Super Dumb Bros. Play The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Part Two)

Matt & Chris put their differences aside for the sake of humanity to present an all-new episode of Super Dumb Bros as they continue their quest through Skyward Sword and then welcome special guest Peter Hunter to discuss RiffTrax’s new Kickstarter to riff TIMECOP! Plus, a round of RiffTrax: The Game with viewers! Yes!

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From a boy named Sue to a man named john he stood six foot six and weighed two forty five kind of broad at the shoulder and narrowed the hip and everybody knew you didn't give no lift a big jump how old was I when I first seen old rivers I can't remember this special collection is not in stores fighting soldiers from the sky so please call now fearless men who jump and die to order great story songs call one eight hundred three zero five ninety five eighty three or send twenty four ninety nine for two cds or two cassettes plus four ninety nine shipping and handling two great story songs department five richmond virginia two three two eight zero call one eight hundred three zero five ninety five eighty three or order online at all right so later in the show we're going to be meeting someone very interesting but first here's a big fat balloon like creature the kids think he's great but I have never heard of him So, Kirby, you've become a big star because of this. The fabulous multi-level platform game based on your life, Kirby's Dream Land from Nintendo. But now there's a brand new game, Kirby's Pinball Land on Game Boy. So, Kirby, is it true that if you don't like someone, you swallow them, spit them out and destroy them? Spot of lunch, Mr. Kirby? You vast pink glob, you're... The Kirby series, introducing inflatable Nintendo. I am black. I am beige. I am red. And I am white. But hold up. We are all different. But our souls are still the same. No matter what color we are or what we look like. Now, but what's our main message out there to them people? But our souls are still the same. Say what? But our souls are still the same. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey. Just think. Oh, I've picked something up, John. Let's look at it, Ralph. Hey, that's the catatonic kick of real oranges accosting the back of his throat. Ah, Tony! What is that? No idea, Ralph, but it's definitely not wee woolly winky. Morning. Blast my tango taste buds, Tony! Yes, Ralph, I'd be upset too if a man came up to me with his kilt flying. Spanking. You know where you've been tangoed. It's come to my notice that some people are paying as much as fifteen point nine percent APR on personal loans. They can't be doing their sums properly. Who charges between eleven point nine and fifteen point nine percent APR? The big four banks. Exactly. Aw, and who charges as little as nine point nine percent APR? Halifax! Extraordinary! And as I shall prove with this simple demonstration, this compared with this equals extra value! Which begs the question... Who gives you extra? Who? Who? We do! Who gives you extra? Go for a mouthful! Go for cakes for everyone. Just one snack is what it takes. And it's go for, go for, go for cakes. Open wide, stuff your face. There's always room for more go for cakes. Empty the box, let me in loud. Eat those go for cakes till you explode. Exercise lately. Till you explode. kill kill kill I'm off. Oh, I've got that video Rebecca wanted. And it cost a fiver from that bloke down the market. Great. It's not even out yet. She'll love it. I know. See you later. See you. Take care. Bye now. You're okay, honey. Look at this. Hey, come on. What? Cool things happen when you start the day with Kellogg's Pop-Tarts. So cool. They're hot, so hot. The hot taste of real fruit filling inside. And cool frosting on the outside. the cool hot part of this complete breakfast so cool they're hot so hot thank you Wet Pets and Pablo. Only one place where fish and lizards hang out with cats and chinchillas. Kick back with hamsters and dogs, parakeets, rabbits, and scorpions. One stop, one shop, we got it all. Any pet you can get and take home. Best pet products and best pet food. Best pet service is Wet Pets for you. W-E-T-P-E-T-S. W-E-T-P-E-T-S. Wet Pets and Pablo. I am sick and tired of these insurance companies telling you what good neighbors they are and how you're in such good hands. If your car is totaled and you owe more than it's worth, they give you the lesser amount and you continue to pay a finance company the difference. You're an innocent victim, you're paying on a car you don't have, and you probably can't afford another car. Don't urinate on my leg and tell me it's raining. Insurance companies, we're going to court. Barry Glazer, legal advocate for the injured, disabled, and urinated upon. Pay me, pay me, pay me. Pay me, pay me now. But I can't afford it. I don't care. I've got to feed my family. I'll call Denville Crow. I'll call Denville Crow. Don't you dare. Make him settle for a payment you can afford as low as ninety nine dollars a month. That's the power of the new bankruptcy law. Hello? Jim, it's Susie. Our house is on fire. Can you come over? Of course. I'm on my way. Hello, this is Cal. Cal, this is Mike Case. Hi, what's up, Mike? My boy just wrecked the car. Is your son hurt? Not yet. Hello? Kurt, this is Leonard. I got a business opportunity I'd like to discuss with you. Why don't you meet me in the office in about a half hour? You've got friends in the insurance business. Mr. Surfer, have you ever considered propane as an alternative energy source for that board of yours? With a little retooling, I could get it to work. Tell you what I'm going to do. Being that you're my neighbor and I like you, I'm going to give you the new neighbor discount and a free t-shirt. So what do you say? Take a ride on the Cosmic Tide on an all-new Silver Surfer next Thursday. as Fox Kids Heads for the Hills continues. Just think, with repeat business like that, I could eventually be supplying propane galaxy-wide. One, two, three, four, five. Starting right now, see Lubega live on the Kids WB Snow Jam. With brand new shows all morning, including three new Pokemon. A little bit of Batman dropping in. A little bit of M.I.B. shedding skin. A little bit of Serena's what I like. A little bit of Pikachu on the mic. It's all new and all Lubega. Starting right now on the Kids WB Snow Jam. Thanks for calling King of Wing. How may I help you? Yes, can I speak to the king, please? Yes, ma'am. Ho, please. May I help you? Yes, I would like to have one of those big old burgers I seen advertised on TV. Oh, you want the big double meat? That's a big burger, baby. Think you can handle all that? King of Wing burger's so good, they make me want to shake it. Shake it, baby. Shake that booty down with me. Shake that booty down with me. Do the dingo shake. There's no need to feel down I said young man Pick yourself off the ground I said young man Cause you're in a new town There's no need to be unhappy Young man There's a place you can go I said young man When you're short on your dough You can stay there And I'm sure you will find many ways To have a good time It's fun to stay at the YMCA. They have everything for your men to enjoy. You can hang out with all the boys. It's fun to stay at the YMCA. You can get yourself clean. You can have a good meal. You can do whatever you feel. Young man, are you listening to me? I said, young man, what do you want to be? I said, young man, you can make million dreams, but you've got It's fun. You can get yourself free. You can have a good meal. You can do whatever you feel. Young man, I was watching his shoes. I said, come on. Down and out with the blues. I felt nothing. Can I run? The world was so trapped, that's me Someone came to me and said, look at me Take a walk up the street, it's out there Call the YMCA, they can't stop you Back on your way YMCA, it's fun to stay at home Young man, young man, pick yourself up around YMCA It's fun to stay out the Y YMCA Young man, young man, does it all by himself Young man, young man, put your pride on the shelf YMCA What's that? Do you have insurance on this car? No. It must be Eagle Man. I've got something for you. Oh, look at those low rates. Obviously, these are things that bug a lot of the young people. But this time, rather than hear from the establishment who run newspapers, radio, television, book and magazine publishing companies, political parties, and schools, let's hear from those other teenagers who aren't smoking pot. Not all teenagers are on draft. I'm not, and my close friends aren't. Every time someone wants to turn me on to pot, they tell me I'll discover myself. Well, I don't need that kind of crutch. Besides, I've never seen any potheads come up with any kinds of answers that help them cope with the kind of problems they have, or I have. Oh, that horse is so stoned. Wilbur will be another joint that's got rheumatoid arthritis. Is this a western now? Coming soon to Weird and Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs. over the merry antics and experiences of Hoppity, the sentimental grasshopper, his sweetheart honeybee, and all their friends. We've got fun, we've got freedom, we've got joy. We've got fun, we've got freedom, we've got joy. Now if there be any Tom, Dick or Harry Who knows the reason why these two should not marry Let him now speak There is suspense, action, and excitement aplenty, as you'll discover when you see the fun-packed fantastic adventures of these tiny lovable creatures. It's a package of sheer joy for the entire family. See Hoppity Goes to Town, the delightful tune-filled cartoon adventure in glorious Technicolor. all right yeah we're gonna watch a pig hollering video it's a four minute long video of a pig hollering contest oh it's peter griffin oh he's a police siren biggie come on piggy what so who votes are there judges Thank you. The pigs. Like a panel of pigs. Like a panel of pigs. When you guys choose the paintings, they always seem to fit. We're coming into some difficult times, I think, and I'd like to thank The guy in office right now just pissed off a whole lot of people. To me, I don't know, it just kind of feels a little bit empowering in a time when I don't feel like I have much control over much of anything at the moment. So I have control over this. I can do this. You know, that's... that's funny you said that because when I was painting her the first time I was thinking the same thing she looked kind of queenly majestic you know This is coming from our clubhouse chat from Mrs. Torgo. Mary Jo, where would you take Roddy on your first date? straight to my