
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Watches Captain EO

Matt & Chris are still getting their asses kicked by Daylight Savings Time, but that doesn’t stop them from hosting an all-new Mystery Hour to recap the week in Dumb, catch up with Emmy Martian, and watch one of many Star Wars cartoons, which for some reason ends in the gang watching Captain EO!

This Week’s Dumb Deals:

This Week’s Dumb Deals: Buy Any 3 Hoodies, Get 1 FREE

The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join

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The Mads Are Back: T-Bird Gang just $6 thru Sunday w/ promo code GANGGANG


This Week In Dumb:

Saturday, March 8, 2025 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties

Monday, March 10, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play The Walking Dead (Part One)

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 @ 7pm ET: Brother Ichabod Presents: The Witching Hour

Wednesday, March 12, 2025: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: Crime Wave (1953)

Coming Soon To Dumb:

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: BAFFLED!

Saturday, March 22, 2025 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint: Prince of Space

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Game Show Night

Feature Presentation: Captain EO (4K Remaster)

Transcript: Looney Tunes will be right back after these messages. Hello, my Koopas! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! I'm King Koopa, and today is Kids Rights Day! Yay! We all believe in kids' rights and I got a box here full of kids' rights. It's completely full of them. This box full of kids' rights. Wait a minute. These are all kids' lefts. Dammit, lefts! They're only left. Left-handed seat. Left-handed. That's okay. Time to give a children's giant atlas of the universe to the trooper in the magic seat! Ratso, the card, please. Hiya, Ratso. How are ya? No, no, don't pull me! He always pulls me. Red Seven! Yeah, you're Red Seven! How you doing, trooper? What's your name? Billy. Billy! Are you a trooper, Billy? I got an atlas for you, Billy. I got an atlas for Billy. Here it comes. Here it comes. Look at this. Is this big? Yeah! Say hello to Bob and Dad. Hi, okay, Tiki Atlas. Yay, Billy! What is it? Now, it's my right, as a big kid who never grew up, to play the cartoons I want. And if I don't, I hold my breath till I turn pink. Here's all's well, and it will be, if I get my way. I'll be back with more prizes and more cartoons. That was great, kids. That's nice. What are you, from Biafra? I don't know. It's all tough with your... I am the Apostle Paul, though my mother called me Saul, I wrote much of the New Testament that much is true, but it was on the road to Damascus that I began to see, though first blinded, his wounds now healed on me, Peter you shied away from what you said you'd do, your sneakers ran, not stood, when you said you would, choosing flight for convenience, you ground you did not stand, when Jesus needed you most, you fled, when he bled, the cock crowed thrice before the Morning, son. Confirming to the world all you had done is run. Unable to stand strong in the test of fire, doing what is hard, you weltered and failed, fleeing from his guards. I am Peterson would call me The Rock. WWF choosing my nickname seemed a little bit insane, but I digress for intensity I do not lack. For everything I do, I seek take nothing back, when he called me out to walk with him on the water, I jumped and leapt into the waves I saunter, while Paul it's true that later, you did much good, that early you murdered, a bit like Robin Hood, though well educated, I'm certain that you are, you used your talents for evil, like a ruthless. Sam, it's good a miracle sent to blind you, in order that you might see that God is majestic and all the more glorious to be. Ozzy? Yeah? Do you have a secret fantasy? Yes, I'd like to fly to New York for a colonoscopy. Enter the CBS Cares colonoscopy sweepstakes. If you win our grand prize, we'll fly you to New York for three nights in a luxury hotel, watch the sunrise over Central Park, then kick back, relax, and enjoy a complimentary colonoscopy. So what are you waiting for? You can't win if you don't enter. Visit cbscares.tv. CBS Cares, making your fantasies come true. Man, I went to this bar in Nashville. This band was playing Kelly's Heroes, a great guitarist, best guitarist I've ever seen. And they were playing old country music with a heavy blues rock twist. So they do this great version of Ghost Riders in the Sky. And this brilliant guitarist just goes way out on a limb. and everybody in the crowd it's so it was so fun to be there they're just thrilled to death because they're watching this man doing the same thing that surfers do he's like dancing on the edge of chaos and order in this virtuosic manner and everyone is so taken by that it just lifts them out of the normality of their existence you know you see this joy just transfuse them and that's because they got an intimation of genuine meaning Is he seducing me? What am I, a bed bug? In the cities, in our houses, bedbugs have found a place to live. These little creatures infest our dwellings. They could hide any place in our apartments, but the place they love best is our beds. Bedbugs have penises like knives. Females don't need any genitals to mate. Stab me. Chase me. Mate with me. Seduce me. He is so strong and sharp. He doesn't need a vagina at all. He ejaculates in my wound. Via my bloodstream, the sperm will travel on their own to my ovaries. In two weeks, five hundred eggs would hatch. And the baby bedbugs would feed on the blood of whoever sleeps in the bed. Gozo! Today is my birthday. I'm just thirty. I'm just thirty. Well, I guess that means that next year you'll be thirty-one. Good luck. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na Na-na-na-na-na-na-na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Thank you for watching. No, no, no, no. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Thank you. You don't have to wrestle with that worn carpet anymore. Now you can have luxury carpeting wall to wall for only five dollars a square yard at Goldfine's. Choose from Goldfine's large selection of color, styles, and bold new patterns. Some with their own bonderized foam backings that regularly sell for seven dollars to eleven ninety-nine a square yard. At the sound of the bell, go to Goldfine's by the bridge and save during their giant carpet sale July eleventh through July fourteenth. Don't laugh. You could lose your head someday, too, you know. You could lose it right now, if you wanted to, by going to Mortrud Knesney's semi-annual clearance sale in friendly West End, Duluth. That's fun to lose your head out there. Bargains? Oh, have they got bargains. Thousands of men's slacks in double knit, ten to twenty-five percent off, really. Jackets of all descriptions, winter jackets, leather jackets, and car coats, too. Twenty-five percent reduction in price. Thousands of suits and sport coats. Literally thousands to choose from at ten to sixty percent off the regular price. And shirts, twenty-five percent off. In the young men's top half department, well, some slacks are fifty percent off. And there are some fifteen dollar slacks going for just five ninety-nine. Would I kid you? Go on out there right away now. Some annual clearance sale, M&K. Go ahead, lose your head. It's the Shake-A-Leg! Shake-A-Leg! It's a play-around toy! Wednesday is free kitty burger day. Buy any sandwich and we'll treat your kid to a free kitty burger. Roll & Richmond Avenue next to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Bollinger makes me hot and thirsty. This is a job for Kool-Aid. Hey, Kool-Aid! Oh, yeah! Kool-Aid's here, bringing you fun. Kool-Aid's got thirst on the run. Get a big, wide, happy ear to ear. Kool-Aid smile, yeah, yeah. Cause the biggest smile is a Kool-Aid smile. A Kool-Aid smile, a Kool-Aid smile. Your friend's cool. My friend's Kool-Aid. Kool-Aid brand soft drink, thanks. Have you ever wanted someone to take care of? Someone who needs lots of cuddling and affection? Someone you can give your love to? Well, that someone is Little Miss No-Name. She's the doll who needs more loving care than any doll you've ever had. Look, she has a tear on her cheek. Little Miss No-Name is sad because she doesn't have a pretty dress. She doesn't have any shoes. She doesn't even have a name. But she does have big brown eyes. Most of all, Little Miss No-Name has a heart filled with love. Give her a kiss and hold her close. Take your comb and make her hair look pretty. Little Miss No-Name needs a home and all the love you can give her. You'll find Little Miss No-Name standing in the snowstorm box at your toy store. Take her home with you today. Little Miss No-Name. She's Little Miss No-Name. She's lonesome and blue. She's longing for someone exactly like you. She has no one to talk with. she just sits and she stares she needs someone to hold her someone who cares poor little miss no name on her cheek there's a tear she's a sad little nobody cause there's nobody near so won't someone won't somebody do what someone should do And take home Little Miss No-Name Won't someone, won't you? You'll find Little Miss No-Name waiting for you at your toy store. King Tire Streaker Sale. For the next few days only, everything goes at King. Right to the bare walls. Streak in with nothing but your bare tires and King will put you into the finest tread you've ever seen. All first quality BFGoodrich and other top-name tires at prices so low, they'd shock a streaker. With every set of four tires you buy, King will give you a streaker special blanket. Cover yourself with King. King Tire is like buying from the factory. Hey, they're on the set of Arsenic and Old Lace. Yeah, I like the decor. Mid-century grandma. Well, so-and-so, they're playing the piano. By the way, this whole scene was improv. Hey, turn your flashlights off. We don't want any extra light in this film. This movie is like if John Wick had rheumatoid arthritis. And glaucoma. What's this movie about again? I have no idea. Well, there's a chandelier. Why not bring Liberace in? That'll cheer things up. Have we mentioned how great the soundtrack is? Let's try to focus on the