The Mary Jo Pehl Show: Ask Us Anything

Mary Jo and Chris are back with an all-new episode of The Mary Jo Pehl Show, this time to answer ANYTHING from viewers, including where MJ or Chris would take Roddy McDowall on a date, weirdest job interview questions, suggestions for must-see movies/TV, favorite childhood books, least favorite words, and the most scandalous behind-the-scenes drama of MST3K! Recorded live February 25, 2025.

Illustration by Colette Flowers

Original Language: English

Written & Produced by Mary Jo Pehl & Chris Gersbeck

Release Date: February 25, 2025

Quality: 1080p


There's not one, there's not two, there's not three, but there's four, and they're great. Ladies and gentlemen, the fantastic, the Mobbits. Give them a nice hand. Thank you. Oh baby, I am a new man Ain't no one stopping me now I'll sleep. Thank you. Here's Leggy with today's high fashion look. We love you, Leggy. Leggy chill, Leggy man. Leggy. Leggy Kate, Leggy Sue. We love you true. Leggy means high fashion with a kick. Leggy. Leggy means a dynamite look. We love you, Leggy. There's a kick in today's high fashion look. Maggie, four different dolls, each with her own costume, each sold separately. For protecting money, the same team of backroom boys have come up with this ingenious device. The idea of course is to let your attacker have the bag and not only has he those arms to contend with but a trapped hand too. It's impossible for the thief to release his fingers which in any case would probably be crushed until the bag has been unlocked. This means he can't get rid of it nor can he take it very far. With anything up to twenty thousand pounds in fibers in the case, the thief has a big decision to make. Love imparted a supreme gift to a woman in Houston, Texas. They gave her the process for a transformational water to unfold higher spiritual awareness, create greater mental and emotional balance, and cleanse the cells in the body. Here is Fantasia, the gift from the stars. Drink a concentrated four ounce bottle one time. The transformation continues throughout your life. The light within grows brighter. Harmony expands. to their perfect genetic structure. Research on a woman with radiation sickness shows all bodily functions return to normal. Others have reported equally dramatic benefits in all aspects of health. Listen within and understand Fantasia. Give this universal substance for creating well-being to your whole family. Fantasia, just seventy-nine ninety-five for each lifetime dose. Order now. One eight hundred two eight three two eight two eight. That's one eight hundred two eight three two eight two eight. And then turn the foot to the outside and work the testicle area, which is on the lateral side of the foot. Again, midway between the ankle bone and the tip of the heel. And slide link in the evolution revolution. You've got my head going flipping round and round, round, round, round again. I want to walk you home from school and tell you that I always want you near me. Woo! Motivation is the key. These specially designed exercises wake kids up to make them take responsibility for their lives. Up to now, we've been creating circulation. Now we're going to apply pressure. Let's apply pressure to those areas which build up tension. Watch carefully. Once you find these points on yourself, you can do this exercise with your eyes open or shut. Press the area on either side of your face about two inches up from the corner of your eye. You'll find a slight indentation here, which you can easily feel if you clench your teeth. Press moderately and hold. Tell yourself, I am calm. And release. Now press the area in front of your ears where your jaw begins. You can feel this indentation if you open your mouth, press moderately and hold. Tell yourself, I am calm. And release. Now lean your head forward slightly, touch the bottom of your ears and move your fingers toward the center of your neck. Lift your head up and feel for the two bumps which are in line with the bottom of your ears. Press under these bumps, moving your head back and forth slightly until you feel your neck muscles. Hold the pressure and tell yourself, I am calm. Inhale, extending your abdomen. And exhale slowly. And release. Good. Yeah, all right, good. I'll tell you what we do. We get some gas, we get out of here before the cops catch us. Move over. I'll move over. Where's the guy? Hey, guy, where are you? Little service here, let's go. Tell you one thing. This is the last time I ever rob a bank with you. What did I do? Are you kidding? You didn't steal a getaway car without the platform aid? Huh? A lot of cops, a lot of cops, they're chasing us. I'm running for my life and you're standing there, you're staring out abroad. It's the first time I ever saw a topless meter maid. How about some champagne? Hi there. Welcome to the Jiffy service station Minus gas station in the West Well, you know our slogan No matter how far you travel on you'll never find a cleaner John Very good. Who wrote that? Henry Wadsworth Texaco. Listen, Matt, we're in a bit of a hurry. Could you fill it up a bit? Yes, sir. We believe in friendly service. I always like to get on a first-name basis with my customers. What's your name? Clyde. Clyde? What a coincidence. Mine's Bonnie. Hey you, Bonnie, is there any fuzz around here? Only on chilly evenings when I wear my Angora sweater I'll just check under the hood What's he doing up? If he's near the radiator, he's probably rinsing out a few things You got a loose doohickey here I hope he can't reach inside the car from there You're out of gas. All right, that does it. Now listen. We gotta make it to the state line, you understand? I want you to get us some gas and get it fixed And I'll tell you one thing, you're not gonna make it without gas In case you're interested, there's a lot of bullet holes in your car here By the way, we specialize in body work Yeah, well, I'm gonna tell you a secret, so do we Keep it oiled and you'll get many trigger-happy hours out of it Hey, bright boy, come here. Listen to me now. I'm gonna tell you something. If we don't get gas in this car right now, I'm gonna take a pipe. I'll beat your brains right into your neck. You understand what I'm telling you? Now get me gas, fast. You know, you're terribly attractive when you're angry. Hey, hey, hey, it's the cops. Come on, fill up the tank, let's go. Sure thing, this is gonna be cash or credit. Cash, cash, I got the money right here. Cash, cash. Oh my goodness, this is a thousand dollar bill. I don't have any change. Well, just give us a thousand dollars worth of cash. Right. Regular or high tech? I think... Matt, please, would you have a heart? Let me explain. We just robbed a bank. The cops are after us. If they catch us, I do twenty years. Now, I'm a family man. I got seven kids. I'm putting them through a reform school. Look, friend, I'd like to help you out, but I'm only here to sell gas. It's company policy. We've got to give you something. Okay, we'll take the trading stamps. Right, a thousand dollars worth of trading stamps. Thank you. Once you've had invisible, you'll never go back, baby. It's not a helmet, it's a slow cooker. Wouldn't the theremin at least make you turn around? Want to go out for breakfast? Let's not forget he's still nude under there. Don't come near me. If he were a male comedian, she should be worried. I'm warning you, don't come near me. Rock beats scissor. Oh, no. He's gonna start crafting. Hello, my baby. Hello, my darling. Hello, my ragtime gal. He's tapping out, get me some pants. Coming soon to Weird and Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs. There is a man who makes the hunters tremble when they meet him. They call him Silence. Because after he has passed, there is only silence left. Who is that spiritual guy with the hat, as a priest with the red cap? Tigranes. One who is better lost than found. One day you will meet someone faster than you. It will be a very fun day. form around people like Jeffrey Dahmer drives this one. I had this idiot out there that cut right in front of me this morning. Nobody seems to care that you're driving a school bus. And for sure, different attitudes form around things like the driving job itself. That bus they gave me this morning steers like a truck and the clutch is bad. Not my fault if the kids got a jerky ride. Not my fault if all the kids die. If you kids don't shut up right now, I'm going to close all the windows and turn up the heater. When you guys choose the paintings, they always seem to fit. We're coming into some difficult times, I think, and I'd like to think that the guy in office right now just pissed off a whole lot of people. To me, I don't know, it just kind of feels a little bit empowering in a time when I don't feel like I have much control over much of anything at the moment. So I have control over this. I can do this. You know, that's funny you said that, because when I was painting her the first time, I was thinking the same thing. She looked kind of queenly. Majestic, you know? Ooh! oh gracious jessica walter I love that he's still in the cape the giant heavy cape take off the ring there it is the ring fine it won't come off okay Nobody expects the Ironside Inquisition. Yeah, watching him walk around and do nothing is so much more interesting than seeing the killings by the monster. Will he walk into another room? Or stay in this room? Oh my god, the suspense is killing me! Aye, aye, aye. I've got his cataracts. Oh, damn. There, it agrees with me. Oh, now I can't do the Harpo Groucho mirror scene. Jimmy Lee Curtis is in there. Well, that was a productive afternoon. This is like a real estate video. My dinner with Andre didn't have this many indoor scenes. Woo! Stories from the onlines. A week before the airing of the December, twenty twenty four Mads Live Show, a fan who shall remain nameless, wrote to Dumb Industries founder and commander Chris Gersbeck at his encampment in Forest Hills, New York. Friday, December six, twenty twenty four, six thirty eight p.m.. Would it be possible to get a ticket for Tuesday's Mads Live Show? Dot, dot, dot. If so, it would be super appreciated, bro. This missive went unanswered for an entire day. In growing desperation, however, redacted fan pressed on. Saturday, December seventh, twenty-twenty-four, one-oh-eight p.m. Never mind. Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot. I'll just get it here. H-T-T-P-S colon forward slash forward slash forum dot super bay dot org. Winky face. Founder Gersbeck answered this volley in kind. December seven, twenty twenty four, one twenty six p.m. I'm always more than happy to add folks to the guest list over them illegally sharing our content. That's why I offer. Saturday, December seventh, twenty twenty four, three fourteen p.m. I asked twice via email dot dot dot dot. Saturday, December seven, twenty-twenty-four, three-sixteen p.m. Ah, so because I didn't respond fast enough, you're going to pirate it. Got it. Saturday, December seventh, twenty-twenty-four, at three-twenty-one p.m. LEMO! Yeah, pretty much. clearly the lines of battle had been drawn there would be no turning back saturday december seventh twenty twenty four at three twenty nine pm plus almost all the material you air on your show is pirated little hypocritical on the morality front don't you think dot dot dot dot question mark faced with this affront founder gersbeck mightily out Chris actually didn't respond. Founder Gersbeck's cold-shoulder offensive did not even begin to quell Redacted's fiery fury. Saturday, December seventh, twenty-twenty-four at three-thirty-one p.m. Airing of Other People Marshall, throwing your crappy commentary on it, and begging for donations every other minute? Dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot! If Founder Gersbeck's fingers ever graced a keyboard in reply, his response has been lost to history. For now, the long, hard-fought exchange of blows and emails had come to an end, and Founder Gersbeck lived to stream another day. Dot, dot, dot. Nailed it. What up, everyone? Greetings, everyone. Welcome. Hey, how are you? I'm good. How are you? I am fantastic. That opening sketch there by Josh and Claude Flowers. You guys are the best. I know. It just makes me helpless with love. It's so great. And the little cameos from the whole team. Oh, the whole gang is there. The cat is there. And me with Roddy McDowell. Yeah. Also, I just private messaged you that you look so cute as a Civil War soldier. I think I have, you know, like you can kind of picture some people what they would look like in the Civil War. I think I have the kind of face where you could really easily picture that, especially like when my beard gets really huge. Like a year ago, it was like that. But yeah, that was super fun. Thank you guys for that. And welcome to an all new episode of the Mary Jo Peel Show. Here we go. That's Mary Jo Peel, Asky Jo Peel over here. And that's Chrissy Jo Peel. Chrissy Jo Gerstbeck. Tonight is our big Ask Us Anything. And boy, do we have a lot of questions that came in through Linda, blue sky and Facebook. And, uh, I don't think Instagram, right. Cause you're, you're on Instagram, but that's not a good forum for it. So yeah, we, uh, we got a lot to cover. We got a lot, uh, Linda put together a whole Google doc for us. It's got, it's like at least five pages of questions here. So we're going to just try to get, is that how long it is? It's like four pages. Yeah, and then I added some I found on Facebook, too. Oh, great. Oh, okay. But also, we have our associate producer, Matt Reiser, who's starring all your questions you may have in the chat right now. In the chat, yep. So feel free to submit your questions. We are streaming live tonight to Twitch. Hey, everyone at Twitch. We're also streaming live tonight directly to the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse, which by the way is completely ad-free. It's a pretty sweet deal. So everyone can head to slash clubhouse. You get the same exact feed, just no Twitch ads. You also get access to private chat. You can always watch our most recent episode. Check all that out. But we are just happy you guys are here with us tonight. We're going to have some fun tonight and we just, we're going to cover a few things before we dive right in. And Chris, we can take this offline, but I was thinking if we don't get to everything tonight, we could answer some more on chit chat and tidbits. Yeah. We were on Friday. Yes. Yeah, definitely. Okay. Yeah. So let's first announce upcoming events. As Mary Jo just said, this Friday is an all new episode of chit chat and tidbits. That's just this Friday, right? yeah right yes yeah february twenty eighth yes it should say in our document yes um so that is the live stream we do only in the marriage appeal show clubhouse uh you have to be a clubhouse member to join that live stream and again you can sign up for that at dumb dash industries dot com um we go live completely unprepared and just hang out with you guys and it's super fun So we'll be doing that this Friday. And then in March, we are doing a movie Joe night on Tuesday, March eighteenth. And we're going to have a poll for that at the end of tonight's show. So everyone stick around. All night. We'll get to that. All damn night. Eventually. Stay tuned. Yes, we'll get to that. And then we're also going to have an all new episode of the Marriage Appeal Show on Tuesday, March twenty fifth, which you guys are also going to vote on. So we got a lot to get to. Yeah. And I just wanted to update y'all about, it's still vague parameters, but about the possible meetup slash show in May. Yes. So here's the lineup. So it's at the Parkway Theater in Minneapolis. It's a riff track, the Comedians of Riff Tracks and Friends show. yes and the lineup includes bill corbett myself kevin murphy um some of our comic friends brian miller brandy brown ben katzner john moe mary mack eric webster and shannon custer and here's the really vague outline if you're coming to town for that show, we're going to ask you to sort of self-organize among yourselves and then let us know and whoever and however many come and you're sticking around on Friday or any part of Saturday, let us know and we're going to figure something out. We'll get together for dinner. We'll have a bus tour of the Twin Cities. We will have... Maureen F Curtin she, her, her, her, her, her, her, I think, uh, yeah. Talk amongst yourselves. See, uh, we want to just gauge, talk amongst yourself. We just want, we want to gauge and see, you know, how many people would be interested in doing some kind of meet up there and, uh, plan it around that somehow. So yeah, we'll have a picnic. We'll go for a walk, you know, the options are myriad depending on the group size. So, clubhouse picnic would be fantastic um so yeah uh I guess maybe also yeah just shoot linda an email linda dumb dash let her know like yeah we'll definitely be there maybe we'll have her take a kind of tally not official yeah we'll kind of get a beat on it but we'll figure something out is the long and the short of it absolutely um And we're going to get to the questions in just a minute. I also just wanted to remind folks, if you'd like to help support the show, there's so many ways you can do it. You can watch us here on Twitch. You can subscribe here on Twitch. You can subscribe to the Marriage Appeal Show Clubhouse. If you'd also like to send in a donation, to slash donate. We will give you a shout out at the end of tonight's show. So yeah, should we get right into it? Should we get into the AUA? Yeah, you want to start or should I? I think you should start. OK. This is the Google Doc that Linda compiled, and it's in no particular order. And I'm just going to start at the jump, at the very beginning, as that. OK. Yes. Landon Newts, our pal. Oh, yes. I really should know the answer to this but would love to hear the story about how you how you chris and mary jo first started working together to create the mjp show and then how you met linda of course and is she as truly terrifying as you make her sound oh that's a good question to launch this chris I'll let I'll let you start with your perception of how it went down of how we met yeah um it was I can't believe it was like over four years ago now we had you as a guest on the mads are back one of the I think it was the night of shorts too one of our earlier ones um and I'd never met you before trace and frank you know we were booking we started booking guests by that point uh we had a new friend come on every month and frank was always kind of in charge of that and he still is actually and um yeah we thought it would be really fun to have you come on the show and we you and I I don't think we I mean over email maybe we exchanged some messages just basic like tech stuff uh and then you came on and as a guest it was like you were just amazing it was super fun we had a a good rapport but you know I didn't think It wasn't like in my head, like, oh, my God, I got to hit up Mary Jo and we got to start doing something like it wasn't like an instant thing. It was just like, well, that was awesome and fun. And then, like, I feel like a couple months later, two or three months later. it was either kevin smith our friend kevin smith who runs the mads facebook group or someone else I can't remember I honestly can't remember but someone said like hey I think mary jo might need some help doing some live streaming stuff and um