. Let's ram it right now with the L.A. Rams. Hollywood handsome, Dodge City tough. If you throw it my way, it's gonna get rough. I like to ram it as you can see. Nobody likes ramming any more than me. They call me Jeter. Nobody dresses sweeter. But under this cool is a quarterback, Mr. Jeter. I come from the end, looking for the sack. I don't stop coming till I put him on the back. It's a limousine, Woody. My moves are like dreams. They call me the demon on special team. I know how to rock from the toes to the head. When I pull the trigger, I'll knock you dead. I'm a mountain man from West VA. They call me Herc, and I came to play. I learned long ago if you ram it just right, you can ram it all day and ram it all night. Ram it. Take a look at my stock I catch what they told me and I like to block I'm quick off the line as I can be Cause I don't want dick running over me This is Babyface and I don't yield I'm a tackling fool on the football field From the Jersey Shore to Boboa Bay If you run at me, you'll have a bad day This is R.B., no speedball brown Fastest man in the whole damn town Cars and ladies are a part of my creed But more than that, I feel the need for speed This is Catcher, out to make a run With shades on, I can catch a BB in the dark So now you're ready and I'm sure you'll agree That ramming is fun when you're ramming with me So let's ram it today. Redden here, I'm a pumpin' iron man. If Eric can't get it, I will and I can. I'm stronger to come, but I've got a brain. And stopping me is like stopping a train. I'm Carly, the General of the Duke. I make the calls and the coaching they'll do. This motorcycle hit has got style and class. If you come my way, I'll knock you on your ass. Toucha is the name to intimidate. Passing my way, I'll see you later. Quick on my feet, the ladies agree. Before they know it, they'll ram it with me. The Iceman, come on, Leroy is the name. I cover the corner, interception's my game. Score more than anybody else on the D, cause I move like a cat, as you will see. The guys call me Dick instead of Dick the Sun. I lead the Rangers, I'm the Rams' top gun. They say I'm as smooth as a runner can be. Even Sweetness and the others are talking about me. I like to dance and have a lot of fun. When it comes to ladies, I want a brainy one. But it's never about me. We're here to ram it, you see. If you ram it just right, you can ram it all night. Ram it. I sucked up the aroma of stuff that smells and made Gak that smells like stuff. What do you mean? Smell my Gak. Gak that smells like popcorn. Hot dogs. See, it sucks. Yes. Smell your what? New Nickelodeon. Smell my Gak. Smell my Gak. Smell your what? Smells so good, makes your eyes roll back. Nickelodeon. Separately new from the town. Who could ask for more? The crime wave is high With muggings mysterious All police and detectives are furious Cause they can't find the source For this lethally evil force This is serious, so give me a quarter I was a witness, get me a reporter Paul April O'Neil in on this case Ain't you better hurry up, there's no time to wait We need help right quick on the double Have pity on the city police Like the Lone Ranger When Tonto came pronto When there was danger They didn't say we'd be there in half an hour Cause they displayed was hot on the trail determined to put these crooks in jail she spied the bad guys and saw what happened but before she knew it she fell in the trap and got caught yeah she was all alone with no friends and no phone now this was beyond her worst dreams because she was haunted by some wayward scenes headed by shredder they were anything but good misguided unloved they call it the flip they can tell a Out of the dark came an awesome sight. Shout out cowabungas, they hit the ground. From the field of weeds, the heroes rescue the flower. They're on a mission When there's a battle, got the enemy wishing that they stayed at home Instead of fighting these ninja masters with moves like lightning They're once normal, but now they're mutants Swift is the teacher, so they are the students Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Donatello Make up the team with one other fellow, Lafayette He's the leader of the group, transformed from the norm by the nuclear group. Pizza's the food that's sure to please, these ninjas are into pepperoni and cheese. Back to the story, it's not hard to find, ninjas not just for the body but for the mind. Those were the words that the master instructed, but a meta from Shredder has split or abducted. That was the last straw, spring into action. Step on the foot, now they're going with traction. Now this is for real, so you fight for justice. Your shell is hard, so you shout the game. Like some old coffee table Since you've been born, you've been willing and able To defeat the snake, protect the weak Fight for rights and your freedom is free Now the villain is chilling, so you make a stand Back to the wall, put your sword in your hand Remember the words of your teacher, your master Evil moves fast, but good moves faster than light Shining through your illumination Good versus evil equals confrontation So when you're in trouble, don't give in and go sour Try to rely on your dreams Hi, honey. Are you ready to dance with me? I'm not much of a dancer. I don't like this song. Play a little bit dude, come on. Okay. Hi honey. Who's that? Come on, come on out here. What are you doing over there? I'm just dancing. I'm just dancing. Do you dance? You look like a good dancer. I can dance. We can dance together. Come on, come join us. Come on. I'm not dancing. Come on. No question. Come on and enjoy yourself. No way. Everybody's dancing. Not me. You look silly not dancing. This is a dancing place. Okay, okay. I'll dance. Stop it! Stop it! I'm a DJ. Stop it! This is a place of love. We were dancing and happy and all fell apart. He doesn't like that. He makes happy music. He doesn't like people in person. Oh, my God. Embrace slowly poisoned ever surrounded by sickness and death forced to embrace everything stolen ever being choked until our last breath. Looking closer A very old child, never complains Because it gives me a hint, it's built of gold No one escapes, no one finds me Forced to embrace, slowly poisoned Ever surrounded by sickness and death Forced to embrace, everything stolen Ever being choked, until our last breath This is the place Why are you here? The hell dream was falling and reality was more akin to my dream. Much worse, we carry all chains. Never complain because the cage we are in is painted gold. No one escapes, no one fires back. Forced to embrace, slowly poisoned. Ever surrounded by sickness and death. Forced to embrace, everything stolen. Ever being choked until our last breath. No, no. It's built to take shock. Enough plutonium to blow up all of New York. And Staten Island. We're about four miles from the missile base. Boy bands were not so cute back then. Are they what, hoodlum farmers? A jeep, no less. Come on. Let's juvie it up. Oh, so it does work. It's really too bad there's no possible way the jeep could drive around that car. Hey, get that car out of the way! It's a gang of rival nuclear scientists. What are you nuclear proliferating against? What do you got? You ruffians, don't you know science always triumphs? Isn't it like a jet to bring a knife to a nuclear war? They could drive around. Stop! There's a bomb in that case! Yeah, yeah. Nice Beatles cover. Coming soon to Weird and Wonderful Wednesday Watch-A-Longs. Thank you. So you can suck his rubber ducky with your vacuum, and then you can shoot it against the thing. Ah. Oh, okay. Wait, there he is. Just keep sucking. Keep sucking, Chris. Whatever you do, don't stop sucking. Oh, yeah, look at that. I got him. Oh, okay, I should suck him. You got to shoot him toward the bomb, I guess. Got it. There we go. or deflate his thingy and just some man okay now he's up there try to run up on the thing and like flash him and get him come on all the things like your objectives are to flash and suck these ghosts that doesn't sound right at all do you think anyone's doing more than one wife I wonder Some people might, it amazes me when we get at the end of class, I'll see people's paintings and how much extra things that they've put into their painting that, you know, they get all these extra, like, did you start yesterday? Or, you know, it's... I don't know how they do it so we do sometimes get paintings in advance if a student knows they can't make it but they want us to show their work we've had that happen a couple times ah okay I just love the wrestling theme on the sand and uh and I still have memories of that of them like ah I'm getting sand in their eyes and stuff but that was just too much going on in the painting to get it done in this amount I'm neither. And I have none of the powers which I'm convinced that you have. I had a turtleneck like his in college. But I'm not scared of black cats, Friday the thirteenth, or walking under ladders. As a matter of fact, every once in a while, I get my kicks walking under a ladder. Not strange at all, considering who you are. No, go on, you were doing beautifully. Evil forces do exist, always have. She makes a side gig. Her side gig is doing caricatures. And you will see that there were three instances of an experience almost exactly like yours. I like that lamp. Oh, wait, I missed it. I love that. So that's the manners I was there supposed to find? Oh, my God. It's the place. Look. It looks like every other... Wyndham in Devon. Are you kidding me? They all look like that. Oh, yeah. Look at that. Pardon me. Nobody expects the Ironside Inquisition. Yeah, watching him walk around and do nothing is so much more interesting than seeing the killings by the monster. Will he walk into another room? Or stay in this room? Oh my god, the suspense is killing me! Ay-yi-yi. I've got his cataracts. Oh damn, marriage agrees with me. Oh, now I can't do the Harpo Groucho mirror scene. Well, that was a productive afternoon. This is like a real estate video. My dinner with Andre didn't have this many indoor scenes. Thank you. What's up? Hello. What up everyone? Hello. Oh, what's that song? I like it. Is there a new bed music? You guys like it? I'm very into that. This is going to be the song that I exclusively make love to from now on. I'm just going to have that playing in the background. dude it's a banger I had no idea brian austin green was that talented I would love to have gone behind the scenes and just known exactly what the thought process was behind doing this weird rap because when you watch it it's very clearly being set up like he's gonna do like maybe like a big band thing and then at the last minute they decided that they were gonna do a rap and it's and he does all these weird dance moves and stuff and I love it so much. It rocks. You put that in the pre-show a few times, and I think there was one... The first time I saw it, I think I thought it was like a mashup that you put together or something. No, that's from a real episode of the Fantastic Four. Yeah, it's mind-blowing. The the Silver Surfer instead, and it was... I think it was worth it. It was... Silver Surfer is pretty solid. But speaking of things that we almost watched, but then we didn't, tonight's theme is Oops All Wild Cards. So if you're new joining us, I'm Matt, that's Chris. We run Dumb Industries and the Mads are Back, Mary Jo Peel Show. But we also get together here every week and watch VHS Trash with all of you after we get done kind of talking about our week and what we got coming up and... plug uh you know uh plug in our various uh wares and goods I feel like a man in the eighteen hundreds who has like a cart that he's bringing into town full of like you know hides and like you know pelts and elixirs and uh here ye here ye yeah back with a new one And in case you missed it, Matt is traveling. He's in the Himalayas right now. Hence the, you know, the breeze and a winter coat and everything and sunglasses. A winter