
Super Dumb Bros. Play Grand Theft Auto III (Part One)

Matt & Chris are back with an all-new Super Dumb Bros. as Chris plays the legendary open world game GRAND THEFT AUTO III and gets brutally murdered at least several times throughout the night. Then the two dudes play the Jackbox game Tee K.O., which predictably involves butts and 9/11. Come back next week for PART TWO of our Grand Theft Auto III run!


It isn't too early to be thinking about something spectacular for holiday eating. And cranberry crimson mold could be it. It's colorful, good, and you can make it ahead of time. We started by dissolving two packages of strawberry-flavored gelatin in a cup and a half of boiling water. And now we're adding the gelatin, gradually, to a cup of Miracle Whip salad dressing. Ah, that's where the creamy look and the teasing flavor come from. After the mixture has chilled till it's slightly thickened, fold in a ten-ounce package of cranberry relish and a cup and a half of applesauce. It's a marvelous combination of flavors, and the lively, teasing taste of Miracle Whip is perfect for it. Just before serving, unmold it, then we're going to top it off with more Miracle Whip and watercress. With holiday time coming up and lots of sandwiches and salads to be made, better get a couple of jars of uncopyable Miracle Whip from Kraft. Los Angeles, start your VCRs. Stay with more energy. All of a sudden I'm thirsty. So I go to the refrigerator. I just know how it's going to taste. And I take that awesome first long drink. And it hits me right there. I thought it was fabulous. The show was incredible. I loved it. I thought it was way much better than Power Rangers Live. Mortal Kombat, live on stage. The best family show of the season writes USA Today. See illusions, gymnastics, lasers, stumps, and more. I'm so excited. The show's great. It was great, man. The New York Times calls it an action fantasy spectacle. Prepare yourself for Mortal Kombat, live on stage. It's coming for one performance only. February, February, February. February, February. After the professor changed our powers to the motorcycle, our life became more fun. Say, Pop. The elephant came out on my motorcycle again. But you're still too young to ride a motorcycle. But I use a helmet. Wait. Tornado, come now. We need you. I thought you wouldn't call me Tornado. Wait! What a shame, Boba Fett! With only R&D R&D R&D per month, you can get your Pop Zero Km! What do you mean? Let's go to Meari! Come, you too, to Meari Malls! What do you call the new Water and Ooze Blaster Oozenator? Oh, yuck! Bruh! Ew! Disgusting! And of course... Awesome! The new Oozenator Blaster from Super Soaker. Major pumping required. Refills sold separately. When delicious peanutty cream comes together with a crunchy candy shell, what you got is Reese's Pieces, one great tasting candy. In a crazy world where things don't always fit, it's great to know there are some that do. Reese's Pieces, the winning combination. Oh, I'm leaving. This wicked itch is killing me. You've got the wicked itch. But I've got Lanocaine. Lanocaine! Lanocaine cream kills the wicked itch fast, with itch killer plus pain killer. No hydrocortisone like Cort-Aid has that. Sunburn, dry skin, poison ivy, insect bites. Lanocaine kills all your wicked itches. Lanocaine! Lanocaine does kill the wicked itch. These are the two sides of the same problem. When you drink too much alcohol, El alcohol te toma a vos. Citea. Sistema Teleeducativo Argentino. Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah. Gruanza. Amitofo. Merry Christmas from Burn Fonk Insurance! Have you ever wanted someone to take care of? Someone who needs lots of cuddling and affection? Someone you can give your love to? Well, that someone is Little Miss No-Name. She's the doll who needs more loving care than any doll you've ever had. Look, she has a tear on her cheek. Little Miss No Name is sad because she doesn't have a pretty dress. She doesn't have any shoes. She doesn't even have a name. But she does have big brown eyes. Most of all, Little Miss No Name has a heart filled with love. Give her a kiss and hold her close. Take your comb and make her hair look pretty. Little Miss No Name needs a home and all the love you can give her. You'll find Little Miss No Name standing in a snowstorm box at your toy store. Take her home with you today. Little Miss No Name. I drank a lot of water. I really have to go. People are waiting to tee off. There's no restroom out here. Has this happened to you? I've got the perfect gift. Introducing the Euro Club, the discreet sanitary solution for your urgent relief. It looks like an ordinary golf club, but contains a reservoir built into the grip to relieve yourself. The Euro Club comes with a towel and appears that you are just checking out your club. Leak proof, easy to clean, and no embarrassing moments. Order now. The Euro Club, the only club in your bag guaranteed to keep you out of the woods. At Carl's Super IGA, we're committed to making your shopping experience an enjoyable one. Our tasty service deli offers you the freshest deli meats and cheeses. Try Carl's chicken, roasted to juicy perfection. Or our delicious deli pizza, made in the store to guarantee you freshness. We care at Carl's Super IGA. Opened twenty-four hours, seven days a week. Shop Carl's Super IGA. The happy store. What is it about Smith's crinkle cut potato crisps that make them so irresistible to gobbledogs? The taste. The delicious, tantalizing, real potato taste. Smith's crinkle cut. The only chippies with real potato taste. Ask any gobbledog. Baby's so real I can tell by your face just how you feel Can I hold her? Baby's so real I can tell by your face just how you feel I think she needs her mommy Mommy knows best I love you I can tell by your face just how you feel Baby's so real Baby's so real Hello. Oh, hello, Ada. Hello, Dolly. Oh, I've been on my feet all morning. Make us a cup of PG, love. Your favourite. Oh, me back's killing me ironing my Phil's golf shirts. Still at it, is he? Yeah, he likes to play around. Or two. Here, Dolly, can you smell something burning? Yeah, it's me. I've just scored a hole in one. There's no other tea to beat PG. It's the taste. La, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la. La, la, la, la, la. That's what I like the most about it. According to legend, little folks know, Hills is where the toys are. Hills Toy Layaway. Just come to come down, a small service cart lays away toys, little and large. Hundreds of toys, express layaway too. So layaway is even easier for you. Remember, Hills Toy Layaway. One reason they're different, and why they say, Hills is where the toys are. At low prices, every day. The Lakers are looking for a big man. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday comes again. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday comes again. Just squeeze. Just squeeze, just squeeze. Please, please, please. Just squeeze, just squeeze, just squeeze. Just squeeze, just squeeze. Please, please, please. Just squeeze. New Just Squeezed. Squeezed every day for a taste as fresh as you can get. Oh, nice pear. It's orange. This has been a nice time for me. This year I have made fifty-five years teaching in this town. And for the students on this show tonight, go to the First United Methodist Church. That includes me. I'm with Frisch and I Methodist Church. Reverend Jones, Bill Jones, opened our show last time, and he's not here tonight. So John Dacre's here, Bob Spencer, Michelle Casey, and I all go to Frisch and I Methodist Church. So John is going to sing a song that's very popular nowadays, and it's Christ the Lord is Risen Today, and he's going to do a mora too, okay? My name is John Dacre. The Lord is risen today, hallelujah Sons of men and angels say, hallelujah To your voice and triumphs, hallelujah To your voice and triumphs When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a moray. It's a moray Bells will ring, ting-a-ling-ling, ting-a-ling-ling And the bell will ring, moray It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a moray It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a moray Mmm, you shine so, mmm, that you're in love, and you know that you feel so amore to me, but you see back in old Napoli, that's amore. Ho, ho, home invasion. It's the Mendez brothers. The Winklevoss twins. Santa stole the idea of Facebook from them. These two seem to know that Santa's in the living room. Look out, Santa. They'll see you. I mean, how can they miss him? They'll see him through the door. Why, of course, Santa can handle this. All he has to do is use the magic dreaming powders prepared by Mr. Merlin. Stripper glitter. And it isn't long before our two little stay-a-plates are sleeping soundly... Hey, that hurt. By the way... Meanwhile, Pitch can't escape the funny oboe music. Oh won't you come and join us? Oh won't you come and join us? That was weird. I'll tell the world. Go ahead. That was weird. Weird. Weird. Weird. Oh no, Emperor Palpatine's here to see him now. The fate of the future. Am I right? You and your rebel friends are about to... I am here to teach you the meaning of Christmas. What is this place? Your lightsaber. Why am I here? It's dark and... I think you and your friends will find solstice fully operational. Is this mine? I think... His name is Jesus Cleese. Jesus Cleese. When you guys choose the paintings, they always seem to fit. We're coming into some difficult times, I think, and I'd like to thank the... The guy in office right now just pissed off a whole lot of people. To me, I don't know, it just kind of feels a little bit empowering in a time when I don't feel like I have much control over much of anything at the moment. So I have control over this. I can do this. You know, that's... That's funny you said that, because when I was painting her the first time, I was thinking the same thing. She looked kind of