
The Mid-To-Late-Evening Show with Mary Jo Pehl

Mary Jo Pehl hosts a late night style version of The Mary Jo Pehl Show, The Mid-To-Late-Evening Show, featuring her trusty bandleader sidekick Chris Gersbeck plus special guests Jackey Neyman Jones, Mary Jo’s new next-door neighbor Ian Pirner, and musical guest Dave Hill! Plus, Mary Jo & Chris conduct polls and giveaways!

Original Language: English

Written & Produced by Mary Jo Pehl & Chris Gersbeck

Release Date: January 28, 2025

Quality: 1080p


baby is rub my tummy rub my tummy That's what I need, just a little affection. Shine your love not in my direction. Nobody understands the way that you do. Rub my tummy. Rub my tummy. Rub my tummy. Rub my tummy. Love my tummy, I really got the pain with you Rub my tummy Rub my tummy Rub my tummy Really got no pain, thank you Rub, rub, please rub my tummy Rub, rub, rub my tummy Scratch my back, please rub my tummy What is the trick on it? You throw underhanded? No. Overhanded. It's an overhand throw. The trick is to keep your arm extended and that way you break the microphone. You know, you keep your arm extended and put only one revolution on the... Once around. Once around on the way. But that's indefinite. All right. I didn't even know you were Jewish. Each of us must at some time confront the grim reality of growing old. Steadily, millions of killer bees are swarming northward toward the United States. We have no way to stop the tornado. We can only try to cope with it. Giant tremors can still strike suddenly and without warning. The violent forces of the earth and the sea may combine. sending a tidal wave speeding toward our populated shores. A bit of DNA spliced into a harmless bacterium could create a deadly germ. If this shark is capable of committing such savagery on large animals, one shudders at what it can do to man. If the vast ocean could be pulled toward the beckoning moon, Could we also be at the mercy of her gravity? A sudden gust of wind in a closed room, an unearthly cry in the dead of night. These are physical examples of the ghost reliving its final moments as a human. Given the very real possibility of a catastrophic event, will we be given time to react? When the killer bees will arrive, and exactly how they will behave when they get here, We don't know, but even if we achieve suspended animation, we may not be able to deal with the unknown consequences of frozen immortality. Try as we might to hide the fact, our wrinkling, sagging, and loss of strength tell us undeniably that we are aging. Maybe I should have saved. Those leftover dreams, funny. But here's that rainy day. Here's that rainy day they told me about. And I laughed at the thought that it might turn out this way. Where is that one of those that I threw aside after It brought my love so near Ain't it funny how love becomes a cold rainy day funny that rainy day is here Come on, pow, let's go. I need a little exercise. Take that, pow, and that. Let's see what you can do. You boys, pow, are good. I like a crew who really tries. Come on, pow, let's go. You'll learn a trick or two. Gee, it's funny that only a moment ago, pow, bam, zonk, I dusted myself. And all that But now I see the light. Oh, no, you don't. I'll show you, baby. Lots of fun. Good shot. Thank you. That's one that I forgot. Let's not quit now. I'll let you know when I am done. Come on. What's wrong? You kids don't look so hot. Gosh, I'm hungry. I'd sure like a T-bone steak. Haven't felt this good since Krypton knows when. don't you do that again good night sweet dreams so sorry to mess up your plans but now you know We'll see. Will you welcome, please, Salvador Dali. How do you do? Well, I think you've caught something. I can't help noticing that you have an anteater with you, Mr. Dahl. Oh, please. This is what you might call a squirrely story. Meet Miss Florence Hinton of Grover City, California, who has trained a small platoon of the bushy-tailed little rodents into amiability and a desire to please. Snookums here is a motherly little old lady squirrel with quite a talent for babysitting. A very affectionate type squirrel is Snookums. Jumbo is another member of the pet family, claimed to be the only performing trained squirrels in the world. But Jumbo seems to be ad-libbing his routine. The straight and narrow is not for Jumbo, but it's only innocent mischief. This patriotic little fella earned his name, Sousa. it's the stars and stripes forever for him tell me about your outfits I mean do did you design your own outfits all of you and and tell me what each outfit means and I'll start with you ace well that means this outfit is self-explanatory I mean, you know, this is part of a kind of a V-shape. This is my utility belt, and we don't want to go any below or than my waist area, because that's reserved for concert players. I understand that. And after it's all over, they say, this is what we came for. I stole this from Flash Gordon, and, you know, I have my cape on. But you're kind of like a spaceman. No, actually, I'm a plumber. Listen, I got a little piece of pipe backstage I'd like to have you work on. Tell me about it. You old sweet talker, you. But I'll tell you, I read on the sheet that they gave me where they said that it's hard to get me out of your shell. It's hard for me to talk. Try to cheer down. Try, uh, Billy Button bought a butter biscuit. Oh, Billy Button bought a bus... Would you mind if I sing it? Oh, it's just music, all right. Billy Button bought a buttered biscuit. Did Billy Button buy a buttered biscuit? If Billy Button bought a buttered biscuit, where's the buttered biscuit Billy Button bought? That's