good things. Welcome back to Catatonic Caper. Uncut gems didn't have this kind of tension. The one-eight-hundred got junk people are sneaky. Coming soon to weird and wonderful Wednesday watch-alongs. Let's pick up. What do you want to say? I've come to claim the twenty pounds reward for Frankie McPhillip. Frankie McPhillip? THE END Thank you. This is coming from our clubhouse chat from Mrs. Torgo. Mary Jill, where would you take Roddy on your first date? straight to my sofa for a makeout session. Oh, Gal, I don't know. He's rather continental, so I would probably take him out, if it were in Minneapolis, for martinis or go the complete opposite way and take him on a hike to Minnehaha Falls or something like that. He'd love that, I'm sure. Where would you take him, Chris? Where would I take Roddy McDowell on our first date? I don't know. Maybe a movie. Maybe we'll go just take a stroll in the village. Go to some antique shops. Oh, nice. I think a theater date would work well. Yeah, go see it. We'll go see the new Glenn Gary, Glenn Ross. Yeah, I'd love to see that. Nobody expects the Ironside Inquisition. Yeah, watching him walk around and do nothing is so much more interesting than seeing the killings by the monster. Will he walk into another room? Or stay in this room? Oh my god, the suspense is killing me! I've got his cataracts. Oh, damn. Marriage agrees with me. Oh, now I can't do the Harpo Groucho mirror scene. Well, that was a productive afternoon. This is like a real estate video. My dinner with Andre didn't have this many indoor scenes. Thank you. What's up, what's up, what's up, everyone? Hey, can everybody hear me? Awesome. Look at us. We began on everybody's microphones working. We need some kind of award or something. And now we just brought attention to it, so it kind of cancels it out. I don't know. I just wanted to make note of that for all of you. It wouldn't be a Dumb Industries livestream if there wasn't some tech issues. We did it. Gold star for us tonight. How are you doing, man? Yeah, in your face, chat. in your face like maybe one person yes we are doomed this is true yeah this is uh yeah yeah this is maybe this is maybe the beginning of our selling out this is you know like when metallica got too big like if we become too if we become too slick then we lose our our street cred so I have a trick up my sleeve to make sure that we never run into that problem. Is it having a con ed electricity and internet or charter, whoever I pay for that? I'll tell you later. It's a dumb industry's trade secret. Dumb industry's trade secret. Interesting, interesting, interesting. anyway hey everybody hello it's uh I I hope this uh I hope this is a good I've just felt off all week like with the time change you never think that like you know it'll affect you that much but like this is usually where I say matt you say that every week however this week truly does feel weird because of the time change yeah like messing with me all week because like you know in your head you go like I'm an evolved modern person just like yeah this time is now this time it's an hour whatever but like the the caveman deep within me like like it feels harder for me to get ready for shows because my body's like this doesn't feel like showtime it feels like exactly and I'm still waking up at the same time that I was before the clock changes it's no good yeah there's it's a it's a it's a weird kind of thing so yeah so that's gonna screw with me for the next week or so but then once that happens then I'll be out of seasonal depression territory and then we'll be yes we're on the uh upswing here we're on the upswing baby us mentally ills uh all rejoice because the bad weather is is leaving slowly yeah wise twin sailor keeps falling asleep early well wait if you're falling asleep early wouldn't that be the opposite Why has Twin Sailor figured it out? I don't know how. Somehow. I keep falling asleep early. I keep falling asleep before I put my jammies on. I keep falling asleep before I watch the late show. I keep falling asleep every time you... Sorry, I was looking for my outline and I figured I'd give... Matt, a chance to shine. Welcome, everyone, to the Dumb Industries Mystery Hour. Hey, everybody. My name is Chris. I'm Matt. That's Matt over there. Look, I'm pointing in the right direction. I made it. We could be like weathermen now. We've developed that skill of gesturing to things in green screens very easily. Matt is there. You know, there's that joke like, well, how do they know where to point to? And just over time, you just, you figure, you figure out how to, like, I know that the QR code, oh, weird. Like, it's, I always attribute my QR code to being underneath where my, is my camera reversed? I think there's something going on. No, because normally when I put my fan, it Oh, maybe in StreamYard you have it set for... Maybe I have it flip-flopped. That's also attributing to the uncanny... Oh, mirror my camera is selected. Look at that. There you go. Now I look normaler. I was like, everything about tonight just feels off. My computer was having issues earlier, and then the time changed, and then I was like... bizarro me. Anyway, I'm very good at pointing because when I point at the fan, it also points to the QR code where you can, if you go to there and send a donation, we'll do one of our patented bad impressions, such as my Michael McDonald, which I just demonstrated a moment ago. That's right. Yeah, dumb-industries.com slash donate. We'll be doing shoutouts throughout tonight. We're also, just real quick, reminding you guys, we are on Blue Sky. We did it. We made it. Got approved. We're on Blue Sky. um you make it sound like it's like going to the bank for a loan like we got approved like we went to the blue sky building and a and a man we um we got a nice little uh community growing over there on blue sky everyone check us out and also join our discord server discord.dom-industries.com run by our producer emmy martian and um it's a fun place to be and you just mentioned donations and I'm pleased to announce we have our first donation of the evening oh interesting interesting um so let's uh let's do a quick shout out here before we move on this one comes from paul r thank you paul riser thank you yes I'm mad about you and aliens um isn't that so weird like our generation probably attributes him more to mad about you because like that was just a sitcom that was always on like you know in the nineties yeah but prior to that it was like he's the guy from aliens you know yeah he's there's a whole generation who thinks he's way less cool than he actually is not the character that was like the only cool thing he ever did because aside from that he was in like what like one night at mccool's and beverly hills cop oh yeah he was on stranger things I actually don't know if we're related or not that was half the reason when I first came to new york I was like maybe I should choose a cool new name and I was like oh maybe on the off chance someone assumes that I'm related to paul riser that could be Yeah. I mean, my real name is Chris Seinfeld. I don't know if you know that. Welcome, everyone. My real name turned out to be Genghis Khan. I decided to change it. Paul Reiser was in Diner with Mickey Rourke. You ever seen that movie? I don't think I have. Is that Mickey Rourke with his original face? Yes, his original face. It was when there was a chance he was going to be the next... big guy and he apparently destroyed it all I don't know why something happened I don't know something flipped in him uh yeah mickey rourke's paul riser steve gutenberg kevin bacon tim daly and daniel stern wow it's a real who's who of uh hey I remember that guy from yeah exactly remember him uh and uh and I guess we should also announce too what the theme of tonight is because yeah for those of you who might be tuning in who are brand new again is a great thing to to get into twenty minutes deep into the episode but uh we're gonna be hanging out watching some vhs trash after we go through everything that's going on with dumb industries and tonight we're doing star wars themed cartoons that's right slash one star wars adjacent fun thing that I also found that I'm gonna include which I think is what's gonna get probably what's gonna win I think it's probably gonna win you guys are gonna like this But yes, there's a long history of Star Wars animated stuff, and I've got some selections from multiple Star Wars eras. And then we'll also have our wild card from last week as well, which was, what was that? Do you remember? Yes, I do remember that. It was because it was also the wild card the previous week, and that is because it is Supermarket Sweep. Okay. So if no one's feeling Star Wars tonight, there's an option for you. yeah but you'll completely kind of ruin what the intermission videos vibe is setting up because uh so you can choose whatever you want but just you just know you're fucking the vibe up if you yeah don't do that I like how we we make it like democratic but then we just bully the audience to doing exactly what we want I also I took some time yesterday, everyone watching on Twitch. Hey, everyone on Twitch to add some new emotes. Oh, I saw those. Yeah, there's a Brother Ichabod emote. There's a Brother Ichabod one. I'm going to put that one. There's a Columbo. There's a Super Dumb Bros. There's my favorite just says, let's get dumb. There's a soup can. There's a Lon Chaney. Sleep. Have a potato. There's a bunch. I'm putting them all in the chat. You can get those if you subscribe right here on Twitch. Sick. Love it. Love it. Good stuff. Good stuff. This is my favorite one because I think whenever we start a stream, it should just look like this. Maybe not with all the pearls there. That was an accident. Oh, yeah. I added Peter Drucker, too. That's right. There is no colonoscopy emote, JPo says. Not yet. Maybe I'll make a custom flip-flop emote where it's my feet and flip-flops that you can. That's pretty cool. I like that we can display the emojis on the screen too. So there's me as Columbo. Oh, nice. Yeah, we'll talk more about Brother Ichabod and stuff here in a hot second. That's also half the reason why I'm kind of a little low energy tonight, because I was really bringing it. Yes, we will get Barnabas in there. We're still adding emotes. The David Cassidy one is the only one Beck-Duce-Heavenly-One will ever need. We need some type of Hasselhoff representation. You know, I was thinking that. I was thinking that. I don't know what exactly I'm really I know I just I couldn't decide which era I mean it would be baywatch knights but yeah like he doesn't really have a look in that I didn't know if like yeah I didn't know if pulling from like christmas consultant would be easier that for that movie where he fought jack the ripper I need to do a jack david hasselhoff marathon oh the christmas uh consultant that would be a good consultant yeah oh yeah or the nick fury hoff oh yeah yeah we've done a lot of hasselhoff stuff that's uh I need a marathon good reason I didn't even realize how much we've done. Oh yeah. We're obsessed all day off that. He's great. He's trying to, he's, his lawyers are really coming after dumb industries and they're kind of fine with it actually, but they're just curious why we're so obsessed. Yeah. I think you'd be surprised to come here. It's like, Oh, they're making fun of me. I'm like, no, I genuinely love you. I think you're. