Super Dumb Bros. Play The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Part One)

Matt has returned from the dead and is back for an all-new Super Dumb Bros. as he re-enters the world of Hyrule for another adventure through The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword! Part one of a two-part playthrough. Plus: a round of Tee KO that explicitly bans penises.


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Plus, the exciting special two-part miniseries, Super Gold, with a bonus special guest appearance by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Grab the excitement, the thrill, the intrigue of Saban's Masked Rider on home video. Next Saturday. Come on! From the creators of the Star Wars saga. The bold adventure of courage and daring. Mace, we're lost! Where heroes become legends. And the only thing you can be sure of is magic. Lucasfilm presents Ewok Adventure next Saturday. Introducing new Fruitomic Punch Gushers! With a taste that's gonna drive you fruity! It's very, very different! And totally appealing! It's new Fruitomic Punch Gushers! The fruit snack bursting the juicy fruit punch in the middle! So fruity, they'll really turn your head! Whoa, I'll say! New Fruitomic Punch Gushers! The blast of fruit punch is gonna drive you totally fruity! Man, I gotta split! I'm excited DJ Humberbund When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you. When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you. If I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you. If I heaver, yeah I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who's heavering to you. But I would walk by. Five hundred miles and I would walk five hundred more Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you And when the money comes in for the work I do I'll pass almost every penny on to you Shake, shake, shake, Senora, shake your body line. Shake, shake, shake, Senora, shake it all the time. Work, work, work, Senora, work your body line. Work, work, work, Senora, work it all the time. But I would walk five hundred miles and I would walk five hundred more just to be the man who walks a thousand miles to fall down and shoot two. When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you And when I'm dreaming, well I know I'm gonna dream I'm gonna dream about the time when I'm with you Woo! Yeah! Once you've had Invisible, you'll never go back, baby. It's not a helmet, it's a slow cooker. Wouldn't the theremin at least make you turn around? Want to go out for breakfast? Let's not forget he's still nude under there. Don't come near me. If he were a male comedian, she should be worried. I'm warning you, don't come near me. Rock beats scissor. Oh no, he's going to start crafting. Hello, my baby. Hello, my darling. Hello, my ragtime gal. He's tapping out, get me some pants. Coming soon to Weird and Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs. There's a man who makes the hunters tremble when they meet him. They call him Silence. Because after he passed away, there is only silence left. Who is that spiritist guy with the hat, like a priest with a sword? Tigranes. One who is better lost than found. Form around people like Jeffrey Dahmer drives this one. I had this idiot out there that cut right in front of me this morning. Nobody seems to care that you're driving a school bus. And for sure, different attitudes form around things like the driving job itself. That bus they gave me this morning. Steers like a truck and the clutch is bad. Not my fault if the kids got a jerky ride. Not my fault if all the kids died. If you kids don't shut up right now, I'm gonna close all the windows and turn up the heater. When you guys choose the paintings, they always seem to fit. We're coming into some difficult times, I think, and I'd like to think that the guy in office right now just pissed off a whole lot of people. To me, I don't know, it just kind of feels... a little bit empowering in a time when I don't feel like I have much control over much of anything at the moment. So I have control over this. I can do this. My deceased has been quite Queen Elizabeth. You know, that's funny you said that, because when I was painting her the first time, I was thinking the same thing. She looked kind of queenly. majestic you know oh gracious jessica walton I love that he's still in the cape, the giant heavy cape. take off the ring there it is the ring fine it won't come off nobody expects the ironside inquisition Yeah, watching him walk around and do nothing is so much more interesting than seeing the killings by the monster. Will he walk into another room? Or stay in this room? Oh my god, the suspense is killing me! Aye, aye, aye. I've got his cataracts. Oh, damn, marriage agrees with me. Oh, now I can't do the Harpo Groucho theater scene. Well, that was a productive afternoon. This is like a real estate video. My dinner with Andre didn't have this many indoor scenes. What up, what up? Oh, you're on mute, Matt. First I was on mute, then you were on mute. No, you're still on mute, and I'm not on mute. Unless no one can hear me right now, which is very much possible. What's the chat say? Can you guys hear either of us? Okay, how about now? There we go. I knew something weird would happen because this is the first time I've set up both my Switch and me at the same time. And I knew that there would be at least one weird thing to happen. But usually once you iron out one weird thing, it's good for a while. So let's hope and pray there. Hopefully. Hopefully. Well, hope and pray. Hopes and prayers. Hi, everybody. How's it going? Happy Monday. We all made it. We all survived another one. We all made it. Matt, you're alive. I'm alive, yeah. You missed last week's show, first time you've ever missed... I wouldn't say I've been missing it, Bob. No, yeah, it was the first one of these that you did solo. I kind of popped in the chat every once in a while, but yeah, I was undergoing, without getting too graphic, some preparation for a procedure, so I was offline. And since then, I have been through said procedure, and I am fine, and I am alive, and everything looks good, so... So anybody who's been curious about any of those things, that's what's going on there. But most importantly, I am back to keep playing dumb video games with all of you. That's the most important thing, Matt. To do impressions of Gollum singing songs by Brooks and Dunn, you know? I'm I'm concerned now because big rig blues asks are matt and chris going to talk or are they just messing with us like I'm scared that we're all on mute and now the chat is messing with us to try to convince us that they can't hear oh my god that would be so great if the entire chat could gaslight us into thinking that we weren't being heard even if it could happen oh okay he was just messing with us Matt, your ass is fine, David Pinkston says. Thank you, David. It's much appreciated. My ass is fine in numerous ways, it turns out, after this week. DM me for pics. That's what your OnlyFans is for, Matt. We discussed this. That's what the Dumb Industries OnlyFans is going to be for. It's going to be pictures of that and then pictures of my feet in sandals. That's going to be... That is pretty hot. We should put our tax returns on there, too. Ooh, yeah. That's naughty. That's not a good idea. Anyway. Anyway, that's all to say, Chris spent several weeks playing through Grand Theft Auto, and that was sort of a neat experiment. You play in one game just for a long while, so now I'm going to play a little bit more of a video game that I started playing back in June of last year. We did an entire special broadcast... to start playing Skyward Sword. I had it... I had this, like, I don't know, thought in my head that I wanted to play through all the Zelda games in the official Zelda timeline order. There is an official Zelda timeline, which I can talk about more in detail over the stream if you would like to hear how depressing it is that I know all of this and I'm like a thirty-four year old man. But there is an entire timeline that begins with this game. This is the very first game, so that's why I thought it would be fun to do this and it sets up stuff and as we discovered during our last broadcast it's very wordy we got all the exposition parts of the way during that broadcast I think someone someone in the discord server actually referred tonight uh tonight as matt story time with matt Yeah, we got most of that out of the way. This is one of the more very on-the-rails Zelda games. For those of you that don't know or haven't already intuited, I love The Legend of Zelda games. I've played most of them, beat a lot of them, not all of them, but... But yeah, I've played enough of them to know what's good and what's not good. And this one is an okay game. It's very okay. We're going to have to set up because I got the Wind Waker remaster on my Wii U going. Maybe we can do that for a couple