and they were like hey like you know you should maybe hit her up but I you know I was still relatively new with the mad so I didn't want to like just dive right into another project right away. I was just kind of getting into the groove of doing one monthly show. And then you and I, I think we were just like, hey, let's just get on a call and just bounce some ideas around. And it was like the first call we were... You had some ideas you'd already thought of before, like the Failed Film Festival. I remember you bringing it up. I think we planned on an AMA or a mystery recipe thing. Yeah. And it was still like we had no idea what it was actually going to be. We still don't. I know. And I think we just picked a date. We were just like, hey, how does the... fourth Tuesday in August sound I was like let's just get on the calendar then we have something to work towards right and that was it and then like we just started talking all the time and came to marriage appeal and just kept doing the next show and I think you're absolutely right I think it was Kevin Smith and it was the company that I forget the name for they were trying to launch me as a movie watching host because they had a platform they were trying to launch with different Where you could legally watch movies online in sync with people. And it never got off the ground because I think I tried four times and the technology or the operator always failed. It wasn't always me, but it never launched. And I think that's where Kevin stepped in and was like... Yeah. So... But that's... Yeah, that's... That's pretty much how it happened. And then we just, we want it to be some kind of variety show. So we're like, let's just come up with a new theme every month. Yeah, let's see what happens and flail forward. That's what we've been doing for almost four years now. Okay. Thank you, Landonutes, for your question. All right, here's one. Here's one from the live chat. Kenneth Morgan asks, after riffing on so many educational shorts, which one was the most truly informative? Did you guys just come out with a new short, you and Bridget? Yeah. um and I can't remember oh acting is fun yes acting is fun yes I got that email oh god that's such a great question I'm sorry I am so bad on the fly which one was truly informative um I'll I'll wake up in the middle of the night thinking it's hard with um the shorts because they all kind of blend uh yeah right together too and it's And also, like, none of them are really informative. I can't think of a single short from that era. Yeah, because we have this perspective now. Somebody on the chat said maturing woman. Well, yeah, I was kind of living it. But that is one of my favorites. Not the question, but that is one of my favorites. Krasker's Ghost has the Tupperware one. Was that one you did for Riptrax? That was informative because I love seeing how things are made and manufactured. So thank you for that. mandog says coyly god that short I don't understand the springs the no spring short I don't know like what was supposed to be informative about that I know um are you listening that was a good one the giant walking ears and mouth um okay do you want to thank you kenneth for your question do you want to thank you all right should we Go on Okay, this is from linda's document. and asks us what's the weirdest slash honest job interview question you've been asked, I was recently in a job interview and the hiring board asked me a question that was so out of left field, because I never encountered before, based on my own experience. So. I'd be curious to know what that is. And, and Chris, do you want to answer that one? I'm trying to think of the weirdest question I've ever been asked on an interview, but I've only ever. I mean, you know, there's the interview when you interviewed me for the job and you asked me a lot of weird questions. We did a whole episode on that. Weirdest job to interview. I don't know. It's interviews. I haven't been on like, I feel like I haven't been on like a traditional job interview in like, twenty years probably. Which is a good thing, because they always used to terrify the hell out of me. But, I think the advice my mom always gave me was like, you're just having a conversation with someone. Don't think of it as anything more than that. But I'm trying to think of any weird questions I've ever been asked. As a white male, I've been treated quite well on job interviews. I haven't been harassed or anything. I know there's so many... I've heard some really weird stories, but... Yeah. I think the weirdest one I got, and it had been a while since I had been on a job interview myself, we had moved back to the Twin Cities and I needed a day job because my mom had just died and I just wanted to go somewhere every day and be on automatic. So it had been, pardon me, several years. And I think this is pretty standard now but at the time I was really taken aback the interview is going along normally with all the regular questions and then it was like if you could be any animal what would you be and I was really flustered because I resent sort of gotcha questions yes uh but I think that's the weirdest one Yeah, I've heard weird questions like that. There's some balloon test that Facebook does with their employees. Shut up. There's all these weird things. Or Google has some really bizarre questions that they ask all their employees. Yeah, I don't like that stuff. You know, now that I think of it, I got asked some questions. I had to fill out a form for Mystery Science Theater. And they weren't weird questions, but they were specific, like your music tastes and comedians. It wasn't, I don't want to paint it in a bad light. I think they were just looking for someone who said, you know, that their favorite comedian was... Joel Hodgson. No, no. somebody like the watermelon guy or carrot top. They were looking to kind of screen for that. Yeah. Cool. Job interview questions. Yay. Thank you for your question. And let's do another one. This one's got four likes on it. This is coming from our clubhouse chat from Mrs. Torgo. Mary Jo, where would you take Roddy on your first date? straight to my sofa for a makeout question a makeout session oh gal I don't know um he's he's rather continental so I would probably take him out um if it were in minneapolis for um martinis or go the complete opposite way and take him on a hike to minnehaha falls or something like that He'd love that, I'm sure. That would be amazing. Where would you take him, Chris? Where would I take Roddy McDowell on our first date? I don't know. Maybe a movie. Maybe we'll go just take a stroll in the village, go to some antique shops. Oh, nice. I think a theater date would work well with him. Yeah, go see it. We'll go see the new Glenn Gary, Glenn Ross production. Yeah, I'd love to see that. All right. Shall I go? Yes, you should go. Jeff on blue sky asks question. Would you trade a baby for a penguin? It's not your baby and it's a really cute penguin. I'll let you start Chris. Nah, I can't trade a baby for a penguin, especially if it's not my baby. Well, I hate to offer qualifiers, but it would depend on whose baby, first of all, and to whom I was giving it. So the possibility definitely exists. Would you trade a baby for a really cute penguin? It's not your baby. Yeah, I don't think I would. I'm a little more malleable than that. I'm, I've entertained that idea. Yeah. Uh, oh, here's one. And thank you, Jeff, for your question. Uh, from Gleebster, ADA question. Just how often should I change my toothbrush? um what do they say like once every three months or something that's what I do you know I change mine every time I run out of the tube of toothpaste which is about six six weeks yeah that makes sense yeah how about you do you have an electric toothbrush no okay I'm not into technology I hate technology so it's uh yeah it's like you get the little toothbrush heads you put on and I just change them every few months I don't know should probably do it more often but whatever every couple of years you know every couple years it's like a microwave um Get a new microwave once every ten years. All right. Great question. Thank you. Is that me then? Okay. Yes. Aaron sent this to Linda. Was there ever a segment or riff on MST that you just couldn't get through filming because you or the crew were laughing too hard? I am absolutely sure I'd be hard-pressed to say specifically because it was a relatively common occurrence. Yeah. So sorry to be unhelpful, but absolutely. Absolutely. Oh, I'm sure. Yeah. Especially like that kind of environment. I can just imagine you guys cracking each other up like left and right. And just setting each other off. And it happens now with Bridget a lot where I can't get through a line. And I'm sorry, I can't remember what it is. Thank you for the question. I'm sorry to be unhelpful. Oh, yeah. No, that is good. Let's see. We already did one from Gleepster. Yeah. Just Sonic asks, Hey, Chris, what does Linda look like? Why are you only asking me? Mary Jo hired her. She looks like a lady, you know, between the ages of thirty and sixty, right? No, Chris, you're absolutely right, because she does have that that She could be thirty, she could be almost a senior citizen. Very interesting. It's hard to pick. She's a pretty lady though. I'll say that. Oh no, I can't even, I was going to say if she would just smile more, but that's, that's a thing. Oh my God. What if I said that? Yeah. Women say, or people say women should do, you know, people have said that to me. Oh yeah. And I don't want to say that, but I'm just saying that she has a great smile. And then sometimes, you know, her eyes crinkle and you can kind of see that there's not so much of a strict smile. yeah