excellent. Try this one. Okay. Captain Craxcombe cracked his cousin's coxcomb. Will you knock that? Come on, you've got to be ruthless. All right. Captain Craxcombe cracked his cousin's coxcomb. Did Captain Craxcombe crack his cousin's coxcomb? If Captain Craxcombe cracked his cousin's coxcomb, where's his cousin's coxcomb, Captain Craxcombe? Here's one. Betty bought her, bought some butter, but she said the butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter, that would make my batter better. So she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter. And she put it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter, so it was better. Betty bought her, bought some better butter. Hey! Remember this one. What? A flea and a fly and a flue. In prison, said, what shall we do? Let us fly, said the flea. Let us flee, said the fly. So they flew to a floor on the flue. Wonderful. Wonderful. You're too much. You like that one? Well, here. Here is the piece de resistance. All right. OK. Moses supposes his toses are roses. But Moses supposes erroneously. That sounds curiously familiar. For Moses, he noses his toeses aren't roses, as Moses supposes his toeses to be. Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously. A mose is a mose. A rose is a rose. A toes is a toes. Hoop-de-doodle-doodle, Moses supposes his toes are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously. For Moses, he knows his toes are roses, as Moses supposes his toes are roses. Moses, Moses supposes erroneously. Moses, a Moses, a Moses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, a roses, There are other lines we've missed, words to give your tongue a twist. If you're looking for fun, simply sing silly, sappy, happy songs like the ones we saw. Twins, twins, sisters sing tongue twisters too. What's the matter? I'm pregnant. Never kissed me like that before. Wow. I got a lot of catching up to do. I never missed you so much before. you should stay away more often like now where's dan I've been saving up some tongue for him too oh you know dan playboy at heart one week in the mountains and he has to go to las vegas to recuperate rip taylor's playing there what's the matter steve nothing's a matter but are you different I don't know what you mean different I'm still the same old lovable character I always was. It's just not in this movie. Anxiety man. Oh, jeez. Why did I marry Shirley Temple? Excuse me, Sally. He was married to Shirley Temple, folks. Are you fact-checking me? Yes. Oh won't you come and join us? Oh won't you come and join us? That was weird. I'll tell the world. Go ahead. That was weird. That was weird. The video you are watching is an interactive training video. As you are presented with the information in this video, questions will be asked to help you understand important points. When a question is asked, quickly select the answer you think is correct. After a three-second pause, we'll give you the right answer. Make a game of it to see how many questions you can answer correctly. It's fun. Can we start over? Pay attention to the video from this point on, since you never know when a question will be asked. Now proceed with the subject matter of this video. Cover-up specialists are very important people. They need to know hundreds of detailed procedures on how to clean. Do you think anyone's doing more than one wife? I wonder. Some people might. It amazes me when we get at the end of class, I'll see people's paintings and how much extra things that they've put into their painting. You know, they get all these extra... Did you start yesterday? You know, it's... I don't know how they do it so... We do sometimes get paintings in advance if a student knows they can't make it but they want us to show their work. Oh, okay. We've had that happen a couple times. Ah, okay. I just love the wrestling theme. On the sand, and I still have memories of that, of them getting sand in their eyes and stuff. But that was just too much going on in the painting to get it done in this amount of time. I don't want you going up there. Strange people upset her. Just leave her be. Why hasn't he fired her at this point? For real. How's mother? Oh, she's fine. She died a little bit. You said it would be all right. Yeah, it makes her happy. What about you? What makes you happy? Jeez. She's bugging me. Yeah, she's really bright. Just work. It's enough. Is it? It's not. Jeffrey! Is that you? Jeffrey! Chris, that's going to be me when I move in with you and Jennifer. Chris! Did you enjoy your dinner? Yes. Dan! Dan! Did you? Dan, I need some coffee. I need something. I have a wife. Dan! Mother, you were never a cook. Another CEO. A dozen future polo shirts to the rescue. That's a crock. I have to say, this plot is all over the place. Take that, Moses. Do you know any other songs? Classic cloud-based cartoon violence. Okay, cartoon, please stay out of my spank bank. So the old man gave birth to a smaller old man? That's right, kids. They've been fucking. so so Yeah. Live on tape from friendly Minnesota, it's the Mid to Late Evening Show with Mary Jo Peel. Tonight, the child star of Manos the Hands of Fate, Jackie Naaman Jones. Mary Jo's next door neighbor, Ian. Musical guest, Dave Hill. Plus me, Chris Gersbeck and the Chris Gersbeck Orchestra. And now, the reason we're all in this mess, Mary Jo Peel. Oh my god, y'all are so sweet. Well, here we are. Twenty twenty five is underway. Hope it's off to a good start for you or a non eventful start in the best possible way. I personally Don't make New Year's resolutions, right? Right? Right? And Chris, you and I have talked about this. You don't