coat Miami background made sense to me. Yes. And I'm coming from prison. No, Forest Hills, Queens. They're coming from inside Leonard Nimoy's subconscious. Yes. This artwork, by the way, I wish we had the rights to it because this would look awesome on a t-shirt. It rocks. so good it's pretty rad uh speaking of that if you missed that the other night uh just I'm just gonna say this up top I'll be playing this again come nine forty five ish at the conclusion of this program so if you playing what again oh baffled movie joe nights so uh if you stick around for the whole thing we will be playing an encore full live stream representation of that immediately following tonight's program but oh I just wanted to throw that in up top uh to just you know just to give people a little you know something something keep them stick around stick around you know uh but uh but yeah how are you doing man Oh, I'm doing great. It's Thursday, my favorite day of the week. We made it to Thursday, everybody. Cheers. We made it, folks. I have another beatbox. You're about to get another silly buzz off of a gas station alcohol, Matt. There's a new Snow White movie in theaters I'm very excited about. I don't care. how many of those like I don't understand how she keeps getting work and I'm not trying to be just like oh gal gadot anti like you know like I don't know because you know some people just get mad at stuff I just don't think she's a very good actress and I just have never seen anything with her in it where I was like yeah wait you're saying you saw batman be superman and weren't impressed not really no and I mean and I I love one I've I've Look, I have gone on record as saying that I did enjoy Wonder Woman eighty four more than I think most people did. That's true. She was good in it. You hold that film in high regards, which I understand. It's not good, but I do hold it in higher regards, I think, than yes, than most people. It's a it's a silly movie. But but yeah, I don't understand how she keeps getting stuff. I don't know. I know, it's bizarre. Does she pop up in one of those Mission Impossible movies? No, she's in the Fast and Furious movies. Really? Before she was super famous, she was in those. I don't know if she still is. Probably not. She probably got too expensive. We're a family. Vin Diesel's like, no, man. Gal Gadot's too big. Gal Gadot's not in the family anymore. Gal Gadot's not in the family no more. You're family. The Fast and the Furious, when you're here, you're family. Like the Olive Garden. Hey, that's a new impression we can do. Vin Diesel. Vin Diesel. You and the family, yo. You know, Vin Diesel had an amazing song a few summers back. That should be our new bed music. Really? He wrote like a dance song and it was actually really good. oh my god cats are brawling over here sorry I always just think of stuff like uh and I guess it's because I'm the type of person I am and find the stuff I do for all of us when I think of vin diesel I always think of that video of him from the eighties where he's break dancing and that other video of him at like the new york toy fair where he's uh like the salesperson for the street sharks line of figures oh and it's like him being like you know this is so and so he's the leader of the street sharks and this is and he has like a little bit of hair still and he's kind of dressed like he's in Right Said Fred for some reason uh talking about sharks but uh Yeah, those are my thoughts on Vin Diesel. I don't even know where I was going with this. Anyway, folks, if you enjoy the minds behind that witty banter you just witnessed, you should check us out on BlueScore. BlueScore, Jesus. BlueScore. BlueScore and DisGuy. It's the social media platform that's taken over the world. Wait, what did you call it? BlueScore? BlueScore and DisGuy. I almost... I almost did that we are on blue sky and discord jeez yes and you just witnessed me have a full embolism uh right in front of all of you good lord uh yeah so check us out over there on those things those are our favorites we're also on all the other conventional media but uh blue sky and disco uh blue scored and disguise are the ones where we're really those are the ones we're putting we're putting all of our efforts into those two yeah those are those are the good ones Blue score and who's this guy? Thanks, Rush Marine. This guy could be a new platform. Oh, this guy. Yeah, this guy over here. That's like the Italian social media service. Like this guy. Hey, you want to know this guy? Yo, come on over to this guy. No Nazis over here. You might not know this guy. If you don't know this guy, just pass him on up. This guy ain't down with Nazis. Come over to this guy. Or this guy should be like the Italian dating service app where it's... Yeah. Get a load of this guy. Get a load of this guy? Eh? No. And you can either go A by swiping right or whack him by swiping left. uh yeah the mafia is also the people behind this we have to we have to we're giving away too much right now we gotta scale it back this guy is a genius idea um Look, we have a brilliant pitch to the Italian community provided that you're all down with stereotypes. I can speak on behalf of the Italian community. My grandfather was Italian. Okay. I think that makes me like a quarter Italian or something. You've got a taste of Italy in you as the Olive Garden would say. Bring it back around. Taste of Italy. Just a taste. This guy. This guy over here. Anyway, and also we are doing our live shout outs as, oh, my camera has been reversed this whole time. I was wondering why I felt off again. It keeps tearing my camera there. For you, not for us. I feel more natural now. If you enjoy our weird impressions and stuff like that, we are doing our live shout outs all night. So scan the QR code, go to forward slash donate. And we have been known to do a myriad of songs here lately. Songs, impressions. Act out little scenes. You can give us suggestions. Or you can leave it up to us and we'll just start. Oh, and I'm so glad Master Torgo pointed this out. Yeah, we got new Twitch emotes on Twitch. So if you subscribe to our Twitch channel, you get a bunch. There's Mia's Columbo. There's Ichabod. There's a bunch of Mary Jo ones. We're going to add more because they're super fun to play with. We even have a Big Ed. Big Ed is in there. I put a Big Ed emote in there. Which I've been watching so much Twin Peaks lately with my girlfriend. I thought you were talking about like Big Ed Hurley who owned the gas farm at first. No. You were talking about our little necklace friend who uses mayonnaise on his hair. That's right. I found out recently, I think my roommate is also using some type of mayonnaise thing in the bathroom on his hair, because there's like some type of thing in our bathroom and it's definitely like a weird mayonnaise-ish condiment. I don't think it's mayonnaise. It's like mayonnaise-esque and it's definitely not like, I don't know. Because he saw Big Ed do it. I don't know if he arrived at this. He's, he's a very kind of a like hippy dippy, like everything is very organic and blah, blah, blah. Nothing against any of that, but I'm just trying to explain. I like these, I got the little Mystery Hour van emotes too. The two dudes that Inga did for us. Oh, yeah. All that to say, we have some donations already. All right, let's do some shout outs. First one here comes from Charlotte Greenwell. Charlotte is a huge, huge, huge supporter of ours since the beginning. She's the best. Charlotte says, I'm going to miss the show tonight due to work. Oh, no. No impression needed, but maybe tell a knock-knock joke. Ooh. Do you know any good knock-knock jokes? I mean, I know all the typical ones. I'm trying to think of. Sure. What was the first knock-knock joke you remember? I could tell you what mine is. Knock-knock. Who's there? Mickey Mouse's underwear. Oh. That's it. Or it is also knock-knock. Who's there? Interrupting cow. Interrupt. That's, that's probably one of the earliest ones I remember. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like I'm on the spot right now and I can't think of the only one I'm, I can think of is, you know, it's like a knock, knock, you know, who's there? Uh, uh, you know, banana, banana, who knock, knock, who's there? Banana, banana, who knock, knock, who's there? Banana, Banana who? Knock, knock. Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad I didn't say banana. oh yeah I was confused but it was the payoff was yeah it was there it was I I was I was debating how many times I could just do the knock knock in a row before it would just people would wonder if I'm having a stroke or if something's wrong with the stream or uh but yeah there's uh there's those uh I'm trying to think of my favorite just kind of childhood joke in general. I can't think of a knock-knock one in specific, but I've always loved this one. How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it. That's revolting, but I like it. I love that one so much. It's good. Anyway, but thank you so much, Charlotte. That's a great idea. I need to think of more. If I think of a good knock-knock along the way, Charlotte, I'll just randomly toss it in. Thank you so much. Thank you so much, Charlotte. All right. We got another one here from Punk Nerd. Punk Nerd, thank you. Another big supporter of ours. We love Punk Nerd. Yeah, Punk Nerd. Thank you. Yes. Punk Nerd says, how about David Lynch and Randy Newman finding really cheap eggs while shopping? All right. Okay. Uh... You start as Randy. So we're shopping together, let's say, at Food Town. Okay. Do-do-do-do-do-do. David found some eggs. Do-do-do-do-do-do. I haven't found them yet. Randy, come here. I need you. I can't believe it Randy. I found some eggs. They're cheap, too What kind eggs you got? What are the price? It's a dozen of eggs for twelve Can you believe it Randy? Twelve ninety-nine, that's kind of a lot. Sort of out of my budget. Cause I need Randy Piano's stuff. Randy, I think we should get these eggs. I haven't seen eggs in months. And these look pretty good. They're brown. So I guess we should do it. I haven't had an egg sandwich in months. I need to get these eggs, Randy. We'll do the eggs proper if you Venmo me for them. Randy, can I ask you another question? Yeah, do-do-do, what's it, Mr. Lynch? Can you cover these eggs for me? I'm all out of cash. I just said they're out of my budget. Wait a minute. Have you thought about shoplifting some eggs? If you're really good at it, it's not the dregs. I've got my piano in here cause I sing where I go. So if we stash the eggs inside, then we could just walk out. So do do. Look at the eggs in the piano. All right. Yes, we are practicing improv on you guys, JL Sieber. I don't know. I think I kind of found it toward the end. I think if we would have just had Randy Newman then teach David Lynch about how to shoplift. I like that the guy who writes twelve hundred bad jokes before every live stream is saying we're practicing improv on you guys. they're not all winners we got to get warmed up a little bit too you know like as as we go on jl siever we love you and keep that we love the bad jokes too it's uh it's a staple of dumb industries I love that we had like one hundred and forty one people watching, then it dropped like one hundred and thirty as soon as I started screaming. Yeah, well, no, just like that improv scene. It was just like, yeah, I'm out. OK, I got I got one more here and we're going to move on with some more stuff. This one comes from Ryan S. Ryan, thank you. Ryan says Paul Stanley singing story of a girl. What story of... Oh, like, this is a story of a girl. Ladies and gentlemen! I gotta tell you a story! This is the story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world. And when she looked so sad... I know that I absolutely love her when she smiles. I got a feeling this is the story. Hey. Hey. Oh, thank you so much, Ryan. How you doing, girl? okay I think people have had enough of this uh unprovoked