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, of course. You're cheesy, but you're endearingly earnest, and it's a quality, I think. So we started talking about Paul Reiser, and we completely forgot we were supposed to be doing a shout-out for Paul R. So Paul R., thank you so much for your donation. Thank you. Sorry about that. We got off on a tangent there because your name reminds us of a very famous celebrity named Paul Reiser. That was great. But you know, okay, let me thank you for watching. Oh, here's what I could do. I could do this is as Gollum. I think I could probably do the I'm Mr. Heat miser song from the year without a Santa Claus but incorporating mine and Paul and what's his name P riser? What? Oh, yeah, it's just... I guess we don't know for sure if it's Paul Reiser, but for the purposes of this song, it will be Paul Reiser. It will be Paul Reiser. And, like, we're the Meisers singing back and forth, so, like... I'm Mr. Matt Reiser. I'm Mr. Goof. I'm Mr. Live Streamer. I drink a hundred proof. They call me Matt Reiser. Everything I touch... I'm Mr. Paul Reiser. I'm mad about you. I'm Mr. Aliens. I also drink a hundred proof because all risers are alcoholics genetically it's true do do do do addiction runs in my goo do do do do uh mad about you uh uh great job matt thank you for just coming off the top of my head I you know I was just oh no that was great I was just looking for everybody learned a valuable lesson about how addiction is a genetic that uh runs in families and uh um well matt we have another donation here this one this one comes from what would mitchell do aka tina w thank you so much thank you I think that's what would mitchell do if not I'm sorry um but this says I know it was a month ago but could I get matt as randy newman hinting about getting me a sexy valentine's day present followed by colombo questioning if the gift is a gift of vd and then trying to figure which vd it could be Wow, this is quite an elaborate setup. Okay, so Randy Newman, you're hinting about a sexy Valentine's Day, and I'm going to question you if the gift is VD. Okay. And what kind of VD it might be. Okay. I got you a gift. What could it be? Excuse me, sir. I'm so sorry to bother you. I'm really enjoying the tune you're singing right now. I was hoping I could just get a few answers out of you for some questions about the song you're singing. Oh, sure. I'm Randy. Okay. First question. I see you're singing about getting a sexy Valentine's Day present. I was just wondering, sir, you seem like a very well-dressed gentleman and Maybe you wouldn't play any kind of trick on your wife, but I have to ask you, is the gift VD? Maybe it is. Maybe we'll see. I'll admit to it if you guess the VD. Guess one. Go. Syphilis. Wrong. Guess two. Gonorrhea. closer but no do do do guess three last one or I will disappear we're going by troll bridge rules and so that's why we're doing three it's gotta be uh media close enough do do do I'll give it to you do do do actually it's something stored in my goo do do do But the closest equivalent is if you're not Randy Newman, it's committee urges. Just one more thing, sir. I don't know how to ask you this. It's kind of embarrassing. But can you take a look at my downstairs real estate and tell me if maybe I got PD? What are you going to give me? Oh, well, you know, I'll give you a ride back to your apartment. Do, do, do, pull your drawers down. Do, do, do, I don't normally do this, but I'm hoping that you'll owe me one. Do, do, do, do. So what do you think? Is the sketch still going? I don't know. This is long. Oh, thank you. And it got kind of wrong. Matt's just saying what comes to his head in a minute. It's probably not fun, but it's a tunnel into his psyche, I guess. This is a family show. All right, next topic. People get uncomfortable when we talk about penises. About jizz and goop. That's like a third of our programming. I don't know. I know. This is who we are, unfortunately. Last one, and then we're going to move on to another show. All right. This one comes from Meowsdour. Meowsdour. Thank you so much, Meowsdour. Thank you. Mousetower is happy to hear our voices tonight. Oh, thank you. Oh, thank you. And they say, would take a Columbo shout out. And Matt, just say, preciouses. Mousetower, thank you for watching tonight. Lieutenant Columbo, boy, I just got back from the Minute Clinic. You'll never guess who I ran into there. It's Randy Newman, of all people. Randy Newman. Anyway, uh, apparently it's chlamydia. Thank you, Mousetower. Mousetower Processors? What, what, what is Mousetower Processors? Do you have the ring, Processors? Smoogle, Smoogle likes you, Mousetower. Thank you, Processors. Oh, my God. Mousetower Processors! I like it when he does his little scream, too, and he goes like, I'm like, That's my favorite part of Fellowship of the Ring when Bilbo turns into a little demon for a second. Oh yeah, when he turns into that guy. Yeah, we used to rewind that over and over. His eyes go all bugged out. I need to watch those movies again. They're so good. I know I routinely do that voice, but I can't tell you when the last time I watched those were. They're pretty great. So we'll be doing that all night, folks. We'll be doing that. I know that people are like, yes, more of what was happening there. Keep your donations coming, dumb-industries.com slash donate. You can ask us a question. You can challenge us to do some bizarre sketch you've come up with. Whatever you want. As demonstrated by just there. I think given what we have to work with sometimes, we do what we can. All right, Matt, what do you say we get into this week's dumb deals? All right. Oh, this week's dumb deals. We have great deals every week. We have the best deals. These are... We even have a new page where you can just see all the deals without having to do any guesswork or anything. Go to dumb-industries.com slash deals. Right now, this week, you can buy any three dumb hoodies and get one free. Wow. Like an entire hoodie for free. An entire hoodie for nothing. Wow. So that's four hoodies for the price of three. And, you know, these tariffs, they're going to kick in any day now. So it might be a good time to stock up on your teas. Well, they'll kick in for like five minutes and then they'll go away and then they'll come back and then they'll go away. Like, I can't even keep up with the news on that anymore because it's just like... As a, you know, I don't think of myself as an adult, but as someone who owns a small business... I have been trying to pay attention to that stuff because I know it could affect us one way or another. At the same time, yeah, it's like I have no idea. What are we even waiting for? It's like anything that gets announced gets rescinded two days later. Okay, anyway. Anyway, that's our mini rant about the state of the world. You're now watching real time with Bill Maher. We're going to be discussing. but yes head to dumb-industries.com deals you can uh stock up on all your stuff and there's video deals there there's uh some digital deals check them out Yeah, good stuff. And then also, if you're watching us on Twitch, hi, we love you. Feel free to keep watching on Twitch. It's a great place to watch and support us. This is where Dumb Television happens before and after this, too. So if you want to just be stuck around for more content, it's a good place to kind of check that out. But if you would like to watch specifically tonight's... Ow, I just smacked my fan with my hand. If you'd like to see specifically tonight's show commercial-free, you can head on over to our website, dumb-industries.com forward slash... Mystery Hour. Yeah. I believe, yes. Lost my place in the document. And, you know, watch tonight's. We have the most recent episode absolutely free on our website. And we leave that up all week until a new one replaces it. Or you can kick in two bucks and get access to the downloads. Or the back catalog, rather. Sorry, not downloads. On demand, yes. Of all of our past episodes. So if you'd like to watch us, watch tonight. Bigfoot and Wildboy or the Beetleborgs. And speaking of that Mystery Club Plus membership, all Plus memberships on our website are now free for your first thirty days. So try them out. You can check out the whole back catalog. There's close to nine hundred hours of content. Thirty days on us now. If you can believe that. I don't think any place does a thirty day trial anymore. That used to be such a big thing. I know. Like not that long ago. And then it just became like the week trial. And now I don't think any place does any trial because. They do, but they're like very limited trials. But yeah, all of our plus memberships. Sign up. And let's see. Don't say downloads after talking about VD. That is a good point, man dog. Venereal downloads. That's what VD stands for. Venereal downloads. That's the new slang. We should come up for computer viruses. We're going to try to get that out in the mainstream. Instead of like you have a virus, like you have a venereal download. It's like the politically correct term for a computer virus. We feel like calling a computer