weeks sometime too. That would be tight. I haven't seen the Wind Waker remaster. I played the original one for the GameCube. That would be fun to just play that for a few weeks together. That would be awesome. You could see all that stuff. Zelda's a fun game to kind of play with two people because there's one person who can kind of be like no go over there like the thing is over there like or googling answers like you that's you and then I'm the guy who's just wandering around aimlessly like wait what yeah if you'd like a preview of what that'll be like go look up our stream where we played Ocarina of Time together oh that's right and I was like yeah you set that on fire and then you light that torch and that torch and you're like how do you know that I'm like how do you not it's all just right there these games are intuitive if you grew up with them otherwise I think uh they're just they have to dumb it down like I feel like wind waker was dumbed down for people like me so that you could just play it and have fun it does feel like a more like it's weird to the sort of uh sort of uh tone that these things breadth because you know the newer zelda game uh tears of the kingdom is a very adult very dark kind of game and then when waker like you just talked about feels like very all ages and Yeah, Mac, get a little closer to your mic. Oh, I'm sorry. You also can't, it's covering like your entire face. Oh, do I need to move my thing out of the way? I think you just got to get closer to it. You just got to get closer. Okay. Ever since I've changed out office chairs, I got a new office chair and the wheels on this one are better. And I'll just start like Dr. Evil-ing my way away from the thing, you know? I would sit down and just... That's me all the time because I live on Park Slope and they mean slope here. It is quite a slope I live I live in the Batman sixty-six TV show where everything is just slightly angled all the time Anyway, Matt Matt is gonna be playing Matt's gonna be playing tonight's game I'm gonna be checking out the chat and just want to remind folks before we get going you can watch tonight's program completely ad-free over at dumb industry stock slash super dumb bros join the free super club get rid of twitch ads don't pay a dime yeah and if you'd like to send in a donation a donation of any dollar amount will yield you a shout out in the form of one of our patented terrible impressions or you can ask us a question you could put a little note there when you when you when you send in a donation We already have our first donation of the night. Oh, nice. Very cool. Thank you so much. So, yes, you can ask us a question. You can challenge us to an impression. You can put nothing in and we'll just go wild. But you can. Those are always fun. You can always kind of gauge where I'm at mental health wise with how weird the impressions get. It's like a real Rorschach test into your head. So this first one comes from our good friend, Charlotte Greenwell. Charlotte, thank you. Charlotte is an amazing artist as well. I want to show you, we had a class on Saturday with Jackie Naiman Jones. We all paint, we watched the green slime and then we painted the green slime. It was really groovy. Great movie, great paintings, great jobs, everyone. This was Charlotte's here. This is called Slime Freakout. that is awesome right look at him he's just boogieing because there's a theme song on the green slime and it's like funky slime gets funky in that movie um but we had some oh whoops wrong brand it ain't thursday it's monday there we go um thank you charlotte is so cool and thank you yes thank you thank you uh how should we thank charlotte Oh, there's nothing in there? No. No. No. You go first. All right. Well, Charlotte, it's Don Knotts. I'm a little confused here because usually you donate on Thursday, but it's Monday. Well, we appreciate it either way. I'm Don Knotts. Bye. Remember when Don Knotts was in that movie Pleasantville? Have you ever seen that movie? I have seen Pleasantville. Was he in that? He's in it. He's the TV repairman. Oh, yeah. And he basically displays Don Knotts if he was a TV repairman. It's a great movie, actually. Yeah, that movie rocks. All right. I don't know. I'm completely blanking over here. I'm sorry. Why don't you start playing? I'm having a rough Monday back. Give me a second. Let my mental health, mental illness juices get a flow, and then I'll cook up something good for you, Charlotte. Turn off your echo cancellation. There we go. All righty. Matt, are you still with us? I think we lost you, Matt. And I gotta turn that music off. Turn it off. Turn that music off. Turn it off. Off. Off. Don't turn Matt's mic off. Turn it off. Off. Off. I can't hear Matt anymore. Take it off. Off. Off. I just saw De La Soul a couple weeks ago, a few weeks ago, at Lincoln Center. Been listening to a lot of De La Soul the past few weeks. Oh, well now Matt's game is coming in super clear. We can't see him, but man, look at that resolution on the game. Here he is. Okay, I don't know what keeps happening. Can you hear me now? Yes. Okay, good. Anytime, like, yeah, like you bring up the two stream yards, something funky happens. Sorry, everybody. Anyway, you're getting a nice little fill-in on the backstory of this one is Basically the backstory of this one is that Link and Zelda are the member of a group of people who live in the sky and ride around big terrifying birds. And one day Link rides the terrifying- he wins a terrifying bird contest and he gets to kiss Princess Zelda and they're hanging out. And she falls into a tornado or something hits her or something. So she goes missing beneath the clouds and Link becomes the very first person to ever go beneath the cloud barrier in his generation of people. And that's basically where we leave off in the game is you're looking for Zelda who has been either knocked to the ground or taken captive by something. Got it. That pretty much catches us up to speed, I think. These games are pretty basic, but this one tries to get this one tries to go like super deep with the story. It tries to be like a Final Fantasy game almost where it's like nobody cares about the story that much. Anyway, Mike, we got it. Mike, I almost called you Mike. Matt, we need to get you a new fan or something. do I need to turn my thing around? I don't know. Well, it's like if I put the reduced background noise on, it takes out like the droney sound, but then whenever you've talked, you can kind of hear the air. I can just turn it off. It's, it just gets hot in here with all the stuff over in this corner. Um, Or I could just turn it on low maybe. Maybe that's the... Maybe that's better. Maybe that's the happy medium. I cannot emphasize how poor the ventilation is in here. The fact that it looks awesome is a side effect. Okay. Skyward Sword. I don't know why it's blurry like this. It's only blurry on this one screen, though. Everything else looks like super crisp. Yeah. It's weird. Let me try to refresh just this. I'm sorry, everybody. No, I don't think it's that. I think it's go past this screen. Let's see what happens. Okay. Oh, yes. It's a little clearer now. It's a little better. Now it's fine. Okay. Now it's fine. That was so weird. That was so weird. What was that? Hey. Hey, what was going on? What was happening there? Maybe it was like a legal thing. They couldn't have the title screen in HD, even though it said HD, it was like some weird stipulation. It doesn't meet the legal requirement for high definition or some weird garbage. So now Lonk, this is the game you played a few years ago, or a few months ago. Yes, this is, as you recall, that broadcast was on, yes, June eighteenth, and that is when I stopped playing this. So this is literally picking up from where we left off. Sweet. let's do this and as we come across story elements uh that reference older things I will try to explain technical difficulties are kind of our charm but um this is the chill stream we're just hanging out and playing stuff I don't think we're that I don't mean we're no worse than any other stream um I usually figure it out okay let me try and remember what the fuck I'm doing uh language matt um I I did see someone mention uh earlier maybe I don't ask um uh objective someone mentioned if the pre-show started five minutes earlier than the live show would start on time but um That's intentional. I hope everyone knows. We always start five minutes late. Have you ever been to a live comedy thing or whatever? That's the policy. At QED, you always started ten minutes after the posted starting time. Okay, it's on display, but she is currently in motion. You must expedite your search for her. Zelda is likely to be perceived as a conspicuous character in these woods. Confirm with local lifeforms to see if they know her whereabouts. Current session point in time. Okay, I don't care then. Alright, let me try and remember. Because this one