improv show we've been giving them what do you say we get into this week I gotta get warmed up dumb deals It's like we're doing an ambush comedy show. Have you ever been at a bar where it just turns into a comedy show? Oh, I've been on many of those. Oh, I've been on them too. It ain't good. That's why I left South Carolina because that was like every comedy show was like you would be booked for the corner of an Indian restaurant and you'd get there. You got like twelve guys sitting at the bar watching a game and they turn the sound on the game off so that you can do your show. And then you have twelve angry dudes who are like, what's this dude talking about? or there's just like a family in there that's trying to eat and you're trying to do your jokes that are about you know like dating and you know and sex and drugs and stuff like that and it's like everybody's like offended you're like look I was booked to come here and do these but this family just wants to eat indian food and it's awkward and uh it's basically what this stream is yeah Uh, so, uh, so I can relate. I can relate. I can relate. I think this week, uh, anyway, this week's dumb deals, what we, what we got going on. Oh my God. We have great deals in the dumb store every week. This week is no different, Matt. We have. All home items at dumb industries that includes, uh, pillows, blankets, and other fine products over at dumb dash Just use promo code home. Twenty five. And yeah, check out dumb dash industries dot com slash deals. There's lots of great deals on there. Change them up every week. So everyone check it out. Home is where dumb is where I want to be. So yeah, so that's going on. And then also, if you're watching us on Twitch, hey, everybody on Twitch, we love you. Twitch is definitely an awesome place to support us. Use your free Amazon subscription on us if you feel moved by the Holy Spirit to do so. But if you would just like to watch tonight's program or the entire week's prior program until a new one's put up, you should check out the Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club, which is free to join. This exact program is happening over there right now, completely commercial free. forward slash mystery hour. Yes. As I've said before, very intuitive URLs over on the dumb industries website. If you type in forward slash whatever you're thinking of, there's like a one in two chance that you'll find it. One in two. I'd say it's even higher than that. it's uh it's pretty oh I I think you're probably right yeah I think I'm just bad at math I meant whatever a good one is uh so you should definitely uh check that out there yeah and if you missed tonight's program and uh and you want to check this program out uh it'll be up for an entire week until we do a new one or if you'd like to kick in two bucks a month you can check out the entire back catalog where we watch all kinds of stuff including the various programs that tonight's wild card buffet uh will be drawn from so you can witness the origins of uh some of the the choices that we have here there are lots And I'm so glad you mentioned Plus Memberships because every Plus Membership is free for your first thirty days. So if you're in the free tier, you want to check out all the videos we have in the Plus tier. You can do that for a month completely on us. Head to slash memberships. memberships um and I also just want to say we're closing in matt we almost have nine hundred hours of content on the dumb industry where we're almost there a couple more weeks we'll hit that um I just want to thank everyone who's joined any any of the memberships you guys are keeping us alive uh you guys are the best seriously can't thank you enough um so thank you all the dumb members And we're always working on improving the member sites and all this stuff. All that to say, stay tuned. We're working on some really cool things. Yeah, there's some neat stuff we've got in the works for sure. Yes, get on our newsletter, slash newsletter. So you'll be the first to know anything, really. But in the meanwhile, this week, we're doing our weekly Mads download sale as we always do. And this week is no different. The Lost Missile is our movie that's on sale. Robert Loja versus a rogue missile. Yes. Six bucks through Sunday with promo code Loja. That's L-O-G-G-I-A. It's fun to say and fun to spell. You won't forget it. And fun to type. in your keyboard oh it's trying to be slick here hold on there we go enter hashtag lozia you'll be running for a free download to the lost missile and while you guys are getting your votes in uh we got a couple more uh shout outs here okay let's do it oh this is cool this comes from paul r who we assume Based on the information we have, this is Paul Reiser, the famous actor, comedian, star of aliens. Star of aliens, author of that weird comic book where what if his character survived aliens that nobody asked for? Wait, he wrote that? He wrote that, yeah. Like unsolicited? I think it's probably like a treatment he had already made up and then like some comic writer, you know, took it and adapted it. So it's... Does he get eaten by aliens at the end? I don't know. I haven't read it, but yeah, Paul Reiser has authored an entire comic book about what if whatever his character's name was, I can't even remember if he survived aliens, what would have happened? I love that character because it has just been recreated like eight thousand times since then I mean and even polarizer is probably like there you probably found some other kind of characters that were similar but uh yeah yeah it's like such a um cliche now it's like the The guy seems like a nice corporate dude. He's like the one with the heart, but really. Paul Reiser has chimed in to remind us that the character's name is Burke, so thank you. Oh, wow, and it is Paul Reiser. Oh, thanks so much, Paul Reiser. I love you in One Night at McCool's. Paul did not put any prompt in here. You just reminded me of One Night at McCool's, like The title of that movie stays in your head. I don't think I've ever seen it, but as a punchline, it's very funny. One Night at McCool's. He's in it. I know that because occasionally I will try to Google myself and you'll get results for Paul Reiser and you're like, oh yeah, he was in One Night at McCool's. There'll be some link about... Matt Dillon is also in it. Helen Hunt says hello. Oh, nice. Oh, my God. Helen, we love you. And we missed you in Twisters. I didn't see Twisters. Did she show up in Twisters? I don't know. I like Twister. I like the first one with Helen Hunt. She never really did. Well, she did as good as it gets. But then after that, I don't know. Helen Hunt. Yeah, like she was in What Women Want with Mel Gibson. That was kind of like the last big thing I remember her being in. The only thing I remember from that is in the trailer, you hear her voice and she's going, don't look at his crotch, don't look at his crotch, don't look at his crotch. And then he looks at it and then Mel Gibson's like... Oh, yeah. He laughs like a psychopath. Yes. That was kind of like the last hurrah for both him and her, because I think he at right after that, he did like Passion of the Christ and then like, oh, yeah, all this stuff happened with him. So that was like that was his last like normal hooray in Hollywood. Oh, yes. Anyway, I should give a shout out to Paul Reiser. Hang on. I will say, I think my brain is kind of dead today. Because there's been a few times I've gone to do something and I'm like, wait, what am I doing? Why am I here? What's my name? Who's president? Okay, here's Gollum singing the Crossfire song with your name worked. Like the toy? The game Crossfire? Paul Reiser! You'll get caught up in the Paul Reiser! Paul Reiser! You'll get caught up in the Paul Reiser! Paul Reiser! Paul Reiser! Paul Reiser! Paul Reiser! Paul Reiser! maybe someone can put together a commercial where it's a game called Paul Reiser and it's like the crossfire commercial it has like different versions of Paul Reiser on the little floating platforms and there's two kids playing it and they're super thrilled like every move Paul Reiser does something and they're like yeah Paul Reiser Paul Reiser I call Matt about you, Paul Reiser. Well, thank you, Paul Reiser. Thank you, Paul Reiser. What do you say we pick a winner here? Let's see. Who's it going to be? Wouldn't it be great if that really was him somehow? It is. Look. I refuse to believe it's not. Older Evil Twin. Way to go. Older Evil Twin. Congratulations. But look, Matt, it says Paul Reiser. And Helen Hunt says hello. I mean, it just checks out. It all checks out. They still hang out, right? Wasn't she married to Hank Azaria for a little bit? He was. Yeah, you're right. Older evil twin, I love your avatar. Nice. That's from When Loving Lovers Love. Nice. Send me an email, chris at We will get that sent right out to you. Get that out of here. Get out of here. Get out of here. What is that from? I don't know. That's just if I'm going to be, like, when I flunk out of New York, I'm just going to go down to, like, Louisiana and become a very Cajun man. So I'm working on saying how to get on out of here now in a full Cajun way. Get on out of here now. I like it. All right. Thank you so much for entering. Matt, what do you say we get into this weekend? Chris, tell us about Monday. Oh, Monday. I'm so glad you asked. Monday, we had an all-new Super Dumb Brothers. Our retro gaming livestream we do every Monday at eight p.m. Eastern right here on Twitch and at It was our second part of playing through the Walking Dead Telltale game. finished the first chapter got about halfway through the second chapter I think something like that yeah what were some of the new developments that happened there was a lot of just like this kid that's not your daughter is definitely your daughter metaphorically yeah I had to decide even though she's not your daughter I had to decide which of the group of ten was going to get food. Oh yeah, you got to distribute compelling gameplay of having to distribute crackers to various people. A guy yelled at me, I think. Oh, I got an axe and someone ripped it out of my hand or something. I don't know. The Walking Dead Telltale Games. Very fun. to play and maybe we'll do more of that I'm gonna save I saved that game I haven't touched it since we ended but yeah I'm still not sold on if I actually like those types of games or not because I'm ever tempted to pick up the Batman Telltale game because I just love Batman in general and I don't know if it's like worth it or not because I don't know if I enjoy that so I was telling you this the other day Matt but I got my Xbox One working again and one of the games I have on there is the Batman Telltale game oh okay so maybe we could do that in the whole future okay okay uh but that episode is now on demand monday's episode of super numbers for all members of the super club just put that link in the chat In the club, we're family. In the club. And next Monday, we're going to be doing Ghostbusters. Yeah. The new Ghostbusters game for a pretty good deal. So we're going to be playing some old Ghostbusters games, and then you'll be playing the new Ghostbusters. Yeah. I don't know how new it is. It's a remaster. Is it the one that has the voices from everybody in it again? Oh yeah, it's all their likenesses and everything. That's what everybody kind of considers the unofficial Ghostbusters three, I think. Yeah. yeah it's gonna be fun they got everybody back for that and uh yeah so that'll be fun and I'm gonna try to find I don't know if I'll succeed but I'm gonna try very hard to find the the ghostbusters for sega genesis game which I remember renting from a video as a child and it's awful and it yeah it's like ghostbusters and name only in the most like disappointing way that even as a kid I was like oh this sucks uh so that'll be a lot of that out and we'll be talking about ghostbusters so bring any ghostbusters questions for us uh I got opinions