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Movie Jo Night: Doctor Strange (1978)
Mary Jo and Chris watch the 1978 made-for-tv movie DR. STRANGE, based on the Marvel character and starring Peter Hooten as Dr. Stephen Strange and Jessica Walter as Morgan le Fay in a ninety minute pilot for a TV series that never got picked up. Upon watching, it’s pretty obvious why. Recorded live February 21, 2025.
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When it seems your friends desert you There's somebody thinking of you I'm the one who never hurt you Maybe that's because I love you Call me Don't be afraid, you can call me Maybe it's late, but just call me Tell me and I'll be around Now don't forget me, cause if you let me, I will always stay by you. You gotta trust me, that's how it must be. There's so much that I could do. If you call, I'll be right with you You and I should be together Take this love I long to give you I'll be at your side forever Call me Don't be afraid, you can call me Maybe it's late, but just call me Tell me and I'll be around Now don't forget me, cause if you let me, I will always stay by you. You gotta trust me, that's how it must be. There's so much that I could do. If you come I'll be right with you You and I should be together Take this love I long to give you I'll be at your side forever Call me Call me Call me Baby, don't call me. I'll call you. Look at Super Toyota Man to help you get super deals at the Toyota Super Stock Take Sale. Thank you, Super Toyota Man. Look for a cashback deal of eight hundred dollars on Corona. Or six hundred dollars cashback on high-cap Corolla sedans and wagons. Fly into your nearest Toyota dealer for a super deal now. Cashback incentives end June thirty. Let me get you a super Toyota deal! Cross the rainbow bridge of Asgard Where the booming heavens roar You'll behold in breathless wonder You're through, Dr. Doom. Up your old tricks again, Hulk! Lex Luthor has Superman trapped! He's using Kryptonite to destroy his powers! Now you'll tell me why Superman peanut butter tastes so great! Never! So fresh roasted, so creamy, so yummy, that its secret will be mine, all mine! Yipe! Foiled again! Just wait, Superman! I'll find out! Superman peanut butter. Its strength is its great taste. The secret decoding shield of the dreaded Doctor Doom has ordered him to blow up the Freedom Tower! Doctor Octopus, Doctor Doom, Captain America, and Spider-Man each sold separately. Here's how it works, Doctor Octopus. Just slip the secret message in the secret shield. Now our secret mission is revealed! How do we stop him, Captain America? That's our secret, Spider-Man. Doctor Doom, Captain America, and other action figures from the Marvel Secret Wars to action, each sold separately. New from Mattel. Joni Stark makes you feel he's a cool exec with a heart of steel. As Iron Man, all jets ablaze, he's blank and slick. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe What are you doing? Stronger than a whale, he can swim anywhere. He can breathe underwater and go flying through the air. The nobles of Perenor, Prince of the Deep, will be very, very famous. The neighbor of Atlantis is the Prince of the Deep. In Captain America II, the U.S. government calls on Steve Rogers to help uncover a sinister plot against the United States by one of the world's deadliest criminals. Miguel? The revolutionary? In his quest for world domination, this man plans on holding the United States hostage. There. In two days, we'll have enough of those aging compound to affect that entire city. He's demanding one billion dollars immediately. Or he'll spread a chemical through a major American city. A chemical that will cause rapid aging. This is a job for Captain America. Reb Brown, Christopher Lee, Connie Selica, and Len Berman star in this high-flying action-adventure tale as America's greatest hero battles against overwhelming odds in Captain America II, Death Too Soon. What in the name of the coefficient of the speed of light multiplied by the redshift to the hypotenuse of the nth root... Hypotenuse. Hypotenuse. Nobody gets you. Nils Bohr gets me. But you're supposed to be in jail. Yeah, and you're supposed to be dumpster diving for ham scraps, you six-piece chicken mcnobody. Get out of my seat! Make me. Destructo-ray. Solar shield and solar ray. Hamster tube. Hamster tube. And hamster ray. Sarin gas. Sarin? Whoa, hold on a second. Time out. Time in. Atomic wreck. Now my space-ticle. Purple nurple. Oh, atomic wedgie. It's time to take a bird bath. Bird train. Get off of me. Evening, it's pretty pleasing. Would you guys shut up? I'm trying to listen here. Forgive me, Birdman. I've been rash. I've misjudged you, my friends. Sam is so skinny. And they whirl and they twirl and they tangle. floating like the heavens above. Sing along. Looks like mystery. And that's it. When Captain America throws his mighty shield, all those who chose to oppose his shield must yield. If he's led to a fight and a duel is due, then the red and the white and the blue will come through when Captain America throws his mighty shield. Might I say that I'm old-fashioned, très fan ordinaire. That I want a fresh Manhattan with white Anglo-Saxons everywhere. Black Russians, no pink lady, give her the Singapore sling. A Moscow mule is not your baby. So highball the vodka and name your sting. Be a big shot with a bold shot. Be a swine, meet at a pine. Have a shot or a pot or a snot of any sort. Basti spumante, uno chianti. Party fine! I got some economic hocks A gin and tonic on the rocks Where angels fear to tread, I say Choose your booze, let's hit the red-eye! Think of young Diana Durbin And how she sung on rum and bourbon Or enhance your luncheon hour with a planter's punch and a whiskey sour. If you feel like a wreck, try a horse's neck or a sherry with a cherry in the new farmer's size. If you don't name your poison, I'll have to get the boys in the spirit of advantage. If you don't name your poison, I'll have to get the poison. And you'll never see another tequila sun. Live happily ever after with a shabbily and some laughter. Between the sheets is lovely with a filthy blonde and a bottle of bubbly. There's nothing sicker in society than a lack of liquor and sobriety. So, down the hatch, here's mud in your eye Take a bracer with a chaser, wash it down with rye Bottoms up, stirrup cup, it'll put you in the pink And all you have to do is drink, drink, drink, drink, drink Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink Train! Train! Train! Train! Train! Train! Train! Train! Oh no, it's Austin's shitty limits. We could fast forward through this. Man, Soul Train was different back then. No soul. Monkeys in my hat band? He's playing his kneecaps. None of the cover versions are as good as this. I don't think so. If this didn't move the plot forward I wouldn't approve of this. The weird thing is, it's the bongo player that ended up having the big musical career. It's got no neck bone. Coming soon to Weird and Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs. There is a man who makes the hunters tremble when they meet him. They call him Silence. Because after he has passed, there is only the silence of death. Who is that spiritist guy with the hat, as a priest and with the red cap? Tigrelo. One