has kind of awkward controls because this was a Wii U game and they ported all the motion controls over to Switch controls and it's... Oh, so was the remaster originally for Wii U? The original was for Wii U and this is the remaster for Switch. Matt, we have our second donation of the night here from the great Claudia Burton. Thank you, Claudia. Claudia, thank you. Oh my gosh, I still need to think of something for Charlotte. Oh my god, I'm having... Well, Claudia has... This is what she says in the notes. It's the thirty-fifth anniversary of the day Dale Cooper drove into Twin Peaks, so we need a David Lynch impression. Did you know that? That that's today? I think I saw some posts this morning. I think Inga texted me about that earlier. That's funny. Uh... Yeah, you do a David Lynch shout-out. I'll do a David Lynch, yes. Claudia! Thank you for reminding me that today is the day Dale Cooper entered Twin Peaks. I remember writing that script very well. I was sitting in a Bob's Big Boy with a notebook, and Laura Dern was sitting across from me, and she dropped one of her earrings into her ketchup, and I said, Stand still! I have an idea! that I sketched in my notebook for quite some time. And I drew Dale Cooper. I didn't know who he was, but I decided to put him in a show called Twin Peaks. Don't ask why. It just happened. Thank you, Claudia. Uh... okay so I really wonder what my neighbor thinks of it because prior to um me moving my office in here I was in another part of the apartment there's no way any neighbor could hear me unless they were like you know putting their ear on the floor or something yeah uh but now I'm like I'm right next to my neighbor's living room Anyway, here is your song worked into the tune of the song Mickey by Tony Basil as sung by one Randy Newman, Claudia. Oh, Claudia, you so fine, you so fine, you blow my mind. Hey, Claudia. Claudia. Hey, Claudia, what a pity. Randy don't understand when you take it by the heart, when you take it by the hand. Oh my god, that just reminded me. Thank you so much, Claudia. That was an impression that did better in my head, and then I did it out loud, and it kind of just made less sense as I did it sometimes. You just reminded me, I was in Trader Joe's doing some grocery shopping. Very nice. And they always play good music in there. And it's funny, because I always go in there listening to my own music, but then there's no service in the basement. It's a basement Trader Joe's. Oh. But by the time I get down there, it's like, I got to listen to Trader Joe's music. And they always have really cool music. I want to find out who's making the playlist in there. But they had the song from Mulholland Drive that's singing the first time the director sees Naomi Watts' character. It's like, Sixteen Reasons Why I Love You or something. oh yeah I don't know if it's I don't know if that was written specifically for that movie or if it's just an old song but it's it's so good and the scene that it's in in the movie is like one of my favorite scenes ever yeah you have just inspired me uh because uh claudia was saying it was twin peaks day uh I could do uh here's tiny tim singing uh what's that song from blue velvet in dreams you know yeah This can also be, this is a combination, I'm getting really fast and loose with the donations tonight. This is a combination. Charlotte and Claudia, a shout out. This is Tiny Tim's rendition of In Dreams by Roy Orbison. A candy color clown they call the sad man tiptoes through my room every night. just a sprinkle stardust and he whispers go to sleep everything is all right I don't know if I can do the whole thing uh I hope that was good that was good I wonder whose neighbors bleeding to hate us more do you think my neighbor hates me more or like just like a pure level of like hatred one to ten yeah I hate me more or do they hate matt more matt does ichabod I mean that's that's intense that's that's pretty rough but I I do that very uh occasionally and sparingly uh Whoa, it got blurry again. That's weird. Okay. Now it's crisp. What the heck? Now that I think that I have done Tiny Tim, I think I feel warmed up. I feel like I was kind of out of it. You take a week off from doing this, you get kind of rusty, and I feel like I need to... I'm back in the groove. Okay, so I was following a little critter around, and now I need to find the little critter again. Find that little critter. Because this little critter may know what happened to Princess Zelda. The blurriness almost looks like intentional. It's very strange. Yeah. I don't know if it would be better if I refreshed or no, no, no. I think it's like the game even like, well, you're, are you playing on your, you're just playing directly in stream yard, right? Yeah. I've got a, yeah. I plugged into my video card and I've got that. Yeah. The video out, but are you using a monitor? uh I'm just I'm just playing straight off the stream yard window now it looks fine it's just it's like odd but it's totally cool oh here we go why do these things always exist in zelda like they're hidden little guys who are just hanging out because these are games are all about exploring and finding little nooks and crannies and getting all the stuff and have you ever one hundred percented a zelda game I have ninety nine point ninety something percented Tears of the Kingdom. If I just found a couple more of the Korok seeds, I would have one hundred percent of it. So now how do you do that? You just look it up? uh pretty much yeah uh a lot of them you can find just by running around but then yeah you get to a certain point where that map is so massive and there are so many of those seeds and you get to where there's like only you know nineteen left or something which is where I was and uh and yeah and I'm like so maxed out on power I can just routinely play at the end of the game for fun and beat it like it's no big deal and it's you know reset speed right before and then I can amazing it's uh so yeah tears of the kingdom I got my money's worth out of that one I put a lot of time into that and I haven't really picked it up since jay poe completed one hundred percent of the original legend of zelda there we go um someone asked what the co-op game blue eyed lady asked what the co-op game is We're going to put it to a vote again. I've been liking just leaving it to you guys to figure out. We don't like making decisions. If we can just outsource that. Sometimes people are in a different mood. It seems like a group thing. People either all want to play a game or they're not in the mood for it. I just put that link in the chat. Everyone can start voting. We'll take a look at it in a little bit. And we're caught up on donations, right? Oh, we have one more here. Oh, nice. How about this? From Spyrocythe. Oh, thank you, Spyrocythe. Thank you. Spyrocythe says, this is a stretch, but how about Barney Fife rapping, rest in peace to the game because I'm fresh to the death. Rest in peace to the game. Tell them kill they self. From Sugarfinger by Lil Wayne. You know, that timeless gem that everyone knows. I don't know that, but I can just be Barney Fife and just pretend like I'm rapping. Just look up the lyrics to it and then just read it without knowing anything about it. That could also be funny. Barney Fife rapping. Rest in peace to the game, cause I'm fresh to the death. Rest in peace to the game, tell them to kill they self. Word. Rest in peace to the game, cause I'm fresh to the death. Michael McDonald is resting in peace. I'm now a rap guy. Thank you, Spyro Scythe. We look forward to your latest nightmare meme, right? Spyro Scythe's the one that does the meme, right? Yes. I'm sure Barney Fife will make an appearance. Anyway, so I'm talking to this giant testicle, as you can see, and it seems to know where Princess Zelda may be located. A pack of these mean red guys were after her, but she escaped with the Kikwi Elder. Today is Abe Vigoda's birthday. How old is he now? Three thousand. He's been dead for a little bit now, but not as long as you would think. Only for a little bit, though. Not as long as you would think. Oh, wow. He died in twenty sixteen. January twenty sixteen. So he got out at a good time. Like he didn't have to see David Bowie die or Prince die or Trump get elected. But when did he die? January twenty sixteen at the age of ninety. It doesn't say the specific day. I was about to say, did he did he see the Capitol get stormed? Was was Ava go to. That's what I'm saying. January, twenty six, twenty sixteen. So, OK. OK, so that was right after that. No, Matt, that happened in twenty twenty one. What are you talking about? What I'm having dementia on the stream. That's what's happening. I think I'm saying he died before before. OK, before David Bowie died, before Prince died, before Trump got elected. Now I've had a complete stroke. You were talking about for twenty twenty for some reason. Wait for twenty. Who said