
Movie Jo Night: Baffled! (1973)

Mary Jo and Chris reconvene after a harrowing few weeks apart to host an all-new Movie Jo Night! This month finds the duo watching the 1973 made-for-TV movie/failed pilot BAFFLED! starring Leonard Nimoy and Susan Hampshire, with a plot that is about as baffling as its title promises. Recorded live March 18, 2025.

Original Language: English

Produced by Chris Gersbeck

Release Date: January 21, 2025

Quality: 1080p

Transcript: Thank you. Listen, I know Burger Queen's got great hamburgers, and their chicken's a good meal, too. But you know what I really get a craving for? What else? Fish. Burger Queen takes these two big cod fillets, see? Then they batter, dip them, and fry them up golden. Add some of their famous french fries, and sprinkle on some golden crisps, and that's fish and chips. Let me give you a little friendly advice. The next time you want the best fish around, go fish at Burger Queen. Come on, Skag, let's go. We're gonna blow those trendy whip bands off that breaker point stage and those kids are gonna be screaming for more. Yeah, Potato Head's right. I can hear him now. Trasher, it's the cops, the ones that were after you. We better stash that bass. They'll be looking for it. They want this lousy guitar? They can have it. You say you have extended periods of anxiety and depression and you're not eating properly, why not? I see. You know your dog food is good for you, but you don't like the taste, huh? Well, it's a common problem. You need a dog food that's nutritious and tastes good, too. You need new Gaines Meal. Gaines makes nutrition taste good. You see, every nugget is basted for flavor. To give it a taste and aroma dogs can't resist. And in spite of what you tell me, you are a dog. And notice the small nugget size. It makes Gaines Meal easy to eat and easy to mix. Go ahead, try it. See, Gaines does make nutrition taste good. Next patient, please. Get brand new Gaines Meal. It makes nutrition taste good. Now buy five pounds of Gaines Meal and save six cents. Ten pounds, save fifteen cents. Twenty-five pounds, save twenty-five cents. Hi, doggie. Well, that'll at least give me a little time to work with it. Hey, miss. Lady, your dog's tearing your car apart. Max, come back here! Max! Oh my baby. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh thank god. Thank you. Although you are superior, we are both machines. I ask only to serve you. Your proposal is very interesting, but come no closer. I have computed you, and your memory banks do not scan. We shall be friends. I will prove myself. Stop where you are. This is a warning. For the last time, stop. There is no reason for alarm. As you have said, I am only a primitive, obsolete machine. I will destroy you. I can't see a thing. I don't see our robot. He's probably on the ground. No, he isn't. I see him. You have destroyed me. He did it. I knew he could. Time is money. Using time effectively means added profits and improved business efficiency. That's where Westside Communications can help. A Westside beeper can keep you in touch for important calls and messages. All over town, in the privacy of your own daily schedule. No itineraries, no more tracking you down. One phone call puts you in touch. A Westside beeper is a time and space expander. It can work for you today, saving time, improving service. Call Westside Communications now. Tell them Leonard Nimoy gave you the message. I'll take care of her. Leave it alone. Powerful as you are, you're no match for me, Wonder Woman. Go on with the operation. No! Where are they? They were gonna... No, no, not anymore, Morton. They're gone. Well, here's what friends are all about. They're giving their time to help you out, and you want to show you care, so you Ritz it. Ritz crackers make the occasion right. There's golden goodness in every bite, and times like these seem warmer when you Ritz it. It's the great entertainer, the cracker that fits, because friends are special, so is Ritz. They know you're saying thank you when you Ritz it. Good cracker from Nabisco. Last chance for love Yes, it's my last chance Last dance tonight I need you By me Beside me To guide me To show me To know me Cause when it's been Last dance, the last dance Last dance, the last dance tonight Last dance, let's dance for love Yes, it's my last chance, my last dance tonight Me to guide me. Show me to know me. Cause when it's bad, it's also bad. So let's dance. Let's dance. Let's dance. Let's dance. Let's dance. Oh, It's built to take shock. Enough plutonium to blow up all of New York. And Staten Island. We're about four miles from the missile base. Boy bands were not so cute back then. Are they what, hoodlum farmers? A jeep, no less. Come on. Let's juvie it up. Oh, so it does work. It's really too bad there's no possible way the jeep could drive around that car. Hey, get that car out of the way! It's a gang of rival nuclear scientists. What are you nuclear proliferating against? What do you got? You ruffians, don't you know science always triumphs? Isn't it like a jet to bring a knife to a nuclear war? They could drive around. Stop! There's a bomb in that case! Yeah, yeah! Nice Beatles cover. Coming soon to Weird and Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs. I like this idea. Well, speak up. What do you want to say? I've come to claim the twenty pounds reward for Frankie McPhillip. Frankie McPhillip? Where? At first, some people report feeling the pulsation more in certain areas or more on one side of their face than the other. They become concerned the system may not be operating correctly. Assuming you are using enough gel, this is not unusual with one side of the face being more sensitive. This all definitely seems like a weird sex thing, right? Yeah. What if you used it on a different part of your body? I know. Someone is definitely auto-erotic asphyxiated. Yeah. Do you think anyone's doing more than one wife? I wonder. Some people might. It amazes me when we get at the end of class, I'll see people's paintings and how much extra things that they've put into their painting. You know, they get all these extra... Did you start yesterday? You know, it's... I don't know how they do it. We do sometimes get paintings in advance if a student knows they... can't make it, but they want us to show their work. We've had that happen a couple times. Ah, okay. I just love the wrestling theme on the sand. And I still have memories of that, of them like that, getting sand in their eyes and stuff. But that was just too much going on in the painting to get it done in this amount of time. nobody expects the ironside inquisition yeah watching him walk around and do nothing is so much more interesting than seeing the killings by the monster will he walk into another room or stay in this room oh my god the suspense is killing me Aye, aye, aye. I've got his cataracts. Oh, damn. There, it should squeeze with me. Oh, now I can't do the Harpo Groucho mirror scene. Jimmy Lee Curtis is in there. Well, that was a productive afternoon. This is like a real estate video. My dinner with Andre didn't have this many indoor scenes. Woo! So, oh what's up mary jo greetings greetings greetings hello everyone out there hi everybody uh welcome to another edition of the mary jo peele show presents movie joe night we did it mary jo we did We did. It's our March edition of Movie Joe Night. We did our gonna do it, did it? Yeah. I can confirm. I can confirm. We have done it. How are you doing, Mary Jo? Eh. Eh. But I'm glad to be here, and I just like to goof off and laugh with y'all, so I'm happy to be