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Matt & Chris are still getting their asses kicked by the clocks going forward, but that doesn’t stop them from hosting an all-new Mystery Hour to recap the week in Dumb, catch up with Emmy Martian, and watch one of many Star Wars cartoons, which for some reason ends in the gang watching Captain EO!
Matt & Chris are still getting their asses kicked by Daylight Savings Time, but that doesn’t stop them from hosting an all-new Mystery Hour to recap the week in Dumb, catch up with Emmy Martian, and watch one of many Star Wars cartoons, which for some reason ends in the gang watching Captain EO!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
This Week’s Dumb Deals: Buy Any 3 Hoodies, Get 1 FREE
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join
ALL Dumb+ memberships are now FREE for your first month!
The Mads Are Back: T-Bird Gang just $6 thru Sunday w/ promo code GANGGANG
This Week In Dumb:
Saturday, March 8, 2025 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Monday, March 10, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play The Walking Dead (Part One)
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 @ 7pm ET: Brother Ichabod Presents: The Witching Hour
Wednesday, March 12, 2025: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: Crime Wave (1953)
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: BAFFLED!
Saturday, March 22, 2025 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint: Prince of Space
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Game Show Night
Feature Presentation: Captain EO (4K Remaster)
Transcript: Looney Tunes will be right back after these messages. Hello, my Koopas! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! Koopa! I'm King Koopa, and today is Kids Rights Day! Yay! We all believe in kids' rights and I got a box here full of kids' rights. It's completely full of them. This box full of kids' rights. Wait a minute. These are all kids' lefts. Dammit, lefts! They're only left. Left-handed seat. Left-handed. That's okay. Time to give a children's giant atlas of the universe to the trooper in the magic seat! Ratso, the card, please. Hiya, Ratso. How are ya? No, no, don't pull me! He always pulls me. Red Seven! Yeah, you're Red Seven! How you doing, trooper? What's your name? Billy. Billy! Are you a trooper, Billy? I got an atlas for you, Billy. I got an atlas for Billy. Here it comes. Here it comes. Look at this. Is this big? Yeah! Say hello to Bob and Dad. Hi, okay, Tiki Atlas. Yay, Billy! What is it? Now, it's my right, as a big kid who never grew up, to play the cartoons I want. And if I don't, I hold my breath till I turn pink. Here's all's well, and it will be, if I get my way. I'll be back with more prizes and more cartoons. That was great, kids. That's nice. What are you, from Biafra? I don't know. It's all tough with your... I am the Apostle Paul, though my mother called me Saul, I wrote much of the New Testament that much is true, but it was on the road to Damascus that I began to see, though first blinded, his wounds now healed on me, Peter you shied away from what you said you'd do, your sneakers ran, not stood, when you said you would, choosing flight for convenience, you ground you did not stand, when Jesus needed you most, you fled, when he bled, the cock crowed thrice before the Morning, son. Confirming to the world all you had done is run. Unable to stand strong in the test of fire, doing what is hard, you weltered and failed, fleeing from his guards. I am Peterson would call me The Rock. WWF choosing my nickname seemed a little bit insane, but I digress for intensity I do not lack. For everything I do, I seek take nothing back, when he called me out to walk with him on the water, I jumped and leapt into the waves I saunter, while Paul it's true that later, you did much good, that early you murdered, a bit like Robin Hood, though well educated, I'm certain that you are, you used your talents for evil, like a ruthless. Sam, it's good a miracle sent to blind you, in order that you might see that God is majestic and all the more glorious to be. Ozzy? Yeah? Do you have a secret fantasy? Yes, I'd like to fly to New York for a colonoscopy. Enter the CBS Cares colonoscopy sweepstakes. If you win our grand prize, we'll fly you to New York for three nights in a luxury hotel, watch the sunrise over Central Park, then kick back, relax, and enjoy a complimentary colonoscopy. So what are you waiting for? You can't win if you don't enter. Visit CBS Cares, making your fantasies come true. Man, I went to this bar in Nashville. This band was playing Kelly's Heroes, a great guitarist, best guitarist I've ever seen. And they were playing old country music with a heavy blues rock twist. So they do this great version of Ghost Riders in the Sky. And this brilliant guitarist just goes way out on a limb. and everybody in the crowd it's so it was so fun to be there they're just thrilled to death because they're watching this man doing the same thing that surfers do he's like dancing on the edge of chaos and order in this virtuosic manner and everyone is so taken by that it just lifts them out of the normality of their existence you know you see this joy just transfuse them and that's because they got an intimation of genuine meaning Is he seducing me? What am I, a bed bug? In the cities, in our houses, bedbugs have found a place to live. These little creatures infest our dwellings. They could hide any place in our apartments, but the place they love best is our beds. Bedbugs have penises like knives. Females don't need any genitals to mate. Stab me. Chase me. Mate with me. Seduce me. He is so strong and sharp. He doesn't need a vagina at all. He ejaculates in my wound. Via my bloodstream, the sperm will travel on their own to my ovaries. In two weeks, five hundred eggs would hatch. And the baby bedbugs would feed on the blood of whoever sleeps in the bed. Gozo! Today is my birthday. I'm just thirty. I'm just thirty. Well, I guess that means that next year you'll be thirty-one. Good luck. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na Na-na-na-na-na-na-na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Thank you for watching. No, no, no, no. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Thank you. You don't have to wrestle with that worn carpet anymore. Now you can have luxury carpeting wall to wall for only five dollars a square yard at Goldfine's. Choose from Goldfine's large selection of color, styles, and bold new patterns. Some with their own bonderized foam backings that regularly sell for seven dollars to eleven ninety-nine a square yard. At the sound of the bell, go to Goldfine's by the bridge and save during their giant carpet sale July eleventh through July fourteenth. Don't laugh. You could lose your head someday, too, you know. You could lose it right now, if you wanted to, by going to Mortrud Knesney's semi-annual clearance sale in friendly West End, Duluth. That's fun to lose your head out there. Bargains? Oh, have they got bargains. Thousands of men's slacks in double knit, ten to twenty-five percent off, really. Jackets of all descriptions, winter jackets, leather jackets, and car coats, too. Twenty-five percent reduction in price. Thousands of suits and sport coats. Literally thousands to choose from at ten to sixty percent off the regular price. And shirts, twenty-five percent off. In the young men's top half department, well, some slacks are fifty percent off. And there are some fifteen dollar slacks going for just five ninety-nine. Would I kid you? Go on out there right away now. Some annual clearance sale, M&K. Go ahead, lose your head. It's the Shake-A-Leg! Shake-A-Leg! It's a play-around toy! Wednesday is free kitty burger day. Buy any sandwich and we'll treat your kid to a free kitty burger. Roll & Richmond Avenue next to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Bollinger makes me hot and thirsty. This is a job for Kool-Aid. Hey, Kool-Aid! Oh, yeah! Kool-Aid's here, bringing you fun. Kool-Aid's got thirst on the run. Get a big, wide, happy ear to ear. Kool-Aid smile, yeah, yeah. Cause the biggest smile is a Kool-Aid smile. A Kool-Aid smile, a Kool-Aid smile. Your friend's cool. My friend's Kool-Aid. Kool-Aid brand soft drink, thanks. Have you ever wanted someone to take care of? Someone who needs lots of cuddling and affection? Someone you can give your love to? Well, that someone is Little Miss No-Name. She's the doll who needs more loving care than any doll you've ever had. Look, she has a tear on her cheek. Little Miss No-Name is sad because she doesn't have a pretty dress. She doesn't have any shoes. She doesn't even have a name. But she does have big brown eyes. Most of all, Little Miss No-Name has a heart filled with love. Give her a kiss and hold her close. Take your comb and make her hair look pretty. Little Miss No-Name needs a home and all the love you can give her. You'll find Little Miss No-Name standing in the snowstorm box at your toy store. Take her home with you today. Little Miss No-Name. She's Little Miss No-Name. She's lonesome and blue. She's longing for someone exactly like you. She has no one to talk with. she just sits and she stares she needs someone to hold her someone who cares poor little miss no name on her cheek there's a tear she's a sad little nobody cause there's nobody near so won't someone won't somebody do what someone should do And take home Little Miss No-Name Won't someone, won't you? You'll find Little Miss No-Name waiting for you at your toy store. King Tire Streaker Sale. For the next few days only, everything goes at King. Right to the bare walls. Streak in with nothing but your bare tires and King will put you into the finest tread you've ever seen. All first quality BFGoodrich and other top-name tires at prices so low, they'd shock a streaker. With every set of four tires you buy, King will give you a streaker special blanket. Cover yourself with King. King Tire is like buying from the factory. Hey, they're on the set of Arsenic and Old Lace. Yeah, I like the decor. Mid-century grandma. Well, so-and-so, they're playing the piano. By the way, this whole scene was improv. Hey, turn your flashlights off. We don't want any extra light in this film. This movie is like if John Wick had rheumatoid arthritis. And glaucoma. What's this movie about again? I have no idea. Well, there's a chandelier. Why not bring Liberace in? That'll cheer things up. Have we mentioned how great the soundtrack is? Let's try to focus on the good things. Welcome back to Catatonic Caper. Uncut gems didn't have this kind of tension. The one-eight-hundred got junk people are sneaky. Coming soon to weird and wonderful Wednesday watch-alongs. Let's pick up. What do you want to say? I've come to claim the twenty pounds reward for Frankie McPhillip. Frankie McPhillip? THE END Thank you. This is coming from our clubhouse chat from Mrs. Torgo. Mary Jill, where would you take Roddy on your first date? straight to my sofa for a makeout session. Oh, Gal, I don't know. He's rather continental, so I would probably take him out, if it were in Minneapolis, for martinis or go the complete opposite way and take him on a hike to Minnehaha Falls or something like that. He'd love that, I'm sure. Where would you take him, Chris? Where would I take Roddy McDowell on our first date? I don't know. Maybe a movie. Maybe we'll go just take a stroll in the village. Go to some antique shops. Oh, nice. I think a theater date would work well. Yeah, go see it. We'll go see the new Glenn Gary, Glenn Ross. Yeah, I'd love to see that. Nobody expects the Ironside Inquisition. Yeah, watching him walk around and do nothing is so much more interesting than seeing the killings by the monster. Will he walk into another room? Or stay in this room? Oh my god, the suspense is killing me! I've got his cataracts. Oh, damn. Marriage agrees with me. Oh, now I can't do the Harpo Groucho mirror scene. Well, that was a productive afternoon. This is like a real estate video. My dinner with Andre didn't have this many indoor scenes. Thank you. What's up, what's up, what's up, everyone? Hey, can everybody hear me? Awesome. Look at us. We began on everybody's microphones working. We need some kind of award or something. And now we just brought attention to it, so it kind of cancels it out. I don't know. I just wanted to make note of that for all of you. It wouldn't be a Dumb Industries livestream if there wasn't some tech issues. We did it. Gold star for us tonight. How are you doing, man? Yeah, in your face, chat. in your face like maybe one person yes we are doomed this is true yeah this is uh yeah yeah this is maybe this is maybe the beginning of our selling out this is you know like when metallica got too big like if we become too if we become too slick then we lose our our street cred so I have a trick up my sleeve to make sure that we never run into that problem. Is it having a con ed electricity and internet or charter, whoever I pay for that? I'll tell you later. It's a dumb industry's trade secret. Dumb industry's trade secret. Interesting, interesting, interesting. anyway hey everybody hello it's uh I I hope this uh I hope this is a good I've just felt off all week like with the time change you never think that like you know it'll affect you that much but like this is usually where I say matt you say that every week however this week truly does feel weird because of the time change yeah like messing with me all week because like you know in your head you go like I'm an evolved modern person just like yeah this time is now this time it's an hour whatever but like the the caveman deep within me like like it feels harder for me to get ready for shows because my body's like this doesn't feel like showtime it feels like exactly and I'm still waking up at the same time that I was before the clock changes it's no good yeah there's it's a it's a it's a weird kind of thing so yeah so that's gonna screw with me for the next week or so but then once that happens then I'll be out of seasonal depression territory and then we'll be yes we're on the uh upswing here we're on the upswing baby us mentally ills uh all rejoice because the bad weather is is leaving slowly yeah wise twin sailor keeps falling asleep early well wait if you're falling asleep early wouldn't that be the opposite Why has Twin Sailor figured it out? I don't know how. Somehow. I keep falling asleep early. I keep falling asleep before I put my jammies on. I keep falling asleep before I watch the late show. I keep falling asleep every time you... Sorry, I was looking for my outline and I figured I'd give... Matt, a chance to shine. Welcome, everyone, to the Dumb Industries Mystery Hour. Hey, everybody. My name is Chris. I'm Matt. That's Matt over there. Look, I'm pointing in the right direction. I made it. We could be like weathermen now. We've developed that skill of gesturing to things in green screens very easily. Matt is there. You know, there's that joke like, well, how do they know where to point to? And just over time, you just, you figure, you figure out how to, like, I know that the QR code, oh, weird. Like, it's, I always attribute my QR code to being underneath where my, is my camera reversed? I think there's something going on. No, because normally when I put my fan, it Oh, maybe in StreamYard you have it set for... Maybe I have it flip-flopped. That's also attributing to the uncanny... Oh, mirror my camera is selected. Look at that. There you go. Now I look normaler. I was like, everything about tonight just feels off. My computer was having issues earlier, and then the time changed, and then I was like... bizarro me. Anyway, I'm very good at pointing because when I point at the fan, it also points to the QR code where you can, if you go to there and send a donation, we'll do one of our patented bad impressions, such as my Michael McDonald, which I just demonstrated a moment ago. That's right. Yeah, slash donate. We'll be doing shoutouts throughout tonight. We're also, just real quick, reminding you guys, we are on Blue Sky. We did it. We made it. Got approved. We're on Blue Sky. um you make it sound like it's like going to the bank for a loan like we got approved like we went to the blue sky building and a and a man we um we got a nice little uh community growing over there on blue sky everyone check us out and also join our discord server run by our producer emmy martian and um it's a fun place to be and you just mentioned donations and I'm pleased to announce we have our first donation of the evening oh interesting interesting um so let's uh let's do a quick shout out here before we move on this one comes from paul r thank you paul riser thank you yes I'm mad about you and aliens um isn't that so weird like our generation probably attributes him more to mad about you because like that was just a sitcom that was always on like you know in the nineties yeah but prior to that it was like he's the guy from aliens you know yeah he's there's a whole generation who thinks he's way less cool than he actually is not the character that was like the only cool thing he ever did because aside from that he was in like what like one night at mccool's and beverly hills cop oh yeah he was on stranger things I actually don't know if we're related or not that was half the reason when I first came to new york I was like maybe I should choose a cool new name and I was like oh maybe on the off chance someone assumes that I'm related to paul riser that could be Yeah. I mean, my real name is Chris Seinfeld. I don't know if you know that. Welcome, everyone. My real name turned out to be Genghis Khan. I decided to change it. Paul Reiser was in Diner with Mickey Rourke. You ever seen that movie? I don't think I have. Is that Mickey Rourke with his original face? Yes, his original face. It was when there was a chance he was going to be the next... big guy and he apparently destroyed it all I don't know why something happened I don't know something flipped in him uh yeah mickey rourke's paul riser steve gutenberg kevin bacon tim daly and daniel stern wow it's a real who's who of uh hey I remember that guy from yeah exactly remember him uh and uh and I guess we should also announce too what the theme of tonight is because yeah for those of you who might be tuning in who are brand new again is a great thing to to get into twenty minutes deep into the episode but uh we're gonna be hanging out watching some vhs trash after we go through