make New Year's resolutions either, right? Jim and January married you. I know. No. Right. That's just embarrassing. Oh, for real. One billion percent. I know. I know. Katie, bar the door. Right? Yeah. But I will say this. I'm always trying to evolve better eating habits. I... talked a little bit about this on the show. There are some foods I just cannot have in the house because I just go crazy on them like some sort of wendigo only with chocolate. Yeah, some of you know what I'm talking about. I have found this though, and this might be useful to you as you start the new year. I have found that six or seven donuts first thing in the morning really curbs my appetite. Well, until breakfast, of course. I tease. I tease donuts. But did you know that scientific studies have found that sugar, as an addiction, is worse than heroin? Yes. Worse than heroin. So I'm going to transition to heroin and then ease off that. Oh, I tease. I tease heroin. Well, I will tell you this. My twenty twenty five got off to kind of a rocky start. I dropped my iPhone in the toilet. No, I know. I don't like telling you about it any more than you like hearing about it. It's so disgusting. That had never happened to me before. I'd never gotten a smartphone wet. And as I understand it, the thing you do is you put your phone in rice to dry it out. You would not believe how many bags of rice it took in the toilet to dry my phone out. But it worked. It was amazing. It worked and I got a nice side dish out of it. And I took it to a holiday potluck. It was really hard too. I didn't know that toilets were so heavy. Well now I know better and I've downloaded the iRice app. Oh, we are so happy you are here with us tonight. We're so happy to see everybody. We have a great show. Coming up for you, we get to say hi to Jackie Neiman Jones, artist, author, child star of Manos, The Hands of Fate. Yes, I love her, yeah. And, are you sitting down? Of course, of course. Brand new neighbor, Ian Perner. Ian Perner, brand new neighbor. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay, stay tuned. We'll be right back after this. Take it away, Chris. Your eyes have seen the answer. Your ears have heard the jokes. Now it's time to awaken another sense. The sense of smell. The Mary Jo Peel Egyptian Musk Candle. They've put you in the mood to laugh. Now, they'll put you in the mood for love. Let that fire burn bright. The Mary Jo Peel Egyptian Musk Candle. Shh. Don't just light your passion. Ignite it. We are back. I am so excited to introduce our next guest. You know her as Little Debbie, Debbie from Manos, The Hands of Fate. And she does a show on dumb industries, a painting art show on dumb industries. She's an author. And I am delighted to actually talk to her in person, Jackie Naiman Jones. hi mary jo hi jackie I feel like we could just really hang out I know that's why this is so weird and I was telling you before when we got started that I I'm a little nervous because we kind of go back and forth we have facebook interaction email interaction but now having a real conversation no I I feel the same way girlfriend who's your little friend oh this is shanka this is my little girl she's uh She's two years old, almost two and a half years old. Well, she's welcome to join the interview at any time, our chat, any time. I'm so curious about the space of time. You can start anywhere, but I'm so curious about the space of time when you shot the movie, and then it had a new life, right? And I'm guessing... It had a life. I mean, Mystery Science Theater gave it life. Wow. Okay. So, so what were you doing in that, in that meantime, before it, it, uh, had a life and, and you were going on with your life and, um, there was the premier and then what happened in that duration? Yeah. I mean, um, growing up, my family was very different than the other people in our neighborhood. We were the only non-Hispanic family in our neighborhood. And my dad was an actor at the local community theater. And people may not believe this, but I have a statuette of, he won best actor of the year in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in Okay, so Jackie, your life is going on. Does the movie ever come up along the way? Yes, I thought about it growing up. I thought about it a lot. And then, you know, my high school and early days were pre-internet and all that. Totally right. But we were still attached to the wallet with our phones. But I started in my early twenties, I started calling around to university libraries and just trying to find anything about it. And I couldn't find anything anywhere. And then Yeah, in nineteen ninety three, I think it was January when MST put it on and my dad was living in Lincoln City. I was still living in Lincoln City, Oregon. I was still in California. And he called me one day and says, you'll never believe what I just saw because he was an MST fan. He used to watch it. yeah no okay this is okay this is wild it's kind of blowing my mind because then I start thinking about how did that even cross the desk of mystery science theater and I know that at that time frank conniff was in charge of um getting screeners from Comedy Central. They would send them all these VHS. But where did Comedy Central get? I'm just thinking about something that obscure. It screened once. Well, no, I found out through the years that Manos, it made the rounds of the drive-in theaters. Yeah, okay. In Texas. And it was usually something like the third horror movie of the night. And I figured it was the one to get people to go home. Drive them away in droves. You gotta leave these people. Oh my gosh, yes. Then at what point