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The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Watches Even More Bigfoot & Wildboy
Matt & Chris close out a busy month at Dumb Industries with an all-new Mystery Hour to discuss all the latest happenings at Dumb, chat with Emmy Martian about being the world leaders of screaming content, and discuss some of our favorite Mystery Hour watches of years past all before watching yet another episode of Bigfoot & Wildboy!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
50% off all original paintings by Jackey Neyman Jones w/ promo code ARTWORK50
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join
ALL Dumb+ memberships are now FREE for your first month!
The Mads Are Back: Phantom From Space just $6 thru Sunday w/ promo code INVISINUDE
This Week In Dumb:
Friday, February 21, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Doctor Strange (1978)
Saturday, February 22, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint: The Green Slime
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show: Ask Us Anything!
Wednesday, February 26, 2025: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: Il Grande Silenzio (1968)
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Friday, February 28, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse: Chit-Chat & Tidbits #22
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Martian Shadows: Episode 12
Saturday, March 8, 2025 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Feature Presentation: Yet another episode of Bigfoot & Wildboy!
Transcript: There's not one, there's not two, there's not three, but there's four, and they're great. Ladies and gentlemen, the fantastic, the Muppets. Give them a nice hand. Oh baby, I am a new man, ain't no one stopping me now motivation is the key these specially designed exercises wake kids up to make them take responsibility for their lives So according to your mom, you've been watching this cartoon called Pokemon, and now all you do is run around the city trying to capture these so-called creatures. Is that true, Tommy? I'm not Tommy. I'm Ash. I have to train Pokemon for battle. I gotta catch them all. Look, Ash, what you have to do is learn to differentiate between fantasy and reality. A good way is to remember that fantasy is good, whereas reality, bad. You can't keep me here. Yes, I can. No, you can't. Pikachu, I choose you! Pikachu! Right. Right, too. I'm a Pokemon trainer. That's right. Squirtle, I choose you! You've chosen a water Pokemon. He's no match against my electric Pokemon. Electric? I'll be in my shell. You tell me how it works out, okay? Pikachu, attack! Quit hiding. You're a fighting Pokemon. I trained you to fight. What training? We sat around, drank coffee, and watched women's tennis. You said you were gonna work out on your own. Fine. Butterfree, I choose you. Tweet, tweet. Butterfree, whirlwind attack. I don't want to do the whirlwind attack. It's too girly. I want to do something else. I want to throw a chair at him. Charmander, I choose you. Turn on this fire with your water, Squirtle. Actually, I have a rash, and it hurts when I squirtle. Jesse. James. There you are, Ash. Team Rocket is here to steal your Pokemon. Yeah, well, you can have mine. I'm just gonna use this one for soup anyway. We gotta end this now, Pikachu. Thunder Shock! You're a worthy adversary. We will meet again. You know, providing I survive the series of skin grafts and years of painful physical therapy. and then turn the foot to the outside and work the testicle area, which is on the lateral side of the foot, again midway between the ankle bone and the tip of the heel. I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic. You know, taking a family out to dinner can be a nightmare. One kid wants chicken, one wants burgers, another wants fish. A nightmare. That's why I recommend Burger Queen. They got it all. Chicken, burgers, fish. And you don't have to rob your life savings to pay for it either. Tell you a little secret. The food and prices are so good, you'll keep coming back for more. May I take your order, please? Yeah, another fish. Gee, I never would have guessed. They oughta teach this in school It's not always cool to be cool You try to play it for a fool Like you see a girl who's unique It's a dream, cause she's sweet And she really seems to knock it off your feet You wanna say hey, but you don't Your mom says tell her how you feel, but you won't Cause you're just too cool to tell her truly That your feelings are getting unruly Don't try to school me So she passes you by in the hallway. You're staring at the wall, trying to play while I say, man, you're cool. Really cool, slick, just like ice. But she didn't realize you'd never get this chance twice. So you're busy playing cool, now she's gone. Gone onto another while I sing my funky song. I never pass up a chance. I know the story seems long. But when I know the time is right for me and you, I just flame on. Keep calm, everyone. Don't panic. Flame on! What's happening? We're sinking into the center of Drum kit up. All right. Put it up there. That's it. All right. Stand by for this, sweet. And here are the drumsticks, sooty. That's it. It's all right. I'm bringing them up. There's one. Here's the other one. There we are. Right. Well, give yourself four in on the bass drum. Go on. Off you go. That was amazing! Sweep, what do you ring to Sooty Solo? It was dreadful... It was not dreadful, it was... What on earth is all this banging and crashing about, Matthew? Well, it's Sooty and Sweep. They've got their drum kits. They're going to enter them for the talent show. Anyway, that wasn't really banging and crashing. If you want to know the meaning of banging and crashing, then let me ring a friend of mine. Hang on a minute. It's the drummer, and he will show you exactly what the meaning of the word drummer really is. Hey, that was fantastic. Now, that is what I call drumming. Let me introduce you. This is a friend of mine called Nico McBrain, and Nico drums with a band called Iron Maiden. Hi, Nico. Hello, Matthew. Hello, Nico. This, of course, is Sooty, and that's Sue, and that's Sweep over there. What? Oh, Sweep? Hand wrestling, okay, and you've been doing this for a while. Yeah, about a month or two. So your hands wrestle one another, and you don't know which one's going to win when you do this, right? I put my mind elsewhere, and I let my hands decide who's going to dominate. Wow, all right, well, please, let's see this. This sounds very engaging. Now, does the right often win? Usually it's the left one, because I'm my friend. So the left has an advantage, I guess. Just look. Whether they're young or old, the best kind of friends are people who are friends of God. Your book, Sister Smith. And your brochures. The cane is a sign of weakness. But in that deception alone lies its great strength. The ancient Korean noble class knew the power of the cane, and they developed a series of techniques and exercises with the cane. The cane must become an extension of your mind and body. The cane must become an appendage. My friend Jack lost his leg when he was twenty-four. His crutches have become an appendage. Jack and I hike the trails down here and he's incredibly agile. When somebody enters your space with ill intent, you need to strike. Time and distance are crucial. Are crucial. Are crucial. are crucial the cane an appendage he's incredibly agile his crutches are crucial an appendage his crutches are crucial I want to parachute into a faraway jungle somewhere and tell the cannibals about Jesus. I want to risk my life, end up in a stew pot. Oh, I don't care. Of course I'd convert them all at the last minute. Here's a lovely song about my favorite food. Lima, lentil, soy, and pinto, navy, northern, and garbanzo, kidneys, and frijoles, negros. I love beans. I love beans. Woo, woo, woo. I love beans. How about you? High in fiber, low in fat. I bet you didn't know that. When I eat beans, I say it in my own little cloud. Nobody comes to visit me in my little cloud. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm cutting muffins. Because... I love beans. Hey, hey, hey. I love beans every day. Beans are an excellent source of protein. I love beans. You think I'm ugly I don't care you think I'm dumb I don't care you think I'm scum I don't care bitch I make my money Let's stay on this earth, let the dollar maker work, work People always hatin', but the more they hate, the more I work Everybody say they're lit, but all they do is showin' shit In my street, like they're slaves, bitches always kiss my feet Stay out of my way, you bitch, I can deal with you fake-ass meat They thought that I had stopped, it was over, I had dropped Bitch, I had my plans out here, I'm only just at my start You will have to kill me to make me fuckin' stop I was already dead again, you can't hurt me, only God Make it work, work, work I am scared of death, but I fear your damnest, deadest breath All the drugs in your veins, I am blessed with the smartest brain I remember your laugh when I was at my worst Let me tell you, piece of scum, I'm supported from above Your man in my DMs, while you're talking shit behind my back All the shit you said, made you look like a little bitch flathead Your opinion, bitch, fuck that, what do I think of you? How I love in your face, bitch, if you only knew Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha Shake that money maker in my face It's a favor, ooh, I love your misbehavior P-p-p-p-p-p-p-party till I die With my chin up high, f-k'em all, f-k'em back T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-twerk Like it's my last day on this earth Let the dollar maker work, work Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shake that money maker in my face It's a favor, ooh, I love your misbehavior P-p-p-p-p-p-p-party till I die Once you've had Invisible, you'll never go back, baby. It's not a helmet, it's a slow cooker. Wouldn't the theremin at least make you turn around? Want to go out for breakfast? Let's not forget he's still nude under there. Don't come near me. If he were a male comedian, she should be worried. I'm warning you, don't come near me. Rock beats scissor. Oh no, he's going to start crafting. hello my baby hello my darling hello my ragtime gal he's tapping out get me some pants coming soon to weird and wonderful wednesday watch alongs everyone knows the story of the bird over the merry antics and experiences of Hoppity, the sentimental grasshopper, his sweetheart honeybee, and all their friends. We got fun, we got freedom, we got joy. Now if there be any Tom, Dick or Harry Who knows the reason why these two should not marry Let him now speak there is suspense action and excitement aplenty as you'll discover when you see the fun-packed fantastic adventures of these tiny lovable creatures it's a package of sheer joy for the entire family see hoppity goes to town the delightful tune-filled cartoon adventure in glorious technicolor All right. What is the first name of the wagon leader? Glennis. Wait, what was that? Glennis? This is the first name that popped into my head. Glenn. Yes, like that. Glennis, yes. Oh, I hit a rock. Glennis drowned? Oh, no. Oh, crap. You killed everybody. Well, how far did you get? That was a pretty good run. Oh, yes! Aw, Glennis. You made it the furthest, Glennis. What would you like on a tombstone? He was a real piece of shit. No changes. When you guys choose the paintings, they always seem to fit. We're coming into some difficult times, I think, and I'd like to think that the guy in office right now just pissed off a whole lot of people. To me, I don't know, it just kind of feels a little bit empowering in a time when I don't feel like I have much control over much of anything at the moment. So I have control over this. I can do this. You know, that's funny you said that, because when I was painting her the first time, I was thinking the same thing. She looked kind of queenly. Majestic, you know? Ooh! Oh, gracious. Jessica Walton. Hubba hubba. I love that he's still in the cape the giant heavy cape take off the ring there it is fine it won't come off okay Nobody expects the Ironside