sofa for a makeout session. Oh, Gal, I don't know. He's rather continental, so I would probably take him out if it were in Minneapolis for martinis or go the complete opposite way and take him on a hike to Minnehaha Falls or something like that. He'd love that, I'm sure. Where would you take him, Chris? Where would I take Roddy McDowell on our first date? I don't know. Maybe a movie. Maybe we'll go just take a stroll in the village. Go to some antique shops. Oh, nice. I think a theater date would work well. Yeah, go see it. We'll go see the new Glenn Gary, Glenn Ross. Yeah, I'd love to see that. Nobody expects the Ironside Inquisition. yeah watching him walk around and do nothing is so much more interesting than seeing the killings by the monster will he walk into another room or stay in this room oh my god the suspense is killing me Oh, damn, marriage agrees with me. Oh, now I can't do the Harpo Groucho theater scene. Well, that was a productive afternoon. This is like a real estate video. My dinner with Andre didn't have this many indoor scenes. Hello, hello, hello. What's up, Matt? Oh, I can't hear you. Oh no. Oh no. Can everyone hear me? That's the important part. Oh, where did he go? where did matt go now there he is um I still can't hear you uh peter can hear me backstage okay so how about now there you go there we go my microphone was off uh the dreaded off button yeah I I turned it off earlier I'm getting this like weird feedback coming from my oh you know what it probably is Yeah, you sound doubled up. Do you have sound coming? It's coming out of the speaker on my computer and also my headphones at the same time. I don't know why it's doing this. It's never done this before. Very strange. Very, very strange. Let me try to do it. Check your output on your Mac. Hang on. Oh, my God. Thank you for being patient, everybody. Hang on. Oh, you know what's maybe going on? Let's try this and this. Okay, that might be better. Hello? Hello, can you hear me? I'm still hearing feedback. Yeah, what the fuck is that? We've never experienced feedback before. I've never had this happen. It was happening to me when I was running out to get snacks earlier. I didn't even know it was possible to have feedback on Scream York. Why is this happening? All right, why don't I do the intro solo? Yeah, hang on. I don't understand what's happening. Is that any better? I think so. No. What the fuck is that? Let me take you off just to make sure it's actually you. Check, check. Hello. Hello. Hello. Yeah, it's definitely a mad issue. Anyway, let me take that off. Well, welcome everyone. Welcome to an all new Super Dumb Bros. With me, Chris Gersbeck and Matt Reiser, who will be out hopefully in just a minute. What happens if I add this one? Now I hear your switch, I think. We'll check in with Matt in a minute. Matt? Yes? Oh, hey, did that do it? I'm still hearing the feedback. What? It's kind of funny just cutting him off like that. Maybe that should just be the show. Jay Poe saying the Switch was too close to the mic. I don't know if that was it. Um... Let's see what else is no feedback with just Chris. Yes, we figured that out. I'm good. Thank you everyone for validating me. Because it really helps my self esteem. Let me get this. The very least let me get the bed music on here. So I don't feel like so dead airy. There we go. Guys, did I mention we have a very special guest tonight? Peter Hunter from Riff Trax is going to be out here in just a minute to chat about the all-new Kickstarter they just announced today. I'm so excited about it. uh because they're gonna be riffing time cop a movie that I have loved since the day it came out uh my dad took me and my brother to go see that and uh I still vividly remember I saw it fresh meadows theater here in queens and uh we thought it was great I mean I I never was a huge van damme fan but that movie I was like all right Van Damme. So that is going to be this summer. They're taping it in Nashville this year. I'm going to put the link in the chat. Of course, we're going to chat with Peter more in just a little minute. In just a minute, I'm going to... There you go. There's the link. Okay, I fixed it. Oh, what was it? It was something with my monitoring software. I turned it off and I turned it back on again and it... Boom. Boom. I don't know what it was. Thank you for putting up with that. You all mismaged in my room by myself, just going like, what the fuck is happening? For several minutes. Well, I guess that was basically just all it. I just reenacted it for you. Yeah, I mean, that's usually the case with these things, behind the scenes. We're all screaming at our computers at all times. Pretty much, yeah. Not a very chill vibe. Hey, everybody, welcome. Sorry. Sorry about that. We're all about the chill at Dumb Industries, even if we have technical difficulties. I have no chill. Look at this. Major Joe backed the Kickstarter as soon as he saw it. For a second, I thought it said I blocked the Kickstarter as soon as I saw it, which would be really a weird thing to do, to go out of your way to block a Kickstarter campaign. I guess you could. You probably could. Someone knows how to write a code, but... Um, yeah, I think a lot of people backed it. I checked it this afternoon and, uh, I think they're almost at their goal, but yeah. So anyway, let's just get some announcements out of the way up top. Uh, we're streaming to Twitch tonight. Hello everyone on Twitch. And we appreciate all your support on Twitch. We've got some new subscribers. Let's see. Biggle, ninety eight. Seventy six. Doc, fifty nine. Thirty four. And Gundam Ronin. Thank you guys for subbing. And if you would like to watch this program completely ad-free, you can head to slash superdumbbros and sign up for the free Super Club, and you'll be able to access this same stream just without all those annoying Twitch ads. It's completely free to join. And also, if you'd like to help support the show with a donation throughout tonight's show, you can head to slash donate. And a donation of any dollar amount will get you a shout-out in the form of one of our patented terrible impressions. Yeah, we've got quite the collection of them now. I was trying to think there was a song I was... Oh, you know what I had stuck in my head earlier that I thought would be good for impressions? You know that song, the Scatman? Remember the Scatman? Maybe I'll do the Scatman as some voices tonight for some folks. That is great. Do that kind of thing. But you can also put whatever you want us to do in the prop for those. Yeah, and if you have a question for us too, you can put that in there. Whatever you want us to do, we will do. We have no bottom. So really, whatever you want us to do, we will do. There's no low that we won't go to. Although we have no bottoms kind of true in two ways for me because, yeah, I have no shame. But I also don't have an ass, really. So it's kind of... This is true. This is true. It's kind of... I've said it many times before. My body is built like... You know how Barbie dolls, how they have that ass section that the legs go into? If you just took that little mid part off and then just put the legs directly into the torso, that's basically how my body's built. So it's... Oh, yeah. Just my legs kind of end and my torso begins... There are many hard chairs I can't sit on very comfortably. A hard chair, that's quite the punishment for me. I feel like, Matt, you would choose a hard chair over a nice, comfy recliner. I think that kind of sums up your personality overall. Well, it's what? That I would choose something that intentionally makes me unhappy and miserable versus something that would just... be a relaxing nice time yeah I kind of unless I'm sort of like agitated or pissed off I'm really not you know living uh oh I know it's uh because yeah like you know I had all that you know not to retread the past but I had a bunch of medical stuff you know a couple weeks ago and I was in my head just like once I get past this then I'll be relaxed and then I'll be happy and now I just spent like two weeks just like hugely depressed because they're just like there's just this void where all the anxiety was. And instead of filling it with joy, I've just, you know, like laid around in my own filth for a week and a half. So it's a Jesus. I didn't know it was that bad, Matt. We spoke earlier. You seem fine. well you know define I guess that's all relative um well anyway this is fun tonight we're gonna be playing legend of zelda skyward sword or I should say matt is going to be playing that plan I uh I struggled a little last week it was a little bit of I'd never played zelda and been like chatting and doing everything at the same time and my brain kind of exploded but I've gotten past where I was stuck at yesterday and I think from here it'll be a good jump off oh nice so uh Send your Zelda questions in. We'll be chatting Zelda tonight. And have we already set up that we have a guest tonight? Yes, we do. This is very exciting. Rift Tracks today just announced their Kickstarter for Time Cop. And we're very lucky to be joined tonight by Rift Tracks' marketing director. Let's welcome to the Super Dumb Bros program, Peter Hunter. hello I'm excited to add my own audio issues to the program yes they contribute in any way possible we're excited to have them and you met uh peter thank you so much for being here yeah welcome thanks for having me yeah I know I'm excited it's a great day happy time cop day to all who celebrate that was so exciting I uh guys were revealing it over multiple days and I think most people figured out you're doing time cop yesterday but it was very exciting to get confirmation today I will tell you yeah that's awesome yeah we've been very excited it's right in the wheelhouse of like a competently made but incredibly goofy movie that will just make for perfect ripping It's truly perfect. I was trying to figure out what it was going to be based on the few clues you guys gave because I think it was just like a nineties sci-fi cult classic, which could be like, there were like fifty movies that fit the bill just off the top of my head. uh but time cop is like a lot of people were thinking maybe hackers which I've actually never seen but I think it's like ripe for riffing oh absolutely and uh but yeah time cop is it's like a perfect perfect selection I can't wait to see what they do in this it's it's van damme it's uh ron silver and mia sarah so I don't remember anyone else those are like the biggest names yeah movie though now is this like is this like van damme in his like is is wet mullet period or is this like right after that is