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Super Dumb Bros. Play Back to the Future
Matt & Chris hang out to play the series of Back To The Future games for NES, including Back to the Future and Back to the Future II & III, games that barely resemble anything actually related to the films, and then play an epic game of RiffTrax: The Game with viewers!
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Or send check or money order to the address on your screen. Sorry, no CODs. Credit card users call now, one-eight-hundred-eight-six-two-one-thousand. He had the moves. The punches. The Fighter. But there was one thing he would never have. A way out. Virtual Boy presents more challenges inside the third dimension. Mario Tennis, Tower of Buster, Little Arm, Galactic Pinball. Virtual Boy, a three-D game for a three-D world. Wanna play? Once again, folks, item J, three-forty-three, is the surfing monkey coin bank. It's great for graduations, wedding gifts, and I believe we sold out on this one last time, so please do not let this one pass you by. Now, let's go to caller Scott in Nashville. Now, Scott, I understand you just bought fifteen of our surfing monkey banks. Is that true? Yeah. Chill, man. I'm on TV. Oh yeah, you can find them at the market. We're talking about Flea Market Montgomery. It's just like, it's just like a mini mall. Oh yeah, come shop with us. I said Flea Market Montgomery. It's just like, it's just like a mini mall. Hey, hey, you heard me. Come shop. Living rooms, bedrooms, dinettes. We got it. Hey, hey, you heard me, come shop, I said flea market, Montgomery, it's just like, it's just like a mini mall. Hey, hey, living rooms, bedrooms, dinettes, oh yeah, you can find them at the market, we talking about flea market, Montgomery, it's just like, it's just like a mini mall. Hey, hey, don't stop, let's make it a dance, come on now, to the left, to the right, to the Let's do this dance. Hey, to the left, to the right. Let's make this a dance. Flea Market Montgomery. It keeps you jumping. It's just like, it's just like a mini mall. Take it out now, everybody. Like this now. Hey, hey. Flea Market Montgomery. It's just like, it's just like a mini mall. Don't stop. It's just like it's just like it's just like Is the influence a threat to me and my family? What are the symptoms? How to avoid it? If I get sick, what should I do to avoid infecting others? The answer to all these questions and more is with Doctor Amigo. Visit us and let us know how together we can stop this epidemic. What's the matter? I'm pregnant. Never kissed me like that before. Wow. I got a lot of catching up to do. I never missed you so much before. You should stay away more often. Like now. Where's Dan? I've been saving up some tongue for him, too. Oh, you know Dan. Playboy at heart. One week in the mountains, and he has to go to Las Vegas to recuperate. Rip Taylor's playing there. What's the matter, Steve? nothing's a matter but are you different I don't know what you mean different I'm still the same old lovable character I always was just not in this movie anxiety man oh geez why did I marry shirley temple excuse me he was married to shirley temple folks are you fact checking me yes Oh won't you come and join us? Oh won't you come and join us? That was weird. I'll tell the world. Go ahead. That was weird. Weird. Weird. Weird. The video you are watching is an interactive training video. As you are presented with the information in this video, questions will be asked to help you understand important points. When a question is asked, quickly select the answer you think is correct. After a three-second pause, we'll give you the right answer. Okay, we get to take this with us. To see how many questions you can answer correctly. Wait, can we start over? Pay attention to the video from this point on, since you never know when a question will be asked. Now proceed with the subject matter of this video. Cover-up specialists are very important people. They need to know hundreds of detailed procedures on how to clean. Do you think anyone's doing more than one wife? I wonder. Some people might. It amazes me when we get at the end of class, I'll see people's paintings and how much extra things that they've put into their painting that, you know, they get all these extra, like, did you start yesterday? Or, you know, it's... I don't know how they do it so... We do sometimes get paintings in advance if a student knows they can't make it but they want us to show their work. Oh, okay. We've had that happen a couple times. Ah, okay. I just love the wrestling theme. on the sand and uh and I still have memories of that of them like that I'm getting sand in their eyes and stuff but that was just too much going on in the painting to get it done in this amount anyway I don't want you going up there. Strange people upset her. Just leave her be. Why hasn't he fired her at this point? For real? How's mother? Oh, she's fine. She died a little bit. You said it would be all right. Yeah, it makes her happy. What about you? What makes you happy? Jeez. She's bugging me. Yeah, she's really all right. Just work. It's enough. Is it? It's enough. Jeffrey! Is that you? Chris, that's going to be me when I move in with you and Jennifer. Chris! Did you enjoy your dinner? Yes. Dan! Dan! Did you? Dan, I need some coffee. I need something. Better than I ever was. Dan! Mother, you were never a cook. Another CEO. A dozen future polo shirts to the rescue. That's a crock. I have to say, this plot is all over the place. Take that, Moses. Do you know any other songs? Classic cloud-based cartoon violence. Okay, cartoon, please stay out of my spank bank. So the old man gave birth to a smaller old man? That's right, kids. They've been fucking. Okay. Hello. Hello. Were you just rising from the floor there? I was trying to rise dramatically from the floor like I'm a Dracula or something, and it didn't work. And I think I gave myself a charley horse in my neck in the process. Matt, what did we say about you doing exercises without consulting your doctor or me? doing strenuous activity without warming up first I should have known I should have did some some neck rolls before trying to become a dracula you gotta you gotta penguins wants to know if matt lost heat in his building I don't think so I think you're just uh no I just I just like wearing wearing my coats it's uh you wear your coats indoors but ten minute walk to mcdonald's I wore a coat when I, look, we're not going to go through this again, are we? The people want to know. People have questions. I did wear sweatshirts when I was, I just, I just was lazy and I didn't feel like putting on shoes. I just slid shoes on. I do try to take care of my physical health. Are you wearing shoes right now? I'm not wearing shoes right now. Are you barefoot? I am barefoot, yes. Oh, on my on my hardwood floors that all slope in a way to where like I have to keep pushing my chair back up like I'm like I'm Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers movies. It's disturbing. Some disturbing stuff we're finding out here. Welcome, everyone. Sure. Hey, everybody. My name is Chris Gersbeck here with Matt Reiser. Yep, that's me. And we do this stream every Monday where we just play retro video games and chat with you guys. Most of it's just chatting with you guys, but we try to play, we try to incorporate a game somehow. Yeah, throughout it feels a little more thematic than just having another stream where we just come on and have no plans and just talk with people. So it's there's something going on, you know? but uh yeah tonight we're gonna be playing uh I don't know and uh yeah and speaking of my coat I don't know I felt it it did you just say we're gonna be playing I don't know is that what you just said well no I I have adhd and I was in the middle of like five different thoughts at once oh okay I was saying this this outfit felt like it was more thematically uh correct for tonight because this feels very sort of like future sort of like cyber punky maybe a little bit yeah uh and uh we're playing the back to the future games so it's uh uh Oh yeah, and you got the Back to the Future glasses at the Pizza Hut. Yeah, exactly. bring that up anytime I can because I had a pair of those they were really fun I don't know what it had to do with the movie but they gave kids these glasses and they were you know kind of futuristic looking I always think of like macho man randy savage when I think of these types of glasses in general but yeah these are very kind of back to the future sort of future version uh so yeah so we're gonna be playing uh primarily I guess we're gonna be playing the nes back to the future game chris is gonna play that and then I'm gonna take over and attempt to play Back to the Future II and III, the game, which was also for the NES. They crammed both movies into one game and didn't really achieve either. These movies are coming out six months apart. Just give us one game. It's fine. We need it out by Christmas. That Christmas was weird because a lot of people thought that the hovercraft was real, and it wasn't. The hoverboard. Yeah. There were rumors that that was a real thing. And pre-internet, you couldn't just look it up and be like, is this real or is this a joke? There were just rumors like, yeah, it was real. Yeah, they made him for the movie. Nobody had ever heard of special effects before that time. It was odd. I think it was like a marketing ploy, like just to get kids to shop for a toy that didn't exist. See, I would have been more convinced that like those shoes from the movie were a real thing than the hoverboard, the shoes that you put on and they laced up themselves. I always thought those were really cool. And those are a real thing now. They are. Yeah. But but much less impressive than that movie made them out to be. Definitely. I also just want to say this up top. If you would like to watch tonight's program without