who is better lost than found. Yeah, great logo. What a logo. The cop is part of the gun. That's awesome. Oh, my God. Randy Newman? Randy Newman? What? Did he do the music for this? Oh, somebody got shot. Oh, no. No one prepared me for Randy Newman. This custody hearing is going really bad. When you guys choose the paintings, they always seem to fit. We're coming into some difficult times, I think, and I'd like to think that the guy in office right now just pissed off a whole lot of people. To me, I don't know, it just kind of feels a little bit empowering in a time when I don't feel like I have much control over much of anything at the moment. So I have control over this. I can do this. You know, that's funny you said that, because when I was painting her the first time, I was thinking the same thing. She looked kind of queenly. Majestic, you know? Nobody expects the Ironside Inquisition. Yeah, watching him walk around and do nothing is so much more interesting than seeing the killings by the monster. Will he walk into another room? Or stay in this room? Oh my god, the suspense is killing me! Aye, aye, aye. I've got his cataracts. Oh, damn. Marriage agrees with me. Oh, now I can't do the Harpo Groucho mirror scene. Jimmy Lee Curtis is in there. Well, that was a productive afternoon. This is like a real estate video. My dinner with Andre didn't have this many indoor scenes. ¶¶ you you Oh, hello, Mary Jo. Hello, Chris Gersbet. Can you hear me? I can. Okay, because we hadn't talked yet, so. Yeah. Hi, everybody. Hey, everyone. How are you doing, Mary Jo? I'm pretty okay. How about you? Pretty okay. Pretty okay. Okay. Can everyone hear us okay right now? Let's just make sure. Sound off in the chat. Oh, we got a lot of people watching us right now. Three hundred and sixty. What? Hey, sweet. Thank you for being here. Thank you, everyone. This is a rare Friday movie, Joe Knight. We're sounding good, Mary Jo. Good. It's all good. Thanks for bearing with us and thanks for being here tonight. Earlier this week, I had my birthday trip with my sisters that we do every year up to the North Shore. Wait, your birthday's... So thanks. your birthday hasn't happened yet though right no but you know okay oh good I got nervous that you were secretly pissed at me for like a week why why I don't want to I know you you have eye anxiety like I do so I don't want to make you nervous you scared me I was like wait your birthday I know it's in fact I mean I know when it is I have it on my calendar and everything, but I got nervous for a second if I missed your birthday just completely. We just do that every time in February. So we're just glad you're here and you're being flexible. Yeah, we appreciate it, everyone. We've got an all-new movie, Joe Knight, tonight. We're going to be watching the the made-for-TV movie Doctor Strange, which neither Mary Jo nor myself have ever seen before. Our associate producer, Matt Reiser, got this copy for us. He shortened it down a little bit, shaved like a good ten minutes off of it, which we always appreciate because... Sometimes these movies aren't very good. No, and I will do you one better. I know absolutely nothing about the MC universe or the whatever other universe it is. So I am coming in very cold. Yeah, so you've never seen, I mean, I'm sure you've seen like one or two Marvel movies, but you've definitely not, you've not seen like all of them. No, but I couldn't tell you, I can only tell you if I enjoyed something, but they never, they never make any sense to me or I don't know what the puzzle pieces are to the whole universe. So this is like one of the first Marvel adaptations like done on the screen, like a live action Marvel adaptation. Oh, okay. interesting and it was was it made for tv it was made it was like cbs I think and it was you know it was marvel licensed out the character so I don't know who actually produced this I think it says universal pictures at the beginning but okay we shall see this was right around the same time as the incredible hulk uh wonder woman there was a spider-man tv show so this I think they were trying to do a doctor strange series that's what this is all about oh okay all right Um, so we're not going to waste too much time, but we do want to just remind folks, we have our AMA or a UA ask us anything and all new episode of the marriage appeal show coming up on Tuesday, uh, February, uh, you guys can send in questions, uh, ahead of time. You can email them to Linda at dumb dash or, uh, both Mary Jo and I are on blue sky now. So if you guys are on blue sky, uh, follow us and then you can ask us questions on there too. Yeah, send a question via there or Facebook or are you still on Instagram? I am. I mean, I'm on Facebook and Instagram. I don't check them too often anymore. Okay. So maybe not Instagram, but Facebook to me, even though I'm trying to get off. And Blue Sky or Linda. Linda at for your questions. But we'll also be watching the chat. Yes, we're going to be paying attention to the chat. And yeah, it's... It's going to be a really fun one. We've already got some great questions in the queue. Can't wait. And then we're going to be doing an all new chitchat and tidbits one week from tonight, right here in the marriage appeal show clubhouse, only in the marriage appeal show clubhouse. That's our clubhouse exclusive live stream. We don't stream those to Twitch and there's no ads. If you watch in marriage appeal show That includes this show you're watching right now. If you're watching on Twitch and the ads are annoying you, head to slash clubhouse. It's completely free for your first. And stick it to the man. Don't give Bezos your money. Come on. Yeah, how sweet is that? Chris, sorry to interrupt you. I just want to clarify. We're not answering questions for Ask Us Anything in this chat. Correct. Tune in for the show on Tuesday and throw in on that chat or... Facebook or blue sky. If you want to get it to us ahead of time. Yeah. Uh, Facebook blue sky, email them, but we'll also be monitoring the chat Tuesday night that night, but not, not, not, not now. Yeah. Yeah. We don't have a way to save these questions here, but, uh, All right, what do you say, Mary Jo? Should we get right into it? Yeah, is that the long and the short of it with our housekeeping? Yeah, I would stick around till the end. We're going to do our Movie Joe candy giveaway. So we'll do that as soon as the movie's done. And folks, I know some folks tune in for Full Mads Friday right here on Twitch every Friday at nine p.m. That's still going on. It's just the pre-show is not going to start until we're done with Movie Joe Night Tonight. So stick around. Everybody behave so we can get through this. Behave, everyone. Be in your best behavior. So let's lock arms so we can power through this together. Yes. All right. Oh, and yes, join the Discord server too. Another great place to keep up with us at slash Discord. All right. Thank you so much to our associate producer, Matt Reiser, for tuning us down. As ever. I hate movies that I have to read. It's like a horror movie. I either want to read a book or watch a movie. Don't make me. Yeah. Some of us. Some of you. Anarchy. Oh. Do you think that's an Egyptian mosque handle? I hope so. Available now in the Thumb Industry store. I