did you see it and did you appreciate the MST treatment? What were your conversations with your dad about it? He loved it. But as soon as I got off the phone with him, I turned on my television because I knew it was on Comedy Central. And Comedy Central had their eight hundred number on the bottom right hand corner of their screen, as I recall. And I called that number, that eight hundred number. I was shaking. I was like, this is the closest I've ever been to it. And I still remember that call. This guy answered the phone like this is when real people answered numbers. And he identified himself as Matthew. He said he was, it was his day off. He just happened to be in the HBO offices that day. And, oh, isn't this weird? And I called, and he answered the phone. And I said, you just showed a movie I've been looking for my whole life. And my family was part of it. And is there any way I can get a copy? And he says, well, what was the name of it? And I told him, and then there's this long pause. And I remember I was just like shaking and I thought, oh shit, he hung up on me or we got disconnected. You know, I'm gonna have to call back. And I'm not a real forward person. So that first phone call was, kind of a push for me you know about things yeah and uh and suddenly blurts out he goes oh my god are you debbie I look at that one I'm like this is not real this can't be real no so totally yeah so he says of course so he uh he He made me a bootleg VHS right there. And he sent it to me. I've still got it here somewhere. That is amazing. So you go in your bedroom and you watch the MST treatment of it. What were you responding to? That A, it was being aired. B, we're ribbing it mercilessly, the whole thing. Do you remember how you were responding? Well, I mean, I was a Fireside Theater fan, so riffing, that You know, I got it. I had never watched Mystery Science Theater before that. But I just loved it. I was so just thrilled, thrilled that they had that it was out there in the world. I enjoyed it very much and have been very fortunate over the years to, to meet so many people. I got to meet Joel. And I got him to write the forward to my book, which I just felt just so honored that he did that. And talked to Frank. And when Dime Industries showed Manos a few years ago, and they got to see the restoration of it instead of the ugly version, the original version. Crazy, yeah. Even Frank, he says, well, now I kind of feel I have to apologize. It's not that bad a movie, you know. It's so wild that it went through a restoration process. It's just all the pieces are so mind-boggling when you step back and look at the big picture and how things come together and what this has meant for... your life and writing the book and having the dumb industry show and then doing the reboots, if you will, or the continuations of Manos, those projects. Jackie, it has been so much fun hanging out with you right now. When is your next painting with Jackie? The next one will be on February eighth, and we have a poll every month. And the poll just went out since we're pre-recording this, so I can't tell you which painting it is yet. But I give people four to six paintings that they can choose every month for their polls. We do a non-MST class, and then we do an MST class. Yeah, I've taken one class and I enjoyed it. I feel very self-conscious about my trying to be artful, but it was so much fun and you just have this great energy and I hope people will join you. Thank you so much for being here. Okay, the next time you're in the Twin Cities and the next time I'm in Oregon, I am going to buy you a coffee. I feel like we have a lot to oh we could we have a lot to visit about yes thank you so much thank you um thank you for having me mary jo I'm just I'm honored to be here with you oh my absolute pleasure bye bye Thoughts. We almost all occasionally have them. But what to do with them? Some say thoughts lead to actions. But who has the time anymore? That's where the Mary Jo Peel Warhol Can of Campbell's Soup Can Cult Robe Design by Colette Flowers Notebook can help. Each of your carefully crafted thoughts can live on in eternity in your Mary Jo Peel Warhol can of Campbell's soup can cult robe design by Colette Flowers. Notebook. forgotten, but not lost. And if you can't even begin to think about thinking about doing, then there is the Mary Jo Peel Warhol can of Campbell's soup can, cult robe design by Colette Flowers, hoodie. It's like a warm hug from your soulmate if they were made of cotton. Laziness, you're covered. There's also a mug, the Mary Jo, it's a mug. Welcome back. I am thrilled to announce our next guest. I know, yes. Yeah, no, I know. I know you all have been waiting for this. I am thrilled and delighted to introduce my next guest. My new neighbor, Ian Perner. Ian Perner, everybody. My new neighbor, my new neighbor. Hi, Ian, nice to see you. Nice to see you. I'm so glad you could make it. Oh, of course, of course. Yeah, how are you? I'm doing very well. Good, I'm glad to hear it, glad to hear it. So Ian, you've been my new neighbor for about six weeks, eight weeks? Yeah, yeah. Eight weeks, okay. What was it like meeting me the first time? A little terrifying, actually. Oh, really? Do tell. So, you know, we had like six people, you know, helping move in. We're in the corner of my house where our two houses kind of join in the hallway that I like to call the DMZ. Yes, we have, correct, throw in here wherever you want, but we have an unusual, not common living situation where it's... Virtually a side-by-side duplex. However, the property line goes straight down right the middle of a shared