Twitch ads, without those pesky Twitch ads, you can do so over at slash superdumbbros. Um... and uh that's the super dumb brothers super club if you're kicking two bucks a month you get access to the whole back catalog which we've been doing the show for almost a year so there's some fifty close to fifty episodes up there and we've done bonus have we not missed in a single week in the entire year for this stream missed a couple I want to say like one or two like pretty early on but for the most part yeah we're here every single monday yeah That is wild. That is wacky, wild stuff. But yeah, we're going to be chatting, and of course, as always, we're going to be doing our live shoutouts, so scan the code and chip in any dollar amount, and we will do one of our patented bad impressions or sing you a little song. We've also been fielding questions lately, if you have a sensitive question for us that you would like to see answered on air. A question about Matt's toes. Those are welcome, too. Anything you want to ask? A question about just my lifestyle in general. I feel like the way I live life is becoming more and more... I feel like we need to call this segment something like Mind of Riser or something. Trying to get into the reasoning behind the weird things you do. yeah matt's mind like uh like herman's head you have like matt's mind and that's a or the mind of the mind of matt sia like mind of mencia but that show that was on comedy central remember carlos mencia how could I forget um the one good thing joe rogan ever did was getting rid of carlos mencia yeah I prefer carlos mencia now at this point Well, yeah, all he ever did was just steal jokes. He didn't, you know... Okay, so people have been commenting since the revelation on Thursday that you walked in. Twenty-three degree weather. It was probably even colder. It was twenty-three degrees when we were taping the episode, but... It was, I mean, it was eleven in the afternoon. It wasn't, you know, the sun was out and everything. Okay, so... let's say, twenty-five degrees, probably. Ten minutes there, ten minutes back in flip-flops. But a buffer where you're indoors for a brief period of time, yeah. Yeah, but how long before you were outside before you were just like, ouch, this hurts. I mean, I got about, like, I did realize halfway through my walk that I had made a critical error, but I just, you know, stuck with it because I was halfway there and Yeah, and look at this. Other people were saying they're worried about you getting frostbite. But see, that doesn't, like, because, like, your hands, like, it's, you know, I wasn't wearing gloves and nobody's ever, like, you know. Yeah, but you have pockets you could put your hands in. You know, like, it's... It's kind of like innate. You probably don't even think about it. You put your hands into your pockets. I love that we've gotten a good thirty five minutes of content out of this one story. This is I think we've only scratched the surface of this story. I do a lot of weird stuff. I'm definitely I am a mentally ill gentleman, you know, from both the north and the south kind of sort of. So I have a lot of. Yeah. Speaking of the North, yeah, I didn't go over this the other day. I did spend a lot of my early life in Michigan, so I think I have a skewed view of what is and isn't cold, because when I was a child, if the windchill was above zero, this is completely true, if the windchill was above zero, they would make us go outside for recess. And I remember being like nine years old and like begging teachers, like, can't we just stay inside and do homework? No, you have to go outside. I'm just assuming that you still like on these days would wear like a T-shirt and shorts or something, right? No, I was on a zero degree day. No, you got like the ski bib on. You got like I had my my my starter jacket on. This was the era when starter jackets were a big thing. The Charlotte Hornets jacket. It was a Michigan State one, but I did have a Charlotte Hornets jacket of some... It was like a windbreaker jacket, but it wasn't one of the official starter ones. Windbreakers are another thing that I have a weird relationship with. I hate the sound of those windbreaker pants from the nineties. I've never been... I have never been so happy for a fashion to go out of style and I hope they never come back into Vogue because that sound drives me insane. Yeah, the sound is very irritating. Zip, zip, zip, zip. Yeah. Like people walking down the hallway. Just thinking about fabric like slapping into itself and it's just, ugh. I have a lot of sensory icks. Yeah, we can get into more of my brain if anybody has sensory questions for me. But, you know, you were perfectly fine walking into a dining establishment in flip-flops with your frozen toes. You say dining establishment. I don't know if McDonald's really counts as a fine dining establishment. That's a fair point. Again, I think I've seen somebody have like an overdose at McDonald's before. I saw that this morning. um so anyway back to the future we mentioned uh donations earlier if you head to dumb dash slash donate we will give you a shout out in the form of one of our patented terrible impressions and we already have a few here so let's uh let's do some shout outs real quick before we start playing it also gave me time to figure out why my xbox controller decided it wasn't going to pair with my computer anymore even though it worked earlier today sounds good uh okay first one here says uh well this is from morbo first of all thank you morbo morbo thank you bud watching live with us tonight um morbo says in the spirit of the evening power of love you can pick the singer Oh, well, you know what one I'm going to pick? Well, first of all, let me go ahead and make sure I have all the lyrics to this down. I'm pretty sure I do. But, you know, when I'm put on the spot, I you never know. You never you never know. But but yes, this is. This is Gollum doing Power of Love by Huey Lewis. So do do do do do do do do do do do. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, More than a feeling, that's the power of love Don't need money, don't need fame Don't need no credit card to ride this train It's strong and it's sudden, and it's cruel sometimes But it might just save your life That's the power of habitus That's the power of mobile Thanks. That was awesome. Thank you, Morbo. Forklift Killer says the Back to the Future soundtrack was the first record I ever bought. Oh, it's the soundtrack to back the first Back to the Future. What all was even on that soundtrack? I think it was just a Huey Lewis album, basically, wasn't it? Well, there was the Huey Lewis song. Because there was Back in Time, and then there was Power of Love. Power of Love, Back in Time, but then they had all the songs that Marvin Barry... Oh, okay. It was like Earth Angel. Earth Angels on there. It's a great soundtrack. Not as good as the Back to the Future III soundtrack with that add contributions from ZZ Top. Oh, yeah. ZZ Top shows up. ZZ Top, as I call them. In the movie as well. All right. We got a couple more donations here. Let's see. Next one comes. Oh, this is what would Mitchell do? Oh, Mitchell. Thank you. And it's what would Mitchell do his birthday? Can you believe it? Oh, happy birthday. Happy birthday. How do we do the... I forget how to do the... Oh, no, it's not that. It's the balloons. How do you get the balloons? Is it two thumbs up? It's something like that. Oh. Whoa, you got fireworks. All right. Well, happy birthday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday. What would Mitchell do? Happy birthday to you. Woo-hoo! Happy birthday, What Would Mitchell Do? And also, What Would Mitchell Do says, spending my birthday with my mom in the hospital. Oh, I'm sorry. Well, I hope your mom's okay. But instead of cake, could I get Doc and Marty going back in time to warn Chris and Matt about COVID? P.S. I'll also accept one of those hot new Super Dumb Brothers shirts. Love, what would Mitchell do? Okay, wait. I like how you read that like it was a Casey Kasem letter. Dear Casey, I am Curtis. What would Mitchell do? If you would play Air Supplies Lost in Love, I'd really appreciate that. Yeah, so who's going to be who? Okay, I'll be Doc. You'll be Marty. And then how are we going to talk to ourselves? This might get confusing, but okay. Well, give it a shot. Screw it. Oh my gosh, Doc. Like, what's happening? Marty, I think we went back in time. Or forward in time. I'm not really sure. It's the year twenty twenty. What could possibly be happening right now? Oh, geez, Doc. I'm in the store. There's no toilet paper. And everybody's listening to the guy from Fear Factor about medical advice. What are we going to do? Marty, grab a newspaper. We have to do something important. What does it say on the front page there? It says... Oh, geez, Doc. It says that there's a Chinese virus that's making everybody sick and you have to wear a mask and you can't get near anybody. Oh, geez. Great Scott! Marty, you know what needs to be done. What's that, Doc? We have to warn the people, but we can't do it because then we'll break the space-time continuum. We have to warn someone else. Maybe some people who are just walking down the street right now. Hey, how about these two fellas? Excuse me, sirs! Who are you? Yeah, what's going on here? You have to do something important! There's a virus, you gotta tell everybody! Well, I mean, we have a livestream, we've got a couple viewers, I guess we could... That'll work! That'll work! Just warn everyone! Don't listen to Joe Rogan! It all makes sense. I wasn't planning on it, but okay... Yeah, we have maybe like a solid sixty people that show up. We can let them know. Excellent. Oh jeez, if you could do that, that'd be great. You seem like you're the utmost authorities in broadcasting in this era. Great Scott! Marty! We left the DeLorean unlocked. Oh jeez, get back to the car, Doc! There's no telling what