queenly. Majestic, you know? I have found this, though, and this might be useful to you as you start the new year. I have found that six or seven donuts first thing in the morning really curbs my appetite. Well, until breakfast, of course. I tease. I tease donuts. But did you know that scientific studies have found that sugar as an addiction is worse than heroin. Yes, worse than heroin. So I'm going to transition to heroin and then ease off that. I tease heroin. If I were a gorilla, la la la la la I'd eat me a banana, na na na na na I'd live in a treehouse and swing on a vine But one thing is sure, I would love ya Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya And if I were a tuba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba All I'd do is hum pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa I would take a big breath and I would march in a band But one thing is sure, I would love ya Ya-ya-ya-ya, ya-ya-ya-ya what's up what's up what's up hey everybody Welcome, everyone. Hi. Hey, hey, hey. Hi. Hi, everybody. Hello. Welcome. Hello, computer. Hello. Hello. Okay, computer. Computer. Happier. Welcome everyone to Super Dumb Brothers, the retro gaming live stream from Dumb Industries. I'm Chris Gersbeck. I'm Matt. That's Matt over there. I'm Matt. Tonight, we're going to be playing some Grand Theft Auto III, which we've never done on this stream before. I'm Matt. uh yes we're gonna be playing grand theft auto three that is ai tonight just experimenting seeing maybe it might be you know cost effective way to take take a night off you know just let uh I'm just gonna be strung together from existing clips from other shows it's gonna be like uh remember when they fired the guy that played chef on south park and then they had just two episodes where they just strung together like other clips of him from other shows and that was amazing I think he was pretty upset about that too. Yeah, it was one of those things where it's like because they made fun of Scientology and then everyone thought that he got mad and quit, but then it turned out that Scientology quit the show for him or something. Right, it was something weird like that. It was something weird. Anyway. But yeah, tonight... Grand Theft Auto III, man, I played this game in college so much. It's kind of unbelievable. I wish I had a record to see how many hours I actually put into Grand Theft Auto III. I don't really remember. I never was a big Grand Theft Auto person. Growing up, we were very kind of just like Sega, Nintendo kind of people. We never really did the... I had a first-generation Xbox, which I had a handful of games for, but... after that I kind of was playing in terrible punk bands and you know and getting like setting off fireworks and like you know back alleys and weird crap like that engaging in illegal cockfighting rolling dice so I didn't have much time for video gaming so I'm very curious to watch this Ultra Deadhead asked, did I get all the hidden packages? No, I don't think I ever went around and got all the hidden packages. I've got a hidden package for you. Oh, Matt, this is a family program. No, actually, when I selected that we were playing Grand Theft Auto III, I had to add that it's a mature game on Twitch. Required. So you've got to be a certain age to watch this. We're checking IDs at the door. Yes, everyone. Make sure to have your ID or your passport ready before you watch this stream. Step through the metal detector. Before we get too far, too, I just want to say I ran out to grab some drinks before the stream like I usually do and on a chair outside my apartment. I'm reckoning they're giving this away. In New York, you just find weird shit by the side of the road sometimes and people are giving it away. I found this. What is that? Hold on, I'm going to full screen you so I can get a better look at this. It's like a weird Aztec Medusa head thing. If I die mysteriously after tonight's stream, blame it on this. It kind of looks like the mask from The Mask. It does, yeah. The one that Mystery Science Theater did, not the Jim Carrey one. Oh, I was thinking the Jim Carrey one. Oh, I guess it does look like that too. I thought you were talking about the older The Mask that... But yeah, look at how just freaky this thing is. It is pretty freaky. It's giving me like a remember on the Brady Bunch when they found that like tiki necklace and then a bunch of bad stuff started happening to all of them. I'm afraid that it's going to be a situation like that. Yes. So if I ever get to where I'm emotionally overwhelmed during tonight's show, I'm just going to put this over my face so you can't see how overwhelmed I am. I love it my sunglasses on top again matt is being portrayed by ai tonight trying this out uh yeah it works you know we'll be able to do live streams even if matt is uh on the road or in jail whatever having a medical emergency you know which is becoming more and more these days unfortunately uh no it's uh yeah I don't know don't know yeah and also yeah we're playing grand theft auto and I don't know if you can tell from uh the uh the lax tone I'm setting tonight but we're uh this is just kind of our hangout stream so we just hang out there's no real itinerary uh you know no real agenda of topics we're looking to address we're just chillaxing hanging out uh so if y'all got things you want to talk about uh type in the chat uh and we're also doing our live shout outs like we always do so uh We are, and we've already... And also, yeah, just to remind folks, I just want to remind folks, you can watch tonight's program completely ad-free. Get rid of those Twitch ads just by heading to our website, dumb-industries.com slash superdumbbros. You can kick in two bucks a month, get access to the whole back catalog, of which there is a lot of content on there. And we've already gotten a couple donations here, so... Let's do it. Thank you so much, guys. First donation here comes from Penguins. Penguins. Thank you. Thanks, bud. Penguins is a huge supporter of ours. We appreciate them. Penguins. Penguins. And also, yeah, when you send in a donation, you can put in a little note in there for us. You can ask us a question. You can write a little comment. You can... Challenge us to do one of our patented terrible impressions. Or if you leave it blank, we'll just give you something out of our own twisted minds, which is appealing to some people. Well, Penguins has a great request here. Penguins says, if Randy Newman can sing the chorus of Hot Blooded by Foreigner. I can definitely do that. I mean, the course is pretty short, so let me... Yes. I'm going to Google some lyrics just so I... Lyrics. Here are my clickety-clackety mechanical keyboard. So, yeah. Well, I'm hot-blooded, you check it and see. Randy's got a fever, a hundred and three. Come on, Penguins, you can do morning dance because I'm hot-blooded. I'm hot-blooded. Penguins don't have to read my mind to know what Randy has in mind. Penguins, you ought to know. Ba-doo, ba-doo. Thank you, Penguins. Thank you so much, Penguins. We got another one here. It's for Emmy, but it's from our good friend Mandog. Oh, thanks, Mandog. Thank you, Mandog. Is there anything that we can do? No. Mandog is a big contributor. I feel bad just to... I know, I know. Just leaving him hanging like that. Let's not leave him hanging. Is he watching? Is Mandog in the chat? Do we have a Mandog in the chat? Um... I'll leave you, since it's just anything, here's a little brief. We've been talking about Batman in the Discord. I have, against my better judgment, decided to become more active in the Discord. Against my better judgment. We were discussing Batman, so here's Randy Newman singing the Batman theme, incorporating Mandog's name. Do do do do do do do do ba do ba do ba do ba man dog. Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do man dog. Do ba do do do do do Randy do da do da do da man dog. Man dog. Thank you, man dog. Okay. Thank you, Mandog. Mandog is watching. Pink Batman. Yeah, we discussed Pink Batman. We discussed how Batman wears a variety of weird costumes in the fifties, including a pink one and a zebra stripe one. all right we got a couple more here I'm going to start the game now I've been playing this past few weeks sporadically so yeah so we're not starting straight from the beginning no I think I'm about on this I'm a little more than halfway through the story okay I think so what is the basic story I'm not a big grand theft auto person I played the one that was all about russian people who call each other cousin that was grand theft auto force I know I know that one so what's this one So now Grand Theft Auto III starts. You're a nameless character. You never even speak. You're just some guy with a leather jacket. And the game starts. You're being taken to prison, and then someone busts you out of prison. You and this guy, I believe his name is Eightball. He... I wonder what he does yeah he he's all you know he's also going to prison with you but you both escape and then he you take he takes you down to uh liberty city which is new york he's basically just new york city uh they and he gets you set up with the mafia okay italian mafia so that's like kind of how it starts so this is like scarface kind of it's like a rags to riches exactly moving up through organized crime it's basically just Scarface. Now, I've already pissed off the Italian Mafia, the Yakuza, the drug Mexican, or the Colombian drug cartel. So they're all trying to kill me now. The Shriners, the Masons, the Jehovah's Witnesses. Let me get our bed music turned off. Yeah, get that down, and I gotta get my cat off my desk. And I will be, since Chris is playing this, I will be manning the chat tonight, so... If you got something to say, you gotta say it to me. Gotta turn this up a little bit. Is that better? It's a little better, yeah. I'm trying to think of who that guy reminds me of. So there's a lot of celebrity