love Jessica Walters. This is like her second, at least her second or third movie. Yeah. I mean, she was everything in Arrested Development. And I'm not saying anything new, but every time I watch it, it's amazing. Yeah, she's had an amazing career. She had an amazing career. Played Misty for me. That is a scary movie. That is a great movie. If anyone hasn't seen that. Spooks. Morgan. Master. Raise your head and look up at me. Would it please you to be of service to me? I have a sore throat. It would please me. Five hundred years ago you failed me, Morgan. You allowed the greatest of the sorcerers on Earth to overcome you. My victory was denied to me because of you. Long ages have I contemplated my revenge. This time I will not fail. Then I will send you into the world you have been made child of. Find your enemy under the ancient smokelight. He has read the signs and worked his calculations, and he will be prepared for you. The time now comes when he must pass on the powers entrusted to him. He grows old and weary of the burdens of his life on Earth. Don't we all? Destroy the old man before the powers are past, and victory will be ours. You have three days to accomplish this. If you cannot defeat the old man, then strike against the successor. Who is to be the successor? Look for the ring at the ancient symbol. The one who wears the ring is the one who is chosen. Okay. Let me write this down. Jessica, that belt was supposed to go under the suit. Wardrobe! A very uncomfortable merkin. Not very effective either. Tonight on the Red Shoe Diaries. I never watched that show. I didn't either. What's the premise of it? I mean, I remember it was like a huge HBO show. Yeah, so Matt explained it to me. It's like an anthology show. So think like Tales from the Crypt. But David Duchovny was like the Crypt Keeper. Okay. Every week was like a new scandalous kind of story. Was it all about, like, sex capades? Yeah. Yeah, it was all sex. All sex-related. The sex files, as Oliver O'Leary has said. Alright, yes. Oh, Master, I'm home! I like how casually he just hangs up his hat. Master? I know. Master? Master's alone time. Go away. I can't see anything. And Matt sped up the... Oh, Matt might have sped this part up for us. Thank you, Matt, for getting us... Oh, master. Why? I love that the master has reading glasses. You came in time. I am not the master of my Presbyterian. Could he get those at like CVS? Help me stand. I'm sorry I had burritos. Why don't you be master tonight? Her name is Morgan Le Fay. Stunning her face. And remember it. What does it say? One day you must take up Leidenwald. The Enchantress, Queen of the Sorceress. Yeah. The Dark Queen. You've never shown me this book before. You never noticed it. Do we have any other headshots? It's five hundred years old. Morgan was worshipped by a devil cult in the fifteenth century. And she hasn't aged. Working evil has a few advantages. The barriers are crumbling. Morgan is to be the first of the Dark Ones to cross the threshold. Her purpose is to destroy me. Then let her take my life, then, if she can. Okay. No, you cannot interfere. Not yet. It's an ancient art to use an enemy's strength against him. We have three days. to prepare the initiation. I've had no contact with him for years. All I can assure of is he's safe. Find him. When you have, come back to me. When will Morgan cross the threshold? At the dawn. And you'll meet her alone? None of us is ever alone. Wait. And she's in an office building of some sort or... Oh, this guy. Oh, so he's got the ring? No, is that why I'm in such a hurry? Steven, it is not funny. Head nurse reported you that three times this month. I don't even know about the ring. I'm already lost. When you hit the elevator, you could see the ring with that symbol on it. Oh, okay. It's like the car hood ornament. Yeah. The ring. You're going to get into a lot of trouble. Now, Sarah, if I'd been out with you, I wouldn't have been late. We made a deal. I never agreed to it. I think it's fine for doctors and nurses to fall in love. Falling in love wasn't the question. It was making love. Your outpatients are waiting. I'll tell Head Nurse you're here. Making love? There's just no need for that. I don't think she's religious. I think this character was played by Rachel McAdams in the new Doctor Strange. I have no idea. And I've been drinking milk like they told me to. What else have you been drinking? Not a drop. Mrs. Sullivan? Oh, well, I gotta have a little now and then. Just a little. Look, if you don't stop drinking, you know it's going to kill you. Well, uh, I got the pains and I can't sleep nights. Give me a little of something, Doc, won't you? Just this once? No. Riffcliff, he looks like the love child of Robert Reed and Steve Coon. Yes. I'm trying. I know you are. I've got an extra bed. You can spend the night here and I'll give you a little something to help you sleep. How's that? A little something. Something, something. You're the only one that gives a damn. Here, I'll go get the nurse. She'll knock you right out. Come on in, Mr. Washington. I'll be giving you a damn later. Not a professional actor. In the comics, Doctor Strange is like a surgeon. I guess he's like a psychiatrist in this. Yeah, he seems like sort of a general practitioner. Sort of your family doctor. It's Tom Steiner. look at that beautiful car did you see that she's about to unleash her powers She gave him the Minnesota look. Nice. Oh yeah, Matt said that there's a lot of scenes of Jessica Walter just walking. Good work, Matt. Moving us along. ... I'm just going to pretend like it was an artistic choice to speed up these scenes. Wow, what is going to happen? You shall not pass me, Morgan. Your barriers have fallen. You cannot stop me now. I have cast you out before. You shall not pass by me, Morgan. You forced the choice, old man. Now it begins. Yes! Throwing down the gauntlet. What if they got against this one? I know. Why is she a pawn in this? Oh! oh no no not the master oh no oh no is he dead uh-huh It wasn't my fault. It wasn't. It wasn't my fault. He just came from nowhere and he wasn't... Gracious. I knew it. Yes. Where are my readers? Did I drop my wallet? What happened to the girl? What girl? There's no girl. I didn't see. Did you see a girl? What happened to the girl? Did you see a girl? Hey, buddy, you sure you're all right? I'll walk it up. I'm fine, I'm fine. Oh, quite a fall. I gotta get a salon pass for my hip. He wandered all the way to a back lot. Okay. Was she, like, possessed to throw him over, or was that part of the plan? I can't tell. Wasn't it Jessica Walter, like, succubusing her body or something? Oh, I see. Okay, yeah. I don't know. Don't take me. I mean, I don't know. Jack. When will I stop pushing people over bridges? Oh, hey, come lady. We're not. I think that was a TV like what she was watching. He should probably be walking a little bit because once he sits for that long, intuition was correct. And it really hurt the danger around you. The danger has passed for now. Are you all right? I'm several hundred years too old to be all right. You found him? At Eastside Hospital. He's a resident in the psychiatric department. Good. What happened? I confronted Morgan and provoked her into attacking me. I forced her hand. But the effort