here. How are you? I'm happy to be here. Look at this. So many people are so excited to hang out with us tonight. Hey, wow. Thank you for being here. Who can turn the world on with her smile? Yeah, this is going to be fun tonight. We're watching the the made-for-TV movie Baffled starring Leonard Nimoy. This is the artwork behind me here. um I maybe it's just me like growing up leonard nimoy was just it's so iconic as spock whenever I see leonard nimoy I just see spock you know like leonard nimoy without the little pointy ears it seems off right wow right right I don't think he much escaped that I don't think so either. With my limited knowledge of Star Trek and his career. He was great. I mean, he did a lot of really, really good things outside of Star Trek. But it's like you see him and it's like, yeah, that's Spock. Yeah, yeah. It's so distinctive. It's so iconic. Yeah. He also was a photographer. Oh, really? Yeah. He did... If memory serves, he photographed... women, a lot of women of different sizes and, you know, outside the conventional beauty ideal. I thought you were going to say, like, he was like a peeping Tom, like he just, like, taking photos of women on the street. We cannot sully his, his reputation like that. No, he's a very interesting, he's an interesting person. Yes, totally. Yes. A movie tonight is the spinoff program of the marriage appeal show where Mary Jo and I watch a movie we've never seen before. We know absolutely nothing about, we go in completely cold. We get our associate producer, Matt Reiser to track down a copy of the movie and sure, you know, it'll play all the way through. That's it. We don't know anything else. I never look anything up about it. The only thing I'm ever familiar with is getting some taste of it from the artwork that you provide, that you put up. Exactly. And we have a really nice print that we're going to be using tonight. We actually we had a couple people send us this. So I want to give a shout out to John Miles and Tim Salmons, who both provided us with a really nice, pristine print of baffled. I'm so glad that worked out. Thanks, John. Thanks. Yeah. Um, so, uh, not much to mention up top, except that next Tuesday, exactly one week from today is the next episode of the marriage appeal show. Uh, it's going to be our game show episode, which we haven't done in quite some time. And, we'll have more details on that very soon. We will. We will. Do you know when? You got to loop me in. No, I know. No, we're all set. We're all set. I tease us, but we're all set. So that'll be Tuesday. And then we have, I think we have a new Chit Chat and Tidbits this, let me just check. Yes, Friday. This coming Friday? I think so, yeah. Okay, hold on. Sorry, everybody. I cannot keep track. Hold on. Yeah, there we go. Okay, it's Friday. Friday, March twenty-first, and that's the live stream we do just in the Marriage Appeal Show Clubhouse, which is our completely ad-free way to access the Marriage Appeal Show. In the Marriage Appeal Show Clubhouse, we only do that there. We're streaming tonight on Twitch, so hello everyone over on Twitch. Hey, everybody. And if you'd like to watch tonight's program completely ad-free, head to dumb-industries.com slash which is free for your first thirty days, might I add. You don't say. So before we get started, there was a comment that I star during the pre-show that I just had to highlight and from Forklift Killer. What's the over under on how many times? Okay. First of all, you know, I don't know what over under means. Secondly, you know, I'm baffled even at movies that don't have the word baffled in the title. So. That's hilarious. Cause I, I don't think I can, I think I know what over under means, but I don't think I could properly articulate it, you know? Yeah. I know. I'd like that you admitted that I feel very close to you right now. I'm not ashamed to admit when I don't know something, you know? So why is it impressive that I did? Cause if you're not ashamed, like, yeah, that's true. Um, No, I'm just curious. We can table this until chit-chat and tidbits, but no, yeah, I don't know what over-under is, but I think we can all rest assured, show of hands, that I will be baffled tonight. I always am. Always, always. You know, I've told you this before, when I'm recording riff tracks with Bridget, We watch the movies in increments, like, like, thirty seconds of drilling down deeply to come up with lines. So I lose track of the plot. I don't know what the plot is. So then when we're recording it at Kevin's, I will start missing lines and Kevin will have to stop and say, You started watching the movie, didn't you? Yes, because it's a bigger screen and I'm finally getting what's happening. So there's my true confession. So yes, I will be baffled. I'm sorry to hold us up. No, no worries. And then also, Movie Joe Night, we also always raffle off a piece of candy, Movie Joe candy. And everyone watching live will have a chance to win that candy. So stick around until the end of the night. And what do you say? We love to give away the candy. So do stick around and just throw in for the raffle. We love it. Oh, yes. Okay. Should we do this? Let's do this thing. And we might be fast forwarding because it's kind of long. So this movie is about ninety minutes long. We didn't cut it down, but we might skip through some parts. Just, you know, keep it. There we go. Oh, I remember this theme song or that. No, really? That's how it starts. Yeah. And he's not wearing his mask over his nose, his COVID mask. That looks like so much fun. I would do that in art. And here we are with five laps to go in USAC's five hundred mile eastern special. So far we've had four yellow lights, two minor wrecks, but nobody hurt. We'll just keep going until somebody is hurt. Chris, would you do that if you had the opportunity? Hell no. Really? No. Go-karts frighten me. Oh, I did go-karts once. It was smelly, but it was fun. Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of risking death. Or, yeah, driving. I guess I would do it if nobody else was on the track. The green screen is just so... It's so great. I love when driving is always portrayed like this. I mean, there's some truth to it, but it's the only way people know how to look like they're driving. What? Both Mary Jo and I are baffled. It's one. Guessing hallucination or... Again? I think I thought this was comedy. Pretty funny to me. But maybe it's a... Like a psychological drama. Drama. It's Wyndham in Devondale. Wow. Very Hitchcockian. Yeah. Ooh. Okay, we got it. