Matt & Chris gear up to play some of the earliest entries in the classic RPG franchise Final Fantasy, followed by a couple of hilarious rounds of the JackBox game Guesspionage!
Matt & Chris are in the mood for some forced learning, so they fire up the classic school computer game The Oregon Trail with the intention of getting to other educational games. However, Chris gets so caught up in his journey they barely even have time for Mavis Beacon. Then they close it out with some RiffTrax: The Game. Glennis lives!
Matt & Chris return to play a bunch of Pokémon games to very mixed results as Chris is an old man and Matt is easily frustrated, but that doesn't stop them from having a fun evening that concludes with some very fun rounds of Fall Guys!
Legend of Zelda prodigy Matt Reiser plays through Skyward Sword while Chris asks a lot of annoying questions for a very special bonus edition of Super Dumb Bros! This is the first of many full game playthroughs.
Matt & Chris present PART TWO of a special May the Fourth Edition of Super Dumb Bros., as Chris plays through Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga as well as the all-new Dark Forces Remaster.
Matt & Chris present PART ONE of a special May the Fourth Edition of Super Dumb Bros., as Chris attempts to play Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic while Matt yells at him. Also, special guest Dez drops in!
Chris attempts to play the 1998 N64 classic The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time while Matt yells at him.