could happen! Who the fuck were those guys? That was a full sketch right there. I hope that was sufficient. That's becoming my new sign-off for all of these. I hope that was okay. It's really hard playing yourself talking to yourself. Yeah, I need to work on a Michael J. Fox impression. That was pretty good. I was kind of just doing like my shaggy from Scooby-Doo, but a little milder and then just sort of putting my hands on my head a lot. Um, okay. We got a couple more here, but I'm really, I'm having trouble connecting my controller. So I don't know, maybe we should start with back to the future too, because unless you want to play the first one, I'll try to get the second. I've already got two and three pulled up over here, but, uh, why don't we just go straight to those? And then if I can get my controller to work. Okay, let me get my screen sharing going. Yeah, y'all are about to watch me suck so hard at this. Also, we discussed this earlier, Matt, but... Last week we did, it was really fun, we played Mario Kart, but only with blue shells. All hell broke loose. It was pretty great. So we were thinking maybe we could do that again tonight, or we could play a Jackbox game. We don't know what we should do. So I'm going to make a poll. What should we play as our co-op game? And I'm going to add Jackbox. It could be any of those. It could be that Scribblio game. It's like Pictionary. Rift Tracks game. Yeah, you could do Rift Tracks. Rift Track. That's the game where you are quizzed on a variety of different crackers and you have to... It's a hot new game. It's a hot new game. And Mario Kart. Blue shells only. And I'm going to drop this into chat. So yeah, so while we're playing, y'all can vote on that, and then we will tally the results, and that's what we'll do tonight. Boom. There's the poll, everyone. Let's take a look. I'm going to pin this. Yeah, while you're doing that, I'm going to take another sip of my Smirnoff Ice screwdriver I picked up from the deli before the show. They still make Smirnoff Ice? That they do. I haven't drank alcohol in so long. I just assumed it became a thing of the past. Nope, they still make it. It's not like Four Loko where they just gave up on it. Alright, back to the future. Because it was killing people. Okay, does that sound okay? Do I need to adjust the volume anymore? Maybe turn it down just a smidge. Okay, how about this? That's good. I feel like I'm like a guy at a pasta place doing the cheese, like, say when. I think that that was back in time. Oh, that was playing at the beginning of that? I'm pretty sure. Oh, interesting. Should I reset? Yeah, reset it, because I just want to... We were saying that Huey Lewis didn't license any music for this, but we could just be wrong. Well, Huey Lewis didn't license any music for the first one, which we'll see in a little bit, but this is from the I kind of don't remember how that song really goes, so it's a... I don't know. It sounds like it's... Oh, okay. I guess that technically qualifies. Yeah, this was... And also, that technically qualifies as back in time. Yeah, this is the era, you know, like we played Michael Jackson Moonwalker where they finally had the technology to kind of make songs that sound like the one from the movie. Right. Or album or whatever. The year of the year. Oh, what a great year. That was the year I came to New York. Your archenemy Biff stole Doc's time travel car and a sports almanac. He then traveled in nineteen fifty five and gave the book to his younger self. By the end of the year, Biff, using the information in the Sports Almanac, became the most powerful and corrupt man on Earth to protect the Almanac. Biff scattered objects throughout space and time and locked them behind closed doors as a result, and the space-time continuum is falling apart. Oh my goodness. Your quest, Marty, is to travel through time and space, find and eventually return those objects to their correct locations. The Almanac will then be destroyed and the future restored. You'll also need to find a remote controller which will allow you to call the DeLorean. I don't remember all that in the movie. I got my controller working, by the way, so we can dive into the first one when you get bored with this one. And I have a feeling you're not going to beat enough of this to get into Back to the Future Part III, but... I mean, probably not. Oh, you can go right in this game. I didn't realize that earlier when I was playing. Maybe this will yield some results. I like that I'm wearing surgical scrubs in this game. That's a famous outfit Marty wore, as we all know. And there's, like, Mario turtles. Uh... Mario Turtles. Can I not go in this door? Apparently not. Why is there a platform to it, then? What is this game? Who are you, people? Yeah, and, like, what part of the movie is this even supposed to be? Like, when he's... He's at... He's in the alternate, and he's... Biff is... Is this, like, the building of Biff's casino? Oh, no. It does say Biff's in the background. But in the background? So what is he... Are these, like, bottles of malt liquor I'm picking up? I don't understand what's happening in this game. We got raiders? Did we just get raided? What's up? What's up, raiders? What's up, room raiders? Where are you raiding from? We just got raiders. Hello, raiders. Welcome. Give us a follow. We are Dumb Industries. Oh, I've missed the key. We're playing Back to the Future II and III. We're going to play Back to the Future I. In a while, we're going backwards for reasons unknown. For logistical controller related reasons. Well, this is the more impressive of the two games, I think, which is really saying something. It's charm. It's just, I don't understand. It literally has nothing to do with the movies you'll see in a moment. He's not even on a skateboard. Who are these like tiny piss jugs just walking around? It's like, like, how do you make a game with Marty McFly in it and not put him on a skateboard? Oh, here we go. Oh yeah. Hoverboard. That's it. It was the whole thing. They don't go over water. You need power. The DeLorean looks like a shoe. Where are the raiders coming from? What channel? Let's see. We got some raiders from MC Grim. Oh, very nice. Thank you so much, MC Grim. If you're still listening. What the? I cannot get on the stupid platform. just stop stop putting me here just take me to the other side change the category on twitch to back to the future part two and three there's two hundred thirty nine followers of that game so who knows who knows all right we got some more shout outs here nice sounds good oh I okay this is a good one this one comes from our good friend misty jamie thank you so misty jamie thank you uh misty jamie says colombo investigating the theft of randy macho man's favorite flip-flops oh my god so am I I'm macho man I guess yeah so you let's just say like you're in the locker room and I'm coming in you just finished a Uh, excuse me, uh, Mr., uh, Macho, uh, Mr. Man, uh... Please! My fans call me the Macho Man. You can just call me Randy Palofo if you care. Well, I really appreciate that, sir, and great fight out there. Oh, Mrs. Columbo's a huge wrestling fan. Oh, yeah! Listen, I am sorry to bother you. You're obviously very busy, but I am investigating the theft of your flip-flops for you. I know you put in a report, and I'm going to get those flip-flops back to you. I am so thankful you're here, brother. Those are my number one pair of flip-flops. I like to wear them out going to the McDonald's. I like to wear them going out to the store. The macho man doesn't always have time to put on his shoesies. And it's, uh, when you're as jacked on the roids as I am, it's, uh, sometimes you can't bend down too well, so you gotta have some flippity-floppies! They're my favorite pair. They come from the Rainbow Corporation. Oh, yeah. They're quite expensive, so if you could track them down, the Macho Man would appreciate it. I did not know that flip-flops were that near and dear to you, but it makes total sense. Flip-flops are life. Flip-flops are love. Ooh, there's an entire room full of malt liquor. Just one more thing, sir. You are aware of an invention called shoes, correct? The macho man doesn't have time for closed-toed shoes. The macho man's toesies need to be free to wiggle around and explore the space. Well, good day to you, sir. You too, Detective Columbo. Find my shoes and tell that son of a bitch Hulk Hogan I fucking hate his guts. All right. Thank you, Mr. Jamie. End scene. Thank you, Mr. Jamie. Let's see. We got another one here. I need to work on my macho man. We got another one here from Melissa M. Thank you, Melissa. No prompt here. We can just go crazy. You want to get nuts? Let's get nuts. You want to get nuts? Let's get nuts. Do you think that that was a direct reference to Prince's Let's Go Crazy song, because he says, let's get nuts. You want to get nuts? It's possible. I think it's more just that Michael Keaton probably wanted to do some real acting out of the suit with Jack Nicholson. And so they just had to come up with some stupid ass scene for him to. Hey, I love that scene. it's just so goofy. It's like, stop it. That movie's pretty Batman. But when I watched that scene, I'm like, that's not Batman. Uh, what's, what's something good we can do for, for this one. Thank you for watching. Yes. Thank you, Melissa. Uh, I could do, uh, uh, here's, uh, here's Randy Newman singing, singing the song Chattahoochee by Alan Jackson. Uh, Well, way down yonder on the Chattahoochee It gets hotter than a hoochie-coochie We made lover on the Georgia night We got a little crazy but we never got caught Down by the river on a Friday night Pyramid of cans in the pale moonlight, talking about cars and dreaming about women, looking for a plan just to live in for the minute. Way down yonder on the Chattahoochee, never knew what Melissa really meant to Randy. Wow. I think that was most of the words to Chattahoochee. I got a