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Cut to that lady screaming a few more times. It's very amusing to me. I like the EMT standing there. Just like, hey, what are you doing this weekend? And that's what he said to you and Andretti. last year after indianapolis well now tom could we get back now to what happened in the pennsylvania run yesterday that's very simple I lost the race tom you're being very evasive again no it's right I don't mind I'll go on holding no no no let's not leap into next week just yet now they gave you up for dead so I'll ask the question did it seem you were dead for a moment I don't know I guess I had schrodinger's death Let's get back to the manor house you saw. Now, what about that house? Wait, is this a televised therapy session? Seeing a manor house and hearing a woman scream. Yeah, well, I guess maybe I thought I saw something. You did see something, I can tell. I guess that's what you'd say it was. This is all stuff I would have kept to myself. I was on a stretch. And all of a sudden, I wasn't in Pennsylvania anymore. I was on his gravel road, headed for the house. Then just as suddenly, I was back on the track, and a lot of guys were trying to climb all around me into the lead. And I loved it. Which is not impossible. And I thought I saw a hay wagon. And you are... No, I repeat, my price is quite firm. After the crash, there was this woman screaming her head off. Yes, I hope. I guess you'd call it a sly grin. Yeah, nobody likes to hear other people's dreams. It's boring. That's it. It was all over. And who were they? I'm terribly sorry. Now, let's get back to the manhouse. I'll be in New York until tomorrow. Thank you. Goodbye. How did you know? A general look? That and the voice. It said Wyndham in Devon. You can't get much more English than that. No, you certainly can't. We'll take a break here. We'll be back in a minute. Wyndham. Wyndham in Devon. It's Wyndham in Devon, dear. I don't think I'll be able to sleep on the plane, Mommy. I want to get there so bad. When we get to London, will we go to Wyndham right away? Oh, no, we'll spend a couple of nights in London. We're not really due there until Thursday. I'm glad they didn't not show us the Denver airport side. I promise you, I'm leaving all my career stuff here at home. No interviews, no scripts, no telephone call to Los Angeles. Oh, mother. Just fun. A good, fun vacation, right? Are you glad you're going to be seeing Daddy again? Do you think you might? I'm kind of hooked now. I'm sorry. I know. His letters have been so nice lately. I like to think so. Really? I keep reminding myself it's been eleven years since I saw him. There goes the yellow car passing. As the great philosopher says, ten, eleven years makes a big difference to the heart. What great philosopher said that? Me. We just have to wait and see what happens, okay? Okay. Ooh, that's a great car. A living room car. This is funky stuff. Yeah, the credits are starting, so I don't have to ask who that woman was. I think it's Diana Hyland, but I'm not going to ask because I hate when I interrupt the movie if I ask. So the only thing I know is I think this was intended to be a TV show. Yeah, it was intended to be a TV show, but it didn't get picked up, so they released it as a movie. Oh, okay. I'll be curious to see what premise they were going to extrapolate the series from. I know. Yeah. This is a really nice print of this movie I gotta say Thank you, Tim and John. Freeze frames will never not be funny to me. Are you? Freeze frames, like when they're used this way, it's never not amusing to me. You think at the time they just thought it was so cool? I think so. Really cool technology? Yeah. Produced and directed. Where were you born? I want to know all about you. I was born in Ohio. A little town called Oskegum. Okay, I'm bored now. And did you have any visions there as a boy? Oh, yeah. I had a lot of visions. Oh, he has a vision. Getting out of Oskegum. You're marvelous. Even better than on television or on the track. Crackers? What? Oh, no thank you. Look, however you track me down, whatever it is you're here for, are you sure you wouldn't rather explain it over a martini? Sorry, I only have fourteen minutes to talk to you before I did my appointment. Seriously. I want to ask you what you intend to do about that poor woman. Which poor woman? The one who screamed in your vision. Her life is obviously in jeopardy. From now on, Kovacs, stick to wheels. No more TV interviews. How interesting. You say Kovac and not Tom when you talk to yourself. I always say Michelle, not Brent. Well, Tom or Kovac. I do know something about the occult. I've studied for five years with Ramgat Singh and then, of course, with Willie Smith for two. Of course. So it would be more helpful if you could draw a picture for me. Draw a picture? Mm-hmm. Oh. All right. Why not draw a picture? You want a Porsche or a Ferrari? The manor house you saw. Would you draw it from memory, please? My art teacher said I showed great promise as a mechanic. Are you serious? Very. Now we have to watch him draw. I earn my living selling rare books, in the course of which I've gained a great deal of knowledge on witchcraft and the occult. Furniture in the seventies is interesting, to say the least. It was gigantic. I think gigantic was the name of the game. You think I'm silly or maybe dangerous. Well, I'm neither. And I have none of the powers which I'm convinced that you have. I had a turtleneck like his in college. But I'm not scared of black cats Friday the thirteenth or walking under ladders. As a matter of fact, every once in a while I get my kicks walking under a ladder. Not strange at all considering who you are. Now go on, you were doing beautifully. Evil forces do exist, always have. Makes a side gig. His side gig is doing caricatures. And you will see that there were three instances of an experience almost exactly like yours. I like that lamp. Oh wait, I missed it. So that's the manners I was there supposed to find? Oh my god. It's the place, look. It looks like every other... Wyndham in Devon. Are you kidding me? They all look like that. Oh, yeah. Look at that. Pardon me. Now, like it or not, you have rare and mysterious insight. Right? Yeah. What you call insight, I call a knock on the head that I got when I wrecked my car at a hundred and fifty miles an hour. Can you understand that? I understand this. Very seldom does someone intelligent, giving, and... Why shouldn't I use the word good? Acquire the strength to fight the force of evil. You have. Oh, so he's an evil fighter. Where? To England to save that woman. But I don't even know the woman. Besides, she's probably not Indian. She's an American. How do you know that? Excuse me. Her accent. When she said Wyndham in Denver, it was definitely American. That's absolutely wrong. Distinctly American accent. It was a Midwestern accent. Maybe. I'm not sure. And the little girl? No. But you said on television that you were going to Europe anyway. To chase cars, not wild geese. And now you're chasing me. Ouch. Not me. It's an abrupt ending. I would live in England. Yeah. Oh! the estate they just found oh okay so this is so is mr duncan sanford here ah you'll have to ask mrs faraday my dear miss glenn what should I call you mrs sanford oh I answer to both mrs faraday and of course you're jennifer The updated Downton Abbey Awkward Didn't Daddy make the reservation? Why isn't he here? He will be, Jane. He lives in a house in the village. There's no reason for him to stay here. Well, why didn't he ask us to his house? You've asked me that, and I've explained. Be a little patient. Pardon me. Oh, this is a lovely place. Hey, look! England! The sea's right here! Yes, and it's wild and dangerous. She's very observant. But of course, those of us who live at Wyndham enjoy the excitement of the sea. That's the gun on the mantle, everybody. I've been waiting my whole life to meet you. The temperature today in New York City reached a record-breaking high of ninety-eight degrees. According to the United States Weather Bureau, there should be a drop to the mid-eighties by midnight. Tomorrow continues hot and humid. Strong gusty winds by Thursday, however, should mean more comfortable temperatures by the end of the week. Now back to the main news. Oh, yeah. Something for the ladies. Hello? Mr. Kovac, I'm calling for Michelle Brent. Oh, oh, yeah. She tried to reach you earlier, but... Had to leave for London, but said if you want to contact her, she'll be at the Chester house off the Tower Bridge Road. OK, I'll make a note of it. Thank you. Son of a gun. What? OK, we got it. He