ghostbusters like ghostbusters lore I love it all cartoon cartoons are great they're the best the cartoons are better follow-ups than any of the other sequel movies I feel like yeah Real Ghostbusters is great. They should just do another season of that, like X-Men. You know, like instead of making another movie, I think most of those people are still alive. Just make more of that. Oh, Mr. Z natural says there was a real Ghostbusters arcade game. I don't remember that, but that sounds really cool. I'd be down to play a real Ghostbusters game if they made it. Oh, GB says find the one for Commodore. Oh, that's going to be painful. We found if you go any older than NES, the results are often just like they sound murder on your ears. We had we have multiple viewers tonight who have a Commodore. Wow. All right. Well, if there's enough, if there's that much love for it, we will take that into account when looking for our games for next week. Frozen Empire was kind of disappointing. Yeah. it was kind of disappointing but it's more what I wanted a ghostbusters sequel than any of the others where it's not quite so throwbacky and they're just fighting like a new thing you know yeah but like there's just too many characters in it that's yeah and then just you could tell bill murray doesn't want to be there he's only in like one scene he's like phoning it in um make more real ghostbusters stop with the movies yes uh so yes that was uh monday ghostbusters that was a horrible show tuesday what did we have tuesday matt tuesday I'm so glad you asked uh march eighteenth we did the next movie joe night it was we watched baffled starring litter nimoy as a psychic race car driver And so many questions. I think we all had a lot of questions about baffled. It was truly baffling for multiple reasons. And I was reading after there's two versions of baffled. There's a UK version, which has like an extra ten minutes in it. And then there's a version that we watched. Yeah, Tim, who did the rip that we watched, he was asking me, he's like, yeah, I actually have both versions of it, but I figured you probably want the shorter one. I was like, yeah, we want it. Tim, you assumed correctly. That was a really nice looking print. Thanks again, Tim. Oh my God, that was incredible. But I love I used it as the preview scene. It wasn't the most engaging scene in the movie, but I just thought it was so silly at the beginning that he draws a sketch of a castle that looks like a five year old drew it. And she goes, I know that before. And she just happens to have a book on her that has the exact photo from his stupid drawing. It's so ridiculous. It was I laughed so hard when I watched that. It was great. there's also just because it was a failed tv pilot but yeah it has there that you could tell when they made more episodes it would you know the montage at the beginning would yeah would be different but it's all just other scenes from the movie because there's kind of why did they do that because movies don't do that they don't have opening title sequence where they show you clips from the movie you're about to watch like aside from like the mission impossible movies they show like brief little snippets and stuff but like yeah like um but yeah it's just odd like they could have just done away with that and it would have felt more like a movie but right from the get-go you're like what is this Yeah, I debated because I know we were trying to make a shorter cut for the movie because it kind of ran a little long. I debated just cutting that out because it is just like the same stuff over again. But I'm like, nah, this feels for flavor. I think you and Mary Jo needed to watch him, you know. Yes. Drive around in his little Model T car with his little hat on to funky seventies music. matt this is huge paul riser confirmed in attendance now we got helen hunt in the chat and she's saying you should you should play the tiger handheld twister game oh what is there a tiger handheld twister game you remember those tiger games you're probably too young no I definitely had some I I had a weirdly enough I had a universal monster one that I got on christmas Those things were such trash. I remember like halfway through Christmas Day I accidentally broke like I put my thumb on the LED screen too hard and I like broke it and then I was just like I just like threw it behind like the entertainment center in my room because I was just like sad because I was like six and I was an idiot and like oh I had this for like less than a day and I've already destroyed it. Uh Yeah, those were awful. Those were like for if you were too poor for video games. Yeah, they'd have like the the tiger handheld like, you know, Pac-Man or whatever. And it was awful. I'm I'm searching twister tiger handheld game nothing's coming up I'm not seeing it but that would be really that would be hilarious when did that come out in nineteen ninety five or ninety six or something you know what's uh great in twister there's like it has one of the few good sammy hagar van halen songs in it like they asked van halen to do a song for the twister movie and it's you know like yeah there is just enough christ in me to make me feel almost guilty uh yeah and it's uh because yeah most of the sammy hagar years were them you know just at their like peak sell out you know or they're just like crystal pepsi ads and it was I guess it's also kind of sell outy to you know make a soundtrack song for twister but you know that was the thing back then uh yeah you don't have that anymore like you know like the brian adams theme for like a robin all over the place they don't make like a like a like a love ballad for a movie anymore that's like on the radio yeah godzilla had a soundtrack a bunch of songs that weren't even in the movie yeah it was like music inspired by the hit film godzilla That's what we're missing in our Batman movies that are coming out now. Because the older Batman movies, they all had a song that was big from the soundtrack that was a deal with all of them. Except Batman Returns. Batman Returns had a Susie and the Banshees song as part of its soundtrack. That was kind of a thing. That's right, that's right. but then uh but then forever of course had both kissed by a rose and that stupid u-two song flaming lip song on there too and the offspring covered a damned song and there's a bunch of weird stuff on that soundtrack Yeah, we need to get an adult contemporary artist to make a soundtrack song for the next Batman movie, and that's how we'll make a cultural impact. We'll get Josh Groban to do a song about Batman. Oh, my God. The Batman! Okay, so that was Tuesday. That episode is now on demand. Baffled, MovieJay and I, Baffled, joined the Married to Appeal Show Clubhouse. Last night was Wednesday, so of course we had an all-new Weird and Wonderful Wednesday Watch Along here to tell us more about what went down at last night's watch party. Is there very own missing line? Hello out there in TV land. What up, what up? Hello, hello. Oh, Emmy, I like the New York hat. Thank you, thank you. You know, trying to represent, you know, while I'm here. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. wow uh uh weird and wonderful wednesday watch along we watched uh uh the batman no we watched I'm sorry the informer um you know that new batman it did have a song matt it had that nirvana song didn't nirvana did that song for the for the batman for that for that for that movie um actually I'm a big fan of the flaming lips song on on the uh that's that's one of the flaming lips best songs and that is one like the first time I ever heard them too that version is better than the album version by the way it's not the same one that appears on the album that version only appears on that soundtrack yeah um anyways we watched the Informer and it was a lot of fun because you know it was very Irish despite not having a whole lot of Irish cast members beyond Uno O'Connor but but it did have Dennis Day and Dennis Day is very Irish and sang some very Irish songs for us um yeah I need to go close my window real fast it's starting to rain This is from, uh, in form or came out. So this is like, you know, it's early talking cinema. That's what I was telling people last night is, is, you know, I mean, Dracula and stuff was . So we've been doing, you know, good production talkies for a while at this point, but is like a pinnacle year of high production cinema cinema. When they, they started doing lots of like. extremely high budget adaptations of classic literature and stuff and it's a it's a great year in in film history but this is one of the best films made that year and the the lead in that falls you don't even he disappears into the character so much like it doesn't matter you can't you can't see the actor behind the character at all like it's so good and yeah one one I believe he won the Oscar for that. That won a ton of awards. It was definitely nominated for like, twenty Oscars or something. I'm looking at it right now. Former won Best Picture and Best Director. I mean, it was about something. It was about, you know, it takes place thirteen years prior, so it was about something that was kind of still topical at the time. You know, the IRA and stuff was still, yeah. But next week, oh my goodness, next week, next week, did you see the trailer for Peter Pan? Yeah, that was a cool trailer. We're going to go even further. We're going to boom, boom down way back to nineteen twenty four. This is a silent movie and it is based on, you know, Peter Pan started as a play. Before the book, before anything else, it was a stage play and this is as close to the original J.M. Barrie stage play as you can get. He oversaw a lot of it himself and they pretty much stick straight to the play. So this is the real deal, not any of that Disney-fied craziness crap or whatever it's gonna have mermaids people love your watch parties I have to say it's uh it's so much fun debaser here says wednesdays are always my favorite thing that I didn't know about yet if you guys haven't checked it out that's it yeah Uh, but yeah, it's a totally free every Wednesday, uh, APM. You do a pre-show like an hour long pre-show starts at seven PM. So show up early. And next week is going to be a doozy since it's going to be, I've got a real special, it's going to be an all public domain show, uh, so it's gonna be I'm gonna pull out a lot of stops next week if you've got friends you've got family you've got loved ones and you're thinking maybe I should share the magic of the weird and wonderful wednesday watch alongs with them next week and you're like well maybe it's not the right next week is the week you bring them and they're gonna be like okay I'm convinced also also and I've said this before the most convincing performance of a man as a dog you've ever seen. There's a man in a dog suit And within two minutes, you will forget that there's a man in there. His dog mannerisms are so dog-like, you will not believe that there's a man in a dog suit playing a dog. Now, how does it compare to Howie Mandel's portrayal in Man's Best Friend? Comedy from the eighties. you know as as someone who's seen howie mandel live in constant I've seen howie mandel's live stand up in concert because I worked at that because I worked at the place so I was I was working there I didn't didn't choose to go there I didn't pay money for the tickets that he put on his head to blow up or I I believe there was some balloon it was a long When you watch a comedy special on TV, like one of those big-name comedy specials from back in the day, that hour you see... they've taken they've taken away the hour hour and a half that's painful okay they've taken the best in the choices bits um yeah no totally um we digress how does it measure up in terms of like a dog suit performance to the guy in the shining who's giving that guy a blow job uh that one scene that's my favorite dog suit in a movie Matt, can you get up on your mic just a little bit? Oh, yeah. There