hallway that goes to either of our garages. Right. So the garages are side-by-side, hallway, property line, and then our units are on either side. So sorry to interrupt you. No, no, not at all. Yeah, we were standing kind of in the entry to the house, kind of standing in the DMZ, and I hear, I don't know if it was like a cough or a hello or something, and I just whip around, and Mary Jo Peel was standing behind me, and I'm like, oh, yes. You're my neighbor. And you have very weirdly direct access to my home. Yeah, yeah, because the doors face each other. So if we both open the door, I know it's happened with my roommate before. Yeah, we both opened the door. Like, hello! Yeah, yeah. So it was kind of intimidating at first, but I'm getting... I always love to hear that. I always love to have the upper hand. A little bit of intimidation. Do tell. Please tell me more. I think, changing gears here a little bit, I think, so you were over here the other night. I put out cheese and hummus and grapes for you. Yeah. And I think what, yeah, I see some people nodding. I think what people really want to know is, I sent some stuff home with you, and people really want to know when I'm going to get my Tupperware back. You know what's really funny? It's clean. It's clean and sitting on my counter. And I meant to bring it. I was going to make it a bit of bringing. I think you should go get it right now. Should I go grab it? Do you guys want me to go grab it? Oh, they do. Yeah, they do. I got a bad guy. This is found. This is not found. Oh, I'm sorry. Perhaps you've noticed. Okay, so I'm going to check that off my discussion list. Oh, good. We got that squared away. Ian, I had this idea for us. We should do a television show, or maybe it's a serial... competing wacky neighbors. Like, you and I get into this really weird... So it seems really funny at first, but then it starts getting ugly. It turns dark. Yeah, ugly. Like, no, I'm the wacky neighbor. I'm the wackiest neighbor. No, I'm the wacky neighbor. And then it just sort of escalates where it gets so... Like, do we do things to be the wacky neighbor? Yeah, because it's a competition. Oh, I see, I see. To each other. Do you see what I'm saying? Oh, yeah, yeah. But instead of the other person being the wacky one, we want to be the most wacky. Yeah. So my point of view would be like, dude, you are the straight man. I'm going to be the wacky neighbor. We both can't be the weird one. Right. So we try to outdo each other. Right. Just do weirder and weirder stuff. Like throwing all of our, like, we dry our underwear on the little thing over between the two. Yeah. weirder and weirder things and then it just I don't know the arc yet but it just escalates into this really like where is this going this is getting truly it turns into almost like sort of like a Jordan Peele sort of like There's the point of reference, yes. Yeah, it starts like it's kind of funny, but then all of a sudden you're just like, no, this is actually a psychological horror film. Yes, and playing on all the tropes of the wacky neighbor. Okay, this is my other show idea before we get on that. Okay, okay. we should give we should give neighbor reviews to all our neighbors like call them in for reviews like the guy across the street like with the flickery lights so far you're keeping up your lawn okay but we're a little concerned and I want to put you on a performance improvement plan giving out pips to everyone I don't know what happened I don't know what happens if we want to lay someone off, though. I don't know how we would go about doing that. We'll find a way. We'll find a way. Well, this has been a delight. Absolutely. Did you eat what I gave you? Yeah. Okay. Absolutely. It was cheese and grapes. How could I not eat those things? I was a little disappointed you weren't all over in my house. Ian Perner, everybody. Yes, Ian. Thank you. Thanks for being here, Ian. Absolutely. Good night, and we'll be right back after this. Greetings, children! Have you ever wanted to torment your toys in the hellfire of agony and defeat? Well, look no further, because there is a new Brother Ichabod doll coming this fall from hell! Don't think so. No eye contact. Crush all your foes under your feet before sending them off to their eternal doom! Yes, let's go. Stomp Iron Man into the dust. Throw Barbie onto a barbecue. The Brother Ichabod doll even comes with its very own shamien. A shamien. So you too can experience the joys of being a single parent of an estranged child. Don't break them down. It's time for your feed. The Brother Ichabod doll is available now at Little Demon Toys, Fires and Fun, Build-A-Ghoul Workshop, and Kmart. We love our Brother Ichabod. And we're back, and it gives me great pleasure to introduce our musical guest, Mr. Dave Hill. Oh. Hey, Mary Jo and Chris, to a lesser extent. And also the audience that you guys did violin or don't even get me started. Anyway, it's me, Dave from before, Dave Ho from Show Business. I'm sitting here, coming to you live from my office, playing my, what I believe to be the, goddammit, rarest guitar of all time. It's signed by Ronnie James Dio. and Ira Glass, host of This American Life. I believe it's the only acoustic guitar in the world. I quite like it. Anyway, it's one of my hit songs. Come on, come over, I wanna tell ya We'll make everything our fault And we'll watch all your shows So tell me you won't go till the morning comes Every little thing is gonna be alright Every little thing, but not tonight I forget to say this is every little thing by my band, Valley Lodge. From our first album. Whatever. I once met an escort, outside