dreamt he got locked out of his Airbnb. Nightmare. Wow. Better be the lady screaming. Oh, no. That thing was made of cardboard. Totally. The banister was not up to code. Oh, he fell in quite nicely. He's going to hit the rock. Whoa. Yeah, whoa is right. Talk about a wet dream. Yes, thank you very much. Can I be of any help? Well, my husband doesn't seem to have a telephone. At least the operator said he wasn't listed. Oh, that's not uncommon around here. But I can give you directions to reach Mrs. Sandberg. But wouldn't she know, even if she was overseas in the States, that he would have a telephone or not? I think. Daddy ever mentioned her in his letters? I got to ask about that. His letters weren't exactly epics. So she doesn't know until she gets there? She lives in Cliff Cottage. Oh, good. Well, we'll go there first thing in the morning, then. In the meantime, my dear, it's about an hour past your bedtime. Can't we go to the village now, Mommy? Jennifer... Okay. Good night, Mrs. Faraday. Good night, Jennifer. And good night, Miss Kangaroo. What's her name? Wendy. Wendy Wyndham Sanford. It is? I just decided. Excuse me. Got a mannequin head there. Oh, God. I've been expecting you. And your leisure suit. I thought your English always said schedule. Come in. Thank you. Boy, he really nailed her on that one. I was just trying to make you feel at home. Well, that wouldn't be too hard. You have a very nice place. I share the flat with my sister. She's in Paris at the moment on holiday. Manor estates limited. I said holiday because I'm British. You wouldn't be planning a vacation yourself. Well, as you can see, one can stay at your manor house in Wyndham. How about that? I only hope Mrs. Faraday hasn't... Daddy, I'm coming on to her. I know. I made some inquiries. She owns Wyndham and takes guests during the summer. You know, noblesse oblige, taxes and all that. Well, I'm surprised you didn't go ahead and reserve the rooms. I should have. Why is she standing like that? Tom Kovac, I didn't tell the truth just now. I wasn't sure that you'd come. I haven't yet. But I can't tell you how grateful I am for you. Really, for that woman's sake. Is that an invitation? I'm here. I'm here. Really, thank you. Thank you for coming. Have you ever been to London? Yes, a couple times. How about you? I love there. I can't wrap my head around the driving on the other side. As a pedestrian. I just can't figure it out. I could have stepped into my shower, slipped on a cake of soap, hit my head on the tiles, and crawled out half-conscious. I doubt that. I mean, you're here. Maybe because my shower doesn't normally run salt water. Look out! Driving with Leonard Nimoy, no thanks. He's a real backseat driver. There are evil forces there, and we can't be too careful. That must be the cottage over there, Jan. Well, thank you for that piece of information. We're going to the cottage. Knock again. Maybe it's not the cottage over there. Please wait. I'll only be a moment. Takes me a while to get around, you know. But do come in. Look, Mom, it's you. Yes, of course it is. Why should it be anyone else? I followed your career for years. This is not creepy at all. Can you tell me that? aren't I rude I'm screaming at you and I haven't even introduced myself you're a fan club named louise sanford windham branch and I'm very happy to meet you at last duncan and I we gotta get a fan club with the london branch I knew you would ask that we walk in they just have a shrine to us We thought it would be really nice, but now we're freaked out. I'm afraid we've been temporarily stood up. Of course, but only temporarily. It isn't like that. Temporal. Temporal. Let me show you, dear. Just around that corner, you'll find a funny little cabinet with drawers. Yes, I see it. In the bottom drawer on the right-hand side, there's something for you. The bunch of pills. I just wanted to say he's held on to every scrap. When did Duncan leave, Mrs. Sanford? Oh, please call me Louise. Well, he used to go back and forth. London, Glasgow, Liverpool. I haven't heard from him for some time. Except for the note about your room. There in the drawer. Is he the husband of the Duncan... Is this where the husband is supposed to be? I'm sorry, I talk over all the information. But in the last six months, he's written very often. And his letters have been... different. Perhaps he's in London. Is this going to be a speculating movie where they just keep speculating about something? Well, he would be there, but he's not there. I wasn't very fond of him either, but he might know something. Do you have any idea where I might reach him? No, I'm afraid not. Do you know what I think, Jennifer? But that attractive rogue of a father of yours has some sort of super surprise for you and your ma, and he's waiting for exactly the right moment to spring it. I don't know. Shall we all have a happy and hopeful cup of tea? Oh, I'm for that. How about you, Jen? Who wants more plaid? I can manage. There's more plaid. Pull that. That's a Polish name, isn't it? It's a name name, Mrs. Faraday. My paternal grandfather was from Warsaw, and his wife was from Holland. The other side was Irish. Spicy. It's a name name. That makes me one hundred percent Midwestern American, right? Yes, I suppose it does. May I show you our library? Miss Glenn, I'd like you to meet a countryman of yours. Mr. Thomas Kovac, Andrea Glenn. How do you do? Haven't we met somewhere before? Or does everyone ask you that? Perhaps we have met before. Is she the woman that was screaming at the beginning? Yes, I think so. And that's why he's sort of... Perhaps we'll see you later, Mr. Kovac. Oh, you will. Beam me up, Scotty. It's quite safe, Mr. Kovac. Yeah, but who's the guy? They do have lifts in the American Midwest, I assume. Oh, yeah. And they never saw them again. It's an incinerator. Oh, my God. Could you imagine? Oh, it's craft. What a wolf! Signora Faraday, something tells me that tonight you will serve the Dover Sole from your water so blessedly close. I'm afraid we're having roast beef tonight. He was going to be the wacky side character. And then it didn't pan out. Yeah. The woman, the girl, and the elevator, they're all here. And look. Your salty shower. Okay, so where's the evil force? Give me time. Give me time. I've only been here three hours. Did he know she was coming? Three hours? Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, okay. I've seen every film that you have made. Every one. Well, I've put you several ahead of me, senor, but thank you very much. Why didn't you tell me that the screaming lady in your vision is Andrea Glenn? I never saw her in a flick where she screamed. That still doesn't explain the sly little girl. It's her daughter and a doll. I read recently that you'd raced in Russia. How is Russia, Mr. Kovac? Very big, Miss Brandt. Ah, Mrs. Faraday, you certainly do pull in the celebrities. Miss Glenn and Tom Kovac. He's very big in racing car circles. I'm afraid I don't follow the sport. but it does suggest to me now why you're here mr kovac so he's famous for both racing and being a psychic I don't know my late husband's true love you'll get to meet him I'll get hopkins to show you to your room and why did they have to make him a race car driver with psych yeah so curious about how they thought they were packaging him Oh, I hate bed and breakfasts where you have to talk to people you don't know. Oh my goodness. Have you ever been to one? Yes, it's excruciating. Yes, I know. You seem to know the village rather well, Mr. Tracewell. I do? I saw you driving through those streets with