this well this is this is peak mullet yeah okay interesting you should ask because there's like two different van dammes you see in the movie like from different times one of them has a mullet yes that's how you tell them apart They're also involved in a fight scene together, and it's just very awkwardly shot to make the separate shots of Van Damme work together. It's so goofy. It's very goofy. I haven't ever seen this one before, but is there one stunt person with a bad mullet wig on, and you can clearly tell it's the wig, like Samurai Cop? know I don't even know if they're ever in the same shot they might be in one or two shots together but it's mostly just not right yeah because you're seeing them like at different time periods they don't I don't think they get that clever but um yeah ron silver is a great bad guy in it too uh Going to be very excited. And Ferris Bueller's girlfriend. Oh, that's right. Yeah. But what the guys did with Point Break last year was just, you know, like they had Gary Busey in that movie to basically just have like an excuse to do Gary Busey jokes for like two hours. And this movie, I think Ron Silver jokes are going to be the highlight of it. and of course van damme oh yeah I mean ron silver like the whole villainous plot is he's going to use time travel to basically commit campaign finance violations yeah nice like can you find a more boring stupid plot for time travels you literally could do anything and you decide to just amass campaign finance violations it's ridiculous I mean, it's subtle, I guess. That's kind of, if time travel was real, that's the kind of mundane shit that people would use it for, I feel like. No, for real. It's just like, I'm going to go back in time and get this tax break, and I'm going to go and do this. Has anyone ever made the joke Ron John Silvers before? Like the restaurant Long John Silvers? But if not, we should trademark that. Tell that to Kevin later, Peter. Tell him to use that. I'll do it in our nightly call. Okay, perfect. uh razor's edge yeah I was looking at this earlier time cop made a hundred and twenty nine nine million dollars into box office it only costs like twenty something million to make so that's what a van damme movie would do in the nineties I don't think that's possible today There really aren't that many stars that can just move a movie by themselves. There's only like a couple and they're not even like full, like Sydney Sweeney and like Margot Robbie are kind of ones, but they're even, they can't hit a hundred percent of the time. Yeah. That was a real eighties thing is you just have like these buff action people or, you know, Van Damme's not really buff, but you'd have these people and you could just write an entire shitty movie around them. And that would get it made. Cause people try to act like the rock is kind of similar now or like a John Cena, but they're very kind of, they're in a lot of bad movies one and two. It's like, there's nothing that you can really sell like just off their name. You know, it's like, Well, The Rock, I think, like Dwayne Johnson. But there aren't any movies. It's not like, remember like that peak Steven Seagal period where you could just like put his name on like, like Steven Seagal is like, and it was always Steven Seagal is. And then like the title, like Steven Seagal is under siege. Steven Seagal is, you know, hard to kill. And you don't have like The Rock, you know, The Rock is, you know, like. That's true. That's true. yeah it's a lot you just have to have a vehicle for him to do slow taekwondo at people to do to do the splits and to yeah how many times does he do the splits in time cop that has to happen at least once oh two it's only two times um yeah one of them is like an iconic photo where he is only in his tiny ways and he's on top of a countertop yeah and it's the most convoluted stupid setup like it would have been so much easier to make him do the splits for a variety of reasons but yeah no I remember also like so my dad I mean I vividly remember seeing in a theater but then like two years later I remember being at my aunt's house and she was watching like my great aunt and that scene happened and she was like she was visibly excited over the split and tidy white oh john clinton bringing families together I know I know um yeah and then there's the other split where he's got like his sneaker in the guy's face you know them all or something that was his thing he was all about doing splits and uh the Muscles from Brussels, right? Was that his name? Yeah, the Muscles from Brussels. When I worked for, well, I worked for, when I interned for Lloyd Kaufman, he told me a story about how he was on the MGM jet one time with Jean-Claude Van Damme and his family. And he said that like Jean-Claude Van Damme's family was like so normal seeming compared to him and that he was just like this like drunken weirdo, like the whole flight. And just the visual of Lloyd Kaufman and like a belligerent Jean-Claude Van Damme on a plane together with a normal family. Just, I love that. I will say his American accent is better in Time Cop than it is in Street Fighter, which is a bit of a street fighter. So that Kickstarter is now live. Everyone can head to slash Kickstarter. That'll bring you right over there. You guys are almost at your goal already. Your goal is three hundred fifty thousand. You're at two hundred eighty four thousand. Yeah, it's in every year. We're honestly just astonished at how generous everyone is it's really impossible to do this just the complete upfront cost of it it's expensive to put movies in theaters um it's just insurmountable so you know big thank you to everyone who has donated or is going to donate or has donated in the past yeah because we couldn't do I mean we love doing riffrax live and we couldn't do it without you yes um and now have you announced any of the the kickstarter goals yet or or the um the stretch goals not yet yeah okay not yet um we generally do a few days after um hitting the goal so maybe later this week maybe yeah week Very cool. Well, keep your eyes peeled on Rift Tracks' social media then for all that. Yeah. That is very exciting. Peter, we're going to be playing some Skyward Sword. Are you good to hang out with us tonight? I would love to. I have many stories about this game. Oh, awesome. The original version. I'm assuming you're playing the one for Switch. Yeah, this is the Switch one with the button controls. You don't have a Wii Motion Plus around? No. That was what kept me from buying it originally is because you needed the upgraded Wii Remote to do it. They were impossible to find. um and then when we're done with that we're gonna play some riff tracks the game with the viewers so everyone hang out we have turned off christmas mode finally so oh yeah we accidentally kept christmas clips on and honestly christmas mode is fun yeah wrong with christmas mode yeah no it still works um okay let's let's uh let's get matt's uh screen up here oh yeah go ahead and get all this Alright, let me switch over to my correct stream yard window. Ron John Silver. I googled Ron Silver while you were talking to make sure I was talking about the right person. Oh yeah, there it is. There we go. Okay, so where we left off in Skyward Sword, as you recall, is I was trying to find a bunch of these little testicle-looking guys, and I could not... So I did that behind the scenes before the stream today. So now I'm just going to talk to the Wolford Brimley testicle and tell him that I found all of his little friends. Oh, man. What a design choice for a series known for its unique character design. Yeah. Could we make this giant nutsack look like a president from the eighteen hundreds or like he was at the OK Corral? Oh, yeah. Okay, so I'm gonna get a tip on where Zelda is now. That young girl, Zelda, was that her name? Yes, it's all coming back to me. She said she had to travel to the temple deep within the woods. I tried to warn her how dangerous it was there, but the clever little thing vaulted off my belly and ran off on her own just the same. She, so like princess Zelda, like, uh, she like molested this thing kind of at, uh, you didn't ask for that. Well, for Bramley testicles, it is very taft desk. Yeah. I was trying to think of a good president. It's like, like Chester, a Arthur, you know, like one of those. The ball sack is giving Lone Ranger vibes, Fresh Mary Yankee says. So little inside Riff Tracks president joke baseball here. One of my friends is distantly related to Rutherford B. Hayes. Wow. Whenever we make obscure jokes, I try and... wrangle him and I did this for years where I randomly just bring up Rutherford B. Hayes and now the guys on occasion just sneak in Rutherford B. Hayes jokes so I feel like I subliminally got Rutherford B. Hayes into the pantheon as a way to dunk on my friend That rocks. I was reading something not too long ago that like I think I think he may have finally passed away, but there was like a grandson of President John Tyler who was alive until like the twenty tens. I want to say because John Tyler had kids at like like seventy something years old and then like his kids had kids at like seventy something years old. And then by the time that dude was in his seventies, it was like the twenty tens basically. So that's insane. Cute, cute. So, Peter, you played this for... Was it for Wii or Wii U? It was for the Wii. Like, late era Wii. Yeah, it was... It's got to be close to the end of the Wii life cycle, yeah. And I remember getting it and not having a Wii Motion Plus and going to every GameStop in the area trying to find one. And then just having extended conversations with everyone at GameStop about how difficult it was to find one. Yeah. I eventually was able to borrow a friends but it took so so long and then ultimately the motion controls were kind of terrible yeah it's the minute I could turn the motion controls off for this one I did even though the button controls compensating for it are a little awkward it takes a second to adjust to it I I got a wii I got one of the wii's that came with like the motion plus built in Hmm. But I yeah, I remember that it was like a little thing you plugged into the bottom of the controller. Yeah. And then later they made them with it. Just it just came with. But yeah. OK, so now I got to hike over to the woods. But this remaster was for Wii U originally, right? And then they ported it to Switch. Well, this was... I guess? I don't know. Well, it's like... I don't know. The original Wii U Zelda game was Breath of the Wild, weirdly. Oh, yeah. That was like a... That's how I played that game. Even though it's