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Super Dumb Bros. Play The Walking Dead (Part Two)
Another Monday is here which means it’s time for the Super Dumb Bros. to fire up their Nintendo Switches and play some damn video games! This week, Matt & Chris continue their journey through the Telltale game The Walking Dead, and then play some RiffTrax: The Game with viewers! Yes!!!!
Transcript: Two souls stranded in a barren wasteland. Oh, Rhino, let me sing. Oh, keepers of the cool. Oh, masters of the past. I seek thy catalog. Eight hundred number. Eight hundred four three two O O two O. It's a free call. It's a free catalog. With catalogs in hand, I wander through these sacred decades. Be it rock and roll, country, rhythm and blues, comedy children's fair or the unravished home video oh fair rhino oh sweet rhino oh virtuous rhino when old age shall this generation waste thou shalt remain the bastion of taste rhino rocks my world eight hundred four three two oh oh two oh Some surprising news from Big Sur Water Bands. No down payment. No payment for six months, partner. No interest for six months, mate. Now get the bedroom you've always wanted and don't pay a thing till summer. Best of all, we haven't raised our everyday low prices to bring you this offer. Could we make it any easier to buy a waterbed? No way, Jose. Big Sur Waterbeds, America's largest. It's the night on everyone's mind. This could affect half the continental United States. The night they warned us about. Now we're starting to see some problems. Help me! What if they're right? We have to start evacuations. The survival of buildings comes down to one man. I have complete faith in you. Ken Olympe in an NBC motion picture event. Y-II-K, the movie. NBC Sunday in two weeks. Hey, New York. Hey, New York. New York, New York. What's up, New York? I love New York. Hey, New York. You're watching the WB. The WB. You are watching. Whoobie. You're watching. The WB. Wobby. You're watching. The WB. What's with the singing frog? The WB. Don't you wish you lived on TV? You're watching. You're watching. The WB. Channel Eleven. Eleven. Eleven. Eleven. Channel Eleven. Eleven. Channel Eleven. Eleven. Channel Eleven. Channel Eleven. We are the ones to watch. Susie! Mama! Susie, you're gross! Look at me! I'm a big girl now! Time for your bottle! Mommy, I'm too big for a bottle! Let's play a game! A guessing game! What's this? Is it my sippy cup? You really know! Yahoo! She really grows! Hugs and kisses! Love and gross Susie really knows! And she grows! Batteries not included! Now, from Ingham. Chicken. Chippies. Crispy potato crumbs on the outside. Chicken on the inside. And they're absolutely delicious. Look for chicken chippies hiding in supermarket freezers. Watch Zelda become a legend on your Nintendo Entertainment System. Zelda! After-Rocks! Which way to go? Good times! P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P- New for two thousand seventy eight. PlayStation nine's new electronic spores tap straight into your adrenal gland. PS nine has improved retinal scanners. A mind control system. Holographic movie surround vision. and telepathic personal music. The ultimate just got better. PlayStation nine, teleport yours today. Gadgets are turning up everywhere, even at McDonald's. A leg that's really a flashlight, an arm that's really an extendable grabber. Inside every two-ninety-nine hamburger Happy Meal you buy, your kids get their own gadget based on the real Inspector Gadget from Disney's new movie. Each gadget is its own gizmo. Put them all together and they create one colossal crime fighter. Excuse me, sir, do you have the correct time? Why, yes, then I do. Did somebody say McDonald's? color sun squad with fairy blue groovy grape and bubble gum unprotected kid alert try sunblock that's fun block cool colors cool who are your cool friends banana boat whoa easy open capri sun now that's cool Capri Sun. Easy open, liquid cool. Coming at ya. Capri Sun by the pitcher. So whenever you want, you can make as much as you want. All-natural Capri Sun drink mix. First in draft, easy walk. Parents in bed, but it's just eight o'clock. That's why they taught you, you should always knock. Any ragu has grown enough stuff. Yeah, the ragu has been through enough. A long day of childhood calls for America's favorite pasta sauce. And action. Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Again, please. Again? Again. Aren't thou bored? Yeah. Step into a Slim Jim. Turn to the spice. That baby juicy taste. Need a little excitement? Step into a Slim Jim. Hey, how about some Zoom Ball? Once you've played Zoom Ball, life seems a bit slower. Zoom Ball's the fastest glide you've ever tried. It's there and back in less than a second. Zoom Ball from Pressman. Hi, it's me, the Sound Playground guy. I'm having an emergency, an emergency moving sale. That's right, we're moving everything in stock. Everything must go. Every TV, VCR, microwave oven, every car and home stereo, air conditioner, and compact disc player. Drop what you're doing, come in now, and save like never before during Sound Playground's moving sale. See, I told you, we're moving everything. Are you ready for Hulkamania? It's you and Adonis. Looking good. Nobody beats Macho Man. You can get right in the action in the ring with Wrestling Superstars figures. The big names are here and they're ready. It's corner to corner excitement. Match your moves against the other guy. Have your own WrestleMania with all your favorite figures. Because you're in the ring with the WWF Wrestling Superstars figures. Figures ring and cage sold separately. Assembly required. It's a grand toy. I can beat anyone. What do you say, boy? What's the time? Slime time! What's the time? Slime time! These slimy-rigging creatures have some interesting features. They tell the time and sight that you'd even scare the teacher. What's the time? Slime time! What's the time? Slime time! Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. They're ugly, ugly, ugly, and they tell the time and slime time. Toad watch, snake watch, bat watch. What's the time? Slime time! Slime time watches sold separately from Hasbro. Last night, I journeyed backwards in time to the medieval world of Dark Tower. In this amazing game, I had to find three keys, lay siege to the tower, and defeat the enemy within. Each move was a challenge. The computer kept track, giving me secret information. Pictures, sounds, surprises. Then, ahead of my opponent, I made my move. The battle was joined. And I was victorious. Dark Tower. It's new for your kids. Laser light, laser light, it's Black Star. Defender of right, be ready to fight the evil overlord. Laser light, the ice castle is a mysterious place. He might meet the Lavalock face to face. Laser light, laser light, it's Black Star. From Galoom. Fox Kids, there's this magical realm where Irish myth lives, where four brave knights battle invincible odds. We must defend the people of Cairns. Some of which are real, and others merely illusion. This is entertainment. Catch epic adventure with the Mystic Knights of Ternanoke, today at four-thirty, right here on Fox Kids. Say listen, we're gonna do a little skateboard surfing today. Are you with me? Put everything on! Here we go! Out in California where the kids are cool, they got a way to get loose when they get out of school. Skateboard surfing. Skateboard surfing. Tell your ma, tell your pa, skateboard surfing's not against the law. Up in Mendocino, down in Monterey, Sacramento, San Diego, even L.A. Skateboard surfing. Skateboard surfing. Tell your ma, tell your pa, skateboard surfing's not against the law. Attitude to show your style You gotta be yourself Once in a while Skateboard surfing Skateboard surfing Tell your ma Tell your pa Skateboard surfing's not against the law Up in Mendocino, down in Monterey, Sacramento, San Diego, even L.A. Skateboard surfing, skateboard surfing. Tell your mom, tell your pa, skateboard surfing's not against the law. You gotta show your attitude and show your style. You gotta be yourself once in a while. Skateboard surfing. Skateboard surfing. Tell your mom, tell your pop, skateboard surfing's not against the law. Now remember when you're out there skateboarding or surfing, cover up everything. Wear a helmet. Cover your nose. Cover your toes. Knee pads and elbows. We want you around for a long time. Have fun. Remember. Yes. Skateboard surfing's not against the law. it's built to take shock enough plutonium to blow up all of new york and staten island for about four miles from the missile base boy bands were not so cute back then are they what hoodlum farmers a jeep no less come on let's juvie it up oh so it does work it's really too bad there's no possible way the jeep could drive around that car hey get that car out of the way It's a gang of rival nuclear scientists. What are you nuclear proliferating against? What do you got? You ruffians, don't you know science always triumphs? Isn't it like a jet to bring a knife to a nuclear war? They could drive around. Stop! There's a bomb in that case! Yeah, yeah! Nice Beatles cover. Coming soon to Weird and Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs. I like this idea. Well, speak up. What do you want to say? I've come to claim the twenty pounds reward for Frankie McPhillip. Frankie McPhillip? Thank you. Oh, it's troubleshooting. Here we go. At first, some people report feeling the pulsation more in certain areas or more on one side of their face than the other. They become concerned the system may not be operating correctly. Again, assuming you are using enough gel, this is not unusual with one side of the face being more sensitive. This all definitely seems like a weird sex thing, right? Yeah, yeah. What if you used it on a different part of your body? I know. Someone is definitely auto-erotic asphyxiated. Yeah, before. Do you think anyone's doing more than one wife? I wonder. Some