everything that's going on with dumb industries and tonight we're doing star wars themed cartoons that's right slash one star wars adjacent fun thing that I also found that I'm gonna include which I think is what's gonna get probably what's gonna win I think it's probably gonna win you guys are gonna like this But yes, there's a long history of Star Wars animated stuff, and I've got some selections from multiple Star Wars eras. And then we'll also have our wild card from last week as well, which was, what was that? Do you remember? Yes, I do remember that. It was because it was also the wild card the previous week, and that is because it is Supermarket Sweep. Okay. So if no one's feeling Star Wars tonight, there's an option for you. yeah but you'll completely kind of ruin what the intermission videos vibe is setting up because uh so you can choose whatever you want but just you just know you're fucking the vibe up if you yeah don't do that I like how we we make it like democratic but then we just bully the audience to doing exactly what we want I also I took some time yesterday, everyone watching on Twitch. Hey, everyone on Twitch to add some new emotes. Oh, I saw those. Yeah, there's a Brother Ichabod emote. There's a Brother Ichabod one. I'm going to put that one. There's a Columbo. There's a Super Dumb Bros. There's my favorite just says, let's get dumb. There's a soup can. There's a Lon Chaney. Sleep. Have a potato. There's a bunch. I'm putting them all in the chat. You can get those if you subscribe right here on Twitch. Sick. Love it. Love it. Good stuff. Good stuff. This is my favorite one because I think whenever we start a stream, it should just look like this. Maybe not with all the pearls there. That was an accident. Oh, yeah. I added Peter Drucker, too. That's right. There is no colonoscopy emote, JPo says. Not yet. Maybe I'll make a custom flip-flop emote where it's my feet and flip-flops that you can. That's pretty cool. I like that we can display the emojis on the screen too. So there's me as Columbo. Oh, nice. Yeah, we'll talk more about Brother Ichabod and stuff here in a hot second. That's also half the reason why I'm kind of a little low energy tonight, because I was really bringing it. Yes, we will get Barnabas in there. We're still adding emotes. The David Cassidy one is the only one Beck-Duce-Heavenly-One will ever need. We need some type of Hasselhoff representation. You know, I was thinking that. I was thinking that. I don't know what exactly I'm really I know I just I couldn't decide which era I mean it would be baywatch knights but yeah like he doesn't really have a look in that I didn't know if like yeah I didn't know if pulling from like christmas consultant would be easier that for that movie where he fought jack the ripper I need to do a jack david hasselhoff marathon oh the christmas uh consultant that would be a good consultant yeah oh yeah or the nick fury hoff oh yeah yeah we've done a lot of hasselhoff stuff that's uh I need a marathon good reason I didn't even realize how much we've done. Oh yeah. We're obsessed all day off that. He's great. He's trying to, he's, his lawyers are really coming after dumb industries and they're kind of fine with it actually, but they're just curious why we're so obsessed. Yeah. I think you'd be surprised to come here. It's like, Oh, they're making fun of me. I'm like, no, I genuinely love you. I think you're. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, of course. You're cheesy, but you're endearingly earnest, and it's a quality, I think. So we started talking about Paul Reiser, and we completely forgot we were supposed to be doing a shout-out for Paul R. So Paul R., thank you so much for your donation. Thank you. Sorry about that. We got off on a tangent there because your name reminds us of a very famous celebrity named Paul Reiser. That was great. But you know, okay, let me thank you for watching. Oh, here's what I could do. I could do this is as Gollum. I think I could probably do the I'm Mr. Heat miser song from the year without a Santa Claus but incorporating mine and Paul and what's his name P riser? What? Oh, yeah, it's just... I guess we don't know for sure if it's Paul Reiser, but for the purposes of this song, it will be Paul Reiser. It will be Paul Reiser. And, like, we're the Meisers singing back and forth, so, like... I'm Mr. Matt Reiser. I'm Mr. Goof. I'm Mr. Live Streamer. I drink a hundred proof. They call me Matt Reiser. Everything I touch... I'm Mr. Paul Reiser. I'm mad about you. I'm Mr. Aliens. I also drink a hundred proof because all risers are alcoholics genetically it's true do do do do addiction runs in my goo do do do do uh mad about you uh uh great job matt thank you for just coming off the top of my head I you know I was just oh no that was great I was just looking for everybody learned a valuable lesson about how addiction is a genetic that uh runs in families and uh um well matt we have another donation here this one this one comes from what would mitchell do aka tina w thank you so much thank you I think that's what would mitchell do if not I'm sorry um but this says I know it was a month ago but could I get matt as randy newman hinting about getting me a sexy valentine's day present followed by colombo questioning if the gift is a gift of vd and then trying to figure which vd it could be Wow, this is quite an elaborate setup. Okay, so Randy Newman, you're hinting about a sexy Valentine's Day, and I'm going to question you if the gift is VD. Okay. And what kind of VD it might be. Okay. I got you a gift. What could it be? Excuse me, sir. I'm so sorry to bother you. I'm really enjoying the tune you're singing right now. I was hoping I could just get a few answers out of you for some questions about the song you're singing. Oh, sure. I'm Randy. Okay. First question. I see you're singing about getting a sexy Valentine's Day present. I was just wondering, sir, you seem like a very well-dressed gentleman and Maybe you wouldn't play any kind of trick on your wife, but I have to ask you, is the gift VD? Maybe it is. Maybe we'll see. I'll admit to it if you guess the VD. Guess one. Go. Syphilis. Wrong. Guess two. Gonorrhea. closer but no do do do guess three last one or I will disappear we're going by troll bridge rules and so that's why we're doing three it's gotta be uh media close enough do do do I'll give it to you do do do actually it's something stored in my goo do do do But the closest equivalent is if you're not Randy Newman, it's committee urges. Just one more thing, sir. I don't know how to ask you this. It's kind of embarrassing. But can you take a look at my downstairs real estate and tell me if maybe I got PD? What are you going to give me? Oh, well, you know, I'll give you a ride back to your apartment. Do, do, do, pull your drawers down. Do, do, do, I don't normally do this, but I'm hoping that you'll owe me one. Do, do, do, do. So what do you think? Is the sketch still going? I don't know. This is long. Oh, thank you. And it got kind of wrong. Matt's just saying what comes to his head in a minute. It's probably not fun, but it's a tunnel into his psyche, I guess. This is a family show. All right, next topic. People get uncomfortable when we talk about penises. About jizz and goop. That's like a third of our programming. I don't know. I know. This is who we are, unfortunately. Last one, and then we're going to move on to another show. All right. This one comes from Meowsdour. Meowsdour. Thank you so much, Meowsdour. Thank you. Mousetower is happy to hear our voices tonight. Oh, thank you. Oh, thank you. And they say, would take a Columbo shout out. And Matt, just say, preciouses. Mousetower, thank you for watching tonight. Lieutenant Columbo, boy, I just got back from the Minute Clinic. You'll never guess who I ran into there. It's Randy Newman, of all people. Randy Newman. Anyway, uh, apparently it's chlamydia. Thank you, Mousetower. Mousetower Processors? What, what, what is Mousetower Processors? Do you have the ring, Processors? Smoogle, Smoogle likes you, Mousetower. Thank you, Processors. Oh, my God. Mousetower Processors! I like it when he does his little scream, too, and he goes like, I'm like, That's my favorite part of Fellowship of the Ring when Bilbo turns into a little demon for a second. Oh yeah, when he turns into that guy. Yeah, we used to rewind that over and over. His eyes go all bugged out. I need to watch those movies again. They're so good. I know I routinely do that voice, but I can't tell you when the last time I watched those were. They're pretty great. So we'll be doing that all night, folks. We'll be doing that. I know that people are like, yes, more of what was happening there. Keep your donations coming, slash donate. You can ask us a question. You can challenge us to do some bizarre sketch you've come up with. Whatever you want. As demonstrated by just there. I think given what we have to work with sometimes, we do what we can. All right, Matt, what do you say we get into this week's dumb deals? All right. Oh, this week's dumb deals. We have great deals every week. We have the best deals. These are... We even have a new page where you can just see all the deals without having to do any guesswork or anything. Go to slash deals. Right now, this week, you can buy any three dumb hoodies and get one free. Wow. Like an entire hoodie for free. An entire hoodie for nothing. Wow. So that's four hoodies for the price of three. And, you know, these tariffs, they're going to kick in any day now. So it might be a good time to stock up on your teas. Well, they'll kick in for like five minutes and then they'll go away and then they'll come back and then they'll go away. Like, I can't even keep up with the news on that anymore because it's just like... As a, you know, I don't think of myself as an adult, but as someone who owns a small business... I have been trying to pay attention to that stuff because I know it could affect us one way or another. At the same time, yeah, it's like I have no idea. What are we even waiting for? It's like anything that gets announced gets rescinded two days later. Okay, anyway. Anyway, that's our mini rant about the state of the world. You're now watching real time with Bill Maher. We're going to be discussing. but yes head to deals you can uh stock up on all your stuff and there's video deals there there's uh some digital deals check them out Yeah, good stuff. And then also, if you're watching us on Twitch, hi, we love you. Feel free to keep watching on Twitch. It's a great place to watch and support us. This is where Dumb Television happens before and after this, too. So if you want to just be stuck around for more content, it's a good place to kind of check that out. But if you would like to watch specifically tonight's... Ow, I just smacked my fan with my hand. If you'd like to see specifically tonight's show commercial-free, you can head on over to our website, forward slash... Mystery Hour. Yeah. I believe, yes. Lost my place in the document. And, you know, watch tonight's. We have the most recent episode absolutely free on our website. And we leave that up all week until a new one replaces it. Or you can kick in two bucks and get access to the downloads. Or the back catalog, rather. Sorry, not downloads. On demand, yes. Of all of our past episodes. So if you'd like to watch us, watch tonight. Bigfoot and Wildboy or the Beetleborgs. And speaking of that Mystery Club Plus membership, all Plus memberships on our website are now free for your first thirty days. So try them out. You can check out the whole back catalog. There's close to nine hundred hours of content. Thirty days on us now. If you can believe that. I don't think any place does a thirty day trial anymore. That used to be such a big thing. I know. Like not that long ago. And then it just became like the week trial. And now I don't think any place does any trial because. They do, but they're like very limited trials. But yeah, all of our plus memberships. Sign up. And let's see. Don't say downloads after talking about VD. That is a good point, man dog. Venereal downloads. That's what VD stands for. Venereal downloads. That's the new slang. We should come up for computer viruses. We're going to try to get that out in the mainstream. Instead of like you have a virus, like you have a venereal download. It's like the politically correct term for a computer virus. We feel like calling a computer virus a virus is very insensitive. Matt, the schedule is really outdated. This was earlier today. this is how I confront you about every, everything related to dumb industry. I'm sorry. My computer, my computer was wigging out and I was trying to do a thousand things. No, someone mentioned that the schedule's out of date and I just want to reiterate, you are watching us. You're watching us live on Thursday. I'm sorry. I've been, I've been doing adult things today and trying to balance that with everything. And it's been, it's been a lot. Uh, there's a lot going on over here in Matt world. I'm sorry. Uh, No, no, no. Look. Yes, it's public shaming. It does work. But no, it wasn't public shaming. Come on. And then like I was having issues getting the pre-show out. I think like like technology has one of those things where it's like it can sense your anxiety and then it's like, oh, now I'm not going to do what you need to do. Like if you're yeah, if you're in a crunch, it's like it's like that trope of like the printer, you know, like if you go to print out something for like a class and it's like, you know, ten minutes, you know, like it'll just it won't work. But if you need to print like a picture of, you know, like Billy Corgan at three in the afternoon like it'll it'll be fine anyway hot takes on technology so yeah we mentioned digital deals also every week yes that we have a digital deal every single week uh we've been going through the the mads are back from the very beginning and this week we are on t-bird gang so if you do not own the the roger corman ghost produced uh classic film t-bird gang uh you can get that for six bucks through sunday with promo code gang gang yes that is g-a-n-g g-a-n-g two g's in the middle The Q&A guest for that, by the way, was a guy. What was his name? Mike Nelson stopped by. This guy, he's huge. I had never heard of him before. But he came by and we interviewed him. It was a super fun time. Mike Nelson. Mike Nelson. Everybody's like roasting me in the chat tonight. Oh no. Why? Like I was saying, like adult things like, like grabbing some flip flops and hitting Mickey D's. Uh, for your information, I was emailing my accountants all day. Uh, Matt, you don't have to, people are suggesting you need to write down everything you do and how long it takes. So now I'm getting time management tips from people. That's a five bullet points. Five bullet points and email it to Elon Musk. It's like I said, it's like usually like I think my body just knows instinctively what time things need to be done and everything being off an hour is just throwing me off. Yeah, no, I get it. I really am just like a big dumb animal, you know, like it's like with fight or flight and stuff like that. Anyway, if you are watching this live. Enter hashtag gang gang. Cause that's the promo code for T bird gang this week. Um, which is already a very outdated reference to those, uh, those people on Tik TOK briefly who are just like doing NPC stuff. That is such a weird thing to have to explain to people. Yeah. There's just this lady be like gang, gang, gang, gang, gang. Oh, wait, Mike was the second MST three K host. What? That's why we sold so many tickets that night. I was joking, everyone. Wouldn't that be great, though, if I really just had no idea who Mike Nelson was? Mike Nelson, like from Twin Peaks, right? Yes. Who was dating Nadine. I always thought that that was weird that they both had the same name. Yes, enter hashtag gang gang. You'll win a free download for T-Bird Gang. Maybe Brother Ichabod needs to do an NPC TikTok. We've discussed this, and I think we should totally do it. And also an OnlyFans. And also an OnlyFans. Specifically for him, he'll have to paint his whole body green. All right, we've got a couple more. While you guys are getting your entries in, we've got a couple more donations here. Okay. Oh, there's a good one. This one comes from Ryan S. Thank you so much, Ryan. Ryan, thank you. Ryan just simply wrote, Paul Stanley selling snake oil. Hello, everybody. Can you hear me downtown Tombstone? I'm going to sell you a jar of venom. Gonna cure your rickets and your hepatitis. It's definitely not a jar of piss. They're different things. So come get your snake oil. Snake oil. Now, Tombstone, I got a feeling. I got a feeling that this snake oil is gonna make you Not be possessed by the devil no more. I love it. I don't know. I love it. Was there something in there? Yeah, totally. There's always something. Tonight's a real riffy night. I'm just like, was there anything in that? Thank you so much, Ryan. Thank you, Ryan. All right, we got one more here, then we're going to pick a winner. This one comes from Jackie B. Oh, thanks so much, Jackie B. Thank you. Everyone, check out Jackie's Etsy shop. Let me put that link in the chat. There's all kinds of really cool custom Dumb Industries merch, officially licensed Dumb Industries merch. I need to specify. Our only official third-party licensor. Yes. if if it's not made by created by jackie it's a total or dumb industries it's just it's a bootleg and that's illegal it's definitely not coming from a warehouse in the philippines that I personally operate that's been pumping out uh illegal shirts that it's the same one it's the same one kathy lee gifford used in the nineties yeah there was that I do there's also a uh I remember um yeah the whole cat lee sweatshop thank god now I'm gonna go down a whole rabbit hole reading about Kathie Lee Gifford sweatshop scandal of the nineties that I vaguely remember. Anyway, Jackie says, Oh my God. It's my birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday, Jackie. Happy birthday. Thank you for hanging out with us. So would you all mind giving me a birthday song? Also all dumb merchant, my store is on sale for my birthday all weekend, twenty-five percent off. Oh my God. I'm going to put that chat again. Everyone. They got really cool. Dumb ministries, popcorn bins there that might be obsessed with glasses and glasses. There's now a, uh, dumb ministries kitchen towel on there. It's all great stuff. Custom