office running person yes there you know totally okay uh good question thank you yeah great questions should I go yeah okay for both chris and mary jo sent to linda from our pal claudia burton what was your favorite book as a child favorite book as a teen favorite book now Oh, wow. Good question, Claudia. You want to go first? Yeah, I had to think about this. Go ahead. Yeah, let's both do favorite book as a child. You start. Okay. Honestly, it was Les Miserables, and I'm not trying to be fancy or anything. I just don't remember reading any of the kids' books. you know what I mean? And now I'm reading that like Ferdinand, the bull I'd never read, but that's the first book I remember reading is, um, and I'm sure it's not the first book, but I remember reading that in fourth grade and just being blown away. You. Yes. Um, I had a few, I was going to say the giving tree by Shel Silverstein. Um, cause that's just, that book is so great. Um, but then it just popped into my head. Um, The stupids did you ever hear of the stupids? They made a movie Tom Arnold made a movie based on this book series but as a kid in the eighties or these books series of books called the stupids and it's like a family their last name was stupid and They were just like incredibly dumb basically like that was the whole joke was like, how could a family be this dumb? And then Tom Arnold made a movie based on it it wasn't very good Oh surprise the stupids all right as a teen as a teen I read all the nancy drew and um tricksy belden books my sisters had them like all the collections so I read all those yeah I read a lot of goosebumps and uh rl stein and I loved horror stuff at that age um I still do. But yeah, the Goosebumps series, that was a thing. I had a nice collection, filled up a whole bookshelf. Oh, that's so cute. Did you organize them and make sure the spines were all even? Oh, yeah. I was really careful with all my books. I remember all my Roald Dahl books. I love Roald Dahl, too. I kept him in such perfect condition. And I think I was reading The Witches or something, and... my brother was reading the witches like I let him you know he was reading it and he saw like a bug on the wall and he just took my book and killed it with it I just this memory just stuck on my head and I remember just thinking I was like that's my like trying to like did you did you I was pretty upset yeah oh yeah did your parents ruin my nice crisp book that I loved um yeah I don't remember what happened after that I just remember him doing that and me being really upset totally all right what's your favorite book now Oh, God, it's too many. I think the last one that I absolutely was just besotted with and enchanted by and couldn't put down was Life of Pi. But that was several years ago. Oh, I haven't read that. Yeah. I mean, it was just storytelling. Yes. So there are many, but that leaps to mind. Yeah. I think... I think I've said this before, but Stephen King's It always stands out as just... I just love that book so much. And I've read it several times. And it's a huge book. It's like twelve hundred pages or something. Yeah. Wow. But I love... I love that book. Right on. Okay. Thank you for your question, Claudia. That was awesome. Should I ask one now? Go for it. All right. Let's see. Cue the wet sprocket. My question, is the Civil War skit available on the YouTube page? That is a gem. No, not yet. That was the first time we played it for anyone, but we'll probably put that up somewhere for sure. And that was all Josh and Colette. They just... that's based on a real email exchange that I got um a few months ago and I posted about it uh I posted like screenshots of the exchange because it's it's I saw someone in the chat ask while that was playing like Or just saying something like, I'm sorry you have to deal with that many mean people. And it's so rare that that's why I would take a screenshot of it. Because by and large, this community and just the people who tune into this are always super cool and friendly and appreciative and whatever. But it's like one in a thousand, I would say. There's just someone who feels the need to be mean like completely unprompted yeah and outlandishly so I mean the way that escalated just um so yeah I'm always helpless with love with colette and josh's work yeah um we'll put that up somewhere soon that's a good question yeah thank you q all right do you want to go Yes, David Kushmar, I think. Mary Jo, I grew up watching MST three K. It got a little autistic kid through a lot of lonely. That makes my heart burst. Yes. My question, how can I keep helping the show? I don't always have the opportunity to provide direct financial support, but I want to do what I can. Can I donate skills, time, et cetera, and how, and David, that is tremendous. That is really cool. I think, um, technically like when you say, what did he say? Um, Skills, time, et cetera. We will definitely keep that in mind. I mean, we're always kind of right. Oh yeah. I mean, we always have, um, wrangling contributing and offering. Yeah. Like, and so many of you guys are just so damn creative and, uh, and we so appreciate that and that's really everyone we've worked with has been viewers or friends like of the show already and uh it's yeah it's truly amazing like how talented you guys are and like josh and colette just started doing stuff for us and uh and now you know they're they're doing like other like a lot of other things for us so yeah always let us know if you have any special skills yeah absolutely and I'm just so appreciative of the question and also tell people who you might think might be interested in that's honestly the best way you can support the shows is let people know that it's happening and that you enjoy watching it yeah exactly thank you david Because there's so many people who I know would love this show, but they just haven't heard about it yet. So you guys spreading the word, really, that helps a lot. One billion percent. But yeah, don't ever feel like financial support is required. We're just happy you guys are watching this, however you're casting. So lucky. So yeah. So yeah. OK, let's see. Thanks for your question. This is pretty specific. And our associate producer... Matt Reiser, you can let us know in the chat or we can bring them on screen real quick. There's some backstory to this Mary Jo, you should know. I'm listening. OK, buzzer. Thirty one asked, I want to know if Matt's McDonald's is the one on Flatbush Avenue. Now, this came up a few weeks ago where Matt was telling a story how he was going to get McDonald's and it was like seventeen degrees out. And Matt walked all the way to this McDonald's wearing only flip flops. Right. I don't think he's upset if I'm telling this story because we've been talking about this for weeks now. So his feet were like frozen by the time he got there. So he ordered his food and then he was putting it... Putting his hands... Let me finish telling it and then you can chime in. And let me get this overlay off because this looks weird. Putting his hands over his feet to warm them up and then a security guard came over and started asking if he could stop picking his feet in front of people. Or something along those lines. Like, hey, stop doing that. uh and then you know eventually the guy asked matt like let me what's your number like give me your order number and he just went and grabbed it behind the counter that he like handed it to matt and then they had some kind of verbal back and forth and then the guy like ran after him outside of the mcdonald's and said he's gonna kick your ass okay so So let me let me qualify a couple of things there. Yes, I walked there. It was I was wearing flip flops. It's like ten minutes away from my apartment, this McDonald's. And that was a bad mistake. And I got there. My feet were cold. And yeah, and I ordered on the kiosk. I sat down on like a bench far away from everybody. It's eleven in the morning. There's like eight people in there and had my hands like flat on top of it. you know on top of my my toes to try to warm them up and the security guard walks by who is wearing like a hoodie that says security like not a very official looking get up and is like hey man stop digging at your feet and he starts like going off at me and I'm like I'm like oh okay I wanna the security guard I wanna hang out with him he sounds like super funny he's like hey man stop digging that dude yeah I think he literally was like what the is what I'm like I know whatever uh but then uh But then, I don't know, so it came time to, this is a story that doesn't make me sound like a great person, I realize. And then, you know, my order comes up, and the guy looks over by the counter, and he sees, you know, like, because he walked away, so I put my hands back on my feet, because I didn't think it was that big a deal. And he's like, yeah, what's your number? And he kind of looks over at me like he's going to yell at me, but then I hold up my number and my order's there, and he's helping people hand out their orders, and so... As I grab it, he's, like, he's, like, talking shit about me, like, to the other people behind the camera. He's like, yeah, this is the guy where they're digging at his feet. And so I take my thing, and I'm like, assholes, and I'm walking out. And the guy, he, like, storms out after me and is like, I'll come back out here and whoop your ass. Like, he ran out of the McDonald's after me. And, uh, anyway, to answer Ever's question, no, it was not the one on Flatbush Avenue. All that is to say, no, not at all. It was just a very weird situation to be in. Should I have worn flip-flops to this McDonald's and had my hands on top of them? No, it was not an ideal situation. Do I think I deserve