cost me more than I had anticipated. And there was a complication. She used a girl as an instrument, an innocent soul. Yeah, yeah. Morgan possessed her body and then discarded it. Who hasn't, though? I mean, Forklift Killer, he's victim blaming himself. I had it coming. She's in danger. Great danger. A psychic assault of those dimensions isn't easily recovered from. She was carrying books. She's undoubtedly a student. A very profound deduction, wouldn't you say, Walt? What can we do for her? Good one. Nothing. But she has become a part of things, and even a pawn. She abused to capture the queen. Well, anyway. What's this? Never noticed this before. Oh. Ah, boring. Journal of American Medicine? What the hell is that doing here? Doctor Strange after dark. He's a little Trapper John MD, too. He's watching Abbott and Costello. so they're both watching the same thing so there's going to be some sort of telecommunication between the oh It's so weird that you would watch stuff on a TV like that compared to what we have now. I know. I mean, I love that generation where, like when I would babysit those TVs, that was standard. I know, that's what I grew up with, like a twenty-seven inch TV. Isn't it weird to think of that? Yeah. Everyone's just got like a home theater in their home now. okay that looks like the mary tyler moore building the mjm or the the news station I don't get why they're linked by Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein. I know. Oh, honey, I know. Poop. Poop. What? It's like I'm running on a treadmill or something. No! No! Okay, you're beside the point, but I like the iron work in the elevator. Ah! Going up? going down seriously the script must have been three pages long because it's all just a lot of just running each direction he runs they run They walk. Hey, you trying to get yourself killed? That wasn't anywhere near her. You're running across the street. I know. He just randomly hit a trash can. What are you doing out here all alone? And she was already well crossing the street. Come on, I better take in the cab. Oh, it's a setup. It's a setup. I know. Don't get in that cab. Don't. He's an operative. Another love theme. The grody taxi love theme. Something wrong, Doctor? No, I just thought I'd seen her before. You wouldn't happen to know her name, would you? She doesn't know it either. Hi. I'm just going to make out with you for a little bit. Doctor's orders. Why can't he? I don't know. He's going to crack her neck. It doesn't seem to be a blow to the head. Did you do a drug screening? I was on the way. Do you know what happened to you? It was an accident. Were you in an accident? I was watching Abbott and Costello. That's the last thing I remember. He was an old man. And a taxi hit a trash can about a mile away from him. And pushed him over everything in front of him. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Can you feel this? She says she's afraid to go to sleep. Is that so? The woman... I dreamed about her. But it wasn't a dream. She was there. She wouldn't let me back into my room. And you're afraid if you go to sleep again? I'll die. That won't happen. Lie down, please. This is like where Wes Craven got the idea for Freddy Krueger. I want a complete workup. Medical EEG, skull films, and that drug screening. I'll go get her admitted. Okay. Mrs. King, Mrs. Elizabeth King, please go to receiving room. Mrs. King. See you in a few minutes, okay? I'm kind of caught up in this. It's good. So he's got a ring too, like I said. But where did he get the ring? That's what I don't get. I don't know. Because I don't know anything about anything. Chris, were you ever of a generation, I think you're way too young, but when that's how nurses dressed, with the little cap? I don't think so, no. I don't think so, me either. Right? I'm considerably older than you, but I don't... There was a time when it was just... I feel like just scrubs is like the normal... Yeah. You're the pupil and the friend, not a servant. Oh, sit down and eat, huh? What about the girl? I found her name and where she lives. And? Apparently she ran out of her room last night and left the door open. No one saw her and she never came back. We should call the police and the hospitals. I have. When you say we, I mean you. Which department? Psychiatric. Was Stephen Strange still on duty? I must go to the hospital immediately. He was on duty all night. That's a good name for a doctor. Stephen Strange, yeah. Or Dr. Strange, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I hope your cooking's improved. Dr. Weirdo. Dr. Oddball. Dr. Whack-a-doodle. Here you are. Good morning, Mr. Brown. Oh, they all flew over the cuckoo's nest. Oh, you're the new one. What is it? Your medication. Right, but what is it for? To make you feel better. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Yes, dear. You'll sleep just fine. I don't want it. Now everything's all right. Go, girl. Go, girl. Oh, no. Why are they restraining her? Yeah. What's wrong? What's wrong? She won't take her medication. You promised me to make me go to sleep. It's all right. You don't have to go to sleep. Nurse, I didn't prescribe any medication. It's standard procedure, doctor. I'd assumed you'd signed for it. Well, you assumed wrong. It's all right now. Don't worry. She should have checked the records. For real. She doesn't get to make that call. You can sit up in bed and watch television. How about that? Would you like some coffee? That's the medication we're talking about. Doctor? Later. Doctor, I've been at this hospital for twenty years. I'm very well aware of that. Burn. Then she should know you can't just give her medications. Good point. That's how he locks the door. Neat! Well, I have some personal matters to attend to. I can return this evening. Set your affairs in order, Ron. In two days' time, we shall both know which path fate has chosen for us. Okay, I guess I'll just walk. Sorry I'm late. Dr. Taylor. Nice of you to join us. Two admissions yesterday. Mrs. Sullivan, second time this month. And a Jane Doe who came up from emergency at three forty-five AM. Sullivan, the alcoholic. Her ulcers were bothering her. She has trouble at night, so I let her sleep over. Isn't that a waste of bed space? She's a chronic. It's worth it to keep her off the sauce a day or two. The sauce. I see it as part of our debt to the community. And the Jane Doe? That's an odd one. Refused medication? I didn't prescribe any medication. Why not? She's amnestic. Confused, frightened. Can't tell us what happened to her. She's what? What did he say? There's no sign of trauma or neurological problem. I didn't want to obscure the picture with medication. So she's been drinking coffee. She's a county problem. Send her to Bellevue for observation. I don't think that's necessary. I'll take her to my house for observation. May I help you, sir? There's a young girl in the psychiatric ward. She was transferred from the emergency room last night. I'm sorry, sir. Visiting hours are from three to six in the afternoon. You'll have to come back later. And also, HIPAA. This is an unusual situation. I have pertinent information about the girl. Dr. Beaton, please call your office immediately. This is an unusual situation. He has pertinent information about the girl. Well, she