virus a virus is very insensitive. Matt, the schedule is really outdated. This was earlier today. this is how I confront you about every, everything related to dumb industry. I'm sorry. My computer, my computer was wigging out and I was trying to do a thousand things. No, someone mentioned that the schedule's out of date and I just want to reiterate, you are watching us. You're watching us live on Thursday. I'm sorry. I've been, I've been doing adult things today and trying to balance that with everything. And it's been, it's been a lot. Uh, there's a lot going on over here in Matt world. I'm sorry. Uh, No, no, no. Look. Yes, it's public shaming. It does work. But no, it wasn't public shaming. Come on. And then like I was having issues getting the pre-show out. I think like like technology has one of those things where it's like it can sense your anxiety and then it's like, oh, now I'm not going to do what you need to do. Like if you're yeah, if you're in a crunch, it's like it's like that trope of like the printer, you know, like if you go to print out something for like a class and it's like, you know, ten minutes, you know, like it'll just it won't work. But if you need to print like a picture of, you know, like Billy Corgan at three in the afternoon like it'll it'll be fine anyway hot takes on technology so yeah we mentioned digital deals also every week yes that we have a digital deal every single week uh we've been going through the the mads are back from the very beginning and this week we are on t-bird gang so if you do not own the the roger corman ghost produced uh classic film t-bird gang uh you can get that for six bucks through sunday with promo code gang gang yes that is g-a-n-g g-a-n-g two g's in the middle The Q&A guest for that, by the way, was a guy. What was his name? Mike Nelson stopped by. This guy, he's huge. I had never heard of him before. But he came by and we interviewed him. It was a super fun time. Mike Nelson. Mike Nelson. Everybody's like roasting me in the chat tonight. Oh no. Why? Like I was saying, like adult things like, like grabbing some flip flops and hitting Mickey D's. Uh, for your information, I was emailing my accountants all day. Uh, Matt, you don't have to, people are suggesting you need to write down everything you do and how long it takes. So now I'm getting time management tips from people. That's a five bullet points. Five bullet points and email it to Elon Musk. It's like I said, it's like usually like I think my body just knows instinctively what time things need to be done and everything being off an hour is just throwing me off. Yeah, no, I get it. I really am just like a big dumb animal, you know, like it's like with fight or flight and stuff like that. Anyway, if you are watching this live. Enter hashtag gang gang. Cause that's the promo code for T bird gang this week. Um, which is already a very outdated reference to those, uh, those people on Tik TOK briefly who are just like doing NPC stuff. That is such a weird thing to have to explain to people. Yeah. There's just this lady be like gang, gang, gang, gang, gang. Oh, wait, Mike was the second MST three K host. What? That's why we sold so many tickets that night. I was joking, everyone. Wouldn't that be great, though, if I really just had no idea who Mike Nelson was? Mike Nelson, like from Twin Peaks, right? Yes. Who was dating Nadine. I always thought that that was weird that they both had the same name. Yes, enter hashtag gang gang. You'll win a free download for T-Bird Gang. Maybe Brother Ichabod needs to do an NPC TikTok. We've discussed this, and I think we should totally do it. And also an OnlyFans. And also an OnlyFans. Specifically for him, he'll have to paint his whole body green. All right, we've got a couple more. While you guys are getting your entries in, we've got a couple more donations here. Okay. Oh, there's a good one. This one comes from Ryan S. Thank you so much, Ryan. Ryan, thank you. Ryan just simply wrote, Paul Stanley selling snake oil. Hello, everybody. Can you hear me downtown Tombstone? I'm going to sell you a jar of venom. Gonna cure your rickets and your hepatitis. It's definitely not a jar of piss. They're different things. So come get your snake oil. Snake oil. Now, Tombstone, I got a feeling. I got a feeling that this snake oil is gonna make you Not be possessed by the devil no more. I love it. I don't know. I love it. Was there something in there? Yeah, totally. There's always something. Tonight's a real riffy night. I'm just like, was there anything in that? Thank you so much, Ryan. Thank you, Ryan. All right, we got one more here, then we're going to pick a winner. This one comes from Jackie B. Oh, thanks so much, Jackie B. Thank you. Everyone, check out Jackie's Etsy shop. Let me put that link in the chat. There's all kinds of really cool custom Dumb Industries merch, officially licensed Dumb Industries merch. I need to specify. Our only official third-party licensor. Yes. if if it's not made by created by jackie it's a total or dumb industries it's just it's a bootleg and that's illegal it's definitely not coming from a warehouse in the philippines that I personally operate that's been pumping out uh illegal shirts that it's the same one it's the same one kathy lee gifford used in the nineties yeah there was that I do there's also a uh I remember um yeah the whole cat lee sweatshop thank god now I'm gonna go down a whole rabbit hole reading about Kathie Lee Gifford sweatshop scandal of the nineties that I vaguely remember. Anyway, Jackie says, Oh my God. It's my birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday, Jackie. Happy birthday. Thank you for hanging out with us. So would you all mind giving me a birthday song? Also all dumb merchant, my store is on sale for my birthday all weekend, twenty-five percent off. Oh my God. I'm going to put that chat again. Everyone. They got really cool. Dumb ministries, popcorn bins there that might be obsessed with glasses and glasses. There's now a, uh, dumb ministries kitchen towel on there. It's all great stuff. Custom made by Jackie. go check it out all right let's pick a wiener oh um we have to sing a birthday song for oh yeah so uh we could do uh you want to do like the the beatles birthday is a bunch of our different sure impressions I don't know like it's uh today's your birthday it's my birthday too oh oh no I you know you're right we should go back and forth yeah that's that's better okay so have a good time today's your birthday I'm randy It's my birthday too. Today's your birthday. Diplomatic immunity. Today is your birthday. It's my birthday too. I love how you could just keep that song going on forever. You can just get stuck in a loop kind of, and you just have it go on for seven hours. Uh, happy birthday though. Happy birthday, Jackie. That's spending the day before your special day. Uh, yeah, that is awesome. Um, and yeah, everyone check out Jackie's Etsy shop. It's the coolest Etsy shop. It rocks. It's good stuff. It's good stuff. All right. Let's see who's going to win a free download to T-Bird Gang featuring a Q&A with one Mike Nelson. Gang gang. Gang gang. Gang gang. Gang gang. Gang gang. Yum yum. M. Campbell. M. Campbell. Congratulations. All right. Congrats. Look at all that confetti. Incredible. It felt like an excessive amount of digital confetti. Maybe I just didn't notice it. Right. Well, I, you know, I paid a little extra for tonight. Why not? There's an extra couple hundred bucks. That's the extra confetti thing. Way to go. Yeah. Congratulations. Shoot me an email. mcampbell, chris at dumb-industries.com. Let us know what you won, too, in your email because we've been doing a lot of giveaways and sometimes I get confused. But congratulations. Don't forget, T-Bird Gang is on sale through Sunday with promo code GANGGANG. Only six dollars. Promo code GANGGANG. Very officially enunciated. I love that. Alrighty. We still got so much to get to, but I wanted to mention one more thing before we move on. We just launched a new program on the dumb industries website, and we're trying this out already. The response has been amazing. Let me put us back on the screen here. Um, angry Algonquin who's been a huge supporter of ours for since the beginning for years and she's very supportive of indie bookstores and she pitched this idea that a lot of indie bookstores are doing where you can buy a book and from the bookstore and basically put it up like paying it forward for someone else like if they wanted that book they can grab it so she's like hey why don't you guys do that on the dumb industries website and I was like that's an amazing idea so uh so we're gonna try this out on the first of each month we're gonna raffle off items that have been purchased by other dumb industries fans and if you want to sign up for them put your email in and then on the first you'll be notified if you won the item And we're starting with three, all three dumb audio books going to be the first giveaway. And we're awarding three winners, all three audio books. So head to dumb-industries.com slash dumbitforward. And enter your email. And we have more items that we're actually going to raffle off because people have been emailing me saying that they love this idea. They want to buy stuff for other dumb fans who maybe don't have the funds for it right now. And it supports dumb industries. It supports our authors, our roster, everyone. So huge thanks to Angry Algonquin for inspiring it. Yeah, thank you. head over to the website, try to, uh, win some stuff. All right, Matt, what do you say? Should we get into this weekend? Let's do it. All right. So this week, uh, started on Saturday, March eighth, for those of you watching in the far future, uh, with the, uh, with the next Jackie Naiman Jones paint party, it's finally it's paint party time again, baby. It's paint party time. Let me switch the brand so I can show all the amazing work we did. So let me see. Let me put it behind me again. This was the painting, Tree of Life, that Jackie came up with. And this is what she was teaching students off of. And here are just some of the paintings that were submitted. And they were amazing. This one's the Tree of Life by Q. Oh, very nice. Beautiful. This one's Tree of Life by Chris Doyle. Nice. Very