people might. It amazes me when we get at the end of class, I'll see people's paintings and how much extra things that they've put into their painting. You know, they get all these extra... Did you start yesterday? You know, it's... I don't know how they do it so... We do sometimes get paintings in advance if a student knows they can't make it, but they want us to show their work. We've had that happen a couple times. Ah, okay. I just love the wrestling theme. on the sand and uh and I still have memories of that of them like ah I'm getting sand in their eyes but that was just too much going on in the painting to get it done in this amount degree of another on the sunday late series great it's the world of the supernatural I haven't wanted to fast forward anything yet yeah suspenseful I have a feeling about that girl not anything she's done yet but something she's going to do something evil See Baffled, Sunday night at eleven thirty on four. Baffled. Nobody expects the Ironside Inquisition. Yeah, watching him walk around and do nothing is so much more interesting than seeing the killings by the monster. Will he walk into another room? Or stay in this room? Oh, my God, the suspense is killing me! Ay, ay, ay. I've got his cataracts. Oh, damn, marriage agrees with me. Oh, now I can't do the harp. Oh, Groucho, mirror scene. Well, that was a productive afternoon. This is like a real estate video. My dinner with Andre didn't have this many indoor scenes. Oh, there we are. Hello, everybody. Hello, hello, hello. hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello is it us you're looking for oh yes is it see it in your eyes is it us you're looking for maybe perhaps we are are we gonna is one of you gonna be a blind lady who makes a creepy bust of us in your pottery class uh You never know. Guys, everyone's loving the new dumb emojis. Oh, cool. And someone, I don't know who started this, but there's something called Gigantify where you can make a giant emoji in the chat. I think you have to cheer. Use some of your bits to cheer in the chat. I've never sounded older in my life than just saying it. Put some cheers in the chat. Use your bits to cheer. This is getting like that Star Trek episode where they met the alien that can only speak in like metaphors and everything they said just made no sense if you weren't from their culture. And it was like, you know, like Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra and like everything they said was a reference. If you had told Mew like ten years ago that someday you would say use your bits in the chat to cheer, you'd be like, what the fuck does that even mean? So you can't tell here on StreamYard, but this Roddy McDowall emote is gigantic on Twitch. Oh, okay. It's a huge Roddy right there in the chat. Now, is it like JPEG quality, or is it kind of like... It looks pretty good. Okay. I mean, it looks pretty high-res, and we got all of them. We even have Big Ed in there, Matt. I don't know if you saw that earlier. Oh, yeah. We now have a Big Ed emote. For a split second, me and my girlfriend have been watching Twin Peaks a lot lately. When you said the Big Ed emote, I was picturing like a Big Ed Hurley who owned the gas farm in Twin Peaks. And I was like, what a random one person to have an emote of. But no, the better Big Ed who has no neck and uses mayonnaise in his hair. Yes. Oh, yes. But yeah, you can subscribe on Twitch. That'll get you all those emotes. And while we don't support Bezos or Amazon or Twitch, really, at all, you can also... It's a fun little perk there. Use your free Prime Twitch sub you get every month on our Twitch channel. then you're really sticking it to the man but you can also head to dumb super dumb bros and watch completely ad free in our super dumb bros super club right at our website there um and uh Oh, we should say what we're playing tonight, right? Have we even said what show this is? I get lost sometimes. Yeah, this is sort of our laid-back kind of show, so we need to think of a better intro here. But this is Super Dumb Brothers. This is our show where we get together every Monday, and we kind of just celebrate having survived the first day of the week together. It's very chill, very laid-back. We're just going to be playing some video games. Chris is going to be playing through more of the Walking Dead Telltale game tonight. yes we're continuing last week uh he had there was a lot of pillow based uh plot yes um and that I'm gonna need you let a lady die and a man who looked like the neighbor from office space like fought you or something I don't know jackie b raises a good point I feel like every show is pretty laid back No, some of them we have a big outline and, you know, and I have assembled clips to play at different intervals. And this is like, we just like show up. Well, I mean, we got to set up the video game and everything. Sure. And decide what we'll play and everything. How can should we be seeing a commercial break in the club no that means you're just watching we just embedded and now I'm remembering why we stopped embedding the twitch channel on the main page because people go there and think that they're watching in the membership which is you're not you're watching it on twitch just embedded on our website but if you head to the memberships drop down and hit the super club then that'll bring you right to the super club that's where it's ad free and you still get the twitch chat there I got two turntables and a microphone. And if you are looking to also contribute in a fun little way, we're always doing our live donation shout-outs. I was thinking today, there's a lot of fun TV-themed songs that are out there, and maybe I'll do some of those in my characters. Of course, there's a place for a prompt, so if you have a very specific scenario, which some of y'all are getting very specific with these scenarios. Yeah, I like it. It's kind of an interesting development, but if not, I will break out my characters and do a variety of theme songs for you. So that's what I'm feeling. But yeah, so we're just going to play some Walking Dead. We're going to hang out. We're going to talk. Anything new and exciting going on with you right now, Chris? um let me think what did I do I babysat over the weekend oh yeah oh we discovered my nephew's favorite pastime is just saying hi to people outside the window over here because I live on the second floor of a pretty busy street in queens uh he loves just saying hi and then hiding And then just he giggles for, you know, twenty minutes and then does it again. Nice. For a second, I thought it was like it was like, well-natured, like he was like an old southern lady. I'm like a rocking chair on a porch, just like say. But he's he's essentially doing like the the greeting version of ding dong ditching. Yes. We discovered he liked doing this a few weeks ago. And then this is the first time we had him over since then. And it was like, as soon as his dad dropped off, like left, the first thing he wanted to do was just run up to them. And he's like, let's go say hi to people outside. We just did that for like a half hour. um kids are kind of you know they're a lot of work but also you can kind of easily abuse them at times oh yeah and it's great too it's just so harmless we're just saying hi to people and he's like is this illegal and I'm like no you can say hi to people if you want he's seven years old by the way At worst, somebody's just going to be like, what? Nobody's just going to be hurt or anything. Maybe they'll think they had an encounter with a ghost. There's a lot of foot traffic here, so it's kind of perfect for him. He can just see someone coming. He says hi. The person looks up, and then he's like, I totally got him. Yeah. That's great. That's, like, my niece's favorite game last time I was down is something that she dubbed Heads in the Couch, and all it is is just me picking her up and kind of, like, shaking her and then just, like, throwing her at a couch from, like, two feet away. Yeah. And we will do that for, like, twenty minutes. Oh, yeah. That's great. I used to play a game where I would throw one of them out the window, and I wouldn't actually throw them out the window. I would just kind of pretend, like, I was like, all right, time to throw you out the window. And then I'd pretend like they were falling, and I'd go like, eh. I kind of miss being small enough that somebody can just like pick you up and just do goofy like that you know like I know I get those people that fetishize like a giant ladies you know now I think after having this discussion do you know about those types of people that white wait say that again like their sexual fetish is being with like a giant lady Like a giant? Like a Jack and the Beanstalk-esque giant, but it's like a lady and, you know, and like being like a teeny tiny person, you know, not also being a giant, but like being like a teeny little person that she like carries around. And sometimes it's very sexual, but sometimes it's just like, they just feel safe being with a, if a giant lady was just in charge of them. I think they just watched way too much Muppet Babies as a kid. And there's just this weird fetish they've developed. Just giant legs and a voice you can't even see the person they're so big. Oh, yeah. Anyway. We'll be having more witty banter like that throughout the night, too. So stick around for that. We have a couple of donations here already. So let's see. We got our first donation from Jackie B. Thank you so much, Jackie B. Jackie, thank you. Oh, and I completely forgot. It's St. Patrick's Day. Oh, yeah. I'm wearing my green hoodie. Oh, that's not green. That's like neon yellow. It's green. I'm counting it as green. That is not green. I have my blue light on here. It's pretty green. I have a stick now that I'm going to use to point to Matt. That is not green. That is yellow. You were just trying to start conflict. You