Inquisition. Yeah, watching him walk around and do nothing is so much more interesting than seeing the killings by the monster. Will he walk into another room? Or stay in this room? Oh my god, the suspense is killing me! Aye, aye, aye. I've got his cataracts. Oh, damn. There, it's agrees with me. Oh, now I can't do the Harpo Groucho theater scene. Jimmy Lee Curtis is in there. Well, that was a productive afternoon. This is like a real estate video. My dinner with Andre didn't have this many indoor scenes. Thank you. What up, what up, what up? Hello, everybody. Welcome. Welcome, folks. Tonight's going to be a good show, man. Good evening, Detroit! Whenever I see Matt dancing backstage, I'm like, all right. It means his medication's working tonight, baby, and we're going to have a good one. It's going to be a good one, everyone. uh welcome everyone to the dumb industry's mystery hour it's another thursday and uh you've almost done it you have one more day left in your week uh so we appreciate you letting us be that thing that that gives you that last little nudge to make it through the week yeah no think of us as like a little like a pep talk for you before you before you finish up the week I feel like we're describing ourselves in the way that like soft rock djs do now like it's like it's like we're just here on your drive from after work to prop you up and give you encouragement with some love songs from the seventies yeah I'm delilah coming up fleetwood mac don't stop thinking about a letter dear casey My dog ran away, and when I found it, it had been torn into pieces by coyotes from the woods. Her favorite song was Wildfire by Michael Martin Murphy. Could you please play that for me? Will do. Ponderous. That's my take on Casey Kasem. That's my hot original impression of Casey Kasem. I like it. We are your soft rock DJs for the night. Uh, so, uh, we're just gonna be talking about everything that's been going on in dumb industries, news, uh, stuff that we did in the past week, stuff we got coming up. And I'm excited about tonight. Cause how long we've been doing the show, Matt, like three, two, two and a half years or something. uh something like it was like october I can I can always date this very specifically because it was when I was having my bad time october twenty twenty two is when we started this so yeah so we're twenty twenty three october twenty twenty four so like two years and change yeah uh so tonight we're gonna be voting on uh Mystery Hour favorites because we've been doing the show for a while now and of course at the end of every episode we put it to a vote of what we're going to watch this week we're doing for the very first time Mystery Hour favorites kind of like a greatest hits of Mystery Hour presentations that we've watched yeah some stuff that yeah chris is I mean in our our marketing on social media gave it away too but we're doing baywatch nights is one of the options I believe I found a new episode that we haven't seen yet we're really working our way through the whole series um I really know it's getting to that point it was like I was like we've already watched two or three of these and I'm afraid of picking the same one over again yeah uh yes as oliver puts it our hits will never be the same Oh, Forklift is torn between Vampires and Baywatch Knights. Who says that we're doing Vampires? I know. Where did this info come from? Where are you getting this information from? Do we have leaks from inside our... We might have a leaker. Who leaked? No. We're not doing Vampires, so it doesn't make any sense. We're not doing Vampires. We might be doing Vampires. We're not doing Vampires. We're also not doing Bigfoot Wild Boys. No. Just don't get your hopes up. It ain't happening. We're going to be watching I don't know. I don't know. You just Mitch McConnell'd there. I just totally Mitch McConnell'd. You know when you think that something will just come to you in the moment and then it doesn't? Yes. That's seventy-five percent of my life. It's just moments like that. We're just going to watch a lot of Red Eye with Greg Gutfield. I think those are going to be the other options. When you said Red Eye, I thought you meant the Wes Craven movie that I saw. We could also have that be an option. We'll have a bunch of different things called Red Eye and we'll let people vote on it. Speaking of movies... Matt, I messaged you the other day because they just announced they're re-releasing Star Wars Episode III, Revenge of the Sith. Yes, you want to see this in the theater, and I don't understand why. Well, because, okay, so they're putting this back. It's the twentieth anniversary of Episode III, which... which makes me feel very old feel old yeah for sure I saw online that they had like a line of figures that they were putting out and they're using like the special vintage packaging I was like oh I was around for when that was just what the new packaging was like and it was yeah and now it's a a retro novelty for gen zers who still care about star wars which I don't know that they do but But, you know, I'm excited to go see this in the theater. And Matt, you're going, so don't even, like, I'm getting your ticket. I saw this on opening night as a child when I was, like, thirteen years old. I wasn't a child, but I was with my brother and literally eighteen of his work friends, and we had to save an entire row of seats for all eighteen of his work friends. Could you imagine that opening night? That's a hard task for an opening night of a Star Wars movie to try to save a whole row. Midnight screening, right? yeah it was as you know twenty years ago so before assigned seating uh yeah for you know big reclining seats whatever it was it was a nightmare oh my god and it wasn't a great experience because it was also midnight so it was like I was kind of tired it was like during the week yeah and then um my brother and I we ate weed cookies that we had made earlier in the day and this was like the beginning of like my brother experimenting with like you know making edibles and stuff and he put way too much weed in them oh no and uh so you were just a time bomb waiting that happened it was it was rough And I remember like when the Wookiees show up and they're like doing that. I just remember like that memorable part. Yeah. But I remember just being like, so, you know, I guess I was like twenty one years old and like stoned out of my mind and sitting there in a theater at midnight and. honestly like just kind of feeling like the world was going to end in that theater and just kind of overstimulated sort of and yeah like you ever get so high you get like paranoid and scary I mean it was like it was like that but Well, that's a movie with just, like, a lot going on in it. I don't think I'd want to see that in the theater too, Stone, because, like, that battle at the beginning where there's just so much shit on the screen, it's, like, it's a lot. There's, like, three different battles going. Yeah, then at the end, there's, like, another three or four battles, and all the Jedi are getting wiped out and stuff. It scared me. It took me a while. I had to go see that again just to fully process the movie. To reabsorb it. Yeah. We found before, and I think this is more true as I get older, because we've alluded at before the time that me and you tripped together at your parents' house and we played When we first did it, we tried to watch the Super Mario Brothers movie, but we found out that when you're really wigged out on stuff, what you really want is a nice, grounded film. So we instead watched Office Space, which is a much better choice. Highly recommend Office Space if you're going to do things. A classic. I also love the Mario Brothers movie. It's a good movie. It was just not the right movie for that time. We were in your parents' basement. I started feeling enclosed. I was like, I have to get out of here. Why do I keep disappearing? You were freaking out. Anyway, all that to say, Star Wars Episode III in theaters in May, I think. Sometime in May. That's been our important Star Wars news update. Also, Kathleen Kennedy is leaving Star Wars. Did you see that? I saw that, but then I think they took that back. She ain't going anywhere just quite yet. She's going to retire soon. She's like a bajillion years old. She helped make the Temple of Doom. She's been around for a while. I bet you all the um people hate on kathleen kennedy a lot she's fine she's no worse than no I mean what I find funny is when people criticize her but it's like they list like oh all the good things like in star wars like she had nothing to do with it's like yeah but she was in charge so she did have something to do she was green lighting all these projects that you love yeah dumb dumb anyway Anyway, Star Wars. This is your update in Star Wars news. Before we get going, just want to remind everyone we are on Blue Sky. Follow us there. I'm going to put all of our handles in the chat. Uncle Cracker? Did you just change that, or has that been that the whole time? I did that during the pre-show. Oh, my God. Follow us on Blue Sky and on Discord. Remember Uncle Cracker? I do. I do remember Uncle Cracker. Follow me and everything. He was like a kid rock side person, and then he decided to make music for moms who drove minivans. It was such a weird career pivot he did. Uncle Cracker. Uncle Cracker. I mean, once you're an affiliate of Kid Rock, it's like the sky's the limit. I mean, who else in the Kid Rock, you know, entourage? There was that little guy and there was Uncle Cracker and then there was Kid Rock. And I think the little guy got off the best because... Unfortunately. He went early enough to not see Kid Rock become what he's become. Anyway... I also want to... I mean, he's always been terrible. It's not like it was a heel turn or anything. Well, no, but he was like... I don't know. At least he was bipartisanly awful at one point and... yeah maybe uh yeah maybe maybe you're right um also I want to remind everyone you can uh if you head to dumb donate and you send a donation of any dollar amount throughout tonight's show matt and I will give you a shout out in the form of one of our patented terrible impressions or you can ask us a question or you can challenge us to do something wacky or challenge us to do uh an impression whatever you want to do um we've already had a couple of these here oh very nice I had an idea if nobody puts anything in the prompts I've been thinking a lot of like eighties you can do it music you know those you know in movies they used to have songs you know where it's like you know like you can go the mile dirt dirt dirt like it's you'll you'll know what I mean but I'll maybe do some of those as some of my guys like kind of like uh like you're the best yeah exactly those types of songs yeah that was an entire genre of song the eighties you can do it song in the end we're gonna win in the end that's from teen wolf Well, you'll see. As people donate, I'll break some of those out, maybe. Probably mostly as Gollum, but maybe as some other things. We'll see. Here's our first one. Okay, here we go. Oh, this is awesome. We got a donation here from Michelle N., Oh, thank you, Michelle. Michelle, who's a longtime supporter of ours. Yes. Thank you so much for hanging with us all this time. For hanging with us live tonight. Michelle says, just happy to have you guys in the chat tonight. Oh, thank you so much, Michelle. We're happy you're here. Yeah. We love having all of you. We definitely notice when we see names over and over, and we see y'all, and there's some weeks where you're like, oh, that person's not there, because it's like we see them so much. And sometimes people disappear for a few weeks, and they come back. Which is not to say that if you have a life outside of this, that stuff happens, and it's cool, because people drop away. No, only us. Take breaks. You're going to get real sick of us if all you watch is... But we do notice when you're not there. We do. Not in like how your pastor would notice that you hadn't been in church for a couple weeks and would say something kind of snide to you the next time you came back. Like, oh, it's been a while. Yeah, like that kind of. That's happened to me a few times. Anyway, what do we got? So, no prompt here. Just go nuts with our shout out for Michelle. Okay, so here is the song Push It To The Limit from Scarface with your name incorporated, Michelle, as best I can. Push it to the limit. Limit. Walk along the razor's edge. Don't look back, just keep your head near it. Michelle, doo-doo. Welcome to the limit. Limit. Past the point of no return. Michelle, you got to keep it burning till you get it. Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo. Uh, thank you. I love it. Thank you so much. Thank you. Appreciate your support. Um, all right, next one here we got from Misty Jamie, Misty Jamie. Thank you. Our huge Canadian supporter who we love so much. Yes. Misty Jamie says no shout out needed. Just appreciate the great content. Oh, thank you so much. Oh, thank you. Misty Jamie. Uh, But you're going to get one anyway. Here is, you know what, I'm going to keep Gollum going. Here is him singing the song St. Elmo's Fire from the song St. Elmo's Fire, trying to incorporate your name into it. I can see a new horizon underneath the reddened sky. I'll be with Misty Jamie. It was Misty Jamie, right? Misty Jamie. Misty Jamie. I'm with Misty Jamie going higher and higher. Gonna be a man in motion. All he needs is powers. Take a look at the future of Misty Jamie. That was great. Thank you. Well done. Sorry, I had to get my cat away from all this stuff. I was freaking out. Chris's detached approval always makes me laugh. You do something weird and you're just like, amazing. I was trying to prevent my cat from ending everything tonight, including my own life. It was scary. Okay, anyway. Thank you, Mr. Jamie. I know you're a big Colombo fan, and I hope you enjoy tonight's show. Just one more thing. I couldn't help but notice, but our countries are not on the best terms right now, and perhaps maybe you can help me solve the crime of the unneeded tariff. All right. That was dumb. I might be needing to crash on your couch soon. Things are going kind of south. Mrs. Colombo and I have decided to join that antifa, and we have become political dissidents, so we may need to... Can I ask you one more thing? Is your couch a pull-out? That's very important in our travel plans, trying to figure out... I love the idea of Columbo going Antifa. Okay, what do we got? We got one more here. Oh, this is a good one. Okay, so this comes from our friend Spiroscythe, who is such a huge supporter of ours. Yes, the meme lord. I've been told to look out for a reference to Glennis in this, so... And a reference to Glenis you shall get here. So every week Spiroscythe does a new meme and we like to describe these as if you watched all of Dumb Industries programs since last Thursday, this is a fever dream you might have. So this is this week's. Oh, I love that Columbo drawing. That's like. I know. It's a cool little... It looks like an Entertainment Weekly caricature. It looks like a caricature artist from Coney Island. Columbo gave him a couple bucks on his break and had that drawn. There I am driving the Y-Wing. Or is that I was trying to figure out, what is that ship? I can see it's you driving it. Is it the Gobots ship, maybe? It could be a Gobots thing. It might be a Gobots ship. Oh, and there's the Glenys. Oh, yeah, you're Emperor Palpatine. That's great. Let's see, we got... Ooh, look, all the bounty hunters made it. That's fun. Those look like the action figures too, like the Kenner ones that I had in the nineties. Yeah. I loved all those other bounty hunters much more than Boba Fett. I thought that they were Bosk. Bosk is the top tier. IG-Eighty-eight. All of them except Dengar, who's a little kind of goofy. Dengar is like, yeah, what's your deal? Dengar is like the Joey Fatone of the Valley Hunters. I had a Dengar action figure. It's one of those action figures you buy and you're like, why do I own this? What else is here? I think that's the Winnebago from Spaceballs in the top. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that is what that is. You are correct. Oh, a pile of french fries. Is the pile of french fries a reference to my McDonald's trouble? Oh, must be. Here lies Glennis. He was a real piece of shit. That's, of course, from Super Dumb Brothers. And we're all standing on what appears to be a Windows XP background for a computer. Oh man, it's great. Thank you so much. That is wonderful. You are a twisted genius and we love you. We don't always understand you, but we love you. You're like David Lynch. What Matt said. Spireside says, how about improv eighties montage theme against, oh, against the meme of the day. Oh crap. All right. Let me put this back up. Oh, okay. You're becoming like the Riddler. You have like, I know we have to backwards. Okay, so I have to think of an inspirational song that goes off of this. Or you could just, you know, do, yeah, your own, you know, whatever you want. I took some Benadryl, Benadryl, and I woke up in the desert and it looked like the background to my computer from two thousand thrill. Columbo was there. Columbo was there. And he was standing by some french fries. And he looked like a real nice guy. But I ran. Chris, I think, has got her something. Got her something lurking in the sky above with a lady from Arrested Development and maybe a thing from GoBots. I don't know. Fantastic. And also the Spaceballs thing, is there? Did we mention Jessica Walters on there? I don't know if we did. We might have. She was so hot in that movie, can I just say? Yeah, she is smoking, yeah. She was great, Doctor Strange. She made the movie. It's just weird when you look at the Arrested Development cast and you're like, which of these people has the most Marvel cred? You wouldn't think her, but... I guess you're right. I mean, who else on that show is... Yeah, I don't think anybody else from that show has wound up in any Marvel stuff. So it's... Weird. And she made it in before anybody else in like, like, Thank you so much, everyone, for your donations. Thank you. We'll be doing that all night. So send your donations in, slash donate. We'll do some more at the next break. But right now, we get into this week's Dumb Deal. Dumb Deal. Take it away Johnny All right. This week, every week, we have amazing deals at slash deals. This week is no different. This week, you can get fifty percent. That's right. Fifty percent off any original painting by Jackie Naiman Jones. She's got some great ones still in the store. I'm kind of shocked. These usually go pretty, pretty quick. These are very great ones. they're very well priced and they are painted by jackie you know it's uh yes I've always been asked do we like include like a certificate of authenticity or anything with these when we send them or no I mean she personally sure she does them so it's yeah I mean they're coming from her literal address so it's uh she packages and ships them I mean I don't know what other authenticity we need but maybe we should make like a dumb certificate of authenticity just to oh that could be fun yeah like like like the troma diploma I got when I was doing stuff at troma which was just printed off of like a computer from uh wait what about nick fury who was in nick fury that was on arrested development I'm confused did aselhoff show up in arrested development ever John Mills? Who was John Mills in? All right, you guys are freaking me out. Freaking me out. I'm standing by my statements until someone explains themselves better because I'm not Googling things right now. That's the kind of person I've become in my age. Okay, so anyway, half off. All original paintings by Jackie Naim Jones. Use promo code ARTWORK. Check it out. And then speaking of Jackie, I don't even know where I was going with that. I thought I was on a different thing. Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is a thing that exists, everybody. If you're watching us on Twitch, we love you and we welcome you. You know, feel free to use your free Amazon subscription on us or... Anything like that. But if you would like to watch tonight's program completely free, completely ad-free, that's happening over on our website right now simultaneously as this thing is happening here on Twitch. So go to forward slash mystery hour and sign up for the Mystery Hour Mystery Club. And once you do that, you can watch the most recent episode for an entire week until we swap it out for a newer one. Or for two bucks, you can watch us watch everything, including a lot of the programs that we're going to potentially revisit tonight. So... That's right. That's right, Johnny. And all dumb plus memberships. I feel kind of like one of those time life kind of videos, you know, where we should be sitting on a couch next to like a nice fireplace explaining, you know. Matt, why does your face keep disappearing? I don't know what's happening with my lights today. I've even turned on my other lights. I think you just got to face the camera. It's like it's detecting. I have to be like really in it. I think you just got to look at the camera. I think it just can't do profiles. Ah! No, don't do that. Put those back on. okay have to hide my serial killer eyes uh all dumb plus memberships are now free for your first month what's a dumb plus membership you might ask well that's where you get all the uh back catalog of stuff with our membership so marriage appeal show clubhouse plus uh mystery hour plus super club plus jackie naman jones's online art classes you could try all those out access all the content on there and don't pay a dime I was about to say, you get access to the Odds and Ends catalog for subscribing to any one of those, which has all sorts of fun little extra little things. Martian Shadows, Witch and Hours, Matt and Chris, some other things that we're going to be announcing soon. Check it out. As always, we are doing our weekly Mad Sale. We have a download that we put on sale every week. We have realized that we have exactly fifty two or fifty three of them now, so we can just start from the beginning and do one up every week. And so by the end of the year, we will have gone through the entire series. So it's a fun way to chart how this year is going instead of just the decline of, you know, government and civilization around us. Just chart it by how you're going through the MADS catalog like this. Uh, but so this week, uh, we have made it all the way to Phantom from Space. So if you would, uh, like to purchase Phantom from Space for six dollars around the cost of one of my, uh, drama-filled trips to McDonald's costs, uh, it's, uh, that's going to be on sale through Sunday with promo code Invisinude. I-N-V-I-S-I-N-U-D-E, I believe. Yes, Phantom of Space. That was Bill Corbett's first time on the show. He did the Q&A that evening. Great show. Yeah, it's the invisible guy who has a big, like the sea captain from Scooby-Doo. He's got that helmet on. Yep. And, yeah, so it's, and we'll be, you know, we'll bring it up again later, I'm sure, but it's also tomorrow's Full Man's Friday film, so if you would like a preview of it before committing to a purchase, feel free to check it out tomorrow on Twitch at nine p.m. yeah but also but also we're gonna do one now get a free download you can enter hashtag invisinude in the live chat right now um and uh you'll be in the running for a free download um yes all right give you guys a minute to give you a second to oh by the way I don't know if she's watching or not but it's mary jo peele's birthday yes happy birthday mary jo Happy birthday, Mary Jo. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. I texted her this morning. I said, happy birthday. She didn't respond. No, she did, actually. We're happy that you have let us spend another year doing stuff with you, Mary Jo. You rock. We're coming up on four years of doing the Mary Jo Peele show. That's crazy. That's wild. It's bananas. Remember when we started doing these streaming things, it was like, all right, we'll just stream for a little bit until things go back to normal. And then it just never really went back to normal. And then just my life was altered. Like, there's a sliding doors version of me where the pandemic didn't happen and I just have a completely different life, basically. Jackie B asked, did I get her pancakes again? Yeah, I got her an IHOP gift card last year, I think. Maybe the year before. This year I got her a Menards gift card. Ooh, slick. She said she was having lunch with her dad when she read it and they were both, they thought that it was very funny. so oh that's sweet I'm glad I'm glad mayor peel got to spend the day with her important um okay let's see who's all right let's see who did it who did the thing who did the thing which of you door mouse won the thing do do congratulations I think it's door moose I was at door moves. I've been saying door mouse. I always forget because then you always say that. And then I'm like, wait, am I wrong? Are you wrong? I think it's just like, it's like, I just, it's like an, an Ikea kind of spelling. It's, you know, it's, uh, there's something very European about it. I think it's, uh, I I'm going with mouse. That's my, until I corrected otherwise by the. Oh, let me saying we're both right. But I think door moves will give us the correct answer. It's just like one of those words like Caribbean or Caribbean where either one can be correct. Yeah, I guess so. Tomato, tomato. Who the hell says tomato? Well, I was about to say, and nobody says, you know, people say you can say the Caribbean or Caribbean, but no one says Pirates of the Caribbean. That sounds weird, I think. No one says Pirates of the Caribbean? Yeah, I always say Pirates of the Caribbean. I think most people do. Yeah, because that's how you hear it when you go to Disney as a kid. It's like Pirates from the Caribbean. Yeah, but Pirates of the Caribbean is also... right but no one says outside of Pirates of the Caribbean no one says the word Caribbean as Caribbean no one yeah not many or are you a caramel caramel person like where do you fall on that side of the debate I'm not a big fan of caramel so I guess it doesn't affect your life a lot caramel caramel you were such a soft man you don't even have a hard opinion on the word caramel I guess I'm taking I say as I'm picking a word as I'm yelling at you about I'm like I am on side caramel I've decided caramel does make the most sense but I do say caramel at times still so Well, either way, Dormoose, shoot me an email. Anyway, long-winded way to go, Dormouse. Yes, I will get that download sent right out to you. I like Oliver O'Leary's Uma Oprah reference. Oh, yeah. Uma? Oprah, Oprah, Oprah, Oprah. All right. All right. Oh, we got it. We had a busy week. Yeah, we got it. We got to move it on through. Let's get into this. Okay. All righty, baby. Oh, first. Yeah. Okay. Friday, February twenty first. We had a very special Friday edition of movie tonight. And we watched Doctor Strange, the aforementioned Doctor Strange, the nineteen seventy eight made for TV movie, which was clearly clearly a pilot for potential Doctor Strange TV series. Yeah, like really what would they have done every week with that show? Yeah, you can only have so many psychotropic adventures like that on the nineteen seventies budget. This is the era of that seventy Spider-Man show where they couldn't even give him real villains or really. Yeah. And I'm pretty sure that was like a high budget show. Like, I think those effects were like pretty groundbreaking for TV in nineteen seventy eight. Yeah. I don't know what they were planning through, like a whole kaleidoscope thing. And, you know, there's like big demons that Jessica Walters talks to with like floppy puppet mouths that I thought were great. lots of very ornate costuming uh yeah um I don't know but it's a it was a very slow movie uh it's pretty slow I had a lot of minutes out of it I don't think it really affected anything or you also sped up some stuff which I think we're gonna start doing more of because the speeding up is like it's funny in its own way but then it's also like oh thank god like get through this a little quicker Yeah, I debated speeding up some of the scenes where he was traveling in the other dimensions, and I was just like, eh, these are kind of fun. I'm just going to leave these parts be. But all the scenes where Jessica Walters is just stalking someone for five and a half minutes and just... Oh, look at this. Rocket Dave hated the speeding up. Oh. Well, we will consider that. Well, in that case, we'll just not do it then. We have one person opposed, so we're going to be like we're in the Senate where it's like, unless all of us agree. Yeah. Yeah. That's my hot take on politics. We're going to think about it. We're going to think about not speeding up. All right, I thought about it. I like just speeding things up. I don't know. There were a couple scenes where I sped them up at first, and then I was like, you know what? How much is this really adding? And I just took them out, and it didn't seem to affect much because we may have to do a little trimming because this next movie we're doing, which we're doing, what's it called again? The Leonard Nimoy Baffled. Oh, baffled. Yes. That's a little bit of a longer one, so I might have to do a little trim in there. Treadwell J is anti-speeding, but also anti-editing. But I'll still show up. I'm very pro-editing. Maybe that's just the producer in me. Matt, you know this from producing New York City comedy shows. There's nothing worse than sitting... cat just tried to jump up and failed miserably um like a stand-up comedy show that goes on for like two hours is like the most grueling thing oh yeah and even like concerts when they go on too long unless you're like you know springsteen or something once you get to about like yeah that two hour mark you're just like I'm good yeah it's like I don't know I don't like overstaying my welcome and that applies to um the movies we do yeah well that being said I only did yeah like take out I guess it depends on the movie because a lot of these seventies movies are just full of filler too so there are things where even if it's not a length issue it's just you're just following someone around the hallway for forever there's just not a lot to comment on and it doesn't add anything But it all depends on the movie. Doctor Strange was a little bit tougher to trim down than, say, like, Pray for the Wildcats, where I think if I just sped up a lot of those scenes where they're just driving across the desert for, you know, twenty minutes, that would have been fine. So it depends on the film. Anyway, yeah, so check that out. That is on the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse or in the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse? What is the correct nomenclature? In the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse. Okay, in the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse. So check that out, forward slash clubhouse. Yes. Uh, yeah. And then, so that happened on Friday and then Saturday, uh, February, for those of you keeping up at home, uh, we did the next Jackie Naiman Jones, uh, hands of paint. We did. This was the green slime. Everybody had lots of great interpretations. We did the green slime. We had a blast doing this. The green slime has a great theme song, by the way. We played it for a little bit. Let me just show you guys some paintings from students. Let's see. This one's Slime Freak Out by Charlie Greenwell. That one rocks. I know. I know. They look like they're dancing, but they also like when you first glance at that circle in the at the front, it looks like it's like, you know, like a pentagram or something like maybe doing some kind of ritual in front of it, which would also be cool. Good job. Let's see. This green slime monster by Love Bee Jones. I love that. nice this is oh I know who made that one by inga wogelmuth which is also one of uh this year's diy valentine's day cards you can get in the dumb industry store uh let's just do oh this one I love so much by claudia burton it's um michigan j slime that rocks funny Uh, this is my green slime Kaiju by shade. So, uh, this one, this is the blue slime by Travis Reese. That's kind of neat looking. It almost looks like a Rorschach test almost or something. Yeah, totally. All of these are on the website in the student gallery. So please, everyone, go take a look. See who did what. And join us for the next class. Like I said, all memberships are free for the first thirty days. So get on that. Join us. It's so much fun. Do it. So that was Saturday. That was Saturday. Fast forward to Monday. we had super dumb brothers, our weekly retro gaming live stream. And we're starting to returned. Yeah. We're starting Matt returned from the dead. You missed the previous week. I was clinically dead until I was resurrected through a cult ritual, much like the one in that green slime painting I was alluding to, where a bunch of people danced around me. And I was resurrected, but not before I had to travel the river Styx and solve many riddles. You know, it's a long story. Let's just keep talking about this. I don't think people are interested in my hell journey. Yeah. We've been playing games over multiple weeks lately, which I really like because it gives us a little more time to hang out in the game itself. Yeah, to get into stuff. Though I found in playing... Well, first of all, we played Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword more, but I found that in trying to play these kinds of games where you have to think too much and then you're also trying to talk to the chat like I was having a stroke trying to do everything at once and I did not get... Oh, we could tell. Quite as far as I would have liked in the game. No, but that's fun because everyone was like... We're all just hanging out, so even if we're not even watching you play the game, Matt, it's still fun. Because my quest, for those of you who tuned in, I was at the beginning of Skyward Sword, and I'm at the part where you have to find these things. They look like little testicles with faces on them, basically, but you have to locate so many of them around the map, so it's like this... trying to focus on like have I been over here yet or what to do over here and then I'm trying to talk to people and do shout outs and it made my brain explode a little bit so I'm oh my god Matt we've been raided what who raid who raid oh game up level up raided with a party of one oh well thank you for coming yeah we'll take it thanks for raiding us I think they just asked a question too hold on let me see um um but anyway yeah that's skyward sword that's not related to us um well hey raider thanks for joining us skyward sword is uh part one of our skyward sword playthrough is now on demand in the super club and uh and I will be back next week playing through a wee bit more of that I may try to to find all the little testicle things in my spare time so we can just move on to the next part of the quest but uh But yeah, it was interesting trying to play something a little bit more involved than, you know, we're trying it out anyway. So that was Monday, Tuesday, February twenty fifth, twenty twenty five. For those you keeping up, it was the next Mary Jo Peel show. We didn't ask us anything. Oh, my God. We we didn't ask. Ask us anything. I got to explain my McDonald's story to Mary Jo, which I never thought I would do. We were not planning on that at all. Someone wanted to know, I guess. Someone wanted to know which McDonald's was your local McDonald's, probably because they heard. I think it was in the news for some other reason, but I was able to jump on and say, no, that is not the McDonald's where that happened. And then we explained to Mary Jo why people were asking which McDonald's you go to. Yeah, and I had to briefly explain it again, and I've already explained that story nine hundred times. I feel like I'm doing it now. And well, that was the thing was like I was trying to save you from having to explain it all again. So, yeah, but you were missing certain details. No, I wasn't. No, I hit all the I hit all the points that were necessary, mainly that you were picking your feet in McDonald's. You know that's bullshit. You son of a bitch. That episode is now available on demand. We also did polls for the upcoming March livestream. We established Baffled will