to have had a guy come after me and physically threaten me with violence? I also don't think that was... I don't know. It's a story where nobody comes off looking great. But no, it was not that McDonald's. all right I am so glad you you stopped by to share that with us and I just I I couldn't track it but someone in the chat said this needs to be reenacted for a short oh it will we should yeah well thank you matt thank you matt and matt could you at least wear socks with your foot? Well, it's got the thing between the toes. Then you have to have specific socks for that. It was, it was, I don't know. I've seen it done. I think if you really wanted to, maybe I just need to get roomier socks. Or maybe you should get shoes. I don't know. Shoes, that's also, yeah. I do own shoes. I've worn, it was just, you know, sometimes you're just running an errand and you just flip on whatever shoes are around you, you know. It's like when you go to get, like, you know, groceries out of the car, you know, and someone pulls up the car and you just put on whatever shoes are by the door. It was one of those situations. I feel ya. but uh but yeah but since then I have uh contacted mcdonald's corporate out of curiosity and I don't think that they are a real security team that works there so I think that there may be a larger teamster uh conspiracy at play here that I'm oh I've unraveled I look forward to field reports and updates a la joe lawler and the yes thank you matt reiser all right good show everyone talk to you later Oh my God, I'm dying. Okay, so was that a chat question? That was a Clubhouse chat question. Yeah, thank you. Okay, so should I go next? Yes. Okay. Take it away. Gojira, one thousand best cold weather dinner recipe. It was minus forty for a week. I need to know where do you live? The first thing that came to mind is there's always hot dish. But, you know, it sounded really good when you pose that question is like a rotisserie dish. chicken, or the Ina Garten roast chicken with roasted vegetables. Or here in Minnesota, really hot wild rice chicken wild rice soup with more like a great sourdough bread and butter. What would you recommend Chris? I love a bowl of chili, a good bowl of chili. Oh, there you go. Right. I truly love chili. I'm not just saying that because that's Columbo's favorite dish, although I respect him all the more for that. Yeah, that's usually what we do that a lot in the winter. Make a big pot of chili, it feeds you for like three days, you know. And it freezes well. Yeah. Right on. There you go. OK. Here's a quick one from Mira Matt, AMA question. Is that doc five pages single-spaced or double-spaced? It's single-spaced with two tabs in between each question. It's actually like a graph. It's a Google table. who who submitted the question what forum like blue sky and then the question she's very linda's very organized so um here's another one since that was a quick one this one's from treadwell j question for you mj there's a blooper where you hit clayton when he's playing the trombone traceable you when he's playing the trombone and his mouth gushes real blood any memories of this you could share Well, I don't think it gushed. I need to tell myself that because I feel really bad about it, but I question the word gush. But I'm not sure if you mean memories specific to that shoot, but that's the memory. And, you know, we were all really good sports with each other and making each other laugh. So that's not a very helpful answer. Yeah, that is like the worst feeling when you accidentally cause an injury to someone. Because you're so into doing your part. Yeah, yeah. That would have hurt with the trombone. God. All right. Thank you, Chardwell J. Your turn, Mary Jo. Okay. Our friend Heather Perkins, Landon Newts again. Oh, nice. What art, museum stuff, music, or entertainment, book, movie, TV show, MIMAC, do you nerd out on? Something that might surprise us can be more than one. You want to start? I... lately the only thing I've been, there's so many shows I want to watch like, and movies and, you know, like good stuff, like the wire. I've still never seen the wire. Um, I haven't finished better call Saul yet. Like stuff like that. Like things that I really, I'm like, why haven't I watched these things yet? And yet my wife and I spend almost every night watching the circle on Netflix, which is a reality show. Oh, I've heard that we are obsessed with, um, So that's something I nerd out on. I'm trying to think of other stuff. What art? I love the Museum of Moving Image. I was telling you about that. I was just there on Friday with my niece and nephew. But it's this really amazing museum in Astoria, Queens that's got all these awesome film props, costumes. It's all about the history of film and television. great place to go trying to think of other stuff I nerd I mean I nerd out on all the typical stuff too like Star Wars Marvel you're not as into that the whole world though like you're not you're not a total nerd like me Well, I have my nerd nerdisms. I think, you know, I nerd out on, um, museums. I love museums. There's to me, there's no such thing as a bad museum. The small, the big, I, um, I love museums and I also love, and I never know quite how to describe this, but I, um, love, like I mentioned earlier, seeing how things are made and not just made, but like how systems are executed. Last fall, pardon me. Last fall, I took this course through the city of Fridley called citizens academy and it's put on by the public safety department of fridley and you would go once a week and they would have police and fire come in and show you talk about how, how everything works on their end. Does that make any, I wish I had a concise statement for it. So I went on a ride along a cop ride along and I sat in on, um, a nine one one call center. Cause again, I don't know how to exactly articulate that. I love seeing, seeing the inside of things. Does that make sense? Yeah. So I'm a big nerd about that stuff. Like I would sit and watch, um, Like air traffic controllers. Yes. Yes. I would sit and watch a construction site. Yeah. Yeah. I hear it. I would watch, like when I lived in Austin, um, the hubby and I went to, uh, they were demolishing a building and they set, um, dynamite. And so I got us up early cause I wanted to see what, so I'm a nerd about that. Sorry to blather on, but museums and that kind of stuff. That is great. Um, all right. Thank you, Landon. It's uh, let's see. Um, Volcanington girl question from Mary Jo, what's your favorite place to visit? Oh, like city wise? Yeah. Oh, God. Um, Always New York, but I'd say Paris. Oh, no. I'm sorry. I have multiple answers. The North Shore here in Minnesota. I'm sorry. I can never narrow it down. So those are three. The North Shore. How many times have you been to Paris? Twice. Oh, that's awesome. We've only been there once, and it was so long ago. But we had an amazing experience there. I'd love to go back to Paris. Let's do a live Mary Jo Peel show in Paris. You know, one of my bucket list fantasies is to go to Paris and spend six, eight weeks there just being in Paris. Oh, yeah. I know. I was only there for like we were there for like three days or something. Yeah. We did all like the touristy stuff, basically. Oh, yeah. I cannot get enough of it. Yeah. Yeah. All righty. You want to go? Okay, yes. Dana W., is it wrong, via Blue Sky, is it wrong that I not only have that font on my Mac, but will actually use it? And she's referring to the MJP show font. The MJP font, yeah. No, not wrong. Okay. yes it's a great font not wrong pay it's pegno by the way I think that's how you say it spelled p-e-i-g-n-o-t and it's the same font it's it was used very popular in the seventies but uh the mary tyler moore show used it that's why that's how we came up yeah that's how we stole it I mean yes paid homage to it But I see the font everywhere. If you pay attention, it's on a lot of awnings in New York City, I've noticed, because some of them are kind of old school. But yeah, it's widely available. And I love the font. We use it a lot, obviously. And we're trying to keep up with the questions in the chat. Thank you. Sorry, we're not trying to overlook you. And I know Chris and Matt are on top of it, so... We still got a lot here and yeah, we still got some time here. All right. Let's see. Um, David Paul learner asks, uh, for Mary Jo, do you have a favorite place to get tater tots in the twin cities? And Chris can toss in an NYC recommendation. Yes, there is a sort of a bar food place near me called Moe's, M-O-E apostrophe S, that has great tater tots. And it seems like tater tots are really having a moment because they seem to be on a lot of menus along with fries. But Moe's are great. And great burgers, too. Crispy ones. Yeah, just right. And they're not that process-y kind of thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know tater tots are really hit or miss because I avoided them for the longest time just because cafeteria tater tots just grossed me out. They were always mushy or undercooked. And the ones I grew up were frozen orrita tater tots. And then they really elevated their game in restaurants. So that's what I would say. I can't recommend a current place that has good tater tots, but there used to be this punk rock venue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Shit, what was the name of it? The Trash Bar. And that was like the only food that they served was tater tots. And it was great. They were like amazing tater tots. Excellent. I salute them. All right. Your turn, Mary Jo. Oh, that was me. Okay. Okay, hold on. Okay. Our pal Oliver Langland via Blue Sky. Yes. When you watch an MST three K movie for the first time, were there any scenes that traumatized