more known for being Switch. But yeah, I think this may have been like right at the turnover from first Wii to Wii U. Nice. Peter, you also have a new podcast. I do. You do with your wife. It's a Twilight Zone podcast. Oh, nice. Called The Monsters Are Due. A new episode dropping tomorrow. Oh, amazing. I listened to the first episode. It's great. You guys do a really great job of recapping Twilight Zone and presenting some interesting facts that I honestly never heard before. And I love the Twilight Zone. So yeah, I want you to check that out. I just put that link in the chat. The monsters are new yeah it came about because we decided you know twelve years in it was the time for us to get to that point in our relationship where we should start a podcast together you know very comfortable uh but we have talked about doing one for a while and my we both like the twilight zone my wife is a super fan and knows much more than I do which will become evident she made that clear in the first episode very quickly into um You said something like there were six seasons, and she immediately was like, there weren't six seasons of this show. It's great. Yeah, so... So we actually just got to an episode I wasn't familiar with, but my wife was. It's the episode coming out tomorrow. It's for an episode called Walking Distance, which is this very sentimental, incredible little story that was honestly a joy to watch. And that's the fun thing about the Twilight Zone is you can have these really introspective, tightly crafted, wonderful stories. And then you can also have a goofy story about a goblin on a wing. Yeah. The full breadth of storytelling there. But yeah, we're having a lot of fun with it. We've got great feedback so far. New episodes every Tuesday until we run out of the Twilight Zone. Incredible. So you're doing every episode from the very beginning. So the plan right now is to do every episode in order. And then at the end of each season, we're going to do a draft where we draft the lineup of episodes from that season. That will get very competitive very quickly. Oh, I love that. We'll see if I'm still married after that. yeah we're really excited about it those early episodes are really interesting too because it's like rod serling like had the concept down from the very start you know it's just uh refined it over the years and everything but though I found through the years through watching it there's there's more bad ones than I remember there being there's all the classic ones of course but you get to that like that one season where they're like shooting a bunch of them on video and like oh those were weird ones oh is that the season where it's forty minutes like there's a season where it's long maybe they did it yeah there was like one season where I think every episode was it was like it took up a full hour um but then there were yeah there were some they shot in video which was it doesn't really aged well because like when those those ones that are like the classic ones that are shot on film and they're like remastered they look so great like uh yeah I mean, these first few episodes, Bernard Herrmann did the score for two of them. Wow. Nice. And it's kind of crazy just how interconnected with what we would call classic Hollywood, but what was contemporary Hollywood at the time. I made a point of saying that the Twilight Zone is generally, especially for the era, incredible at casting child actors. I don't know if you know this, but for the Brady Bunch, aside from the eldest children, they didn't audition. They just played with toys in front of the producers, and then they were like, you? So their casting is kind of phenomenal, but there's this one child actor in this episode, Walking Distance, who I think is terrible and is clearly reading cue cards off screen. He's also poor, so it makes sense. But it turns out that actor was Ron Howard. oh my god yeah a lot of famous people passed through that show yeah it's I mean it's a shatner twice uh burgess meredith a bunch of times um I think four or five times for bridges and directors too like richard donner did the shatner get gremlin episode I think uh yeah um ray bradbury uh yeah ray bradbury wrote at least one Yeah. And who's the guy who did Planet of the Apes? Oh, I'm not going to remember that. I think my friend is in chat who will know this right away. Oh, Richard Matheson. Richard Matheson. Yeah, he did a bunch of Twilight Zones, too. Rod Serling did a pass on the Planet of the Apes script originally. I know. Our good friend Dana Gooley did a whole comic off of that. I don't think much of it made it into the final script. No, like all the apes, they were dressed like contemporarily in his version, so they wore like suits and they drove cars and they... He would. It's like, how could we know that this was possibly Earth? So when you're done with the series, are you going to do the movie or like the eighties revival gallery? Yeah. We haven't really discussed what the plan is right now. We're just trying to enjoy the show as we're going through it. And what's, what's fun for me is I've seen a lot of it, but you know, it's like a hundred and twenty some odd episodes. I haven't seen all of them. And a lot of them I've only seen like one time. But we just watched The Lonely, which is this story about this man who was on an astronaut for a life sentence and he's given like an android as a partner, a female android. And it's actually quite poignant and nice, but I'd seen it once like a few years ago and I forgot a lot of it. So it's nice to be able to revisit it. Yeah. yeah no there's I mean as much as I love the same boat as much as I love the twilight zone there's when we watch like the marathon there's always like an episode here and there I'm like I don't think I've ever seen this one I remember like in new york city growing up they'd always do a twilight zone marathon on new year's eve yeah sci-fi typically did that right they started doing it eventually they kind of took over that but um But they would kind of always show the same episodes during the marathon. It was kind of like the greatest hits. It kind of makes sense because Serling is from Binghampton, which is outside of Syracuse. Oh, yeah. In fact, that... There's a park. Oh God, it's called Recreation Park. That's it. Which a few parks in the Twilight Zone are based on and has like a plaque for Serling. It's featured in, not featured, but referenced in the episode we just did, Walking Distance. Oh, nice. He references a lot of New York towns too in episodes. You know that doppelganger episode that takes place at a bus station? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that's like in Cortland, New York. Oh, okay. So anyone from Cortland was like very much aware of that episode. I know that place. Where is Cortland? It's pretty... New York State is like pretty far west. Oh, okay. So it's a hot state, New York? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, because I'm from Massachusetts originally, but being from Massachusetts, New York is my sworn enemy, so I don't know. Right. Where did you, where in Massachusetts? So my family is from Gardner, which is Northwest of Framingham. That's like the closest like gnome city. It was a major furniture manufacturing town. But mostly I just say I'm, if someone asks and I don't want to elaborate, I'm just like, I'm Boston, Cambridge. People will know. But yeah, Northwest Mass. Yeah. That's always the best when you talk to some people and you're like, Oh, so where are you from? And they give you like the specific rundown. You're like, I'm not from where you're from. You could just say outside of Boston. Yeah. It's like, you know, when I tell people where I'm from in South Carolina and it's like, I'm like, Oh, kind of like outside of Greenville. And occasionally they're like, Oh, I like I'm from South Carolina. I'm like, Oh, I can go into detail now. It's a, I live in Spartanburg, the murder capital of the state. Uh, Wait, what am I doing with this guy? Mr. Xenatron says Time of the Apes is actually slightly closer to the original Planet of the Apes novel in some ways than the actual Planet of the Apes movies. Oh, well, there you go. time of the apes was my first uh mystery science theater movie oh wow mine was oh god oh soul taker it was soul taker oh nice I was gonna ask what's the one where the guy takes people's souls Whoever named that movie was on the ball, just like, what's this about? Guy takes soul? Soul taker. I'm going on break. Yeah, see, I mean, it's either that or they're just completely lying about the content of the film. It's either dead on or just a complete lie to sell movie tickets. Yeah. like the the brain that wouldn't die which is actually a head who the head is I think it was originally called the head that wouldn't die um wait there was oh landon newt said I've never seen the newer planet of the apes movie should I bother yes I keep hearing those are good I still need to oh you've never you neither of you have seen any of them No, I watched the Tim Burton reboot. Oh, that one's ridiculous. That one is ridiculous. Where Marky Mark comes back to the present at one point and there's like an ape, Abraham Lincoln. The Andy Serkis trilogy is great. I never saw the fourth one they just put out that's like a sequel to those, but My issue with those movies, it's kind of my issue with, like, the Resident Evil movies and the Fast and the Furiouses, which is that they don't really have numbers next to them, and I get lost what order I should watch them in all the time, because it's, like, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and War of the Planet of the Apes and then, like, Kingdom and, like, just put two behind one of them. I can... Yeah, I get that. That being said, I have seen the entire original Planet of the Apes franchise, which I don't think Chris has seen, and none of those are numbered, so maybe I'm just Yeah, I don't think I've seen all of the original ones. Oh, those are great. Aren't a bunch of them just of the planet of the blank of the planet of the apes? Yeah, pretty much, yeah. Beneath the Planet of the Apes is a great movie. It's so freaking weird. It's basically just the same plot as the first one, but there's an atomic bomb and mutants that are worked in, and it gets very weird. Oh, don't they, like, worship the atomic bomb like a god? Yeah, it's like what happened to all the mutants, and then the movie ends with Charlton Heston blowing up the planet, and then they still made four more movies after that. Incredible. You gotta print that money. What gets me about the Tim Burton one is the production design and