voices in this game. I believe Ray Liotta is. He may be in the second one, the Vice City one. I know in one of them Axl Rose plays the DJ. I can't remember which one. Oh, look at that running action. That's... Just get in anybody's car. No, this is my car. Oh, yeah, that is your car. Alright. So now playing this on switch, the downside of playing it on switch, I played this on PS two back in the day. Uh, but switch doesn't have like analog, uh, triggers. Okay. And you used to be able to control the cars a lot easier by just like putting a little bit of gas on the gotcha on there, but it just like, you're either hitting the gas or yeah. And the steering isn't as fluid. Yeah, because you have to steer with the Fisher-Price toys that are the Switch controller. I'm sending one of my controllers in. Oh, nice. I need to do that with some of mine. I always just didn't have the patience, and I would just buy new Joy-Cons, so I have... It's incredibly easy. You just have to go online, start a case, and mail it in. I've got, like, five working left Joy-Cons, and then, like, one working right Joy-Con. So I gotta get one of these drug cartel bands. He runs like I do. Did you just throw Crocodile Dundee out of that? I sure did. All right, now I got to get to the airport. Morbo says, a lot of swaying back and forth during conversations. Yeah, the way that they animated those, like, old three characters, it was like they all make it look like he's alive. So he's just kind of, they're like a nineteen thirties cartoon. However, nineteen thirties cartoon is like, you know, always bouncing up and down kind of. I also like the cars just kind of bounce off each other like... like they're all made of rubber. Yeah. This is like playing Arkham City for the Switch with the Batmobile. It's about the same level of graphics and everything. Basically. That's what I've been playing a lot lately. This is actually remastered. I mean, the original graphics, well, first of all, it was in four three. So they made a widescreen and then they touched up the graphics a little bit too. Okay. It's not a huge upgrade. I was going to say, like, how improved is this over the PS two version being as it's on Switch? It's pretty upgraded. Okay. It definitely looks better than I remember it playing. Okay. Now, I think I just have to take out this yacht. Yeah, I have been playing Arkham City like a motherfucker lately. Oh, God. Oh, I failed. Damn it. You failed by just getting out of the car? They saw me. Oh. All right, let's try this again. See, like, the few times I did play these games, I never actually did the missions. I always just fucked around and just, like, you know, got in trouble. I mean, if I can't beat, you know, a mission tonight, that's pretty much what I'm going to do. We're just going to fuck around. I am cool with that. I'm just going to drive around. Now, I never played a lot of Grand Theft Auto, but I did play Simpsons Hit and Run, which is like, what if Grand Theft Auto was The Simpsons? And that's a wonderful game. Yeah, I never played that, but I've heard good things. Oh, so good. One of these days, I'm going to have to bring my GameCube up from South Carolina, where I have the GameCube, just for that. This is the other annoying thing about the Switch version is... Well, I think it's just the game in general. Something they improved in later entries is, like, if you fail a mission, you have to start all the way from, like, where you last began. So in later entries, if you fail the mission, you just go, like, right back to the beginning of the mission. I wouldn't have to do all this driving to get a new car. Like, the auto saves a little better and all that kind of stuff. Yeah. But I mean, this game was like pretty ahead of its time. Yeah. Oh, I remember when it came out because I my because like I never had like got into the PlayStation stuff. My cousin did. So I definitely played like the first two Grand Theft Auto was a fair bit. The top down ones. Oh, those were interesting. Yeah, those are kind of silly. So this I remember when it came out, it was like, oh, this is the future of gaming. Like, holy shit. Fuck you, Crocodile Dundee. Yeah, so now this is a Colombian cartel car. This is what the Colombian cartel drives. It's like a Jeep Wrangler. So the soundtrack is just all Scarface, basically. I was about to start singing this song earlier. You know. everyone's shooting at me I've pissed off everyone so if I get into any gang territory they just start firing guns at me this is basically what it feels like to be Eric Adams right now you just go around New York and just everybody hates you and they all want you dead oh I forgot to say we got a couple more shoutouts here oh okay next one comes from our good friend Morbo thank you Morbo thanks bud Morbo says, keeping in the spirit of tonight, Gollum sings, get out of my dreams, into my car. That's a good one. Oh, I could totally do that. Here, let me do that. I know the chorus to all of these, but I'm trying to... But the chorus to that one's pretty short, as I recall. So, here we go. All right, so... Get out of my dreams. Get into my car, Morbo. Get out of my dreams. Get in the backseat, Morbo. Get into my car. Yeah. Lady driver walking down the road. Who's that lady? I'll be the one shine on you. Thank you, Morbo. While you're at the screen, what's the next one? I need to open the square thing. I've got... Yeah, you really do, Matt. No, I'm just joking. I haven't shown you how to do that yet. Okay. Next one comes from Matt and Jackie B. Matt and Jackie, thank you. You guys are the best. Check out Jackie's Etsy shop. She's got some custom dumb merch on there you can only get. Yeah. Our only official third-party licensor. okay so let me just pause a second read this uh matt could gollum tell me where to find the video from the bumper where the lady is playing the piano and people are trying to sing my google foo is failing love you guys which one was that I was I was retrieving drinks during this was um a video from the bar the lady's playing the piano I don't know, because I put on the pre-show, and then I just ran and ate dinner real quick. Yeah, we've been using older pre-shows for this. Let me... Give me some more context in the chat, because it's not the lady at the piano. It wasn't the My Name is John Dacre one, was it? I'm trying to think of what we're thinking of, preciouses. Oh, it's the church one, so that's... Is it the guy singing Matsumura really badly? Or the Go Tell It On The Mountain one? Okay, yeah, so I believe people were saying this, it was the John Decker one. Okay, so if you go on YouTube, Preciouses, and type in my name is John Decker, that's D-O-K-E-R, that video will come up. So, uh, so precious is a jacket. I hope that that's helpful because yeah, he'll slings, he'll slings. That's a big pizza pile. That's some more. He doesn't remember the words. You're in love. yeah yeah that one's uh my name is john dacre that's a great I've I've known that about that video for a while back when I was still uh doing a youth group praise band which takes me back a while we used to play that video and pre-shows for that before service started so uh so that weird video predates uh my abandonment of religion so I had to eject the cat from the dumb industry studios. You're in love. I hope that I answered your question and that was sufficient for your donation. Thank you so much, Matt and Jackie. We love you. I feel like we're in Run Lola Run now with this music playing. You can change the stations. Flashback's my favorite because it's all the Scarface. Yeah. Someone needs to make a Run Lola Run video game where you're just a lady with red hair just running. That movie's amazing. I haven't seen it. That is a great movie. Yeah. You know what video game had a lot of great music I've been thinking about lately? The Tony Hawk video games. Oh, yeah. I mean, that introduced a lot of music, basically. Yeah, no, I mean, that's, like, a lot of people. Wasn't Dave Hill telling us about that, that, like... Tony Hawk never really made any money until the Tony Hawk video games came out, and then, like, that's where he made all this money. Pretty much, yeah. Like, I mean, like, I think he was doing all right, but, yeah, that's when he became, like, you know... I think he's even been on podcasts saying that he went to a meeting with the game developers and they slid him a check for the most money he's ever seen in his life across the table during that dinner. I wish something like that would happen to me. I know. Maybe someone will make a dumb industries video game based on our lives. in careers just me and my messy apartment just having anxiety attacks while trying to put together three shows you've got to put together this pre-show for tonight but you're having an anxiety attack over something weird going on with your teeth can you put off demons inside to get your work done Matt if anyone has any advice on how to beat this mission I'll take it What I also remember about the Tony Hawk video games is after they came out, everybody and their uncle who was like an extreme kind of sports person tried to make a video game and none of them were really, really owned up to it, to the Tony Hawk games. Yeah, what exactly are you doing? I'm supposed to kill this dude, but like... So the guy with the arrow over him, you gotta kill him, but you can't do that until you get out of the car, right? Or can you just run him over? Well, I can just like run him over, but when I did that last time, they blew my car up and I just died immediately. Can you not just get out and just like sneak up on him? Can you like pull a Batman and just kind of like, you know? I don't think so. So you know what, he's shooting at me, aren't you? Just ram him! Ram him! Yeah! Oh, but I can't get out of the car. That's the problem. Okay, so just run him over and then... And then keep driving. And then just keep