couple of them wrong. Well done. Thank you, Melissa. Thank you, Melissa. Matt, we have our first question of the evening. Oh. I like this. Shout out to Scribbler Johnny. Thank you so much, Scribbler. Thank you, Scribbler Johnny. Thank you, Mr. Scribbler. Scribbler Johnny asks, what was the first album you ever bought? Ooh, interesting. I'm trying to think, like, first album I bought with my own money, it might have been, like, the Wayne's World soundtrack or something. Yeah, like, well, I mean, the first albums I ever got as a kid, I think my parents got me Weird Al's Greatest Hits Vol. II, and then my dad was always trying to, like, buy me, like, Christian albums. which never took. I had a couple of the wow compilations, which were like the now that's what I call music, but for Christian music. So would you open those and just be like, oh, cool. Pretty much. Yeah, I'm like, oh, thanks. I guess I'll give this a shot. I learned a lot about Stephen Curtis Chapman from those. But the first I ever bought with my own money was in two thousand four. Sammy Hagar reunited with Van Halen for a horrible tour and they released the best of both worlds, which was a compilation album that had the best Sammy Hagar, Van Halen songs and David Lee Roth ones. So I bought that. It'd be great if it was like the best of both worlds, but it was all just David Lee Roth. It was all just the David Lee Roth ones. But what was weird was like, it's because I'm not as much of a Sammy Hagar hater as some people are. I think the first Sammy Hagar Van Halen album is quite good, but none of the songs on that album were really from that one, except for like the radio ballads. Because that's the one where like Dreams comes from and Love Walks In, which are fine, I guess. But that album has like Get Up is from that album. That's a great song. Good Enough is a great song. You could tell they started writing that when David Lee Roth was still in the band. It still has that kind of vibe to it. And then after that's when they started making like the Crystal Pepsi music and everything. There's some viewers who have like cool responses. Like our responses are kind of like run of the mill. It's either the Wayne's World soundtrack, but I bought that on cassette. I'm trying to think of the first CD I bought. Who the fuck is this guy? I can't remember. Commando Crow first was Faith No More. Oh, that's a tight one. Was it the one with Epic on it? You want it all, but you can't have it. First Violent Femmes album was Bekdu's first album. Very cool. Nice. That is a cool. That's a good thing to tell people because then you're instantly like, whoa, you must be cool. You must have a cool uncle who's like, you have to listen to this record. Were you ever into the Violent Femmes, Matt? I mean, I know that one song, but other than that... You never went through a Violent Femmes phase? Nah. Because most people do at some point in their life. I heard Blister in the Sun on the radio a lot, and like most people, when they started playing guitar, that was an easy one to figure out, so I learned that, but... Yeah. Outside of that, not so much. Nothing against them, I just never really... That's just one I never really dipped into. Ellie Mena says, the first I bought was No Doubt. That might have been a pretty early one for me, too. Tragic Kingdom. I know I had that. I just don't know when I bought it. Eric McKeddon, the first one I personally purchased was Mudhoney on LP. That's a good answer, too. which album I love mud honey I've I don't know if we've ever discussed mud honey matt we don't really ever discuss music at all we're too busy talking about all of our fairly are fairly kind of different from each other like yeah but yeah but but I mean like you know we understand the good and bad music you know type of thing yeah at the very least you're not like a fan of um I almost said Creed, but that's like too, that's like too cliche. Well, I do have to say when I was in high school, I've told the story before. I went to see Motley Crue in concert and it was very disappointing, but they were opened for by Papa Roach. And that concert kind of converted me to liking them because I'd never thought twice about Papa Roach, but they put on a surprisingly good concert. Cut my life into. like it had a lot of energy that guy he's a great showman so I did go through the the briefest of Papa Roach phases this was after they were new metal this is when they they started like flat ironing their hair and they did like that scars song tear my heart open uh so I I mean I have bought some lame albums in my time for sure uh I don't know I feel like when we talk music that really is where uh the age difference between us really becomes yeah becomes more apparent one of the first cassettes I bought was dukey yeah that was one of my first cds too oh american idiot was an early one that I bought too that's uh What was interesting with Dookie was, like, it came out on CD, but, like, there was, like, three different... What are these little guys? There were, like, three different copies you could get. One, remember, like, CDs would have the spine? One of the CDs just had a black spine, right? One of the other ones had, like, a see-through spine, and there was, like, a little design in the spine that you could see through. And then the one that I had was, like, a brown case on the other thing. Oh, brown. That's very creative. I know. But I wonder if, like, that was... Was that a special edition? Did I get, like, a first one? The special poop-colored album? Special shit album. Thanks for the question, Scribbler Johnny. We have a couple more donations here. Very nice. Lay them on me. Sock it to me. Next one comes from Spirocite. Spirocite, thank you so much. I look forward to your weekly meme if you're feeling up to it. No pressure. I have a feeling the weekly meme is going to involve your toes in some way, some fashion. Well, now you put ideas in their head. You've corrupted the purity of the art. If anyone hasn't heard the story yet, we uploaded the story Matt told on Thursday to our YouTube channel. It's sadly one of our better performing videos currently. Yes. So go to our YouTube channel. Yes, but long story short, I walked to McDonald's and flip-flops and nearly had an altercation with the security guard. But not why you might think. Not why you might think. I literally have no idea what the hell is happening here. Yeah, I wonder if... I mean, you're obviously still in Back to the Future, too. I'm, like, stuck. I can't... But anyway, did Spiroscythe have a prompter or anything? Spiroscythe. Oh, you can get those guys. It says, can you act out Huey Lewis selling encyclopedias door to door and meets Palpatine who asks for a Sith edition? What does Huey Lewis sound like when he's just a dude? I don't know. The only time I've ever heard him talk is when he goes like, you guys are just too darn loud. Yeah, I'm afraid you guys are just too darn loud. That was pretty good. It kind of sounds a little bit like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs too, but that's... Maybe I should start doing Buffalo Bill for impressions. Puts the lotion on the skin. Puts the lotion on the skin. Puts the lotion on the basket! Puts the lotion on the basket. That's a good precious. Ding dong. Yes, hello. Who is at my door? I have no solicitation signs all over the place. This better be good. Oh, I'm sorry, sir. My name's Huey Lewis, and I've been ordered by the court to go door-to-door to sell encyclopedias, and I was wondering if perhaps you would like one of my encyclopedias. Hmm, I like the idea of a man being punished by forcing to sell encyclopedias door-to-door. That is so evil, I should have Lord Vader do that soon. I would perhaps be interested, what do these encyclopedias have inside of them? Well, like this one right here, we have, uh, A. Anything you can think of that begins with the letter A. You'll be able to look up and find out all about it. So I can learn about aardvarks? Yes. Or, uh, agriculture? Yes, agriculture is in there, yes. Or, uh, the Anasazi Indians? Native Americans, I'm sorry, I'm trying to be more woke. I'm watching my language. Yes, and, uh, sir, I, uh, don't want to pry, but you are a Sith Lord, is that correct? Yes, I am a Sith Lord. So, do these have any information in them pertaining to the Sith? Could I look up the story of Darth Plagueis the Wise in one of these? Yes, in fact, uh, we have an entire Sith edition of our encyclopedia collection. Might you be interested in that? I would perhaps be interested in that. How much does this cost? Six hundred, sixty-six dollars and sixty-six cents. Hmm, that is quite steep, but I like the... the cheap symbolism that you're using. I'm perhaps interested in that. Triclops' college does not start back for another semester or two, so I have some extra scratch around. Do you have a payment plan, perhaps? No, but we do accept Venmo. What is your at? I will look into it. At Power of Love. Okay, let me get this together. Triclops, do you remember what my Venmo password is? I have an important purchase to make. Someone in the chat said this is becoming improv. It became improv kind of a while ago. We need to take an improv class. That would be a good company expense. We'll just go down to the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater. Does that even exist anymore? I don't know if it does. I thought that they went out of business, but then I thought that they reopened. But aren't they like a weird cult? I mean, every comedy theater is kind of a weird cult in a little way. Kind of, but I just feel like after, you know... Attempting a career in show business the past ten years it I would hate to like Sign up for improv one-on-one, although Could be beneficial. I don't know what I'm talking about. Yeah Well, I think it's it's only like really cultish if you're planning to go through the whole program If you if you just did like a class to just learn