you go. There you go. I'm not sure how it measures up to that, Matt, but phrasing. We're still doing phrasing. Sorry, I wasn't sure if you'd started, you'd delve into the Archiverse yet. Oh, no. I still got to get around to that. We were mentioning it the other day. You know, if you saw the pre-show yesterday, I made a Twin Peaks Season Three Episode Eight joke while we were watching some World's End Girlfriend. And I was like, man, if Matt was here, he would totally be slayed. Inga and I just watched part five of The Return. We're working our way through it again. That stuff gets nuts. there's some heavy stuff in there too there's some stuff that's like just super heart-wrenching heavy like heavy hell yeah did I say heavy oh I'm just there's something wrong with the atmosphere here in earth in twenty twenty five all right that's oh yes people um gravity something wrong with gravity emmy I'm not even gonna ask you this week you're sticking around for our intermission video so let's just get right in god dang all right so tonight's video uh uh tonight is another matt works through his religious trauma on camera night uh this is a video of y'all have heard of snake handling churches before right Yes, of course. Oh, that kind of snake. OK, yeah. They like they handle snakes. This is from a show called it's like Beyond Belief. It's not beyond belief, but it's like it's one of those types of shows where they went and they watched one of those services and it looks kind of awesome. There we go. We have a... Boy, that's little. Is it also a restaurant? Why is there... Yeah, it's like a fish camp. I thought he was going to be mixing with lens. I don't know why. I don't know why. okay I gotta say these old people got a lot of energy for old people maybe they're onto something that's because you have to have your adrenaline up high to be dealing with venomous snakes every other day I need it Oh. Get me some. Anyone else watching White Lotus this season? Uh, no. But I did watch the Perry Mason one. Wait, I know this narrator. Chat, help me out. Hi. Yeah, this is some British dude. Strange practice of handling deadly snakes originated sometime during the summer of nineteen oh nine in the hills and hollows of eastern Tennessee. All these people look so jacked up. A creature named George Wentensley took a literal reading of Mark sixteen. They shall take up serpents and if they drank any deadly thing it shall not hurt them and they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I've done plenty of stick handling myself, but I don't think we're talking about the same thing. Oh, man. I almost made that mistake. I just mostly feel, oh, is that Adam's convene? I mostly just feel bad for all these people. You know? And with Cardinal, Northern Copperheads, Southern Copperheads, Broadband Copperheads, Western Diamondback, and, um, we'll see. DJ, this is the freakiest rave I've ever been to. This looks like a party, man. They got the snakes and the tambourines. I just like the guy in the background playing the guitar. He looks bored as hell. Getting his check. and I need subtitles I just can't understand anything this guy's saying yeah I'm glad there's subtitles you get a snake It's Adam, it's old Adam, isn't it? Adam the guy, Adam Levine, what's his name? I ruined everything, Adam. Oh, no. Adam, you coming over? Sure. Archie Bunker. Why is this dead? Archie. Yee-haw! Jesus can do what he wants, alright? If he wants to raise the dead, that's fine. That's up to him. He comes around. Straight nine. What? Uncontrollable jerking. That's the snake handling Matt was talking about earlier. That lady's so bored about snakes. She's like, man, it's like... I think if you get to a point where you can be mellow about this, like you're no good sinners, without your brain, that through God, But I mean, clearly there's not going to be strychnine in that bottle, actually. It's like powdered sugar water or something, right? Or maybe like very little. No, it's got to be kayfabe. They get their asses sued. This is also experienced by many of these believers. Do you think these people care? They're in like a shack off the side of the highway. I think the person who's taking all the money from this person damn well does care, yes. casting out how long is this man holy cow I don't know that's working out his religious trauma by giving everyone else religious trauma I know you're just passing it down the line it's the cycle of abuse continues and that crew was given permission to remove a sample of the liquid I have to take this out on somebody no see what they're gonna find from the exact jar that everyone wouldn't drag from I'm gonna find out if it's kayfabe man Los Angeles where chemists tested the liquid to determine its makeup the results may shock you hold me in liquid these believers drank that day was unquestionably one hundred percent strict nine poison I believe in drinking straight now okay and speaking tongue and all I mean, we'll line it down, a narrator of a TV show. This footage would all be great for just taking and re-dubbing, like, different rap music, you know? There is, you know, I don't know if you... We don't give a damn, we don't give a fuck, right? Joe Bob Briggs used to do these specials that was kind of like whiffs. Joe Bob Briggs used to do these specials that were kind of like riffs type things. He has a televangelist special that I have that maybe we'll have to watch sometime. Wait, who is this? Joe Bob Briggs. Oh, Joe Bob Briggs, yeah. Yeah, he's got a whole hour-long Best of Crazy Televangelists special. I think it's got that Popper guy or whatever and all those... John Popper? I think so. I think it's got... Bruce Traveller? No, maybe not. Bruce Traveller, yeah. Different... Popovich or whatever, that guy. I handled some serpents in the church. Next time, I'm going to have to bring some Francis E. Deck. on the deck. Matt, your volume keeps going low. I don't know. What do you want me to turn? I'm not doing anything different. Your input settings on your Mac, like your sound settings, the input level sounds like it's just really low. That's so weird. I think it's StreamYard. StreamYard does it automatically. StreamYard will turn down your volume automatically. It does it to me all the time. I had to download an extension to get it to stop doing that. It's crazy. like like what do you mean the input setting I'm trying to figure out like you know your mac sound settings okay system settings yeah go to sound and then input there's like a fader that's probably all the way to the left horizontal We control the vertical. Control the horizontal. Okay, how does this sound? Oh, there we go. Got some volume here. That's the one. Okay, cool. There we go. Now you're good. We solved the puzzle. Case closed, Nancy Drew. We did it. I mean, goodness gracious me, oh my. I'm back! Uh-oh. What have we done, Chris? I don't know. Just turn me up, like, too loud so I can just speak in a creepy whisper and then it's... What monster have we only... I'm just going to do the rest of the show like this. That sounds pretty good, actually. How about this? Just do, like, ASMR. Oh, Manbox says it's scary loud now. Is it too loud? I'm going to do the rest of the announcements. Let's just mute Matt. It's too much hassle. I'm going to turn the sound off. It's too much hassle. I'm coming for your soul. That should be the next... What is it? the other one witching hour that should be the next witching hour is brother ichabod just loses his voice and asmr whispers oh I like that that is a great idea it'll end with like a whole meditation with ichabod plus it'll be nice for my roommates and my my neighbors I think you should still scream even though it's Wouldn't that be so great? It's like, breathe in! Relax! are you calm calm down be still calm down okay we have to do this when I had my input up real high for a second I kind of felt like black bolt from the inhumans I'm like if I speak a little whisper I could destroy just destroy entire worlds yeah with your voice uh emmy we love having you on the program and I love being here but I have tv at ten to prepare for those of y'all who will be uh at tv at ten I just want to quickly say I found a lost nineteen fifty nine sci-fi pilot it's it's kind of like if they made star trek before star trek but it was more like deep space nine come check out outpost in space from nineteen fifty nine a lost television pilot tonight on tv at ten over at uh over at dumb weird someone was saying the other day though that they were like where the hell does that happen it happens the same place the weird and wonderful wednesday watch alongs happen which is on the sister channel dumb weird so please drop by that after after the uh I mean um um the uh uh uh what was the what's the the the the the feature presentation ends up being Oh, the wild cards? Wild card! Okay, I had no idea what you were talking about. I was like, wait. Are we doing another show tonight? I don't remember that. Is there some type of neurotoxin in the air? I've secretly strychnine poisoned everyone at Dumb Industries with Folger's Crystals. Let's... see if they notice the difference this has been the night of like me going like the kitchen and being like I could you please hand me that uh oh god what's the word for it a fork like I've just been having like one of those days yes that's it's been like that for me all day I I don't know what it is I'm glad I'm not alone something in the air is it a full moon or something I'm telling you, Dave. There was a blood moon that happened the other day. Purity of essence. And not just the blood moons from the Legend of Zelda series that reset all the bad guys. Link, the blood moon is happening again. wait a minute, Emmy, before you go, we got a couple more donations here. One of them's for you. This comes from Misty Jamie, who says, thank you for the movie last night. I mean, I had a fun night. Oh, Mr. Jamie, you rule. Thank you, Mr. Jamie. I'm really glad. And yeah, we had some cartoons last night too. Like that weird Susan Pitt pinball cartoon. Where are you going to, where else are you going to see stuff like that? Uh, Any impression you want to do? Yeah, Misty Jamie. I just want to send out my love and all my deepest affection to Misty Jamie. Misty Jamie, let me tell you, we've been doing this show a long time and myself and I've come to find out that, you know, sometimes the best thing to do is to just sort of go off the cuff and, yeah, you just sort of make up somebody as you go along. That's the kind of guy I am, and that's the kind of show I like to do. So please join me for another Weird and Wonderful Wednesday once more on next Wednesday. Oh, I hear I come in straight. I don't know. Thank you so much. Was that Dick Cheney? Yeah, it devolved into Dick Cheney. Emmy, we will see you real soon. I love you. I'll take care. Peace out. Don't do anything I would do. Bye. Bye. Miss Emmy Martian, everyone. One more round of applause for those of you who are clapping along at home. I want to get an applause. I have to get an applause button for this show. We need to get, like, a laugh track, too, to really convince people, like, you know, when to laugh at our funny jokes, even if it doesn't seem plausible for a livestream, because I've been watching a lot of Hanna-Barbera cartoons lately, and I've talked about this with you before. I don't understand why, like, the Flintstones has a laugh track in it. It doesn't make a ton of sense. Like, are we supposed to believe that this animated show was filmed in front of a live audience somehow? I guess so. But there's inexplicably a laugh track in the Flintstones. So we could add a laugh track and get away with it, I think. And, you know, zhuzh up the vibe around here. Oh, did you hear that, Matt? This is how I dance in the club. Ooh, I got the kitty groove in the flame on. Brian Austin Green, everyone. Sing my funky song. There was some other song that he sang when he was on nine Oh two one Oh, but I shared