a divorce court, a good idea or so it seemed. She once was a doctor, in med school they mocked her, her baby would kill. My notes are hurt. You're so down, but so it seems How can you say you don't know what I mean? Have you been this way before? Lying on the floor like a casualty I went to a luncheon on sexual function They said it was all about the taint Well somehow I got scared cause I've never been there Well how could I be so wrong? Every little thing is gonna be alright Every little thing but not tonight Oops! Nailed it. All right. Here we go. Dave Hill, everyone. Thank you, Dave. And that is our show. Chris, won't you play us out? Oh, there we are. Are you there, Mary Jo? I am. Am I not? I don't see you. What? Hold on. Oh, wait. But I see you. Everyone else sees you. It's just me. Hold on. Let me refresh. This is so weird. I've never seen this happen. I'll be right back. There we go. It's all right. Oh, that was so much fun. Thank you everyone for joining us. Yeah. I hope you had fun to watch that. That was such a fun show to put together this past month. And we thank you guys for voting on it. It was a great idea, and it was fun to do. It was really fun to do, and thank you so much to our guests, Jackie Naiman-Jones, Ian Perner, your next-door neighbor, and Dave Hill, of course. And shout-out to Josh and Colette Flowers, who also contributed a lot. Yeah. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Seems like everyone enjoyed it. I was so nervous. I'm so glad. I hope so. It's one of those rare episodes where we kind of just watch you guys watch us in a weird way. Yeah. We were sitting backstage and just watching it play out, which I rarely, we rarely are able to do. You're always engineering it from your side, but I rarely am able to just, you know. Yeah, so thanks for watching live with us, everyone. And we just wanted to come out to do a couple of announcements. Oh, first off, we recorded much longer interviews with both Jackie and Ian. And we were thinking of putting extended versions of those interviews in the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse, which is our clubhouse for where we share everything. I don't know how else to describe it. We've got so many hours of content in the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse now. It's kind of crazy. We're coming up on four years of the show. And we do like three live streams a month. So you do the math. That's a ton. That's a ton of content. And then we've got, should we just announce like the dates we have coming up? Yeah, and we just thought the extended versions of the interviews, for anyone who's interested, we thought you might be interested, so they will be available to you. They're not like huge, like, you know, Will and Ariel Durant, the history of civilization long. They're just longer-ish, so. Yeah, yeah, it's... We were so fortunate that we were able to put a show like this together. And that was our lineup. And it was just so funny. And everyone was giving it their all. Yeah, and Dave Hill. It's so great, right? Loved him. If you're watching, Dave, thank you so much for that. And thank all of you guys for watching, of course. Yeah. as we mentioned, we do a few live streams every month outside of just the marriage appeal show. Uh, so coming up, well, I guess we should announce this first is that we usually do movie Joe night, the third Tuesday of every month, but we're not able to do that this month. So we're moving it to Friday, February, at eight PM Eastern. Um, we're going to do a poll. You guys are going to vote on what we're going to watch. That evening in just a little bit. But that'll be on Friday, February twenty first. And then. So mark your calendars. Yes. And then messaging that just to remind you. But just FYI for February. Yeah. And the next marriage appeals show is going to be on February twenty fifth. And we've decided Mary Jo and I both are super busy. So we're going to do an AMA episode on February twenty fifth. So that'll be the next episode of the Mary Jo Peel show. On the twenty fifth. Kind of an AUA, like ask us anything. Yes. We both have a lot going on in February and we just always love that kind of interaction with all y'all. Yeah, so that's going to be super fun. So come back for that. That'll be right here on Twitch and in the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse. And can I just add something? Sorry to interrupt you. No, go. When we did the focus group last summer, I think a couple of people in the focus group mentioned doing an ask anything sort of around my trajectory, my trajectory. And I just wanted to alert those kind folks. We'd love to have them on board to ask whatever they wanted to ask. Please. Yes. Yeah. And then we're going to do Chit Chat and Tidbits, which is our Clubhouse exclusive live stream. That'll be on Friday, February twenty eighth. So we're basically doing like a bunch of stuff at the end of February. Wow. Twenty first, twenty fifth and twenty eighth. So all within a week. We're going to get sick of each other. We're going to. I was talking about the audience. No, um, never. All right. Chit chat and tidbits, February, and, uh, all right, we got to do a poll right now. So for the next movie, Joe and I know you're just discussing. It's going to fall on Tuesday, or I'm sorry, Friday, February, and we have some options here. I'm going to put the link for this in the chat for everyone. Uh, pin it if you can. Oh, wow. Four, four options. You say went back to the archives and saw, you know, what, uh, What movies have we just kind of taken out of rotation? And so these are our options. We have