anything about four twenty? yeah I'm great uh you're kind of like now you're I feel like now your camera is blurring out a little bit oh yeah I noticed that too uh oh I know what it is I know what it is oh is there some it's your continuity camera um it's on for both your switch and you that's why it's doing that hang on is there a way I can turn this off or did you already I can't turn it off. You have to do it on your end. Oh, my God. This is a nightmare. Oh, yeah. I had portrait mode turned on. That was probably what was causing everything to happen. There you go. Look at that. Nice and crispy. And you're nice and crisp again. A nice crispy boy. A nice little crispy boy. Okay. So I've got to locate the elder now, I believe is what's happening. I have no idea what the hell's going on uh anyway I hope everybody's monday has been good uh anything interesting popped up no in the news or I mean I mean just like you know just talking about whatever uh Yeah, I'm trying to think about what went down in Dumb Industries territory last week. Usually we talk about that on the Mystery Hour. But we had a really fun class, as I said earlier. Green Slime. Oh, yeah. And we had a little dance party at one point. It was awesome. Oh, Danny says, loving the love for TKO right now in the poll. All right, so TKO is currently in the lead, apparently. Oh, that's the shirt one? Yeah. That's a really fun one. I really enjoy doing that one. Oh, yeah, Doctor Strange on Friday. That was pretty great. Doctor Strange was definitely something. It's Parasites. I you know what it was not that bad and I know a lot of people said that but then I think a lot of people are also just talking about how boring it was and yeah it was pretty boring but it wasn't like terrible It was kind of slow. It was kind of hard. I tried to turn it down and fast forward some parts of it, but there was, you know, some of it's just kind of like slow and trippy and it's fun, you know, like when he's spiraling in the giant kaleidoscope at one point and it goes on for nine hours. I mean, that's like, that's my favorite scene. And, you know, the twenty sixteen Doctor Strange is when he's like flying through space and They show a giant hand, and then the hand grows hands, and it's so cool. People like the trippy stuff. That's what's fun about Doctor Strange. I really like the Doctor Strange movies, both of them. I know a lot of people shat on Multiverse of Madness, but... It doesn't feel very Sam Raimi-ish, but it's, you know... I thought it definitely had some Sam Raimi elements. Okay, how do I talk to this fucking giant nutsack? Hey, nutsack. Psychedelic fun. Oh, do I have to like... Hey, I gotta talk to you, you nutsack. David Pinkston, yeah. Some of the gross murders were very samurai. They also kind of had like a... some makeup that looked very much like you know evil dead makeup yeah oh yeah the I mean there are definitely scenes that feel sam raimi-ish but overall it's got that you know sort of marvel same equality where you know at certain points it all goes cg and you're like this wait sam raymond isn't it big rig blue says sam or uh bruce campbell is in it I don't remember him being in it didn't he show up in like a post credits thing or something no or maybe I'm thinking of the third Spider-Man all these movies blur together in my brain now yeah the Bruce Campbell's in all the original Spider-Man movies like different roles in each one but he's in all three of them but I don't remember yeah I don't remember the post credits sequence for Doctor Strange I think Thor was in it and he's like drinking beer yeah Well, there was like one post. I think Bruce Campbell is in one because, you know, one of the post-credits scene, like Charlize Theron pops up. Oh, right, right, right. And he gets like the weird third eye and it's supposed to be like a big deal. And then the next post-credits scene, he has his third eye and he's just walking around casually. And Bruce Campbell owns like a hot dog truck or something stupid. Oh, that's right. That's right. That's right. I forgot all about that. This thing kind of looks like Wilford Brimley. It does. Hello, I'd like to talk to you about diabetes. To be fair, if you put that mustache on pretty much anyone, they look like Wilford Brimley. Wilford Brimley looks like a president from the Civil War. It's kind of amazing. He lived as long as he did. Wilford Brimley was something like he was like thirty six when he was in Cocoon. Now he wasn't that young, but he was really young. He was like forty something. He wasn't that old. I was amazed to find out that Doctor Strange in that movie is thirty three. He says at one point and I'm thirty three. And then I saw someone in the discord post that he was like twenty eight when he made that actor. Yeah, like people just looked older back then. That's like every time I look at pictures of I love Jim Croce, the the musician, but like every picture of him, he looks like he's forty seven years old and I think he died before before he was thirty. I want to say people just looked older back then. It was. Yeah. It was a... I don't know how much of that is style and how much of that is just, you know, the air was full of lead from your gasoline and everybody smoked around you your whole life. Let's see. Cocoon came out in... Nineteen eighty-five. Wilford Brimley was born in... Nineteen thirty-four. He was fifty-one in Cocoon. I mean, I'm forty-one, so he's only ten years older than I am. And they're like, you're in a nursing home. You're so old. He did look old back then, though. That's like when you look at him in The Thing. He looks super old in that movie, and then he just looked like that forever. Oh, right. He was in The Thing. He's been in a lot of good movies. I feel much better now, and I want to come back. He's been in a lot of good stuff. You ever seen Hard Target, the Jean-Claude Van Damme movie? Is that the one where he has the mullet? I mean, yes, there's several where he has the mullet. But yeah, he has like... It's not just a mullet. It's like... Like the wettest mullet you've ever seen? It's got a life of its own. Yeah. I think I know what one you're talking about. Great movie. John Woo directed it. I think one of his first American movies. You know, before he did like Face Off and all those movies. The best John Woo movie is Mission Impossible II if you've never seen it. It's an amazing film that I love that I got to see in theaters as a thirteen year old. I've seen every Mission Impossible movie in the theater. I saw a couple of them. Now that they've become more regular again, I've missed a few. Really? They come out once every five years. But there was a good gap between the third one and when they started doing them again. When they got good... I don't know. I really like Mission Impossible three. That one's... I mean, I like all of them. They all have good qualities. Yes, even three. Three is great. The first one, I think, is the least watchable, but it's a very... The first one? I've come to appreciate it more as I got older. I like the first one a lot, yeah. But when I was younger, I was like, there's not people flying off of motorcycles at each other in this one. Okay, I've got to find these little twerps, and I... It is kind of crazy how Tom Cruise, it's like, I remember even like when Fallout came out, Mission Impossible Fallout, which is almost like ten years ago. Or Rogue Nation, maybe. Everyone was saying like, I don't know, Tom Cruise is starting to look a little old. And now it's ten years later and he looks exactly the same. Okay, there's a guy up here. I gotta figure out how to get up here. Master Toriko has only seen the first one, but watched the TV show all the time is good. TV show is pretty great. Shade is forty-eight and looks thirty-eight. Um... Yeah, Shade, I've seen pictures of you. You do look younger than thirty-eight. I'm forty-one and I look forty-one. I am nearly thirty-four and I look ready to die. Fifty. Matt, remember when that lady at the party we were at told me that... Well, first she said I looked like George Clooney if he was poor. Yeah. She specified if I had no money. She said, you look like George Clooney if he had no money. I mean, I have no money, but... I don't know how, like, I don't know if she kept repeating it too, which was weird. Like it was like, she didn't just say it once. She would like, and she would ask various people like, doesn't he look like, you know, you're like, then I told her how old I was and she was like shocked. Cause she said that I looked much younger, but at the same time, I look like I have no money according to her. You're a poor ten. Which is like a rich six or something. J-Po, was she drunk? I don't think so. No. It was kind of early in the day. It's like four or five o'clock. That was such a weird night. I also, I mean, I don't think I look anything like George Clooney, so I don't know where that came from. I mean I