nice. Let's see. Oh, I love this one. This is called My Guardian Angels and the Tree of Life by Claudia Burton. Aww. So pretty. And... It was a great class. I think we might have broken our record for most students watching live. It was like thirty, which, you know, we usually have about fifteen to twenty. So it's it's so much fun, you guys. It's catching on. I urge you all to join. Become a student. This one is shades. Shade changing. That's amazing. That's like it looks like a stained glass window in a church or something. Yeah, that's what we were saying. Yeah. So cool. very cool this one is mine oh nice tree of life did that on my ipad uh let's see world tree by phil flerken and all of these are up in a student gallery over at dom-industries.com so um go check those out because there's some truly truly talented students in there and we would oh yeah hi wrong brand I'm here there we go um yeah so check out the student gallery all of those classes are on demand you can go catch up and send us your work we'll add it to the student gallery yeah and uh and also if you are subscribed to this and uh hands of paint together you get access to the dumb odds and ends collection Oh, I'm so glad you mentioned that. So I'm just throwing that out there. We just added a couple of things to the dumb odds and ends lie, which we're going to talk about in a second. But first, Monday night, we had an all new episode of Super Dumb Brothers, and we played the Walking Dead Telltale game again, which we hadn't played in like four months or something. Yeah, it had been a hot second. Yeah, and it's a fun game. It's a little frustrating to control, but I find as long as Matt is looking at a walkthrough guide and reciting it to me, then it's fine. As long as you're being told exactly where to go and what to do, it's fine. Well, you can't really think of those as games. They're kind of just sort of like interactive novels, more or less. Exactly, but that's why it's frustrating that you have a limited amount of time to avoid getting eaten by a zombie. And then you got to wait five minutes for the entire thing to reload. It's like just go in slow motion, like just get slower and slower until I figure out what button I have to press. I'm so glad I sprung in and got the Arkham games instead of the telltale Batman games, because I was between the two when I had when I had a switch gift card earlier this month. And I think I made the proper choice, the correct choice. Oh, yes. I mean, but but it's still fun, though, but it is just like a different kind of thing. You know, there was a lot of pillow pillow usage. Oh, yeah. You're retrieving a lot of pillows, a lot of pillows. I utilize the pillow to as a silencer, right? Is that what it was? Yeah. Which I don't think would really work, but which weirdly that happened. And then the other night I was rewatching Twin Peaks, the return season three, episode one and two with my girlfriend. And we just finally got up to that point. And without spoiling anything, a character in that does that with a pillow where they put it over someone's head and then shoot them. So I guess that's a more common thing, a more common trope than you'd think. But it wouldn't quiet things so much that zombies wouldn't hear you, though. Exactly. Guns are very loud, and most media doesn't really depict that properly, I feel like now. Oh, no. like Bruce Willis literally permanently deafened himself from that shot and die hard where he fired a gun too close to his, his head. Yeah. They're loud. There's a reason why everybody's always wearing the big headphones when they're, they're shooting. Uh, but that episode walking dead, we're going to be playing more walking dead on this coming Monday. So if you would like to join us, come right back here on Twitch and also in the super dumb bro super club. And you can watch that episode on demand too. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. All right. So so that happened on Monday. And then Tuesday, we had an extra Tuesday. And so we kind of at the last minute decided, you know what, we debuted episodes three and four of The Witching Hour back in December. And then just a whole bunch of life happened. And We finally got the final cuts of those put together. We were like, we have this free Tuesday. Let's do a witching hour marathon and I'll hop on in full makeup and host it in between episodes. And so we did on Tuesday night, starting at seven and going until like eleven something. It was a long night. uh yeah and I was kind of just popping on or brother ichabod rather was just popping on in between uh we made him a stream yard admin he's got all the uh right credentials yeah we've struck up a distribution deal with hell as was uh discussed the other night so these are the the two new episodes a very delicate matter which is you know the horrors of vd um and then ace hits the big time which is what the horrors of street gangs I guess singing street gangs there's like a street gang and then they're put into a musical and they also it's I I kind of I've I've now watched that so many times and I still don't understand it I don't either in it it's true it's a real brain but uh but yeah we did some last minute tweaks on those and I think that now they're you know they're exactly where I want them to be so they're I've been a very uh george lucas-esque stanley you've been like kubrick here with this I'm just like I just need these two little tweaks I think they really helped uh I did any of you to to point out what they are even but uh and if you've watched a very delicate matter when we first debuted it like what was that like a year and a half ago we added some new segments in there so I heard all of you there's now like three versions of this one episode yes But the third episode is now complete. It's coherent by dumb standards. Yeah, it's great. It makes sense, which is harder than you would think to get something when you're, you know, because I'm dirty as crap about the stories, you know, and like movies and books and stuff I read. But then you put together something yourself and you're like, oh, good. It's like, I don't even care how good it is anymore. The beginning, middle and sense all or the beginning, middle and end all makes sense. And that's all. Yeah, there you go. That's all you could ask for. Sometimes. Those both new episodes and all the Witching Hour episodes are on demand in the Dumb Odds and Ends library, which is available to all Dumb Plus members. So, yeah. If you're not yet a Dumb Plus member, now's a good time to get that thirty-day free trial. Check it out. And Witching Hour five is in the works, if any of you are curious about that. But yeah, that was a fun night. I spent like, well, you know, like a Uh, you know, not that I was, I had anything to do with it, but I spent all day Wednesday recovering basically from that and just not talking to anybody. And, uh, yeah. I need to get one of those boxes that they use in cigarette commercials with the people with the holes in their neck to scare you to not smoke. I need one of those to use when I'm recovering from doing the voice. I know, and I talked to you after we ended the live stream. You sounded rough. You were like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it's no worse than being at like a basketball game and yelling, but it's a, but yeah, it was definitely, I didn't have a show. I felt bad for you. I was like, God, am I going to have to pay for some kind of operation for Matt's throat to keep doing Ichabod? Um, I need to get my voice insured. Like, uh, like the Mary Hart did for her legs, you know, from, yeah when that was a big thing remember mary hart and john tesh on on entertainment tonight who could forget um okay uh okay everyone last night was wednesday which means we had an all-new weird wonderful wednesday watch party here to tell us more about everything that happened last night is our very own emmy Oh, there we go. Hello. You're muted, Emi. You're on mute. Oh, we jinxed it. Oh, no. We ruined the streak. You were supposed to unmute. I thought I was leaving it in your capable hands. No. It's okay. Calm down, everybody. Calm down. We're here. Hey, y'all. How's it going? How are you doing, Emi? I was... I was deep at work, actually. I was trying to multitask. That was the issue, really. I tried to pass the blame on to you, but the blame is sorely lodged with me because I was multitasking. But last night, we had a weird and wonderful Wednesday watch-alongs. We watched Crime Wave. It had Sterling Hayden and a super young Charles Bronson and some Phyllis Kirk. Yeah. Yeah. Nineteen fifty three. Charles Bronson. If you ever see Charles Bronson in nineteen fifty three, it's like a whole new a whole different person. He's a different person. He's like Pacino where there's like old him and young him and you almost have to treat them like they're different people. Yeah. Yeah. Charles Bronson is the the death wish guy. This isn't the death wish guy. Well, he's also he's. You know, he's in the uh, he's in disney movies in the like set sixties and seventies and stuff He's in one of those, uh, jules vernon adaptations the one with uh, vincent price master of the world I think is is it's like, uh, it's very much like twenty thousand leagues, but they just Uh, it's in a it's instead of uh, uh in a submarine. It's in a like weather balloon or a zeppelin or something Yeah, yeah It's insane but anyways crime wave yeah sterling hayden charles bronson sterling hayden better to you up known to many of y'all as general jack t ripper in uh in dr strange love and uh oh I thought you're gonna say in terror london no no no no which would be amazing he's better he's better known as sir galahad in prince valiant no I'm joking um Nobody likes him in that role. It's the only bad Sterling Hayden role. But yeah, Crime Wave. It was a lot of fun. Of course, you always have an amazing pre-show. And some cartoons afterwards. Some cartoons. Funhouse action there. We definitely had some weird cartoons. Have you seen Goody the Gremlin? Have you seen any of those Goody the Gremlin cartoons about a little green gremlin that like... He's a good gremlin. He's basically the Casper formula, except all the other gremlins, they want to cause chaos, but he's good. He's good. He's