some some skills, I don't think that they would Oh God, but then but then the thought of having to interact with improv people is harrowing Aaron M. says, the Huey Lewis concert at Universal Studios during Mardi Gras were some of the best concerts I've ever been to. I believe it. Huey Lewis, I'm sure, puts on a good... He's a showman. I bet you those shows are tight as hell. The eighties was a great time to be just like a middle-aged white guy who wanted to make soul music. Huey Lewis, Hall & Oates. Yeah. And others? Mainly those two, I guess. Mainly those two. Those three, really. Or Robert Palmer, that's another one. Oh, yeah. His cover of Mercy, Mercy Me is one of the most obnoxious things ever. My dad loves that song. He played it like three times in a row on a car trip, and my mom at a certain point was like, fucking turn that off. Uh, Danny says you two literally do more improvising every night than most improvisers do in a month. Is that true? Well, I don't know. We're not very good at yes-anding, really. I've never been involved in improv. I went to, like, I did, like, a sketch show once, like, nine years ago. I got my start in comedy doing Christian improv. Yikes. There's videos of this online. If I'm feeling bold one day, I will tell you what the name of our improv troupe is. And you can look up the results of that because it wasn't even like long form improv. It was like short form improv. So it was like Christian. Whose line is it anyway? There was an improv troupe at my college and I was still trying to do like music back then. Like I was in high school, I played guitar and was in like, you know, several crappy punk bands that played like, you know, one party and then promptly broke up. Mm hmm. And then one day my neighbor at the time in college across the hall from me in my dorm was like, hey, there's like an improv troupe that they're putting together. And I was like, well, I'm not going to get this, but you know, it's something to do tonight. I'll go and hang out at this audition and just like fart around. And then they liked me so much that I made the team. And, uh, and then my senior year of college, I led the team and I made it not a Christian improv troop anymore. I mean, I guess, I guess it technically was by just by virtue of, you know, it was a Christian university. It happened at, well, it was, it was created the first year I was on it. So it was, you know, only like three years old by the time you have to release like a press statement, say, um, That we're no longer affiliated with Jesus. Christian improv troupe breaks up with Jesus. No, we just started making more of our comedy, just more and more general. And that made us more popular, though. That's part of why I decided to start pursuing comedy, because doing that really inflated my ego. Because I'm like, wow, a lot of people are showing up for this. And in hindsight, I just realized that it was the only activity on campus that didn't directly involve Jesus in some way. So it was just... People were just desperate for things to do. And then I tried to do comedy out on my own and was humbled very quickly. Oh, yeah. Stand-up is... It's not easy. I don't want to say... It takes a very disturbed person to excel at that between just, like, the amount of just hustle you have to have to make it happen and then, like... there's that but it's uh even when you're an amazing comic you still have bad nights and you know it's not like I've ever really like ever killed or anything but bombing is like literally the worst feeling in the world you know yeah it's it's pretty sticks with you for days it's real and when you do it all the time you start getting to a point where it's like yeah like your self-worth just becomes like how well you did on your last set and it doesn't matter how many good ones you had in a row and then you have like a bad one and you're just like failure and it's like And then if you take like, you know, a week off from doing an open mic, you just feel like you've like quit it forever. And it's like, it was just... It's, uh, I would love to start doing comedy again. It's just like a, like a fun on the side thing to do. But when I was like seriously trying to pursue it, I was just like, it was not enjoyable. I was just like spending all my time on trains and like doing, you know, like the eleven thirty Mike at Creek in the cave and then like waking up exhausted to go to my day job. And it was. Yes. Yeah. I don't even remember. I don't think I've ever seen you do just like stand up, not as Ichabod. Not as Brother Ichabod. It wasn't very good. it was uh yeah like I I mean you all have seen me talk it's uh oh wow penguins says everyone bombs at some point I saw daryl hammond bomb at the comedy cellar and he started going off on you I'm not doing great at this do you want to switch over to the other one let's do it Let's do it. Back to the Future II, everybody. I'm sorry that I could not figure out what the hell was happening in this. It's a very confusing game. I really should have looked up a walkthrough on it before we went live. But yeah, sometimes you see really good people bomb. I don't know. I've seen Dave bomb before, I think. I've seen Dave bomb. I've seen... I mean, everyone, everyone bombs. I don't even want to name names because it sounds like. Well, no, it's you're naming names in a way where it's like, you know, it happens to everybody. It's not like you're trying to be like, oh, they fucking sucked. It's just, you know, it just it just happens when you do this. You know, it's a. Can you hear that? Yeah, I can hear that. I'm going to reset it just so we, you know, get the full get the full experience. Uh. Michael Richards bombed J-Pose. Yeah. Yeah, that was... I feel like if that had happened today, he'd be on Joe Rogan tomorrow, probably. You know, Michael Richards, that wasn't good, but he's owned up to it and been like, I fucked up. When that happens to most people these days, they just pivot to being a right-wing weirdo now. Exactly. At least he took a step back and He was like, yeah, I fucked up, and I'm just going to go away for a while. Yeah, and then he came back on curb, and he made fun of the whole situation. It was very funny. And then he didn't really do anything else. He stopped doing stand-up after that, though. Yeah, that's probably a good call. I mean, come on, you know how much that cast was making on Seinfeld by the time it ended? Yeah, he shouldn't have had to have done anything else after that if he was playing his money right. What was so weird, though, about Seinfeld, to kind of pivot off that a little bit, is how none of them really did... They all had problems with their follow-up shows for the longest time, like... What is the most popular Seinfeld follow-up? Veep and Curb, probably, and it took like, you know, fifteen years after, before, you know. Well, Curb is like right after Seinfeld. So, yeah. But they don't consider Larry David being a part of that. yeah well yeah as far as like the main cast goes yeah like uh yeah yeah jason alexander had like so many failed sitcoms there was like what was it bob whatever yeah he played like a motivational speaker yeah I can't even remember bob patterson I think that's what it was called uh yeah but veep veep is so good that it kind of makes up for yeah all the fat all the past you know jerry seinfeld made the b movie oh my god the b movie So what is this supposed to be? This is Back to the Future. You look like you're dressed like a member from Sha Na Na. You don't look like Marty McFly. You look like Bowser. I'm not even hitting things. I'm just falling. Like that. Why did that happen? Yeah, this is... I think you said it earlier, this feels more like the Paperboy than it does, like, a Back to the Future thing. This feels like a different game that they had already made, and then Back to the Future came out, and they tried to just slap that theme on top of it. They were like, we'll put some clocks in it, and that'll make it Back to the Future-y. But that's literally the only thing. Everything else, like, the girls on the... Yeah, none of this makes sense. Speaking of bees, there's some bees. You get chased by bees in this. You know what, Poopy? And you get beat up by village people. Yeah, you get beat up by Harvey Fierstein or whoever that's supposed to be. Yeah, this is like the My Girl video game. You're getting chased by bees. Wise Twin Sailor says Jason Alexander was married to Britney Spears for two days. Oh, yeah, that other guy named Jason Alexander. That is technically true, but it's a different Jason Alexander. Yeah. That just reminded me, though, speaking of people that were married to Britney Spears, you just reminded me of Kevin Federline and Popo Zhao, the greatest song of our generation. Popo Zhao. Can you put that in one of the pre-show reels? Is there a music video for that? I don't even know. There's a video of him playing that in the studio to MTV News. And it's so hilarious. I can track that down. He's like... He's so proud of it. He's so proud of Popo Zhao. Just imagine being the guy filming that. You're like... I don't even know what that means. Is this guy for real? Does he really want us to film this? He's still in the news every now and then because, you know, the whole free Britney thing. Yeah. I'm pretty sure he still has, like, shared custody of their kids or something. Yeah, you know he's gotta be, like, at least a little set on money. Like, you know. Dude hit the jackpot. I kinda hate this game. Yeah, this song is not anything from Back to the Future. I like the guy's just moving glass that you can run into like it's a Buster Keaton film. I don't understand why they didn't put him on a skateboard. Come on. This also just needs a guy with a big bunch of eggs in his hands that you can run into or a guy with a fruit stand. I'm trying to think of what this song reminds me of. Ah. Yeah, Beckdew says this looks like Paperboy. Yeah, this is like a