all that is so incredible on that movie, but the movie's so terrible. Yeah, and the makeup is just not very believable. It's kind of funny. And it has maybe the most fanservice-y cameo I've ever seen in anything, because they bring back Charlton Heston as the old ape, and he says all the lines he says from the first one. They used to show that movie all the time on FX, the Tim Burton Planet of the Apes. And I just remember, because there was always like a promo. I watched The Shield a lot back then. And there was this promo for Planet of the Apes that started with the Michael Clarke Duncan's line where he's like, bow your head. So that became like a running gag with all my friends in college who would just shout, bow your head. apparently Tim Roth passed on the role of Snape in Harry Potter for Planet of the Apes that's a legendary bag fumble oh no that's almost as bad as the one guy who was going to play Wolverine in the X-Men movies turning it down so he could be the bad guy in Mission Impossible too oh no which in retrospect was the right choice Hugh Jackman wise but I bet that guy he thinks about that a lot Mission Impossible too is a great movie it's stupid but I love it The Mission Impossibles are fun, though I am kind of sick of them being like, well, Tom Cruise does his own stunts. We have to respect him. It's like, no, he's insane. He shouldn't be doing this. He's mentally unwell. He is quite old. He should not be doing this. It's true. He's kind of become like Jackie Chan in half the spectacle of the movie is knowing that he actually put himself in danger. Yeah. I think he just enjoys doing that kind of shit. And just by putting it on camera, he gets to, you know, like write it off as a business expense. He's basically like Adam Sandler, but at least the shit that he does is like fun and exciting to watch. Whereas when you watch those Adam Sandler movies, you're like, you wanted to go on vacation to Hawaii this year, didn't you? And you're, and this is how you're getting away with it. Well, I heard Adam Sandler did all his own stunts for Uncut Gems. He did all the yelling. He did all his own stunts for Jack and Jill. He's great, Matt. Oh, man. Okay, so just imagine swinging a Wiimote about in your room hoping not to... I tried to play this with the motion controls when I first got it and just the the trying to fly the bird or yeah like it's uh so yeah but like trying to fly the bird with the motion controls I just knew right away I was like yeah this is gonna I really don't like I don't like using any kind of motion controls some for some stuff it's okay like for this I have them turned on to like where when I'm using like a weapon I can use it to like aim and that's fine right yeah but yeah I like it in like small mini game-esque capacities but I mean we've like basically even trade to play games with a controller and like a keyboard and mouse yeah let's just yeah what are we doing here yeah maybe I can just hit it from back here I do like that they gave it the old college try though and like now we just kind of know that there we go Yeah, I mean, I had a Wii U, and they really went out of their way to make sure there were separate things going on the tablet screen. That was a big appeal of all those games. The first few games that came out, at least, it was like... It was kind of cool. Yeah. That was just such a very confusing system to a lot of people, though, I think, because it was like, it's like, so it's on the tablet and you can play the game separately from the console, but you can't, like, really take it on its own away from the console. It was like, it was just a lot for people to deal with, I think. This is a fun puzzle. You get through this because you have to go this high. Yeah, this is cool. This high go crazy. Yeah. like there's a lot of really fun bits in this game and like there's a few zelda items and I don't think you've gotten it yet but one of my favorite zelda items is in this game and like that's all cool but it's kind of lost under the mountain of issues with the motion controls unfortunately well there's the controls and then like this is the Zelda game where they're like you know what people really want from a Zelda game like an on the rails story so let's just make this so full of exposition and it's like it's you know and like characters have arcs and stuff and I like a good story in a game but it's like but not at the expense of like the gameplay because like you go to Breath of the Wild after this and it has the most bare bones story because it's just like don't you just want to play a Zelda game without you know like go over here to make this cutscene happen, and then you've got to go to this, and then there's going to be a fifteen minute scene where it's explained what happened to you before. I'm like, I don't care. Yeah, no, those games are so good. Oh my God, I've lost so much of my life to those games. The Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. Yeah, both of them. I have like ninety nine percent in Tears of the Kingdom I'm like fifteen core I still have not even really played Tears of the Kingdom it's the first Switch game I got it's very good but like only diving if you're willing if you have time where you can like drop three or four hours at a time yeah it's like doing heroin yeah you just like look up and you're like it's like seven a.m. that's how it was when I played Breath of the Wild it was like I was like addicted to it it's so it's they took little mechanical upgrades and like they made it faster because they had to because the game is so much bigger and the switch is still the switch um but it's it's incredible like I I know I'm really going out on a limb here saying that tears of the kingdom is really good yeah three years after it came out or whatever It's uh, I mean like it was one of those games when I bought I think it's the most I've ever paid for like a console game because it was like But I have got my money's worth out of that fucking thing it's I've Put in a lot of time on it But I do I do think that it benefits from you kind of having played through breath of the wild first. Absolutely because it builds on all of those mechanics and then it adds all the the building stuff which I I liked the building stuff okay, and, like, the little dungeons and everything, but there's, like, a whole community of people that kind of treat that game like it's, you know, like Minecraft or something. And I'm like, I don't get into all that necessarily, but... But it's, uh... But yeah, like, all the extra maps, all the sky stuff, and the underground stuff, I've unlocked all that. It's insane. Like... I mean, I will give Nintendo credit. They never discount their games, but, like, it's very much a Nintendo game. Like, you don't really... Unless it's, like, Mario Golf or one of the sports Mario games that, like, cheap cash grabs. And though I do love Mario Golf. Um... I don't know if I've ever played that is that worth playing the new one's fun if you get it on ebay for cheap and you have some friends like you basically like my buddy and I will have like a couple of beers and like just treat it like we were actually golfing you know right but like the animations are so cheap and clearly recycled from like mario party or something and then like the cast of characters is like weird like ninji is one of the characters you know the classic mario character ninji If you're wondering who Ninji is, he's a background character in Mario II. And he's in a bunch of games because he's basically a little star that's very easy to animate. Yeah. And has, like, no facial expressions. Makes sense. I always wanted them to do more with those Mario II characters, like King Wart, the bad guy from that game. They've done Birdo. Yeah, Birdo's been the one that broke out from that. I mean, and they dropped Mouser pretty quick. He was pretty big for a while. Oh, yeah, Mouser. but I think it's just because they're mostly yeah I think it's mostly because they like didn't really make it right yeah it's reskinned a doki doki panic or whatever the game's called which is just I think it's just like short for heart attack I could be mistaken Birdo is such a surprising character for Nintendo to latch onto, because it's like, hey, you know this weird, like, sex doll dinosaur that, like, shoots eggs out of its, like, cloaca mouth? Let's put that into... to nine thousand games for children. Predates Yoshi, too, which is weird. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, I've got to get over here to this side, and I don't remember how... Peter, do you plan on getting a Switch, too, when it comes out? If I can get one without a scalper, then probably. I mean, I love my Switch. It makes me see the appeal of a Steam Deck, but I don't think I could handle having my Steam library with me everywhere. Yeah, yeah. But I love my Switch. I mean, I'll be taking a four-and-a-half-hour flight to Nashville this summer, and the Switch will be the best. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For stuff like for travel, it's great. Yeah, and it's also nice if my wife wants to play Red Dead or something, I can just sit and play Switch on the couch. Right, right. Yeah, I think the new one has the advantage. They've already said it's going to be able to play all Switch One games. Which is rare for Nintendo. They love making you pay for that stuff. I mean, I've re-bought a lot of the Wii U games I had just because I wanted to play it on Switch. Yeah, a lot of people have. The Wii U, I think... I think that's probably going to be remembered as one of the major stinkers, unfortunately. Like, I don't really think they had a plan. It probably made the, it directed them to make the Switch, which I think ultimately will make it worth it. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I think the must play on Wii U, like, there's the Wind Waker HD remake. on wii u yeah which I have yeah and then the the smash on the wii u is quite good as well then they made the one on switch which has everything that's in the wii u one I know eight million other characters from fire emblem you didn't know that's why I had to rebuy that one because I was like I have I had that one on disc even oh wow yeah we got to get chris to play some wind waker at some point that's great yeah like the mario world I re-bought and mario was great yeah I'd be happy if they ported some three DS titles to switch to, like, I'd love to play link between worlds on switch. Yeah. Or even just let the Ocarina of time remake that they did for three DS, which was so much better than the original one. Did it with the Majora's mask remake as well. Yeah. I haven't actually played all of Majora's Mask in any of their forms. That was one where I was like, I could just never quite groove with it. The weird time limit and everything. And it just feels like when you play it that this was rushed out very quickly after Ocarina of Time, which it was. I get it. It's my favorite Zelda game. I love that game. It's the intricacies and depth of that world. I love world building. I love lore. That's basically the whole game. There's a lot of problems with it, I'll openly admit. The HD remake they made for a three DS is very good. I hope they'll put that somewhere else. Oh, we got a donation here from Landon Newts. Landon, thank you, bud. It's Heather. Oh, Heather. I'm sorry. um yeah this is uh landa just says in the notes here forever dumb I want to be forever I want to be matt you should sing that as gollum oh yeah I was I was gonna do the because yeah like that because yeah when you said that I was like uh what came to my mind originally was the the rod stewart one you know it's like hey I gotta look up some I gotta look up some lyrics Oh, yeah, well, this one came up first, so yeah, I'll just do that. So, yeah, so this is Forever Young as Gollum, so... Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while Heaven can wait, we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst Are you gonna drop the bomb or not? Let us stay young and let us live forever. We don't have the power, but we never say never. Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip. The music's for the sun, man. I'm skipping. Forever young, I want to be forever dumb. Do you really want to live forever, forever and ever? Forever dumb. I want to be forever dumb do you really want to live forever London forever forever dumb thank you so much dude incredible no notes it's like the voice of a little angel green light it okay so I'm still stuck in this now things are getting serious I put my sunglasses up that's how you know I'm I do like this kind of damage notification has kind of gone the way of the past, like just blinking red constantly. It's like, hey, did you forget? Hey, you're dying. Just reminding you every five seconds. What the fuck do I do now? I've raised the water level. I literally just beat this game in its entirety last year again. I thought it would be easier for me to make some stuff happen. Sometimes when it's a convoluted Zelda puzzle, it's hard to commit it to memory. Yeah. I've beaten the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time like a dozen times, but I don't think I could do that now. That's one where I've played that game a bunch and every single time I'm like, you know what? I'm getting the guide out for this one because if you do anything in the wrong order, you are just screwed. You got to put the boots on. You got to take the boots off. You got to go to this level. You got to do the thing. You got to go to one. You got to go to three. You got to go to the middle. Oh, man. And that was why the three DS one was nice. Cause it didn't really change that puzzle, but it did color coat the level. So you could at least tell where the hell you were at. Uh, okay. What the fuck do I do here? If anybody, if anybody knows what to do at this point in Skyward Sword, uh, cause I raised the water level. It seems to have raised it everywhere. I think I need to raise it one more time, but I think there's, I think I have to get inside another. Oh, you know what I need to do? I think, is there something over here? There is something over here. I'm awesome. There it is. DevoG-twenty-seven just cheered. Forty-five bits. Thank you, DevoG-twenty-seven. Thank you. I love Devo. Okay, so now I go through this door, and that'll raise the water level up, and then I can go across the thing. We also got new follows from Desi Chainsaw Fingers. And bidets are bidope. That's quite possibly the greatest Twitch name I've ever seen. These are bidets of our lives. If I ran a bidet company, that's what all our commercials would be. A soap opera about the miracle of bidet ownership. Okay, I need more shit for my... anyone watch the oscars at all last night I didn't know I I don't know it's so arbitrary and yeah I you get all those reports from people being like I don't think ralph fines should have won because you already won and it turns out he didn't like right and all that stuff and like you hear that they don't a lot of people don't watch the animated like movies or shorts and they just let their assistants vote for them and it's like what are we doing what are we doing here it is kind of insane like that's the the system is most people just don't watch any of those screeners right so yeah yeah it's like who's really voting for any of this stuff and that's the whole money side of it with you know the further consideration campaigns right really just tipping the scales you know Well, and I think there's a lot of people, too. I mean, I always feel this way, that there's these big Oscar darling movies, and then they'll win an Oscar, and very rarely after that do you ever hear about them ever again. Remember that year when, what was it, The Artist or whatever, that silent movie was the big thing, and then no one ever talked about it ever again after that? Yeah, it's not like when The Godfather would win. It's like, yeah, of course. Or even like Parasite people were like big on that. And that's still a really good movie. It's probably of the Oscar movies that have won last couple of years. One of my favorites, but like it's, you know, that was like everywhere for a minute and then it just like vanished. I mean, I think with a movie like Parasite, at least that director has a pretty deep catalog. I mean, the Robert Pattinson movie he's making, Mickey said that he's excited for. I mean, I like all of his movies. Did he do Snowpiercer? He did do Snowpiercer. That's a great movie. It's a Snowpiercer, The Host. If you haven't seen The Host, The Host is fantastic. The monster movie, The Host. There's like two other The Hosts. Parasite. He did one for Netflix that I don't remember off the top of my head. And then Mickey's Seventeen. Danny says, hold on Matt, are you saying people stopped talking about The Green Book? Oh yeah, I remember. The Green Book was one of those kind of white savior type movies, right? That was a criticism of that. I'm pretty sure directed by one of the Farley brothers. Yeah. Oh, weird. I never realized that. It's Aragorn doing a reverse Driving Miss Daisy, right? Isn't that the plot of that one, kind of? I haven't seen it, so I don't want to speak on it. I should be allowed to do synopsis for TV Guide. That would be like Star Wars Episode II, Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan rocks a sweet mullet, and that's my entire... I just watched Train to Busan the other day, which I'd never seen before. Yeah, it's one of those movies people have been nagging me to watch forever, and finally. Korea was on a really great zombie movie kick for a while. If you haven't seen One Cut of the Dead, which is kind of a zombie parody. Honestly, don't look up anything about it. Just watch it. One Cut of the Dead. One Cut of the Dead. I think it's on Shudder, if you have a Shudder. Oh, yeah, I do. So, yeah, I highly recommend that. Korea has been producing high-quality horror for quite some time. Train to Busan is great. That director, I believe, has another movie coming out this year. Awesome. There's an anime sequel to Train to Busan, which I haven't seen. Yeah, I was reading about that. There's a quasi-sequel. Same director. What's a quasi-sequel? It's technically the same world as Train to Busan, but it's none of the same characters. Yeah. Is the train to Busan related to the train to Desert Moon that the lead singer from Styx went on? Oh my god, that is a whole... Remember that song? Remember that, like, track seven on a Styx album? Hey, that was his, that was him solo, that was... Oh, it was... That was a Dennis DeYoung solo. I was gonna ask which Styx lead singer. Yes, that was Dennis DeYoung. I love that the story of Styx is just like, they were a classic rock band, and then he was like, you know what, we're going all in on this robot shit, and none of them were having it, and that was the beginning of the end. And it's also where they made all their money, so you should be thanking them. We should probably get into our co-op game soon. okay let me try and find a good stop in place I was hoping I could have got a little bit further in this dungeon but at least I got further than I did last week playing this so is this where I was I think this is where I was hang on I have the map do I have the key for this yet I can't get on the thing yet I don't think right peter what other games are you playing right now Um, right now I haven't jumped on anything new. I have like such a massive backlog, but I've been so busy. I've just been playing stuff I already know. So like I've been playing Stardew Valley and like the latest NBA two K, which it's very, which is funny because basically they started a new thing where you can play older seasons. So I'm like basically playing NBA two K twelve, but on NBA two K twenty five. It's like, oh, wow. Remember when Al Jefferson was on the Utah Jazz? Remember before LeBron James won the championship? Stardew Valley is one people keep recommending. I don't know if I... It seems like one I will get addicted to, so I'm staying away until I have a long flight or something. That's kind of like Animal Crossing-esque, isn't it? You like management sims? Like Animal Crossing? Yeah. Yeah, I like that. I like Animal Crossing. So it's like a management sin, but also like a relationship game, but also like a commerce game. But it's very low. It's as high stakes or low stakes as you want it to be. And you can really... play it however you want and since it first came out the developers released so much content for free like the game is so fundamentally he added a free multiplayer version like five years ago oh wow and he's I think he pushed another update like six or seven months ago like a massive one so he just he supported that game forever I bought it on sale for like five dollars years ago and I've it's my top five on steam maybe my it might be number one on steam yeah So yeah, I mean, I'd highly recommend it, but much like Tears of the Kingdom, you should carve out time. You should just be prepared to ruin your life with it when you start playing. Though you should also make one save where you learn how to play the game and you play like six months of a year and then just delete it and start over and do everything right. See, like you can't