going. Pull a... What was it? Did Halle Berry do that? Didn't she have, like, a weird hit-and-run thing? Halle Berry. I know, uh... Brandy did. Okay, we'll pull a Brandy, then. We'll just do that. Uh... Pull a Matthew Broderick. Oh, that's... Yeah, nobody really talks about that. He is... Well, he's famously clever. I imagine he's walked out of... Oh, sorry, lady. I imagine he's walked out of several interviews because they asked him about this. He's like, okay, I'm out of here. Remember that time you killed a lady? Okay. There we go. It's like that. I've talked about this before in another stream that that Norm Macdonald interview where he brings up how Tim Allen went to prison during the interview. And it's the only time I've ever seen that address the interview because Norm's like, so you've been to prison before, right? And Tim Allen's just like, thanks for bringing that up. And you got any advice for people if they go to prison? Give me your car, buddy. Oh no. Did he just call you a gringo poppy? Is he a Brendan Schaub fan? fucking raven I'm not even trying to run people over it just happens that's part of the fun of those games you just randomly run people over I like when you almost hit that lady a bit ago you then apologize to the imaginary lady on your you're like oh sorry lady I'm like you're such a nice guy chris apologizing to computer generated ladies hey what if what if ai has feelings we don't know yet All right, so my strategy here is I'm just going to run this dude over there. Is that Gaff at Kodo? Okay, I see what I can do. Okay, checking out the chat. Dan Wally says Laura Bush killed another driver. Yeah, oh yeah, I remember that. Yeah, get him, get him, ram him. Oh! I was so close. You're on the right track. Yeah. Maybe you have to just hit that one guy and then just whip around and then hit all the other people maybe, and that'll keep them from blowing you up. But they blow it up immediately. But you're trying to drive away from them, so maybe if you just whip around immediately and go at them. I love that we're strategizing how to kill a large group of people. If anybody in the chat has any strategy for how to murder a large group of people without exiting an automobile, please sound off. Why did I get a star for getting in my own car? I am curious. Mom says The Simpsons did an amazing Tim Allen prison joke. I don't remember that one. I wouldn't put it past him. Mitchell says Randy Newman hit and run. I don't know. Caitlyn Jenner did kill someone with her car. Oh, yeah. Rebecca Jayhart. Danny says, and yet Matthew Broderick's greatest crime was marrying Sarah Jessica Parker. I don't know about that. I'd say his greatest crime was being in... I don't know, that musical of the producers? I never really dug that. Inspector Gadget? Oh, Inspector Gadget. Good call. Yeah, that sucks. Oh, and the Godzilla... Oh, yeah. Oh, wait. I pipped the wrong car. You're in the mystery mission. Matt, why did you stop? Oh, that guy's dead. Good. Yeah, that American Godzilla was real bad. Inspector Gadget, that was another movie where I remember the marketing for it was everywhere, and I was so excited for it as a kid, and then it was just shit. That was like the beginning of people not getting too hyped up about summer movies anymore. Yeah. Because that one sucked. And then the next year, I think the episode one came out. Oh, yeah, all around the same time. Somewhere in my parents' house, I have McDonald's at the time. McDonald's used to have great Happy Meal toys, and they had all the body parts to Inspector Gadget that did different things. Like, you could get the leg, and it was like a water gun, and his arm was one of those extendable grabber things. And when you put them all together, it made like a Voltron of a Matthew Broderick Inspector Gadget, and I have the whole Inspector Gadget somewhere in my parents' house. I need to find that before they move away. All right, let's see. There used to be so many good Happy Meal toys. McDonald's Happy Meal toys suck now. I went with my nieces to McDonald's when I was back home, and they had Sonic and Knuckles toys, and it was like some shit you would get out of a Cracker Jack box. It's impossible. Someone has played this game a million times. Tell me how to do it. Do you want me to get on and try to find a walkthrough? Oh, someone's saying, Chris, shoot from your window on the opposite side. Oh. See, that's what I was saying. I didn't know that you could shoot inside the car. I think I've got to stop at the gun store. There's no gun hold laws in Liberty City. Oh, no. You can walk around with a rocket launcher. Oh, yeah. Wise Twin Sailor says the Looney Tunes toys had DC superhero costumes. I have the Taz with the Flash costume somewhere in my parents' house, too. That's a good call. Inga got me a while back for Christmas, or maybe it was around Halloween, I don't remember exactly, but she found on eBay all of the McDonald's gangs with the little Snap-on costumes that went with them, like the Ronald McDonald with the Snap-on Frankenstein costume, and Grimace with the Snap-on Ghost costume, and Birdie has like a pumpkin costume, and it all comes in the, and it came with the Happy Meal box from that time too, so it was, I guess that was Halloween when she got me that. Because I always think of when I think of Happy Meal Halloween toys, I think of those Nuggets with the costumes, which are great. And I also have all those in my parents' house somewhere. But the McDonald's gang with the costumes are kind of a... They're lesser known, but they're very cool. So many great Happy Meal toys. It's not cool, I guess, to market to children overly with your... with your greasy hamburgers and stuff anymore, but... Those were good times, though. Those were good times, yeah. Burger King used to be great, too. Burger King has fallen off the hardest of any of the fast food restaurants. Like, every Burger King now has, like, the vibe of, like, a rest stop gas station. It's like... I remember when I was a kid, like, I remember the Wild Wild West movie with Will Smith had, like, sunglasses you could buy from Burger King, and they were nice-ish sunglasses for coming from Burger King, and they looked like Jim West sunglasses. Good times. Especially corn. What's the story with that anyway? Gladlo, I'm deadly serious now. Uh, checking out the chat. He's got a cake knife, so those nuggets fucked. Yeah, those McDonald's nuggets were great. Someone needs to, like, make an Etsy store where they just make new clothes for those nuggets that you can just buy and then dress them up in different things. Though all the nuggets were slightly different shapes, so they didn't... The costumes weren't, like, one-to-one interchangeable, but... But yeah, I had a ghost nugget and one with a spider costume. That was pretty cool. There's a cowboy one. All sorts of nuggets. Master Torgo says, Popeyes is delicious. Actually, good food. Chicken is amazing. I like the Popeyes chicken sandwich a fair amount. I have to stop eating there, though, because there for a while, I was going through a phase where I just... You know, I'd be, like, working and doing stuff for these during the day, and I'd do the stream that I wouldn't get around, like, going out to eat till late, and then the Popeyes was the only thing that was open super late in my neighborhood, so I was just eating, like... a whole ass chicken sandwich and like a giant thing of mashed potatoes at like midnight one in the morning and then just having like the worst diarrhea of my life so I uh I haven't eaten at Popeyes in a second that's a meat problem though that's not a good problem I'm a thirty four year old man I shouldn't be shoving fried chicken into my face at twelve thirty at night and then laying down to go to sleep and then I wonder why I have all these digestive problems and I'm needing to go see a GI doctor and stuff now did you do it? I think I did it. Now what do I have to do? Necklace driving unlocked. But it doesn't say you completed the mission. Oh, no. Now dump the car. Okay. Gotta dump the car. Danny says, that's a shame. Popeyes is very pro-Sandal. Yeah, Popeyes has never given me shit. What I love about Popeyes is... And there's a lot of restaurants in this neighborhood that I just get on a jag and I go to a bunch. And some of them make you feel self-conscious that you've been there, you know, like three times in one week. And the Popeyes never does. And they're always very quick... I remember there for a while I was on a jag when I lived in sunset park where I was going to kfc a bunch and there were like these jamaican ladies that were behind the counter and the last time I went there like I walked in the door and I just heard from the back like he's here again and that was the first time I went there amazing he's back I literally just yeah like in that jamaican voice like he's here again and I was like oh god So now you can't do it in this game. In Vice City, they added the option where you can jump out of a moving car. Where you just kind of roll on the ground and your car plows into something? Yeah. Now where do I take this to dump it? Dump it. Or should I just blow it up somewhere? Alkanoc says maybe they were just glad to see you. No, it was definitely with the vibe of like they couldn't believe that this white boy was eating KFC for like the third time this week. Wait, what did they say? He's back again! That is so funny. KFC has really fallen off. That used to be a great time. You know what? I'm not eating any of that crap anymore. I've been vegetarian the past two weeks. really how's that going pretty good pretty good I haven't been eating red meat a whole lot I've managed to give that up but I love chicken so much that's a that's a hard one I do too but every now and then you ever have like and this is usually my own cooking do you ever like chicken and it's just kind of like gross it's not very good I don't