Robot Monster! Robot Monster! Robot Monster!

Torgo is at it again. I'm a bit slow on a number of things this week... or maybe I've just added more to my list. I think it is the random teases of Springtime causing me to pile more on.  

We had a really great painting class on Saturday. I really love how my own painting turned out, and I am fascinated by the wide range of trees and pathway everyone created. Each one so great and so very different from one another. Over the years of teaching art, I think trees reflect something about the interpretation each person brings to their piece. It is almost like a relection of something within themselves, or maybe something about where they are in that moment. Some are willowy and reaching openly to the sky. Some are solid, rooted and of a wisened nature. I encourage you to look at yours to see if you recognize a part of yourself there. 

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Torgo Tuesday… on a Wednesday!


Bottle Art!