was wearing a shirt I think she was trying to mack on you it was what was going on and then but she was also she was married and I believe I mentioned several times I referred to jen as my wife you would be surprised what doesn't stop people uh where are these little guys oh we just got raided Party of five. Party of five. I love that show. Literally a party of five. Thank you, Fancy Grimm. Scott Wolf and Lacey Chabert and Nev Campbell are all here. Lacey Chabert, yes. Lacey Chabert and, wait, did you already say Matthew Fox? Who else? Scott Wolf. Scott Wolf and Nev Campbell, right? Oh, Nev Campbell. So, wait, who was the fifth? The baby? The little baby? Yeah. I guess the little baby. The little babin. Well, all five of them are here tonight. Thank you so much for raiding Party of Five. Maybe they're swingers. That's a possibility, Wise Twin Sailor. Swinging raiders. Ooh. Raiding swingers. That's like the Drake meme. It's like swinging raiders. Nah. Raiding swingers. Mm-hmm. OK, let me go ahead and save real fast. I got trying to get just these controls down. This is this is like the weirdest game to just like drop in on. And I'm just trying to get oriented again to like what I'm doing and everything here. Guys, if you haven't yet voted on. What our co-op game is going to be? We pinned that to the chats. We're going to start those games in about, I don't know, fifteen, twenty minutes. Something like that. Yeah. Oh, Danny says, I think the swingers comment was about the George Clooney married lady. Oh, yeah. Could have been. I don't know. I don't know. That was such a weird night because, yeah, and then we all like took the train back. And at one point it was just like me and like Dave Hill and this girl. And I'm like, what's going on? yeah Dave told me that was like really weird too he's like you just left me alone with that Mac guy nah he didn't say anything I just talked to him about witch taint stuff Devo have you done it takes two like the Ashley the Olsen twin Olsen twin movie with isn't like Ted Danson in that Maybe they made a game based on that. Maybe that's what Devo's referring to. Oh, it's a co-op game. No, we have not sent it to me. Can we play it? I want to play it. From the makers of A Way Out. I'm not familiar with A Way Out. Oh, shoot. I literally can't. I've got to find all these little guys. Oh, my God. I'm remembering how much I hate this game. Isn't it weird how, like, in all these fantasy universes, like, the flute still exists? What, like the flute you said? The flute, yeah. You always hear the flute in these fantasy stories. It's like, what? Why the flute? If anything, there should be percussion in every game. That feels more for every fantasy universe. Anyone see the trailer for Andor season two? Oh yeah, you were telling me about that. I mean, it looks great. I just question the choice of music they use from the trailer because it's just like a straight up like a pop song or something. Not a pop song, but like it's like a rock song. And they've never done that before. I feel like, you know, you don't have to go the John Williams route necessarily, but Mandalorian kind of struck a good balance of being a little more electronic and modern and And the score for Andor was like that too, but I don't know. People in the chat, sound off if you know how I can talk to this little guy. I need to talk to him. I don't know how to. Does anyone know how to talk to a little guy in Skyward Sword? I'm supposed to go find all these little guys for the big giant Wilford Brimley nutsack that I talked to a little bit ago and I can't. Oh, here we go. Oh yeah, Forest Whitaker's in the trailer. And he's got the big hair and everything. Which... Oh yeah, okay. There were weird promotional stills released for Rogue One long before the movie came out. I think they had only just announced it. And Forest Whitaker's completely bald in it. And then he shows up in one scene in the movie. Bald. the very beginning and then the rest of the movie has huge hair it's got the huge hair all taking place before the events of rogue one then yeah it's supposed to be like right before it apparently said season two is like it's gonna end leading directly into rogue one we're making like prequels to prequels now it's it's yeah It's all quite convoluted. Andor, I feel like Andor gets, it's like a weird, it almost exists outside of the rest of all these Star Wars TV shows. It feels unrelated almost entirely. Even from like Rogue One. But it fits within that continuity pretty well. Like I was telling you during our meeting, I think someone I, you know, I don't think it's really worth keeping this pitch to myself because, you know, there's no real way it would get done. But doing Columbo in Star Wars as a TV show, I think that would be. yes that would be great let's write the script do a space detective let's pitch this to lucasfilm about a private detective in star wars times who who solves the murders of like huts and yeah and he's just like a human but he's a good detective yeah he's not like a jedi and he's not like a smuggler he's he's a private detective kind of do like a blade runner yeah he could even be like hired by someone you know but who's he really being hired come on right to himself he's got like a mysterious past which I'm sure at some point the disney executives would come in and be like oh you have to make he was a jedi at some point in his past yeah he's got to refer to this wife who you never see on camera ever and then you find out her tragic backstory later That'd be so awesome though. Imagine every episode opening with like some brutal Star Wars kind of murder. And then you see how they try to clean up the scene and everything. And then halfway through it switches through and now it's Columbo in space. Yeah. And you just, you play the character almost exactly like that. Maybe you get like Matt Berry. I don't know what he's doing or if he's ever been in anything Star Wars related, but he has, he did a voice in book of Boba Fett, I think. Oh, if he's just a voice, then you can get away with you. Yeah, you could still play on. Yeah, make him a wacky detective who yeah, who solves the murders of like, you know, resolves like gambling rackets and you know, and. yeah, look at this penguin solve a murder in the cantina. Think about all the different settings you can have, all the different characters he could visit to try to get more information. Yeah, you could have little cameos every now and again because the conceit of this would be it would be a weekly show that's not tied into a longer thing or trying to be like a seventeen hour movie or something. There's no like, maybe there might be like poker face, like there's an overall plot kind of, but like week to week it's just... story of the week like it so it's like intentional like you can just watch any episode yeah we gotta write this we gotta write this my pitch to you if anyone from Lucasfilm happens to Bonnie if you happen to be watching from the Lucas people put us in touch with I was reading Talladega Nights was pitched and sold with a six word pitch which was Will Ferrell is a NASCAR driver So our pitch would just be Columbo and Star Wars. Yeah, I think Columbo's weirdly experiencing kind of like a comeback. I think you could... And people people love those kinds of shows. And I don't know if there's a new show that's kind of Inga and I watched a lot when I was visiting her. We've been rewatching Psych. That's a great show. Oh, yeah. But just shows like that. Yeah. Where it's just like kind of a hokey murder happens. And and, you know, that's not really how the police and detectives work. And it's all just very simplified because it has to be a forty five minute program. But right. Well, they were going to make that Rangers of the New Republic series, which kind of sounded like it was going to be a more procedural type show. But then that lady went insane with the anti-vax messaging. They fired her. That's unfortunate. Okay, where are more of these little purple guys? Maybe playing this from the beginning was a bad idea. Oh, one of the purple guys is up here, maybe. Purple guys, purple guys. Well, not purple guys, but like the purple ring. I am... Purple ring, purple ring. I am in a mood tonight. There's that poll link, everyone. Get your votes in. We'll pick whatever we're going to play in about ten minutes. Poker Face Season Two is coming out. David Pinkston. Very excited. Oh my god. See, it's at this point that I would have already caved if I were playing by myself and just googled where all the rest of these guys are. The little purple guys. Okay, so there's one over here, maybe? Did she go full Roseanne Polaris? Because Roseanne, it took her a while to go fully insane. Even when you thought she was at her worst. She's like, nah. Nah. Hold up. And yet, like, I don't know. She shows up on those Kill Tony specials and stuff now, so I don't know if it works. Oh, God. That