a gremlin. We had some of that. That sounds adorable. What is the difference between a gremlin and a goblin? Oh, well, a gremlin is specifically a World War II invention. It's kind of... As Miller explains in Gremlins, like that story? Yeah, it's born of a racist trope of like, oh yeah, the Japanese are sabotaging our vehicles or whatever. But they also mention the gremlin, yeah, like the William Shatner Twilight Zone episode. The William Shatner thing is a gremlin, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's because it's on a plane. It was an aviation... Oh, it was like an aviation. Yeah, that was who was getting into... If you notice, it's in the Bugs Bunny one. He's also flying... The Bugs Bunny one where he's like, it ain't Wendell Wilkie, you know? Yeah. I wonder if a gremlin is more like, because a lot of the gremlins have fur. The William Shatner one has fur and, you know, Gizmo has fur. Maybe gremlins are like mammalian until they become, you know, the scary gremlin in water. It's all up to your imagination, you know? What I'm going to go with is that goblins are more lizard-like and gremlins are more furry, and that when the gremlins turn wet and they turn into evil gremlins, they're actually transforming from gremlins to goblins. If you'd like my thesis paper on this, I will have it. Well, we'll be exploring this subject more on Weird and Wonderful Wednesdays on May twenty-eighth, I believe, is the when we'll be exploring further into that. to the debate between gremlins and goblins where does goblin goblins is way old that's that's like ancient times that comes from like hob and stuff and and and those kinds of like demons demons and imps and things from like from ancient times this is a great question because I always wonder stuff like this If a Mogwai urinates on itself, does it then turn into a gremlin? Do the Mogwais even urinate? And I have a good question. I have a good answer for that. I have seen Mogwai. It's one of the loudest shows you'll ever go to. I've seen Mogwai. And no, it doesn't do that. They are a rock band and they drink a lot, so they probably have urinated on themselves. I don't know if they drink a lot. They seem like sober. They seem like they would be straight edge to me. I don't know. Yeah. They seem like math nerds to me. I don't know. Yeah, they do. I just assume anybody who's touring around and at venues a lot is an alcoholic just by the short amount of time I spent trying to perform and being there. by the fact that they only pay you in drink tickets yes I'm familiar with oh yeah here's your two drink tickets why do all the comedians wind up alcoholics you know and cut to like every comedy show ever like yeah we got you drink tickets you have to buy a drink to be on the thing so yeah on the system what do we have to look forward to next wednesday next wednesday we're going we're going backwards in time where that was nineteen fifty so now we're instead of nineteen fifty three we're gonna flip it on its head we're gonna go to nineteen thirty five see what I did there and uh we're gonna watch the informer considered by many to be uh the best film of that year and maybe even the best film made up to the time john john ford see look the greatest picture ever made millions agree very cool it's really freaking good actually it's pretty amazing now my question about a film called the informer is at any point in the informer do the words a licky boom boom down we don't believe that any of I believe that maybe yeah you know Those words had never... Did John Ford coin Licky Boom Boom Down? I don't think the word Licky really is in any film. I think that's a Canadian thing, right? It wasn't snow Canadian? I got no idea. I've never even heard that shit. You've never heard it before? No, I've never heard that stupid. Why would I listen to... Why? How did you know what it was if you've never heard it? Because I've heard Matt sing it on the damn show. I remember when Informer came out. You were around in the nineties. I was around when Informer came out in nineteen thirty five. Yes, I was there. I was. Look, it's been a long, hard road. OK, I've got a lot of... It's been a long road getting from there to here. You know, thirty-two but looks younger is usually how they describe me when the police are looking for me. They get on and they just yell out of their windows. When I'm describing sketch artists, they go, that man that looked like Jodie Foster, just draw like what Jodie Foster vaguely looks like and put some facial hair on, kind of, and that's essentially who was around here. Uh, Emmy. Yes. Do you have a minute to stick around for our intermission video? Yes. Be sure. I know. I know. That's droids you've got pulled up. You need the George Lucas experience. Your cats need to calm down. Your cats are excited. While you're getting that, I'll explain the pre-show. So Neil Cicerega, God's gift to the internet, he compiled together a bunch of George Lucas commercials that he made for Panasonic in Japan in the eighties and nineties. And they're all, insane and he's a good editor too so he puts them together in kind of a fun way but it's it's amazing uh some of these shots of george lucas I can't say I know shane but I know neil but my friend shane knows neil oh yeah yeah he has like an interview of him and stuff just watched the other day all right let's see george lucas going along with our star wars theme oh touch the orb watch it And once again, America, I give you what you want. I love this shot. Just this weird up angle. Oh, I truly experienced the universe. What year is this? Post-Jedi? Yeah, like, it's something new. I'm just picturing the plot of Lost in Translation, but it's George Lucas in Japan shooting these commercials. Wait, how can the stormtroopers be shooting? How can the stormtroopers be shooting this? They can't shoot anything. Just trying to adjust the volume. See what I did there with the shooting? Stormtroopers. See? I got it. Is George Lucas Max Headroom now? What's that VCR sitting on? Ah! Imagine if George Lucas was like your personal Siri Max over him. I thought he was about to Neelix himself there. With Tuvix himself. Lucas. Is he watching your movie on a phone? Oh, he is gonna Tuvix himself! Whoa I Don't remember that robot in Star Wars Yeah, I must have missed that episode. She was like get out of here They really need to make Sparky Star Wars canon and put him in the new Disney Plus shows It's the little miss lonely will not Quirky kind of looks like President Eisenhower if he was like a weird little robot. And swore a lot more. Yeah. I'm trying to think of just like a little bald guy with glasses that would... Dragonflies are generally what I think of when I think of technology and... You know what he looks like? He looks like Gopher from The Love Bone if he was a robot. Whoa! What? Oh no, he's cloning his daughter. He's spitting... Terminator in reverse. Wow. The worst anamorph. I bet he turns into a camera and then like is used in porn and then he turns back. It's difficult. Oh, I saw this Marvel show. They play this for Halloween. He's from Pleasantville. During his Calvin Klein era. Back. So he's like the witch and going to feed me like a poison apple? Is that what's going on here? Wait, is he spinning a TIE fighter on his finger? Yeah, that's his fidget spinner. And George Lucas has a nice ass. Holy shit. Yeah, let's get a close-up of that. I mean, it's undeniable. Guy's got a nice ass. That's my favorite C-IIIPO I've ever seen in my life. Can I cosplay as that? Yoda-man! Yoda-man! Yo, Yoda-man, dog. in this universe? Geos? What alphabet? Oh, C-Cube Geos, yeah. Those basically were alphabets. Yeah. Weird field that's like an afterlife metaphor, like all of his creations are going to walk away from heaven or something. That's the vibe I get from this. Right? This is his field of dreams. Yeah. Have you seen that movie, What Dreams May Come? It's gorgeous. Something new. wow that was now that that was well I mean it's neil yeah I was gonna say that was a but yeah thank you there was very minimal editing from neil and that that was mainly just real commercials well but but also like but also like beautiful like star wars pairing there matt well yeah picked out I I think I just want to say, I approve of this intermission. This has both my thumbs up. I give it two thumbs up. I like this, from Eric McKett and Chris, thirsting over Lucas, Emmy thirsting over Bronson, Matt thirsting over flip-flops and McDonald's. I don't think you understand what thirsting means. Calm down, Eric, okay? Just calm down over there, alright? I know you're excited and all, but... The only thing I care for is hot dogs and Vicodin. Emmy, thank you so much for stopping by. Thank you. I will enjoy the Star Wars because I love me some Star Wars. I'm praying for Ewoks. You never know. I'm praying for some Ewoks, but we'll see. If Ewoks shows up, there may be There may be droids. There may be Ewoks. There may be something. I don't know. I don't care. It's a crazy go nuts. As long as it's not Bad Batch. Anyways. No, it's not that. But I do have a newer thing that's up there. But, yes, I will see y'all later, and I'll see y'all next week. And for everyone else, I will see y'all later tonight at TV at Ten for the last part of Melissa. There you go. There you go. All right, everyone. Peace. Thanks, Emi. Bye. Okay, Matt, what do you say? Let's bring this baddie home. Okay. Every time I hear people are posting about Bad Batch in the chat, it's maybe a fine show, but every time I hear Bad Batch, all I can think of is a bad bunch of semen. We're sorry, your sperm donation was a bad batch. You're going to have to give another one. it reminds me of um that's what like we would call like if someone like if you ever like put your clothes in the washing machine forgotten about it oh yeah and then you go dry it like a day later or something and it has that odor yeah that's we we always call that bad batch or like a bad batch of acid you know like yeah that too bad batch just brings up a whole lot of things in my brain not not show about a bunch of stormtroopers anyway coming soon to dumb first off tuesday march eighteenth twenty twenty five is the next movie joe night and we will be watching baffled this month baffled starring leonard nimoy