be our next movie, Joe. Which I've never heard of before. It's Leonard Nimoy's I think it's just a TV movie, but it looks like they were trying to make that. He plays a race car driver, as we could tell from the whole trailer, who maybe has psychic powers. I don't know. It's going to be fun. I still need to respond to someone who messaged me saying they might have a good HD copy available that I can source from. oh nice and crispity clear perhaps unlike you know you know like the very clear doctor strange that y'all watch this month just a muddy black for most of it I mean I think there is like a blu-ray copy of doctor strange but it's like yeah put it out I didn't want to I didn't want to no I you know I got the one I get the one off internet archive whenever possible I feel like that's usually pretty safe so I'm a fan of that um and then also next month's episode is going to be uh wait what did we decide on for the mary joe peel show next month oh we're doing another game show episode so we don't know which uh game we're gonna play yet but we'll let you guys know really soon we haven't done one of those in a while and uh that's gonna be fun I think you should do that game show where you hook each other up to lie detectors and then ask each other questions like we were gonna do on our game show night the oh that's a good idea do we know do you know anybody with a lie detector like or do you have to like hire is there an app can we just get a lie detector app and see if that works but how would that work I don't know it's uh like you want to get tracks your pulse or something I don't know well but half the half the enjoyment of doing that you hook them up to the thing and it's like drawing the little lines and there's like you know like a man who looks like a keebler elf off to the side looking at it like shaking his head but an app can do that what if you it was just like a watch app yeah but you're but you're missing the visual element of uh you still have the thing on the app going like crazy when you're lying you know I suppose I mean it's no meet the parents scene is ralph from the mori show in the chat tonight who's ralph from the mori show I love the Maury Povich. It's funny that you bring up the Maury. Oh, Ralph. OK, he's the lie detector expert on. Oh, that's what it is. OK, I didn't know that. I was actually that's so funny. You're talking about Maury, though, because I keep debating using one of these in one of our pre shows. But then I just can't decide or not, because it's a do you remember the brief period when Maury would bring on people who had specific phobias? yes like and they would be on and they would be on there just like deathly afraid of something irrational like yeah but this one lady I think she was uh she like had a thing against like cotton balls they literally brought had a guy walk out who had like a suit covered in cotton balls like had her and like chased her around the stage there was one woman who was like afraid of cats and she's just sitting on a stage and they just this guy brings a cat out and I just the look on her face is like tattooed on my brain because she was just like like ran off stage because yeah if I if I ever include those it's clearly it's very sad listening these people because they all have pretty legitimate reasons why they're freaked out by stuff but then it's just so funny that mori at first just like he's treating them very nicely and he just goes like bring out the olives and then a person brings out a giant thing of olives and rocket dave never watched mori what were you never home sick as a kid my god that was like I would fake sick just to watch mori like I've never been unemployed during the early um uh yeah it's fucked up anyway uh last night yeah uh was another we're wonderful wednesday watch along with miss emmy martian And here with an update on all the shenanigans that went down last night is Emmy Marshall. yeah hello did you get a haircut I did get a haircut nice I got glowed up yeah yeah love it um howdy everybody good to see you um hey hey hey oh my goodness I've got notes but first and foremost you know that the uh creator of the lie detector uh uh or the creators of the lie detectors uh william morton morstan and uh his wife also also the creator of wonder woman yeah That's a real thing. That's a real thing. And it makes sense. That's why she's got the lasso of truth and all that. That is mind-blowing. How did I never know that? It's a weird thing. And yeah, she would have gotten more credit on actually Wonder Woman had they like... you know she went to oxford but it was you couldn't get a degree back then because you were a woman kind of thing so yeah she was she was involved in all that so uh she's the one who put all the valuable things into wonder woman and then like william marston was like the I want my lie detector to kind of be her lasso and also I want to put all my sexual fetishes into this comic as much as possible pretty much a lot of weird psychology a lot of bondage going on in those early wonder woman's Right, right. Lie detectors. Yeah, lie detectors. Last night, speaking of lie detectors, speaking of lassos, we watched a spaghetti western last night. Don't you see what I did there? Um... Il Grande Silenzio, The Great Silence by Sergio Corbucci. And it is a beautiful, dark, bleak film set in the snowy hills of Utah in a very real blizzard of eighteen ninety nine. If you look up the blizzard of eighteen ninety nine, like I think Utah got down to negative fifty. um it's like the lord it's it's like the like coldest year in history in recorded history and so it's set during that uh blizzard and that uh And yeah, it was a lot of fun. Has Klaus Kinski and a lot of other, as a very, very evil villain and some strange unconventional leads that kind of take tropes and put them on there. One of the things about that I didn't get to talk about last night is that, you know, most of the time, Western heroes, it's always about their prowess and how they can draw fast and all that. This guy, like... it's just about his gun is mechanical and it's just really like it's just a very good gun like like it it subverts tropes like that he's faster on the draw just because he has a really good and accurate gun um but he shoots some potatoes with it and uh and I won't say it was a lot of fun necessarily but it was a really great movie That is amazing. Lots of other cowboy themed stuff there. You know, I do a whole pre-show and a whole cartoon fun house afterwards. And there was lots of, uh, lots of homes on the strange content to it involved. Yeah, as always. You always do such an awesome... You package a whole evening. You know, kind of make the whole thing. And I just saw you've already picked your movie for next week. Yes, indeed. There was a trailer for that. Now the trailer for that, Hoppity Goes to Town, the trailer is... It's tough to find a trailer that's not in crap condition. So that's the only trailer. But the movie itself that I have a copy of is, of course, beautiful high definition color. This is one of those cartoons where everybody's kind of bouncing all the time. no no this is uh this is like the highest quality animation like like had they they should have beaten out disney basically they they came up with like a style of three d animation that's not multi-layered cells which is what disney was doing um it's more like a sort of type of rotoscope type effect right that's what they did on the superman yeah yeah exactly so yeah it's it's this is their only their second and only uh other feature presentation outside of uh gulliver's travels so oh yeah but uh it's a it's it's kind of this film got buried for years and years and I figured after such a bleak movie last night we needed some we needed a night of animation and fun so to next week it'll be There'll be cartoons galore, both before and after. It's just going to be a whole big night of animated fun and Fletcher goodness and stuff. I love it. Everyone, get on Emmy's membership. It's totally free to join. You'll get email reminders. And coming soon, you'll start to get some previews of upcoming movies and stuff. Right. Totally free. Head to slash weird. You can also kick in two dollars a month or five dollars a month. All that goes to Emmy to keep the show going. Thank you, Chris. You're so good at that. You know, I also have some other notes here. Just briefly, I have to say this. Julia Louise Dreyfus is Valentina Allegra de Fontaine in the Marvel Universe. Judy Greer is also in the Ant-Man movies, if I'm not mistaken. She's in Arrested Development. Oh. Oh, yeah. Wait, who was the other one you said? Julia Louise Dreyfuss. Oh, right, Julia Louise Dreyfuss. I didn't remember she was on Arrested Development. She's the Baroness or something, basically. She's like the Hydra Baroness or something. I forget. she's like new nick fury for oh right yeah I will say uh you know carl weathers there is a deadpool in deadpool uh or deadpool and cable I think by nicea there's a character named carl weathers that I think is based on the actor carl weathers that's cool uh emmy do you have a minute to stick around for our intermission video do you have a minute for me to stick around for I just thought I'd try something. If you got yourself into that riff, you're going to have to get yourself out. That's exactly what I was aiming for. You dig your hole, you wind up down there. So tonight's video, we're doing old favorites, and I thought I would bring up an old favorite topic that I like to show videos of occasionally. People who are in love with slash have sex with inanimate objects... We've previously talked about a man who was in love with his car, he named it Chase, and he was kissing it and stuff, and then a lady who married the Eiffel Tower. So this is a man who loves balloons in a sexual way. Thank you, TLC. But that wasn't, like, a sexual love. She was just, like, obsessed with it. Wait, are you... Are you sure you haven't seen this, or did I just... It does seem familiar, right? Oh, have I already showed this one? There's also one with a guy who's in love with a pool float. my first reaction was wow maybe all these people are just the same person I think they're kind of just these are running together in my brain over five decades it started when after four years attraction to the shapes and colors people are saying they've we've seen this okay with over fifty thousand balloons and can't sleep yeah now I remember There's also another guy who's in love with a pool float, and that's maybe what I was getting mixed up with. Is it one of those long, skinny tube floats? I think I got a better one. We've watched this one before. It fits the theme of Mystery Hour Favorites a bit more. All right. yes we are the world leaders I said this before I love this guy's art like I think sort of but I feel like I'm probably differentiating his different screams I can't tell the difference between your pain and your joy Some of them sound like when Charlie Brown gets upset. He could be, you know, he just stubbed his toe or he's having sex or something. That first one with the stub, see, that's a I've seen something. That's a disgusting... I would love to have a piece of art by this guy just knowing that every inch of it was screamed at. No, for real. He's mixing his spittle in with the paint. He probably had to close up shop during COVID. I was going to say, he probably gave someone COVID. Now he sounds like he's going to evacuate his mouth. oh god lord help me I can't do another painting they're getting kind of sexual a little bit sometimes sometimes they're angrier and sometimes just like I mean aren't they all sexual I'm gonna skip forward a little bit because it's literally seven minutes but look at that painting it's not like yeah it's not bad It kind of looks like a baby bop from Barney on the far right, like a little bit, like with the head. It's hard for me to describe through this, but... I like that the lower register of his voice has grown tired, so now he's leaning on the upper register. He started off down here, and then he's like, nah, I can't do that anymore. He's not really exploring, yeah, like, the basement of his voice. There's