you or would like to forget? The obvious one is some of the scenes with the little girl, our friend Jackie in Manos. I mean, when we first started airing that movie in the writing room, I think all of us were really stunned and it just sort of, escalated and um now we have a little perspective on it and can laugh about it but yeah when being exposed to it that first time in the writing room the ritual thing and um the little the little girl yeah it's definitely yeah it's definitely weird there was one movie that I think I was reading about this that you guys approved before watching the whole thing and there were some scenes you had to cut out right because it was just like too dark or whatever yeah but yeah I mean Manos it definitely looks like a like a snuff film almost you know with all love and respect Jackie oh Jackie knows more than I know she knows Okay. Here's one from Shade Changing Raven. How many hair colors has Mary Jo had in her lifetime and lengths? I've only... I've only had one hair color. It's just evolved. I mean, I used to be white blonde and now it's gray and brownish. It's just sort of evolved. So I don't know. Can you count each epoch? You've never like dyed your hair or anything? And, um, and lengths. This long and then this. So two lengths. Nice. Interesting question. All right. Your turn, Mary Jane. OK. Crafty Ang via Blue Sky. OK. Oh, I want to know your secret skincare regimen. You've always had such a beautiful skin. Uh, I did not plant that and I'm a little bashful, but honestly, thank you. Genetics, you know, and it's just like soap and water and, um, sunscreen. Finally, I was always trying to tan as a youth, even though I'm so white, that was like in the days of copper tone oil. Right. Yeah. And then started using sunscreen in my early twenties. So that's the long and the short of it. Thank you for asking. I'm really embarrassed. You do have good skin. And lots of moisturizer. Moisturizer. That'll do it. Okay. Let's see. Let's see. Oh, we already answered one from them. Josh Stafford, what do you call dumb industries? I always tell people it's a channel or a streaming service. Both of these descriptors seem slightly wrong. I mean, it's a production company. That's the simple answer, but it's easier to... I lately I've just been saying like content creator, because I don't know how, and like, I know we're not like the typical kind of like YouTube content creators, like, you know, like a Logan Paul type or something, but yeah, it's, that's a good question because we're not, are we, we're kind of a streaming service, but we're not, and we're kind of a channel, but we're not, I don't know. But it's kind of a good question for us to have our elevator speech when we go on all our pitch meetings to the big execs. That's a great question. When people ask me what I do, I've never met someone before. I produce comedy and art live streams. That's the simplest way that someone can understand kind of what I do without knowing anything about Yeah, but it makes perfect sense. Yeah. But yeah, maybe we should come up with some kind of tagline or something. I don't know. Thanks for your question, Josh, though. I like that. All right. Your turn. Pardon me. Pardon me. Amy Lou Mummert via Blue Sky. What did you and Chris accomplish last week? Please provide five bullet points each. Oh my god. It seems like something Linda would ask us to do. I wish I had the address that you're supposed to respond to. Rolling Stone published the email address. I don't know if it leaked or it was just public, but people have just been flooding it with spam. Yeah. Here's what I did. I wrote voting postcards for the Supreme Caport uh election in wisconsin I went to a protest I have called my senators um I mopped my kitchen floor because I was so burned out from dealing with it all but um I know it's a facetious question but oh yeah um god what did I I had a lot last week um let's see I hosted one I hosted three live streams. Um, did some, God, I, I did a lot. No one needs to know. I did a lot of stuff. But it's kind of, it's a great question because it's like, Oh, what, what do you end up doing with your days? Thank you, Amy. Amy Lou. All right. Okay. Here is, Oh, you already answered tater tots. Answer Josh Stafford. Okay. Here's one. Just Jackie B. Oh, Jackie B. Question for Chris and Mary Jo. What is a book or movie you think everyone should see before they die? I have a good answer for that. Say, say. I have to look up the name of it. There's a Dutch movie. that was remade as a american movie called the vanishing and I think the the original dutch movie was translated to the vanishing but um it's just this amazing kind of crime story that unfolds in a way like you would never expect and I I always tell people like that is like that is a movie you need to watch once and you'll probably only want to watch it once, but it like, it sticks with you. Like I could tell you, so I could like describe vividly so many things that happened in that movie after only seeing it once, like six years ago or something. And what is it called? The Vanishing. Oh, God. They remade it in the early nineties with Kiefer Sutherland and Nancy Travis. It was terrible. And it's the same director, same guy who did the Dutch version did the remake. Oh, weird. Okay. Awful. Yeah. But yes, The Vanishing from nineteen eighty eight. Everyone should watch that. What do you think, Mary Jane? I don't know if this is for everyone, but I think every American should read The True History of the United States. Do you know what I'm talking about? That specific book that's an unvarnished, and I can't think of the guy's name who wrote it. And I know somebody in the chat will, but it's an unvarnished, um, look at how the United States came to be with all it's staying. It's yeah. And it's, I think Daniel Howard's in, is that it? Oh, no, that's a people's history. Yes. Oh, okay. Yeah. Cool. Nice. I'll have to check that out. Um, thank you, Jackie. Um, Yeah, thank you, Jaggi. OK, is it your turn? OK. Lori Sutton. To Linda, my dearest Linda, I have several questions for tonight's Ask Us Anything. For Mary Jo, back in MST-III-K days, which non-Pearl character did you most enjoy playing? Also, which non-Pearl sketch was your favorite? Chris, which MST-III character would you have enjoyed playing? Do you want to start? Yeah, I loved Jan in the Pan. Yes, classic. And Amazon Mom with Bridget. Yeah. and favorite non-pearl sketch was that amazon that was amazon okay yeah which character would I have enjoyed playing I mean the easy answer is jonah but um I don't know I uh I guess I mean if I couldn't pick like one of the puppets I'd probably be like forest dr forrester well what if you could pick one of the uh If I could pick one of the puppets, I'd love to do Tom Servo. Yeah, okay. But like that, Kevin's, you know, like just what he did with the character, like it's just such a... especially just from watching it as a kid, when good puppetry or animation or anything is done really well, you forget that it's not real. And that's what happens when I watch MST. The robots seem like they're their own things. And Tom Servo just always seemed like such a fun little goofy guy you'd want to hang out with and watch movies with. Wow, cool. That is so cool, yeah. Let's see if I could do that. If they're casting for a new season or something. Okay. I'll throw my hat in the ring. All right, let's see. Oh, I like this one from Mary Ellen G. What's your least favorite word? Point getter. Point getter. We have this broad, deep English language. And the only phrase we can come up with for someone who accumulates points on a playing field is point getter. You know what word? Yeah, that's bad. It's making me ill to even say it, but what a great question. Okay, Chris, what up? My wife and I, I think we share the same least favorite word, and that word is insufficient. Like just hearing someone say that, like it sends chills down my spine. Not because like it sounds gross or anything. I just hate the idea of like, like, insufficient funds or you know like because of the connotation or it gives you a weird ear feel no because I'm just like scared like you know okay yeah yeah yeah if you ever like overdrawn your bank account or something it's like it's like the scary it's like oh shit yes got it okay so it's like I think it's just the trigger like when I hear that insufficient, or I think when you, in New York city, when you swipe your Metro card and you don't have enough on it, it says like insufficient funds on it or like something like that. It's insufficient. Yeah. I just hate it. I hate the idea of something being insufficient in my life. You know? Oh my gosh. Or like, even though it was just like a, Not that anyone's ever said this during a job review or something, but imagine someone saying, your performance is insufficient or something. It's hard. It's scary. Yeah, you missed, mister. You missed. I can't remember if I ever told you this, but I took this workshop a couple of years ago. that was about race relations. It was here in the Twin Cities right around when the George Floyd was thinking. So I took this workshop and the presenter, a native English speaker, and well-versed in his subject matter, he had done this before, kept saying, discomfortable. He kept saying, now we know a lot of this material will make people discomfortable. We know you're going to be discomfortable. And I could not hear the rest of the presentation. Because I was like, okay, sorry to go off on a rant. But you know what word is really bugging me? The way people are saying unfortunately now about everything. They say, can I get a glass of water? Unfortunately, we're out of water. Yes. No one can just say it's not available