were... But that's the kind of thing that would get you pinched. I mean, I'm not wearing green. You should be pinching me, really. Yeah, you're being awfully judgy for someone who didn't even try. But that's not green. It's just not green. It's yellow. It's like yellow-green. It's like halfway there. It's neon. Rushmore Yankee nailed it. It's highlighter. Anyway, St. Patrick's Day. I don't know. I don't own a lot of green clothing. It's an issue. I guess I need to rectify it. I don't think I do either. Yeah, let's change that. Let's become more green. It ain't easy being green. It ain't easy being cheesy. Okay, anyway. What do you think is harder, being green or being cheesy in the terms of it ain't easy? Cheesy, for sure. Being cheesy sounds like I think we should all strive to be more cheesy. yes it can't hurt but just okay he seemed like he was on cocaine or something he seemed like a cool guy anyway jackie says happy saint patty's day uh could we get a little rainbow connection in your favorite impression voice and go thank you for all the dumbness well thank you jackie b and happy saint patrick's day Yeah, happy St. Patrick's Day. Thank you. Let me... Can you do rainbow connection? Yes, I can. I'm just making sure I don't screw the words up. We've got another couple of really good ones coming up here. Okay, cool. Okay, so I think I can make this work as Gollum, probably. It's like... So here we go. This is for you, Jackie. This is Gollum singing Rainbow Connection. Why are there so many songs about rainbows? And what's on the other side? Rainbows are visions, but only illusions. And rainbows have nothing to hide. So we've been talking that was great hey matt look I got a windshield wiper that sucks I'm moving into prop comedy in case anyone hasn't figured that out. Yeah, you're going to open for Carrot Top. Thank you so much, Jackie B. Thank you, Jackie. That was great, Matt. Well done. We have another one here. It was a little pitchy, dog, if I'm going to quote Randy Jackson of American Idol fame. A little pitchy, dog. Once I get my voice a little warmer, I think we'll be cooking with gas. I love Randy Jackson. I quote him quite a bit. Yeah. Whenever, you know, I'm like, it's alright, it's alright. I wouldn't say it's the bomb. Or when he's like, it's a no-for-me dog. I say that like at least twelve times a day. It's a classic. I say a lot, Seacrest out. I miss, does Ryan Seacrest still do that? That's a great exit phrase, just to be leaving someplace randomly and be like, Seacrest out. Out? Yeah, American Idol coined a lot of good catchphrases. Yeah. We should have an American Idol night on Mystery Hour. can we do that could we pull that off I know they definitely had like compilation episodes of like the worst singers and maybe we could have one of those be an option for something soon like an intermission or something yeah yeah I used to watch a lot of american idol and that was like the show like I was on board man that was those first four or five seasons yeah I was always on board for like the first couple episodes because I just want to watch like the losers embarrass themselves and then once it became like good people I was kind of just like okay just let me know at the end on the news who won forklift yes it is still a thing except it's not on fox anymore I just discovered this it's on it's been on abc for like the past four years oh weird so it was the last american idol that anybody like really gave exactly I know like I think lionel richie's one of the judges now oh yeah there's a terrifying ad with him where he's like coming out of like a dressing room mirror at like a lady and he looks like he's like candy man or something yeah it's all strange uh we have another donation here this one comes from spirocyte thank you so much spirocyte spirocyte thank you and spirocyte thank you thank you thank you has requested carl singing the theme song from cheers oh that's good carl from sling blade singing the theme song from Cheers. Uh, okay. So, uh, I don't, it's kind of hard to say when you're, when you're doing Carl Spiro side, but I can try to, to talk you through something that might help you take your mind off your troubles. So, because I know that making your way in the world today takes everything you got and taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away? Wouldn't you like to get away? Wouldn't you like to get away for all those nights when you got no lights, the check is in the mail, and your little angel hung the cat up by its tail, and your third fiance didn't show? You know, and sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad that you came. You want to be where you can see, you know, just that our troubles are all the same, and you want to be where everybody knows your name, and they got that potted meat and them biscuits and gravy. How responsible would you say the sitcom Cheers is in someone's alcoholism just deepening worse and worse? Because they have that song in their mind. It's such a fun, whimsical time. I know. It's like, yeah, let's go down to the bar and get tanked. Isn't it funny and cute that these people are at the bar so often that an entire sitcom can revolve around them where they never leave the bar, really? Is that even a thing now? Because, God, like... When I drank, I used to spend so much money on beer, but in this economy, I can't even imagine. Do people still just hang out at bars all night? I mean, I don't know. I haven't been to a bar in quite some time. I go every once in a while. I live in kind of the part of Park Slope where there's like a ton of bars all around me. And I'll occasionally like on a Saturday night, like go out and have like a drink or two because it's I don't drink at home anymore, but I do like to just go out and drink and to feel social, you know, and exactly. And I understand band playing, you know, but I don't like the people who hang out enough to like where the bartenders know who they are. Like, like, I mean, like the people there kind of go like and kind of know who I am a little bit. Yeah. Well, I have. I mean, I've had quite a few locations that I, you know, I understand the cheers mentality of wanting to go where everyone knows your name. One hundred percent. But, you know, in the grand scheme of things, it's probably not the best situation to go to the same bar every single night and spend every waking hour there. I did date a girl briefly, and I'll tell you who it is after this broadcast. But like she because you remember her. But, like, she was, like, a regular at this bar, and we would, like, I would go to hang out with her, and she just always, like, when we, you know, got together, she would take me up the street to this bar, and we would spend, like, three hours there, like, every night, and she had, like, just this massive bar tab of, like, a couple hundred dollars. I'm like, good God. Yeah. Like, it's nuts. Yeah, not every night. Multiple times. Exactly. That's kind of where I landed. I was never, like, a bar fly, but I, you know, there's quite a few places I used to frequent. Yeah. and still would honestly but I you know the pandemic happened and then yeah well and you don't drink anymore too it's like I don't know yeah I do I don't really drink anymore but I do think it's fun to have like yeah a drink or two at a bar every once in a while it's gonna be a long one it's gonna be a long one yeah we're gonna it's uh you know we're just we're just uh we're just chilling up here we're just uh yeah let's go ahead and get walking dead fired up Well, let's do one more because this one involves both of us. Oh, yes. We have a couple more here. Let's do this one. This one comes from Teresa E. Oh, thanks so much, Teresa. Teresa, thank you. Teresa says, hi, guys. Please have Columbo interview Alfred about who is the Batman. Oh, I haven't done Alfred in a while. Good pick. Why don't you be Alfred crying at the grave and then I'll interview you at the grave. Excuse me, sir. I know this is a very sensitive time and I'm sorry to bother you at such an important moment. You seem very upset, but I just have to ask you, this Batman fellow you keep referring to, who might that be? Don't know who the Batman is. What is your name? What is your jurisdiction? Are you one of Harvey's boys? Uh, no. My name's Lieutenant Columbo, LAPD. Well, Lieutenant Columbo, I know a little bit about law enforcement. I once followed a gang of gym thieves in the jungle, and I saw a boy with a ruby the size of a tangerine. And then I burn the village down. So I'm aware of your line of work, but I don't know who the Batman is. I can't tell you who the Batman is. All I can tell you is if you ever have the chance to be the Batman, don't be the Batman. Please don't be the Batman, Lieutenant Columbo. And you see, that's the thing. You seem so upset about this Batman fellow, but you don't know who he is. I just find that a little, I don't know. It's a little odd, don't you think? Well, I mean, we can all be sad about the Batman. I was sad about Princess Diana. I don't know her personally, but she was England's Rose, and I don't think Elton John's going to write a song about the Batman. All right, well, how about I just throw some names out there, and if one of them's the Batman, you just tell me is the Batman. No, no, no comment. Okay, how about Elon Musk? Is Elon Musk the Batman? Yes. Well, there we go. Well, thank you, sir. That was it. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go back to warning. Morning, Master Bruce. I mean, Master Batman. I mean... Just to be clear. Goodbye. The Batman is dead, correct? Yes. All right. Thank you, sir. Just one more thing, sir. Oh, my God. This is really embarrassing, and I hate to bring it up to you, but I wouldn't be able to go back to my boss if I didn't ask you, sir. Are you sure Elon Musk is the Batman? A hundred percent. He was a friend of Master Bruce Wayne, who also coincidentally died at the same time. Well, that explains that. Thank you, sir. Okay. Thank you. I feel like that gif of Bart Simpson bringing out the at least he tried cake should have happened there. Thank you, Teresa. You're very sweet. We appreciate your support. All right, let's get into some Walking Dead, everyone. Yeah, let's get into it. It's a rough start to the week. Your eyes look a little puffy there. That's because I was rubbing them a lot because I was doing the Michael King. Oh, because you were crying. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. yeah please don't be the batman please please don't be the bat all right here we go please don't be the batman please don't be the batman we need to make up more cheerleading cheers for various things in life we do I live by those things don't you know like uh you know like uh Store brand cereal is just as good. I said store brand cereal is just as good. Uh, what one do we leave? Okay. Three, ten. That's one. Don't be anxious about your bank account. Don't be anxious about your bank account. If your cousin James hasn't gone bankrupt yet, then you're probably fine. Then you're probably fine. The various mantras I tell myself to get through the day, but just turned into cheers. I forget where we left off. I think we got to the back alley and I got the keys from that zombie. You shot the zombie with a pillow and you have a screwdriver now, I think, so you can stab the zombies with the screwdriver, I believe. Oh no, is it putting me... Oh my god, it didn't save it. Oh no. Well, some of y'all will get like a previously on here. We can go a titch long tonight. It's fine. I'm feeling real loosey goosey. Yeah, but we covered a lot of ground. Unless I'm just misremembering. This is... Maybe we're okay. We might be okay. We're like the Bates Motel. I just remember us starting in the hotel, so I don't know. We've been in this hotel for a minute. Meanwhile, on the David Lynch Highway. Yeah, okay. This is good. We're ahead. Yes, and Chris is going to be playing, so I will be manning the chat and generally just yapping at y'all tonight. Turn this up a little bit. I think I need to go. Oh, so this is Glenn's origin story, I guess? Again? Shut up! Because, yeah, because Glenn is the one who finds Rick at the beginning of the Walking Dead comic. Which I've been rereading those Walking Dead omnibuses. My library app has them all right now. And those first couple are pretty good. You gotta do what you gotta do. I never really cared for the show, but the book is pretty good for a long while. Yeah, I've heard that. And it just kind of went on too long. Did you check the glow box? I swear I saw it. Have you ever built dungeons where you Are you hearing like eight thousand voices talking at once? Yeah. Is that because there's like police in the background or something, right? So weird. It seems like they're just being a little loud for the zombie apocalypse. That's all I'm saying. Yeah, it's like... Yeah, there's supposed to be just, like, general chatter in the background, but it sounds like there's, like, uh... You, like, have schizophrenia. No problem. Voices in your head. We have to take care of each other. Yeah, we do. You said you wanted kids once. Uh, I did. Yeah. Well, she's not your daughter, so you can't treat her like she is. I'm gonna carry your baby. Yeah, I know that. But you can take care of her. Hell, maybe better than a father even could. Thanks, Kitty. I got your back, pal. I forgot to say our co-op game. Oh, yeah. Are we going to do a vote on it? Yeah, we're going to play a Jackbox game, but one of the other ones beside the t-shirt one. Not that that game's not good, but we feel here at the Super Dumb Brothers that we could use the variety. Yes. We'll put that poll in the chat in just a few minutes. What is going on with The Walking Dead show right now? How many of them are there right now? There's movies now. Is it still on? I don't even know. I don't know if The Walking Dead proper is still on, but there's weird prequel stuff. There's a show about the Daryl guy, and then there's a movie, I think, with Rick and the Michonne lady. Yeah, I see all the Subway ads and stuff, but I don't know. I know it's stupid. We just met. I mean, it's probably just a survivor thing. I really liked her. Yeah, I'm trying to think. You'll be alright. Yeah, I know. Anyway, I'd rather be alone, I think. I understand. Wait, Lee? What is it, buddy? How did you choose? I mean, we both needed you. You picked me. The game wouldn't let me choose the lady, or choose you, because... Yeah, I guess it doesn't matter. I just wish you would have picked her. It gave me the illusion of choice, like the Final Destination III DVD that supposedly let you choose your own adventure with who lived and who died, but it didn't actually work, so... It was just watching the movie, but with, like, cute little menus in between every death. Oh, man, check this out. The Doomatron had this minigun on his shoulder. It's all, like, pow, pow, pow. Walter Matthau? Uh, Danny says all I know about modern Walking Dead is there was a Rat King zombie I heard, where zombies in the mass grave fusing became a centipedish zombie. Spyro Sy said there was a Daryl spinoff and new one, The Ones Who Live. Is that what replaced Fear the Walking Dead? Is Fear the Walking Dead still on? I feel like I'm having a stroke when I talk about these things. How many shows can you have off of? Thanks. I know I need to be tough. I'm just sad. I know it doesn't make any sense, but it's how I used to talk to my mom and dad. And now they're gone. It's gone. Maybe we can find you another one. I'll just keep this one, I guess. Lee, come here for a second. Let me go deal with this. Oh, man. Clementine, another thing. Go talk to this allegory for a racist guy from... She's fine. Fine, huh? She's got a great ass. Well, just fuck you, Lee Everett. That's right. I know who you are, and I know you're a killer. Will you go near my daughter or step out of line once? And so will everyone else. I know who you are. This is creating quite the dramatic tension in our storyline. But if anything happens to my daughter or that little girl you've got with you, you watch your ass. No. Everyone is talking at the same time. It's driving me crazy. Aw, shucks. I hope that's the sound of us winning this thing. Me too. This Motorin's pretty damn defendable. We block off the entrances with some cars, keep someone on watch, we can stay here until the military rolls through. I actually agree with that plan. Me too. We got beds, we got water, and most importantly, we got light. There are worse places to call home. Yeah, you're right. You know, guys, I think it's going to be okay. It's gonna be great. That's how, like, everybody feels right now. We're just standing in this zombie parking lot, just like, it's gonna be okay. um kaija blue walking dead queen the original show is over dead city which is maggie and negan uh daryl dixon and the ones who live are commissioned fear is over okay so there are currently going like three shows is that the end of the chapter you and forty six percent of players lied you and four percent of players chose sean so I'm pretty middle middle of the road here I guess yeah everybody's real split I also like this country just split vote on everything right all right should we start the next chapter yeah fire the next one up I didn't know how many of them you had I think I got them all feels like such a waste having all because like I don't know these are fine but it's you know it's it's not the kind of thing that I could see myself getting super lost in that I would have to play all of them though I do keep thinking about getting that batman one kai just says dead city is intriguing because they hate each other so much but have to work together season two is coming soon wow I mean, it is a good, if you're going to, I guess, build a franchise, it's a good, it's the best kind of version of the zombie story that's been told so far. All right, so Daryl and Carol end up in Europe. How did they get to Europe? By boat? That seems like, that seems pretty far-fetched. How did they get to Europe? They take the boat from Jason Goes to Manhattan that transports him from Crystal Lake to, like, the Atlantic Ocean. If you haven't seen the movie, Jason goes to Manhattan. Very little of it takes place in Manhattan. Most of it takes place on a boat, and he gets on this, like, cruise ship because there's a boat in Crystal Lake, and he just gets on it and kills everybody. And then from there, he finds another boat in the Atlantic Ocean somehow and then gets over there and starts killing kids. Danny says Norman Reedus once cussed at them at a bar. Nice. Whoa. What did Herman say? Get out of my way. I'm Norman Reedus. I'm Norman. Get out of my way. You know how people just announce their name like that? Yeah. I'm Norman. I'm Matt. Get out of my way. Get out now. Get out of my way now. I don't even, I don't even know what Norman Reedus sounds like. I've never understood. I've never really understood the, the appeal of him. Maybe it's just because I just know a lot of greasy Southern men. And I guess, I guess I kind of am one. Uh, it's a. All right. New chapter. Here we go. New chapter. Blue Eyed Lady, just the chapter was over. But, you know, it takes a lot of people to make these games. It's the next chapter, like the Dr. Dre song. Yes, the next chapter. Is that what it's called? The next episode. Oh, it's the next episode. I'm sorry. I had a complete stroke right there. The next chapter. Just chill for the next chapter. It sounds cooler. I don't know. I think it's an improvement. As you can tell, I'm very immersed in hip-hop. So just chill to the next chapter. I like that. What is going on here? Hit zombie. Gotcha. Damn. What'd they get this time? Looks like a rabbit. Well, that's another meal lost. Is that Jared Fogle? It is. I still can't believe we went through