weird Paperboy clone that they tried to say was Back to the Future related. But they forgot to give him a skateboard. I had Paperboy. Did you have Paperboy? I never played Paperboy. I know what it is, but... It's pretty fun. Nemesaur Kobo says, Bees, my god. Yeah, this is more of like the Wicker Man video game. Not the bees! Not the bees! This is what's so frustrating. So you beat that level. You're like, oh cool, now I've got to change the scenery. Nope. Yeah, at least the Hill Valley map does vaguely look like it does in the movie, I guess. That back lot that they also shot Gremlins on. That's all I can ever think of when I watch Gremlins. And Forrest Gump. Oh, yeah. Every time I watch Gremlins, I'm just like, this is just the town from Back to the Future, but with fake snow on it. So I wonder, did they do Back to the Future II there, too? They must have. Probably. They just featured it up a little bit. I mean, those are all Spielberg-affiliated films. So, yeah, it's Gremlins and Back to the Futures. and Forrest Gump, of course. Forrest Gump, yeah. I forget that he had something to do. No, he didn't. I was just joking. It was Robert Zemeckis. He might have produced it, though. Who knows? Zemeckis has a weirdly kind of James Cameron-esque career arc where he was doing really good stuff and then he just went all in on his weird CGI movies and then just kind of dropped off the face of the earth after that. like he thought that that like polar express uh like christmas carol technology was gonna be the next big thing and with him I think it's like he you know roger rabbit was like really oh yeah that was incredible that movie's great yeah that movie's still great I watched that again not too long ago and it's I think he made that movie and it was such like an amazing technical achievement that he was trying to break new ground and it just never really took off you know yeah well he was always trying to yeah push stuff technologically and uh yeah but then he kind of flew too close to the sun with Polar Express and then it was all just downhill from there but yeah it reminds me of James Cameron because yeah James Cameron was also pushing the envelope for a long time and doing stuff and then he just went all in on those blue people movies and now that's all he's interested in Yeah, it's, like, what's funny is, like, Jurassic Park was, like, the first big CGI movie, and Spielberg, like, those special effects don't hold up, right? Yeah, well, they did a very good job of disguising those effects with, like, the dark and the rain and stuff, because they knew the limits of the technology back then, so they didn't just, like, you know... But you would think Spielberg would have gone crazy and started just making all CGI movies after that. He really didn't. Well, have you seen Ready Player One? Well, yeah. But I mean... But yeah, you're right. It wasn't... Yeah, that was much, much later. I was joking. But yeah, after he did all those, he started going... He wanted to be a serious filmmaker when he started... yeah you know like because did he do band of brothers he did yeah he started doing stuff like that and did he do munich too am I imagining that yeah like it's warhorse who could forget warhorse the adventures of brinton tintin is that weird tintin rin tintin was a dog oh right tintin Yeah, Spielberg has an interesting kind of career trajectory. He also made The Lost World, Jurassic Park. Maybe that was his last kind of hurrah for trying to do a big blockbuster like that. And he was just like, yeah, I think I'm done after this. That is a bad movie. I was so excited for that. And then I was never excited for another Jurassic Park sequel ever again after that. It just killed my entire interest. They're never good. Every Jurassic Park sequel is the same thing. Well, yeah, every Jurassic Park movie, I always post the same joke on Facebook and Twitter when a new Jurassic Park movie comes out. Spoilers, the dinosaurs get out in this one because it's the same movie every time. The new one, it's like the dinosaurs are filming one right now. I don't know if you knew that. Yeah, like Scarlett Johansson's in it or something. The last Jurassic World movie was more about bees than it was about dinosaurs, speaking of. Or locusts or something. There's a whole locust subplot. At least it's not the dinosaurs got out again, I guess. If I want to watch a movie about locusts, I'll put on The Exorcist II. Watch James Earl Jones turn into a leopard or something. That is the weirdest movie. All those Exorcist sequels are awful except for the third one randomly. And that's because that one basically is a different movie that they slapped the Exorcist onto. Oh, by the way, I watched Nosferatu the other night. Oh, nice. The new one? Yeah. Nice. What'd you think? I loved it. I thought Skarsgård was amazing. And nothing like what I even was expecting. He really did a cool thing with that. Yeah, I really liked it, too. I only just wish I hadn't gone to see it with my mom. Yeah, well, that's insane. I told Jen that while we were watching it. Especially when you see his pee-pee. Yeah, when you... Little pee-pee. You see Nosferatu's pee-pee. Every time you say pee-pee like that, I just think of the one, isn't there like a Talking Heads David Byrne song or something like that? Little pee-pee. Little pee-pee. I've hated that since I was a kid. Little hands, little pee-pee. Little pee-pee. But yeah, I did go unfortunately watch that with my mother and it was, we were falling asleep through the first half of it and then we felt horribly awkward for the second half of it. We have a bad track record of going seeing movies like that together. We also saw Rob Zombie's Halloween in the movie theater together, which is also another one that you don't want to. Because we love the Halloween movies, but we were not familiar with the vibe of Rob Zombie. Where it's just all just like crass hillbillies yelling at each other. It's basically like, yeah, it's like, oh, you want Michael Myers origin story? Here's your fucking Michael Myers origin story. Ha ha. I don't know. What do you think is worse, Rob Zombie or Zack Snyder, like as a director? Oh, Zack Snyder, a hundred percent. Rob Zombie's made a couple okay ones. I really, really like Devil's Rejects. That's a good movie. I haven't seen any of those. House with a Thousand Corpses is a guilty pleasure of mine. It's basically just a Texas Chainsaw Massacre ripoff. But yeah, I like those okay. Lords of Salem is alright. But yeah, those Halloweens he did were... I think those might be the only movies I've ever seen of his. Oh yeah, well that's... That's, yeah, go watch House of Thousand Corpses, and then especially watch Devil's Rejects, because it's basically, Devil's Rejects is basically, like, a road trip western starring, like, knockoff Texas Chainsaw Massacre characters, and it's, uh, Brian Posehn is in it for a little bit. Oh, weird. Uh... It's, uh, it's not bad. It's got a lot of good licensed, uh, Walton Goggins shows up in those, uh... No, Zack Snyder is awful though. Like Rob Zombie, even though he makes a lot of trash, you can tell that he's like capable of like trying to make, you know, justifications and stuff for his, for his choices. Whereas Zack Snyder, you can tell he just went like, well, that looks cool. And just, you know, so I just died and, uh, Oh, let's, let's see what the poll is at. Yeah. Are we at that point of the, I think we're at that point. Guys, we asked you what co-op game you wanted to play tonight. We've reached that time. We've reached that time. Well, for this game coming out in eighty five, it's, you know, pretty technically all right, I guess. I think that's just the copyright on the movie, though. I think the game came out in eighty nine. All right. So we asked, what should we play? Jackbox, Pictionary, Mario Kart, Riff Trax. See where everyone's at. Riff Trax. OK. By a large margin there. I'm into that. All right. I am into that. Yeah, let me go ahead and get my my dual window set up going here. It's time for riff tracks. Are you familiar with the riff tracks website, Chris? Very familiar. Very, very familiar. That's an inside joke. I just got a new email. Oh, there it is. It'd be funny if it was someone complaining because you just made a joke about something they emailed me. Yeah, that was a reference to an angry email that Chris received about the quality of our website. I get angry emails every now and then. It's very rare. Everyone watching tonight in the chat, you're all You're all good, yeah. Cool. Trust me. And email me whenever you'd like, really. But sometimes people send really mean emails to me about things that I have no control over. Like somebody was just being really mean to you about the quality of our website, and they kept going like, have you ever been on the Rift Tracks website before? Yeah. It was weird. I was like, buddy, I don't know what to tell you. So if you ever hear me go, are you familiar with the Rift Tracks website? That's what I'm referencing. Oh, wait, I got to take this off. Oh, yeah, so we can get the code up. In the meantime, you guys will look at Matt. Let me go. Let me go look through the chat here. GB and he says, I think the problem with this Halloween is that Rob Zombie loved the original so much that he couldn't look at it from a distance to see what made it work. That's fair. I actually I don't mind the origin story part of that Rob Zombie Halloween movie. If you can divorce it from being a Halloween movie. What I don't like is the second half of that, which is just the original Halloween again, but sped up because the movie's halfway over. Right. That's where it really kind of falls apart. It's got pacing issues for sure. All right, I'm putting this in the chat. Everyone get ready. Head to And his Halloween, too, is actually kind of interesting if you just remove all the Michael Myers stuff from it. Like, if the movie had just focused on Laurie and