made by Jackie. go check it out all right let's pick a wiener oh um we have to sing a birthday song for oh yeah so uh we could do uh you want to do like the the beatles birthday is a bunch of our different sure impressions I don't know like it's uh today's your birthday it's my birthday too oh oh no I you know you're right we should go back and forth yeah that's that's better okay so have a good time today's your birthday I'm randy It's my birthday too. Today's your birthday. Diplomatic immunity. Today is your birthday. It's my birthday too. I love how you could just keep that song going on forever. You can just get stuck in a loop kind of, and you just have it go on for seven hours. Uh, happy birthday though. Happy birthday, Jackie. That's spending the day before your special day. Uh, yeah, that is awesome. Um, and yeah, everyone check out Jackie's Etsy shop. It's the coolest Etsy shop. It rocks. It's good stuff. It's good stuff. All right. Let's see who's going to win a free download to T-Bird Gang featuring a Q&A with one Mike Nelson. Gang gang. Gang gang. Gang gang. Gang gang. Gang gang. Yum yum. M. Campbell. M. Campbell. Congratulations. All right. Congrats. Look at all that confetti. Incredible. It felt like an excessive amount of digital confetti. Maybe I just didn't notice it. Right. Well, I, you know, I paid a little extra for tonight. Why not? There's an extra couple hundred bucks. That's the extra confetti thing. Way to go. Yeah. Congratulations. Shoot me an email. mcampbell, chris at Let us know what you won, too, in your email because we've been doing a lot of giveaways and sometimes I get confused. But congratulations. Don't forget, T-Bird Gang is on sale through Sunday with promo code GANGGANG. Only six dollars. Promo code GANGGANG. Very officially enunciated. I love that. Alrighty. We still got so much to get to, but I wanted to mention one more thing before we move on. We just launched a new program on the dumb industries website, and we're trying this out already. The response has been amazing. Let me put us back on the screen here. Um, angry Algonquin who's been a huge supporter of ours for since the beginning for years and she's very supportive of indie bookstores and she pitched this idea that a lot of indie bookstores are doing where you can buy a book and from the bookstore and basically put it up like paying it forward for someone else like if they wanted that book they can grab it so she's like hey why don't you guys do that on the dumb industries website and I was like that's an amazing idea so uh so we're gonna try this out on the first of each month we're gonna raffle off items that have been purchased by other dumb industries fans and if you want to sign up for them put your email in and then on the first you'll be notified if you won the item And we're starting with three, all three dumb audio books going to be the first giveaway. And we're awarding three winners, all three audio books. So head to slash dumbitforward. And enter your email. And we have more items that we're actually going to raffle off because people have been emailing me saying that they love this idea. They want to buy stuff for other dumb fans who maybe don't have the funds for it right now. And it supports dumb industries. It supports our authors, our roster, everyone. So huge thanks to Angry Algonquin for inspiring it. Yeah, thank you. head over to the website, try to, uh, win some stuff. All right, Matt, what do you say? Should we get into this weekend? Let's do it. All right. So this week, uh, started on Saturday, March eighth, for those of you watching in the far future, uh, with the, uh, with the next Jackie Naiman Jones paint party, it's finally it's paint party time again, baby. It's paint party time. Let me switch the brand so I can show all the amazing work we did. So let me see. Let me put it behind me again. This was the painting, Tree of Life, that Jackie came up with. And this is what she was teaching students off of. And here are just some of the paintings that were submitted. And they were amazing. This one's the Tree of Life by Q. Oh, very nice. Beautiful. This one's Tree of Life by Chris Doyle. Nice. Very nice. Let's see. Oh, I love this one. This is called My Guardian Angels and the Tree of Life by Claudia Burton. Aww. So pretty. And... It was a great class. I think we might have broken our record for most students watching live. It was like thirty, which, you know, we usually have about fifteen to twenty. So it's it's so much fun, you guys. It's catching on. I urge you all to join. Become a student. This one is shades. Shade changing. That's amazing. That's like it looks like a stained glass window in a church or something. Yeah, that's what we were saying. Yeah. So cool. very cool this one is mine oh nice tree of life did that on my ipad uh let's see world tree by phil flerken and all of these are up in a student gallery over at so um go check those out because there's some truly truly talented students in there and we would oh yeah hi wrong brand I'm here there we go um yeah so check out the student gallery all of those classes are on demand you can go catch up and send us your work we'll add it to the student gallery yeah and uh and also if you are subscribed to this and uh hands of paint together you get access to the dumb odds and ends collection Oh, I'm so glad you mentioned that. So I'm just throwing that out there. We just added a couple of things to the dumb odds and ends lie, which we're going to talk about in a second. But first, Monday night, we had an all new episode of Super Dumb Brothers, and we played the Walking Dead Telltale game again, which we hadn't played in like four months or something. Yeah, it had been a hot second. Yeah, and it's a fun game. It's a little frustrating to control, but I find as long as Matt is looking at a walkthrough guide and reciting it to me, then it's fine. As long as you're being told exactly where to go and what to do, it's fine. Well, you can't really think of those as games. They're kind of just sort of like interactive novels, more or less. Exactly, but that's why it's frustrating that you have a limited amount of time to avoid getting eaten by a zombie. And then you got to wait five minutes for the entire thing to reload. It's like just go in slow motion, like just get slower and slower until I figure out what button I have to press. I'm so glad I sprung in and got the Arkham games instead of the telltale Batman games, because I was between the two when I had when I had a switch gift card earlier this month. And I think I made the proper choice, the correct choice. Oh, yes. I mean, but but it's still fun, though, but it is just like a different kind of thing. You know, there was a lot of pillow pillow usage. Oh, yeah. You're retrieving a lot of pillows, a lot of pillows. I utilize the pillow to as a silencer, right? Is that what it was? Yeah. Which I don't think would really work, but which weirdly that happened. And then the other night I was rewatching Twin Peaks, the return season three, episode one and two with my girlfriend. And we just finally got up to that point. And without spoiling anything, a character in that does that with a pillow where they put it over someone's head and then shoot them. So I guess that's a more common thing, a more common trope than you'd think. But it wouldn't quiet things so much that zombies wouldn't hear you, though. Exactly. Guns are very loud, and most media doesn't really depict that properly, I feel like now. Oh, no. like Bruce Willis literally permanently deafened himself from that shot and die hard where he fired a gun too close to his, his head. Yeah. They're loud. There's a reason why everybody's always wearing the big headphones when they're, they're shooting. Uh, but that episode walking dead, we're going to be playing more walking dead on this coming Monday. So if you would like to join us, come right back here on Twitch and also in the super dumb bro super club. And you can watch that episode on demand too. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. All right. So so that happened on Monday. And then Tuesday, we had an extra Tuesday. And so we kind of at the last minute decided, you know what, we debuted episodes three and four of The Witching Hour back in December. And then just a whole bunch of life happened. And We finally got the final cuts of those put together. We were like, we have this free Tuesday. Let's do a witching hour marathon and I'll hop on in full makeup and host it in between episodes. And so we did on Tuesday night, starting at seven and going until like eleven something. It was a long night. uh yeah and I was kind of just popping on or brother ichabod rather was just popping on in between uh we made him a stream yard admin he's got all the uh right credentials yeah we've struck up a distribution deal with hell as was uh discussed the other night so these are the the two new episodes a very delicate matter which is you know the horrors of vd um and then ace hits the big time which is what the horrors of street gangs I guess singing street gangs there's like a street gang and then they're put into a musical and they also it's I I kind of I've I've now watched that so many times and I still don't understand it I don't either in it it's true it's a real brain but uh but yeah we did some last minute tweaks on those and I think that now they're you know they're exactly where I want them to be so they're I've been a very uh george lucas-esque stanley you've been like kubrick here with this I'm just like I just need these two little tweaks I think they really helped uh I did any of you to to point out what they are even but uh and if you've watched a very delicate matter when we first debuted it like what was that like a year and a half ago we added some new segments in there so I heard all of you there's now like three versions of this one episode yes But the third episode is now complete. It's coherent by dumb standards. Yeah, it's great. It makes sense, which is harder than you would think to get something when you're, you know, because I'm dirty as crap about the stories, you know, and like movies and books and stuff I read. But then you put together something yourself and you're like, oh, good. It's like, I don't even care how good it is anymore. The beginning, middle and sense all or the beginning, middle and end all makes sense. And that's all. Yeah, there you go. That's all you could ask for. Sometimes. Those both new episodes and all the Witching Hour episodes are on demand in the Dumb Odds and Ends library, which is available to all Dumb Plus members. So, yeah. If you're not yet a Dumb Plus member, now's a good time to get that thirty-day free trial. Check it out. And Witching Hour five is in the works, if any of you are curious about that. But yeah, that was a fun night. I spent like, well, you know, like a Uh, you know, not that I was, I had anything to do with it, but I spent all day Wednesday recovering basically from that and just not talking to anybody. And, uh, yeah. I need to get one of those boxes that they use in cigarette commercials with the people with the holes in their neck to scare you to not smoke. I need one of those to use when I'm recovering from doing the voice. I know, and I talked to you after we ended the live stream. You sounded rough. You were like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it's no worse than being at like a basketball game and yelling, but it's a, but yeah, it was definitely, I didn't have a show. I felt bad for you. I was like, God, am I going to have to pay for some kind of operation for Matt's throat to keep doing Ichabod? Um, I need to get my voice insured. Like, uh, like the Mary Hart did for her legs, you know, from, yeah when that was a big thing remember mary hart and john tesh on on entertainment tonight who could forget um okay uh okay everyone last night was wednesday which means we had an all-new weird wonderful wednesday watch party here to tell us more about everything that happened last night is our very own emmy Oh, there we go. Hello. You're muted, Emi. You're on mute. Oh, we jinxed it. Oh, no. We ruined the streak. You were supposed to unmute. I thought I was leaving it in your capable hands. No. It's okay. Calm down, everybody. Calm down. We're here. Hey, y'all. How's it going? How are you doing, Emi? I was... I was deep at work, actually. I was trying to multitask. That was the issue, really. I tried to pass the blame on to you, but the blame is sorely lodged with me because I was multitasking. But last night, we had a weird and wonderful Wednesday watch-alongs. We watched Crime Wave. It had Sterling Hayden and a super young Charles Bronson and some Phyllis Kirk. Yeah. Yeah. Nineteen fifty three. Charles Bronson. If you ever see Charles Bronson in nineteen fifty three, it's like a whole new a whole different person. He's a different person. He's like Pacino where there's like old him and young him and you almost have to treat them like they're different people. Yeah. Yeah. Charles Bronson is the the death wish guy. This isn't the death wish guy. Well, he's also he's. You know, he's in the uh, he's in disney movies in the like set sixties and seventies and stuff He's in one of those, uh, jules vernon adaptations the one with uh, vincent price master of the world I think is is it's like, uh, it's very much like twenty thousand leagues, but they just Uh, it's in a it's instead of uh, uh in a submarine. It's in a like weather balloon or a zeppelin or something Yeah, yeah It's insane but anyways crime wave yeah sterling hayden charles bronson sterling hayden better to you up known to many of y'all as general jack t ripper in uh in dr strange love and uh oh I thought you're gonna say in terror london no no no no which would be amazing he's better he's better known as sir galahad in prince valiant no I'm joking um Nobody likes him in that role. It's the only bad Sterling Hayden role. But yeah, Crime Wave. It was a lot of fun. Of course, you always have an amazing pre-show. And some cartoons afterwards. Some cartoons. Funhouse action there. We definitely had some weird cartoons. Have you seen Goody the Gremlin? Have you seen any of those Goody the Gremlin cartoons about a little green gremlin that like... He's a good gremlin. He's basically the Casper formula, except all the other gremlins, they want to cause chaos, but he's good. He's good. He's a gremlin. We had some of that. That sounds adorable. What is the difference between a gremlin and a goblin? Oh, well, a gremlin is specifically a World War II invention. It's kind of... As Miller explains in Gremlins, like that story? Yeah, it's born of a racist trope of like, oh yeah, the Japanese are sabotaging our vehicles or whatever. But they also mention the gremlin, yeah, like the William Shatner Twilight Zone episode. The William Shatner thing is a gremlin, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's because it's on a plane. It was an aviation... Oh, it was like an aviation. Yeah, that was who was getting into... If you notice, it's in the Bugs Bunny one. He's also flying... The Bugs Bunny one where he's like, it ain't Wendell Wilkie, you know? Yeah. I wonder if a gremlin is more like, because a lot of the gremlins have fur. The William Shatner one has fur and, you know, Gizmo has fur. Maybe gremlins are like mammalian until they become, you know, the scary gremlin in water. It's all up to your imagination, you know? What I'm going to go with is that goblins are more lizard-like and gremlins are more furry, and that when the gremlins turn wet and they turn into evil gremlins, they're actually transforming from gremlins to goblins. If you'd like my thesis paper on this, I will have it. Well, we'll be exploring this subject more on Weird and Wonderful Wednesdays on May twenty-eighth, I believe, is the when we'll be exploring further into that. to the debate between gremlins and goblins where does goblin goblins is way old that's that's like ancient times that comes from like hob and stuff and and and those kinds of like demons demons and imps and things from like from ancient times this is a great question because I always wonder stuff like this If a Mogwai urinates on itself, does it then turn into a gremlin? Do the Mogwais even urinate? And I have a good question. I have a good answer for that. I have seen Mogwai. It's one of the loudest shows you'll ever go to. I've seen Mogwai. And no, it doesn't do that. They are a rock band and they drink a lot, so they probably have urinated on themselves. I don't know if they drink a lot. They seem like sober. They seem like they would be straight edge to me. I don't know. Yeah. They seem like math nerds to me. I don't know. Yeah, they do. I just assume anybody who's touring around and at venues a lot is an alcoholic just by the short amount of time I spent trying to perform and being there. by the fact that they only pay you in drink tickets yes I'm familiar with oh yeah here's your two drink tickets why do all the comedians wind up alcoholics you know and cut to like every comedy show ever like yeah we got you drink tickets you have to buy a drink to be on the thing so yeah on the system what do we have to look forward to next wednesday next wednesday we're going we're going backwards in time where that was nineteen fifty so now we're instead of nineteen fifty three we're gonna flip it on its head we're gonna go to nineteen thirty five see what I did there and uh we're gonna watch the informer considered by many to be uh the best film of that year and maybe even the best film made up to the time john john ford see look the greatest picture ever made millions agree very cool it's really freaking good actually it's pretty amazing now my question about a film called the informer is at any point in the informer do the words a licky boom boom down we don't believe that any of I believe that maybe yeah you know Those words had never... Did John Ford coin Licky Boom Boom Down? I don't think the word Licky really is in any film. I think that's a Canadian thing, right? It wasn't snow Canadian? I got no idea. I've never even heard that shit. You've never heard it before? No, I've never heard that stupid. Why would I listen to... Why? How did you know what it was if you've never heard it? Because I've heard Matt sing it on the damn show. I remember when Informer came out. You were around in the nineties. I was around when Informer came out in nineteen thirty five. Yes, I was there. I was. Look, it's