no, like, guttural, like, kind of screams. I think that's gone. I think that he's shredded that to YouTube after that. There's a thirty-one minute version on YouTube. Oh, good lord. Awesome. Maybe that could be something we could offer for Jackie's paintings when she ships them. If you want to specify in your shipping instructions that you want her to scream at your painting before she ships it, maybe we could get her to do that. Maybe that should just be a part of the Jackie name in general, where we all just take a moment out of the class to just sort of... Yeah. Kind of like Pee Wee's Playhouse, you know? When somebody says the magic word. you scream it out loud we'll just scream it out loud because we will because we're good enough and we're smart enough gosh darn it people like us shout shout let it all out these are the things I can do without um emmy I also want to say before you uh before you take off you have a new episode oh yeah oh marsh and shadows right we have a new episode coming up on tuesday is it is this tuesday yeah yes yeah all right yeah sure February, it does that. It's a short month. It's literally like there's a tenth less, which means that we should all be paying a tenth less rent for the month of February because there's literally exactly three days missing That's the tenth of a month. We should get ten percent off for February. February, you should pay less in rent. I agree. It's not like I get to work the same amount of hours. This is my... Exactly. You should get paid for... two extra days in February, and you should get a rent reduction for at least two days. Yeah, it should be both. It should be three days for the rent reduction. We are the corruption that they're trying to weed out, okay? and we should be we should be throw a wrench in the works everybody no but everybody also just come around later I've got some tv at ten later we're still watching emma and stuff and I'll have some other stuff next week but um but also on sunday you know we do a chat in the discord on sunday nights where we people get together and chat sometimes but I think this sunday we might end up uh indulging in some oscars there yeah so the oscars are this sunday right we're not doing um an official watch party but yeah if you are yeah I don't know who else is I mean I don't think anyone else is gonna I'm gonna be there but everybody everybody who wants to is welcome to just a reminder yeah like big events like that head to the discord server I'm sure there's always going to be people there's stuff going on yeah yeah and we love having everyone there so fun times anybody got any favorites that they're open when stuff or I haven't seen like anything I mean you know the substance I saw the substance flow flow will probably win for animated movie and it probably deserves to which is cool But the best movies of last year were Love, Lies, Bleeding and Bird and The Thicket. I haven't seen any of those. You haven't seen Love, Lies, Bleeding with K-Stew? No. Oh, dude, you got to see Love, Lies, Bleeding. That's a peak A-Pony for a film. Oh, okay. I'll check it out. Yeah, Conan's hosting. I love Conan O'Brien. Yeah, it is a decent... Exactly. We've got Conan hosting, so it won't be like... It won't be terrible. I don't want to shoot myself in the face. It won't be like when they wheel out Jimmy... Or what's his name? Jimmy Kimmel now? And he hosts and it's the most mediocre host of all time. It's almost worse than a bad host when they're just like that middle of the road and you're like... No, he's just a bad host. Yeah, he sucks. He's like the one step above the Joe Rogans, you know? Yeah, I agree. We still got so much to get to, so we're going to kick you out. Yeah, I'm going to get out of here. I love y'all. Take care. I'll see you later, and have fun. Watch some Bigfoot and Wildboy for me. Who says we're watching Bigfoot and Wildboy? I'm just saying I love Bigfoot and Wildboy. I know y'all love some Baywatch nights, too. I really do. I do, but I love Bigfoot and Wildboy. You people are going to be real disappointed when you get to the end, and the only thing I have are three different Ken Burns documentaries for you to pick from. We're going to sit here and watch jazz together for the next four hours. It's the three-episode finale of Vampires. It's the big epic conclusion. Big epic. All right, Emmy. We'll talk real soon. Ciao. And me, everybody. And me, Martian, everyone. Let's get right into it. Let's get into what's coming soon. oh yeah we didn't have uh... we didn't have any shout out to the ball to me or anything during all that and now we're all kind of a political just double check in there because I know sometimes that happens uh... okay so coming soon to dumb uh... coming in in most recent news my track pad is just died so watch me smelt we try to plug it in very quickly uh... but yeah coming soon we've got uh... it's the next marriage appeal show clubhouse chit chat and tidbits Yeah. So if you would like to come hang out with Chris and Mary Jo and just chat. Yeah, we go live completely unprepared, unrehearsed. We have some questions that we didn't get to during the Ask Us Anything episode that we're going to answer. And you can only access that in the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse. It's open to all Clubhouse members. And the Marriage Appeal Show Clubhouse is also free for your first thirty days. So chill with us. Super chill. Super good times. And then we already mentioned this Tuesday, we got an all new episode of Martian Shadows that will debut on Twitch. That's episode twelve of Martian Shadows. And Martian Shadows is Emmy Martian riffing on old episodes of Dark Shadows. The most action-packed television show you'll ever see in your life. I'm sure in this one, someone will like look at a doorframe or be near a painting or something. But no, it's a lot of fun. She does a good job making fun of it and that kind of stuff. It's awesome. It rocks. And those go on demand in the Dumb Odds and Ends library. So if you're in any Dumb Plus membership, you can also access all of those on demand. yeah very cool uh so so yeah so that's happening on tuesday and then uh saturday march eighth it's the next jackie naman jones paint party that's right and I actually I think I know the poll is up for what we're painting I don't know if we've actually announced what we're painting yet but if you're a student head to the blog and place your votes for the next painting because students get to vote on uh what jackie shows us how to paint each month Yeah, and please feel free to share the word about this one in particular around, because like we say, you know, House of Paint, Jesus Christ, Hands of Paint, that's the one that's more B-movie themed and stuff, and this one, you know, it's more, it's a more kind of general vibe, so yeah, so if you just have anyone in your life who you think might enjoy, you know, painting with someone live, but, you know, still having their own space and autonomy and hanging out with a cool group of people, I do a fun little pre-show for those. Yeah, your pre-show's... Those are great, by the way. Everyone loves those. Someone said in the chat last time, it's what happens when I use my powers for good. I like that analogy. It's just stuff that I find neat and people who I find personally inspirational and just neat little stuff. You find some really cool, interesting things. All those things happen. Feel free to invite folks. Invite people. I say this all the time, but even if you feel like you don't have an artistic bone in your body I still urge you sign up for the free trial come to a class and just hang out with us because it's just uh it's just the chillest hang I do not have any artistic skills either and even I've done a few of these now and uh yeah or put them on and hang out with a friend just keep you know both paint together whatever like that's the jen and I do that during the class it's it's the best. So it rocks. And we, and we might be, uh, working on new stuff with Jackie right now too. So keep your ears peeled for some, some interesting developments happening there, uh, that are all good in the works. Got so many little, so many little pokers in the fire. So many different little, there's like a, it's like a campfire and we got on one poker, we got a marshmallow and another like a wiener and then another like a sausage patty and then like a severed hand on one, all these pokers in the fire. Uh, yeah so and uh we have a lot of things coming up in march you can head to you can subscribe to our google calendar get on our newsletter we always have announcements and giveaways in there um and thank you guys for uh hanging out with us I think yeah are we already at that time I think we're already we're all caught up we uh we've gone through all of our business for the night so uh it is now time for the feature presentation All right, so tonight I have compiled four different Matt Walsh movies that we'll get to pick from to... Wait, seriously? No, it's a Matt Walsh movie, then a Kirk Cameron one, and then the Kenneth Copeland film, and... Wait, Matt Walsh is the weird right-wing guy. Yeah, he's the one who's trying to be right-wing Borat. He made this horrible movie called Am I Racist, where he tried to dress up as a leftist and sneak in places, and everybody's like, what? Yeah. Uh, our actual options, uh, so I have found, uh, basically all of you guessed everything. So we got a new Baywatch Nights to pick from, where hopefully I didn't have a Dimension episode, like, during our intermission video, and pick an old one. And, uh, I don't think I, I don't think I did. I think this is a new one. It's also from the second season of Baywatch Nights, because for those of you that don't know, they tried to make a spin-off of Baywatch where... He's a private detective at night in addition to being a lifeguard during the day. Then in between season one and two, David Hasselhoff saw the X-Files, so now it's like Baywatch adventures with paranormal bullshit. He's still got the day job at the beach, too. But what was weird is it was supposed to be that he was a lifeguard during the day and he did this at night, but then a lot of Baywatch nights also takes place during the day, so I don't understand how he... When are you lifeguarding, Mitch? Baywatch Nights, so that is an option. It's probably our longest option, too, so that's something to consider. Next up, we have an episode of Supermarket Sweep. I have located off Internet Archive a Nineteen Ninety-Four episode of Supermarket Sweep, a game show that we enjoy watching, mainly because the host seems like he's so full of contempt and hatred for everyone around him. He's barely keeping it held in. a man named dave ruprecht who's amazing and I just love watching you know you know like uh simple people from the nineties compete for an easily obtainable amount of money it's uh he's also yeah he's just like a a host that you don't really see anymore he's like he is like he's kind of a dick and it's not even like he's playing up like a persona like no he's actually kind of a dick Yeah, he doesn't have that quality that Alex Trebek has, you know, when Alex Trebek listens to people's stupid stories on Jeopardy, you know, he has that way where he can seem like, you know, like, oh, like he really engages with them. You really believe that he gives a shit, even though he doesn't, you know. Hey, Nemesur Kobith says it was called Baywatch Nights because at the start of the show he was operating out of a club called Nights. But the marketing for it was all like, you know, even the theme song for the show was like, after the sun goes down, and like the sun goes down, and they're all the lifeguards outside, and then like once it's night, it's David Hasselhoff in his like Don Johnson suit entering a club. That's the season one opening. The season two opening has a lot of taxidermy dog heads, and it's like, ah! But Maybe you'll get to see that. Anyway, supermarket sweep. I need to be on Adderall real bad. People are saying the poll's not working. Oh, ruh-roh. Well, keep going over the options. Yeah, I'll keep going through the options. Next up, we have an episode of Bigfoot and