do that in Animal Crossing. It's like you have to like reset the entire island, I think. You have to commit to the bit. There's one of those that's coming out soon where it's like you're a hobbit and you have like a little hobbit house in the Shire and you manage it and everything. And that sounds... That sounds pretty cool. That sounds fun. Can I have the strawberries and cream at the dancing pony? My question is, will you be able to smoke as much weed as those hobbits smoke in that game? Because you know they're on it. Their pipe weed. The long bottom leaf. Where Tolkien dorks will get on to me and be like, it's clearly a type of tobacco or something. I'm like, no, Saruman has a line in that movie where he tells Gandalf that the halfling's leaf has slowed his mind. They are on the good stuff over there. Gandalf gives off Elder Stoner vibes for sure. It's a world where dragons are real. Let them smoke weed. Yeah, that's the most unbelievable part of this that they're they're smoking weed in this game where there's an evil ring that can take over your brains and You will suspend disbelief over a sheet of armor this thin stopping a spear by a troll. But weed. Weed's off the table. My dad and I are going to watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy again very soon. We have plans. Extended or original. Exactly. That's what we don't know. I mean, we've seen them both. So I'm thinking maybe theatrical just because they're a little... It's better. I think the extended Fellowship is worth watching, but like Two Towers and Return of the King, I think you can definitely go theatrical and be just fine. Yeah, I think that makes sense, because I think the Fellowship's only like two and a half, and the extended brings it to around three, which is about the length of all the other ones. But like, the Two Towers and Return of the King stuff, it's like, look, here's more Sean Bean. It's like, yeah. Return of the King is like four and a half hours long or something. It's not worth it. If you do watch the theatrical Return of the King, just watch the scene where Saruman gets it because they, for whatever reason, don't include that in the theatrical one. I was like, why would you leave that out? Yeah, the raising of the Shire and stuff. I don't know if I've ever seen the extended Return of the King. It's like another hour longer than the theatrical movie. It's ridiculous. We have decided we're not going to bother with the Hobbit movies, which I've still never seen. Why would you? It's inexcusable. I mean, it was a two hundred and seventy page book and made it into not. Yeah, that's nuts. And there's extended versions of all those, too. Yeah, I own a one hundred and seventy page book where they sing for about ten percent of the audience. When my wife and I first started dating, she was like, it's not that much. And then I literally went and I marked off all of the pages where they sing. And it's like twenty seven pages. That's like those books, because I remember those movies came out. Peter Jackson did a good job turning those into action movies, because I was like, thirteen, those movies came out. I'm like, oh, I should give the books a try, and the books are all just like, and then the fellowship went here, and they stayed here for a fortnight, and then Sam sang a song, and then everybody ate, and then they went to the next place, and they stayed there for a fortnight, and then Gandalf sang a song this time, and it went on for four pages, and you're just like... Would somebody, like, shoot something or stab something? Yeah, it's very much like, um, George R.R. Martin has the same thing where he's also, like, they're big fans of Arthurian lore and, like, that's how that stuff was written. So there's paragraphs and paragraphs of descriptions of, like, food. Yeah. And it's like, I don't care. I really, like, that's cool, man. I don't care. Like, uh, like, Chris, have you ever read the Lord of the Rings books? I did in college, yeah. It's been a while. Like, fucking Tom Bombadil, who shows up in Fellowship, I'm like, I applaud you, Peter Jackson, for deleting this man from here, because what does this have to do with anything? There's, like, seven pages of him singing about, like, his girlfriend's hair. It's egregious. It's very... I don't know. He was dealing with trauma from the war, okay? That's fair. I don't know. I think I maybe had a wee bit of an impasse. Should we go ahead and switch over? Yeah, let's switch over. All right. Skyward Sword, everybody. Let me get this. I made it through half a dungeon. If I were by myself, I would be Googling all of this intensely. Thank you for letting me indulge my passion. I'm gonna send you guys the uh code in the private chat here oh yeah let me get over yeah head over to riff tracks dot games we'll put the code in the chat in just a minute I always get that mixed up with I'm like one of them is dot tv and the other I know I get so confused over that um it's part of our ongoing war with jackbox not just kidding we're we're actually friends with those guys they're cool they seem it I love the jackbox games yeah we we've done some charity streams together and things like we actually helped them with a game on I don't know if it was this party pack or the last party back It had something with public domain films in it. So we were able to help them with some of the legal difficulties of that. Yeah. Okay, I'm in. You're in. All right. You're in what? You're in. Nice. Save it for the game. All right, guys. I just put that code in the chat. So everyone head to Save the jokes for the game floor. It always fills up instantly, and I love it. Okay. I'm going to go ahead and take my Switch off. Oh, yeah. There we go. All right. All right. All right, everyone. And if you didn't make it into the game, you could still vote in the Twitch chat for whatever clips. Let me turn this up a little bit. I love this movie from attack of the super monsters it's half kaiju half anime oh yeah oh now that peter's here he can weigh on in on our ongoing debate over the music in this game oh my god yeah what's up what's up uh I I say that the music that's a you know when you're putting in your riffs and everything qualifies as ska chris says it does not qualify as ska I have to think about that. Let's wait for it to play. We've literally been arguing about this for like seven months. A few months, yeah. Oh, it's very interesting. Man. This song. It does make me want to pick it up a little. See? But I don't know if it's ska. There's no horns. There's no horns. Oh, no horns? There's no horns. You would only call a ska song without horns a ska song if it was by a ska band. Right, and it had the guitar upstrokes. But these aren't really upstrokes because it's on the... I don't think Jonathan Colton has ever made a ska song. All right. But it is definitely Ska-esque. What would you call something then that it's like, if it's not quite Ska, but it's like... I could see a Ska band having this song in their repertoire. Okay, so you could be a Ska band that makes this song, but the song isn't specifically Ska. Well, it's like when Madness branched out a little bit, you know. Not all Ska songs by Ska bands are Ska, but all Ska bands who... Not all pee-pee times are poo-poo times, but all poo-poo times are pee-pee times. I feel like I'm saying one of those. Yeah, square rectangle situation. I am rectangle. I just shit my pants. That's what I would do if that happened to me. Yes. Excellent. Wait, you aren't a little boy? Bye. Great. Now I'm an H&R Block rap. Is the same curse that turns Billy into Captain Marvel the same thing that turned Tom Hanks into an adult and big? I have become Dork, destroyer of worlds. There's some fan fiction someone should work on. Oh, no. The big DC crossover. Couldn't hear it. Okay, we all had a good laugh. Now time to vote. Gee, I wonder which one Chris wrote. It's the one that's not one of his options. Wait, what? Some requests in the chat to turn up the volume a little. Oh, okay. Pick it up, pick it up. Is that good? Yeah, that works. That'll do, pig. That'll do. to him from the director of Mad Max Fury Road. Peter, has Rift Tracks finished doing all the Captain Marvel shorts or they're still on us? I think we'll finish them this year. It's a stupid number. It's like fourteen or sixteen. Oh, okay. How many there are. We should finish them this year. It's the very first live action DC piece of media ever, technically. Well, incredible sometimes it's simplicity I know he's got to be a blockbuster yeah but it's not legally actionable this is very useful valuable your employer can't let you oh it is a good yeah chris Yeah, this short is great. Just completely inapplicable job advice for like twelve minutes. Right. Oh, this is a good mix. When I was playing it earlier today, it was a lot of the newer clips. Nice to see some of the older ones. Oh, yeah. Yeah, what do we got here? We got, like, a lady. It looks like she's sniffing something. There could be so many of them. I think in order, it's Boy in the Plastic Bubble, A Case of Spring Fever. I forgot the name of this kiddie short. Four, you should recognize Chris as Bride of the Gorilla. Oh, yeah. And five is David and Hazel, and six is Spiker. It's almost like I had to watch these clips hundreds of times making this game. Right of the Girl, a great little movie. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Are you working on any new clip sets right now for it? That will probably be a stretch reward for the Kickstarter. Control the email server. Make yourself so valuable your employer can't let you go. Get good at hand jobs. Make yourself so valuable your employer can't let you go. Oops, Elon just decided you're not valuable. Tough shit. Make yourself so valuable your employer can't let you go. Or become the office drunk. Everyone will love your antics. Make yourself so valuable your employer can't let you go. Sir, I'm the president of Ukraine. Make yourself so valuable your employer can't let you go. I feel like this is how Doge decides which rights I get to have. It did Doge. Got your favorite? Vote now. If this were a comedy club, I'd have my giant hook out from the side by now. Ugh. Ugh. Yeah, how do you all decide on when you're putting together new packs and stuff? Is it always a holiday you have in mind? Or is there just like... It's honestly just when we think we have like a good batch of stuff we can put together just because of how the app stores work. It only really makes sense for us financially to kind of release stuff in like sixty or seventy little clip chunks. So I've started flagging titles that we'll have in the next one. A lot of stuff over the last like nine months or so. I think we'll be able to include Time Cop in that actually. I should check because we got Point Break in the game. Well, you got point break in this already? Yeah, point break's in there. I haven't come across that yet. Yeah. Handjobs. Give a dry handjob to your boss. Let him know. Oh, no. Dry. Use some sandpaper, you know? Ugh. Like a cat's tongue down there, you know? No. Uh, Matt's been drinking. Alright, say it. You think I'm awful. Alright, say it. You think I'm awful. I think the context of that is her husband is actively lying to her about losing his job at work and she's suspicious of it. She's supposed to have some aspersions cast on her for being suspicious of this terrible thing he actually did. What a great short. Well, if he doesn't have a job, where does he go every day? the track that kind of tracks for the time period turns out he's actually the son of sam he's been out killing people he's listening to that dog he's listening me and the dog are just gonna go to work today we're gonna oh we got an amazing bulk clip on screen look at that oh yeah I haven't watched that yet. Yeah, we actually got the star and the guy who plays the bulk in one shot to get interviewed by Bill. And it was a trip. Sorry, what? I was thinking about the D. Could use some bullying. All right, say it. You think I'm awful? No, you're just stuck in the cold. All right, say it. You think I'm awful? I think you're a rancid bitch. Wow. Oh my god. Oh no. This will ruin your pan and your dishwasher. Here we go again. Time to vote. Yeah, stuff like the amazing bulk that was like clearly that was going to be in the game. Yeah. What have we done recently? It's been a blur getting ready for the Kickstarter. And you guys are back in Nashville this year, right? Yeah, we're back in Nashville this year. We did the one year in Minneapolis because with Point Break being the big deal it was, we wanted to do a larger theater. Yeah. But we're back home in Nashville, humble Nashville. We're going to be doing the Grand Ole Opry, the Riffrax Cruise. Oh, man, I wish that'd be sweet. I would love that. Wear like a sparkly vest. Yeah. Have a slide guitarist play me on stage. You wear that Garth Brooks shirt that has the black and white squares all over it. Yes, yes, yes. Nice work, Happy Jeffy. Good job, Hef. Aw, I only got two silvers for that. Rancid bitch. Rancid. Round four. Martian? What's so good about having a sister? Oh my god. What's so good about having a sister? Time to bring the funny. Enter your rift now. Forgive me for this riff. I saw someone asking about a live show in Canada and why Nashville. So Canada, the movie theater chains in Canada are operated by a separate network, so it's kind of difficult. I think we ended up being in like fifty to a hundred last year for Point Break. And I don't know what the situation is this year, but if we do get showings in Canada, it will be in a similar number of theaters. Dan Wally asked, why did they stop broadcasting live? So basically, when we brought it down to one live show... it was for two reasons one it's a lot it's a lot less expensive yeah number two there would it lowers the chance of technical problems to almost zero which I think is the biggest yeah that's a big thing I would totally do that she can give me feedback on my drag race outfit what's so good about having a sister they've got the good blood when you get stabbed get me oh god what I've seen a lot of movies about how great it is to have a step-sister. You can give them Beatles haircuts like mine. She does have like the George Harrison going. What's so good about having a sister? My last name is Targaryen, so use your imagination. What's so good about having a sister? Free haircuts. The riffs are in. Time to vote. Yeah, but to circle back to that, it's really, if we're only going to have the one live show a year, and with so many theaters closing, we have fans who drive like ninety minutes, two hours plus to go see the show. And if, you know, a storm knocks out like a satellite connection and they drove two hours out of their way, like it just kind of kills us. Yeah. So it it saves on money and it also just lowers the chance for shenanigans like that. It's kind of a miracle you guys were able to do it. I could not imagine, on top of just putting on a live show at a theater, everything that can go wrong without your control. You're completely out of your control. Yeah, no, in like the thing about Nashville, like a lot of that section of the South has thunderstorms quite often. So when you're broadcasting out of there, like it's not an uncommon occurrence that we'd have a lot of strong rain or wind. So like that would present a number of issues. So, yeah, it's really just to make the experience better in the theater. Would you check out the riffing skills on this guy? Good job. You're doing a great job there, Danny. All right, moving up in the ranks. Ooh, I'm second somehow. Okay, Rippers, it's the final round. Don't come any nearer. Don't touch me. Don't come any nearer. Don't touch me. I got all this dubbed over like Italian or Spanish horror films. I don't remember which one this is. should I why not the last round marinara horror instead of spaghetti western I kind of live for that that's great and there's enough of them mcmarinara horror thing so you got like spaghetti western marinara horror is there like a like a like chicken parm drama a zd romance zd romance like pizza action I don't know yeah should have stopped at zd romance uh So you've seen some love for Ziti romance. There we go. You've got something. Don't touch me. Are you wearing that Eau de Buff scent again? Don't come any nearer. Don't touch me. Mike Pence's wedding night with mother. Don't come any nearer. Don't touch me. Egg. Don't come any nearer. Don't touch me. I just blew up the bathroom. I'm mad I'm voting this for gold, but it's the one that made me laugh the most. Egg, egg, egg. Egg. I'm also awarding someone who made a French joke. It was eau de beef. Eau de beef. Adam says, odd riffs tonight. I think it's always whenever we play this, it's odd. Egg's kind of running joke we have over here, Peter. We were playing this with Mary Jo one time. It was one of the egg clips, and I think I riffed on it. Just egg. That was the entire riff. It's haunted us for years now. Occasionally, egg will return. I love that short. Courtesy of the egg people. It's so stupid. I love it. weird Juno synth soundtrack. Egg, egg, egg, egg. Oh, I'm just so proud of you. Well done, Danny. Yeah, well done. I think Danny probably won this. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And the winner is... Danny! You did it! Yay! You beat Egg. You're so proud of yourself. The only reason I voted for you, Danny, is because I couldn't vote for Egg. It wouldn't let me. You won a technicality. No, I'm kidding. You did a fantastic job. Great job, everybody. Good job, Danny. Good job, everyone. Good job, team. Good job. If this was a basketball game, this would be the part where we all walk past each other and do that awkward high five while we're walking. Yeah. This has been so much fun. Thank you so much, Peter, for coming on the program. Happy to do it. You were the voice of the baby ghost. That's unfortunate. Very unfortunate. Yeah, it's been a lot of fun. Happy to come on whenever you guys want. Yeah, and congrats on the Kickstarter launch. It's already... I'm sure by this time tomorrow, it'll be... You guys are at two... Oh my God, it's like firing up. Yeah, it's like... Yeah, it's... Like I said, every year it's insane just to see how generous everyone is. Movie riffing fans are phenomenal. There's really nothing else to say. We are aware, yeah. It's always great. It's so awesome to see just a deserving group of people meet all their goals to get all their stuff funded. So it's well done to y'all. Thank you. Thank you. I did the most work, so I deserve all the thanks. Yeah, everyone head to slash kickstarter. We don't have any more donations or anything. I believe we're all caught up. Let's double check. Yeah, we're all caught up there. Everyone check out Peter's new podcast. Yeah, that sounds great. I know I had the name of it up here. The Monsters Are Due. Named after a famous Twilight Zone episode. The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street. With that phrasing, it makes it sound like the monsters, like O-Rent or something, the way you phrased it. Like, look, the monsters are due, okay? It's the first of the month. honestly that's what we should call paying rent from now on the monsters are due uh yeah the monsters are due everyone check that out yep new episode dropping tomorrow awesome and what episode is that that I think you said walking distance walking distance yeah so very sentimental uh pull at your heartstrings episode Yeah, and be sure to keep your eyes peeled on Rift Tracks' social media as they announce their stretch goals and things. You never know who or what might show up. You never know. You never know if things might get a little dumb. No. Nice. You never know who might be a part of them. You know, it might be... You might turn it on and... I was trying to think of someone stupid who would be involved in this. Like, it's a... You know... There's the Kickstarter poster. He's a king now, man. Come on. Respect the king. Oh, Van Damme. Yeah, I know. Look at my love. And it's, wait, it says in theaters August fourteenth. Isn't there a second date too? Yeah, it's also in August nineteenth. Yeah. Oh, okay. Great. You also did the British spelling of theaters for some reason. Oh, yeah. But that's fine. It makes us feel classy. Yeah. You should have said it's in the cinema on that day. It's going to be in the cinema. Thanks so much, everyone, for hanging out tonight. Head to slash superdumbbros. Join the free super club. And if you're watching on Twitch, we'll be back with our dumb television programming right after this. And what's playing on RiffTrax last night? We can read back over to there. Oh, yeah. Let's see. Playing a Rutger Howard movie earlier. Oh, it's a riff tracks. Oh, is this a Miami connection? Yeah. Oh, that's a great one. Yeah. Let's let's, let's go right over there. You can do that. And I'm going to have fired up over here. Let me put on trap. Maybe I'll put on some animal movies, some animal movies. So if you'd like to watch James Brolin fight a dog, fight several dogs, that is an option as well. All right, everyone. Thanks so much. Thanks for watching, everybody. See you next Monday.


Super Dumb Bros. Play The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Part One)