on my Instagram a while back where someone commented that it sounded exactly like Eric Cartman when he tries to sing something like need you here in my life. I need you by my side. It's got like synthesizers. It's a, yeah, it's great. It's, it's, it's funny. Oh Matt, we still have so much to get to. Were there any more donations besides that one for me? I thought you said that there were more. Yes, we have one more. We'll do that in just a minute. Let's get into Coming Soon to Dumb. Coming soon to dumb. I know everyone likes seeing the cat. This is the sound that I make when I'm trying to find my place in the document. Most of the time, he doesn't respect the fact that If you could step on anything right here, it could potentially cut the whole stream off. It's happened before. There have been so many catastrophic failures caused single-handedly by usually that one cat. It's not even all your cats. It's just like one or two. One of them used to, because the router I have is like a cube and it emits heat. So they like standing on top of it. One night, yeah, we were doing, I think, a mystery hour and they just jumped off of the router. Midstream, I'm like mid-sentence and everything just cuts out. Always fun. Always fun. Okay. What do we have coming up, Matt? Well, first of all, the next thing we got going on Saturday, March twenty second at three p.m. is the next Jackie Naiman Jones hands of paint. We are going to be painting the Prince of Space, a.k.a. this is Crankor. Is that correct? Am I? I think so. Yeah. Am I talking out of turn here? The guy is very recognizable. Again, looking like he's hosting his own Johnny Carson style talk show and he's giving the monologue. Yeah. yeah it was his prince of space it was uh it was a japanese movie um and this was featured on mystery science theater three thousand I don't know what season I think this was an earlier one I don't know but uh yeah that's what jackie painted this painting It kind of looks a little like Waluigi, I think, too. Oh, it does. Oh, the season eight. Yes, that was a later one. So starting at one p.m. Eastern on Saturday, we'll be watching Prince of Space, just the Unrift movie. And yeah, then we're going to paint it. Yeah, so you have no excuse to be like, oh, well, I haven't seen that one. I don't know what's going on. Bullshit. I cry. I decree bullshit. Nay, I say nay. Look, we're doing a free screening for all students. Because there's a screening. uh people always have so much fun when they come to this class so in that spirit what do you say we raffle off a seat to class do one of our patented raffles yes get in on the raffle by typing hashtag prince of space oh yes prince of space you'll get a free seat to saturday's class you guys are entering there we got another donation here This one comes from Jackie B. Oh, thanks so much, Jackie. Jackie, thank you. Another big supporter of ours. Also, check out her Etsy shop created by Jackie for some custom Dumb Industries merch. Officially licensed, I might add. Jackie says, Matt B. will finally be done with his month-long of weekly travel. All right. Oh, nice. That's right. Matt was gone for a while. Could Gollum and Columbo sing Welcome Back, Cotter theme song? Thank you for everything. uh yeah I think I can I can probably pull that off uh this is like one of those theme songs where it's like I always know like the first line of it yeah it's like that's about it welcome back so yeah so it's uh You know, I had the lyrics to this pulled up the other day when I was going to do it, and then I did. Oh, yeah. So, yeah. Are you ready? Yes. This is for you, Jackie. Five, six. Welcome back. Your dreams were your ticket out. Tokyo Colombo. Welcome back to the same old place that you laughed about. Will the gnomes have a chance since you're hung around? But those dreams have remained and they've turned around. Welcome back. Welcome back. Welcome back. I never really watched Welcome Back, Cotter. I know that was like on Nick at Night for a while. Yeah, it was one of those shows. That's the definition of a song whose theme song I know literally the first line of and none of the rest. And I hope for just winging it that that was cool. That's all you need to know. Welcome back. Welcome back. I know John Travolta was on it. Sweathogs. Sweathogs. Horshack. Horshack. That's the one who also shows up in Friday the Thirteenth Part Six. And he's one of the people that resurrects Jason at the beginning for some reason. That's right. Poor shack from welcome back. Cotter is responsible for, for Jason Voorhees continued existence. Canonically Dan Wally says without welcome back Cotter, there would be no Saturday night fever. So maybe we should go back in time and delete welcome back hotter. Cause then we wouldn't have Saturday night fever. I like the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever. How different would our world really be if we lost John Travolta? He's a good actor, but I don't think there's anything he was ever in that was like, if we lost it, it would be devastating to us culturally. Yeah, he's done some amazing stuff, but overall... Even people like Stallone or Schwarzenegger, you know, like if you... Broken Arrow. It's a good one. It does have an awesome soundtrack, Saturday Night Fever. It's just everything else about it that I don't like. I don't even say I don't like. It's an entertaining movie. I understand why it It has the level of stature that it does, but it's also deeply disturbing for multiple reasons I don't want to get into. I love that one of the plots of that movie is how badly it sucks to live in Brooklyn and how much he wants to be in the city. Cut to now, everybody wants to be in Brooklyn. That's the whole thing. He's kind of a dork. It's like the Boogie Nights plot. Let's pick a winner here. Let's see. Who's it going to be? Who's going to win a seat to class this Saturday for Prince of Space? Rushmore Yankee. I feel like Rushmore Yankee has won at least two other seats to class. Congratulations. You're doing some type of trickery, aren't you? You're like that guy on Press Your Luck that they're making a movie about. Have you seen that? Oh, they're making a movie about that? They're making a movie about that guy who memorized the pattern or whatever so well that they literally took the game off the air and then redesigned everything to randomize it more so that could never happen again. Yeah. Rushmore Yankee. You're like that guy. Congratulations, Rushmore Yankee. I hope to see you in class. Shoot me an email. Chris at I'll send you that link so you can join us. We promise we're not favoring people over here on our end. We're just pushing the button, and that's what's happening. That's why we do it this way, because it's completely random, you know? You see it. We all see it. We all saw it. I was there. Don't tell me what happened. I saw what happened. um okay so that's saturday everyone if you have not yet signed up it's free for your first month head to dumb dash jackie uh and then coming up on tuesday um oh I'm looking at the outline here now sorry about it well yeah like we we flip-flopped around no it's yeah well I did the first one so I figured you would just take the second one it's all good Should we start having dress rehearsals, folks? Sound off in the chat. No, I'm kidding. It's fine. Tuesday, March the twenty fifth is an all new episode of Marriage Appeal Show. It's our game show night episode. Yeah, that's going to be fun. It's going to be really fun. We had a run through of what we're going to be doing. We're going to be doing this live on Tuesday. There's going to be an audience participation aspect to it. So everyone turn up live. Even some people will even get the chance to play with us. So don't miss that. It's going to be right here on Twitch. Yep. And special guests. Yes. And then marriage appeal show clubhouse, which is completely free for your first month as well. Get on in there. Get on, get on down, get on down the road. And there's a lot coming up still to close out March. And then April is, Oh my God, April's going to be... April, we do have some. We've been teasing at a couple things for a hot minute. I think April's finally when those are going to happen. Aside from the fact that both Matt and I celebrate our birthdays in April. Yeah. And it's tax season. Yeah. It's going to be really fun, April. So, yeah, check out our newsletter, slash newsletter, and find out all that's going on with Dumb. All right, are we ready to do... I like how you brought me up to, like, it's our birthdays. I was like, yeah. And also, it's tax time. You're like, oh, yeah. What a horrible time to have a birthday as an adult. That's why every Aries is the way that they are. No, seriously. As a kid, people would be like, oh, you're born on tax day. And then you get older as an adult. And I usually do my taxes way before tax day. But there have been a couple times in my twenties where I've waited until the last minute. And then I'm literally trying to file my own taxes on my birthday. It's depressing. Yeah, that's a bummer. Matt, what do you say we get into our feature presentation? Yes. All right. All righty. Oh, my gosh. First off, I just want to acknowledge Mastermind Rodiac said taxes are easier now that I no longer have self-employment income. That setup is the worst. This is my first year being fully self-employed, and let me tell you, if anybody out there is thinking of going fully into being a freelancer, are you really sure? Are you sure? Are you sure you don't want to have something else going on that some type of W-II works so you don't get hit with that fucking self-employment tax that just ruins your... shit for an entire season uh just stuff to think about if those because you know I remember when I was younger being like wouldn't it be so great to get to do this full time you know and uh and it is great but uh but you know to to quote our great philosophers uh mo money mo problems you know Anyway, that's my brief rant against the system. Anyway, it's feature presentation time. What if there wasn't a feature presentation? What if I just ranted about the tax system for the next, like, thirty-five minutes? We could do that. no these people want to be entertained matt let's do it well I I think uh the the nuances of our tax code are quite entertaining okay so we have all wild cards tonight and these are uh the wild cards that I double checked were already in our icloud drive first of all and second of all that seemed to be kind of fairly popular but sort of different enough to where there was a little bit of everything to pick from so First off, we have The Weakest Link. I have an episode of the television game show The Weakest Link. It was a two thousands game show. I believe this is one of our picks during our two thousands game show night hosted by a very mean but funny British lady. And yeah, and it's just her basically just calling people stupid for, you know, forty minutes. and uh and doing trivia every day in college it's great and then they replaced the mean british lady with like a slightly nicer person and it just didn't it didn't have the same vibe to it nobody jived with it anymore uh ann robinson I think is that lady's name she rocked uh so that's pick number one pick number two these street sharks I think we did like a ninja turtles ripoff show I believe this is one of the picks from that So if you would like to watch, we were just discussing the street sharks earlier that Vin Diesel was plugging back in his early days. So if you want to watch some human, some anthropomorphic sharks who are wearing jean shorts, fight crime. They're wearing jorts, yeah. That is the pick for you. After that, we have Parental Control. I picked this specifically because all of you keep rejecting our reality show pitches and going full wildcard on them. And this was the wildcard on that episode. And this episode of Parental Control, it seems ridiculous in the best kind of way. I know that some of you are