Wildboy. I've selected a... Ooh, interesting. An episode of Bigfoot and Wildboy for us to watch. We've watched this a couple times. Again, I'm pretty sure I found a new one. But regardless of what episode it is, I'm pretty sure we can look forward to seeing Bigfoot jumping in slow motion. wild boy jumping in slow motion and a giant paper mache boulder getting thrown at someone in slow motion which are all the people saying the votes are they're going in okay okay okay cool last one then here we go Okay, whatever. And then next I have another episode of Vampires. If you are true sadists, we've watched this twice and it's been a nightmare both times. But people seem intrigued by the premise of people who merge with cars to become like Transformers who have to feed off of other cars in the way a vampire does. in order to keep existing, and all of that convoluted backstory is because they thought of the name vampires first and worked backwards. And John Entwistle from The Who, basically. John Entwistle did the music for it. He did all the music for it. And then lastly, we have our wild card. Last week, we were doing a cartoon series based off of nineties movies, such as like Mid and Black, Jumanji. And what came in second place was Godzilla the Animated Series. So you can watch an episode of the... ...the movie-inspired Godzilla cartoon... ...which starred Matthew Broderick... ...and it uses that model of Godzilla. But he does fight other kaiju in that one... it's a little closer to... ...Godzilla-ness than the movie is. The movie just wants to be Jurassic Park real bad, but... straw poll appears to be down right now I think that's what's going on oh uh-oh uh because I just duplicated the poll and did a test vote and it's doing the validating thing spinning huh and then results still is didn't register my my vote so oh yeah what should we do oh uh everybody just throw uh oh some master torgo says oh people are saying it works now okay uh boba fettuccine says they saw that supermarket sweep was winning oh oh okay all right now it works try again it's working now it's working now wait now I'm seeing results all right all right we got it we got this baby we were almost gonna have to act like we don't rig this and um hey oh oh wow hey when you guys uh while you guys get your votes in we just got a couple more donations here let's do this oh let's do those real fast okay this is great this one comes from patrick m patrick thank you in the amount of four dollars and twenty cents I might add metal love it um patrick says how about henry kissinger singing whole lot of love I think I can do that let's get the lyrics up can I be the I'll be your backing so yeah You need cooling, baby. I'm not cooling. I'm gonna send you back to schooling. A way down inside. Honey, you need it. I'm gonna give you my love. I'm gonna give you my love. That was fun. That was fun. Good job. Nice collab. That was a I know, I like those. What did we do, War Pigs? We did War Pigs in a similar manner, yeah. All right. Thank you so much, Patrick. Next one here comes from Jackie Barton. Oh, my God. Jackie, thank you. Thank you so much, Jackie. You're so sweet. I think Jackie and Matt just got back from Disney World or Land, one of the two. And her Etsy shop, I believe, is... back up and running she'll probably correct me in the chat if that's not true but uh she's got some really cool custom-made dumb industries merch that you can only get there including uh dumb industries popcorn bins there's earrings there's there's glasses aren't there glasses yeah it's very cool check out everything over there a lot of neat stuff I would love to go back to disney world that sounds it's it's nowhere near what it was when I went as a kid but it's uh yeah I would love to go back um ride the tower terror nine hundred times that is a great ride Jackie has a question here for us. Where can I find the Beauty and the Beast episode Emmy did? I think that was last week's or maybe two weeks ago. We don't archive the Weird and Wonderful Wednesday watch-alongs just for copyright reasons, but Emmy and I have talked about before just archiving just her intros and outros and stuff and then... having those all available for members so if amy's got the recording of that I mean we can we can see what we can do about getting that up on the website yeah honestly if you just like uh went on discord and asked her she would probably just send it to you if you're curious enough uh get on our discord our discord's a good place uh yeah uh oh but uh but yes that is to watch too um thanks so much jackie and yeah thanks for that uh thank you oh so is it so yeah so that was the question that went along with that okay okay um all right what do you think should we let's see what's winning this baby all right now people have verified that results are showing so let's see Alright! Bigfoot and Wildboy, you got your wish, Chris. You're gonna get to see more paper mache rocks get thrown around. Bigfoot, Wildboy, Bigfoot, Wildboy. I really hope I haven't fucked up in shows. I think it's... It's hard to tell. They are all basically the same show over and over to an extent. Alright, here we go. And now, Bigfoot and Wildboy aired in like... The late seventies? Mid to late seventies? Oh, you're back, but you're glitchy. Yeah, hold on. I look like I'm on one of them AOL chat rooms with you. I gotta unplug my camera. Not a problem. I can't believe I chose a video we've already watched before. I knew this would happen to me at some point, because this all just kind of blurs together in my brain, but... Wow, it's... Can you hear me? I can hear you. I can see a blobby still of you. Okay. Now we just got the Baywatch thing. Am I on screen? Oh, there I am. There you are. There you are. Okay. That was scary. All right. Bigfoot and Wildboy, everyone. Oh, yes. Let me turn our music off. Music off. Shit out of here. Okay, oh, I was going to say, Bigfoot and Wildboy aired in like two, like they would do like two episodes, right? Like one back to two ten minutes. So is that what this is? This is like, what is this? I thought this was like a full twenty. Yeah, it's a full, yeah. Here we go, everyone. Our favorite show, Bigfoot and Wildboy. theme is great out of the great northwest comes the legendary bigfoot who eight years ago there he is lost in the vast wilderness bigfoot had a real moment in the seventies like he was just everywhere good reason he's showing up in blurry movies and people were all convinced that there's a bigfoot I do believe that some Bigfoot sightings are legit admit, but that there's probably not a real Bigfoot. There's probably just like weird men who have just decided to live in the woods and grow their hair out like Gruber. And if you just saw one of them from a distance, it would look like Bigfoot. That's my thoughts on Bigfoot. That was a real run on sentence there. Oh, I love this show so much. There's Sid and Marty Koch, right? Yes, the people who made H.R. Puff and stuff and Sigmund the Sea Monster. Who's your favorite cryptid, Chris? I love the Mothman. Oh, the Mothman's a good one, yeah. I don't know, Bigfoot's good. Bigfoot is good. I like the Chupacabra. Ooh, yeah. I like to say Chupacabra. I've been to the city where the Mothman happened and seen the giant Mothman statue they have there in person. It rocks. I would love to go to the festival. Have you ever seen the Mothman Prophecies? No, I need to. Oh, that's a good movie. I know everything about that legend, though. Kind of looks like Zach Wilde. Okay, Brady Bunch versus Bigfoot. Who wins? My satellite reception is horrible out here. What are they trying to do? Just get him to leave? They're like playing Grateful Dead or something. This is my antenna because I heard you were talking shit about me like I wouldn't find out. Oh look, he's jumping in slow motion. I can't believe this is happening. He changed into like two different actors. That jump killed three different stuntmen. Wait, is he talking now? Is this a later episode? He could kind of talk a little bit in the other ones, but he sort of talks like the Hulk, you know, where he's like, you know, wild boy, go there. And the wild boy is like, you know, what Bigfoot's saying to you is that this area is dangerous. Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman versus Bigfoot now. Who wins? Or Little House on the Prairie maybe versus Bigfoot. Are they a gay couple? Oh, look, boom mic. Oh, yeah. Craig, I'm not going to lie to you. This entire mission is bogus. I just wanted to spend more time with you. Matt, the chat is saying we saw this one. Oh no, really? I think we did see this. Or they all have the same plot. They all kind of have the same plot a little bit. I don't remember this personally. I don't remember this exact thing, yeah. A few people are fucking with me. I don't think we've seen this one. Pretty cool. Now, Victor, nothing can stop us. Don't touch me. This kind of reminds me, did you ever have those things? Oh, it's, yeah. At least I know they use a boom mic for this. Oh, and more, Victor. Much, much more. This guy on the right should be Bobcat Goldwaite. Oh, that'd be good. That girl must have heard everything. Oh no, we've scared little Debbie away. kill it with lightning oh my god this might explode her you know that's kind of a real thing the government does have weapons that use sound that they put on top of tanks where they can just fire like a certain sound frequency at you and just makes you double over in pain those men are doing something to her with that machine bigfoot has great hair Does he use, like, suave for panting? They're playing can. I can't take it. I hate the Grateful Dead. This is bullshit. Ow, ow, ow. Why does Wild Boy dress like that? He's seen people. He knows what pants look like. Keep being afraid with these low angles. We're going to see Wild Boys grundle in one of these shots soon. I mean, you see Bigfoot's grundle play. You see Bigfoot's grundle a lot, but at least it's covered. I don't know what he's got on underneath that little loincloth of his. He's grundles in the opening credits. There's just so much grundle in this show. Oh, my heart. You can tell this is clearly inspired by the Bigfoot episode of Six Million Dollar Man the most between like all the like slow motion jumping and like dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun. And also Bigfoot was a villain on multiple episodes of that show. And he looks kind of like that. Mr. Corollator. Ow. They're evil. The one guy just really looks to me. He reminds me of like Mr. Furley era of Don Knotts. The other guy reminds me of Bobcat Goldwaite. Bigfoot better get to that rock before they do. I would love to see the footage of Bigfoot running in like a regular speed just to see how stupid it looks with him just, you know, traipsing all over this stupid valley. Oh no, a paper mache rock is going in slow motion. Who could have foreseen this? We have this one boulder, we gotta work it into every show. Uh-oh. Oh no, little Debbie died! Nah, she's fine. She's like that girl from Bad Ronald, the Bad Ronald kids. Yes, jump bigfoot. Oh, they flipped the image on that one. That was cool. Usually jumps right to left. See, this shot's completely different because he's going in the other direction, you see. Are you? Yeah, fuck your rock. Y'all's DirecTV ain't ever gonna work now. Totally gonna miss the Meriwether fight. Mayweather fight. Meriwether? Oh, fight. Fuck you, old man! Are we on mushrooms? Do these people never just have guns with them? Nope. The amount of fucking around Bigfoot and Wildboy do, I'm surprised they haven't been shot at more. What's the matter? Susie, why'd you scream? Are you kidding? Wouldn't you scream if you woke up and saw him staring down at you? Hey. Now I know what Alan Moore's wife feels like. Oh, swell. I sprained my ankle. Very believable acting. You can do as much damage as I thought. Good. I can't wait to put as much distance as we can. If you have one more of those red, white, and yellow cables, this one's broken. Hey, boom mic guy, hand me that mic. It just pans over to the crew, and he's like, oh, sure. He helps them. I had the rare pleasure of seeing Bigfoot. That thing was