is like a psychic race car driver or something yeah it's a pilot for a show that didn't get picked up and then they just released it as a tv movie uh it looks insane like it looks the intro alone is it's amazing it's pretty great yeah uh So that will be the next movie tonight. We're back at Tuesday, March eighteenth, twenty twenty five. Movie tonight, of course, is the spinoff of the marriage appeal show in which Mary Jo and I watch a movie neither of us have ever seen. We know nothing about. We do no research. Matt sources through the movie and hands me a download. We have to keep these things very... There's a lot of... There's a key that you and I turn at the same time before the show starts. We both have half of the access code that we have to put into the computer terminal. yes we flip a switch up uh which ignites a klaxon above our heads and I said we know we have ten seconds to abort if we really want to but uh so we could go back on this this terminal decision but then once that goes then then you get the download and then you watch it so there you go clowns it's always it's always fun to get these words and uh movie tonight will be available streaming in the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse and also right here on Twitch. There's ads on Twitch. We play it live on Twitch and it'll get thrown into the dumb television lineup after that a lot too. That's right. But yeah, so that's going on. We'll have both Shatner and Nimoy now in a movie. Yes, finally. We have to work our way through the rest of the Star Trek cast. We've got to find something with Chekov in it. I've waited a long time for this to happen. Okay, anyway. What happened after that? After that, we're going to have an all new Jackie and Amy Jones, The Hands of Paint, which is our B-movie themed online art class. led by one Jackie Naiman Jones, who played Debbie in Manos, the Hands of Fate. And so we pick a new B movie every month. We actually we watch the movie right before class and then we paint it during class. And this is this month's subject is Prince of Space. Look at that. Look at that little dude. Mario version of the the people from that movie like I could see like waluigi and this guy hanging out oh totally yeah they got similar it's the eyebrows I think you know we need to make a mario-esque video game with all the mst uh favorites in it uh prince of space this was on mst and uh yeah so we'll what's that Oh, I was about to say, I also like the background kind of makes him look like he's in front of a curtain a little bit. Like he's, he's got his own talk show. He's giving his monologue at the beginning. Like, yeah. Like the crank or show. Yeah. Have you heard about this? So, uh, I'm a guy from space. You guys know that you've heard about that, right? Uh, So yeah, head to dumb-industries.com slash Jackie to sign up. Again, your first month is free. So you got nothing to lose. Come hang out with us, everyone. It's always so much fun. There's nothing left to lose. Join us. And then closing out the month, which I can't believe it's already almost over. I just want to vomit. Tuesday, March twenty fifth, twenty twenty five. It's the Mary Jo Fields show game show night game show night. And we haven't really announced the details of this yet. We're we're working on it. But I will just say this is going to be the most fun game show episode we've ever done and probably will ever done. And out of anyone that's ever done any game show, it's going to be amazing. So don't miss out on that. Yeah, it's going to be in the vein of when we've done like a pyramid in the past or to tell the truth. Yes, we got some very special guests. I'll line up a nice marathon of all of those. Oh, yeah. You can you can rewatch all those. we haven't done a game show episode in a while so we're really excited but this one's going to be truly unique from all the others I can't wait for you guys to see it uh again we're doing the squid games for this one yes the squid games I'm gonna have to kill several people just to stay on as producer um weird little puzzle thing you know at one point and And that episode will be streaming right here on Twitch with ads. And of course, ad free in the marriage appeal show clubhouse. And we have amazing events going on all month. Head to dumb dash industries.com slash newsletter. Get on our newsletter, check out all the events we have coming up. Super dumb brothers happens every Monday. We happen every Thursday. We're in a wonderful every Wednesday. And what is next week's theme before we finally just get out of business, but mode and just, uh, and get to our, get to the, the meat of tonight, uh, next week's uh mystery hour theme six hours mystery hour yeah next week we're gonna be oh it's oops all wild cards oh snap a bunch of wild cards have so from the past yeah it's gonna be all past wild cards that have not gotten picked because those things they just kind of we forget about them taking up space in our icloud drive drive which I I go uh so uh yeah okay all right All right, I think it is time, folks, for our feature mystery. All right. So as you've seen from our social media marketing and from our witty banter earlier and from the George Lucas experience, we're doing Star Wars cartoons tonight. And I have gone a little different than I have in the past. So first off, we have droids. I took Ewoks out of the runnings. I felt it was too kind of similar to droids. And also I thought it was... This gives us a bit more variety. So first off, we have droids from the eighties. It's a eighties cartoon starring C three PO and R two D two. They get into other adventures that take place before the first movie, I believe. Next up, we have Clone Wars. This was the two thousands Clone Wars miniseries that was drawn by the guy that did Samurai Jack. prior to the like the cgi clone wars it's not the cgi clone wars yeah this is this is technically not in canon anymore though they haven't done a lot to dispute uh much of it so we'll watch a couple of those we won't get to all of it but those are each like three minutes long so we can very easily kind of oh cool game, how much of that we want to do. Next up, we have Visions. This is the newer animated series that I'm going to have to hook my Apple TV up for us to do. So it's because it's on Disney Plus and this is sort of like the animatrix for Star Wars. So we will watch some of the first episode of that or maybe the I don't know how long those are, but if it's if it's like twenty minutes, we'll watch the whole thing. uh and then lastly what I think is probably going to win tonight I found a full four k restored version of it's not a cartoon but it's kind of related and I've been holding on to this and I didn't know when to drop it so here's where it is uh we'll watch captain eo starring starring michael jackson directed by francis ford coppola produced by george lucas uh this was a ride at disney world for a long time and then they they took it down as a kid yeah they took it down eventually yeah like I don't know why they do that michael jackson's never had any controversies around him uh but I saw that at disney when I was a little kid I remember nice was it like a three d movie or was it one of those things where like the chairs like moved no it was a three d yeah like I remember there being glasses and there was like some kind of character that like flew around the screen and right in front of your face and it's like you're trying to grab it and stuff gotcha but yeah so it's the four k restored version of that and uh and there's you know michael jackson music in it it looks great uh and it's technically kind of star wars canon now because uh because I think a bunch of characters from that wound up in that skeleton crew show that they just did oh god uh which again bring bring sparky in if you can bring in captain neo people you can bring in sparky from the the japanese george lucas panasonic commercials Oh, my God. I can't tell based on the chat what's going to win because everyone seems to be... I'll do all over the place usually there's like a unified like okay we're gonna watch supermarket sweep here I can't tell oh yeah and our wild card is supermarket sweep I think we mentioned that earlier oh yes so if you would like to watch david ruprecht uh yeah I don't know what way this is gonna go I actually don't know if that clone war is downloaded correctly I'll just hook up oh don't go for clone wars I'll just I'll just hook up my apple tv for that and it'll be fine uh and okay I just want to we're all caught up on donations here but we've got a new subscriber or resubscribe for eleven months Commando Crow thank you and Commando Crow just wrote Captain EO yes Captain EO Captain EO Captain E-I-E-I-O that's his full name what did EO stand for I guess we'll find out I shouldn't don't know I don't remember honestly someone should reboot captain eo but with like a newer artist the ap have called it for droids okay I'm all right with that um let me make sure that I got that in the dropbox today I have been off my game all week I'm I'm pretty positive it's in there And, uh, thanks everyone for hanging out with us. Are there really a hundred seventy-six people watching right now? That's amazing. Maybe we should just get on with this. Should we just go to results? Yeah, just do it. All right, let's do it. I'm going to show results. Whatever's in the top spot is what we're going to watch. Oh, and look at that third week in a row supermarket sweep. Wow. People want supermarket sweep. They, uh, they, they crave the grocery store. incredible um it was making me paranoid about droids I did a whole check in my icloud folder because you said that uh you altered you've altered a minute and a half of this program uh captain neo yes very nice I am I am totally down with this wait where is captain neo is it in uh it's in the dropbox it's not new though you might have to yes yeah okay Can you get the music? Yes, I can. I will get this thing on. How long is Captain EO? Like, twenty minutes. Perfect. And Francis Ford Coppola directed this, I believe, right? Yeah, it was. Yeah, I think it was produced by it was either produced by Lucas, directed by Coppola or the other way around. I can't ever keep that straight. Hold on. Oh, there we go. OK, Captain