Dr. Loomis, it would have been great, because the movie's basically about how everybody just deals with the fallout from the first Halloween, and Laurie deals with it by being just incredibly traumatized, and a lot of it's just about her trauma, and then Dr. Loomis deals with it by just his ego goes to his head, like he writes a book about it, and... And it's what's his name? Malcolm McDowell plays him and he's just like a like an egotistical shithead. And then he has like this moment where he goes on a talk show with Chris Hardwick and Weird Al and he has like the Troll Two documentary moment where he realizes that he's only popular because people like laughing at him and he kind of has a meltdown. But what's bad about that one is they had to put Michael Myers in it because it's a Halloween movie and it's like this whole weird thing where he sees his mom and there's like a white horse and it's like, if somebody could just make a fan edit of that movie and remove all the Michael Myers stuff and just make it all about Laurie and Dr. Loomis dealing with the fallout from the first Halloween, it would be decent, I think. Matt, I tuned out thirty seconds ago. Anyway, let's... Thanks, bud. Let's start this game. Sorry, I was just trying to get the thing started, and then I just kept hearing you go like, Loomis, Loomis, Dr. Loomis, Dr. Loomis. Let me turn the volume up. Here, let me get my keyboard where I can access it a little better. Was that too harsh? People in the chat are saying that that was harsh. Look, people send me mean emails and then I have to take it out on Matt. You see the cycle of abuse? The cycle of abuse, yeah. Don't send me mean emails. I end up abusing Matt. This is a great movie. I think I spelled this right. You know what? I've got time. Let me just... Oh. Add it right except for one letter. Okay. We good. We good, Holmes. Speaking of the Halloween movies, Inga and I have been working our way through Twin Peaks again, which we had been doing even before David Lynch passed away, and we just got to the point where Andrew Martell comes back, and I completely forgot that he's played by the bad guy from Halloween III. And all I can think of when I look at him is like, they called it Sam. Newt Gingrich, off. not the carrot nose penis how could she not realize my nose isn't the only thing made from a carrot uh I don't know why I'm questioning jack frost can you hear me chris yeah okay just making sure The problem is that Matt needs it to cover his feet. I knew it was coming. I knew it was coming. That got my vote. Take a drink every time my feet are brought up tonight. Um, you people are obsessed with my feet. Marla then developed scarphobia, an irrational fear of scars. Time to pick the funniest riff. Uh... I mean, usually I'm easy to, uh, ego manipulate and that I'll click on anything that has my name in it, but should I? Yes. Uh, all right. Hey guys, if you didn't, I begrudgingly gets my vote. If you didn't make it into the game, you can, uh, still vote and help pick clips directly in the Twitch chat. Pretty cool technology. Quite amazing, this computer magic, to quote Spinal Tap. Hey, tomorrow's the mid to late evening show with Mary Jo Peel. Don't miss it. Tomorrow night, APM. Putting together the last final touches on my pre-show for that. Yeah. We have such an amazing show. You guys are going to love it. Yeah, of course. It had to. It had to happen. Now, if you try to force beat references into things that they don't belong, it has to be a nice organic reference. I made this a seven-round game, by the way, because... I don't know if I have two games. Are you the next top riffer? Enter your riff. All right. We still have Christmas mode turned on, I see. Oh, shit. Is that what's going on? Yeah, that's why all these are... That's okay. It's still January. I'll allow it. Is it specimens or specimen? Dude, that's just lazy. Nice. She drove me crazy. Golly Davey, I've never been eaten by lions before. Fine young specimens, Martha. They'll do. Golden Corral will pay us handsomely for this meat. Yeah, golden corral me. I like the bababooey sound effect. I have a broken sense of humor that appeals to me. Yeah, is it specimen or specimens? I feel like the grammar is wonky there. Specimens? Specimen. That's another one of those words, the more you say it, the less it sounds like a real word. Specimen. Specimen. Doctor Specimen. Doctor Specimen. I just got a news alert. Roseanne Barr wants to return to TV with offensive new show featuring a lot of swearing. No one's ever done that before. Maybe it'll be good. I don't, like, I don't know. I've talked about this before. It feels like when people try to make something offensive, it always just comes across, like, I mean, there's some people who are just naturally just offensive people, and that's one thing, but, uh... Yeah, anytime you try to be edgy, it just always comes off like you're a kid smoking in front of a no-smoking sign, you know? You're like, whoa! It's like, what? Is she gonna do her terrible rap song? Nice! Yeah, she was in that terrible music video where her and that other guy looked like characters from Spring Breakers. It's awful. And what do you want? Santa, I brought you a new song. A new song. And what do you want? Santa, I brought you a new song. A new song. It's that time again. Enter your riff now. Oh, I disappeared. Where'd I go? While there's a lull, we don't have any more donations, do we? Sick. Sick. Is that a clip from, like, a cannibal holocaust at the top corner? What is that? It's all Christmas movies and then a snuff film. Admiral Ackbar, maybe? Or is it a bear? I can't tell. It's a trap! Our guns can't repel fire of that magnitude. Maybe I should do Admiral Ackbar for our impressions. It's a trap! You'll need to take your space cruiser through the middle of the new death door. I can do Bolo from The Mighty Boosh. I've got a bad feeling about this. That almost kind of sounded like the new Nosferatu a little bit. Yeah. Oh, his is all about the rolling of the R's. The rolling of the R's and the weird breathing. I need you to bounce on it. What? I love the entire plot of that movie is Willem Dafoe just being like, you need to have sex with this Dracula man to save all of us. Willem Dafoe is great in that. He's great, yeah. Santa, I brought you a new song. A new song? It's Detachable Penis by King Nyssa. And what do you want? Santa, I brought you a new song. A new song. It's Johnny B. Good. And what do you want? Santa, I brought you a new song. A new song. Yes, it's called Closer by Nine Inch Nails. I love how we all just made basically the same joke or different weird songs. A new song. I don't know how to tell you this, but I'm stooping your mom. Stooping. Santa, I brought you a new song. A new song. It's a duet. I'll need to pleasure mouth to sing along. And what do you want? Santa, I brought you a new song. Is that Spanky from the Little Rascals? A new song. It's by a new group called Limp Bizkit. You'll love it. Time to place your vote, fellow rippers. I like the one with Closer in it. That's a good one. I was trying to think of a good song to use for this, and I think that one wins. Yeah, that new Nosferatu is pretty good. Oh, we got a couple more donations here. Oh, nice. Next one. Ryan S., who says, Michael calls Paul Stanley. Okay, we'll have to wait. We got like twelve seconds. I don't know if we can. Yeah, we'll do it the next part. Time's almost up. So I'm going to take a liberal drink to be able to pull off Paul Stanley tonight. My throat is sore. Might be a champion river in the making. Nice. So you can get just two first place votes and win the round. Apparently. Apparently. That is worse than heading off a stampede. How was I? All right. That is worse than heading off a stampede. How was I? All right. Time to bring the funny to your rift now. Let's see how this goes. Uh oh. I didn't know what to do quite for this one, so I'm getting experimental over here. experimental oh paul stanley so uh ring ring hello oh uncle my paulie I strapped here downstairs in your basement and I need to get out who is this I don't know who you are who you're calling for it's michael Are you one of- I mean, I've been with a lot of ladies, but I don't know all my children, but I'm not sure who you are. You'll have to refresh my memory. That is worse than heading off a stampede. Good one. To be continued. Gotta get this. You're fired, by the way. Hello? That is worse than heading off a stampede. How was I? All right. Yes, is this the Cocksucker residence? Okay. Ah, Serial Mom. That's pretty good. Oh, wow. Well, now that two people have made it, it seems kind of hack. Wow, the same joke was made. Two jokes were made by two people. My options are so redundant. We'll do that one. We'll do that one. And then we'll do this one. Get a good variety and spread. All right. All right, Michael, I'm coming to free you from the basement. I'm coming down to you, baby. Oh, be quick, Uncle My Polly. I'm really scared down here. Let me hop on my flying ring and I will be there. Thank you, Uncle My Polly. And scene. All right, we got another one here. Oh, we got like six seconds. Should we wait for the... Yeah, let's wait. I don't want to wait. If you don't get the cocksucker resonance reference, go watch Serial Mom. That's probably my favorite John Waters movie. It's pretty great. Bad and Desperate Living. Pussy willows, daddy. Well, if there was a Santa Claus, And he did bring you a big brother. You know what your big brother would tell you? You've seen the clip. Now enter your riff. Let's see how this does. Let's see how this one performs. Okay, next one. Oh, oh, well, okay. This is like off-brand Charlie Brown. I'm being trafficked by Santa. Well, if there was a Santa Claus, and he did bring you a big brother, you know what your big brother would tell you? In the future, do not, I repeat, do not vote for the guy from The Apprentice. Well, if there was a Santa Claus, and he did