amazing dash. He's trying to get it over with quickly, aren't you, Georgie? George? Get what over with? Business, I mean. Combining business with pleasure, George? You could say that. His hair is a little out of control. Please, Mrs. Faraday, let me do it. With pleasure. I noticed from your letterhead, Signore Varelli, that you're an engineer. I build the autostrade, the roads. In Italia, all roads lead straight from my office, Varelli of Milano. I hope I do not sound immodest. Not at all. One takes pride in one's doings. I bet you'd like a hamburger. I'm just not hungry. Everything is boiled. I'm used to tea and cakes at four and supper at eight. I'm really not hungry, Mommy. May I please leave the table? It's perfectly all right. You go right on ahead, dear. This is a little Agatha Christie-y. God, I thought she'd never leave the bag. Please. About her father? Oh, yes, I'm afraid she is a little disappointed. But I think he's probably just been delayed. He always did like entrances, whether it was onstage or offstage. I feel so awful about not telling her, Daddy. She wants to see you too. Wait, what? Don't you think I want to see her? What? It's not easy, Jim. But it's especially important that you say nothing to her as yet. The people who want to keep us apart. Who are they? Why do they? I'm fighting them. So the three of us can return to America together. Will you help me? so we never saw how she no bumps into him or realizes he's there I feel like that keeps happening this movie what people just crossing paths without any all of a sudden yeah it's like yeah yeah like it feels like um we haven't edited it but it feels like it got randomly edited His finger is in it. It's one of those joke boxes. Ow, it burns. I'm so confused. I know. I'm so baffled. We're baffled. Oh, Miss Glenn, please come in. Mrs. Faraday, I didn't mean to interrupt you. I'm in a harpsichord band. She's outside. Oh, but it's so late. It's a lovely evening. Nearly a full moon. I'd better track her down and get her to bed. Shall I take this into the house? No, perhaps not. Hey, hey, hey. Hey, not here. Oh, hello. Oh, you haven't seen my daughter around, have you? No, sorry, no. daughter daughter yeah like she just water off and found her dad yeah Jennifer I don't like the looks of this She really gives the place a good look around. I know. Not funny. Just a mirror and a candle. It's not funny, Jen. My mom would have backhanded me. I've been looking all over for you. I've been here all evening. In olden times when parents backhanded their kids. Or said they went, I ought to backhand you. Knock you into next week. Since when have you started calling me mother? When I stopped calling you mommy. I won't be needing that anymore. It's nothing but a childish toy. What? I know. Oh, she's being... Yeah, yeah. She's under a spell. A necklace spell. Raging hormones. Hello. You guessed it. This is girly. Interesting. Very interesting. Twenty-seven Bentley. I mean how men womanize any machine that serves them. Good for her. You're one of those... Women's live? No, no, no, no. I'm open to all views. Tell me, does it work? But it's a fact. Not of action for a long time. Our hostess asked me to have a look. Oh. You put a grilled cheese on the engine. Clever. Was that her I'm a grown-up now? I know. He's like, should I catcall her? Her. Her, not her. Where did she go? She's vanished. I have a feeling about that girl. Not anything she's done yet, but something she's going to do. Something evil. Michelle, this is a little... What is it? That seems very thoughtfully of him. Something... growing. Yes, yes. What was it like? But it's gone. Try and refocus the image. How can I refocus an image that I can't even see anymore? Don't get mad at me. Wait, wait, wait. It's not clear. I can't see what it is. No, no, no. Don't rush. Try not to rush. I once knew a Tibetan psychic and he said one cannot rush. Thanks, life coach. And do you think they brought it to an exotic locale because they thought that would be... right now exotic or something focus on the center of the image now work from the center out there's um a girl's hands and she's squeezing a leaf the girl is it jennifer I can't tell it's it's all hazy it's all gray we'll try and concentrate on the color just pick one object and would you get off my back the glass is red And the juice is being... Yes? Milked. It's gone. But the hand was squeezing something. Darn. Darn it. Missions. Someone's going to be drinking out of that red glass. Come on. Uh-oh. This is so dumb. Don't you dare drink out of that glass. This is so dumb. Write this minute. Yeah, you see, I'm writing to this nephew of mine in Walla Walla, and he's even a bigger fan of yours than Signor Varelli. How so nice. They named it twice. Yes, I suppose so. I don't have any paper. Paper? Paper? Well, will this do? It even has Windham Endeavor. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Oh. I don't know how to apologize. Try, Mr. Kovac. Oh. Oh, yeah. You're not going to believe this, but I was out... Why don't you just say that Wyndham, lovely as it is, is having a peculiar effect on all of us? Oh, girl. Is that what it is? Oh, that's splendid. Splendid. Well, thank you, Miss Brent. Or should I say Miss Blunt? What? What? Why? Why? She is a little weird. I'm even beginning to wonder about weird books. Oh, it wasn't her surname. It was her attitude she was commenting on. Yeah. You really handled that with flair. Subtle, wasn't I? But you ought to be more careful making up a place like Walla Walla. Michelle, don't let him hear you say that in Walla Walla. Don't they have any dancers in the village? Why didn't you tell me you were interested, Jennifer? Oh, okay. I should like to meet some boys. I'll see what I can arrange. Oh, maybe it wasn't really her dad. It was like she's a shapeshifter or something. Oh, you're smart and junk. Does Mrs. Faraday look younger to you? Mm-hmm. Might have to hit that. I'm not responsible for it, I hope. It was very strange. It's almost as if he knocked the glass over on purpose. He's weird. Maybe he and his girlfriend are the ones. They didn't meet here for little old openers. They planned to come to Wyndham together. Some sort of plot. I've heard. What are you saying? Well, while we're at it, would you mind telling a misguidedly curious mom just what's happened to you? You look older. Well, I'm not wearing any makeup, am I? I was actually just going to say, it looks like she's wearing makeup. This is me. Mother. Yeah. Okay. So she has that necklace, which is aging her, but her youth juices are going to her, I think. If I were a drinking woman, I'd ask for something spiked. In some sort of transaction. Metaphysical transaction. Just exaggerating. Changing climate. Anticipation jetlag. Oh, it tastes like leaves. Did you milk the leaves again? Oh. Why did I eat Arby's? British food! There's a hashed bull. Shepherd's pie. Which is actually really good. Which I like. Want me to open a window in here? Yeah, okay. Oh god. Thanks, Nurse Ratchet! It seems impossible to believe that Jennifer should want to kill her mother. Well, maybe it wasn't Jennifer. Don't forget, Andrea is loaded. She says so casually. What are you going to do? I just don't understand how this would have been a TV show. That's the plan she tore the leaf off. Was it like an X-Files thing? Like the two of them would have gone to different areas? Yeah, yeah. Like how did they plan, think they were going to... Yeah. Much more poisonous. read dr reed are you the husband no but I think you ought to know that that she got sick from black