Tony Hinchcliffe guy is such a fucking ghoul. He looks like he's like Slappy the Dummy from Goosebumps, if it was a person. Who likes that guy? I don't understand it. Wait, I saw it. Danny says Natasha Lyonne is in the new Fantastic Four. Yeah. Oh, I was definitely going to play the thing's girlfriend. That could be funny. That new Fantastic Four movie does look pretty good. I'm the most excited for that that I've been since... I don't know. I guess the Deadpool movie was the last Marvel thing anybody cared about. Hey, Captain America made a lot of moolah. Yeah, but nobody has anything good to say about it. It's like the Batman vs. Superman made a lot of money, but... Well, that was just... I mean, come on. By the way, everyone, I urge you all to check out our website, Oh my god, this is... j-po predicts fantastic four will suck I think maybe that franchise is just like cursed it's kind of like the watchman it's like it's unadaptable as a movie I think you can don't even bother right now you can I think there's just too many it's it's too big a property like too many cooks get involved and it always just ends up falling flat Okay, so there's one of these guys up here, but I can't get up here. I feel like I'm going crazy. Okay, can I not just climb up this? Oh, Righteous Gemstones is coming back. I think it's going to be the final season. Okay. Watchmen TV show was good, Polaros. But that was like a sequel. It wasn't... Obviously inspired by the original book, but... Does its own thing. Was it better than Doomsday Clock, the DC comics? I never read that, but... I mean, I was against the concept of this TV show, but you start watching it. It's really, really well done. Yeah, I've only ever heard good things about that show. Doomsday Clock, on the other hand, is a ridiculous comic book where Superman fights Dr. Manhattan, and it's revealed that Dr. Manhattan is the reason that the New Fifty-Two happened, that awful, weird little period where everybody was younger and edgier and had hip new armor. That was all Dr. Manhattan's fault. so watchmen yeah there was there's also like a new animated version of the watchmen yeah in two parts the problem is like they also did like a few years ago like a motion comic where it's like literally just the panels like dave gibbons artwork but they animated it and that was pretty cool and then this cartoon looks like it just kind of redid that it's kind of the same thing again Well, you've got to squeeze as much money out of Watchmen as you can. There's also a new... It's one story. It's one story. They did... I would understand spin-offs. Did you ever read before Watchmen, the DC Comics event, where it was like backstories for all the... No, how was that? Was it any good? Some of them were okay. Yeah, the Minutemen one is drawn and written by the guy who did DC New Frontier, which is a really good story. Oh. No purple guys over here. Oh my god, this is a nightmare. Maybe I should just load up a different game file, just play... I literally don't know where the hell any of these things are, and I'm... Big rig says the cartoon is basically the comic and sell shaded three D animation. Yeah. That's what it looked like. But I thought the motion comic was pretty cool. Cause it still had like voice actors doing all the voices. I didn't want, I didn't ever see that motion comic, but, uh, there was a couple others around that time they were trying to make happen. They, uh, like I want to say Iron Man extremist was done as a motion comic. I think I may have seen that, uh, the astonishing X-Men run written by Joss Whedon, uh, How do I get out of... Joss Whedon, who wrote the first X-Men movie, or wrote, like, two lines in that movie. I was just reminded of that because J-Po says... you know, when you have a movie with a lot of characters, it's hard to tell a story in ninety minutes. X-Men made it work by basically skipping as much backstory as possible. I know, it's like that first X-Men movie, it's like a hundred minutes long, and they managed to make, like, a really fun, coherent X-Men movie. Basically, everybody has something to do. I mean, like, Storm kind of gets left out a little bit, and everybody's characters are pretty milquetoast, and... I'm curious if I have a game file that's a little further along. Do you always play as Lonk? Oh, that one's Link. Here, this one's kind of toward the end of the game, if you want to... Yeah, let's play that. Because in five minutes, we're going to pick the... I'm sorry, I literally have no memory of what's... Oh yeah, this is like the end of the end of the game. Where I'm definitely going to get my ass kicked a thousand times. Uh... Wait, do I have enough hearts? That's always a question with us. I need to check. Oh my god, we have another donation here. I'm so sorry. It came in about fifteen minutes ago. Who from? From Matt and Jackie B. Oh, thank you, Matt and Jackie. Welcome. Jackie says, Happy Monday, Dumb Bros. Thanks for everything, and this is the best way to start off the week. Oh, thanks so much. Especially after a nine-hour travel day yesterday. Though Matt is still enjoying vacation on the East Coast. Request? Surprise me. Okay. Thank you, Jackie. That is so cool. Oh, and in the amount of four dollars and twenty cents, which is one of our very default payments, payment amounts you can choose. Very, very hip. Okay. Let me think here. Very hip. I'm hip. I know the lingo. I get it. did you see did you see the doctor in me did you see did you see jackie b and me did you see um uh what's a good impression we could do for jackie uh uh, here is, uh, the, uh, Jackie's name and putting that song, uh, what's it called? Like Louie, Louie or whatever, where, you know, it's like, uh, but it's, it's, it's gonna be Randy Newman. So it's, uh, it's like Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Randy, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Short people got, uh, Oh my God. Thank you, Matt and Jackie. I hope that that was trying to think or something. There's a bunch of impressions that we just don't do anymore. Cause we forgot about them trying to think. Yeah. I did a little Michael McDonald earlier. I think it'd been a hot minute since I did. I haven't, I've been trying to work on my Aaron Neville because I do love his, you know, like, uh, I can impersonate where my wife and I are watching the circle, the Netflix reality show, the circle. Yeah. I can do impressions of those people. I just don't think anyone would know what the hell I'm talking about, but I nail some of those, some of those people. I can also do Nick Lachey from, uh, some people might know Nick Lachey, right? Yeah. He was, he was married to Jessica Simpson at one point. Yeah. Nick Lachey. He's a cool guy, right? He's a cool guy. This is my Nick Lachey. Sup, guys? That's all he ever says. Every time he walks into a room, any show, he goes, Sup, guys? Alkanox, what is the circle? It's the greatest show ever made. Yeah, it's like they're talking like a mirror. They're isolated from each other and It's like ten people, they all live in apartments in the same building, but they don't actually ever come into contact with each other. All their communications through a social media app called The Circle, which is such bullshit. It's not actually, there's no way it's, it's not a social media platform. It's literally like they have someone typing everything. So it's like, it's all voice activated to make the show watchable. Cause you have all the people actually reading the comments, but it's a, here we go. Yeah, it's a weird show. Anyway, so yeah, they never see each other. But then, you know, if they get kicked off, they can go and visit someone. And, ooh, that someone may not be who they thought they were. They might be getting catfished. Oh, no. Anyway, the winner, the person who makes it, five people make it to the end. And then one person gets a hundred thousand dollars based on their rankings. We just finished season three. I watched some of that at some point in the past. Yeah, I don't remember anything else other than, like, yeah, that it was, yeah, the weird mirror thing. There's a guy named Joey Sasso in the first season. That's really all you need to know. Joey Sasso. There's one standout weirdo in every season of these shows. Yes. Oh, Danny. Yeah, Shuby. See, Danny watched the circle. Shuby. Shuby is like... He's just like the nicest guy you could ever meet, which makes it all the more... easy to just like talk like to hate on him like jen and I was like I fucking hate you but he's such a nice guy just like ah fucking hate him oh god how do I turn around uh I really should have played this last night and re-acclimated myself before doing oh nonsense anyway it's time for our poll Is it time for the nightly poll? Game over, man. Do you want to continue adventuring? Should I do it one more time? Nah. We've had enough of this. I promise I will play a little bit of this