wouldn't take her meds. Yes? I should like to see this girl, please. I'm sorry. Visiting hours from three to six. She won't take her meds. May I come in? No, she won't take her meds. Come in. Thank you. Excuse me. He should see the doctor in charge. I am the doctor in charge. Have we met before? We may have. This girl was admitted last night, I believe. Do you know her? I know of her. I may be able to help her. Please come into my office. This address is near NYU. Is she a student? I believe so. What can you tell me about her? What can you tell me about her? I asked you first. She's confused, disoriented, essentially psychotic, out of touch with the reality. Great hair. I rate her nine out of ten. Where have you seen me before? Last night, I had an odd sort of dream. This young woman was in it. And you got thrown off of a bridge. So were you. But then you walked away. It was awesome. What happened in the dream? She pushed you over a railing. And someone else was there. Another woman. Just in case the person watching this forgot. I'm going to show you that fifty more times. Let me recap. What it sounds like, I suppose. The events you just described actually took place yesterday afternoon. I wasn't hurt in the accident, but clear I didn't know that. Understandably, it was a tremendous shock to her. It's not surprising she should recall the events in a dream. But you don't understand. It was my dream. But that's impossible, isn't it? You looked in on her dream, in a sense. There would appear to be a psychic bond between you. Did you watch Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein by any chance? Let me ask you this. Who are you? I'm sorry. I neglected to introduce myself. Well, all your insurance needs. Oh, Big Red says Clea is a very big character in the comics, much different from this movie. Interesting. Who's Clea? Is that the woman in the hospital? Okay. What did you do to him? Altered the heartbeat and the respiration. Lowered the blood pressure slightly. I don't think I believe this. Do you believe in evil, Doctor? No. Do you believe in magic? I believe in the human potentiality to do good, to do evil. I believe that children are our future. Unfortunate. It won't make our work any easier. What are you trying to say to me? We can help this girl, Clear Lake. She's in grave danger. And I can promise you, the illness is beyond your capacity to cure by conventional means. I can't force you to do this, but if you choose it of your own free will, then come to my house. But I must warn you, there's danger in it for you. And I'm a hoarder, so... Is that all? So we'll have to meet outside. Well, I think that's enough for now. Good day. Now that's a handshake when music starts emanating from it. Yeah. Don't touch me. You know my name? Lucky guess. They gave me something to keep me awake. But he didn't... I don't think it's working. Well, I'm done here. What'd they give her? A coke? Oh, he's gonna go nuts on that nurse. That's Taylor. Strange. You lied to her. You gave her Thorazine, the one thing she was afraid of. You put her to sleep. A tranquilizer is not a sedative, Doctor. I think I know how to treat this. It's much, much worse. No, she is a patient of this hospital. A public hospital. And a ward of which I happen to be in charge. She was a nuisance on the ward. And she had to go to sleep eventually, didn't she? What did she do? Now, if you'll excuse me. She kept asking us to change the channel. Sorry, Steven. I don't have to put up with this. Yes, you do. He's on the board of governors. Now just don't antagonize him. Antagonize him? He comes in here twice a week with a guilty conscience. I'm on this ward six days out of seven. These are my patients. Steven, just listen to me. Now, you do have a personal interest in this girl. I can see it. Dr. Frank Taylor, please call your office. You've just lost your objectivity. Dr. Frank Taylor. What Taylor did was right. You got the hots for her. It happens all the time. Just come clean about it. Look, I don't like him any better than you do. But we're stuck with him. Chris, did you ever get hooked on a soap opera? I used to watch General Hospital in college. I've gone through phases where, yeah, I've watched... I don't even remember which ones, but yeah, like Days of Our Lives. Yeah, like a daytime soap, not landing. My mom watched General Hospital, too. All My Children, yeah, that's... That's the Thorazine. She's in a coma. Hypertensive shock. I've called for Dr. Taylor. What was your blood pressure? Sixty over twenty? Give me an IV of D-Five-W with an ampulophenolephrine. Yowza! Is that really low? That's really low. If I heard correctly. Yeah. Nice work, guys. Dr. Strange, you're Dr. Right. I'm going to go get Strange. It's Strange in time. So what, he just noticed the embossing? Where are you going? I'll call you later. Keep an eye on her for me, okay? The soundtrack's kind of interesting because, like, a lot of Marvel stuff, like the cartoons, movies, they have, like, that electric guitar kind of thing. And this is, like, one of the first Marvel things, so. Oh. They kind of nailed that, at least. Or maybe they started that. I don't know. Yeah, maybe they riffed off it. Mm-hmm. The ugliest, one of the ugliest houses in America. Have you ever watched that show? Come and do this, buddy. No. Should I? It's crazy. And this looks like one of them that they showed. Retta will be back to let you know if you won. My father gave me this ring. Or actually left it to me as well. The design on it is the same as your attic window. I also saw it on your calling card. Say this. What's going on here? It's also tattooed on my butt. Here, let me show you. I was acquainted with your father. They didn't want to do my butt because it hurts a lot, but it's good. He was a greater man than most people realized, and his death was tragic. Do you have any pets? I do. I have one tattoo. Do you know about his death? Only that he and your mother were killed in an automobile accident, and that you weren't with them. It's supposed to be. I changed my mind at the last minute. How old were you? Eighteen. And now you're thirty-three. It's not on my butt. It's on my leg. What interest did you and my father have in common? Yours. You're a very unusual man. Your father and I both recognized it when you were born. You've been gifted with a clear mind and a love for humanity. Johnny Quest, zero three seven. I thought the same thing. Dead parents, now he's a superhero. Also, some latent talents, which even you are not aware of yet. That much I know. Such as what? Yeah, he's thirty-three. Knowledge doesn't come cheaply. If I were to tell you that ignorance has been a kind of protection for you, and that there's a price you have to pay if you want to understand your destiny. Would you still choose understanding over ignorance? Yes. Nope. I'm out. How much work will it take? We were speaking of evil this afternoon. The girl, Claire, has been touched by evil, used as a pawn and then discarded. But she was only an instrument. I was the intended target. If you understand what's happened to her, why can't you help her? Because the powers of my command are waning. I have nearly served my time. And to rescue clear would expose me to an enemy who would certainly destroy me. But I can