like, I don't want to pick this because it seems painful to watch, but... That's kind of the point. And parental control was a show that was on MTV in the two thousands. I think we did this during our dating shows night or something like that. MTV show where, uh, there's like, uh, you know, a girl who's dating a guy who her parents really don't approve of. So she sets up their daughter, like, or you know the parents set up the the daughter on like a blind date with another guy and they sit there with the guy that they don't like who's currently dating her on a couch and watch through cameras how the blind date's going and it's uh and it's it's weird and everybody on it's over top parental control I definitely should have never worked at a video store in my youth. I'm terrible at summarizing things. Next up, Stanley Stripperella. We had a night where we tried to do shows from Spike TV, the ultra over-the-top, macho, vaguely sexist, vaguely misogynistic channel that was... a big deal in the early two thousands the network for men and there was a show a cartoon starring pamela anderson where she played a stripper themed superhero that had input from stanley somehow and uh so if you would like to watch uh stripper pamela anderson fight crime that's the one for you I think Stan Lee's contribution was he sat in on one meeting. Maybe he was just on speakerphone for that meeting. I think they maybe just wrote him an email where they were like, hey, if we pay you enough money, can we just stick your name on this cartoon? And he was like, okay. Yeah. And that's that. And then lastly, we have Supermarket Sweep. I had a different pick I wanted to do because I thought there was a little bit more variety, but Supermarket Sweep has been very popular lately. So if you'd like to watch Chris's favorite, Dave Ruprecht, a man who has so much contempt for everybody around him. It's the best. And this has been the wild card for like two or three weeks in a row. It has been really popular. Yeah. So let's come on. Let's watch some supermarket sweep. We could do that, yeah. It's a great show. Like I said, we discussed it a lot. The host, yeah, he seems like he doesn't want to be there. He kind of actively hates the people on the show. Everybody on the show seems a little simple, and they're all competing for an easily achievable amount of money, which is all very endearing and kind of down. While you guys are getting your votes in, we have another donation here. Nice. jesse h thank you jesse h jesse thank you jesse says love you all can't think of anything clever go nuts oh we love you too jesse I love you. I could be too mad. I could do Gollum singing, what's that one song by Dido? It was like the thank you song. It's like... I want to thank you for giving us a money just so. And I... Thanks for hanging out. But mainly thanks for the money. No, just kidding. Your friendship's important. Thank you so much, Jesse. Thank you, Jesse. All right, let's see. We're going to choose a winner, whatever's in the top spot. Last week, we had to do a tiebreaker, so... Yeah, that was pretty intense. You never know. All it takes is one person to decide what we're watching sometimes. All right, let's see it. And only, like, forty of you vote. Like, more of you get on here and decide the fates of what you're watching. It's free to vote, everyone. It's a free and fair election. Okay, let's hit show results. Supermarket Sweep. Yes, by five votes. All right. Oh, I love you guys. Stripperella is the wild card of this, so that will... Oh, no, that's... You have dug up a new wild card from beyond the grave, everyone. You don't realize what you've done. Oh, my God. Okay, Supermarket Sweep. the wild card of a wild card that sounds like we have like three episodes here in the drive which does it matter the most recent one if you can sort them by when they were uploaded potentially yes okay got one here supermarket sweep this is an episode from september of nineteen ninety four I can't wait to see what this is um There's basically, there's like two different eras of, of supermarket suite. There's like, hold on. Why is the video not cutting? Um, Oh, there was like, uh, the early seasons where he David wear is like a sweater that these gigantic sweaters. And, uh, and then there's like a second era where he's dressed more like a supermarket manager. Yeah. He's got like a tie and kind of stuff. It's a little bit more formal. So we'll see. I think this falls like square in the middle. Okay, this is a transitional period in the supermarket sweep aesthetic. Sweater or no sweater? Let's see. The people who are on the show all seem, like, simple and kind of an enviable way. Like, I'm like, I wish anything made me as happy as growing hams. Oh, wow. This is a special episode. Let's give away two brand-new GeoTrackers worth over twenty-five thousand dollars. That thing looks like it's waiting for you to die in a car accident inside it. Okay, you're on. Who's got the sweet and low? Okay, you're on. Who's got the... Who has the Astroglide? You can go. I always just want him to bust his ass running. I'm sure it has to happen. reset and cut that really special month here on supermarket sweep it's our twin car giveaway yeah do you think he was mad when I told him he was gonna have to start wearing a tie will be competing for the chance to win not one but two geo trackers that's one for each team member and this is how it works at the end of our third week we will take the twelve teams who have the highest sweep totals Everything about the show is overly complicated. It drives me insane. Like, just get to the people throwing shit in the carts. Twenty-five thousand dollars is like nothing now. And we're gonna give somebody a chance to pick up ten seconds in a cash bonus, so get your hands on your buzzers over there. Over there? Finding good replacement bags is an easy maneuver. Pick the brand name the same as- Hoover. Corey? Hoover. That's it, J. Edgar Hoover. I was gonna say, Newer. Is it rhyme? Okay, now, Cindy, if you can find the specially marked package of Hoover out there, within thirty seconds, I'll give you fifty dollars. Hoover, nobody does it like you. Okay, Cindy, go! Is she looking for, like, a bag? Oh, she can't run. She doesn't know how to run. You wore your worst mom jeans for all the activity you're gonna have to do. You have to wear something that flexes. Those pants. Don't wear your mom jeans if you're gonna be on the supermarket sweep. I love this when he's just like yelling. Come on, Cindy. Don't fuck this up, Cindy. Get your shit together, Cindy. This is our one time in the spotlight. Oh, she ain't going to make it. See, she can't run. She's an idiot. I told you not to wear those stupid fucking pants, Cindy. I mean, it's literally like she's never ran before. Ah, it drives me insane. We're best friends, and we used to be neighbors. Amy says he has, like, never used her legs before. She runs like a Jennifer Love Hewitt, and I know what you did last summer. My husband is actually my fifth child. I see. Richard, how do you know Maurice? Oh, that's hilarious. Your husband's a complete child. And what do you do, Maurice? We're both front desk agents. Oh, both of you. Tough job. This has a classic supermarket sweep. Clearly a gay couple, but are lying about it through their teeth. What do you do, Corey? I'm currently struggling as yet unpublished writer. And how about you, Cindy? I'm a recruiter for an aerospace company. We're both models for giant glasses. All right, let's do it. He asks what they do for a living and then just moves on. There's no following. Cool, whatever, loser. All right, on with the show. We'll see you all in a few minutes. Now I'm about to show you the brand name of a product, but I'll only reveal the letter that it starts and ends with. Then I'll give you three clues about its identity, okay? So get your hands on your buzzers. Here's the first one, and it begins with H and ends with S. Hemorrhoids. In Pennsylvania. Corey? Hershey's? Is it? That's it. Well done. Now this next one is just the opposite. It begins with S and ends with H. Three M. Sushi. Staff. Staff wouldn't fit. Scotch. Let's find out. No, it wouldn't, actually. Yes. Ah, scotch. Okay, now this name begins with B and ends with T. Gourmet. French. Bob Robert. Big Wombat. Darlene. Bon appetit. Let's see. That's it. Get you on the board, darling. Here's the last one, and this one also begins with B, but it ends with E. Two-wheeler. Shuffling. Boobie. Bicycle. Let's find out. Yes, bicycle playing card. Bicycle. All right, so everybody's on the board. Darlene has a minute and forty. Maurice has a minute and forty. Corey, you're in the lead with two minutes. Hey, listen, stick around. We're gonna come right back with another mini-sweep. I'm gonna go chain-smoke a cigarette behind the studio real quick. Welcome back to Supermarket Sweep. Okay, are you all ready to run our second mini-sweep? Okay, get your hands on your buzzers. If your aim in life is to get really slim, try the time-release capsule called Richard's Dexatrim. That's the one, Richard. Okay, Maurice, you know what you have to do. Hurry up and get the tag Dexatrim out there and go! What is Dexatrim? Go, Maurice! Go, Maurice! Go, Maurice! Oh, he was wearing his hat. You know these cameramen have like made contact with these people before. Oh, yes. Because they're like right on their asses. Come on. Do it. I would fuck this up so bad. This is where I would... This is like a bad dream. Oh, you dum-dum. This is where they zoom in on it. I love this part. There, you idiot. Look, you fucking idiot. It was right there. Ten seconds. I can't pay my rent with ten seconds, Dave. You're sleeping on the couch tonight. Peace. Now, would you look at these three items over here for me, please? We have a box of six Eskimo pie ice cream bars, a seventeen ounce Marie Callender's apple cobbler, and a thirteen point four ounce box of Krusty's buttermilk waffles. Krusty's? Krusty's. Under two dollars. One, two, or three. What company made these waffles? Krusty's. You're all wrong you fucking idiots it's number one But it was the waffles. Well, let's hope. I would love to see everybody get an extra thirty seconds. The product up here that sells for under two dollars is... It is the waffles! Michelle gets thirty seconds. Richard gets thirty seconds. And Cindy gets thirty seconds. Alright, let's go on to our next game. We're going to play Check Stand Headlines. This guy in the middle, I don't know if those women are just really short or if he has like fucking Marfan syndrome or something. He's very tall. Because he looks like Lurch or something. He's a wisecracking guy who still enjoys his trademark cigars. And he's still going strong at ninety... George Burns. That would be George Burns. They're clapping like they're in communist China with dictators on stage. Well, she certainly looked fully grown when she starred in the movie Ten. Go Derek. That's it. I've seen that movie. Okay, here's the last one. Talk about an outrageous career move. Junior is the name of a movie all about the world's first pregnant man. And it stars this He-Man last action hero. Ron Jeremy. Richard Arnold Schwarzenegger. That's it. This guy knows his movies. Let's play our round robin game. Come on up here, partners. Dave Ruprecht is just so checked out mentally. I know. Just going through the motions. He can't wait to go home. He doesn't even have the contempt that we love in those earlier episodes. He's just like an empty husk now. The man is one. He never would have gotten that. Like, like, you're in light? I don't know. Flavors. Darlene. Dryers. Let's see. That's it, James. Dryers? What are these brands? Potato. Richard. Pringles. Slug nip. It is, James. And the next one. Let's see. You can't stop. RC Cola. RC Cola. Could be. CR Loka. CR Loka. Croatian Republic crazy. Dryers. Dryers isn't ice cream. Isn't that Breyers? Maybe there's both a Breyers and a Dryers. And a Dryers. No Breyers. Breyers mint chocolate