tonight. I've been playing a lot of Batman Arkham Knight, as you can see. I'm in Batman Find the Riddler mode. How far are you in that? I have ninety nine percent of that game basically. Arkham Knight. Yeah. I just have to find like forty more Riddler trophies and I have completely completed the entire game. I'm like at ninety nine of Arkham Knight and now I'm almost done with the story of Arkham City, but I'm nowhere. I didn't even start Arkham Knight yet. Anyway, these were our choices for tonight. I'll hit show results. What do you think it's going to be, Matt? We got TKO. I think it's going to be TKO. People really like that one. Rift Tracks, Quiplash, or Mario Kart. All blue shells. Let's see. TKO by two votes. All right. I'm awkwardly trying to relocate my keyboard. Fire this bad boy up. yeah so everybody goes to riff track or no not Jesus God I think it's yeah but hold on I gotta um how do I do this oh yeah jackbox where are you there it is All right. This is going to be fun. Thank you so much for watching, everybody. Yeah, thanks for hanging out, everyone. Sorry, you're going to have to look at my face for a minute while I get this set up. Or you can look at Matt's face. There we go. Oh, no. Not that. Back to me. Matt. Matt or me. I got a cat. Got a cat here. All right, let's see. TKO. TKO. I'm trying to think of anything else interesting that's been going on. I kind of just laid around like a slug all weekend. I still have not heard back from McDonald's corporate as of yet. Oh, yeah. Did you file a formal complaint? I called them, but. Did you leave a message with management? I got a live person and everything. I don't I don't know what I was expecting to happen. I guess I just figured something would. But, you know. All right, Matt, I'm going to put the code in the chat for you. OK, so it's not. Chrome did some stupid update and now nothing works. God. Damn you, Chrome. OK. OK, hang on. Hang on, hang on tight. Uh, name down there. And, uh, did you put the code in the private chat? You said, Oh no, I did not. Sorry, Matt. Hold on. There you go. And I'm going to put the code in the chat for everyone as soon as Matt ends up there and you're in there. Now let's get this on screen and put the code in the chat. Everyone head to and enter that code. Oh, wow. Wow, it always fills up so quickly. I love that. Wait, what's happening? Are they changing? Oh, they just you can tweak your your little guy in between. You can tweak your little guy. We all know how much I love a little guy. There we go. Been playing a lot of fall guys with Inga lately, and you get dressed up. You're dressing up. Your little guy is half the fun. It does absolutely nothing. It adds no benefit. And guys, if you didn't make it into the game, I think you could still be in the audience. Welcome to TKO. I am the tournament master. And just because I'm old doesn't mean I'm out of touch. Like those Budweiser frogs, right? Hilarious, huh? Becking you here to T-Shirt Island for one reason and one reason only. To engage in deadly t-shirt battle and maybe play some foosball with this guy. Okay, that's two reasons. One of the two. Let's, um... Maybe let's not draw any penises this time. Let's challenge ourselves. No pee-pees. No pee-pees. No wee-wees. Now every drawing is going to be gigantic. Those of you watching the tournament don't have to wait another hundred years to get in on the fun. Join the audience to submit suggestions and affect the game. Ugh, if that isn't a cry for help, I don't know what is. Uh, well... I've been listening to a lot. Over the weekend, I noticed they put all the Stone Temple Pilots and Tears for Tears catalog in Dolby Spatial Audio on Apple Music. That Tears for Tears stuff sounds great when it's all been remastered. I want to hear that. I don't care about Stone Temple Pilots. That's fine. Although, Stone Temple Pilots had some great songs, though. Big Bang Baby. Yeah, the album has, I think it's Tiny Songs. Yeah, Tiny Songs from the Vatican gift shop. That's something like that. That's a really good album. And they have sporadic good stuff in them. Did you watch the SNL's fiftieth anniversary thing? I'm so glad you asked. Yes. Do you have any thoughts? Opinions on it? I do, but I don't... We don't... This is a family show. That bad, huh? It's fine. Whatever. I love SNL as much as anyone. And... I have a lot of thoughts. Nothing is funnier than a good SNL sketch, right? Yeah. Nothing is more depressing than a bad SNL sketch. And there were some stinkers that night, I'll tell you. I don't know what's going on with me with some of these drawings. It's just what moved me in the moment. I'm trying to think if there's any other good comedian gossip that we've been talking about. We're both kind of obsessed with that video of that lady melting down. Is there anything else good like that going on right now? no um not that I know of people have a lot of thoughts on the snl special though gb and he liked the special eileen meno loves snl less than I do snl is good I mean everybody has their favorite kind of little eras and stuff and uh Well, that's the thing. It's like, the show, like, it's on... You can't doubt that they, you know, they find extremely talented actors and writers, but... It's also, like, it's a generational thing. Like, I love, you know, Chris Farley, Adam Sandler era. My dad can't stand that shit, you know? But he loves stuff in the two thousands. I don't know. I don't know, there's still good sketch comedy being made, but it just feels less and less like Saturday Night Live is so important for stuff like that when there's a thousand sketches off of I Think You Should Leave that I think are a thousand times better. Write something funnier, clever, or... Keep those slogans coming! Only seconds remain. Alright then. This game's gonna get really fun, everyone. Oh my god. I think my shirt's going to win. Oh, Scribbler Johnny says, I love Rachel Dratch, but I hate her Debbie Downer character. I thought that was one of the few really funny sketches on the fiftieth anniversary. Good. I hope you're ready. Let the tournament begin. All I know is that Paul McCartney played a set and he sounds so elderly now. Yeah. We are all orphans. I'm going to have to go with the scabies one. Just because orphans and stuff. Oh yeah, we are all orphans. There are quite a few moments of the SNL thing that were really funny. Kate McKinnon is in a sketch with Meryl Streep and that is hilarious. That was really funny. That was just total classic SNL. But then there were some real bombs. It was kind of depressing. All I know about that is that everybody who was there has got COVID now apparently. Oh really? And it's like every celebrity on the planet was there. Oh my god. Wow, what? That is stiff competition. I think I'm gonna give it to the Mr. Rogers one. That was pretty good. Oh my god. I might have to refresh the switch, because it's coming in a little weird. For the record, I drew the ghoul face on the left and I came up with the slogan on the right. So, uh, Oh, that's good now. Whoa. Oh my God. I love the drawing on that though. Holy is that a, is it wearing a thong? It looks that way. Yeah, that is a great. That's like what my skin looks like when I wear a swimsuit. Like, I just kind of am that white and I just blind everybody. It looks like the shirt on the right looks like something that a skateboarder in two thousand and five would have worn. I would have worn that. We were right down the middle. Interesting. Nice. Well done, Danny. Good job. Oh, yes. You guys are great. Now, is that implying that George Clooney is he's got like a gambling addiction? He can't stop playing blackjack. Is this like is this implying that inside George Clooney's head, it's like a being John Malkovich esque situation where there's people controlling him? Wow. Danny's killing him versus it's a pretty great combination. Macho man, Randy Newman. That's awesome. Love it. Have you watched any of that new Spider-Man cartoon yet? No. Should I? I watched one. It was alright. Because, you know, like, nothing groundbreaking. It's kind of like a neat alternate MCU. It's like it is the MCU, but it's not. It's kind of weird. I'll watch. Maybe I'll watch that with Dylan or something. As long as you don't think about it too much, you know. Wow. Wow. They're looking up. Yeah, they're looking up as if they're screaming to God himself. Why? Why not? Why no penises? Why no penises? That was basically the plot of that first Wonder Woman movie, wasn't it? Like the whole island she was from. They were just like, Mamma Mia, why a no penis? They were all Italian also. In Wonder Woman? Yeah. They were like, Mamma Mia, there's a no penis. You forgot to go with a Chris Pine. Oh, right. I won that one. Nice. Oh, the JFK shirt was dethroned. Fight each other. I love that drawing. It's so cute. It's definitely not a penis or anything. Oh, yeah. It is a penis, isn't it? God damn it. Well, you