well she um could have had oleander in her food oleander I prefer to arrive at my own diagnosis thank you thank you he's he's like a monty python yes just thinking that yeah thank you Go-go boots. I so wanted a pair of go-go boots when I was a kid. I thought it would change my life and make me popular. There's something Michael Sheeny about that guy. Totally. Signora Faraday holds in her cellar one of the world's finest ports. See, it's a drawing room murder mystery. You will have some? Well, perhaps a drop for my portside rheumatism. Port? Thank you. May I have a brandy? Brandy, sir. It's too bad the Tracewells are going to miss this. They've just gone upstairs. Should I ask them to join us? I suggest that you don't, Mr. Kovac. They're going out. Tracewells seem to go out most every night, don't they, Mrs. Faraday? What business is it of yours? I mean, she's evil, but she does make a good point. But where did the girl get the more adult clothing? We don't know. Because what is she wearing now? Okay, yeah, she's wearing very groovy clothes. Those earrings are boss. Drinking the blood of the young girl. I really would like to have your expert opinion on the port. Well, of course, it is a very good port. A very good year. A very, very, very good port. As a matter of fact, it is. May I call you Michelle? I got to try that. Coming on to fellas. I'll let you walk out. That is some head of hair, I'll tell you what. I'm sorry I'm late. I was detained by a suspicion. A what? In Devon tonight. The Tracewells with a car loaded with pharmaceuticals. Drugs? Mm-hmm. Yes. Yes, drugs. No, I don't believe that those two young people would... You're probably right. Okay. And what about vintage wines? Let me finish. I wasn't finished speaking. In case you didn't know, they often serve poison in wines. Yeah, you're probably right. Poison in wines? And leave me here, alone? Yeah. Thanks. Whoever said jolly England? I think I better leave tonight. Mother Nature is a cock blocker. I need more youth blood. That flashlight isn't doing a lot of good. Who is it? Who is it? What? Weird kissing. You've got to be careful. He's choking on hairspray right now. It's only a matter of a few more days. And each day's an age without you. Well, your mirror can't be complaining. Age-wise. Oh, no, no, no. It laughs right in my face with me. Younger and younger every day. Miraculously. Beautifully. Please, please don't make that stop. Whatever you wish, Catherine, darling. That looks like it hurts. Oh, you bruised my gums. Okay. I know. Should I fast forward? Yes. Please. I'm scared I'm going to miss something. All right, here we go. Please, please help me. Please. Over here, Tom. She's turning evil as well. Don't fail me now, go-go boots. Help! Help! Help! Help! That is very Tom Stewart. Oh! Tom Stewart did kill him! Oh damn. I'm not sure if he would have survived that or not been slightly injured. That suit is no good now, I just want you to know. He'll have to throw it away. Okay. Piss off. I like when they do jump cuts during the sleuthing. We don't have to watch every second of it. Ew, no. I would not do this. Why did she feel compelled to bring the newspaper along with her? And her iPad? Ugh, don't touch it! Ugh, don't touch it! Ew. I would never be able to do this. Nope. There's a whole thing called urbex. Have you ever heard of that? No. Where people go into abandoned buildings and just take pictures and videos. What's it called? Urbex. It's urban exploration. Oh, wow. It's like a whole culture. It's like people break into abandoned places. Oh, wow. Okay. And then they document it. Yes. What are you looking for? Nothing. I'm just browsing around. I never understood why they're I know. Their straps go, like, on their chin. Like the guards at Buckingham Palace. Yeah. Or it's so weird. Or, like, Mounties have a weird chin thing that looks really uncomfortable. But be that as it may. Shouldn't it go under the chin, though? I know. It just seems so weird. Like, what would the point of that? I know. Yeah. Yeah. Look at this. We got some urbex explorers watching tonight. Oh, yeah. Wow. Fascinating. But I don't think I could do it. I must learn from them. Young people today seem to take to each other so suddenly. I don't want to shatter your illusions, Mrs. Faraday, but I don't think they've just met. What? They've known each other before, at least according to my little gossip columnist, Jennifer. Before they came to Wyndham? Do tell. Well, why would they want to pretend? Oh, it's probably just an escapade. Two attractive young people who want to be together. Well, not here at Wyndham. Not in my home. So she's mad they're hanging out together? I guess. Now it's the British version of Manos where they go parking. But practically the same thing happened to you in your apartment in New York. You almost drowned there, too. But this was no vision, Michelle. This was cold, wet reality. you don't have to yell at me but why'd you say he when the voice you heard calling you must have been jennifer might have been not must and I'm not convinced that it was jennifer who loosened that guardrail either let's face it the whole pattern not only suggests jennifer but also that she has psychic power oh come on yes as you do all right let's drive along your track for a while we might as well I mean, you're a girl, but we can try it. That your evil force, if such a thing really exists, might be Duncan Sanford. Why Duncan Sanford? You said you found some objects dealing with witchcraft in that burned-out shop, right? Right. And you discovered that Parrish is dead, right? Right. Well, if Duncan was so close to Parrish, couldn't he, too, have been dabbling in your occult? Look! Okay, I'll look. Hey. That was something called for. Can you come and push it out? Uh-oh, nope. There she goes. Ah! That really did stop. I know, me too. Here we go. Action sequence. Yeah, here we go. He just drives it into the tree. It's a beautiful locale for a change. Backstreet. Backstreet. I love when they speed up film to make something appear faster. But you still see the trees. Like the wind. It's too weird. I do hope he doesn't run out of petrol. Oh, it's soundtrack time. It's the most wonderful time of the week. Music's not really matching this story. I know, it's just so weird. This seems like a walking scene through London. Yeah. Young people going from top to top. A bunch of people shopping and running in the streets. Or like women trying on hats because they're having a goofy girl's day. For real! Yeah. And then at the end, they get home and they all flop down on the couch and stick their legs up like, oh! With their shopping bags. Oh, what's up? Oh, right. I know something. I know something is going on. I found something. How is that more efficient than just opening the door? Saved him a good split second. Why did you do this? You show off. Was it him? Was it an Italian guy? She's gonna kick him out. Whoa. And don't forget to leave a tip for housekeeping. Or pizza sauce, I can't tell. Sorry to disturb you. We were just playing a guessing game. Oh. And is guessing your game? Shall we do the ministry of silly warts? It's a type of oleander. Now, the question remains, how did you know? Oh, well, no matter. Surely an accident. You were right, Michelle. It always comes back to Jennifer. It's okay, Mother. I promised Dr. Reed I'd take care of your medicine. I like how that woman on the left is covered with a wheelchair, a cane, and a shawl. For any situation. And she's probably like forty-seven when she filmed this. Yeah, totally. Remarkably, hasn't she? Well, it happens