been a long, hard road. OK, I've got a lot of... It's been a long road getting from there to here. You know, thirty-two but looks younger is usually how they describe me when the police are looking for me. They get on and they just yell out of their windows. When I'm describing sketch artists, they go, that man that looked like Jodie Foster, just draw like what Jodie Foster vaguely looks like and put some facial hair on, kind of, and that's essentially who was around here. Uh, Emmy. Yes. Do you have a minute to stick around for our intermission video? Yes. Be sure. I know. I know. That's droids you've got pulled up. You need the George Lucas experience. Your cats need to calm down. Your cats are excited. While you're getting that, I'll explain the pre-show. So Neil Cicerega, God's gift to the internet, he compiled together a bunch of George Lucas commercials that he made for Panasonic in Japan in the eighties and nineties. And they're all, insane and he's a good editor too so he puts them together in kind of a fun way but it's it's amazing uh some of these shots of george lucas I can't say I know shane but I know neil but my friend shane knows neil oh yeah yeah he has like an interview of him and stuff just watched the other day all right let's see george lucas going along with our star wars theme oh touch the orb watch it And once again, America, I give you what you want. I love this shot. Just this weird up angle. Oh, I truly experienced the universe. What year is this? Post-Jedi? Yeah, like, it's something new. I'm just picturing the plot of Lost in Translation, but it's George Lucas in Japan shooting these commercials. Wait, how can the stormtroopers be shooting? How can the stormtroopers be shooting this? They can't shoot anything. Just trying to adjust the volume. See what I did there with the shooting? Stormtroopers. See? I got it. Is George Lucas Max Headroom now? What's that VCR sitting on? Ah! Imagine if George Lucas was like your personal Siri Max over him. I thought he was about to Neelix himself there. With Tuvix himself. Lucas. Is he watching your movie on a phone? Oh, he is gonna Tuvix himself! Whoa I Don't remember that robot in Star Wars Yeah, I must have missed that episode. She was like get out of here They really need to make Sparky Star Wars canon and put him in the new Disney Plus shows It's the little miss lonely will not Quirky kind of looks like President Eisenhower if he was like a weird little robot. And swore a lot more. Yeah. I'm trying to think of just like a little bald guy with glasses that would... Dragonflies are generally what I think of when I think of technology and... You know what he looks like? He looks like Gopher from The Love Bone if he was a robot. Whoa! What? Oh no, he's cloning his daughter. He's spitting... Terminator in reverse. Wow. The worst anamorph. I bet he turns into a camera and then like is used in porn and then he turns back. It's difficult. Oh, I saw this Marvel show. They play this for Halloween. He's from Pleasantville. During his Calvin Klein era. Back. So he's like the witch and going to feed me like a poison apple? Is that what's going on here? Wait, is he spinning a TIE fighter on his finger? Yeah, that's his fidget spinner. And George Lucas has a nice ass. Holy shit. Yeah, let's get a close-up of that. I mean, it's undeniable. Guy's got a nice ass. That's my favorite C-IIIPO I've ever seen in my life. Can I cosplay as that? Yoda-man! Yoda-man! Yo, Yoda-man, dog. in this universe? Geos? What alphabet? Oh, C-Cube Geos, yeah. Those basically were alphabets. Yeah. Weird field that's like an afterlife metaphor, like all of his creations are going to walk away from heaven or something. That's the vibe I get from this. Right? This is his field of dreams. Yeah. Have you seen that movie, What Dreams May Come? It's gorgeous. Something new. wow that was now that that was well I mean it's neil yeah I was gonna say that was a but yeah thank you there was very minimal editing from neil and that that was mainly just real commercials well but but also like but also like beautiful like star wars pairing there matt well yeah picked out I I think I just want to say, I approve of this intermission. This has both my thumbs up. I give it two thumbs up. I like this, from Eric McKett and Chris, thirsting over Lucas, Emmy thirsting over Bronson, Matt thirsting over flip-flops and McDonald's. I don't think you understand what thirsting means. Calm down, Eric, okay? Just calm down over there, alright? I know you're excited and all, but... The only thing I care for is hot dogs and Vicodin. Emmy, thank you so much for stopping by. Thank you. I will enjoy the Star Wars because I love me some Star Wars. I'm praying for Ewoks. You never know. I'm praying for some Ewoks, but we'll see. If Ewoks shows up, there may be There may be droids. There may be Ewoks. There may be something. I don't know. I don't care. It's a crazy go nuts. As long as it's not Bad Batch. Anyways. No, it's not that. But I do have a newer thing that's up there. But, yes, I will see y'all later, and I'll see y'all next week. And for everyone else, I will see y'all later tonight at TV at Ten for the last part of Melissa. There you go. There you go. All right, everyone. Peace. Thanks, Emi. Bye. Okay, Matt, what do you say? Let's bring this baddie home. Okay. Every time I hear people are posting about Bad Batch in the chat, it's maybe a fine show, but every time I hear Bad Batch, all I can think of is a bad bunch of semen. We're sorry, your sperm donation was a bad batch. You're going to have to give another one. it reminds me of um that's what like we would call like if someone like if you ever like put your clothes in the washing machine forgotten about it oh yeah and then you go dry it like a day later or something and it has that odor yeah that's we we always call that bad batch or like a bad batch of acid you know like yeah that too bad batch just brings up a whole lot of things in my brain not not show about a bunch of stormtroopers anyway coming soon to dumb first off tuesday march eighteenth twenty twenty five is the next movie joe night and we will be watching baffled this month baffled starring leonard nimoy is like a psychic race car driver or something yeah it's a pilot for a show that didn't get picked up and then they just released it as a tv movie uh it looks insane like it looks the intro alone is it's amazing it's pretty great yeah uh So that will be the next movie tonight. We're back at Tuesday, March eighteenth, twenty twenty five. Movie tonight, of course, is the spinoff of the marriage appeal show in which Mary Jo and I watch a movie neither of us have ever seen. We know nothing about. We do no research. Matt sources through the movie and hands me a download. We have to keep these things very... There's a lot of... There's a key that you and I turn at the same time before the show starts. We both have half of the access code that we have to put into the computer terminal. yes we flip a switch up uh which ignites a klaxon above our heads and I said we know we have ten seconds to abort if we really want to but uh so we could go back on this this terminal decision but then once that goes then then you get the download and then you watch it so there you go clowns it's always it's always fun to get these words and uh movie tonight will be available streaming in the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse and also right here on Twitch. There's ads on Twitch. We play it live on Twitch and it'll get thrown into the dumb television lineup after that a lot too. That's right. But yeah, so that's going on. We'll have both Shatner and Nimoy now in a movie. Yes, finally. We have to work our way through the rest of the Star Trek cast. We've got to find something with Chekov in it. I've waited a long time for this to happen. Okay, anyway. What happened after that? After that, we're going to have an all new Jackie and Amy Jones, The Hands of Paint, which is our B-movie themed online art class. led by one Jackie Naiman Jones, who played Debbie in Manos, the Hands of Fate. And so we pick a new B movie every month. We actually we watch the movie right before class and then we paint it during class. And this is this month's subject is Prince of Space. Look at that. Look at that little dude. Mario version of the the people from that movie like I could see like waluigi and this guy hanging out oh totally yeah they got similar it's the eyebrows I think you know we need to make a mario-esque video game with all the mst uh favorites in it uh prince of space this was on mst and uh yeah so we'll what's that Oh, I was about to say, I also like the background kind of makes him look like he's in front of a curtain a little bit. Like he's, he's got his own talk show. He's giving his monologue at the beginning. Like, yeah. Like the crank or show. Yeah. Have you heard about this? So, uh, I'm a guy from space. You guys know that you've heard about that, right? Uh, So yeah, head to slash Jackie to sign up. Again, your first month is free. So you got nothing to lose. Come hang out with us, everyone. It's always so much fun. There's nothing left to lose. Join us. And then closing out the month, which I can't believe it's already almost over. I just want to vomit. Tuesday, March twenty fifth, twenty twenty five. It's the Mary Jo Fields show game show night game show night. And we haven't really announced the details of this yet. We're we're working on it. But I will just say this is going to be the most fun game show episode we've ever done and probably will ever done. And out of anyone that's ever done any game show, it's going to be amazing. So don't miss out on that. Yeah, it's going to be in the vein of when we've done like a pyramid in the past or to tell the truth. Yes, we got some very special guests. I'll line up a nice marathon of all of those. Oh, yeah. You can you can rewatch all those. we haven't done a game show episode in a while so we're really excited but this one's going to be truly unique from all the others I can't wait for you guys to see it uh again we're doing the squid games for this one yes the squid games I'm gonna have to kill several people just to stay on as producer um weird little puzzle thing you know at one point and And that episode will be streaming right here on Twitch with ads. And of course, ad free in the marriage appeal show clubhouse. And we have amazing events going on all month. Head to dumb dash slash newsletter. Get on our newsletter, check out all the events we have coming up. Super dumb brothers happens every Monday. We happen every Thursday. We're in a wonderful every Wednesday. And what is next week's theme before we finally just get out of business, but mode and just, uh, and get to our, get to the, the meat of tonight, uh, next week's uh mystery hour theme six hours mystery hour yeah next week we're gonna be oh it's oops all wild cards oh snap a bunch of wild cards have so from the past yeah it's gonna be all past wild cards that have not gotten picked because those things they just kind of we forget about them taking up space in our icloud drive drive which I I go uh so uh yeah okay all right All right, I think it is time, folks, for our feature mystery. All right. So as you've seen from our social media marketing and from our witty banter earlier and from the George Lucas experience, we're doing Star Wars cartoons tonight. And I have gone a little different than I have in the past. So first off, we have droids. I took Ewoks out of the runnings. I felt it was too kind of similar to droids. And also I thought it was... This gives us a bit more variety. So first off, we have droids from the eighties. It's a eighties cartoon starring C three PO and R two D two. They get into other adventures that take place before the first movie, I believe. Next up, we have Clone Wars. This was the two thousands Clone Wars miniseries that was drawn by the guy that did Samurai Jack. prior to the like the cgi clone wars it's not the cgi clone wars yeah this is this is technically not in canon anymore though they haven't done a lot to dispute uh much of it so we'll watch a couple of those we won't get to all of it but those are each like three minutes long so we can very easily kind of oh cool game, how much of that we want to do. Next up, we have Visions. This is the newer animated series that I'm going to have to hook my Apple TV up for us to do. So it's because it's on Disney Plus and this is sort of like the animatrix for Star Wars. So we will watch some of the first episode of that or maybe the I don't know how long those are, but if it's if it's like twenty minutes, we'll watch the whole thing. uh and then lastly what I think is probably going to win tonight I found a full four k restored version of it's not a cartoon but it's kind of related and I've been holding on to this and I didn't know when to drop it so here's where it is uh we'll watch captain eo starring starring michael jackson directed by francis ford coppola produced by george lucas uh this was a ride at disney world for a long time and then they they took it down as a kid yeah they took it down eventually yeah like I don't know why they do that michael jackson's never had any controversies around him uh but I saw that at disney when I was a little kid I remember nice was it like a three d movie or was it one of those things where like the chairs like moved no it was a three d yeah like I remember there being glasses and there was like some kind of character that like flew around the screen and right in front of your face and it's like you're trying to grab it and stuff gotcha but yeah so it's the four k restored version of that and uh and there's you know michael jackson music in it it looks great uh and it's technically kind of star wars canon now because uh because I think a bunch of characters from that wound up in that skeleton crew show that they just did oh god uh which again bring bring sparky in if you can bring in captain neo people you can bring in sparky from the the japanese george lucas panasonic commercials Oh, my God. I can't tell based on the chat what's going to win because everyone seems to be... I'll do all over the place usually there's like a unified like okay we're gonna watch supermarket sweep here I can't tell oh yeah and our wild card is supermarket sweep I think we mentioned that earlier oh yes so if you would like to watch david ruprecht uh yeah I don't know what way this is gonna go I actually don't know if that clone war is downloaded correctly I'll just hook up oh don't go for clone wars I'll just I'll just hook up my apple tv for that and it'll be fine uh and okay I just want to we're all caught up on donations here but we've got a new subscriber or resubscribe for eleven months Commando Crow thank you and Commando Crow just wrote Captain EO yes Captain EO Captain EO Captain E-I-E-I-O that's his full name what did EO stand for I guess we'll find out I shouldn't don't know I don't remember honestly someone should reboot captain eo but with like a newer artist the ap have called it for droids okay I'm all right with that um let me make sure that I got that in the dropbox today I have been off my game all week I'm I'm pretty positive it's in there And, uh, thanks everyone for hanging out with us. Are there really a hundred seventy-six people watching right now? That's amazing. Maybe we should just get on with this. Should we just go to results? Yeah, just do it. All right, let's do it. I'm going to show results. Whatever's in the top spot is what we're going to watch. Oh, and look at that third week in a row supermarket sweep. Wow. People want supermarket sweep. They, uh, they, they crave the grocery store. incredible um it was making me paranoid about droids I did a whole check in my icloud folder because you said that uh you altered you've altered a minute and a half of this program uh captain neo yes very nice I am I am totally down with this wait where is captain neo is it in uh it's in the dropbox it's not new though you might have to yes yeah okay Can you get the music? Yes, I can. I will get this thing on. How long is Captain EO? Like, twenty minutes. Perfect. And Francis Ford Coppola directed this, I believe, right? Yeah, it was. Yeah, I think it was produced by it was either produced by Lucas, directed by Coppola or the other way around. I can't ever keep that straight. Hold on. Oh, there we go. OK, Captain EO, everyone. Captain EO. Oh, yeah, and it was a Disney thing. Well, yeah, it was at Disney. So now picture five-year-old Chris Kurzweil at Disney World, three-D glasses on. This thing is flying. This thing is flying straight towards my face. And I'm like... No! The cosmos, a universe of good religion, a rock they found a lot of freedom made out of Plato's worlds of despair. A rag tag band led by the infamous Captain Eel. That guy. Oh, he flies a goldfish. This planet doesn't look so dangerous, Heidi. Oh, we're about to watch Al fuck and what's happening here. So wait, are these things in Skeleton Curl? I hope not. No, I think it's that blue thing. Oh, that blue thing was totally in Skeleton Curl. Weird. Kind of looks like Bicentennial Man, the Robin Williams movie. This is how I come. Oh no, we let a strange man on the board. It looks like we tripped their intrusion alarm, sir. It's to dramatically come up from his elevator. He's still kind of normal looking here. I take it back. But we're going to do it right this time because we're the best. why is his face I was just wondering like is my monitor about to go that's right we'll be perfect sir he's wearing a shirt he knows he's not wearing pants so he's literally just in a there's something weird out there a patrol ship I thought so maybe we can outrun definitely not the klingon ship completely different Wow, they put a lot into this. This ship would be a fucking nightmare to be on. I know. That's the appeal of Star Wars is that you want to be Han Solo and be on that ship and do adventures. You wouldn't want to be Captain EO and be on this ship full of annoying Muppets who... It's kind of cool to see like if they made a new Star Wars movie in eighty six or eighty seven or whatever, this is kind of what it would look like. Yeah, basically. No, sir. Everything. Yeah, it's Zordon powering yours. Captain EO, are you engaged in combat against Ardor? Can't see. What's going on? So he didn't even kill me, did he? I need the sails not in. Definitely not the Star Wars trench scene we're using. Hey, I still have this leftover Star Wars