know the texture annoys me sometimes it grosses me out I mean, I guess I know what you mean. I'm always anxious when I cook my own chicken because I know that chicken's the one thing where if you fuck up cooking it, you'll just make yourself seriously ill. And I know that I haven't, but if you learn anything about me, it's that I have a lot of anxiety issues. There's always that anxiety in the back of my head, like the salmonella, like it's in you, Matt. Yeah. I guess all I had to do was get out of the car. Oh, well, there you go. So mission passed. Nice. You did it. Thanks, chat. You helped me. So now what are you doing? I don't know. Go do another mission. Oh, we have to pick our co-op game for tonight. Oh, yeah. So we're going to put it to a vote again, because that was... That seemed to work all right. But yeah, I've got my Switch charging and everything, so I am ready to roll with whatever we choose. Nice. I think our options again are going to be any of the Jackbox games we have. Clip Lash. Rift Tracks game. Rift Tracks game. Mario Kart. Mario Kart with the blue shells, if that appeals to y'all. Uh, maybe Fall Guys? I don't know. That hasn't seemed to be super popular with folks, but... Colombian cartel really hates me. Listening to the opera channel now. Peepy vagina. Peepy... Speaking of PB, I've found a way how you can isolate vocals from music, because after we were talking about it the other day, I've had the inspiration to make a version of... the Talking Heads song, Stay Up Late, where every line is just him saying, little pee-pee, and that's the whole song. Little pee-pee. I'm putting it together right now, and it's going all right. So just the whole thing's like, little pee-pee. Little pee-pee. Little pee-pee. Little pee-pee. Little pee-pee. Maybe I'll have it done by Thursday, but... You gotta have a music video for it. Little pee-pee. Little big bear. I wish when we saw David Byrne in person I could have got backstage and been like, David Byrne, why? Why did you make this? Why did you do this? Don't mind me, I'm just a dude with an Uzi. These games are basically like if I just followed every intrusive thought I ever had. Just like... They're really just about like... If you really followed your free will... Wow, what is going on here? In these days of moral hypocrisy, certain valuable commodities can be hard to import. On its approach to the airport tonight, a light aircraft will pass over the bay. It will drop several packages into the water. Make sure you pick them up before anyone else does. Like he looks like a certain like character actor, but I can't quite think of what his name is. Oh, I got two minutes. He looks a little bit like, who's the guy, the not Rick Moranis guy in Bob and Doug McKenzie? Oh, Dave Thomas? Yeah, he looks like Dave Thomas. This music's making me want to go to a rave. Right? Lazulia says he almost looks like Ray Wise. I could see that. I want to say Ray Wise has something to do with Grand Theft Auto. Ray Wise is apparently currently in a soap opera. I think it's The Young and the Restless, and I need to check it out because there's been screenshots of it where he just is waving a gun around, and it looks just like A-tier shots. He's also in some, I think he's like in God's Not Dead Thor or something. Yeah, he's in those. But why? Is he religious? No, I think he's just a working actor who will just, you know, who like nothing is beneath him. And that's what I really respect about Ray Wise is he's done like some really great stuff through the years, but like nothing is really beneath him and he just brings his A-game to everything he does. Yeah, totally. He's great. You haven't watched it yet, but he's on the show Psych and that's great. oh right didn't they be like a twin peaks there's even a twin peaks episode of psych yeah where they reference it and uh and ray wise is in that one too kind of making fun of leland he shows up at one point where he's like I tried to dye my hair but something went wrong I mean it's like and it's all white like it wasn't the show and uh because he plays a priest on on psych and uh Yeah, the Twin Peaks episode's good. The guy that plays Bobby's in it. The Harold Smith actor plays the Sheriff Truman parody. How come that guy didn't come back for the return? Oh, Sheriff Truman? Yeah. I think he just retired. He just didn't want to do it. Robert Forrester played his dad? He played his brother, yeah. Oh, God. My God, I cannot wait. Inga and I are right now in the middle of the bad part of season two of Twin Peaks, and I cannot wait to get to season three because she doesn't know anything about it. I'm like, have you even heard anything about it online or anything? She's like, no, not really. I'm like, keep it that way. It's amazing. I remember watching that when it first came out and just being like, what? Like, Like, I'm not one to usually give a shit about spoilers, but... When Kyle MacLachlan first shows up in that first episode, and you're just like, what the fuck? It's like... How do I... Oh, God. This game. It's killing me. Mendale says, Ray Wise in the Robocop documentary series Robodoc is so endearing. Yeah, he's great in Robocop. He's, uh... plays a real bastard he's really good in uh the the twin peaks fire walk with me movie because I know that they they didn't want to reveal you know who the killer was and everything when they first did twin peaks but uh once they did ray wise really really brought it you know to the point where it seems like it's all part of the plan all along so yeah Right now on Twin Peaks, we're in the middle of the arc. Well, I guess we just got done with it, where Ben Horn thinks he's a Civil War general. And James leaves town, and he's in this whole love triangle with a rich lady, and it's the worst thing ever. And then once it ends, it doesn't apply to anything, and it doesn't matter. Yeah. Yeah. like nadine loses her memory it's like the worst shit it feels like a show that's like five seasons deeper than it actually is where they just ran out of ideas uh you know what jen and I saw in the theater yesterday oh what groundhog day nice how was that It was very funny. Nice. Such a good movie. They just made a new Super Bowl commercial with Bill Murray and Brian Doyle Murray and the Ned Ryerson guy for that Groundhog's Day movie. Oh, really? Like a Jeep or something like that. I hate when they do that. And Super Bowl commercials are pretty stupid, but it's not bad. It's kind of cute. I kind of hate when they do that, though. like, reunions and commercials. Well, I don't know. I'd rather see a stupid Super Bowl commercial reunion than, like, some of, you know, these, like, you know, later sequels. You know, like, if, like, the Dumb and Dumber sequel movie was just a Super Bowl commercial, I think I would have been more okay with that. Oh, I see what I'm doing. Ah! Mr. Z Natural asks, are we doing a Super Bowl watch party like the last two years? Oh, I don't know. I don't think I can. Okay. yeah this weekend is gonna be yeah you've got a lot going on yeah so that's I always forget that that's that that's kind of creeping up so I know I forgot that it was even happening until someone emailed asking if we were doing it um I mean emmy might watch do something in the discord but we I don't think we're not going to do anything like official yeah And yeah, go go to a go to an actual Super Bowl party. I'm trying to encourage people, especially in the age of Trump, to to to get offline a lot because it's because you'll go insane if you're just on the computer all the time, especially right now. Don't go hang out with a pal from college or, you know, or. No, the police are after me. Sting and Stewart Copeland, they're chasing you. Oh, I got four stars after me. Oh, no! Mission failed. Oh, screw you, cops. Also, I think the halftime show this year is, like, Kendrick Lamar or something, which I like Kendrick Lamar okay, but I'm just, you know... Some halftime shows in the past I've been like, ooh, I wonder what's gonna happen for that, and this one I'm just kinda like, eh, I'm sure it'll be fine, but... It's not gonna be like when Prince was doing it, you know, or like, uh... or the best halftime show ever, that one that Creed did, where they had the Cirque du Soleil people flying through the air. So we need a faster car, that's the problem. We steal this guy's. Give me this! Oh my god, that fucking sound. What can I do? I'm out of my way, jerkface. Get the fuck out of the way! All right, I've been watching all this driving around. It's just making me think about, like, uh, because, yeah, like, I'm doing all the side missions in Arkham Knight right now, and most of them are Batmobile ones, and all I can think of every time I drive Batmobile around in Arkham City is that it must be such a nightmare to live in this version of Gotham City where just any moment this psychopath in a tank will just, like, bomb around the corner and just smack into your place of business and your car. So I'm about halfway through Arkham City's story now. I got every Riddler trophy in Arkham Asylum. Oh my god. But there's like two hundred and forty now. I did not get a hundred percent though because you have to beat all the challenges. Which takes quite a while. Yeah, Arkham Asylum I played, like, just the story, and that was enough. And then Arkham City I played the story of that, and I played the Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC, but I didn't do any of the other side missions on there. Arkham Knight, though, it's the one that I liked the least when I started playing it, but now that I'm kind of into it, I like the way that Gotham's really set up in it. And the side missions really make you feel like Batman. The actual story itself is kind of like whatever. But, like, I like, you know, you're kind of just, like, swinging around, and then all of a sudden you find, you discover Manbat, and now you have to do