work through you. Couldn't we have covered this in an email? Mary Jo, they didn't have an email back then. What are these powers of your command? The hermetic arts. This is before the ability to take the fundamental forces of the universe and direct them, control them with the will. Alchemy, sorcery, magic, or science. It's been called by many names. Car tricks, stuff like that. I don't think I'm ready for that. I think you are. You're telling me you're a sorcerer. Mm-hmm. Pretty cool, huh? What do you think? Was he like you? No. But he gave me the ring. And one day he knew you'd come for me, didn't he? He did. I used to feel I was the one meant to die in that accident, but somehow it was my fault. I believe the accident was intended for you. Your parents died to protect you. Protect me? and my latent talents are very rare indeed well I don't think I want to know about them I came here to try to help a patient of mine I've become a sorcerer's apprentice of course the girl's life is in danger if we're going to help her we should do so quickly Can we do it tomorrow? Can we be quick tomorrow? As a librarian, I'm a doctor, not a sorcerer. Psychiatric. Sarah, Steven. Where are you? At a friend's house. How is she? Nothing's changed, Steven. She's still in a coma. Vital signs? Steady. Blood pressure over eighty. Uh, what's the number where you are? I'll call you if there's any change. I'm on the run. I'll call you. Goodbye. Ready to begin. Put this back on. Oh no. Oh great. Do we have to watch hypnosis? It's already boring enough. as a result of the shock she experienced when evil took possession of her. She's lost. She literally can't find her way back. This is like if an Atlantic article had been brought to the cinema. The psychic link between you will lead your astral body to hers and keep you with her for the journey back. Sure. The ring will serve to protect you. On the higher planes, certain beings exist which are not always friendly. The ring should persuade them to keep their distance. If anything should approach you, or if there's any danger at all, I want you to say exactly these words. In the name of Ryle, scourge of demons, I command you, begone. Say it. In the name of Ryle, scourge of demons, I command you, begone. Must be exactly those ways. How do I get back? He's not going to remember the last word. Will yourself return to Earth? Hold the thought in your mind, and you'll come back. Positive visualization. Ooh, ee, ooh, ah, ah, ding, ding. Oh, I bet this was such funky, crazy, excellent. Tonight, Tuesday, ABC Movie of the Week. Totally. This looks fun. This is like when Matt and I took mushrooms. seriously that's what it was like that's what it felt like in your mouth I wish it's weird because a lot of scenes in this were actually like very similar to the big-budget Doctor Strange movie that they ended up making Is it less boring by chance? Yes. Well, it's Benedict Cumberbatch doing a really bad American accent, but it's enjoyable. It's been six weeks. Come on. Oh, no, he's in one of those Batman title cards. Yeah, I think they had him in front of a green screen for a while. Do you think there's any more that Matt fast-forwarded through? It's gotta be. Come with me, and save yourself. Oh shit, what was the rest? I stepped on a Lego! I think Matt just didn't want to fast-forward this part because it's kind of cool. Yes. No, I do not. I'm not deriding the great Matt Reiser at all. Master, protect me! Go, Belser, answer the turn to your realm. This is her quarterly review. You were born in the darkness. Chris, that's really good. That's really good. She's lying. It's done. Thank God. Do you have any Pepsi? Can I get something to drink? This mortal Stephen Strange is the one chosen by Linna to succeed him. Thrice you had the opportunity to slay him, and thrice you stayed your hand. Why, Morgan? I commanded Belzeroth to get to me. It was he who failed. Do not lie to me, woman. Why have you failed? That is kind of creepy. It is. And the man attracted me. Then you find no satisfaction in my service. I get it. I would feel the warmth of a man's arms again. after all these years alone you bothered human love for power you made a covenant with me johnny winter Speak no pity of me, Morgan. If you desire the mortal, then you may have him, but only once. My lust is satisfied. I hunger for the souls of men, and not until I have them will my hunger be fulfilled. Bring me the old man, or destroy him. But if you cannot overcome the sorcerer, then Stephen Strange must die. Yes, the worst possible thing for a woman. So did she get an actual due date from him? Dr. Cawley. Dr. William Cawley to surgery one. Mrs. Deborah Harris, please call emergency room. Mrs. Deborah Harris. Dr. Thomas Cooper to ER immediately. He is a fox. Let's, you know. How do you feel today? Fine. Hey, hey, hey. My hair is bouncing and behaving. Pretty sure. Mr. Burns. Did you save my life last night? Someone saved my life. I sure did. You didn't believe it. I had this crazy dream. I was lost somewhere until you came for me. I can't explain it. It just feels like you saved my life. He's got a Dr. Forrester Timber. He does. You can go home. Yeah, I know. I've been waiting. For what? You're a tech coach. All the best hospitals have a pool. I don't even think about that. I know. You can wait in the waiting room or you can go down to the pool. There's also a sauna and a hot tub. I gotta get me some more of that dripping stuff. Catwoman? Come in. Thank you. I don't know what you did to me last night. I don't want to know. It doesn't matter. Do it again. I don't want anything more to do with it. Do it again. As you wish. He really is a hoarder. I know. I was thinking that when they had the long shot. This was right. You call me a rational man. I am. I want to stay that way. Doctor. Wrong. Excuse me, master, but let me speak, please. Why do you call him master? It's funny. It's our thing, okay? I can't bow my head to any man and call him master. I believe in myself. I take responsibility for myself. I'm sorry, I can't accept it. The choice is yours. You can get with this, or you can get with that. Goodbye. Take good care. Safe haul. Another one lost to attrition. Faster. I like that they got the squeaking stairs noise. Yeah. What? Stuck? Yeah. Get some soap or hand lotion. Oh, my camera just went off. Oh, yeah. There we go. Cute cat. I wish I could see it. His destiny is sealed. Oh, come on! Oh my god. Visiting hours are closed. Curse your reactions! Oh my god. They're pepper-spraying each other. How much could a banana cost, Michael? Ten dollars? Oh, Wong. Oh, right in the throat. That was just Wong. Sorry. Uh oh! Push the dresser against the door. Lock it. Okay, I'm getting the idea that she's going somewhere. The widow's peak emerges and the push-up bra emerges. Wait, are they in cahoots? No, they're mortal enemies, right? I think so, yeah. But he got dressed up too. Is he the Grand Wizard of the KKK? It tickles. It's not a bad special effect. Really the TV. Yeah You're a crafty old man But if I can't destroy you here, you'll come with me on the wings of demons to a place where I can. But don't forget your reading glasses. Come, Asmodeus, Prince of Hell. It is Morgan who commands you. Come and take him into our domain. What? Now to a