bring you a big brother, you know what your big brother would tell you? He did tell you that Nie Elftedele was an inside job while he smoked with next to a blacklight poster in his room like a loser. Well, if there was a Santa Claus, and he did bring you a big brother, you know what your big brother would tell you? We're what you get when you order a Charlie Brown Christmas from Temmel. Well, if there was a Santa Claus and he did bring you a big brother, you know what your big brother would tell you? Probably something like good grief, but that won't get us sued. Well, if there was a Santa Claus and he did bring you a big brother, you know what your big brother would tell you? Big brother will tell you. I'm reporting you to the Trump administration as a day higher. Here we go again. Time to vote. Let's do this one. Let's do this one. And this one. I picked these in no particular order. Sure. I had no favorites in this one. They were all similar in my eyes. Oh, okay. So anyways, the nation comes from Daedra. Daedra, thank you. deidre says having a rough week with an overly aggressive and angry boss would be nice to hear how brother ichabod would chew them out for being shitty okay uh here should I wait to tackle this in the next break or I feel like I'm gonna yeah a second okay but thank you deidre we will get to your request in just a moment that'll give me some time to brainstorm as well Well done. Way to go. Caffeinate a little bit. I just have a series of drinks over here. I'm in second place, debasers. Alright, this is the next to last round. He is stuck. Hey, do you think if we stick around a while, we'll find out what happened? Yeah. Okay. Take a deep breath and enter your rift. Okay, I've submitted mine already. Uh, so, Deidre yelling at Deidre's boss as Brother Echabod. Let me back up from my mic a little bit. Uh... Hey! Fuckhead! Wait, hold on. Oh, I still... Okay. Yeah, I gotta... Alright, do it now. Hey! Hey, fuckhead! You enjoy screaming at people in your office? Well, you must have a little penis! Or perhaps... Uh, a little... little nipples, whatever the female equivalent of the tiny penis is. Uh, I'm not sure if Deidre's boss is a man or a woman, so I'm covering all my bases. Uh, yelling at people who are under you will get you nothing but the worst treatment in hell, just ask Jackie Gleason. He has been made to be a lifeguard in the pool of piss down here in our water park. He just has to spend all of his time swimming in a giant pool of pee, rescuing toddlers who can't swim, and telling people not to bring their inner tubes in. It's a horrible existence. Don't do it. No yelling. Shut up. No eye contact. Oh, God. Santa just shit himself. I can smell it from here. This is the worst episode of Heho I've ever seen. Nice. Oh no, not Mr. Tampon. Let's get him unstuck. Hee-haw babies, they'll make your dreams come true. Two hee-haw riffs, very nice. It turns out he drove a cyber truck into an inch of water. He is stuck. Hey, do you think if we stick around a while, we'll find out what happened? Yeah. Maybe he'll shriek until his heart stops beating. Okay, we all had a good laugh. Now time to vote. dangerous says thank you so much guys I actually do feel better well I'm glad I'm glad to help I always feel bad when I do the ichabod impression on the stream it's not as good as when I do it for the show because I have to like warm up my voice a lot when we record it to be able to to do that well like when I do it just cold it doesn't always come out as good as it does when we do our actual recordings but uh but I'm glad I'm glad you dug it uh you know what I'm gonna vote for the other hee-haw riff because I wrote the first one I'm glad I'm not the only piece of white trash you watched a lot of hee-haw did you watch hee-haw I don't even know what what is hee-haw is that a sitcom or something it's like it's like if saturday night live was made by hicks basically it's uh there was like there was good music on it uh I think whenever I was on it I just heard the name hee-haw like yep not watching that It's not a name that appeals itself a lot. It was one of those things that came on, like, PBS a lot, like, when I was a kid. Yeah, I'm looking at it. There was twenty-five seasons. Yeah, it was on for a long time. Morbo says it sounds like we need a Hee Haw Mystery Hour. Oh my god, yeah, we should do a special Hee Haw episode of Mystery Hour. To show Chris. It was weird because it was all the worst comedy, but then Roy Clark would play guitar and he would be amazing. Wow, DeBaser's killing it this game. Bart Fargo says, I don't recall it being on PBS. I think it was syndicated. Maybe that was it. I thought it was on PBS. It seemed like it came on the same type of channel where I'd see Monty Python's Flying Circus as a kid, which I thought was also PBS. But I could be wrong. This movie. You love me, don't you? Say you love me, Santa. It's go time, mama jama. It's in your ribbon now. I gotta say uh second place tonight was more mario kart blue shells only oh god that would have been chaos Okay, let's see how that does. Santa Claus, you love me, don't you? Say you love me, Santa. And then a loving Santa carried little Timmy over the threshold for their honeymoon night. Santa Claus, you love me, don't you? Say you love me, Santa. Ho, ho, ho. I have been trying to reach you about the expiring car warranty. Nice callback. Santa Claus, you love me, don't you? Say you love me, Santa. Now that you've licked my boots clean, you can get started on the top half of me. Santa Claus, you love me, don't you? Say you love me, Santa. Do you like gladiator movies? Santa Claus, you love me, don't you? Say you love me, Santa. No, I don't. And now I'm gonna feed you to Blitzen. Good stuff. Oh, my God. First, second, third. I'm trying to think of something good to put on when we go off the air here in a little bit. Look around a little bit. We get caught up on all the donations and everything? Yeah, we're good. Okay, good. Thank you so much, everybody who donated. That's awful sweet of you. Yeah. Awful Christian of y'all. Don't forget to join the Super Dumb Bros Super Club. Totally free to join. Watch ad-free on our website. You'll get email reminders whenever we're about to do a show. And you can always watch our most recent live stream on demand. Yeah. Whole week we leave it up till a new one takes its place. Don't do don't don't don't don't don't don't don't. Well, look at this hot shot. Look at this. Oh, I think Matt, I think you just won it. What? No, I think you just took the game. And the winner is. Wow! I didn't see that coming. I don't think I had, like, a top rift the whole game. I was just... I was just slowly just, uh, practicing the fundamentals in the background. That's, uh... Well, thanks so much to everybody who voted for me. I would like to thank the Academy. You like me. You really like me. Uh... Wow. Uh, maze balls. Well, everyone, that was great. That was a fun time. I enjoyed myself quite a bit. Uh, same Z's same Z's. Thanks so much for, for hanging out with us tonight. This has been a blast. Uh, I think I've settled on what I'm going to put on dumb television after we go off since the Mary Jo Peel shows tomorrow. I thought maybe I do a little marathon of some of our, our weird clip episodes. So I've got the weird music videos episode queued up and then the weird trailers episode after that. So, uh, Do it. Do it. So if it takes me a second to update the schedule because I'm holed up in the bathroom like I tend to be after these go off the air, just let everybody else know that that's what's playing. Hold up in the bathroom? Why are you holed up in the bathroom? Because I'm taking a shit. You brought it up. I'm just curious. Is that your post-show ritual? You go into the bathroom for twenty minutes or something? Yeah, you know, it's like Frank, you know, like it's you get done for a while and you hole up in the bathroom. Wait a minute. Are you saying like you spend like an extended period of time in the bathroom, Matt? I mean, like, I have been known to bring my Nintendo Switch in with me, yeah, sometimes. My legs have fallen asleep on the toilet more than once. We have one of those toilets, like, from the late eighties where it's, like, a complete right angle. So it's, like, sometimes I have to, like, regain the ability to walk when I'm done, you know? It's your post-show shitchewel. Ah, love it. Yeah, is this another story? Let's just stream for another hour and just break down Matt's post-show rituals. Chris is now like, this is the most fascinated with my life I've ever seen you. Well, I feel like because you brought up this whole story on Thursday. I've known you for what, like nine something years? For a while, yeah. Like seven, eight years, something like that. I think until now, I never... question how I live my life yeah it's just always kind of like oh that's kind of weird but I you know really don't spend a lot of time thinking about it but now I'm going to pay attention a little bit more and you know because I don't want to like I wouldn't like just like embarrass you like I notice you no you would never do that Well, not without warning, but no, yeah, no. Yeah. It's a, yeah, no, you, you like to bust my balls. It's a, we, we have a fun back and forth. Uh, do I wear shoes in the bathroom? Uh, uh, not really unless, uh, you know, just being holed up in the bathroom is, uh, it's a, it's a nice turn of phrase. You lock the door. You have roommates, so you must lock the door, right? Yes. Yes. Though we do have one of those bathrooms where it's very small, so you can just hear everything that's happening right on the outside of the door. So it's like if anybody's in our kitchen, I'm just self-conscious about just the massive shit I'm taking while they're, you know, cooking food nine feet away from me on the other side. And that's our show, everyone. Good night, everyone. We love you. Stay tuned for Mary Jo Peel show stuff. Bye. Bye.