all that commissary food in three months. I'm the only one happy about the downfall. I watched a documentary about Subway's downfall in the past, like, ten years. Oof. It's bad. Well, yeah. They've had it recently too because they... Their tuna's not tuna, apparently. There's no trace of tuna found in their tuna. I was going to bring up that they recently had a sandwich endorsement deal with this guy. Oh my god, I can't remember what his name is, but he's like a live streamer and he's got like a handlebar mustache and sunglasses. And a look that's completely different from my mustache and sunglasses look. But it's a, what's that guy's name? It's a... do you think kenny's having any uh live stream this is gonna bother me I have to between the lack of food and kenny and lily google this things are getting pretty tense back at the motor and What is that guy's name? Anyway, but there was, like, they had an entire sandwich named after a live streamer, and I think that that's crazy that we live in a world where a live streamer can have an official sandwich at Subway. But then it turned out that he was, like, chatting with underage girls on an app, so they had to basically send out, like, a cease and desist and tell people to just, like, trash all the standees and everything, like, immediately, and they'd already sank a bunch of promotion into it and everything. It's a... What is... Doctor Disrespect. Thank you, Crankor. Yeah, that's who it is. God, I was about to, like, lose my mind if I couldn't figure that out. Allegedly, I have to say, you know, it's, uh... Don't come after us. But it is true that they, you know, they dropped him as a spokesperson. There's actually, like, a great livestream of his where you can see, like, he's playing Red Dead Redemption, then he, like, looks at his phone, and then he just goes, like, stone-faced, and he's just, like, riding a horse in a circle around in the field. Like, you can tell he's got the news that he was being dropped from something, and he's just in shock. I love that. Shit! Was that Kenny? I don't know. Come on! You bastards. Spyrocyte says, what about the Dummering? It's a Subway sandwich. Chris, if we had a signature Subway sandwich, what would you want to go on it? I'm a real chicken kind of person, so as long as there's like chicken, cheese, and ranch dressing, those are all my favorites. Yuck. That'll be your sandwich. That'll be the Matt Subway sandwich. That'll be the Ichabod. Mine'll be the Colombo. It's just a... Maybe some bacon. Like an Italian sub. It's a bacon. With some chili over it. Interesting. Cranker says chicken feet and flip-flops. The faces keep getting weirder on these characters. Oh yeah, because your dad was special forces, that means that you have authority on how to personally get someone out of a bear trap. I think he was bitten. I think that's probably like one of my biggest weird fears is like somehow stepping in a bear trap I know it would never happen to me but uh why do people said bear traps well let's see you gotta trap bears somehow you know and a bear's big enough to just like you know murder you so why do you have to trap them okay Oh, how do I? What the? Hey. Yeah, it's so humane that this thing clamps around their leg and basically breaks it. You might as well just kill them at that point. I don't know. I don't think I've ever seen footage of a bear in a bear trap now that I think about it. It's always just used in a horror context because it's terrifying. Oh, I had to cut his leg off. I feel like a lot of times with bears these days, they just have cage situations and Bear traps are one of those things that movies made me think I'd have to worry more about like quicksand or being in the Bermuda Triangle, but I did nearly almost get lost in the Bermuda Triangle as an adult. I went on a... I was working for a science non-profit and they had this company trip where it's like they took all of us to Bermuda and I went on a jet ski tour of the Bermuda Triangle and because I was bad at jet skiing I fell behind the group and they kind of all got really ahead of me and I could barely see them in the distance and for a minute I thought I was about to get lost in the Bermuda Triangle. It seems very on brand. I can only go so fast because they're doing like a hundred on these things. Or I think we were all supposed to do like fifty. I think I'm exaggerating a little bit. Everybody's doing like fifty, but I was getting to about like twenty and that felt like I was going too fast. And they start skipping off the waves, the jet skis, and it was just all making me anxious, but yeah, my ass almost got left, because yeah, the tour guide, he took us to this place where there's literally, like, a ship that's, like, wrecked, it's like this old ship, and he gives it all of you, like, bread at the beginning, he jokes, like, this is your bread for if you get lost and you need to survive, ha ha, but then you get to the ship, and the bread is actually for you to drop it in the water pieces of it, and all these fish come out of the old wrecked ship, but after that, everybody just, like, zooms off into the distance, and I'm trying to keep up, and I'm like, I think I might need the rest of this bread, actually, like he said at the beginning. And, uh, but I eventually just trusted my gut and kept sailing towards the pinpricks on the horizon, and I caught up to them, and that's how I didn't get abandoned in the Bermuda Triangle at age... twenty-seven or something. Spiros I says two dudes I now have enough for a meme it's only Monday well good that Bermuda trip is also the reason why I don't think I can ever drink Gosling's rum ever again because there's just an open bar there and I guess like I don't know if like Gosling's was like sponsoring the resort or if it's just like the official rum of Bermuda or something but it's a we drink a lot of it I went on a booze cruise where it was literally just like an open ship thing. This guy that looked like Zach Galifianakis just told us about a variety of different goslings, lickers, and got us all tanked on the boat. It was a good time. Yeah. Ooh, Jaypo makes a good point. Any sandwich for Matt would be open-faced in honor of his feet. You know what? I do think that that is witty, so I accept your... your situation. Oh my god, my mom makes a great open-faced hamburger. Maybe I would do, like, that kind of recipe where it's, like, a piece of toast and then, like, cheese melted and then the burger. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just, like, I've completely... You're talking about sandwiches. Come on, Lily. These are people. People trying to survive just like us. We've got to stick together to survive. The only reason you're here is because you had food. Enough for all of us. But that food is on the line. You had all your Subway sandwiches, Jared. And I don't suppose you guys are carrying any groceries, are you? Um, no. Why is your posture so bad? Welcome to the family, kid. Come over here and see what I drew. What? No, I... Fuck off, kid. You know, you like to think you're the leader of this little group, but we can make our own goddamn decisions. This isn't your own personal dictatorship. Your own personal. Ironic that this guy definitely would have voted for Trump. Yeah. But now that it's running out, suddenly I'm a goddamn Nazi. Lily's right. This group needs someone to be a leader or we're all going to fall apart. Actually, I voted for Gary Johnson. Great. Way to take sides, Lee. Look, they're here now. We can't change that. So, what do you want to do? They can stay until Katja finishes working on that guy. Then they have to go. I don't care what condition they're in. They have to get on out here. I don't see any of you stepping up to make the hard decisions. My girl's got more balls than all of you combined. Dad, please. Why don't you go help Mark with the walls? Sweetie, show him your balls. Got twelve of them. Balls of steel. We have all these Hot Pockets. Luckily, if they eat this Hot Pocket, it'll give them diarrhea, and then they can just eat the diarrhea. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Four food item for ten hungry people. Oh, man, those cheese and cracker combo things, those were the jam when I was a kid. I want the crackers. The ones I really liked were the ones that came with, like, the wider cracker, and they all had, like, the little plastic thing that you used as, like, a tiny knife to put the cheese on top of it. Or should I give the food to? Got to be the kids, right? I think you should just eat both of them. What if I did that? Just cram it all in your face, just right in front of everybody. Where's your hat? I don't know. Can you help me find it? All we have are these Mr. Beast feastables for you to eat on. I had it a couple days ago. I promise. If I find it, I'll let you know. Thank you. Okay, Clint. I've got to take care of some things. Why don't you go back to playing with Duck for a while? Okay. Okay. Who's this little inbred boy? Where did he come from? Speaking of Sling Blade, he looks like the little boy. I like the way you talk. Oh my god. Oh god. He looks like the fucking dummy from Goosebumps. Can I eat it myself if I wanted to? Just cram it all in your face. Here, Clem. You need something to eat. uh oh you've also got other food that you can get apples thank you thank god no honey that was the last one oh don't get greedy enjoy it you deserve it eat the food how about this guy there's two pieces of food left you're not gonna feed the little hillbilly boy I gave him. I gave him the crackers. Oh, you did? Okay. He fed Hillbilly LG over there. I found this bull penis out in the parking lot. It's yours. Keep the last piece for myself. Yeah. Fuck them. Uh-oh. Bad move. Oh, you're a bad person because you didn't go full, like, savior mode on everybody. If you get sick, you can't look after people. You have to stay strong as well. You have to