fooled me. Well, legal enough, it's a creature of some kind, I guess. I will say, if yours looks like that, please go to a doctor. Also, I made that drawing. Which one? Oh, the legal enough one. That's so great. Oh, here we go. Against Danny. Oh, I need a breather. Let's take a training break. It's training day. Drawing. My name is Simon, and I like to do drawings. Hmm. Do I have the color brown? Uh-oh. Matt, what are you doing? Oh my god. So stupid. I don't know. I don't even know. I don't even know. My other slogan didn't even make it out here. The other ones that I typed were Jar Jar Binks did nine eleven. And then I also tell you out of time is about to expire. Titties and beer. That was the other one that I wrote out. Write something. I think that's maybe the most deranged thing I've ever typed. Uh... That timer's not for decoration. Finish quickly! The second gauntlet is upon us, and the withered hand of Lady Luck has shuffled your drawings and slogans. Begin your new shirt design now. Uh, mine was perfect. The drawing, I think, was completely unrelated, but it matched up so perfectly with the slogan. It's like that classic editing test that they tell you about in film school where you cut from one thing and then do something unrelated. You can match them together. It's one of those. Gauntlet two. Oh, my God. incredible I really like the ninja turtle hold on who did that hey danny yeah I'm only getting two two art pieces as well but it could just be because there's so many of us playing yeah I think that has to do with it I love the idea that you get a colonoscopy by just someone putting on a giant condom. Just fucking in the ass. Colonoscopy. Well done, J-Po. you know what that one has my name in it I'm easy to please I'm going with that one but the other one also references this is true maybe that's how we'll get out into mainstream twitch better if we you know tag this with a you know hashtag colon health or something like that we'll get like all the colon non-profits to frequent our programming And maybe all these people commenting aren't commenting about me, they've just, the algorithm and their interest in colon and rectal health has brought them here. Yeah! That's, that's good. Those look like something I saw in my sleep after I took too many Benadryl one night. Danny says they do a very sexy video and she better get to be seen. I hope that as well. Oh, man, little little little little little. What is happening? Oh, yeah, it's it's it's weird. Oh, there it goes. It went dark. Now we're back. Now we're back. A new channel? It sure has some staying power. Oh, I love that little face. Big face, I should say. That's kind of what Tom Selleck looks like now, if you've ever seen what Tom Selleck looks like. His face has just kind of gotten bigger around his face. Do your parents still watch Blue Bloods? I don't know if that shows on anymore, but they weren't watching it until pretty recently. Yeah, and they always make fun of... Because, yeah, his head's getting giant, and he wears glasses a lot in that, and they look like when you put glasses on Mr. Potato Head, how they kind of, you know, don't fit correctly. A new challenger appears. Nice. Oh, there it is. Oh my god. Who did that drawing? It's so cool. I think that's Danny's. It's gotta be. Danny's so good with this. I bet you both of these are Danny's. Oops. Rude me, baby. Again, that kid on the left has my exact skin tone and complexion, just blindingly white. penguin's parents watch blue bloods till the bitter end yeah that show is the most complicated it's only made types of shows it's made for parents you have to be a parent to enjoy it Parents love those CBS-type dramas that are kind of like NCIS and The Law and Orders to a lesser extent. Oh, my God. It looks like Michael Fishman, the kid from Roseanne. Oh, I thought that was referencing Tom Arnold. That's where my brain went at first. Well, I was just reading the other day about how Michael Fishman... He hates Roseanne. He didn't side with her at all, so they hate each other. I think. That situation with that show is so weird. Is that still going? Yeah. The Connors? It's like in season six or something. That is nuts. All right. Yeah. Roseanne did nothing. Roseanne did nothing wrong in marrying Tom Arnold. You know what's a great movie with Tom Arnold? That's got to be another Danny drawing, right? I've Laid Semen. That's like the name of a cannibal corpse album. You would have a picture of like a corpse, like, you know. Just semen oozing out of it. Yeah. Or he'd be like, I don't know, just like, I'll cover it all. I don't know. Razor's Edge says, Hit and Run is a good movie with Tom Arnold. You know it's a good movie with Tom Arnold. True lies. I was just about to say that. Yeah, that movie rocks. That movie's so good. And I can't think of another good Tom Arnold movie. Well done, guys. Wait. So it's come to this, the final gauntlet. Only the strongest shirts from the previous round will compete. And only one will come out alive. Versus... A tower of... Are we voting on which is more revolting or which we'd rather wear? I think the one we'd rather wear is... Just, you know, overall best. Yeah. Yeah, what exactly is that creature on the right? It's like... It's like a little gnome. It's like an old gnome with giant testicles. Versace? why god why no penises salva adams these teas are all about fluids and excrement yep on brand we we did this I'm so sorry this is all this is all my fault Oh wow. Danny makes a good point. I like how the fifth person in the drawing is so concerned. The only one without a smile. They might be the only one that sees it coming. They're the only one who realizes that God does not hear their prayers or their cries for mercy. Oh, Danny. Winner. Wow. Winning design. I'm glad I could see you all compete in this tournament before I die. We should sell that in the store. I did that, Homer. Matt did the slogan. That's funny. We should sell that in the store. Yeah, that won't get us in trouble with Disney. In like three different ways. With the Groening estate, the Kennedy estate, or the Rogers estate. And the JFK estate. Yeah. Kennedy's will come after us, man. And the Rogers. That shirt will upset everyone. Maybe we should make that. Get us on the news. We'll see how far we can ride our First Amendment rights. It's all clearly satirical. Yeah, it's a terrific time for that. Well, the courts are in upheaval. Now's our time to be the, you know, what's the word I'm looking for? We can be like the standard setters in this new era of just, you know, whack bullshit. Anyway, I don't know what I'm saying anymore. Thanks for playing, everybody. This has been a great time. Always fun. Always a good time. We'll be back. I'm going to, tonight, figure out the controls to the Skyward Sword and try to remember where the fuck I was at a little bit better, and then we'll... We'll be picking up where you left off tonight, next week, APM Eastern, right here on Twitch. I really thought I could drop in on that better. I beat the entire game in between when we played the first time and then this time again, so I thought I'd be able to pick it up and go a bit better. It's all about the hang, Matt. We're all here just to hang. We did have a good hang. We did indeed have that, but... As a Zelda nerd, I will deliver some Zelda-ness. Oh, Master Torgo, resubscribe. Thirteen months in a row. Thank you, guys. Those are awesome. Who else here? Thank you so much, everybody. Thanks to Femsi Grimm and your Party of Five for rating us earlier. Yes, thank you, Party of Five. Thank you, Scott Wolf. Let's see. Scribbler Johnny, thank you. Subscribe for six months. You guys rule so hard. Tomorrow night, Mary Jo Peel Show right here on Twitch at APM Eastern. It's Ask Us Anything. Yeah. Mary Jo and I are going to go live, and we've already got some questions ready to go. We've got... We're going to be paying attention to the live chat. Hit us up on blue sky. Hit us up in discord. Yeah. Join the dumb discord server. The next movie, Joe Knight movie is going to be all that good stuff. Oh yeah. We've got polls. Everyone. Jay Poe. Can I ask I anything? I guess I could. Um, what was I going to put in the chat here? Okay. uh yeah let's uh who should we raid oh dumb weird is live okay okay and over here I think I'm gonna turn on if you uh did not catch dr strange the other night uh I will be replaying that so dr strange so by the time the pre-show kicks off for you know ends for that it should be around the time it was wrapping up so you can come here after and catch the movie so We should always end with this music. It's very triumphant. I still think we need to end with the SNL saxophone fanfare. Oh, let's do that for Mystery Hour. All right, everyone. See you next week. Night, everyone.


Super Dumb Bros. Play The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Part Two)


Super Dumb Bros. Play Grand Theft Auto III (Part Three)