trench here. You need to borrow it for your new Captain EO movie, Francis. Somebody push the red button! Come on, Cougar! Stretch! They blew up the second death star. Yeah. If this is a hundred percent the second death star. It's like I keep expecting the Millennium Falcon's dish to get taken off to the trap. Oh. Whoa. They would all be dead. Now the question is, does he do the moonwalk? Because if you're going to do Michael Jackson in space, he has to moonwalk at some point, right? Yeah, he's gotta. It's in the name. Shabong. I'll never forget the day Michael Jackson died, because I was at a Dinosaur Jr. concert in Brooklyn, and everyone knew he had died, and the entire time in between every song, people were just yelling at him. The gift of BD. I think that guy was based on Martin Scorsese. Now they're on like the alien set. This is where like the space jockey was. This was around the period of time that Michael Jackson was trying to buy Marvel Comics and to be Spider-Man in the movie and all that kind of stuff. Oh, was he really trying to do that? He was really trying to do all that. There's also a point where I think he was going to play Jar Jar Binks. I don't know if that's true or not. I've heard that rumor too. I don't know if that's true or not. Oh, now, now the blue guys. Oh no, the Borg. I mean the completely distinct and Hey, I'm the only one that enslaves these people. Maybe the board were ripped off from this because this is kind of like a board game situation. Yeah. Infidel. Make it by the same people who did cats. With your presence. Turn the others into. Traskin. See you later, Traskin. And for him, one hundred years of torture in my deepest tension. Your Highness, my loyal companions and I accept these punishments. We do? Of course we do. He's your captain. Speak for yourself. We have come here uninvited and unannounced. So, then we both admit to your... That's Angelica Houston? Wait, really? I don't know. Wow. Yeah, she doesn't seem like anybody. Makes sense. I think it is her. Wow. You ever seen The Witches? Ever seen what? The Witches? A long time ago, yeah. Oh, that's a great movie. I saw the remake more recently. Oh, it really happens. During the pandemic, it's awful. Oh, nice. Is it dance number time? Oh, Bicentennial Colonel Mustard Man is going to break dance. The only thing that will save your life, Captain EO, is the power of dance and music. You will be sentenced to a hundred years labor and death unless you can make me prove to a champ. Oh, no. Knocked over Rick Wakefield's keyboard. It'd be funny if he lit himself on fire accidentally. Why are you hot wiring a keyboard? You messed with the brown cat. Oh, nice. Oh, he turns the Borg into groovy dancing. Is that Ted dancing? This is the power that conservatives think that gay people have where they can just like. Wow. Look, we've turned this fuddy-duddy robot into a dance machine with immaculate fashion. Woo! I feel like they're all advertising a different flavor of Fanta. I feel like you shouldn't be hearing the dancers' clothes moving, right? Something seems off. Spiroscythe signing off. Good night, Spiroscythe. We didn't get a name or anything from him this week, did we? I don't think we did. Spiroscythe took a night off. Good night. Well deserved. Thanks for hanging out, bud. Unless I missed it, then I feel bad. The Nathaniel jacket is pretty sweet. For the amount of people who emulate the red Michael Jackson jacket, you'd think you'd have a bunch of people who'd try to recreate this. This also kind of feels like the transitional point between like, you know, peak eighties, Michael Jackson and like his weird military period. It was like probably right before bad. Yeah. I want to see the rehearsals of Captain EO and his old Muppets where he's just like bitching out the little blue thing because he misses his keyboard. Yeah, this was filmed in nineteen eighty five, so Riller had been out for a couple of years already. And then he puts this out. Not the bondage aliens. Turn him into groovy dancing teens, Captain EO. Oh, maybe this is how Michael Jackson's skin died. These space aliens blasted his skin off. He wasn't able to dance enough to save his life. Ah, yeah. So are these teens that he's turning the robots into, is this what the robots look like underneath all their morgue stuff? Or are they just being transformed into completely different people? That's kind of terrifying that he can just at will turn you into a backup dancer who may not even look like you, who's compelled to dance against their will. Oh, he did the thing! Yeah! they're like you know you have to do it for this michael it's actually a lot easier than it looks it's kind of like an eye trick a little bit everyone says that but I've tried can't do it I can do it okay like as good as michael jackson could do it not as good as michael jackson no but But it's not like, you know, when he would do that thing where he'd like lean real far, where that was like a whole deal where he had like pegs built into the stage and like that into his shoes so he could like lean super far. I wish more bad guys could be defeated through the power of music. I think that's beautiful, man. I'm really glad we all chose to watch this Star Wars cartoon. It's Star Wars. It's a me. She transformed into I Dream of Jeannie. She was the Borg Queen, and now she is I Dream of Jeannie. I'm off to have sex with this lady. And y'all can watch. Do you think Michael Jackson ever accidentally punched one of those little guys, like, trying to choreograph this? Yeah, probably. There's a lot of punching involved in his choreography. There's, like, smack a crew member on accident. It's pretty good. These songs are pretty good. I don't know if he released these separately from this special, but he should. I remember this thing flying around. And everyone in the theater was like... But that's the whole thing, is they go down to a weird planet, and then he dances two songs for Angelica Houston, and that turns her from bad to good. I mean, it makes total sense to me. What are you having trouble following here, man? Oh, Coppola directed it, okay. George. Oh, George. George. So what did we learn from this? Michael Jackson. I don't know if they were going to make more of these or, you know, or what the plan was there. I bet you they wanted to turn it into like a franchise type of thing. But yeah, but his character is like, yeah, he's on that tiny ship with all these like horrible little Muppet things who all suck. But he's able to, through the power of music, transform people into completely different people who seem to live solely to dance for him, which is kind of terrifying. Michael Jackson, he's like a secret despot of the cosmos, just going around and enslaving planets to him where they're forced to dance. Anyway. That's my analysis of Captain EO, the implications of his power set. Thank you so much, everyone. Thanks for hanging out. This has been fun. We've got a hundred and fifty-five people still. That rocks. Oh my goodness. Everyone join the Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club over at Come right back here next Thursday where we're going to be watching Oops! All Wild Cards. Yeah. And we should also say tomorrow night we're going to be doing full Mads Friday as well. So if you'd like to watch the bird gang, come back here tomorrow at nine and we'll be doing the full Mads pre show and then the full unedited episode of that with with who was it? Mike Nelson, I guess. Mike Nelson. Mike Nelson, everyone. So check all that out. And thank you again to everyone who watched Switching Hour on Wednesday. It meant a lot to me. Thank you, everybody, for being here tonight. Uh, we will be back next week for our oops, all wild cards episodes. Oh, I can't wait. I can't wait. It's going to be, it's going to be awesome. So, uh, thanks for hanging out. Y'all have a good one. Bye. I love perpetrators. I want you to meet my colleague, Dr. Hamilton. And I'd like you to get the fuck out of here. It's all right. Get out of here! Get out of my room! Get out of here, bitch! Get out of here! Daddy!
Matt & Chris put the pedal to the metal on the Mystery Hour van to recap the week in Dumb, discuss olive penises, catch up with Emmy Martian, and then watch one of many nineties Marvel cartoons: Silver Surfer!
Matt & Chris put the pedal to the metal on the Mystery Hour van to recap the week in Dumb, discuss olive penises, catch up with Emmy Martian, and then watch one of many nineties Marvel cartoons: Silver Surfer!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
This Week’s Dumb Deals: Buy Any 4 books by Frank Conniff, Get 1 FREE
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join
ALL Dumb+ memberships are now FREE for your first month!
The Mads Are Back: A Night of Shorts 3 just $6 thru Sunday w/ promo code BLOWGRASS
This Week In Dumb:
Friday, February 28, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse: Chit-Chat & Tidbits #22
Monday, March 3, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Part Two)
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Martian Shadows: Episode 12
Wednesday, March 5, 2025: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: Hoppity Goes To Town
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Saturday, March 8, 2025 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: BAFFLED!
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Game Show Night
Feature Presentation: Silver Surfer, “The Planet of Dr Moreau”
Transcript: Stay alert with consciousness, know what you're worth. You gotta puff, puff, give, puff, puff, give, puff, puff, give. Share and live, puff, puff, give. Here's a cancer mind, helps the blind, rocks DJs to rhyme all time. Queen of Kaya, sweet kind love, world to the sky. Pass the douchi on the left hand side, I say Pass the douchi on the right hand side, I say Lift your chalice if you're feelin' high We know why we puff like prey, Jack Rastafari Smokin' Buddha makes me feel irie I know why, I feel free, yes, I'm talkin' sincere So come on, puff off here if you know what I mean So pass it around, baby, cause it's too soon Don't hug the green Give, puff, puff, give. Come on. Share and live, puff, puff, give. Puff, puff, give. Puff, puff, give. Come on. Share and live, puff, puff, give. Good into prom, you raise a crispy treat. Groovin', dancin' in bare feet. Lovin' sunshine, free to live. Thank you, God, to God. Puff, puff, give. Puff, puff, give. Puff, puff, give. Come on. Share and live, puff, puff, give. Puff, puff, give. Puff, puff, yeah Puff, puff, yeah Puff, puff, yeah Puff, puff, yeah The nineties are gonna make the sixties look like the fifties. Honey, it's the nineties, remember? Microchips, microwaves, faxes, earphones. Wake up and smell the nineties. For God's sake, Chuckie, drag yourself into the nineties. Uncle Phil, can you take a stroll into the nineties, please? Come on, Uncle Phil, this is the nineties, man. Man, it's the nineties. It's hammer time. Come on. Come on, Brenda, it's the nineties, for God's sakes. This is the nineties, the nineteen nineties in point of fact. Ma, it's the nineties, you can call it what it is, our monthly visitor. I think I'm gonna like the nineties. Just because we're getting older, it doesn't mean that we're old, this is the nineties. Let me tell you something, this is the nineteen nineties, alright? In this day and age, a man has to have choices. The nineties is no time to play hero. I can be anything I want to be. It's the nineties. This is the nineties, Stan. Witches are women. Our bride is a nineties Cinderella. She doesn't just dance with the Prince Charming. She chucks deals on her cellular phone. She throws the wicked stepsisters into the pool. I'm a woman of the nineties and you're not much of a lady. I really can't stand it. Those people who blame their worst traits on everyone but themselves. It's so nineties. You know, kissing is so nineteen nineties. Nineteen nineties and nobody's getting laid. I'm the only man in America who was getting laid. Does your girlfriend have a girlfriend? Hey, it's the nineties. It's the nineties. Parents are supposed to discuss sex with their children. Out there, it's the nineteen nineties. But in his house, it's nineteen fifty-four. The nineties are killing me. You're not supposed to tell a guy you're gonna kill him no more. Not in the nineties, Austin. Now, this being the nineties, you can't just walk up to a guy and smack him in the face. You gotta say something cool for us, you know what I mean? Yeah, like, uh, I'll be back. Yeah, only better than that. Like, if you hit him with a surfboard, you would say, Surf's up, pal. What are you, nuts? This is the nineties. We're gonna sue you. I'm okay, you're okay, let's sing it out in song. Let's try to love each other, not do each other wrong. I've got a loving feeling and this feeling's getting strong. I'm okay and you're okay, so let's just get along. And what happened with Black Sabbath, we all ended up junkies and alcoholics and everything, like the drummer ended up in a... in a rehabilitation center, I did for a while. And in the end, disaster happens. It's inevitable to happen, disaster, because it's like drugs, they were okay at the time, but we outgrew them, you know. We just, you know, we took LSD, we took cocaine, we took vast amounts of marijuana. It was fun at the time, but then we all just sort of, it's not a very good idea anymore. So you have a more stable life now? No. Lotte Ham Fried Chicken. Oh, Lotte Ham Fried Chicken. It tastes really good when you eat it. Please give me two more wings. Wow, boneless fried chicken. You don't know this? Boneless fried chicken. Lotte Ham Fried Chicken. Lotte Ham. Frozen food. The cane is a sign of weakness, but in that deception alone lies its great strength. The ancient Korean noble class knew the power of the cane, and they developed a series of techniques and exercises with the cane. The cane must become an extension of your mind and body. The cane must become an appendage. My friend Jack lost his leg when he was twenty-four. His crutches have become an appendage. Jack and I hike the trails down here and he's incredibly agile. When somebody enters your space, with ill intent you need to strike time and distance are crucial are crucial are crucial are crucial the cane and appendage he's incredibly agile his crutches are crucial and an appendage his crutches are crucial Yes, the Paul Stanley Workout Tape for dirty minds and clean bodies. I will show you how to get the body you always wanted and the woman it belongs to. Yes, the Paul Stanley Exercise Tape. Join me, won't you? The Paul Stanley Workout Tape, available where better videos are sold. Because a muscle is a terrible thing to waste. This is how we do it It's Friday night I feel alright The party's here on the west side So I reach for my Audi and I turn it up Designated driver take the keys to my truck Hit the show cause I'm faded Honeys in the street say money and we made it It feels so good in my hood tonight The summer turn skirts, all the guys they can eye All the gang bangers forgot about the drive-by Gotta get your groove on before you go get paid So tip up your cup and throw your hands up And let me hear the party say I'm kinda boss and it's all because This is how we do it South Central does it like nobody does This is how we do it To all my neighbors you get much favor This is how we do it Let's tip the track of the old school bag. This is how we do it. Our hands are in the air. You're waving from here to there. You're an OG man, boy, I want to be player. See, the hood's been good to me ever since I was a lower-case G. But now I'm the big G. The girls say I've got the money. Hundred dollar bills, y'all. If you were from where I'm from, then you would know that I gotta get mine in a big black truck. You can get yours in a six-ball. Whatever it is, the party's underwear. So tip up your cup and throw your hands up. For a school bus visit from Space Ghost. The Dole Substitute Amendment to H.R.