take care of your own oxygen mask before you assist others. I don't have a choice. Lee, Kenny, I know I ran out of food before. Hey, it was a tough time. Yeah, fuck that guy. That's what a real man does. Thanks, Kenny. Actually, I ate them all. I guess some people aren't going to be happy with your choices. Also, his name is Kenny, which is the most stereotypical, like, red... Oh, yeah. I fed the children and then myself. That guy kind of looks like Rodney Dangerfield a little bit. The white hair guy. Got a problem, man. Words getting out that you want to leave the motoring. Man Dog says it's going to be like the Oregon Trail. They're all going to die of starvation. Got room for me and Clem in there. Listen, I got to look out for my family. I got to know that whoever I take with me is going to be. This guy looks like a like a roadie for like Brooks and Dunn. You left Duck in danger twice. Well, the RV ain't even working yet, so there's no point in talking about it right now. Now, back when I was loading amps for the Allman Brothers, I learned a thing or two about surviving out here in the wilderness. I know that it is. I'm taking my family. Danny said, they took our gerbs. Yeah, it's that guy. They took our gerbs. This looks like an indie album cover. It does. I need a man. Did you watch Ozark? I saw clips, but I didn't really watch it, watch it. There's a character that multiple times throughout the season went, I want a baby. I just know about the one girl who says fuck five thousand times. Yes, I messed up the poll. I wrote Jackbox, but I meant Quiplash. Let me fix that. If you voted for Jackbox, it went towards Quiplash. That's not how democracies work. Democracy is so overrated. What's up, Lee? I'm out of food. I came here to specifically tell you I saved your life, but also I'm going to starve you. What are you working on, Doug? I've worked up a little warning system. It's called a flashlight. It's called a glory hole. If one of us all get on one side, and then the rest of you will come up on the other side. Think Katja can save that guy? Maybe. I mean, I know about computers, but that doesn't mean I can fix a calculator. But you probably could fix a calculator. Well, yeah. Good point. Take it easy, Doug. You too, Lee. Fucking Doug. Doug. Oh, soup. Her chair on top of that thing, all I can think of is the Mr. Bean episode where he fills his car up completely and then has a recliner on the roof and drives it from the roof. Wow. Alright, now what am I supposed to do here? Oh, maybe, should I look up what to do? Yeah, I've talked to everyone. I don't know what... Okay, what chapter are you on again? Two. Two. I may have just triggered something. Season one, episode two, uh... We did the chop his leg off, motor in. Leave it to Doug to rig up a warning system. Once all the food's been given out, a scene will play where someone who didn't get food looks sad. It is at this point that Lee goes back. Goes into check-in with Katya, who calls Lee and Kenny over. The person is saved. David or Travis has died because of their wounds. Lee will then get the option to say something to Katya, but is interrupted as David Travis reanimates as a walker grabbing hold of Katya in the process. I understand. Gotta be hard to make those decisions. Just give me next time. Lily's pretty pissed at us. Did any of that mean anything? I don't know. But nothing. She's making the smart choice. Those parasites you guys brought back need to go. It says the person who was saved, David or Travis, has died because of their wounds. And then Lee will get the option to say something to Kaia. No way I'm going back there. You saw what it was like when you guys picked me up. Completely overrun. Need any help with the wall? Nope. Actually, we could use your axe. You mind if we take it? Oh. Yeah, give us that thing for a bit. Should I give him the axe? Oh, should you give him the axe? Literally? Oh, should I? Should you give it to Rodney Dangerfield or Jared Fogle? Who should get our axe? Thanks. Yeah, give it to him. I don't trust the other dude. You didn't think to give me the axe? Hell no. This man reminds me of my grandfather. He knows you're just out to protect Lily. He told me so. Just like he's trying to protect Clementine. He... I just need some food. Going this long without a proper meal will make anybody cranky. Starve the kids. Fuck those kids. He didn't make it, did he? He lost too much blood. God damn it. I'm getting sick of this shit. Ken, come back. There's nothing... I'm sick of this shit too. You don't think I am? I don't know. Maybe it's for the best. We're already struggling to feed our own kids. That man you brought, I tried, but he was never going to survive. Well, at least he's not our problem anymore. What about the other kid? Oh, no. Oh, no. Get off of it. Yeah. No. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Get him, Jared. Wait, it's... It's like... It's getting all choppy. Kick him! Kick him! You gotta kick him! I'm trying! I'm trying! Oh, God. I got him! Like, the option to kick him's not... Oh! No! No! He nibbled on your legs. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are dead. Oh, he's going to go all the way to the beginning. He's reminded me for some reason of the dad from Johnny Quest. Like, he looks like that guy. Like, I'm hitting the kick button and ain't doing nothing. kick em when they're up kick em when they're down kick a zombie kick em to the ground what stick? he was like crawling like seductively at you that didn't go so well no no it did not good job dumb dumb I got em I never really understood, like, that period in the two thousands where people were kind of romanticizing, like, a zombie outbreak and how great it would be to... Like, this just looks like it would suck. Alright, I'm gonna try this one more time and then we'll move on to our co-op game. Yeah, you made a lot of good progress. It's like the joystick doesn't really move properly, so I'm having a really hard time controlling it. Is it with the actual game or is it just your connection? Well, it's a little bit of both because I'm playing off of stream driving. Use the stick to get away. Use the left stick to get away. Your left stick, I guess. Oh, I see. You want to give it one more try now that you kind of know what's going on? I didn't understand what they meant by stick. I mean, come on. Come on. Use a different word. Use your words, watching dead game. Yeah. Left stick. You're like, yeah, is there a stick on the ground? Like... You gotta scoot your bum. There we go. Oh no. Ah, gouge his eyes! Oh, got me. I'm not good at this. Oh my god. Keeps making me go back to here. The chat is saying, I guess we're getting all the deaths in at once. Pyrocyte's like, hey, baby. Rushmore Yankee says, he just wanted to eat your ass. Serena, seventeen twelve, says, oh, he loves you. I don't want to hit you. I'm trying, dude. What the? Why are you... I don't understand. It seems like you're gouging pretty well. This reminds me of, like, Dragon's Lair. I don't think I ever played that. That guy kind of looks like Johnny Quest a little bit. A little bit, yeah. Is this entire game set in the Johnny Quest universe? Ah, there you go. How do I push it? Oh, okay. Good job. Thanks. Yeah, I don't think Walter Matthau would have been a great help there if he had the axe. I'm the boomer. Oh, they don't know. It's just anyone that dies. What the hell are you talking about? Yeah, that was like a big revelation, I remember. You come back no matter how you die. If you don't destroy the brain, that's just what happens. It's going to happen to all of us. God help us. It makes sense. In those first few days, it spread so fast. Car accidents, suicides, everything was making more of them. When I first saw it happen, we were all hiding out in a gym and everybody thought we were finally safe. But one of the girls, Jenny Pitcher, I think, I guess she couldn't take it. She took some pills, a lot of them. Someone went in the girls' room the next morning and... God. She took like eighty tons. it works of course it works thanks for the rules exposition boy green is seventeen twelve says just don't die problem solved I don't know if I want to live with the knowledge that I could just my body could be reanimated that sounds horrible they're not part of your group are they no Mr. Parker Travis and I were the last the last ones There's just two of them. We need to make a stand. No, we have a routine. We don't confront them if we don't have to. You all right? Yeah, just getting untangled. I don't know how you're still alive, man. Sorry, Lily. We gotta do this. That's far enough. Oh, shit. Okay, okay. No problem. You're outnumbered here. Just turn around and go back. Okay, that's fine. larry the cable guy is gonna come over now if you could part with some extra gas before we leave what do you need gas for our place is protected by an electric fence generators provide the electricity our generators run on gas look we own a dairy farm a few miles up the road if y'all be willing to lower your guns we can talk about some kind of trade I don't know shoot them dead kill them don't trust them at the dairy Lee, why don't you and Mark check the place out? See if it's legit. I'll go too. Send them to die. Spirosite says, asks Matt, would you download your brain into an AI and a dumb bot eventually? Uh, probably, I guess. I don't know. I've told Chris before that there's probably enough footage of us that you could put together like the movie Videodrome, just like a version of me where you just compile footage from everything. Sounds fair. A couple gallons should power one of our generators for a while. All right. Should we move on to our call-up game? Is it grub game time? Yeah, that seems like, I guess, a good place to pause. We'll come back to this. I still think you should have killed those guys. Anytime I have these games where it gives you the option of doing the good