with some girls. No, it's not just that. It's the way she looks, the way she acts, and the way she dresses. The things she's done. Remind you of Duncan? At the worst times. Whenever Parrish was around he'd fall into those moods. Those moods made me shudder too. Are you afraid that Jennifer may have inherited that... strain? Strain? But you don't inherit... No, it's not possible. No, of course not. Blame an aging woman for not minding her tongue. It would mean believing in something that I refuse to believe. Call me a Midwesterner, but I don't think I'd share this information with... Yeah. How do they get on this topic, this intense... Always I come back to the same three points. Which are? Point one. You had a vision that Varelli had blood on him. So you thought it was he that was driving the black van? For some reason. I can't be sure about him. Point two. What about the Tracewells? They sell drugs, and there are some drugs that are made from the oleander plant. Could be. Point three. What's a three-letter word for pants? Why should Duncan Sanford send for his wife and his daughter and then not turn up? Why? There is no logical reason unless... Unless? Unless, as you said, he's involved in the account. Could Duncan have hypnotized Jennifer in some way? From a distance? A letter? No, not likely. Oh, what's he writing? It's a secret note. What? What is it? I wrote that. Well, don't write that. Don't use a pencil. We'll have good times for years and years to come, you'll see. Yeah, I got it right. The editing of this is just bizarre. Yes! You nailed it right! No, they did not kill off the girl. What? Why did you say dead? She wasn't breathing. She wasn't moving. But there was nobody in the summer house when we found you. Nobody. Jennifer. Jennifer, will you please come in here? Hi, Mom. God, Mom, you're so lame. She's had such a fright. Oh, Jennifer. Jennifer. We must go away. They're all in on it. Chris, they are all in on it. Yeah, it's like a Rosemary's Baby type of thing. Yeah. Oh, good astuteness. Sorry, but I just couldn't stand watching that poor woman another minute. Well, whoever is way ahead of us. Can we make out now? But maybe not for long. Oh, hello. Hello. It just occurred to me, Mr. Tracewell, that Miss Glenn could use one of your tranquilizers. My what? Well, I thought amongst the drugs that you sell, you may have some of those new sedatives that I've heard about made from the oleander. Polyander? Tranquilizers? I'm afraid not. Gets you fucked up. I hope George doesn't need tranquilizers yet. We've only been married a week. What? What a weird thing to say. Congratulations, George. I had no idea this was going to happen. Yes, and as you said, business too, Tom. Well, shall we demonstrate? We might as well. The cat's out of the bag. There's no need to do that, love. Oh, yes, I'm sure she'd like one. Here you are. Sample of lipstick, eyebrow pencil, eyeshadow. Made in France. Finest. Cosmetics. George sells them. We thought Mrs. Faraday might disapprove, as she has such a posh clientele here. Do you want to lift him to the village? No, thank you. Okay. And somehow the cross she's wearing is protecting her or something. They're making that really prominent. Yeah, definitely. Well, good try. Shall we join the others? Good morning, sir. Is your luggage ready? No. But I bet my bill is. I'm sorry to see you go, sir. I'll finish packing for you. Good morning. Pack his bags for him. Hopkins. He's not a bad guy, so it's not the butler. It hasn't been for years. But how do you know that? How do you know he's not a bad guy? But you've got to stay here. That's gonna take a little stalling. Faraday's chomping at the bit to throw us out. Well, if all else fails, I suggest you suddenly become ill. I had doubles in the orange juice. Clever. Good morning. Morning. If you don't feel any better, Tommy, ask Mrs. F for a thermometer. I've been mopping here for twelve years. At this one spot. I can't stop. Over and over again. Man cave. Just knock. I think it's in the sconce. Oh. I'll say this. I don't think a lot of men can wear a turtleneck and a suit jacket. He does all right. He pulls it off, yeah. It's a good look on him. Boo! Don't run up behind him and do around the waist when you tickle somebody. Stop it! I don't believe you. Oh, oh, oh. Ugh. You beat your meat, don't ya? Whoa. Pushy pushy. I don't know when she'll be coming back. I've been mopping here for twelve years. I get together with the other housekeeper. We share mopping stories over coffee. Two weeks ago. Two weeks. She made it seem as though she'd spent her whole life in the village. And I found this in the cottage. It's Parrish, the man who burned to death in the shop. Okay. Who has no lips. So now we know what Duncan's actress friend looked like. Let's not dismiss any item that gives us additional information. Did anything happen here? Well, I had a second vision of Raleigh a little while ago. Only this time he had a meat cleaver in his hand. Does that mean that it means that he's a butcher genuine one hundred percent thank you for spelling it out for sale butcher so all the Parmigiani is come from the rally Milano. Excuse me, Miss Brent. I telephone call. Thank you. But why would you just have a vision of a guy like this guy doing his job? Yeah, I'm the wrong person. I'm the wrong person to ask. Thank you. Goodbye. That was about her car warranty. They're tracking her down everywhere. I'd asked him to trace Duncan Sanford. Duncan Sanford died eight months ago. I know. I wrote that, and it's been bothering me ever since. Do you know what's bothering me? How to tell Andrea. Well, apart from that, he died before he wrote her all those loving letters. Willis, what are you talking about? That's a wheelchair. Come on. Match is doing absolutely nothing. our hero with the match of course what should I do should I watch you look around Her hairspray explodes. Where does this door go? I don't know. Let's kick it open. I don't know. Uh-oh. I'm going to crush them. Yes. Well, now you've really done it. Somebody pointed out that she looks like Eddie Izzard. I know. I was thinking that. People in the chat started saying it. Nice, folks. Where have you been seeing him? Where is he? Marsha, Marsha, Marsha. Look. They can't get out? What? Anyway, when I was in third grade... Mary Jo, I don't know how to tell you this, but there's thirteen minutes left in this. Oh, God. I appreciate the update. Do come in. Louise. I thought Duncan... And I'm oddly hooked. I thought Duncan wanted to see me. Duncan. Duncan is dead. He died eight months ago. Didn't you see the scene? That was when the tone of his letters became different, wasn't it? I'm flattered they made such an impression on you. But Jennifer said he... Jennifer, dear, vulnerable child, said what she was told to say. See, this is why I don't like to talk to people at bed and breakfast, because you get into messes like this. Get roped into their drama. You have to keep arm's length, people. If you take anything away from this movie. It's quite locked. We've come a long way from peignoirs to sleeping in sweatpants and t-shirts. Are we surprised? No. Is there anything to hold on to? Faith. Did he say faith? Yeah. Okay. We're screwed. Jennifer has unusual abilities. You might call them spiritual. Call them what you will. I intend to use them. I won't let you. Jennifer won't let you. Oh, I think she will. Such a sweet child, basically. And to think of her suddenly alone in the world. Of course, you've made the usual provisions for her worldly needs. The other people in the house, they'll wonder where