EO, everyone. Captain EO. Oh, yeah, and it was a Disney thing. Well, yeah, it was at Disney. So now picture five-year-old Chris Kurzweil at Disney World, three-D glasses on. This thing is flying. This thing is flying straight towards my face. And I'm like... No! The cosmos, a universe of good religion, a rock they found a lot of freedom made out of Plato's worlds of despair. A rag tag band led by the infamous Captain Eel. That guy. Oh, he flies a goldfish. This planet doesn't look so dangerous, Heidi. Oh, we're about to watch Al fuck and what's happening here. So wait, are these things in Skeleton Curl? I hope not. No, I think it's that blue thing. Oh, that blue thing was totally in Skeleton Curl. Weird. Kind of looks like Bicentennial Man, the Robin Williams movie. This is how I come. Oh no, we let a strange man on the board. It looks like we tripped their intrusion alarm, sir. It's to dramatically come up from his elevator. He's still kind of normal looking here. I take it back. But we're going to do it right this time because we're the best. why is his face I was just wondering like is my monitor about to go that's right we'll be perfect sir he's wearing a shirt he knows he's not wearing pants so he's literally just in a there's something weird out there a patrol ship I thought so maybe we can outrun definitely not the klingon ship completely different Wow, they put a lot into this. This ship would be a fucking nightmare to be on. I know. That's the appeal of Star Wars is that you want to be Han Solo and be on that ship and do adventures. You wouldn't want to be Captain EO and be on this ship full of annoying Muppets who... It's kind of cool to see like if they made a new Star Wars movie in eighty six or eighty seven or whatever, this is kind of what it would look like. Yeah, basically. No, sir. Everything. Yeah, it's Zordon powering yours. Captain EO, are you engaged in combat against Ardor? Can't see. What's going on? So he didn't even kill me, did he? I need the sails not in. Definitely not the Star Wars trench scene we're using. Hey, I still have this leftover Star Wars trench here. You need to borrow it for your new Captain EO movie, Francis. Somebody push the red button! Come on, Cougar! Stretch! They blew up the second death star. Yeah. If this is a hundred percent the second death star. It's like I keep expecting the Millennium Falcon's dish to get taken off to the trap. Oh. Whoa. They would all be dead. Now the question is, does he do the moonwalk? Because if you're going to do Michael Jackson in space, he has to moonwalk at some point, right? Yeah, he's gotta. It's in the name. Shabong. I'll never forget the day Michael Jackson died, because I was at a Dinosaur Jr. concert in Brooklyn, and everyone knew he had died, and the entire time in between every song, people were just yelling at him. The gift of BD. I think that guy was based on Martin Scorsese. Now they're on like the alien set. This is where like the space jockey was. This was around the period of time that Michael Jackson was trying to buy Marvel Comics and to be Spider-Man in the movie and all that kind of stuff. Oh, was he really trying to do that? He was really trying to do all that. There's also a point where I think he was going to play Jar Jar Binks. I don't know if that's true or not. I've heard that rumor too. I don't know if that's true or not. Oh, now, now the blue guys. Oh no, the Borg. I mean the completely distinct and Hey, I'm the only one that enslaves these people. Maybe the board were ripped off from this because this is kind of like a board game situation. Yeah. Infidel. Make it by the same people who did cats. With your presence. Turn the others into. Traskin. See you later, Traskin. And for him, one hundred years of torture in my deepest tension. Your Highness, my loyal companions and I accept these punishments. We do? Of course we do. He's your captain. Speak for yourself. We have come here uninvited and unannounced. So, then we both admit to your... That's Angelica Houston? Wait, really? I don't know. Wow. Yeah, she doesn't seem like anybody. Makes sense. I think it is her. Wow. You ever seen The Witches? Ever seen what? The Witches? A long time ago, yeah. Oh, that's a great movie. I saw the remake more recently. Oh, it really happens. During the pandemic, it's awful. Oh, nice. Is it dance number time? Oh, Bicentennial Colonel Mustard Man is going to break dance. The only thing that will save your life, Captain EO, is the power of dance and music. You will be sentenced to a hundred years labor and death unless you can make me prove to a champ. Oh, no. Knocked over Rick Wakefield's keyboard. It'd be funny if he lit himself on fire accidentally. Why are you hot wiring a keyboard? You messed with the brown cat. Oh, nice. Oh, he turns the Borg into groovy dancing. Is that Ted dancing? This is the power that conservatives think that gay people have where they can just like. Wow. Look, we've turned this fuddy-duddy robot into a dance machine with immaculate fashion. Woo! I feel like they're all advertising a different flavor of Fanta. I feel like you shouldn't be hearing the dancers' clothes moving, right? Something seems off. Spiroscythe signing off. Good night, Spiroscythe. We didn't get a name or anything from him this week, did we? I don't think we did. Spiroscythe took a night off. Good night. Well deserved. Thanks for hanging out, bud. Unless I missed it, then I feel bad. The Nathaniel jacket is pretty sweet. For the amount of people who emulate the red Michael Jackson jacket, you'd think you'd have a bunch of people who'd try to recreate this. This also kind of feels like the transitional point between like, you know, peak eighties, Michael Jackson and like his weird military period. It was like probably right before bad. Yeah. I want to see the rehearsals of Captain EO and his old Muppets where he's just like bitching out the little blue thing because he misses his keyboard. Yeah, this was filmed in nineteen eighty five, so Riller had been out for a couple of years already. And then he puts this out. Not the bondage aliens. Turn him into groovy dancing teens, Captain EO. Oh, maybe this is how Michael Jackson's skin died. These space aliens blasted his skin off. He wasn't able to dance enough to save his life. Ah, yeah. So are these teens that he's turning the robots into, is this what the robots look like underneath all their morgue stuff? Or are they just being transformed into completely different people? That's kind of terrifying that he can just at will turn you into a backup dancer who may not even look like you, who's compelled to dance against their will. Oh, he did the thing! Yeah! they're like you know you have to do it for this michael it's actually a lot easier than it looks it's kind of like an eye trick a little bit everyone says that but I've tried can't do it I can do it okay like as good as michael jackson could do it not as good as michael jackson no but But it's not like, you know, when he would do that thing where he'd like lean real far, where that was like a whole deal where he had like pegs built into the stage and like that into his shoes so he could like lean super far. I wish more bad guys could be defeated through the power of music. I think that's beautiful, man. I'm really glad we all chose to watch this Star Wars cartoon. It's Star Wars. It's a me. She transformed into I Dream of Jeannie. She was the Borg Queen, and now she is I Dream of Jeannie. I'm off to have sex with this lady. And y'all can watch. Do you think Michael Jackson ever accidentally punched one of those little guys, like, trying to choreograph this? Yeah, probably. There's a lot of punching involved in his choreography. There's, like, smack a crew member on accident. It's pretty good. These songs are pretty good. I don't know if he released these separately from this special, but he should. I remember this thing flying around. And everyone in the theater was like... But that's the whole thing, is they go down to a weird planet, and then he dances two songs for Angelica Houston, and that turns her from bad to good. I mean, it makes total sense to me. What are you having trouble following here, man? Oh, Coppola directed it, okay. George. Oh, George. George. So what did we learn from this? Michael Jackson. I don't know if they were going to make more of these or, you know, or what the plan was there. I bet you they wanted to turn it into like a franchise type of thing. But yeah, but his character is like, yeah, he's on that tiny ship with all these like horrible little Muppet things who all suck. But he's able to, through the power of music, transform people into completely different people who seem to live solely to dance for him, which is kind of terrifying. Michael Jackson, he's like a secret despot of the cosmos, just going around and enslaving planets to him where they're forced to dance. Anyway. That's my analysis of Captain EO, the implications of his power set. Thank you so much, everyone. Thanks for hanging out. This has been fun. We've got a hundred and fifty-five people still. That rocks. Oh my goodness. Everyone join the Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club over at dumb-industries.com. Come right back here next Thursday where we're going to be watching Oops! All Wild Cards. Yeah. And we should also say tomorrow night we're going to be doing full Mads Friday as well. So if you'd like to watch the bird gang, come back here tomorrow at nine and we'll be doing the full Mads pre show and then the full unedited episode of that with with who was it? Mike Nelson, I guess. Mike Nelson. Mike Nelson, everyone. So check all that out. And thank you again to everyone who watched Switching Hour on Wednesday. It meant a lot to me. Thank you, everybody, for being here tonight. Uh, we will be back next week for our oops, all wild cards episodes. Oh, I can't wait. I can't wait. It's going to be, it's going to be awesome. So, uh, thanks for hanging out. Y'all have a good one. Bye. I love perpetrators. I want you to meet my colleague, Dr. Hamilton. And I'd like you to get the fuck out of here. It's all right. Get out of here! Get out of my room! Get out of here, bitch! Get out of here! Daddy!


The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Watches Silver Surfer