Prel commercial. Hair's got some body. It looks like he's not wearing anything. Maybe. Like he just shows up without a shirt. Shows up naked. He's like, got a towel on. Come on in. Oh my god. You look beautiful. Thank you. You look wet. I had to use this as an umbrella. Home, sweet home. You ought to see my place. It makes this look like heaven. I'll be ready in a minute. Can I offer you something? I'd love a hot bath. How about settling for a cold beer? I'd love a hot bath. I know. Who shows up to someone's home and says that? And also, she was his patient. Yeah, it's breaking all kinds of ethical things. And what about HIPAA? I'm just throwing that in there to bug people. Yeah. Oh, no, she didn't. What's the matter? Oh. Oh, Lord, she was in a mirror. Feel free to go through my refrigerator. It's happening again. See, I thought they were going to reveal that Strange was actually Jessica Walter, and that's why he asked for a hot bath. Right. But no, Strange is just a creep who asked to take baths in other people's homes. Come with you where? Just come. Applebees. I'm right in the middle of a dead hay shop. You want to take a bath? Could you run me a bath? I have things to show you. Powers beyond your comprehension. Come. This is a great role. She gets to lay down a lot. Steven. We all have glaucoma down here. Am I pleasing to you? Well, pleasing-ish. You're beautiful. What is it you most desire? Wealth? Lower your head to me. He's already got wealth. Yeah. Oh! Power? When is she going to say the S-E-X word? There you go, you got your power. I'll get some beer. far out. What is it you love? Beauty? Art? News? What? Cable TV. Knowledge? The secrets of the universe? All these I can give to you and more. Cheat code to my favorite video game. What is it you most desire? Quit bugging me about it. No, not that. Why do you draw weight? The touch of your lips is cold. Cold. Who are you? Morgan, you can call me. Are my lips still cold? No. How was your day? Oh gracious. Jessica Walton. Hubba hubba. I love that he's still in the cape, the giant heavy cape. Take off the ring. There it is. The ring. fine it won't come off okay you can remove it glenn there is nothing he has no hold on you take off the ring bye crank our time for things to get strange now nice come with me but we just got here Oh, I thought she nudified. I know. I think she just took off her... Taplet or her shrug? Whatever her thing was. Whatever her thing was. That shawl thing. I don't know. Because it's drafty down there. See him now? He's nothing. nothing to you his hair got puffier yeah it definitely did he had it puffed take off the ring and reign with me stephen on all the thrones of men forever what did she say take off the rings and what me I don't know then perhaps you should join him there take off the ring and throw it into the weapon don't defy me stephen or I'll take my pleasure from you in another way oh She's a woman who knows what she wants. In the name of royal, scourge of demons, I command you, release me! What's the other part? What a novice you are at this, Steven. So much to learn in so little time. Oh, sir. Hi, hi. The flamethrower off. I'm fine. Master. What is going on? I know I never know what's going on, but... No more wire hangers! Beg me to destroy you, Morgan. Pray to me for death. You shall not have it. I will punish you until you scream to me for mercy. Look upon yourself. Cry out, Morgan. Your agony will be a comfort to me. Perhaps if your screaming pleases me, I may yet take pity on... This is going in your personnel file. Look! I will serve you in any way you choose, but give it back to me. Now she can be on Golden Girls. Answer me! Answer me! Don't leave me like this! Answer me! Don't leave me this way. Answer me! It's a nice skylight. I'll give him that. She still has amazing hair. Totally. Weepstar. She kept her figure. She's a trim grandma. Wong, thank God. Help me with him. With whatever just happened. Sunrise. We must be ready by the sunrise. Wait, so long is okay? I don't know. And face the window. These robes Morgan gave them to me. They were due. I tricked you, Stephen Strange. into accepting your destiny. I allowed Morgan to believe she had defeated me. You know how it is. And I gambled that you would not succumb to her. None of this do you understand yet. But this much you know. This is a bad movie. You can go to this moment by forces beyond your control. You were chosen. But the final choice must always be yours. What choice is it that's mine? To serve yourself or all of mankind. Is that a choice? What will I be called upon to do? Become more than a man and renounce such earthly pleasures as are given to men who are only mortal. The pleasure of ignorance or offspring or an easy death. Will I be asked to give up even love? The universe is love that you shall have. I don't understand. I could still have sex, you're saying. I know, let's make the distinction. Let it begin, master. Okay, but what about sex? Not in class, but it's the seventies. I can't give up one. It's a heyday of lovin'. Stephen Strange, you are the one who is chosen. Do you accept the guardianship of the light? Is this his outgoing message? I do accept it. Then let the transmutation begin. Okay, but how long is it going to take? That was easy. I thought he was just wearing like a t-shirt. Oh. I didn't think it would hurt. I think he sped this part out. Thank you, Matt Riser. It is done. Can I go now? I felt tremendous pain. Energies beyond your comprehension were circuited into your body. The circuit held. Good to know. I like the last costume better, though. His pulse is weak. He'll return to us. His work isn't finished yet. What's his blood pressure? You always tell us what the blood pressure is. These are not the affairs of mortal men. He'll recover. A part of him was ripped away and given to you, as it had to be. Have I taken his place? Kind of like a spleen transplant. Have I become the sorcerer? You will be. when the Ancient One has taught you how to use your powers. You're like a child with a loaded gun. Unless you're careful, you can harm yourself or others. You have inherited the powers, but not the knowledge or the wisdom that must accompany them. Yet. What have I become? Let's get you to bed. Honey, we're home from Grandma's. The Harrison girl and Mr. Masterson were discharged yesterday. Good. We're up to seven empty beds. That's the most we've had in a year. Excellent. No admissions yesterday? None. Who was the resident? Dr. Strange. Oh, it isn't Dr. Punctual. Sorry, I'm late. Yeah, that's his little quirk, his little thing. Do you happen to own a watch? Yes. Does it work? Sometimes. I suggest that you look at it sometimes. Sorry. Burned. Attention. Attention all medical students. There will be a lecture in the auditorium at seven p.m. tonight. Attention. Attention all medical students. There will be a lecture in the auditorium at seven p.m. tonight. Was he flirting with that nurse? And now it's no problem. I'm just saying he needs to tie up loose ends. I know a motel down the street. That's my office. We're here interviewing the founder of the Le Fay method, a woman who in the last few days seems to have taken at least a part of New York City by storm, so to speak. Here to tell us more about it is the force behind the