Hurricane, which is a disaster movie with an exclamation point, so you know it's serious. Can I just say, I love the way you say hurricane. You say it like Frank does. It's the New York thing. Yeah. No, it's great because compared to Minnesota, hurricane, hurricane, hurricane. Yeah. That's funny. There's certain things that I say that trigger other people that I don't, obviously, I don't ever notice it, but Jen's always pointing out stuff because she grew up in New Mexico, so she thinks I talk like a total weirdo. Okay, so Hurricane, our first option. Our second option is Outrage, which is a movie starring Robert Culp. Does that have an exclamation point? How seriously should we take it if it doesn't have an exclamation point? Not serious enough, I guess, right? I mean, Robert Culp is in it, who's a great actor, but no exclamation point. I don't know. They were sick with punctuation by then, I guess. Although that came out before Hurricane, so I don't know. Punctuation was invented before that. And then this next option is Dr. Strange, which is a made for TV movie based on the Marvel character, Dr. Strange. Okay. I've never seen this. I've heard about it. Uh, you know, the new movies, Benedict Cumberbatch plays Dr. Strange. Benedict Cumberbatch is not in this movie. Oh, okay. Cause it, okay. Yeah. I wasn't tracking and I, he was probably a baby when that came out, but, uh, It's supposedly crazy. It's a crazy comic book movie from the seventies before they could really make comic book movies. And then our fourth option is just let Matt go wild. Our associate producer, Matt Riser, who is so good at finding the most bizarre content on the planet. Uh, we just let him put together like an hour of something. It could be a long TV episode. It could be a short movie. It could be any number. It could be a special. We haven't done like a variety special or anything yet. That's true. I would love to, if, if this goes to the vote or gets the vote, I would love to do a variety special, but I don't want to weigh in on Matt. Yeah. And we can't, you know, we have to maintain some level of, uh, We can't be involved with choosing. Right, right. Disinterest. Uninterest. So those are our four options. I put that link in the chat. it in there again and uh while you guys are getting your votes in what do you say we take a look at a recent unboxing video this was sent in to us uh for the marriage appeal show clubhouse secret santa we did a secret santa last month and so many people sent in unboxing videos of them opening up their secret santa presents and uh we didn't get to show this on the last chit chat and tidbits I wanted to show it now this is uh from jessica coyle Hi, it's Jessica Coyle from Albuquerque, New Mexico. And my Secret Santa went a little crazy. I couldn't believe it. I got four different little packages here. All right, let's see what we got. Ooh, this is adorable. I love the Muppet Christmas Carol. It's one of my absolute favorite movies. I'd watch it year round. So thank you for that. My next one here. Oh, they all just say Secret Santa. We'll have to see. Oh, that's so cute. It says, Indus Ferdius, and it's the Swedish chef. I will tell you, half my house is Muppet stuff. It can get a little scary sometimes. So thank you. I love it. And then I got a Dumb Industries package. Let's see what's in here. Oh. Oh. I don't know. It's still just saying Secret Santa on here. And I got the movie Joe Tote bag, which is awesome. In my house, we have a saying, we're lovely bear bearers and we're all about the tote life. For those of you who've seen that episode. So it will definitely live in a place of pride with my totes. And my last one here. I got a roller skate sticker. Ooh, and a little fortune. I'll have to read that later. Is there something else in here that maybe tells me who my Santa is? Oh, it just says, Happy Holidays from your Mary Jo Minion elf buddy, Pal Cryptid Santa. And I got, oh, that's awesome. It's a print of Kermit dressed as David Byrne from Talking Heads, one of my absolute favorite bands. So thank you so much for my loot. This is really awesome. Bye. Aw, Jessica. Oh, my God, the Kermit as David Byrne. Isn't that so cool? Yeah, Polly's. Jessica Coyle, the T-shirt she was wearing was actually, she created that design. It's the cold robe design, and you can still get that at dumb-industries.com. Thank you, Jessica. And a tip of the hat to Dina Dolphin for coordinating the massive undertaking of the Secret Santa and to everyone participating. So Jen participated too, as did I and you did as well. But Dina sent out thank you cards to everyone who participated. Are you serious? Put a little MST trading cards in there for everyone. Dina, I didn't even know that. I know. I was like, Dina, we're supposed to treat you to stuff for doing all this stuff. Thank you for your heart. Wow. Yeah, it was awesome. We're already talking about maybe doing Christmas in July in the clubhouse. So stay tuned for that. All right. Mary Jo, of these four options, what are you most hoping for? I'm kind of leaning toward Hurricane. Hurricane. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I don't think there's any wrong answer here, but... Yeah. All right, let's see. I'm going to hit show results, whatever's in the top spot. Dr. Strange. Okay. By only like ten votes. Oh, letting Matt go wild right behind it. Yeah, very close. Yeah. All right. Outrage by a short shot, long shot. No one's into the outrage. Yeah. I think it looks great, but... I do too, but fear not, it will circle back in a poll, so. Exactly, exactly. Anything else we need to go over? Yeah, I thought there was, but hang on. Oh, I know, I wanted to let you all know, just reiterate... The show that Bill Corbett and I are putting together at the Parkway Theater here in Minneapolis, May, we have a lineup and we're still thinking about if anyone in our audience is coming and there's a quorum or whatever, how we can do more things over the weekend or the ensuing days. So we're just putting that bug in your ear. And the lineup is Bill Corbett, myself, Kevin Murphy, Brandy Brown, Brian Miller and Ben Katzner and Shannon Custer and Eric Weber as a duo. And it's going to be a lot of them are local. Some of them are on Mary Mac. Yeah. Okay. How do you know Ben Katzner? I used to, I knew him when he was doing standup in New York. Does he live out in New York? Yes. He did my garage. Okay. That is wild. Yeah, and he's great. So there's the lineup right now. And keep us posted, or keep your pals posted if you're going to make it out this way. And Chris and I are going to come up with activities and add-ons. Add-on packages. We are crunching the numbers, trying to figure it all out. Yep. Yes, thank you. I flew right past that on the outline. Completely missed it. And when is that going to be again? That is Thursday, May fifteen. The wonderful Parkway Theater in Minneapolis. Nice. Are tickets already available? Not yet, but we're going to keep updating you accordingly. Stay tuned. We'll let you guys know more info ASAP. Also make sure you're on the Dumb Industries newsletter, dumb-industries.com slash newsletter. Oh, are we going to do the mystery gift bag raffle? Oh, by all means. Okay. Sorry, I forgot we were ending with that. Every month we do a giveaway for a mystery grab bag from Mary Jo Peele. And you put all kinds of great stuff in there. You like put a little care package together. It's awesome. And we'd also always, we love getting unboxing videos from you guys when you do these. So if you're watching this live, enter hashtag Mary Jo stuff and Mary Jo will send you some stuff. You know what? I'm going to enter. Do it. We'll save on shipping. What else you got for us, Chris, whilst we're waiting for the results of the poll? um not much I I really I'm so happy with how the episode came out tonight uh I wish I had a little more I kind of like ran out of time I wanted to do more stuff with the chris gersbeck orchestra like my goal was to actually have like four of me and like superimposing me in front of everything because I have like all the musical equipment I could I could have done it. But it's like I would have to get everything out of storage and bring it up here and film. And then my neighbors would have gotten freaked out. I want to validate your disappointment in not having more time. But I also want to tell you that it effing rocked. It was so fun. Those inserts and you jamming. You jamming like the kids do was fantastic. Thank you. It was so much fun. It was very fun. And I grew up watching Letterman and Conan. So those things in SNL, there's a lot of references we tossed in there to various. Yeah, all those beats. A few people in the chat were saying we should maybe just switch to the late night format. Like, that's just the show now. We're the mid to late evening show with Mary Jo. Wow. Well, yeah, I don't know. Yeah, we could. I mean, we could definitely do another late night episode. Yeah. I mean, I loved doing it. I loved talking to Ian and Jackie and the musical, all that. I loved the format because I too was steeped in them. Yeah. But from a different era. But okay, taking it under advisement. um okay it does look drift tracks makes a good point it looks like a lot more work it was a lot of work but yeah it's a lot of moving parts and pieces but I would hate to I love the feedback but I would hate to do that exclusively at the exclusion of uh y'all love the game shows y'all love the recipes exactly so um it's it was a great idea and I'm so glad we did it but it's it I want to put it into circulation yeah totally it's doable now that we've done the first one right so yeah um all right I'm gonna hit draw I'm gonna draw a winner here to be mary joe peel mary joe peel mary joe peel mary joe peel mary joe peel do you see your name at all oh oh close we came very close I did not see my name cycle through mary ellen mary ellen I believe is a big supporter of ours if it's the same mary ellen I'm thinking of yes indeed So thank you so much for watching for entering the contest today. And Oh, Emmy said she's still waiting on her movie. But I never got an address. So Oh, all right. Balls in your court, Emmy. Don't put that on MJ. Come on. Yeah, please. And shame me in front of our enormous live audience. See, I thought you hadn't sent it to her because she entered a contest when she shouldn't have. Oh, no. Truly, that never even occurred to me. I thought the discussion was we didn't know whether to eliminate her or not. Who cares? It's Candy. But I never got an address or a choice. Figure that out for me. Jay Poe got a note that his Candy's on the way. yeah I just shipped it today awesome and chris heard about my mail my up usps debacle oh yeah um thank you once again everyone for hanging out with us tonight It feels so short when all we do is the post shit. I feel like we've only been on for like, ten minutes. I know, because we watched the whole thing. So weird. Yeah. We can raid another channel. Let's see who is live right now. Oh, Riff Tracks is live. Let's raid Riff Tracks. Yay! Hurrah! And we will see you guys in February. Thank you so much. Yeah. Have a great rest of your week, everyone. Yeah. Thank you for being here. Bye.


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