or they make it, make it a bigger thing that it is. I can't articulate it, but everything is prefaced with, well, unfortunately it's not unfortunate. It's just a thing. Right. Right. So there's my beef. um yeah I mean there's plenty of words that people just overuse now that drive me up the wall yeah totally that's gonna be a whole show mister yeah oh yeah okay um okay is it me now do yeah you want to do like two more because we got to get to all of our polls and stuff um I think we could do a few more than that okay yeah let's do it is that okay everybody okay uh hold on looking looking looking looking looking um From Chris Tishook, question for Mary Jo. What was it like getting back together with everyone to do Cinematic Titanic so many years later? It was wonderful. It was so much fun. I actually got to do movie riffing. and we got to tour and meet our audiences. It was a really terrific, fun, great time in my life. Thank you for asking. Right, because until then, you never toured, right? Like, MST never did any major tour or anything, right? Correct. So, yeah, that would have been exciting. It was a blast. Yeah. All right, let's see. We've got a few more here from the chat. Okay. Confetti rainbow cake. Mary Jo, if you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? Well, I kind of answered that. Like right now, I could put on the list or change my mind entirely. I would love to go and do a fjords cruise through Norway. Ooh, that sounds fun. Although, I don't know, cruises kind of freak me out a little bit. I know, but the one I'm thinking of is a mail ship, M-A-I-L. So it's a working ship that goes up and down the coast. So yeah, I've never been on a cruise. That's not my favorite thing, but it'd be fun to see the fjords. Nice. OK. All right. Should I do another one? Yes. I don't want this to stop, but I don't want to keep people either. I know. I think we're OK. Here's from our friend. I'm sorry. Go ahead. No, no, no. Go ahead. I'm saying we still got a ton of people watching. So thank you guys. I'm going to do two because one is a really straightforward answer. Scribbler Johnny, Mary Jo, will we ever get to hear songs in the key of B movies again? No, all those CDs are gone. That was a project I did about. Twelve years ago. With a friend of mine, Mike Warren. And then we have a question from. Gina. Karini. What is a good way to build your confidence when you aren't feeling very confident? I'd like to know the answer to that as well. Well, it might be situational. I don't know a lot of specifics, but when I was thinking about this question, when I saw it, I was wondering if it is just showing up to whatever it is. it's really scary, but just the idea of, I wish I had more specifics so I could be more specific, but I think, I don't know, Chris, do you think it's a learned thing? Like whatever's, you know, I'm a very advanced age and what you learn is you always power through stuff. Yeah. That's, uh, That's good advice. I mean, I don't know. Confidence is tricky. It takes a lot to get there. And even then, you're still second-guessing yourself all the time. Oh, I still do. I always rehash everything in my head. But that's what I mean. Like, oh, I guess the world went on. And I think when I was thinking about this question, sorry to talk your faces off, but One of the things that came to mind is I would never want anyone to prevent themselves from experiencing life's riches because they lacked confidence. Like don't cut yourself off because am I making any sense? Yeah. Don't stand in your own way. Yeah. Like if there's something you want to try or do, there's just, I'm sorry, I'm not being very articulate. I just, I just feel you and I feel for you and I wouldn't want you to cut yourself off from anything you wanted to try because you felt like you weren't being confident enough. Yes. That's a good way to put it. Yeah. Sometimes it's just showing up. That's it. One hundred percent. Thank you, Gina. Here's, oh, I like this one from Rushmore Yankee for you, Mary Jo. Have you been to Paisley Park or baptized yourself in Lake Minnetonka? I have never been to Paisley Park. I have not. I have been on a boat on Lake Minnetonka, but I've never baptized myself. I haven't been to Paisley Park yet. I mean, I've only been to Minneapolis twice, but that's something I really want to do. Next time I'm there, we should try to plan that you and I yeah I do that uh because I love love prince I know um he's he's quite a talented he was quite a talented fellow he really was um all right you want to go oh yeah okay um melinda cordage on facebook what is the meaning of life the mary joe peel show need I say more obviously um I think it's showing up. There you go. Showing up. Huge question. And I don't want to lather. Yeah. You know, I always liked the phrase, sorry, you guys. I always liked the phrase. We're all here to walk each other home. That always gets me. Yeah. Totally. Sorry. I was just reading one of these questions and I was like, all right, lay it on me. This is a quick one. I can... Just Sonic. I got another question. Have you ever read or are you familiar with the Nintendo Power Magazine? Yes, I am. I don't think Mary Jail is. Nope. Yeah, I had the first issue when that came out, my brother and I. That was a prized possession. Every month you'd get a new magazine, tell you all the secrets of all the video games. It was great. I don't know, I don't think they do that anymore. It probably wasn't worth it for them to make their own magazine just for their... Well, yeah, and print is dead, so... Yeah, that too. Okay, do you want to... There's a good one towards the bottom here. What's that? Okay. On the Google Doc here. Is that the one you just highlighted? Yeah, yeah. I don't know if you wanted to answer or you want me to just read it. Go ahead. It comes from Matthew Elliott, your friend from BrickTracks. Basil Rathbone or James Darcy? Who is the better Sherlock? Basil Rathbone. Boom. I don't really know much about... I haven't really seen many Sherlock adaptations, so I can't say. Dave Gold asks, when are the two of you starting your own comedy variety show, like Donny and Murray? I mean, that's kind of what the Mary Jo Peel show is. We're in it. Yeah. You're literally watching it right now. But it would be fun to tour dinner theaters, Chris, with our own act. So let's get on that. And have, like, dancers and stuff. Do you know? And I could have gowns designed by Bob Mackie. Oh, yeah. It would just be fun to come out to some kind of choreographed dance and everything. Shut up. You're killing me. And do little corny sketches. Yes. Yes. All right. We'll do that one day. Okay. All right. One more from the chat? Yeah, let's do one more from the chat. I'm so sorry we didn't get to everything, you guys. I know. There's so many here. Yeah, we didn't expect this. We never do. We never expect anything, so. But we still have the Google Doc. Well, Chit Chat and Tidbits will answer a few more of these. And if we could save some of the starred ones on the chat. We might not be able to, but I could take a screenshot too. Okay. Here is one from Krasker's Ghost for you, Mary Jo. Are you working on a book at the moment? I am. Can you tell us anything more? Or is that all you can say? It's still very much unformed, so I wouldn't be able to summarize it. Sure. Yeah, but I am. That's exciting. So we have that to look forward to. Thank you, Krasker's Ghost. My God, thank you so much, everyone, for hanging out with us tonight. As ever. We still got to do the polls and everything. We have a lot of housekeeping. Yes, a lot of housekeeping. Thank you all for the questions, though, and tune in to Chit Chat and Tidbits on Friday. We'll answer some more. I'm taking screenshots of the starred ones right now yes I like this just I just one just saw this in the uh chat chris when you tape these shows does your wife stand in the doorway and give you looks no but there have been a few times where she's had to come in here and tell me something but it's like always you know it throws me off because I'm just like what Okay. First off, Movie Joe Night. We said this up top. Coming up Tuesday, March eighteenth. Movie Joe Night is where Mary Jo and I watch a movie. Mostly, it's usually a movie. Sometimes just an hour of television. But it's something we've never seen before. We know nothing about it. And we just watch it. And you guys are going to vote on what we're watching. And this month is actually a little different. We're still going to put it to a poll. But now the poll options, maybe I should say this up top. So one of the options is to just let our associate producer, Matt Reiser, go nuts and put an hour of television together, which could be, you know, we watched an episode of Fantasy Island. We've watched an episode of Buck Rogers. We could watch like a variety show or something. So it's a wild card. It's kind of a Matt Reiser wild card. And then we have two movies that you guys can also vote on. So there'll be three options tonight. I'm going to play. Let me put the link for the poll in the chat here. But I urge you guys to watch the videos first. I just know people get antsy about the polls. So let me get that up there. Ah, it's growing so fast. And here is option number one, The Intruder Within. Friday, Marcy's getting married. But when Vincent tries to give the bride away, her snobby mother goes into her act. Then, at a special time, someone's finally gone too deep. There's death here. Something's finally been awakened. The intruder within. Followed by the democratic reply to the presidential address. Was that a Keech, like Stacey Keech or the other Keech? I don't know. I kind of want to watch the Democrats' response. I know, me too. It's like