-Nine-Five-Six. The Product Liability Act is the pending question. Quorum call. Quorum call. Thank you. Now Space Ghost will make a couple of adjustments here. We're on the floor of the National Cable Television Association Convention, and you are, sir? I am Space Ghost Citizen Bruce. And what planet are you from? I come from the Ghost Planet, a.k.a. Cartoon Network. And what special powers do you have, if any? I can become invisible, I can fly, and I bake one heck of an apple brown betty. And space goes... We're enjoying a laugh now. Yes, we are. How do you serve humanity? How do I serve humanity? Well, I usually prefer to serve humanity steaming hot, right out of the kitchen, because it's no good if it's cold. Would you regard yourself as a superhero? Absolutely. Absolutely. Think of me as Walter Mondale with super strength. How do you compare yourself to your colleagues in the business, such as, for example, Superman or Batman? Well, you know, Superman got that groin pull a couple of years ago. Very, very difficult, very painful. Spider-Man, you just don't want to shake hands with him, because every time you go to, you know, a warm greeting, you get that handful of that glop, you know, that he sticks to things with. So that's unpleasant. He's an unpleasant person. Who else? Do you have a... There are many. Do you have a secret identity? My secret identity, yes. My real... I will share this with you, Citizen Bruce. Nobody else is listening? Correct. My real identity is Tad Ghostall. That's my secret identity. Tad Ghostall. But don't tell anyone. And what does Tad do for a living? Well, Tad used to work at the Gap. He works at the Gap, but on weekends he fights crime. Well, Space Ghost, we don't want to keep you from your mission. Not at all. I can stay another hour. Thanks for stopping by Kaspan. It was a pleasure to be here on Kaspan, and thank you for having me. Citizen Bruce and Citizen Cameraman doing a fine job. So he is. All righty. I'm Ultraman! I'm Ultraman! I'm Ultraman! I'm Ultraman. I'm the driver. Everybody, here I am, Ultraman, telling everyone on Earth Atsumoto fight, fight today, I have to do my best, right, Catman? A hero is no good, this story is going to be long, so next time, I'll be on Earth One, two, three minutes is all I need, you know that, right? I'm a plumber! Where is your train man? I'm a train man. Repeat after me. I'm a train man. Sing along with me. I'm a train man. Shake my head, shake my head, shake my head, shake my head Obviously, these are things that bug a lot of the young people. But this time, rather than hear from the establishment who run newspapers, radio, television, book and magazine publishing companies, political parties, and schools, let's hear from those other teenagers who aren't smoking pot. Not all teenagers are on drugs. I'm not, and my close friends aren't. Every time someone wants to turn me on to pot, they tell me I'll discover myself. Well, I don't need that kind of crutch. Besides, I've never seen any potheads come up with any kinds of answers that help them cope with the kind of problems they have, or I have. Oh, that horse is so stoned. Wilbur will need another joint. I've got rheumatoid arthritis. Is this a western now? Coming soon to Weird and Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs. Pretty, isn't she? The third largest city in the country. And she's quite a lady. Kind of peaceful, too, in the warm, friendly light of day. But when the light goes down and the city is dark, its back streets and brooding alleys become a jungle. And its denizens stretch out their claws of violence from the shadows. That's where I come in. Sims, homicide. Because murder is my business and midnight is my beat. And it takes me to the real story behind a thousand front page headlines. Sometimes to the savage fury of a report that begins when a man's life is ended. And so the word goes out along the city's vast network of communication. Killers loose, ready to kill again, dragging innocent lives with them in a reckless pattern of flight as they try to hide in a city stripped naked where there is no escape. But the wheels of the law's machinery grind hard and the long arms of the department stretch out, girdling the city, drawing the steel net tighter and tighter. Oh, my God, I'm so happy I can share my my weird secret passion with all of you. I spend way too much time playing this game during the day. Like, if you ever want to know what I'm doing while I'm like waiting on pre shows to upload, it's like this. That's just me and you. Who are you? Big, big blues. I will. I will fight you. I will... Come here! I will... Yeah! The only guy who played the game before won it. Who saw that coming? When you guys choose the paintings, they always seem to fit. We're coming into some difficult times, I think, and I'd like to think that, uh... The guy in office right now just pissed off a whole lot of people. To me, I don't know, it just kind of feels a little bit empowering in a time when I don't feel like I have much control over much of anything at the moment. So I have control over this. I can do this. You know, that's... That's funny you said that, because when I was painting her the first time, I was thinking the same thing. She looked kind of queenly. Majestic, you know? Ooh! Ooh! this is coming from our clubhouse chat from mrs torgo mary jill where would you take roddy on your first date straight to my sofa for a makeout session oh god I don't know um he's he's rather continental so I would probably take him out um if it were in minneapolis for martinis or go the complete opposite way and take him on a hike to Minnehaha Falls or something like that. He'd love that, I'm sure. Where would you take him, Chris? Where would I take Roddy McDowell on our first date? I don't know. Maybe a movie. Maybe we'll go just take a stroll in the village. Go to some antique shops. Oh, nice. I think a theater date would work well. Yeah, go see it. We'll go see the new Glenn Gary, Glenn Ross. Yeah, I'd love to see that. Nobody expects the Ironside Inquisition. yeah watching him walk around and do nothing is so much more interesting than seeing the killings by the monster will he walk into another room or stay in this room oh my god the suspense is killing me I've got his cameras Oh, damn, marriage agrees with me. Oh, now I can't do the Harpo Groucho mirror scene. Well, that was a productive afternoon. This is like a real estate video. My dinner with Andre didn't have this many indoor scenes. so so What's up, what's up, what's up? That's just gonna be the entire show. Yeah, let's do the whole show in scat. Just do the whole show in scat. Thursday we have coming up. I'm gonna kill myself. I really hate my life. I'm gonna walk in traffic. That's a great way to get your anxieties out. Just like, you know. I'm glad you put that at the end of the pre-show because you started the pre-show with a suggestion that I gave you, Puff Puff Give by Hannes Field. And I thought that was going to be stuck in my head. And then the Scatman song came on. yeah the the puff puff felt like a good one to well one it's it's a good joke but it's just it's kind of the same thing the whole video so I was like this will be a good first video when everybody's kind of just coming on the stream because you watch it for like you know forty seconds you're like I get it so it's just there's a method to my madness occasionally matt occasionally not often but dan wally asks when will you make a heel turn like john cena I heard about this what would a heel turn for for me look like I mean like I already just you already kind of torture us um yeah like what kind of clips would I have to put in to to be like well you'd have to do the opposite then you'd have to become like a good guy so you'd have to uh start showing us What if I just started like only including clips from like those, uh, those like, uh, STD PSAs from like the seventies that were like way too graphic, you know, like the seventies were the era of like, uh, you know, if you're putting together a PSA, everything was just horrible and graphic. Like, Hey, do you want to learn how to drive? Uh, here's someone's like body parts all over the freeway. Hey, everything about having sex. Here's the worst set of genitals you've ever seen in your life. Yeah. Here's an olive penis. So we used to call it. There's an olive penis. An olive penis? I've never heard that terminology before. There was a book that we had in school that would, you know, you'd flip through it and it showed all the... And there was one penis that just looked like an olive. And we called it the olive penis. So it was like a micro penis, kind of? It was like a... It wasn't so much the size. It was like it had... I don't know. It was like syphilis or something. It had some huge, like... So diameter-wise, it was... It just looked like an olive. So we called it the olive penis. The olive penis. When you're here, you're family. I was like, sixteen. What do you want? Unlimited breadsticks at the olive penis this week. Guys, I'm so sorry. We have fun here. I know. Olive penis. Olive penis. Olive penis. Emmy's telling us to calm down. Alright, I'm sorry. Olive penis. Olive penis. We got all the olive penis chat out of our systems. Let's move on. I'm entering my drinking arc for the show. I've realized since I had that operation the other day, I can go back to smoking weed, but my tolerance is so high that I've resorted to malt liquor now for... while I get my tea down there. So you're about to witness a very weird Matt for the next couple of weeks. Mr. Jamie's got a good point. New phrase for TKO. Next time we play TKO, it's going to be all olive penises. I'm telling you. That was I had to I had to ask about that because it's like all like the complexion of it, you know, because like it's because like because like I guess you could say like, you know, Greek people, they all have olive penises kind of if you're just going off of like skin tone, you know, like they've got that kind of, you know, that olive skin tone. I don't know how else to describe it, but people don't want us to. Draw us a picture, Chris. People are asking us to talk about your feet instead of this, so maybe it's a little too far. Next TKO night, you'll draw us what the olive penis looks like, and then we'll. I'll try. It's from memory. I can't make any guarantees. It sounds like it's pretty ingrained, so I trust your judgment there. Hey, everybody. It's Mystery Hour. People are really trying to de-escalate this. Look at this. People are... Sorry, Spacey. Look, we've been doing this show for like four years. If we can't make it, we're getting weird with it now. I know. Well, anyway, welcome to the Dumb History's Mystery Hour. Hi, everybody. It's Mystery Hour time. You made it. Welcome to the... Mystery Hour. Yeah, this is the show. If those of you who are wondering who we are and why we're talking about penises on the stream, I'm Matt. That's Chris. We work at Dumb Industries. We make all the Mads and Mary Jo Peel. We work at Dumb Industries. You make it sound like we have overlords, which we do, but you make it sound too obvious. It's just my job five days a week. Olive P. Olive Penis. Uh, no, but we, we, we run dumb industries and, and this is our show every week where we get together and we, uh, we hang out with y'all and, uh, we just talk about what we've been doing all week, sort of a little state of the company kind of, you know, and then, uh, and then most importantly, at the end of the night, we will be watching some trash that we have found on the internet for all of you, which tonight's theme is nineties Marvel's cartoons, nineties Marvel cartoons. Let me say that again. Like I didn't have a stroke. Nineties Marvel cartoons is going to be great because I've, I watched the X-Men when it was on, but all the other ones, they just kind of, I don't know. I never got into any of them. And there are a lot. There were a lot of them. Yes. And I will say, I'm not going to give away what our options are right now, but they are all, uh, sort of, uh, lower tier Marvel cartoons from the nineties. Cause of course, cause we've watched X-Men on here like two times, three times, something like that. A couple of times, a couple of times. So we don't have X-Men is not one of our options. Cause you've got like the A tier of Marvel cartoons, which is like X-Men and then the Spider-Man cartoon. And then the rest of them, there's a giant quality drop. And then there's the rest of them. And it's from, that grouping that I've chosen from tonight so perfect perfect yeah we have some really good options here stick around to the end you you guys will get to vote on what we watch um yes yes yes yes and also before we get started real quick we are on blue sky I repeat we are on blue sky we would love it if you followed us there I'm on forward slash olive penis go there that's it olive if you say olive penis and it kind of sounds like you're saying I love penis olive penis olive penis olive penis I love olive penis would be a good porn name I should look into that like Yeah, that is a good... Poor name. Okay, follow us on Blue Sky. And I'm on there. Emmy's on there. We've been harassing Matt Daly to get on there. But Dumb Industries is on there. I really need to get on. Because I made a conscious decision to really not make my Twitter presence giant during the heyday of that. Because I feel like people who are funny on Twitter are trying to build a brand. And they're trying too hard. And people who are funny on Facebook are just mentally ill. And that's kind of more where I fit in. But Blue Sky is a whole new place, so maybe I will try to put my comedic brand out there finally. I like it. And I've been playing around with it a little bit because I am now posting on the Dumb Industries page on there now. Oh, yes. It's a fine place. That's out of the bag. Matt's got the credentials. I've got the credentials to our Blue Sky profile. I've made a Truth Social profile. Yeah, Truth Social. What was the other one? Parlor? Did you already say that? No, I have not said that. I was trying to think of what was that? We're on if you need to. Also head to our Discord server, Blue Sky and Discord, man, that's where it's at right now with Dumb Industries. We're still on Facebook. We're still on Instagram. Yeah, but we're kind of on life support on those. We're basically just posting the bare necessities for people who just want to follow our programming. We're not really... We're kind of phoning it in a little bit. If you want to know when our shows are happening, though, there's still a good place to look for that, though. But if you are looking for any posts with any real passion to them, you need to go to Discord and Blue Sky. And also wanted to remind folks, if you send in a donation of any dollar amount throughout tonight's show, we will give you a shout out in one of the, in the form of one of our patented, terrible impressions, or you can ask us a question or you can challenge us. You can ask me for feet, picks, uh, whatever you want. I'll have to DM those to you though. We can't put those on the stream. Well, one of the things we're going to raffle off tonight is a free month to Matt's OnlyFans. He's very generous. I was about to say, are you going to raffle off feet pics? We're going to raffle off pictures from my colonoscopy if you want to see what I look like up close and personal. Oh, my God. We have fun here. We already have some donations here. Okay, let's get right to it. First one comes from Matt B. Matt B, thank you. Of Matt and Jackie B fame. Of Matt and Jackie B fame. Just one of them. That's like watching a concert with just Hall and no Oates. Well, this is important. This is part of the message that Matt sent in. He says, this is my first week of a three-week work trip and won't see Jackie B. much for a while can colombo give some advice on how he and the missus stay close when he's away solving mysteries stay awesome matt b well um man I'm sorry to hear that you're gonna be away from your wonderful wife for three weeks uh personally um you know I've spent quite some time away from mrs colombo and uh all I can say is you gotta find what works uh You gotta get on the phone. You gotta be open to some ideas, because that's what Mrs. Columbo likes over there. You gotta get real good at sexting. If you're not a real good sexter, stuff's not gonna last. You gotta get good with the sexting, as the kids say, yes. Ladies say they don't want a picture of your penis, but if you're real creative with the angles and they know your penis personally, it's fine. Me and Mrs. Columbo, I like to put googly eyes on mine occasionally and take pictures with it really far in the foreground, like it's a monster. that's attacking me. If you're creative like that, it should go over just fine. Your Columbo's just like, you're kind of like, I had the concept of Columbo trying to explain sexting, and I just didn't even try with the impression. I do like the idea of Columbo just explaining just sexual concepts in his Columbo way, just way over the top. Like we did that impression the other day where he's Columbo explaining what cock and ball torture is to somebody. Oh, right. Mrs. Columbo, she likes to occasionally put on high heels and just stomp all over them. Just go to town on my olive penis. Uh, thank you so much. Thank you so much, Matt B three weeks. That's insane. I don't think I've ever been away from Jen that long ever. And I've known her almost half my life. That's crazy. Three weeks. That is, that is a long time. Yeah. I hope you have internet. Yeah. But, uh, but, but seriously as, as, as, as someone who is in a long distance relationship, uh, yeah, get on the, there's lots of ways for you to zoom together, you know, watch a movie together. give away all your secrets am I giving away that I'm secretly a happy person in a stable relationship does that does that uh denigrate my brand somehow your your role in this show is to be downtrodden at all times your role in the show is to you're the you're the designated degenerate man I will have it no other way um we have a real good cop bad cop kind of you know dynamic here that when I upset it kind of you know it throws the whole show into chaos Thank you so much, Matt B. Thank you, Matt. And I hope that you and Jackie are able to make the next three couple weeks be as tolerable as possible. Me and my long-distance girlfriend watched Twin Peaks Fire Walk with me over Zoom last night, and that's a great movie. Oh, that is a great movie. I like Serena says good for you, Matt, but you're ruining this show. Yeah. Fair enough. You're happy. You're not going to be funny anymore, Matt. Don't you know that? I like how the other day we were talking about because I was just talking like we were just backstage talking about how like I've just been kind of depressed lately and you're like talking about antidepressants. You're like, oh, you're like, you know, a lot of people put them off because they think it'll make them less creative. I'm like, oh, I don't care about that. I'm just like... yeah do not give a it's true though when I'm uh we don't have to get it we don't have to get into that um here we have another donation this one comes from punk nerd thank you so much punk nerd thank you so much I'm sorry I haven't responded to your last couple facebook dms I have been uh just returning to adulthood in the last couple weeks but Punk Nerd says to do something to really punish JL Sieber for those bad jokes tonight. Yeah, I saw that. I mean, JL Sieber is always doing the bad jokes during the pre show, which we love. Keep doing it, JL Sieber. But I noticed people were a little more upset than usual. Oh, were the jokes extra bad tonight? I think the jokes were extra bad. Let me scroll back and see if I can find any. All right, here we go. One from JL Siever. Bad joke of the evening. Acupuncture edition. Quality acupuncture is a jab well done. Ah. JL Siever should write for gut-filled bids. What are you doing? Yeah, they would actually like those jokes. Send in your writing packet to Fox News. It's this JL Sieber guy. I've got to get him on the staff here. Here's another one. bad joke of the evening cement edition some friends of mine won't believe me that I can make cement they've asked for concrete evidence we need a soundboard on this show I know I put oh maybe it wasn't in this brand but I did put a uh applause sound effect in one of our brands it doesn't help us right now but um Thank you for telling us about that thing that we have no access to. Okay, Punkner wants us to punish JLC for these bad jokes. How can we punish them? JLC, this is Emperor Palpatine talking to you. Your jokes are horrible. Nobody likes puns. They are the lowest form of comedy in the Empire. Lord Vader tried to get into pun-related humor earlier on into his... into his apprenticeship, and it was so bad that I smacked him in the face so hard that he had to switch to that weird Vader helmet with the red lenses you see sometimes. That's his backup helmet for when I give him