choice or the bad choice, I always choose to be the worst person possible in these. Like I've been kind of playing through Knights of the Old Republic a little bit in my spare time. And anytime I'm given the opportunity to be helpful or a giant asshole, I always choose the worst choice. All right, here we go. What should we play tonight? Let's see what the results are. Whiplash, Gaspinage, Rift Tracks, or Trivia Murder Party. Let's see. We should play Twister. Oh, it's a tie. All right. Someone's got to be the who's going to place the tie breaking vote. There's a hundred of you watching. Somebody else just hop on and... There it goes. There we go. All righty. Let's fire it up. Yeah, like, literally, like... Like, thirty-nine of you voted. I am smelling like a rose that somebody gave me on my... I am. That's a great like one of those parts of songs where you can just kind of sing it. You don't have to sing the rest of the song and people know what song you're referencing. I am. It's like that or like it's been some Okay, let me get my monitor set up over here for some Rift Tracks game. What's it's like? Everything okay? Yeah, no, I'm just setting up the game. It's Yeah, everyone head to Oh, .games. I always get that mixed up. I'm going to put the code in the chat for, I know because there's like, there's, I think it's And then there's also, which is like just their website, I think. All right. I just gave you the code, Matt, whenever you're ready. Okie doke. Two seconds. Don't say it out loud while you are typing, Matt. You can keep words to yourself, Matt. Okay. I'm in. Tank, I'm in. Alright, everyone. Putting the code in the chat. I have hacked onto the web, Tank. I'm here. Head to Enter that code. this is gonna fill up fast but oh my god it's always so it's always so fast some of you are just like sitting there like ready to I bet you people are really good at like when there's a concert that goes on sale you know yeah uh like being in those queues and just knowing how to like hit the button at like the exact second I always do bad at those every clip has a spot to write My monitor always unexpectedly refreshes at the last second. I lose my place. One of our own professional comedy professionals at a slight point deduction. Everyone's riffs are played back and you vote for your favorite. At the end of all the rounds, the player with the most points wins. Round one. All right. Why don't you just tell Nancy and Jimmy who you are? no oh god it's better that they think I'm dead episode one murphy why don't you just tell nancy and jimmy who you are no it's better that they think I am dead this show looks amazing I've never seen this that looks awful um okay I feel mildly good about that. That's a good start. We want a good warm-up. Good, good, good little warm-up, you know? You know. I'm trying to think what else interesting I've been up to. Inga and I have been re-watching, or she's been watching for the first time. We've finally arrived at Twin Peaks Season Three. We just started that again. Oh, nice. So good. And we've also just been playing Super Mario World a ton, so that's what I've been. Oh, the original? Yeah. No. It's better that they think I am dead. My penis looks like this, too. Don't look. Murphy, why don't you just tell Nancy and Jimmy who you are? No. It's better that they think I'm dead. Now somebody feed me some Oreo cookies. Oh yeah. Robo wants an Oreo. Why don't you just tell Nancy and Jimmy who you are? No. It's better that they think I'm dead. Is he crying? We're sorry, Mr. Kissinger. We had to make you a robot. Murphy, why don't you just tell Nancy and Jimmy who you are? No. It's better that they think I'm dead. no one must know I'm elon musk reed d-i-c yeah I was trying to think of who it reminded me of murphy why don't you just tell nancy and jimmy who you are no it's better that they think I am dead we tried being a throuple and things ended badly A throuple. A throuple. That sounds like what someone in the Netherlands would call being in a throuple. Would you like to be in a throuple with me, huh? We're gonna have a throuple. Me and the throuple are gonna go down to the orgy later. My apartment is three blocks away. Me and the throuple are gonna go have some spank spank. Just a vague Eastern European accent. If you guys are watching this live, you can also vote in the chat. Just got to put the number number in the chat there. Connects pretty cool, huh? I think you can then also help pick, uh, clips for a future. The throuple is going to be the name of my open face sandwich. The throuple. Yes. I like that. I'll have a throuple. No mayo. Or like a throuple sounds like a creature from like a Land of the Lost type show that would show up for like one episode. Like, oh no, it's the evil throuple. Or you would know Gargamel from the Smurfs or something. Do do do. That is a good one. You know what he reminds me of now I'm thinking? He reminds me of Danny DeVito in that one It's Always Sunny episode where he's like naked and he's all lubed up. He's like, I just want to be pure. Alright, I'm in the second place. Me and the throuple are gonna go celebrate with this throuple later. You fire me and I'll make more noise than two skeletons making love in a tin coffin, brother. You're off the project as of right now. Let me tell you something, mister. You fire me and I'll make more noise than two skeletons making love in a tin coffin, brother. Brother. Brother. You've seen the clip? Now enter your rift. Oh, the creepy doll. That's an intriguing prospect. There's a creepy doll in the bottom corner. When me and the throuple make spank spank together, we turn the creepy doll toward the wall. Because if she watches us, she's possessed by the spirits of all the throuples before us. yeah it's time for rift oh my god this is so long what your riff no just uh it's a it's rare that sometimes I know exactly what I'm gonna write right away and I don't realize how long this is oh yeah extended out to Al Canox says the unfortunate thing about the Robocop series is that for budgetary reasons, they couldn't do a lot with them. Have we ever watched the Robocop cartoon on any of our programs? I think we did. I know it's definitely been an option before. Or maybe it was Rambo. Maybe we didn't watch Robocop. I legitimately can't remember what we have and haven't watched sometimes. I know, sometimes I look at old episodes and I'm like, I have no recollection of watching this at all. But that cartoon for RoboCop was great, and there's even an episode where Clarence Boddicker, you know, the dad from that show, Yeah, we did watch RoboCop. Thank you, people. See? This is exactly why you're off the project. Stuff like this, Doug. the project as of right now let me tell you something mister you fire me and I'll make more noise than two skeletons making love in a tin coffin brother dog the bounty hunter and his crime fighting t-h-r-o-u-p-l-e I'm in a throuple with all the bounty hunter let me tell you something mister you fire me and I'll make more noise than two skeletons making love in a tin coffin brother baba boy You're off the project right now! Let me tell you something, mister. You fire me and I'll make more noise than two skeletons making love in a tin coffin, right? That's so fucking hot. You're off the project right now! Let me tell you something, mister. You fire me and I'll make more noise than two skeletons making love in a tin coffin, brother. I get royalties for the phrases I coin, right? It's my retirement coin. You're off the project as of right now. Let me tell you something, mister. You fire me and I'll make more noise than two skeletons making love in a tin coffin, brother. Yeah, I'm fully aware I just gave Matt another fetish to think about. He's kind of flubbing that line. It's weird. If you fire me, I'll be hotter than a guy who's in the palms of a giant lady and then is later either put inside her mouth or other orifice as a tiny person and has to go spelunking until they get lodged inside like the man that died in the Nutty Putty Cave. Are you still there? It is my sexual fetish to be swallowed by a giant lady and then to get lodged and die in a way like the Nutty Putty Man. Yeah, that's a bright, cheery topic to talk about. Do you know about the Nutty Putty Cave incident, Chris? I don't. There was this guy, he was, like, spelunking, and he, like, went into a crevice that hadn't been explored before, and his head, he got, like, lodged upside down in this crevice, and then, like, they couldn't get him out, so they just had to, like, hole up the cave, and, like, he's still there. Oh my god. That's insane. Like he died from just being upside down from too long and all the pressure being put on him. I don't understand the cave diving. That shit makes me so anxious. I know. That's another one of those things like quicksand. Every time I watch it, I'm like, oh my God, that makes me. But the good thing is, is you never have to do it. Exactly. Exactly. It's an entirely avoidable problem. Or being buried alive. That always freaks me out. You see? You see? You're stupid minds. Stupid. Stupid. He hit him so hard his face turned green for a second. You see? You see? You're stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid! His face does turn green. Okay. Take a deep breath and enter your rift. I'm going to write this joke just for Chris. This one's for you, Chris. Yeah, what's going on? There's like a man in the middle who's like, he's like a little testicle thing with like tree arms. He looks like the tree thing from the Twin Peaks season three. Oh, yeah. No springs. Yeah, are we going to get to do our takes on Coily now? We'll have to include this episode now when we ever reissue that box set. No springs. No springs. Everyone should get the No Springs t-shirt designed by Josh Flowers, by the way, which is available at I am stuck on springs, but springs aren't stuck on me. Yeah. It does look like the