chip ice cream. I think it's my favorite ice cream. Breyers and Breyers. Two different governments. They're having a turf war. He's going to embarrass the shit out of themselves. I'm going to try real hard not to get hit with the card again. That's my favorite. I've got to include it one these days. There's an entire compilation of Dave Ruprecht getting hit by the card at the end. Cindy, she doesn't know how to run and she doesn't know how to clap. Look at her. She's an alien. Is she, like, being Ratatouille-ed around? Is there a little rat in there, like, controlling her movements? Yeah. Remi the Rat wanted to get on Supermarket Sweep. I love that the bad guy of Ratatouille is just the bad guy because he didn't want a rat near his food. What a horrible man. That's right, at the end of the big sweep, the team with the highest total not only plays the five thousand dollar bonus round, they will also have a chance to be invited back to go for two brand new cars worth over twenty-five thousand dollars. Looks like some shit I'd buy at Radio Shack. I know, that's a piece of shit car. You would not survive a car accident in that thing at all. That'll go right over a cliff. Even if you're not driving anywhere near cliffs, you'll drive over a cliff. You would have a better chance of surviving an accident when those Barbie toy jeeps that kids have, I think, than one of those. Okay, everybody, just take a look. Everything out there in our supermarket aisles is up for grabs. Now, remember, the faster you shop, the more money you will make. Oh, Dan Wally had a friend that had that exact model. How long did it last? I'm so curious. Now, listen very carefully because these are the big money makers in today's big sweep. We have a real special treat for you today in the market. Step out on it, man. I can't. It's a G.O. My dad had a Geo Metro. That car was like slightly bigger than our body and gave me no confidence in us having an accident in it. So listen carefully, I can tell you this only once. Here's what I want. Three salt bagels, two egg bagels, and one onion roll. These are just things he wants for his dressing room later. He's just too lazy to ask. Knock on my dressing room door. Leave it on the floor. Knock. I need you to pick up three salt bagels, my dry cleaning from down the street, and my kid from his soccer practice later. Whoever comes back with all three wins the night. Okay, runners, get ready. The clock is set at three minutes, and that's when Richard's taking off. On your mark, get set, go! Oh, he almost fucked up right away. He's running like a Hanna-Barbera cartoon. He's like, whoa! It does drive me crazy that they never mention there's a five-item limit. Like, you can only get five of any item. Yeah. Because I would just be throwing hams in. Exactly. You'd fill the whole thing up with hams. That always looks like it's the most fun part of doing these, the people just shoveling those giant hams in. I think if I was ever on this show, I would just creep people out. I would just go to the condom aisle and just be putting, like, as many different types of condoms into the cart just the whole time. And Matt is still in the condom aisle. Technically, he's choosing different brands, so he's not going over the five limit, but it's starting to creep us all out over here. Wow. Now he's moved on to the loo. He's going to be here for a while. By the way, they don't keep any of these groceries. In fact, I think all the meat is not even real meat. It's like fake. It would have to be. Madeline has put some rancid meat into her cart. Don't actually eat that, Madison. Are you familiar with ringworm? Oh, this guy's going to have a party. This guy sure does love nuts, doesn't he? Oh, Cindy, hustle. Come on, man. You're killing me. Oh, I hate Cindy. Now Matt's shoveling in a bunch of cough syrup. What kind of night do you have planned, Matt? You're going on a list. Here comes a second customer for candy. It's Cindy. I want to sit Cindy down and just be like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Come on. Hustle. There's money on the line here. Close enough. That's one hundred dollars for Shell. Remember, this sweep is part of our... Now Matt is selecting pornographic videos from the video kiosk. The team not only can try for five thousand dollars, they have the chance to try for two brand new cars worth over twenty-five. Yes, Jackie B. Run, bitch, run. Look at her. You got to wear good pants. They're wearing the wrong outfits for this. This lady's got it right. She's dressed the yellow shirt lady. She's got to get back to the... None of this is going to... Your hubris is your undoing, Cindy. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You're like Icarus. Cindy ruined it. Look. All right, everybody, come on back. Thanks again, Johnny. All right, the checkers are going to add all this up. We'll find out everybody's totals. But Sandy didn't come back, so do they not get... I don't think so, yeah. Like, it's her... Her greed got the better of her. Where is she? She died. There she is. We're back with Supermarket Sweep, and the checkers have already entered everything into the registers. Now we're going to hit the total buttons, find out who won the big sweep. I bet you the biggest amount of money these people get, nobody gets more than four thousand dollars from this. Oh yeah. You got a bag of candy, that's a hundred dollars. Let's find out how much your bonus is worth. I bet you Cindy screwed up both of the special shopping list items. That's all your groceries. It gives you a grand total today of one thousand thirty three dollars. Wow. That's pretty good. Cindy on the other hand. Cindy, you fuck up. Oh, oh. I knew it. Oh, you dumb. Cindy. Cindy, you dumb bitch. You fucked up. You're such a stupid bitch, Cindy. Oh, well, and they got the super bonus, of course. You're such a fuck-up, Cindy. Wait. Oh, she really sucked. Cindy. If she didn't get that bonus, it would have been embarrassing. There's a lot of symbolism around the two guys. Their cart is full of nuts and meat and there's a cock right behind them. I'm just saying. You can eat tonight. They almost kissed for a second. Oh my god, those. Five thousand dollars in cash hidden behind a product out there. You've got a whole minute to find it and three clues to help you out. You chose bonus envelope number one, so this is your first clue. When it gets so hot you need a fan, you might need to roll on the one called fan. Oh, do they both get to run? Yes. They gotta solve them together. He called him baby. Oh, my God. Did he really? Or maybe he was just like, come on, baby. You know how people say that. But after everything else that's happened. I bet you these guys are still together, too. There was a supermarket sweep couple that was this exact situation. It wasn't these guys, but it was that. Yeah, they went on. They're like, we're friends. But they turn out to be a couple, and they're still together. It was very sweet. Let's go. Let's go. We got it. Right here. If a lady was wearing wonderful perfume, it might lead you to Al Pacino. Scent of a woman. Pacino. Pacino. Scent. Scent. Scent of a woman. Scent of a woman. Where's that? Where's that? Where's that? I saw part of that. Scent of a woman. Come on. Come on. Where's that? Look. Look. Oh. Oh, you fuck up. Scent of a woman. Oh, you dum-dums. Now, in years to come, they'll never be able to watch Sins of a Woman together. They'll always think of... Well, now... But if Cindy had gotten... I mean, there's no way Cindy would have gotten that far. Cindy would have been like, I don't know what that means. You got so close. But listen, you ran out of time, but your big sweep total could bring you back for a chance. Dave Ruprecht looks like he's talking to like the fucking like Roswell aliens. They're so much taller. I wonder if they won the G.O. Sexy sax music. So that's four hundred dollars. We add that to a great sweep to give you a grand total today of one thousand six hundred and ninety six dollars. Just Jackie B asked, has Cindy become the new Gwyneth? Cindy, you're such a fuck up, Cindy. Cindy's my new arch nemesis. Whoa. He's on coke. You can just tell. It's America's favorite jelly bean, Jelly Belly. I can't think of another type of jelly bean. They cornered the market. It's more, if you're the only option, you can't really say you're the king of it, though. You just are the jelly. We are the jelly bean you can have. That should be their slogan. See, it's right here, you fucking moron. Yes! Look, you stupid idiot. It was right there. You guys are such dipshits. Way to fuck up, idiots. You see? It was there. You didn't see it. You got to see it to win. You could have had all this money, but you didn't find it. You see? Such an asshole. Anyway, I hope you two lovers have fun in your suite later. There's no way they put these contestants up in a hotel. He's like the cheapest game show ever. They were competing for, again, like, they're out, like, thirteen hundred dollars, having not won that. Like, oh, no. Oh, wow. What do we do without thirteen hundred dollars? Not that I wouldn't love to win thirteen hundred dollars, but it's not life-ending. It's not ground. It's nothing life-changing, yeah. Even back then, it would just be like, what? Like, oh, cool, I paid, like, two months of rent, as opposed to the one that that would pay now. uh thank you so much everyone thanks for watching everybody it's been a fun time it has we've had some laughs we've had some you know we've shared some some fun times together we've cried a hundred sixty nine folks still hanging out with us we've learned the real mystery hour is the friends we've made along the way I think so uh but I think I need like a jerry's final thoughts segment at the end of mystery hour where I just kind of uh philosophize about with the last little bit as men. Ah, yes. Ah, yes. Um... Thanks for watching everybody. And as I said, at the top of the show, if you missed a movie, Joe Knight baffled, I will be doing an encore presentation of that live stream in its entirety, immediately following this show. So here we go. Everyone feel free to check in at TV on tin. If you don't want to watch the pre-show for that. And by the time that wraps up, the baffled should be starting or watch the whole thing from the get go. That's how we roll around here. But, uh, thank you so much for watching. What are we doing next week for mystery hour? next week you always ask me this and I never know um well I can't even remember either that's why I ask you so I guess that's a problem on my end you could just look it up and then say we're doing this okay now school sitcoms we're doing okay yeah uh dumb industries mystery hour we'll be watching school sitcoms there's a lot of them maybe welcome back cotter will be one of them yeah maybe um and uh and we were all caught up on donations too right We are all caught up on donations. Thank you, everybody who donated so much. All your contributions are very much appreciated. Yes, we love it. We hope our stupid impressions and goofy little scenes are enough to warrant how generous you all are towards us. But thank you so much for hanging out. Thank you, everyone. And we love you all, and we will be back next week. Next week, school sitcoms, baby. Full Mad's Friday tomorrow, too. So come back and watch at nine p.m. tomorrow night. The Lost Missile. Lost Missile. And also it's a new Chit Chat and Tidbits, right? Oh, new Chit Chat and Tidbits. Oh, my God. We forgot to mention that. Yeah. Tomorrow, eight p.m. Yeah. So check that out in the clubhouse. Okay. All right. For real. Bye, everybody. I want you to step back from the guacamole dip. I want you to put the chicken fingers down. Sushi. Saki. Mmm. Sushi sake high, sushi good. Sake to me. Sake to you. Feeling good. Sushi food. Now you can say... Bobby, I want you to meet my colleague, Dr. Hamilton. And I'd like you to get the fuck out of here. Get out of here! Get out of my room! Get out of here, bitch! Get out of here!