this whole, all this Manbat stuff, and... I don't know if I ever finished that game, to be honest. The side missions are the best part. I really liked, uh, I liked the Manbat side mission. I liked, uh, there's a side mission about the Mad Hatter that's a lot of fun. It has some of my favorite visuals, probably, in, like, the whole series. Um... Because at one point, the Mad Hatter, he does some type of hallucinatory thing to you, and you're fighting inside a storybook, and you're punching people, and then the page on the storybook flips, and you have to grapple up onto the page before it flips over, and then it's like a pop-up book. It's pretty neat. And the Ra's al Ghul side mission is pretty cool. It's good stuff. Good stuff, those Arkham games. Alright, I got all six packages. Now where do I go? I have five stars. How am I ever going to survive this? Let's see. Looking at the chat. Looking at the chat. Penguins nine one nine two said one year we all live stream the Super Bowl. Yeah, we did that on Discord and that was a little bit of a nightmare. We can't really do that on Twitch though because the The NFL is notoriously litigious, and that's another thing about we do those Super Bowl live streams. We have to find like a link online that lets us watch it. Yeah, it's always like weird and awkward kind of so. Oh, get out, get out, get out. Oh no. Oh no. Don't kill me. Oh no. Oh, I was doing so good. Play dead. All right. Let me try again. And we're going to be playing more Grand Theft Auto three next week. Yeah, we're trying. We're trying something out. We're going to play the same game a couple weeks in a row and see how that goes. And then we're gonna play some... I'm gonna play some Zelda for a couple weeks. Oh, I had a pitch for you. I guess we could... We didn't have our weekly meeting this week, but we were gonna do Skyward Sword, but I was looking, and there's also the Game Boy Advance Legend of Zelda Four Swords on there, which is two-player, so we could potentially play a Zelda that's both of us at the same time. And that's one that you can't play single-player, so I would have to play it with someone else to play it anyway, so... I don't know. Uh... But also, I've been promising to play more Skyward Sword for a while and haven't gotten around to it. I don't know. We'll think on it. I need to play that new Zelda at some point but I still just can't bring myself to spend sixty dollars on a game that like I know for certain I'll beat in like three days. I can't make the Super Mario Wonder mistake again. What do you mean like you beat it? Yeah Super Mario Wonder was a good game but it was just yeah it was very expensive and I beat the entire at least like the regular game in like like four days yeah. Like, uh, Tears of the Kingdom Legend of Zelda, like, that was a very expensive game, but I got a lot of play out of that. There's a lot you can do there. And that, uh, The Echoes of Wisdom, I think it's called, the newest Zelda game. It's basically, like, one of the Game Boy Zelda games, but, you know, in, like, three dimensions, so... Because back in the day, you had like your console Zelda game, which was three and more involved. And then you'd have like the Game Boy Zelda game, which was top down and kind of cutesy. And and I like that they're still doing both of those. But it's. But it feels kind of odd because they're all on the same console now. Rush, rush to the Yale. The love boat. Where that plane at? There it is. It's like a biplane from the nineteen twenties. I know, it's like an Indiana Jones. Yeah, it's like, is North by Northwest about to happen to you? What's happening? We need to put an airplane in this PlayStation game. What models do you have on the computer? How about this Amelia Earhart looking bullshit? Works for me. Rush, rush to the Yale. Somebody should make an Amelia Earhart video game. Like, what really happened to her? She gets sucked into, like, the Twilight Zone, and she has to fight, like, zombies and Bigfoot. That's so tasteless. She meets, like, oh, is it too soon for an Amelia Earhart joke? It's just, you know. You know, at a certain point in the game, she meets D.B. Cooper. Rush, rush to the Yale. Alright, now I gotta figure out how to get back without the police murdering me. Can it be done? I've kind of started farting around with making a script treatment. I think it would be a very funny movie if you just made a film about going back in time and bringing Mary Shelley to the present and just showing her what Frankenstein has become in our culture. I need a car. I need a car. You just take Mary Shelley and then you show her that video of Frankenstein singing Smooth by Rob Thomas and Santana at Universal Studios. This is your legacy, Mary. Oh, God. I'm driving the world's slowest. You're in, like, a cement truck. Yeah, you're trying to, like, evade the police. Oh, God. It's the only car I could find. Oh, that's a great joke. Sharp Doggy said the Amelia Earhart sitcom was never picked up, but there is a dead pilot. That's very funny. Aww. Is this a real song or is this made for this game? No, this is in Scarface. Oh, I haven't seen Scarface in a long time. This is great because I'm in a truck so I can't even see what's going on around me. We need to play the Scarface video game on here one of these days. That always seemed like a trip. I never played that. It feels like it's, uh, because, yeah, these games are really based a lot off Scarface, and then the Scarface video game was based a lot off the Grand Theft Auto game, so it kind of feels like a Street Fighter, the game, the movie situation, where... We've made this game based off this movie, based off this game. For those of you who've never played Street Fighter, the movie, the game, they made a video game based off the Street Fighter movie, which was just Street Fighter, the game, but it used terrible live action. I'm so dead. I'm so dead. Steal the bus! Oh. They shot you in the butt. You were shot in the butt to death. What an insulting and embarrassing way to go out. Is it time for our co-op game? Are you done? You've got to play this for a whole other week, Chris. In between, I'm going to play it a little bit more. It's not going to be at this exact point next week. Give it one more go and then we'll switch over. This is the last run for this. You've been doing alright. You made it through one mission. Stop. Gosh, Christ. Shake it up. Shake it up. This sounds like it's sung by the lady who sung the songs in Better Off Dead, who's also the same lady that plays Tommy Pickles' voice in Buttercup on the Powerpuff Girls. Sounds like it's the same artist. You've seen Better Off Dead before, right? Yeah. The lady that's singing at the prom in Better Off Dead is the voice of Tommy Pickles. Oh, weird. She tried to have a singing career in the eighties and then got into voice acting. There's a lot of crossover between Rugrats and The Simpsons. Yeah, Chucky's voice is part of The Simpsons' voice. Yeah, and I think... the animator at the time um I forget his name but before they switched to like yeah yeah yeah I think they did they handled the animation for the simpsons for like the first three or four seasons oh that explains why those look great in the later seasons they got a little more yeah they look more refined but they're less emotive it's like it's like everybody in the simpsons got like botox yeah those first four seasons are a little like you you could see a lot of like you know it's not just it doesn't every shot doesn't look perfect or like completely on model yeah and that but that weirdly made it you know more uh more emotive sometimes you know because yeah when they'd smile sometimes you'd like their smile like you're like really big or they're you know what I mean uh Oh, yeah, Meowdower says she's also the same girl in Pee-wee's Big Adventure, Dottie, the one who's Tommy Pickle's voice. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm a rebel, Donnie. A loner. No, it's I'm a loner, Donnie. A rebel. I need to watch that movie again, too. That's one, like, I've never been the hugest Tim Burton head. Like, I definitely watched, like, all those movies. But, like, whenever I was in a peewee mood, I mostly just watched, like, Peewee's Playhouse growing up. I feel like it was more that. I think when I was a kid, Peewee's Big Adventure kind of freaked me out. It's got some weird parts, yeah. Yeah. I think when I was a kid, I definitely preferred Pee-Wee's Playhouse, but now I just love it. I love big adventures so much. All right. Get out. Get out. Get out! Oh, my God. I'm out. Oh, no. I'm stuck. Bad video game physics have trapped you. I'm going to get killed here. Get back in the boat. Oh my god, did you get away? Yes! How did you survive that? Get out! Get out! No! Alright. We had fun, folks. There's a clip for tonight. More next week. Next time on Grand Theft Auto III. okay so now let's do a poll find out what uh co-op game we're gonna play sounds like a plan I'm voting I'm rooting for uh for for blue shell mario kart again because that shit was nuts that was really fun um Let's see. While you're doing that, I'm still seeing if there's anything else going on in the chat. But one of the animators for Rugrats was also the creator of Aeon Flux. Interesting. Oh. Speaking of McDonald's, if you want to look up some weird videos, and I've thought about using them for Mystery Hour before, but they're a little too long. Class Geek Supo very briefly did a line of VHSs about the McDonald Land crew where they look, the models for them are all like vaguely terrifying. There's one where they're in like a haunted house and there's another where they go on like a pirate adventure. I think I have all of those in my parents' house somewhere. uh all right folks like ronald mcdonald has a weird dog it's weird I put the uh poll in the chat there let's uh get that on the screen yeah and while that's going on we can