a smack upside the old noggin. No puns. Triclops, if you're listening, don't do any pun-related humor around me. Mary Jo doesn't like the puns. Emperor Palpatine doesn't like puns. Attila the pun didn't like puns. No more puns. Unlimited puns. No, but seriously, JLC, we do appreciate you and your jokes, even if Emperor Palpatine doesn't. I like that our community feels a little bit like the Grateful Dead community sometimes, how everybody has their own little part to play. Like you go to a show, it's like, that's the beads lady. She's just here at every show selling beads. Hey, there's the dude selling grilled cheese sandwiches. That's grilled cheese sandwiches. There's the guy who just spins in a circle for four and a half hours. That's his deals. He just spins in a big circle. uh thank you so much punk nerd uh we got let's see we got well we got a few more let's do one more okay one more uh do uh a few more at our next break this one comes from paul r thank you so much paul paul thank you paul riser of mad about you fame for yes uncle thank you so much uh no thanks paul uh any any suggestions or anything no empty no prompt here Okay, because I was thinking I had that Ozzy clip in the pre-show and I've been feeling very Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Dio, all the related bands. So here is my rendition of Ozzy Osbourne's Over the Mountain as sung by Gollum and attempting to incorporate your name. Over the mountain Take me across the sky Something in my vision Something deep inside Why did I wonder? Where do you think I wonder to? Paul is a cool guy That's the place I travel to I heard Paul tell me that this land of dreams was now. I told them I had written. Okay, have I done enough? Yeah, that was great. Awesome. Thank you, Paul. I was trying to get Juppie to sing back up, but. She looks kind of sleepy right now. She's just doing all the guitar parts and meows. That's me doing a Randy Rhoads guitar solo and meows. I love this kitty so much. It was a great kitty. Of the kitties you have, whenever I cat-sit for you, she is always the most personable one. The rest of them just hide from me. I thought I lost one of your cats one time I house-sit for you, and I called you in a panic, and you were like, no, she's probably wedged into the couch somewhere, and you were right. That's what happens. They have their hiding spaces. Anyway. Cats! Guys, we have a lot to get to. Thank you, Paul. Yeah, let's get into this week's nominees. Let's do it. Oh, my God. All right. Take it away, Johnny. All right. Up first, we have great deals going on in our store, the dumb store, at all times. Change them up every week. This week is no different. You can get through Sunday. Buy any four books by Frank Conniff. Get one free. No promo code. needed and you can head to, uh, dumb dash That is crazy. So you could just get like, and I'm not even just saying that, like, uh, that's crazy. Like the way that we do, like, if you buy four books, we will just give you a free book. That is, that's pretty good. That is pretty good. And, uh, and we ship those personally. So, you know, Frank signs them, we meet up, we grab coffee. I get them from him. We come home, I package them, ship them out. It's a whole operation we got. Um, Frank gets to see inside Chris's apartment and he sighs heavily every time he looks at it and then he leaves and sometimes. Yeah. Yeah, we started meeting. He was coming up to the apartment for a while, but a couple things. Our local subway station, you know, Seventy-Fifth Ave, is very sketchy. It's like you get out of the train. You know, you've been here. You get out of the train, and it's like one of those really small train stations where there's like a guy on a bench who's like yelling at some other guy across the... he's yelling at nobody sometimes he's sometimes no one there's rats everywhere uh it's crazy and I told him like let's just meet at a coffee place on continental because that way you know no no fear of being stabbed at a coffee place definitely this is a bit of a deviation but this might be good for a clip what is the off the top of your head if you can't think what's the craziest thing you ever saw on a train in new york city Oh, my God. I've seen a woman just piss, like, wearing a skirt, just pissing at the end of a car once. That rocks. I've seen rats in the car. Oh, I've never seen that. Thank God for that. That's terrifying, because you're kind of, like... You have nowhere to go. Yeah, you just get in the corner, like, I hope it doesn't... Crawl up like I've seen videos of that sometimes and I'm like, I hope that's never me It's scary enough when rats are just like on the actual train platform sometimes which I have been around but yeah, I've seen a lot of a lot of weird things in New York City and Not just in this hallway. You forget the weird things you see sometimes. I knew I became a New Yorker one time when I was talking with my mom one day on the phone. I was like, oh, I completely forgot about this. I saw a car on fire earlier today. I just saw a car on fire earlier in the day and then I went to work and it just completely escaped my mind. Yeah, like there's a guy, I used to work near Times Square and there was a guy who used to just rollerblade around with like fifteen rats on him nice like just like rats covering and they were like his pets so they weren't like you know freaking out or they were like trained to just hang on to him while you rollerbladed around Times Square oh my god that's awesome New York City how do I get to be that cool like just a guy covered in rats and like a g-string just on rollerblades in Times Square I don't know that's a cool guy older evil twin had a guy pee at my register while checking out I once saw on Canal Street a lady who had a baby goat and a baby carrier on her front and was just walking around with a small... With a baby goat? And the goat was wearing sunglasses, which was also great. I mean, that's pretty cool. It was just on her front, just legs out and everything in the mini-me carrier. Now I want to get a baby goat and put sunglasses on it. Just wear it around. She got a lot of attention. I have a picture of it somewhere. Maybe I'll post it on the Discord later if I remember. But anyway, that's all to say, any four books by Frank Conniff, get one free. Check it out. And if you're enjoying watching the program you're watching tonight and you like watching me just get progressively drunker as the evening goes along, but you don't like the... Progressively. Well, I'm, I'm, I'm, are you drinking? I mean, this is a thing called a beat box. It's like, it's like a smear. It's like a smear off ice. I'm just getting a little loose over here. You know, I'm not getting too crazy. You know, I'm like, I don't think I've ever drive us home. You know, I don't think I've ever been like, we host shows all the time together. I don't think I've ever been like, Oh, Matt's drinking tonight. I drink occasionally, especially when I'm back home and I don't have access to the stuff that I smoke or anything like that. I'm just getting a little loose. I could drive us home. We'll be fine. If you're enjoying watching all of this, but those pesky Twitch ads keep cutting you off, grr. You should check out the Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club. It's free to join, forward slash mystery hour. Chris, I never commented this to you before, but you're very good at making up URL names. You can literally type in forward slash whatever you're looking for, basically, and it will come up on the website. The amount of times I'm putting together a promo and it's for like a random Mads movie and I just type in like forward slash, you know, Phantom from space. And it just like, it all, it all works. You've done a great job over there. Thank you. It's a, it's a real honor. No, I figured out how to do that a couple of years ago and now it's like, yeah, it's great. I mean, it's just whatever the easiest to remember thing you could possibly think it is. That's probably what it is. yeah so uh so yeah so if you're ever unclear on a url on our website just type in what's the most logical thing basically and it'll come up but it's a dumb dash forward slash mystery hour completely ad free completely free to join we leave the most recent show up uh for an entire week so if you miss us live you can catch that show for free until we put up a new new one uh the following week or if you'd like to kick in just two bucks a month which is uh, basically cheaper than you can get anything out in the real world right now, especially in tariff land. Uh, you know, uh, in tariff land, the new name for America I've just created right now. Uh, yeah, you can watch us, uh, watch everything. You know, we, like I said, we've been doing this for a couple of years. We've watched a whole bunch of training videos, uh, watch some weird religious stuff. We've watched at least, at least three episodes of big, at least three episodes of big foot and wild boy, which are all kind of the same episode a little bit, but, uh, Baywatch Nights, Vampires. Vampires, yeah. The Garfield Christmas special. We've watched all kinds of shit. Pokemon ripoffs, Transformers ripoffs, the GoBots. So check it out. It's a good hang. Plus it gives us a little bit of scratch so we don't have to go out and get part-time jobs. Because you want us fresh here. You don't want me coming off a shift at TGI Fridays, you know, to be doing this. No, no. We need you in your best mood. You need me in my prime, which is drinking malt liquor on stream after having laid around all day watching Star Trek Enterprise while I gathered all the stuff for tonight. You always paint a picture, Matt. I love how pathetic my life is. So yeah, Mystery Club, all the plus memberships on the Dumb Industries website, that's what gets you access to the back catalog. Those are all now free for your first thirty days, so you can sign up. for every membership we have and it's free for thirty days and any plus membership also grants you access to the dumb odds and ends library which we just keep adding to and it's all the content that doesn't really fit anywhere else so the witching hour martian shadows matt and emmy and chris we got more stuff coming up there and you can watch it all for free for thirty days The video of the guy I keep chained to my radiator here. That's over there. Several childhood movies. The Day the Clown Cried starring Jerry Lewis. There's a lot of good stuff over there. And it just keeps growing. It just keeps growing. um so yeah so there's that and then as always we are doing one of our our patented uh mads are back sales every week we've been going through the show from the beginning all year because we have exactly a year's worth of episodes so uh right now we are on a night of shorts three which fun fact was the very first episode I ever worked on with the mads so uh this was when I joined the dumb industries family in honor of of A Night of Shorts III being on sale, I got this awesome backdrop of Sonny Bono from that marijuana short. Look at him. He looks kind of concerned. He looks great. In the movie, he's just very stoned. He looks like he's really hit a tree. I mean, hit a wall with his marijuana stuff. Yeah, that was the first show you worked on, Matt. That's right. Yeah, that was when I joined the dumb family. You were like, hey, I need someone to help me moderate these shows, and that was my first gig over here. That's great. You were like, sure, sure, I'll do it. I'm working for the Center for Reproductive Rights as a paralegal, and I hate my life. I'd rather do literally anything else, so... Uh, so yeah, so that's, uh, so that's fun. And that's, uh, just six bucks through Sunday with promo code blowgrass. So, uh, so go over there, type in blowgrass and for, for six dollars, which is the cost of one, uh, Subway value meal, as I found out the other day, uh, when I went to go get my, my chicken teriyaki on Italian herb bread sandwich that I like, uh, So for the price of one Italian herb chicken teriyaki sandwich, you can have an entire episode of The Mads are back. Yes. Or you can enter hashtag blowgrass in the chat right now, either on Twitch or on our website. and you'll be in the running for a free download of the night of shorts three there's some other really good shorts in that one uh oh the peter drucker one is oh yeah managing time shorts three which we have peter drucker merch now right so we do if you would if you need a a planner that helps you manage your time you can now buy one that says managing time on the outside yes let me put this on the screen here which is a concept that I came up with. Matt came up with this entirely. This is a real notebook. This is my baby. Got Drucker on the front. Drucker time. It's... why would you not want that you know it's uh you can have his stern face just reminding you to manage your time better every time you go to open that so I know uh wait where is peter drucker gives me the vibe like he was probably like one of those people who like uh like fled from germany in the forties and went to argentina after the war ended like he feels like he could have been yeah like uh like an enemy officer at one point like he's got some really evil vibes to him You just reminded me too. Yes, you do need to get that notebook, by the way. Everyone, go get that notebook. But, sorry, I got so distracted and then I forgot what I was gonna mention. All right. Let's choose. Oh, that's what I was going to mention. We have more shout outs to do. And our first one here is from our friend Spiroscythe. Spiroscythe. Thank you. Is there a fever dream meme this week? We've got a fever dream. A fever meme. From Spiroscythe. Every week he's been sending us memes that he makes. Hang on. I need to take a drink before I look at this. Yeah. Just discussing things that have happened, you know, at Dumb Industries in the past week. I found some of his old ones here too. This one is Dumb Assemble. That rocks. I don't even remember talking about most of these things. I was about to say, when did we talk about Lethal Weapon III? Attack of the Dumb is a good one. Here's the most recent one. This one is called Mortal Dumbat. Nice. Oh, now this is cool. All right. I always look like I have some type of like, uh, like a thyroid condition or something. The way you look at my head. You know what I look like? I kind of look like that. Uh, do you remember that, uh, police sketch of the Unabomber when he came out? Like I look kind of like that. Now who is that in the top upside down? I can't tell. Um, Oh, is that reefer Matt from reefer madness? Maybe. could be or it could be maybe like rick male from those nintendo commercials that I use sometimes oh okay because he showed up some of those I think I think that's abe pagoda from the fish commercial that I used on the far left uh oh yeah there's abe pagoda oh yeah the guy who's getting his feet rubbed that I definitely know that guy's weird face from anywhere did we talk about elvis when did we talk about elvis I mean I'm sure we did The Ninja Turtle with the penis thing. Yeah, this is a very kind of, I think this is sort of a pre-show heavy. Oh yeah, because the Squirtle's from that clip that I showed with Norm MacDonald where he was in a Pokemon fight on his show that he had briefly. I love it. And there's look, I'm a tattoo on that on Elvis. Oh yeah. That's sick. We should make press on tattoos of like, uh, various industries, things of our faces of, you know, I do. I do want to get a, like a real tattoo, a dumb industries tattoo on my arm. Somehow that's coming soon. All employees must get this tattoo right here. Mark of the beast. Would it be great if tribulations are coming? I was born with a tattoo that looked like the dumb logo. I'm going to start telling people that that's how I came up with it. You know, I've never got a tattoo. I've made a lot of weird, dubious decisions in my life. It's not that I'm opposed to tattoos. I could just never think of anything that I like so much that I just want it on me forever. It just really comes down to that. Oh, my God. Spiroscythe also says, how about Palpatine scatting about unlimited bread at Olive Garden? Oh. All right, Spyro Scythe. Unlimited breadsticks, oh. Giant bowl of salad, oh. Bad chicken marsala, oh. Big weird restaurant in Times Square, oh. Everyone stutters one way or the other, so listen to the scatman here. Unlimited scatting! That was great. Thank you, Spyro Scythe. Thank you, Spyro Scythe. I hope that was sufficient. Oh, we got another one here. It is from Natalie L. Thank you so much, Natalie. Natalie, thank you so much. Natalie says, Columbo and Matlock solving a crime. Okay, I'll be Columbo. You be Matlock. I can be Matlock. All right, I'll just be like investigating the body and then you come in, okay? Okay. I haven't seen anything like this before. Hello there. Are you that there, Lieutenant Columbo? Oh, yes. Pleased to meet you, sir. Lieutenant Columbo. What's your name? I am Matt. What's Matlock's first name? I don't even know. I'm Lawyer Matlock. I'm here to check on your progress in this case. Oh, well, sir, I just found a dead body. It's going to be quite some time before we know what happened here. Lieutenant Columbo, I'm going to be honest, I don't know spit about detective stuff, but I know when I was a little shaver and me and my grandpappy used to sit back crackleberry crick, hunting for large mouth bass, just frying them up, that he would occasionally say that if it's still wiggling around, it ain't dead, and he looks like he's wiggling around a little still. Well, now, sir, I'm going to have to stop you right there. This man is dead. Well, then why is he twitching still? Well, maybe sometimes the body moves a little bit. Your bowels move around, and that could be what's going on here. Anyway, I wanted to ask you a question, sir. Oh, sure, Steve. How did you know that this murder even took place? Um, well, um... Shit! Just, like, run. Uh, why does he have an erection? Uh, I was kind of stealing a little bit. There was, I think Phil Hartman used to do a, uh, uh, Andy Griffith impression and there was a whole like spiel he went on about like Crackleberry Crick and I've, I've always loved that. Yeah. I never really watched Matlock. People were speculating in his first name. Well, let's see. Oh, it's Ben Matlock? Ben Matlock. Okay, that makes sense. And he says it's Matlock. That would be a good name. Like his name is actually Matt. His last name is Locke. I haven't watched a ton of