I am. And they shall know that a charming actress whose mind had been going rapidly chose to do away with herself. Now, sign this, and I'll promise to take good care of your daughter. As good care as her very own mother. Only more stable. So much more stable. No! And more fun. No way. Should we boink? Nothing else to do. Okay. Let's try it. I'm willing to try anything. Boinking? All right, then. Now relax. Turn your eyes to the door. Can he teleport somewhere? Hatband monkey. I suppose baffled is a better title than bored. Thank you. Very nice. Should we call it bored? How about baffled? I see a lock. Good. Can you see a bolt, too? Yeah, there's a bolt. And it's bolted. Now, think only of that bolt. Concentrate on the bolt. Okay. I'm concentrating. What was I doing again? Open sesame. Now, what was that for? So they're trying to insert a little cheekiness in there. Yeah. A little bit of his sense of humor. It's very nice. Thank you very much. Let's get out of here. Not wondering what they're doing there. Ugh. yeah suck it Jennifer where's your mother just a little bit dead must be taken from it as the sign of Marcus the wolf must reach out like this wonder woman He's going to do the Polka neck pinch. Come on, Spock. You know what to do. Does Leonard Nimoy have hairy knuckles? Did you see hair on his knuckles? Yeah. It's always a curious thing. uh what's going on here yeah anyone anything anybody oh does that mean the power is gone all they had to do is break it for the power to be dissipated that's the end of that chapter Oh, she's turning old? Oh, the movie's pouring women being so upset about aging. No, not Vera Miles! Cat fight! I'm going to get right. Is he going to punch her off the ledge there? Oh, my. Okay, watch carefully for a skunk person. A guy with an old baby wig on. Totally, and beat the arms. I'm a little healthier. Why don't you throw in? You just stand there and scream when you're supposed to. Look on curiously. Oh. Oh, yeah. Wait. Oh. What? It's the dad. Yeah. What? Parrish. It's a Mission Impossible type ending. Totally. Do you think it was always him? Or did they just do a slight of... Do you see what I'm asking? Yeah. Like, was he always dressed as him? Yeah. Yeah. Because you had me going. That's quite the twist there. Oh. Oh. Oh no! Not again! Yep, of course, of course! Woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop woop woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop woop Woop woop woop Woop woop woop Woop woop woop Woop woop woop Woop woop woop Woop woop woop Woop woop woop Woop woop woop Woop woop woop Woop We shall never speak of this again. I always wonder that in these types of scenarios, like, so what did they tell the cops? No, right. And they just take their word, right? Might be driving in a race near a night of trauma. And then the next morning, like, well, I suppose they do those things. Oh, yeah, there's the cops. I'm giving it two stops. She's done mopping the place. Thank you. I guess it's pretty easy to just moonlight as an old lady in a wheelchair. Moonlight on all terms. You've solved that one. You're thinking something. Maybe we could do the same thing week after week. Yes, right. And I could almost kiss you week after week. To use her gift. All right, if you like to believe that. I do. Sweet. I rented it. She didn't smell like it. Thank you, Laura Redman. Very funny. I'm going to miss you. There's something Shelley longing about her. Yeah. Remember that kiss we almost had? Brain check? Uh oh. he got away how oh my god but okay what michelle set up for the next we're leaving for paris harris someone's in trouble I don't know who yet you will find out tom kovac we will hopkins miss brent's bags please and there it is the next installment you will come of course get in oh just one favor about my name would you please make up your mind if you're gonna call me tom or kovac not both together you make me feel like a telephone listener but they both have How about I call you Baffled? I told you! I shall call you Baffled! Baffled. Is this sort of their, um, flirting repartee? Is this sexual tension? Is this British sexual tension? I'm glad the theater doorman got a shout-out. He was great. Baffled. Baffled. Baffled. Yay, wow, okay. Baffled. It went a little longer tonight. Yeah. Oh my goodness. Hopefully our folks are hanging on for... We still got four hundred and twenty three people watching right now. Let's do the... We can do the candy. Let's do the candy giveaway. All right. Let's get right into it. I hope you... Let's go out to the mailbox. Let's go out to the mailbox. Let's go out to the mailbox for treats from Mary Jo. Hashtag movie joke candy. All right, let me get my screen up here. If you're watching this live, enter hashtag MovieJoeCandy, and you'll be running for some movie theater candy from Mary Jo Biel. Mm-hmm. And if you win, we would love an unboxing video. We have some new unboxing videos we'll be playing next week. Oh, good. Okay. We're an all-new Marriage Appeal Show. Just a reminder, you have one week from today, Tuesday, March, March, March, March, March, March, March, March, March, March, We'll have some more info about that. And some special guests. Some special guests. It's going to be fun. Special guests, yes. I can't wait. And this Friday, all new Chit Chat and Tidbits, only in the Marriage Appeal Show Clubhouse. If you're not yet a member of the Marriage Appeal Show Clubhouse, you could sign up right now, totally for free. Join us, won't you? Free for your first month. Head to dumb-industries.com slash clubhouse. And yeah, we got more shows coming up in April. Mary Jo, you've got your show with Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy in Minneapolis coming up pretty soon. May fifteen. And on next week on the show, Mary Jo Peel show proper. I'll talk a little bit about anybody who's coming into town for that show and what we're going to do the following day and how we're going to organize that. A couple of folks are coming. So. Awesome. We'll get that organized. You'll have more information. May fifteen Parkway Theater. Go on their website, Parkway Theater, Minneapolis, for more info and bios of all the people joining us. It's going to be a gasp. I'm so glad you got um uh ben katzner on there someone I knew from the new york city stand-up world he's so funny that's so cool he did my garage I know I know you told me that this is so so cool um okay I'm gonna hit draw okay let's see who's it gonna be And the winner is, oh, Matt Zula. Okay. Matt Zula's got an old chicken in his avatar. I love that. Excellent. Matt Zula, shoot me an email, chris at dumdashindustries.com with your shipping address, and we will get that sent right out to you. And congratulations. We'll figure out what candy you like. Yeah, let us know when you email us. You know, you got your Junior Mints, your Dots, your Hot Tamales, Swedish Fish. other stuff that I can't remember. Cause it kind of changes. Like I stock up whenever I find stuff at Menards. Yeah. So, um, okay. And yeah, once again, one week from today and all new episode of the marriage appeal show, be there, be there, be there, be there. And, uh, thanks to our associate producer, Matt riser, getting everything ready for tonight. We love you. And, uh, and, We will see you guys real soon. Thanks for hanging out. Goodbye. Oh, we can raid another channel. Okay. I see Rift Tracks is live. I always like writing them. Yeah. Let's go raid Rift Tracks over there. And we will see you guys. Say hi to Rift Tracks for me. Okay. See you guys. Thanks for being here. Bye. Fare thee well.