see if we got any more shout outs or yes let me take a look um Oh, we are all caught up. Nice. Very cool. Well, then I'm just going to sit over here and bullshit. I'm just going to... Yeah, let's give everyone a minute. Get your votes in. We have a lot of fun stuff coming up at dumb industries, by the way, just take a moment. Uh, yeah, well, I guess we can, we can go ahead and bring up too. I don't think we've mentioned on any of the streams since we announced it. Uh, Rachel Lipman is our guest. So that's, uh, this is the first time we've said that out loud. So, Yeah, we have a returning guest. Her third time on The Mads Are Back, Rachel Litman, who's just a brilliant filmmaker, artist, writer, Yeah, nice lady. She's the best. And she's coming on to promote her new project, which is Easy AM, Promotional Record Volume Three, and features the voice talents of both Trace and Frank, plus Rich Coase, a.k.a. Sven Uli. Oh, nice. Is this the radio show thing that you were telling me about that she's working on? Yeah, she's been working on that for a while, because I remember you first told me about that. Yep. like a year and a half ago or something crazy. The Sklar Brothers, Ted Leo, Amy Mann. So you can actually listen to the whole thing right now. Download it over at Bandcamp. And she's pressing a very limited run of a hundred actual records of this project she's working on. So... Yeah. Oh, and we're going to raffle one off. That's why I brought that up. We're going to raffle off one of these records, and there's only a hundred of them. ever that are ever going to be made so so you can that's going to be a hot we have some other giveaways too we've uh we've been blessed this upcoming show next week a lot of folks have donated uh things that we can run giveaways for so I'm thinking actually just so we don't uh make you know the actual show too much we might do a couple giveaways during the pre-show oh All I have to say, show up early. Show up early. There will be instructions on how to do stuff in the little ticker at the bottom or something. Or I might pop up and just be like, hey, do this. Don't interrupt my work. No, I'm kidding. All right. I'm going to hit show results. Whatever's in the top spot is what we shall play. Oh, Jackbox. Oh, okay. I'm for that. I don't have to plug my Switch up or nothing. I am into that. I am totally into that. So what should we... I'm always a big fan of the Murder Mystery Party one, but whatever tickles your fancy, Chris. I kind of like the Gaspionage because the audience, once they start voting and participating, it's... That one has so many numbers. That's true. But we have played that one the least lately. Where is this? I don't like numbers. I don't like it when things are different. Wise Twin Sailor, yes. The record, you can get it at the band camp. Let me drop that link. Holy moly. Like the Jack box guy looks, he looks like Moby kind of it's a, yeah. Or like Michael Stipe or something. That reminds me, didn't you tell me that like Dave went to like some Moby thing and, uh, and it was right after he was being weird about Natalie Portman. So like, yes. So nobody like took any pictures or video of it. They were like, yeah, it was kind of strange. He was in the news. Moby's not a bad guy or anything. He was a monster. Nobody was like, get out of here, but also nobody was making a big deal of videoing it. Yeah, he was standing right behind me at a certain point. Someone said TKO. Multiple people are saying TKO. We haven't played that one yet, but everyone says it's a really fun one. Should we do that? We can give that a shot. I'm down. I'm down to try something new. And audience can join as well, so let's do it. It looks like a Ned Hardy shirt from like, two thousand and nine. Let's see. Audience on, audience suggested. Yes, extended stream, recommended for stream games. Are we not turning the audience suggestion on? Oh, sorry, I thought that that was on. Yeah, the quick training for the first time we play it might be. In the future, we can decide to turn that off. Manual censoring? No. No, no, no. No, no, no. All right. I think that'll do it. Sounds like a plan, Stan. Might have to take this off the screen for a second. Make sure I join it without Oh yeah, we go to the jackbox.games Yes Everyone head to jackbox.tv Or jackbox.tv Shit, I always get those mixed up It's rifftracks.games Jackbox.tv My keyboard is not working Ruh-roh What the What the What the fuck? What the fuck? It's totally... Oh, there it goes. Jackbox.tv. And I'm going to put the code in the chat first. So pay attention to the chat. I'm going to drop it in there in just a second. Yeah, once I make it in. Okay. Oh, shit. Matt putting it into private chat here. Okie doke. All right, I see that. I'm in, Tank. Matt's in. All right, guys, putting the code in the chat. And again, head to jackbox.tv. Oh, we are full. All right. Let's get this on the screen now. I've already set my victory quote as, suck it, nerds. Oh, we got a nice audience watching. All right. Nice. If you didn't make it into the game, you could still head to JackboxTV. Yeah, that's what's nice about these. They're really good at letting everybody, even if you're not in the actual thing. I got to get some more of these because they're all really fun. The problem is they all come in packs, and some of the packs have the same game. Yeah. Yeah. All right. We got Eric, we got Big Rig, we got Danny. Victory quote. What should my victory quote be? Shade says micro map. Is that like micro machines? I had a lot of micro machines growing up. That's a thing that kids aren't into these days. Just like remember when kids just wanted to play with with tiny versions of regular toys and then like your dog would eat them or you'd lose them. I don't know how to play this. Let's pay attention. It's like Pokemon. Welcome to TKO. I am the tournament master. Unless you're with the Old Navy credit card people, in which case that guy moved, I think. Thank you all for joining me here on T-Shirt Island. Those of you who give will receive a free flight home. Every epic tale starts somewhere. Yours begins here, at the training grounds. You will use your device to draw two drawings. What you draw matters not. Let your heart be your guide. And if your heart can't think of anything, just hit the suggestion button. It's time for your first drawing right now. Wait, what am I supposed to do? If you didn't qualify for the tournament, don't fret. Simply join the audience to submit your suggestions and vote on your favorite shirts. What are we supposed to be drawing again? I think I missed something. Just anything, I think. I'm just going with my heart. I don't draw really well like when I have to use like a mouse or a trackpad I always feel like it's uh it's hard I always feel it's like a five-year-old. That's why my drawing is... It's juvenile for two reasons, as you'll see in a bit. But it's... Can we use letters? Are we allowed to write things? Big Rig Blue says they actually give you the option to buy the t-shirts that win. That's interesting. Start selling these in our store. You're all just... By playing this game, you're selling your intellectual property to dumb industries. I hope you all know this. We're... That card was not for decoration, finish quickly! A swag generation meeting. So the audience is suggesting things for a Scooby-Doo toy boat. I saw a Killdozer earlier. Decent enough, but a bit traditional. This time try changing your shirt color with the little tabs at the bottom. Drawing two, begin! Oh, gotta do another one. Uh... I want you all to keep in mind that I've been drinking slightly tonight. When you look at some of these... Cocktails in Hell, Planters Peanuts, Wizzo, Gary Oldman, Akitar. Security guard at McDonald's. Drunk Matt. Someone please draw Drunk Matt. Look, I can't smoke weed anymore, so I picked up something called a beatbox from my deli, which is an eleven percent alcohol icy jukebox. Juice box. Time goes short. Hurry up and finish already. It got me through my telehealth visit with my doctor earlier today, and now it's going to get me through this. Red Serling. Red Serling. It's his evil brother. Pretty good. For your last exercise, you will write as many slogans or phrases as you can. These have nothing to do with your drawing, so just put those out of your mind. And don't give in to pride, use a suggestion if you need it. Go. Okay, um... Well I know that's not your best material, write another! Only seconds remain. Oh, God. Oh, yes. This is going to be good. I did not get many in there. I did literally one. Enough training. Direct your attention to your device. Select one drawing and one slogan to create the perfect t-shirt combination. And I do mean perfect. Oh, that's hilarious. These are rad. Okay, now I get it. This is amazing. You know what? I think just what came up is pretty good for me. I know. One that came up for me was amazing. Saba, it's all going to make sense in just a minute. Fantastic. Brace yourselves. Let the tournament begin. Gauntlet one. Yeah! Fight using your devices to vote. Gotta be piss, please. Piss, please. Oh my god. Oh my god, I'm dying. I'm super scared of the person that got my two slogans, because they're a little demented. I literally only had time to make one slogan, but it's a pretty good one. I was halfway through writing Frankenstein fucked my mom before it turned off and wouldn't let me do it, so I... Starting things off with a tie. Not very dramatic. Let's just say this one wins. Oh, it's like pretty half and half. It's like the election. Yeah. Versus? That looks like a punk band shirt. It does. I want that shirt. You know what? I'm going to go with Banishment. Shade says the new dumb industry's top selling shirt. You're in trouble. Piss please was Danny. That figures. Wow. You're on a roll. I didn't come up with that drawing or the slogan. Yeah, flip flops! I gotta go with that one. That one