Martian from the Flintstones, like a live-action version. Oh, yeah. The Gazoo? He went to the Natalie Cuomo school of handling hecklers. Thank you, Matt. Thank you. Thank you. Your stupid, stupid purple satin outfit. Take some of that. Smack. You see? You see? Your stupid minds. Stupid. Stupid. A governmental worker finally gives one of those doge dweebs what they deserve. You see? You see? Your stupid minds. Stupid. Stupid. It's dumb. Dumb Industries. you see you see your stupid minds stupid stupid my fist has an iq of five charlie murphy what the five fingers say to the face you see slap your stupid minds stupid stupid I told you that in confidence that is good okay good use of the sound effect there stupid industries you know I did consider naming it stupid industries at one point no I didn't stupid incorporated not that that would be any worse or better really that should be like our our rival company we'll we'll do like an andy kaufman-esque uh rivalry between us and a fellow we already did that stupid dumb buster's video we abandoned that concept kind of like half of the way through it uh Stupid Incorporated. Well, fuck all the people at Dumb Industries. I hope they drink my pee. I'm gonna set their building on fire. This is not an admission of arson. Noel. Nice. Well done. Nice. Very nice. That'll get everybody to clear out if I start doing Borat. Danny in the lead, as usual. Wait. Is that the same puppet from that other show? It's just like a pretty standard Punch and Judy doll. Yeah, I think it's probably more of that situation. His hands were dirty. And his hair was messy. But Mr. Bungle didn't stop to wash his hands or comb his hair. He went right to lunch. Time to bring the funny. Enter your riff now. Eric McKeddon says, I'm announcing the formation of Stupid Television Incorporated, STI, as a rival to dumb television. Who wants to be my angel investor? Mandog? Just call me angel. Well, imagine if Mandog funded like a rival company for us called Stupid Television Incorporated. And we can also have stupid television development, which is, you know, the research wing of the company, or STD for short. J-Pose has very dumb industries. Hmm. That'll be what we change the name of the company after, you know, we get in trouble for securities fraud, all that stuff. After we're ousted from our company and a, and a Steve jobs from the takeover, we have to form our version of next computer dirty and his hair was messy, but Mr. Bungle didn't stop to wash his hands or comb his hair. He went right to lunch. And yet you all voted for him for president. Boo. What's so funny about that? His hands were dirty. The kids are going, they're losing their minds. And his hair was messy. I think kids were easier to entertain. But Mr. Bungle didn't stop to wash his hands or comb his hair. He went right to lunch. Mr. Bungle didn't even change out of his flip-flops before he headed to lunch. His hands were dirty. And his hair was messy. But Mr. Bungle didn't stop to wash his hands or comb his hair. He went right to lunch. After rubbing out a quick one in the boy's room. Nice very suave delivery. His hands were dirty. And his hair was messy. But Mr. Bungle didn't stop to wash his hands or comb his hair. He went right to lunch. I want to lock Betty Crocker in the kitchen and knock her upper during supper. Clutter up her butter gutter with a hostess ding dong. His hands were dirty. And his hair was messy. But Mr. Bungle didn't stop to wash his hands or comb his hair. He went right to lunch. Wait, but we just came back from lunch. His hands were dirty. And his hair was messy. Yeah. But Mr. Bungle didn't stop to wash his hands or comb his hair. He went right to lunch. Finger P-A-P-P-I-T. I don't know if I get that one. Finger Pappet. Oh, Finger Pappet. Finger Pappet. finger puppet strange riffs tonight this is my this is this was my attempt to make make a new egg happen and it didn't work oh really finger puppet finger puppet there's a meme with like a weird little girl with finger puppets on the outside and the caption says finger puppet and I always just randomly think of that Egg. Egg. Egg. Yeah, sharp doggy. Egg. Egg. Egg. Maybe that's how we should protest and get the price of eggs down. We should just all go to our grocery store and just kind of like, you know, mildly chant, Egg. Egg. Egg. Egg. Toward the eggs. And maybe they'll eventually reset them. One guy. One guy likes finger pappet. Egg. Egg. Egg. Egg. Egg. Egg. Inside the filtration plant, chemicals are added to the water to get rid of harmful germs. Inside the filtration plant, chemicals are added to the water to get rid of harmful germs. Are you the next top riffer? Enter your riff. Oh yeah, do we have any more donations or anything? Oh, I think we do have one more. Let me write this riff. Hold on. This song makes me feel so happy I don't think about walking into traffic when I listen to Scott music like this song even Peter kind of agreed that it sounds like Scott and it makes me happy and like I don't want to eat bad food and have food poisoning okay what we got for oh yeah uh okay chris Okay, Grim Grinner. Thank you so much, Grim Grinner. Grim Grinner, thank you. Grim Grinner says, I'd love to hear Columbo and Gollum bring us the Golden Girls theme. Thank you for being a friend. Thank you, Grim Grinner. Let's wait until after this. Inside the filtration plant, chemicals are added to the water to get rid of harmful germs. Harmful germs that are about to make an epic comeback. Inside the filtration plant, chemicals are added to the water to get rid of harmful germs this man santo brand leaded asbestos water cleaning product makes our town's water so fresh and crisp inside the filtration plant chemicals are added to the water to get rid of harmful germs old man herman sloughs off plenty of dead powdery skin to keep our water clean and drinkable inside the filtration plant Chemicals are added to the water to get rid of harmful germs. We call this powdered matte toenails. Just add one. Flip-flops optional. Inside the filtration plant, chemicals are added to the water to get rid of harmful germs. My feet are beautiful. And you folks at home may know this. Inside the filtration plant, chemicals are added to the water to get rid of harmful germs. My piss will be ready to drink in no time. Here we go again. Oh, I'm a sucker for a good piss joke. Just a little piss baby, aren't you, Chris? I like piss. I like piss. I like piss. I like piss. I just want some extra time with your do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do piss. I think I want a drink of urine. Why did we now never do a parody of Kiss by Prince but called Piss? You don't have to be everywhere. You don't have to be hydrated. I'll drink any kind. It can be dark yellow or look like fucking cyanide. Piss. You gotta know that. Wow. Wowie. Wowies, wowies. Wow, golly gee willikers. That should be a riff I just do in the future, just like golly, that's the whole thing. Danny. You did it. Way to go. Danny always kills it at riff tracks. Uh, Danny says, please send me the footage from this episode. I'll make you a social media clip of Prince's piss. All right. If you, if you think, if you think our audience will like a power, I think we should do a full parody of kiss, but piss. You gotta know to hover over my mouth and piss right inside. I don't want it from the toilet bowl. I'm like one of those kids that puts their mouth on the water fountain, if you know what I mean. What do you mean? Piss. Thank you, everyone, for hanging out with us tonight. Always so much fun. Yeah, thanks for hanging out. Join the free Super Dumb Bros Super Club. Are we on the wrong side? There we go. Join the free Super Dumb Bros Super Club over at Get on our newsletter, slash newsletter. Join our Discord server, everyone. That's where it's at. And follow us on Blue Sky. That's also where it's at. Yeah, and I'll be firing back up dumb television here in a bit. I'm going to be doing all Frank Gorshin-related shows that we have. Oh, nice. It's going to be Legends of the Superheroes, Death Car on the Freeway, and The Wonder Woman with him in it. Oh, I forgot. Right, he was in Death Car on the Freeway. Wait, what was the first thing you said? The Legends of the Superheroes. He plays Riddler. That's right. So, yeah, so that's going to be happening. And tomorrow, of course, is movie Joe Knight, Baffled. Oh, Baffled. Getting all that together. I can't wait for that. Everyone, join us right back here. I can't wait to be Baffled. On Twitch. By Baffled. And, of course, in the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse for Baffled tomorrow night. And what are we doing next week on this program? We are diving into Ghostbusters. Oh, yeah. And you actually picked up the new game, so we're going to be able to play some of that. Well, it's like the, you know, it's like fifteen years old, but it's the Ghostbusters, the video game. Yeah, we'll play that. We'll probably, I'm going to dive back because there's some older Ghostbusters games, too, for like older systems we can sample a little bit. yeah I'll play so it'll be both of us kind of playing for that so uh and uh and we're gonna be doing oops all wild card on thursday on mystery hour so uh we've been discussing that earlier today so we got we got some some big stuff coming up but thanks thanks for hanging out everybody this has been a lot of fun I feel like yeah it's uh it's been a it's been a monday but it's you know Monday but it's also been a Monday but I like I love Mondays now because it ends with us all hanging out and playing video games together it's been pretty nice I've found a throuple to be a part of we went ninety hectares back to my apartment and now we're a happy throuple you guys are the best thank you everyone for hanging out with us tonight we love all of you thanks everybody we'll see you tomorrow night movie tonight everyone Seacrest out. Gersbeck out.