Le Fay method, Morgan Le Fay. Miss Le Fay, can you tell us just what it is exactly that the method does? Quite simply, it unlocks the hidden potential within you. It's a way of realizing your own powers and using them to get what you really want out of life. Do you live around here? I'm moving into a house a few blocks over. What are you studying? Would you believe psychology? I'd believe anything. I don't suppose you'd like to help me with my homework sometimes? Doctors aren't supposed to get involved with their patients. But you already did! Yeah, but I'm not your patient anymore. Am I? No, you're not. You know what happened to me? I guess I was just staying up too late and studying too hard. It happens all the time. Don't worry. You're over and it won't come back. I hope not. Well, the actual method differs with each student. The details, for instance, of your method would never be revealed to anyone else. How did she come to learn this method? That's a long story. If you come to one of my seminars, you'll hear all about it. She's selling seminars now. Yeah. appeal to young people. It's the forum. It's the forum. They have less to lose by it. They're interested in new things they're able to do. Of course, it's really dumb. Completely effective, no matter what the age of the student. But it's with the young we expect our greatest results. They are, after all, the future. Thank you very much, Miss Morgan LeFayne. From the New Mall in downtown Manhattan, I'm Agnes Carson for WVIS News. Hi, Leah. Hi. Well, here we are. Home sweet home. Do you have a date tonight? No. Are you asking for one? Do you have a girlfriend back at the hospital? I thought you said doctors weren't supposed to get involved with their patients. and now for the conclusion of our fabulous extravaganza is the hand quicker than the eye or is the eye quicker than the mind ladies and gentlemen I give you magic Watch the wand. Don't take your eyes away from it. Is it really here, or is it not? Watch! Yes, the ancient arts of magic, ladies and gentlemen, known to a few and only a few. Now you see it. Now you don't. Watch closely. As from this handkerchief, I will produce... ...a beautiful bouquet of flowers... Who did that? I'm an imp. Thank you. Thanks, whoever did that. Thank you. Buzzer thirty-one, go back to Godspell. Yes, thank you. Coming to CBS this fall, Doctor Strange. Oh, I hated that movie. I'm just going to give it to you straight. Man, oh, man. Oh, that's it. Finally. Good gravy. Oh, my God. Doctor Strange, everyone. Doctor Doll. It was pretty interesting. I mean, like I, you know, just from like a comic book perspective, like as a fan of comics, like it was kind of interesting to see a different adaptation, you know, like from four years ago, but, uh, you know it's pretty dull it's pretty boring and you kind of have a point of reference for where I'm completely right you're just like yeah yeah and I get confused at everything and you know so oh yeah um hey what do you say we do our movie joe candy oh let's do all right uh wait where's the little intro thing Where'd it go? Oh, here it is. Let's go out to the mailbox. Let's go out to the mailbox. Let's go out to the mailbox for treats from Mary Jo. Hashtag movie joke candy. Thank you, Josh and Colette Flowers. As ever, my favorite. Yeah, enter hashtag Booby Joe Candy in the chat. You can enter it in the chat on Twitch or in the Mary Jo Peele Show Clubhouse, which everyone should be in, by the way. Agreed. You could sign up today, slash clubhouse. Get your first thirty days free. Please. What's not to love? Please. We have people who've been binge-watching the Mary Jo Peele show from the beginning. Oh my gosh, that's so cute! In the Discord server and on Blue Sky. Yeah, it's been cool to see. No kidding! We have, Dumb Industries has a fan on Blue Sky, Gonzo the Cat. This is a cat on Blue Sky. Okay. Got thirty-one thousand followers. Shut up. They love Dumb Industries, so shout out to Gonzo the Cat. You're awesome, and you're a cat. Wow, thank you. They're a popular account. My God. Yeah, I guess. Good work, Gonzo. And while you guys are getting your votes in, just a reminder, our next live stream is Tuesday, February twenty fifth. And it's ask us anything. You can send in your questions to Linda, Linda at dumb dash industries dot com. Or you can. Hello, you can post on my Facebook page or my blue sky account or chris's blue sky account and just join us in the chat because we'll be looking for questions in the chat too. Yes, can you hear me now. Yes. Okay. Sorry. Cat knocked the microphone out. Yeah. And follow us on Blue Sky and join the Discord server. Great. We're kind of focusing, you know, our promotional efforts away from Facebook and Instagram. We're still going to be there. So if that's where you get all your dumb info, then... then uh you know we'll still be there for a little bit but blue sky I like blue sky have you been liking blue sky marriage oh I like it it's like twitter it's like exactly like twitter like most of the time I even forget that I'm on yeah the format yeah it looks identical it's nuts um all right let's pick a winner here And we want to see you on Tuesday. We're going to have a ball. It's going to be awesome. Yes. Let's see. Who's going to win this? This month's Movie Joe candy giveaway. Lazulia! Oh, Lazulia. Thank you so much. A huge supporter of ours. Yay! Thank you. Excellent. yeah thank you so much lazulia shoot me an email chris at with your shipping address and uh what do we have a choice of it's like standard movie theater candy so yeah I know you got like dots hot tamales junior mints I think I have some swedish fish Yeah, Swedish fish. And I can't remember the rest offhand. Yeah. I said dots, right? Junior men's? You said dots. Hot tamales? Do you have hot tamales? Mike and Ike's. Mike and Ike's. A couple of varieties of Mike and Ike's, FYI. Do you have the sour kind? I think so, yes. I just got those the other day. I went to a movie. They were so good. I don't like not chocolate candy anymore. Yeah, you've mentioned that. I like some chocolate candy, but yeah, I like all the sweet, sour stuff. That's my jam. Yeah. Not my jam. Thank you so much, everyone, for hanging out tonight. This has been a blast. Thank you so much. If you're in a Marriage Appeal Show Clubhouse and you missed the beginning of tonight's stream, the recording will remain available to all Clubhouse members until our next episode on Tuesday. And join Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse Plus. You get access to the entire back catalog, almost four years of content. Golly. The show, yeah. Gravy. There's a lot on there, a lot of bonus stuff. Our live show in Brooklyn is on there. It's a really great way to support the show and then just have a ton of content to watch. And don't forget, next Tuesday and next Friday for Chit Chat and Tidbits. And then in March, we're back to our regular Tuesday Movie Joe schedule. Yes. We'll be going back to normal. Thanks for bearing with us while we switch things around. And yeah, thank you so much to everyone who watched on Twitch. Thank you to everyone in the Marriage Appeal Show Clubhouse. And we will see you Tuesday. Thanks again to Matt Reiser too for cutting that film down. We love you. All right. Bye everyone.