from Reagan, I guess. Okay, this one is, so Intruder Within. This next one is called Baffled. Baffled. What? Okay. I couldn't find a short promo for that. That's actually like the opening credits of the movie that we just saw. So those are our three options. I know. I put the link for the poll in the chat. And while that's, you guys are getting your votes in, what do you say we take a look at one of our unboxing videos? And the Matt Reiser wildcard. Baffled and what's the other one? The Intruder Within. Okay. Okay, here's an unboxing video from our friend Rebecca, a.k.a. Doris Leachman. Hey, everyone at Dumb Industries. Do you remember back? I think it was in October, November when there was the Dumb Telethon. And I ordered a bunch of stuff and I said I was going to do an unboxing video. And then I got in my own head about it and procrastinated. And here it is, February. So I'm going to go ahead and do it now because I feel really bad. So the first thing I'm going to open is this box. I don't remember what I ordered anymore. It's been so long. I remember that. This is one of my favorite designs, the Mary Jo Peel mug. So we've got that. And also, this is the Mary Jo Peel crossword. And I thought this made a really cool t-shirt design. So if anyone asks about what it is and what it means, I will be proud to tell them. about Mary Jo being on the TV Guide Crossword Puzzle. I thought that was really neat. And then we've got another in here. Probably... Yes. Tootbag. Because you can't have a telethon without a Tootbag. We learned that from PBS. All right. A couple more things. I'm trying to go fast. I got this for my husband. because we thought the slogan was great. First responders. So now I can give that to him. He's been waiting and waiting and waiting very patiently. And this is the big thing. Jennifer donated a prize for a drawing, and I won. And I was so excited to get it. And then, like I said, I got my own head. So I opened it from the bottom. This was from Jennifer. So thank you, Jennifer. I do really appreciate it. That's my very own limited edition TomServo figurine. So thank you so much, guys. Keep making great content. Bye. Okay, that is the best. I know. Because I so get getting in your head and yet she showed up. We'll take it. We love it. Thank you. Thank you, Rebecca. And yeah, God, the dumb telethon was, it was already like four or five months ago. Can you believe that? Isn't that weird? We'll be doing that again this year too. We're already starting to figure that out. So stay tuned. um okay let's uh put the poll on the screen here and let's see what we're gonna watch uh so again baffled starring leonard nimoy the intruder within starring maybe stacy keach we don't really know and uh third option is matt goes wild let's see with shoes on Whoa, baffled. Wow, really? Really far in the lead. Yeah, I never anticipated that. All right, baffled it is. Okay. So it shall be. Baffled. Great. Thank you guys for helping us sort that out. And now we have the next Mary Jo Peel show. Do you want to lead the options for this? Yes. Okay, for March's show, our poll options are a game show, To Be Determined. Yes, a game show episode. It's been a while. Yes. And we will figure it out accordingly due to technology and people's availability. And show and tell with crafts, because as Chris mentioned at the top of this show, we have so many, so many amazing, creative folks in our audience. Show and tell with crafts, which would be super fun. And a spelling bee. Spelling bee. Which I've been pushing for for a while. They know. It could be special guests. It could be some of all y'all. Spelling bee. Show and tell with crafts. A game show. There you go. I just put that poll in the chat. What do you say we watch another unboxing video? This one comes from Landon Newts, who asked a couple questions tonight. All right, here we go. Hello, peelings and dum-dums. This is Heather Landon Newts from Portland, Oregon, and I have movie Joe Candy. I'm very excited. I think I know what it is. Anyway, let's find out. So, and I'm wearing, this is part of my Secret Santa gift, my second part, and I've been wearing it nonstop since I got it. I'm not pandering, I promise. So, I got a nice card from Mary Jo. Thank you. I think it's good and plenty. It's good and plenty. This is the candy I used to eat when I was a kid and we'd get dropped off at the local theater. to watch whatever Disney thing was, probably Son of Lover or something, and I would always get Good and Plenty, and the other kids thought it was weird, but I think it's amazing. Thank you. Thank you, Heather Perkins. Thank you so much. By the way, not to brag, but she was my secret Santa, and I got the most excellent cornucopia of things. Oh, my God. That's great. Yeah. Thanks, Heather. The secret Santa was so much fun. It was. By the way, I really hope we get to do that again. And another shout out to our pal. Dina. Dina, thank you. All right. All right. You know what I feel? Let's take a look. Let's see what we're going to do for next month's episode. Boom. All right. Share the other tab. All right. Game show. I'm so nervous. Show and tell with crafts or spelling bee. I'll hit show results, whatever's in the top spot. Okay. Whoa. Wow. Two votes. By a hair. A game show episode. Okay. See, this is why everyone's got to vote. It comes down to just a few people deciding. Yep. Awesome. So we'll figure out what specifically game show we're going to be doing, but that will be on Tuesday, March. Yep. So come right back here on Twitch and in the marriage appeal show clubhouse. That'll be fun. Games are always fun. Always fun. Always fun. I don't think we've done one since like password, which is at least a year ago. So, Oh, at least. Yeah, people were still voting, but it was still a game show. I saw the votes ticking through. Elections have consequences. This is true. Every vote counts. I'm always telling people that. Okay, now we're going to do the giveaway for the mystery gift raffle. Mystery gift raffle. need a song for the mystery I was just thinking that yeah um I'll come up with something kind of funky uh if you'd like to win a mystery grab bag uh as compiled by one marriage appeal enter hashtag mary jo stuff in the chat and uh it's not just junk she gets good stuff packages it all nicely and everything always like phrases damning by faith praise you make me laugh I just well I think if it was like if I was the one doing it I would just be so nervous because like you're good at like just putting things together like a nice package like a gift I feel like if someone got it for me they would just I don't know maybe that's just in my No, you know what? I always overthink it. I'm always nervous because I never really know the person. Often I know their name or their handle, but it's kind of like, yeah, just sort of guessing, I guess. Erin, Mary Jo stuff. It's not just junk. We need a commercial for that. Penguins, it's not always a pooping home. That's true. Okay, we'll give you guys another minute to... Enter hashtag marriage for junk. We've got one more short unboxing video. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Me. Meow. Oh, Chris sends you a pickle. Exactly. That's what I would do. All right, well, you guys are getting your entries in. Let's watch one more unboxing video. This comes from Alkanox. Here we go. Just a quick unboxing video of the Marriage Appeal Show Egyptian Must Candle. As you can see, it is very securely packaged so it arrives safe and sound. An unusual candle for these unusual times. Okay, one, great voice. Two, I'm glad he opened it up outside in the fresh air. Nicely done. That was great. Uh, the Egyptian must candle on sale now at dumb dash Um, while you guys are still entering, uh, we'll give you guys another minute. Uh, we got a shout out. We got to give to Heather Perkins who sent in a nice donation to us. Thank you so much. Wow. Thank you. And Heather, you can always put a little note in when you send a donation in. Or if you order anything from Dumb Industries, you can put a little note in there. And Heather just said, enough to split an omelet? Maybe. How much? Well, I don't want to put her on the spot, but we'll figure it out, Heather. Yeah, we'll figure it out. But it was for seven dollars and fifty cents. Thank you so much, Heather. And everyone, don't forget to get on the Dumb Industries newsletter, slash newsletter. We mentioned this a couple times, but both Mary Jo and I are on Blue Sky now, so is Dumb Industries. So join our... Oh, we didn't pick the movie poll. I just realized. Yeah, we did. Did we wait? Oh, okay. I just got, I'm sorry. I got confused. I saw which movie one and I was like, wait, did we not? Yeah. Did your brain short out? Yeah. It was weird. But yes, we're all on blue sky. Everyone follow us. Also join our discord server, which you can do at thumb dash slash discord. And let's pick a winner here. Who's it going to be? Who's going to get knock junk from Mary Jo? Ah, Jonespoon, a.k.a. Dory. Excellent. So it shall be. Congratulations, Jonespoon. Send me your email or your shipping address to my email, chris at uh and mary jo will get that right out to you and we would love an unboxing video I will ship some not junk to you all righty um anything else we got, uh, thanks for being here. You guys, this is so much fun. Thank you so much. Answer the questions and hang out. Exactly. Um, yeah, thank you. Everyone has sent in questions, however you sent them in. We appreciate it. And, uh, come back for chit chat and bits this Friday. We'll try to answer some more. Join the Mary Jo Peel show clubhouse. Um, and we love you guys. You are the best. Thanks for being here. We will see you real soon. Friday.


Movie Jo Night: Doctor Strange (1978)