Bigfoot? Who the fuck did you think it was? I know. Maybe he just thought it was a hairy mountain man. And this boulder blew up like it was nothing. And the one called the professor said he was going to do the same thing to Grand Kilo Dam. Bigfoot went and got band-aids. We can't go after them, Professor. That thing is a giant. Victor, you can't prove my point. He's no taller than Shaquille O'Neal. That's fine. See, Larry David's always looked old. He has a nice perm. Look at the kind of volume that old man's hair has. It's good for him. Eastern. Is that eastern or mountain standard? Bigfoot's planner is specific. Bigfoot is always running in semi-slow motion. Spacemacon says Bigfoot kind of looks like he might have crabs. He does. He's running like a man with crabs. Well, he fucks a lot. How do you think Wild Boy came about? He had sex with a human woman, and that's what Wild Boy's the product of. He didn't just find him, no, he is Wildboy's biological father. That was going to be the series end twist. He gets his DNA results back. Do you think Bigfoot has a regular penis or does he have one of those weird things like dogs have? Yeah, it would definitely be attached to his stomach in a weird way. Sound off in the chat what kind of penis you think Bigfoot has. Oh look, we kind of got to see Wildboy's grundle there for a second. How do you know? I love when we do that. I love holding you, wild boy. The editing is just... These scenes could be in literally any order, and I don't think it would make much of a difference. Exactly. And also, they all exist in their own shots. You never see anyone together. It's all patched together, which is random. Froggy Wizard says that they believe I've asked that question before. Well, there's only so many things I think of when I think of Bigfoot, I guess. And, uh... Question number one, is he actually a mountain man when people see him? Question number two, if he is fake, what's his dick like? He is, you know, mythological. You know, Metal Machine music gets such a bad rap, but I think it's cool. Oh, my kidney stones are so stuffed. Thanks, evil bad guy. Oh, lots of styrofoam rocks fall in this episode. Oh no, they're trapped. Are we going to get left on a cliffhanger? Tune in next week. Same Bigfoot network, same Bigfoot time. Good work today. We're so good at bad guy stuff. We murdered a child and a Bigfoot. Way to go, us. I don't think we should watch the second part of that. I think we should just stop watching the series and just assume that both Bigfoot and Wild Boy died in that tragic cave-in. No, I need... I need some kind of closure here. Oh, do we get to watch all of it? Maybe you're right. Maybe this is two of them packaged together. I wanted to just believe that they were dead. Right, but watch. We're basically watching the episode again. Yeah, the previously on is going to take up half the episode. That's why they let them do that in the X-Men cartoon, because they were like, we can save runtime and just use the same animation over previously on X-Men. Oh no, they're playing Yoko Ono! Why? Does he have super hearing? Because Bigfoot is an omniscient god, man. Shit all fucked up! Eric says, Matt, my fourteen year old daughter walked in. We were discussing Bigfoot's dick and started giggling. Awesome. Thank you for sharing that with me. That makes me feel like a special part of your your daughter's future therapy. That rock looks like a pinata my mom made for me when I was thirteen. Yeah. I love the way he punches this out of the way, too. He's just like, fuck you, rock. Totally betraying the fact that that rock actually weighs nothing, you know? Literally saying the entire episode again. You know, it's the bare minimum aspect of this show that is so enjoyable about it. Ow, my freaking ears! So, well, it's good to know, just know it in the future, we can basically just watch the second part of any Bigfoot and Wildboy episode, and it'll just be the whole episode again. It's a real Silent Night, Deadly Night, too situation. Bouncy-ass rocks. Woo-ha-ha-ha! I like the way he slapped that thing. Let's go. Come on. Let's get out of here. Good job murdering. You did it. Atta boy. Let's go get Dairy Queen. Oh, new footage. This girl only wakes up surrounded by Bigfoot and Wild Boy. Maybe there's more to this. Scott, the research center with the millions of dollars the government... It's a nice Jeep. I want to see Bigfoot fuck up that Jeep. Yeah, it's too expensive. This is the producer's Jeep. Oh, Bigfoot. You so crazy. I think I want to have your baby. Name him Wild Boy. Yeah, Treadwell Jay. The whole show is a fever dream. It's like she's just going in. This entire show is just her going in and out of consciousness. While Bigfoot and Wild Boy like stand over her. grabbing her we need to make a show across state lines he just wakes up in a new location surrounded by monsters every fifteen to twenty minutes and or villainous men and the monsters are the least scary of all it's the normal people in the show who are all evil so yeah oh he pushed the styrofoam off him He's arisen from the dead, not unlike Jesus. Yeah, fuck your rocks. Fuck that rock, fuck that one too. Yeah, fuck up those rocks! Bigfoot's back, bitches! Fuck up those rocks! Look, his hair still looks great. Bigfoot have to poop. His hair was perfect. oh he's taking a piss it'd be great if he just like masturbated onto the rocks and walked away without doing anything they're like wait wild boy at first they just let him finish they're like well maybe he just needs to get this out and then he'll get to us and they sit through him uh jerking off to completion and then he just leaves them behind the rock wall Sid and Marty Croft call me. I have a new script idea. Are they still around? One of them has died, at least. Their production company has to still be around. They made a new Sigmund the Sea Monster just a couple years ago. If we split up, we can stop them before they get to the lake. Olata! Palo! Did he say, I would like that? I like that! Me and my super speed walking will come get you. He didn't look that into the running that time. He was just like... He's really phoning it in. Well, this is like episode twelve, so he was pretty over it by this point. I'm certain they filmed this entire show, like the entire season in a day. No, I don't know about a day, but definitely over the course of like a couple days, you could have knocked out this entire show, basically. So yeah, he's been out in this desert for a while. He's pissed. He's in the suit. He doesn't want to be there. Long live the king! She's gonna catch her. He throws her off. Oliver O. Lang says it's the beginning of Cliffhanger. That's a great movie, I need to watch that again soon. I mean, it's schlock, but it's great. My name's actually Pete. I wish people would stop calling me Wild Boy. I have a real name. She could so easily pull herself up. No, Bigfoot, we're trying to save her. Don't knock her off with this tree. I just want the camera to pull away and it turns up they're like three feet off the ground and all this is for nothing. Baby, baby. Was Bigfoot helping her up or trying to push her off the ledge with that giant stick? I know. He was like, just trying to knock her off. Fuck you, stick. He kind of did like the Tusken Raider thing for a second. Now I know why they always say watch your first step. Because it can kill you. Why don't you try to not fuck up for five seconds or knock yourself unconscious or whatever? She's just really clumsy. You make Daphne on Scooby-Doo seem like fucking Batman. Do you like my Mr. Bean cosplay? The two of them together kind of look like the band Air Supply with their poofy hair. Yeah, there's something weird going on with these two. Uncle, nephew, or something like that, I don't know. This is the production just realizing, oh, are they going to talk to a hawk? I don't understand why he talks the way he does. He was raised by Bigfoot. Yeah, he speaks perfect English. And Bigfoot has like a chewy language that he speaks. I've never understood that in movies where something is speaking like clearly nonsense and the other person's just like, mm-hmm, Farfaneuil wants you to know that you're not welcome on his planet. The shots are getting more and more Dutch as the show goes on. We're going to have just a shot by the end that's completely vertical. Or horizontal. Depending on how you look at it. You know what I mean. Shut up. Running. Marco. Bolo. Marco. Marco. Bigfoot! Wildboy! Bigfoot! Wildboy! That's a fun game to play in a pool like a new version of Marco Polo called Bigfoot and Wildboy where you just run in slow motion like the Bigfoot in the pool to get people. Feel free to use that this summer. God damn it. Ah, it finally got around to the big in part of Abbey Road, and I was so excited. This whole eight track all over again. Are they like launching him off the trampoline? How did they get that kind of air with him? They did that in the Ninja Turtles movies a lot. He looks like you could edit him in perfectly with those, like, The End of the Man Show, the girls on the trampolines montages they used to do, just like, insert a Bigfoot in there of him jumping. Treehouse! Going somewhere, Professor? How does he know the Professor? ten feet tall he ran like a horse there was no way to stop him yeah sure okay they don't know that bigfoot's in cahoots with that guy and he's actually going to take him back to bigfoot's lair to be used as food listen susie do you know anything about a giant monster and some wild boy they say caught them I heard about it on Rogan. I've been watching that ancient alien show a lot on the History Channel at night. It's filling my head with ideas. That's a great truck. See? Even a man as brilliant as the professor can do evil if he becomes too selfish. We really should have taken a ride into town. That was quite the moral we learned there. really uh the big takeaway even professors can be evil who would have thought is this actually like the beginning of the anti uh college propaganda you know that like you know the right is kind of taken up now where it's like actually professors will brainwash you and all kinds of woke propaganda like bigfoot being real and uh yep and going evil and trying to use a sonic weapon to take down a valley That's what the woke left wants from your universities. Master Toriko says way more fun than Baywatch for me. Well, I'm glad. The people voted and I hope you all enjoy what you chose. We should just have more Baywatch Nights where it's like we know we're going to watch a Baywatch Nights episode. We will do more Baywatch Nights at some point. We do love the Hasselhoff on here. There will definitely be more Hasselhoff content in the future. We need to bust a Knight Rider out on something soon, I feel like. Michael. Yeah, we should totally. Michael, you were fighting the Grim Reaper the last time you showed up on Dumb Industries. Actually, that's not true. Thank you so much, everyone, for hanging out tonight. This has been a blast. It has been a blast. And thank you to everybody who donated. We're all caught up there. right? Oh, we are all caught up. Super, super, super. We didn't forget anybody, but yeah, thank you everybody. Uh, it's been a lot of fun. Uh, make sure to, to, you know, embrace your inner Bigfoot and go on a slow motion run later. You're going to say tip your weight staff, make sure you tip your weight staff, tip, tip your Bigfoots and your wild boys. Uh, they're out there throwing paper mache rocks at people and keeping our forests safe. Yes. Um, uh but yes dumb television will resume momentarily uh you know yeah chit chat and tidbits tomorrow night only in the clubhouse join the marriage appeal show clubhouse totally free to join and and uh full meds friday tomorrow night as well wow phantom uh I want to see a phantom plan and it's not the phantom from space that's the Yes, Mads are Back Phantom from Space, which will also have Bill Corbett's appearance on there. Yes. Sorry, I'm trying to type on my keyboard. Any final words, Matt? Chattahoochee. Nights will never be the same. After the sun goes down. Thank you, everyone. Bye. Sorry, I'm trying to get that. All right, here we go.