foot's kind of fucked up. Is that what my foot looks like after it's been frostbitten by the elements? Is that what's going on? That is the foot that I broke that toe on, so that would track. The circulation's not as good on that one. Do you hear my cat? Oh, is that your cat? Yeah. He was annoying me. I had to put him outside. Dude, you were crushing it, man. But it's not my drawing or my slogan. But you're the one who came up with that combination. Oh, okay. Okay, I get it. A new challenger appears. Oh, my goodness. just a guy given two birds okay big red blue says the drawing and the slogan gets points too okay I definitely came up with that drawing. Oh, nice. That's great. That's mine. Double middle fingers. Double middle fingers. The double deuce is Strong Bad would have said. Oh, Barbacks is the new champion. Nice. A new challenger appears. Oh, that is pretty, that fits pretty well. But I love Matt's double middle fingers. And the slogan. Just a man with a goatee and a bad haircut giving two middle fingers. That slogan, I didn't come up with that slogan, so that all does fit together very well. Is that an ice cream? Is that what's happening? Yeah. Oh, oh, wow. Yeah. Matt, killing it. Or Barback's killing it. Versus? Whoa. This is my new favorite game of all these. Who did that drawing? It's amazing. That is so good. I bet Danny did that. Is Danny in the game? I think so. I mean, he came up with the piss please thing. Yeah. The eyes. It's really well done. That is my slogan. Danny says I did indeed. Knew it. It's a great collaboration between the two of you. Danny, you want to make that a shirt? I'm down. Oh, so you won't put my patron of farts shirt in, but you'll put that. Okay, game over. Wow. It's kind of unbelievable how well both of these work. Oh, my God. This is the hardest I've laughed in a while. I will say this. I did the penis drawing. Oh, you did? I did nine eleven. Oh, well done, Dan. Good job. Good work. Great pair. Winners! How about a training break? Oh my god. My other slogan didn't make it. Use your devices to enter one new drawing and as many new slogans as you wish. Think outside the box. Go! Yeah. Okay. I'm so on the spot. I can't. While our contestants train, anyone watching the tournament can join the audience to submit your own suggestions and affect the outcome of the game. don't pee on my leg and tell me it's jizz someone suggested salad died trying dead horse being beat Something cryptic. Drunk Matt. Yeah, this is the... I picked the right stream to start drinking. This is perfect. Egyptian musk. That's good. Word salad. Egyptian musk. A broken iPhone. Cheers, everyone. What are you drinking, Matt? It's my beatbox. It's my alcoholic high-c juice box. That's eleven percent alcohol. But don't worry, I also have a Gatorade for hydration and a Coca-Cola for caffeine, so I'm just letting all the chemicals fight inside me tonight. Let them fight! Matt, I haven't had a sip of alcohol in almost seven years. That's awesome. I'm not a big drinker. I think I'm just a... Yeah. I'm just, uh, I've had to stop smoking weed because I, for a while, was smoking way too much, and then once I started detoxing... Oh, there's no such thing. Uh, I was doing like a ninety percent THC vapes, you know, and it was making me weird, so I had to... Time goes short, hurry up and finish already! The second gauntlet looms, and the hairy paws of Kismet have shuffled new drawings and slogans. Make a new shirt, do it! You know what, again, just the one that came up right away I think is still the best one. I got a great one. Whoever did my drawing, congratulations. This is like an Ace of Base song. Matt, your brother Ichabod Doll's hanging on our wall. I might need to get that back from you at some point. Inga wants to do another photo shoot with him. Well, we'll see. Gauntlet two. Oh, that's cool. Dances like Thomas. Glennis. Oh, man. He's getting so deranged. I like the Frank, though. Pretty accurate. It is pretty accurate. I like that they put Frank beside it so you know for sure who it is. How else would you know? Is that Frank Black from the Pixies? For a second I thought it was. See, Frankenstein Fucked My Dad is... You can't go wrong. I was gonna put Frankenstein Fucked My Mom the first time and ran out of time, so this time I wrote Frankenstein Fucked My Dad, and you know what? I think the waiting paid off. Oh, I think Glynnis is still in the top here. How did the string go? They got so drunk they started meowing at a certain point. All right, barbacks. Got a winning combo right there. Yeah. versus That is pretty good. It's pretty good. Oh my god, it's a real Sophie's Choice. What do I go with? You know what? I'm going to give Orson Welles a shot. Although they spelled Orson and Welles wrong, but That just makes it funnier. It would be great if it was Orson Welles. If someone just randomly said Orson. That is good. See, this one had me really conflicted because I wrote Frankenstein fucked my dad, but then the Orson Welles shirt is the one that I created. So it's like I couldn't lose. Parker Stevens can't lose. A new challenger appears. Oh my god. Look, I drew the butt, but I didn't come up with the slogan. I came up with the slogan. Oh, wow. So, Matt, we could put this in the store. Either sink into shit or shit in the sink. That's inspirational, I think. Just a butt. Just a butt. It kind of looks like my butt. There's not a lot of meat back there. I was looking at a photo of your butt when I drew it. Start a fire. Oh, too soon. This song makes me want to get into a fight in Chili's parking lot. I know. See, the butt's always going to... Oh. Okay, yeah. The butt's always going to win. Butt. Butt. Butt. Butt. Butt. A new challenger appears. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! That is my drawing. Stick figures with boobs is just a classic. It's always going to be funny. Remember, did you watch the Ali G show? The original show? I've seen clips from it, but I haven't seen all of it. There's one where he goes to an art class and he's drawing a model and that's exactly what he's drawing. They pan over to him and that's what his drawing looks like. I was thinking of, I think there's an It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode where Dennis draws something like that. It's so hard for me to vote for these because I'm... My work is in all of these. It's hard for me to choose between my children's. It's my butt-drying skills. Ooh, I like that one too. That's kind of ominous. It's like Pikachu's gonna smother you in your sleep with a pillow. Or it's like your cat watching you masturbate. Yeah. We all know. Boobs vs. Butts. Boobs vs. Butts. Aster's fan says, flat butt. Flat Matt butt wins. It's not that flat a butt. Aw, it's been knocked out. Well, you can't stay at the top forever. Only the best shirts from the previous rounds remain the tournament ends here The nine-eleven penis gets it it's gotta It's going to be split, because a lot of people are going to vote for the cat. And the one on the left is quite controversial. We are definitely playing this like every game now, for every show now. This is my favorite of these now, officially. Yes. Yeah. A tie on the first battle? Fine, I'll choose. Well, yeah. Yeah. The computer loves nine-eleven penis humor, too. Versus? Fine. Nine-eleven. Nine-eleven penis. Someone mentioned this in the chat earlier, but yeah, there's like an adult version of the Jackbox games. Interesting. Yeah. They're a little saucy. I feel like we do a pretty good job of making these adult versions just by virtue of who we are. What are you talking about? All right. Versus? Yeah. I mean, fight. It's that one. It's the black one. See, I didn't make it a totally flat butt. It's got a little shape. It's kind of lopsided. Like, the left cheek has a lot more meat going on than... Your drawing skills, your anatomy is off, Chris. Yeah. Yeah. I'm rooting against myself. But you get points, too. You're just rooting for the best work. We have a champion. Yeah! I think we all learned a lot here today, about t-shirts and about ourselves. Holy moly. Oh, I love you guys. So, that's it? Mr. Znatural won, okay. Good job. Now how do we get that design to export? Jackie B, best writer, slogan used on four shirts. Best artist, drawing used on three shirts, wow. Oh, Eric was the fastest. Finished a drawing in twenty-four seconds. Hey! But my shirt won! My drawing won. Chris, I have the page pulled up where we can purchase the Sink in the Shit shirt if you want. How do we do that? Is there like a thing on the... On the page you have, it gives you a little window. Well, folks. This has been fun. We had fun here. We had fun tonight. Thanks so much for hanging out with us tonight. Yeah, it's been a good time. Yeah, we're going to go back to... I'm getting the Vimeo pulled up for dumb television here. We will resume our regular programming until three a.m. What should I put on? What's good? Whatever. It's all good. All dumb content is A+++++. Minus. Plus. Don't forget, tomorrow night is an all-new episode of Martian Shadows. Come right back here on Twitch. We'll be debuting a new episode. We've got an all-new Mystery Hour this Thursday. Wednesday is Emmy's birthday. She's going to be showing Nothing Lasts Forever. So watch that this Wednesday. Cool. So much stuff coming up. My God, there's a new Mads episode. Yeah, that's just a little bit over a week away. It's crazy to think that it's already here. It's freaking me out, to be honest. Good night, everyone. It freaks me out, baby. Thank you all who donated. Yeah, thanks, everybody. I'm going to put on Daughter of the Mine when we get off. So if you've not seen that, check that out. I'll be playing that. Incredible. Thanks for hanging out, everybody. We love you. Thanks, everyone. We love you. Bye. See you on the other side, Ray.


Super Dumb Bros. Play Grand Theft Auto (Part Two)


Super Dumb Bros. Play Batman: Arkham Asylum