Matlock, but the Matlock theme is tremendously underrated, I think. It's a great one. It is. All right, let's pick a winner here. We'll do more shout outs in the next break. Tom K. Thirty five. Congrats. Congratulations. You did it. You did it. Shoot me an email. Chris at dumb dash industries dot com. I will get you a download of a night of shorts three. And don't forget, everyone. A night of shorts three is fifty percent off through Sunday with promo code. blow grass blow grass yes congratulations tom I bought a fun thing about following the show for a long time as you can tell when I'm on like a manic upswing and when I'm and this is one of those shows tonight I feel like god baby um congrats tom uh so yeah so that's going on and uh and with that I think that takes us to uh this week in dumb right it does All right. All right. This past Friday, we had an all new chit chat and tidbits, which is the, uh, bonus live stream marriage appeal. And I do every month for members of marriage appeal show clubhouse. It was a fun one. We answered more questions that we didn't get a chance to answer in our, uh, previous show to ask us anything. And, uh, see what did we discuss that night we um I heard I didn't I didn't watch I was I was getting I was preparing my taxes and being a good adult but I heard that my my old navy pullover came up again yes someone would like to buy your old navy pull up they and they want to pay good money for it too Oh, interesting. Does it have to still smell like me? This sounds like a very kind of like buying, like in Japan, how they sell like underpants and vending machines. It feels like one of those kinds of requests. Yeah, don't wash it. Don't wash it. Keep it, you know, go run a marathon. Well, I have to say I bought that from an Old Navy in like two thousand and four or something. And the peak of Old Navy. yeah I prefer the new navy myself but uh let's see we oh someone someone asked if I ever considered uh doing like reading books that people can fall asleep to because my the sound of my voice makes the people very relaxed yeah you do have a real asmr kind of quality yeah so I'm considering just selling dumb industries and just doing that with the rest of my life I think you could get away with doing like, like reading smut. Cause you have one of those voices where you could like, you know, read like, uh, what, what's the, the book that's like smut. That's big now. Like the, the court of thorn and roses. It's kind of like the new game of Thrones kind of just start reading those kinds of things. Yeah, no, I, I could go on Reddit erotica and find, you know, some weird guys stories. And I've thought of both shades says I should do voice acting. Yeah. I would love to get into the voice acting world. yeah how do you get into that I guess you would have to move I had talked to him our friend brian mcginnis is the voice of uh the bear oh yeah he's a robot if you guys ever seen the bear in a robitussin ad we know that guy or talk to dana gould or something dana how did you get to be gex just drunkenly like call him one night he just tweeted about how are you gex He was just here. He's posting on Facebook about GAC side. We could probably, I wonder if we reach out to Dana, we can get him to come on super dumb bros and play some GACs. Is there a way for us to play GACs even even on any consoles right now? Doubt it, but it's gotta be like, you know, an emulator somewhere. Maybe. I don't think Dana would turn us in. He might. Um, he already got paid for everything. What does he care? That's true. Uh, anyway, residuals from Gex, probably the latest chit chat and tidbits is now on demand for all members of the marriage. You appeal to a clubhouse. Just put that link in the chat and the clubhouse. Of course. Yes. You're going to want to check that out to find out who's horny for my old Navy pullover. Uh, yeah uh we also discussed okay wildest acts of rebellions uh we discussed our favorite disco songs that's right gym membership contracts movies tv music you must experience before you die It was a good one, folks. Fascinating. It sounds like a real Barbara Walters kind of experience you had. You really got to the core of all of you. So that happened on Friday. And then next after that, Monday, March third, twenty twenty five. For those of you keeping track or watching this broadcast way in the future, it was the next Super Dumb Brothers. We played Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword. part two where I got uh slightly further than I did the last time we played but not much but most importantly peter from riff tracks joined us so yeah it was exciting we had we got to talk some twilight zone we got to talk some riff tracks uh yeah our friend peter hunter who's uh marketing director over at riff tracks great guy came on to discuss the riff tracks kickstarter which they just announced that day and uh it's been funded it got funded oh yesterday nice they already met their goal nice because it was like seventy five percent the way there and we were just on the other day so I know it was you know I think they they're always blown away just by the community's generosity and uh it's always just so cool to see when they announce it just how quickly it goes up it's shocking what you can achieve on kickstarter when you're asking for you know uh you know uh you know like a decent amount of money and your goals are clear and everything so it's uh yeah that's not a jab at anyone um So, uh, yeah, check out, um, if you haven't already backed the Kickstarter, they're going to have some stretch goals that they're going to be announcing soon. I can't say anything about that. And, um, and, uh, yeah and then that episode it was so much fun because peter's a huge zelda and just overall nintendo talk about a lot of good zelda stuff uh we played some riff tracks the game it's always fun playing those things with him because he's very integral into like putting like the new clip packets for those together and kind of getting inside his brain about his process when he does those And just learning about the process of like, you know, because I think someone asked why they didn't do it live anymore. And kind of learning about the process of like when they do all the stuff through like Fathom events, how that all works. And that's all very interesting to me. Yeah. Check that episode out. He's a good guy. And check out his Twilight Zone. Yeah, his new Twilight Zone. The Monsters. Monsters Are Due. And you can get that at Yeah, it's a new Twilight Zone podcast he does with his wife. They're going through each episode of Twilight Zone. It's great. Everyone check that out. Sick. And then, let's see, Tuesday, March fourth, we debuted an all-new episode of Martian Shadows. We did. Which is the program that Emmy Martian produces. I put the Twatch stream together for it. right uh it's emmy martian riffing on old episodes of dark shadows sometimes they walk through a door sometimes they walk through doors they look at a painting sometimes uh but things happened in this one and to talk more about that ladies and gentlemen I gave you miss emmy martian ah wow now you're getting real creative with fucking with us hold on stop in the inner I gotta let the whole thing play because it's too much You know, because you went off early, I think you should play it one more time. Okay, one more time. Okay, calm down. Calm down. Okay. Whoa. Whoa. Hey, Emmy. It's good to see everybody out there in TV land. Yeah, and you got the cool hat. I love that hat. Some days are hat day. It's that it was the hat day. Welcome to the program, Emmy Cottontail. Good to see all y'all. Yeah. Let's get right to it. Martian Shadows. Martian Shadows. Episode twelve. Thank you for putting together the Twitch stream, by the way, Matt. You did a wonderful and lovely job with that. Thank you. And apparently you saw some of the Martian Shadows as well. I did. Yeah, you saw some people staring at paintings and walking through doors and putting on jackets. Don't forget putting on jackets. That's an essential part of the Collinsport, Collinswood, Collinsy, Collinsness lore. You know, people say that Seinfeld is the show about nothing, but I think Dark Shadows might have them beat a little bit. Yeah, they invented it. uh padding the show yeah that's that's why I riff it because because yeah I know and it's such perfect riffing material and you're so you're so good at it um this one was an absolute just joy because stuff did happen and so like literally I got done writing it like I got I was like oh is that is that it I was like is it already I was like holy crap I was like that was okay cool yeah um yeah no uh so episode twelve and we put that up on demand in the odds and ends library so and those number twelve I can't believe I've done twelve of those there's a year's worth of programs now if we if we do one a week yeah or one a month yeah you know what I mean shut up you do we do look and uh yeah we're debuting yeah sorry good no no uh we're debuting new episodes the first tuesday of every month so there'll be another one in april everyone come back to twitch and watch that and uh you can always catch those on demand in the dumb odds and ends library um and that was on tuesday but of course last night emmy it's your night Weird and wonderful Wednesday watch-alongs. Oh, yeah, that too. That also happens. You know, the first week of the month, it's a busy week for me. For you, yeah. It's a nice break for y'all. It's a little break for us. We make you do everything this first week. Alright, it's Emmys week. Handle all this shit. Well, yeah, but we watched Mr. Hoppity Goes to Town. It's Hoppity Goes to Town or Mr. Bug Goes to Town, so I always get them mixed in. It's got like two titles. Yeah, one of those. But Hoppity is, I think, its original title because that is the grasshopper character. There is some good... You know, I... I'm not a fan of cartoons with like, you know? I thought you were just about to say you're not a fan of cartoons. I know. But I'm not a fan necessarily of like, yeah, exactly right. Thank you, Matt. We picked out some weird ones for the Cartoon Funhouse afterwards. We picked out some super weird ones, and I was about to say something totally different, but I don't care because just chat if the other, because I know there's some people here who probably weren't might not have been there last night if you don't know about like because it was kind of a whole night of cartoon fun house and I had some I had some crazy weird ass cartoons I don't know where I found excuse my vernacular there um um yeah no if you guys have not yet been to a weird and wonderful wednesday watch along Totally free to join. Totally free. And it's a great hang. Emmy does a whole pre-show, shows the movie. We hang out and we watch cartoons. Even when the movie isn't a cartoon, we still hang out and we watch cartoons afterwards because I hate cartoons. So that's why I worked. comics and cartoons is is for that's why I worked for like two two decades it's like the only job I've had for more than three years of my life well that's what they tell you surround yourself with things that you hate well that eventually you're going to love them that's what I've done with my life so That's the only job I could hold outside of this for more than three years at a time, which was the comic book store or whatever. It's a great hang. Everyone should join that membership. Totally for you to join. And next week we've got some noir coming up. You saw the trailer there with Sterling Hayden for Crime Wave. Great trailer. Looks very cool. It's not your usual noir. It's a little bit outside the box noir. That's why I picked it. So... But I had to, you know, every once in a while, chat bugs me. The fans, they're like, Emmy, can we watch some? And I'm like, yeah. How about some Crime Wave, y'all? Crime Wave would be good. You gotta listen to the fans, you know? Yeah. Um... Shade says it's the community that makes it amazing. Chris, come hang out with us. Matt, come hang out. I know. I've missed the past few weeks because I've been traveling and seeing my parents a lot lately. I do watch more than you'd think. I'm just not always in the mood to kind of talk to people. But I am there with you in spirit, not unlike the Lord Jesus Christ. So I am watching. Yeah. I appreciate it. We love, uh, we, yeah, whenever I'm able to, Jen and I put it on so many times and just sit on the couch and watch it. And that's our, our evening. But, uh, it's a great hang. What else can we say? It's a good, it's a good hang. It's a chill time. It's, I feel like we're talking about like a party that you'd have. It's a good hang. You know, Brian brings a keg over and, uh, Joel and the boys have a super smash bros tournament. It's a good hang. Uh, Oh, you know, I'm sorry. What were you going to say? I was going to ask if I have time to stick around. Yes. Well, I was going to ask the same thing. Do you have time to stick around for our intermission video? I love this weird tradition we have now where we have to invite Emmy like she's a vampire. I mean, why do you think I have dark shadow? Why do you think I'm wearing these? I mean, come on. You're in the basement from Barbarian. That's my favorite weird part of vampire lore is that they have to be invited places. Look, if you get close enough off to my skin, you can actually, it's translucent. You can see right through this. Yeah, I think you're the only person who's maybe paler than I am. Like, I look like a Puerto Rican person compared to you, and normally I look like I'm, you know, like, you know, like I'm, yeah, like I'm the color of, you know, like the cap of the booze I've been drinking tonight, so it's a... Well, it's time for intermission, and Emmy's hanging out with us, so let's get into her. Let's do this. OK, calm down. All right. So for tonight's video, I have found I debated putting this in the pre show, but I feel like this deserves just a full watch with all of us on on our own. There is a Hasidic Jewish like broadcasting company who has created a children's television show called Five-ish. And I'm not making this up. Five-ish is just an anthropomorphic five dollar bill. A Jewish broadcasting company has made a children's show that's about money that talks. And it feels like one of those things that should be like, it feels like a parody, but they legitimately made this to like educate Jewish children. And it feels like a fever dream. And here it is now. Five-ish is going to teach us how to prepare for Shabbos. And it's kind of a good song. And I'll need all your help out there too. Can you help me? Just a stack of money come to life. That's the Jewish. I did extensive Googling to make sure this wasn't a parody because I just couldn't believe it. I know it almost seems like a sketch you'd see in a TV show that was like making fun of someone who would put this kind of commercial together. Yeah. Oh, I did a five dollar bill. All I can say is... You know what's sad is that there's someone in our audience tonight who's never heard of Shabbos before and their first exposure to it's gonna be probably five-ish. Well... I gotta tell you something, Matt. I don't have a religious background. Yeah, Swap Wizard says, I feel like this is a Tim Robinson bit, totally. I know who Cesar Chavez is. Is that... Are they related? Cesar Chavez? He's the... He's the Jewish man who bought our farm rights. That's not... I do like the... Diddle-dum, diddle-do, diddle-doo. Start punctuating our show with, like, diddle-dum, diddle-do, diddle-doo. Lodak says, not a parody, just a deep undercover operation by David Duke. A special something to prepare for Shabbos. Yes. This had to go through so many meetings to become a thing, and not one Jewish person on the board of whatever production company this was was like, um, maybe not. I'm just glad I wore a hat. That's great. I've got my hat. I'm all ready. Wait, what did he have? Was that kosher meat in his hand there? Sausage? Hell yeah. Stare at my dick! Where's Ben Shapino? Yeah, where's Ben Shapiro? Fiveish actually is one of my very best friends. Fiveish is here to expose the Woke Elitists. But why is he five-ish? Is he only, like, is he missing, like... Because he's, like, a stack of money, so he's, like, five dollars. Yeah, it wasn't even, like, a stack of, like, twenties or fifties. It's, like, five dollars. That's all it... If we just need to, you know, unintentionally perpetuate the stereotypes about Jews and money, here's the, like, lowest denominator of money to make you horrified. I mean, if Star Trek Next Generation can do it, then, you know, who's stopping anybody else? Are you talking about the Ferengi? Ha ha ha! I mean, I'm not talking about the Trade Federation from Star Wars anyways. Hey, the Trade Federation from Phantom Menace is very timely right now with all their taxation of trade routes, and George Lucas was ahead of the curve. He knows, he understands what a terrorist is. He said that back then, people complaining about, he's like, that's how every war starts. It always starts with a trade war. Very disagreeable. I'm just picturing, like, Newt Gunroy just, like, being mad about the Trump tariffs. He put twenty-five percent on everything from Canada. This was not a part of our bargain. I mean, these are the evils that we must fight, you know? I've got my, yeah. Well, five-ish, everyone. And there's lots of five-ish videos out there if you go and Google it. So if you're looking to fall down a rabbit hole later tonight, yeah, I don't know why they did this, but it's out there. You know, if you're interested, there's lots more information about Cesar Chavez out there. Cesar Chavez, yeah. Please educate yourself. Go watch the Ben Shapiro program where he, I'm sure, is good friends with five-ish. Don't watch Ben Shapino, okay? Don't ever. Never. You can hire me. You can get some min-ex with me if you want to hire me to be on your... No, I'm joking. Please don't. Emmy, we have so much to get to. We're going to bid you farewell. I was going to show you my one tattoo. I have one tattoo. It's on my foot, though, so... On that, I'm going to bid everybody a good night. It's true. Unless anyone wants to see Emmy's foot. DM for feet pics. I'm telling you, the dumb only fans. All of our feet. All of us. Tattooed, not tattooed. You've got a whole wide plethora. What more could you ask for? What do you want? My feet, Chris's feet, Brother Ichabod's feet, which are just my feet, but painted green. You know, If you send it off, we'll have a scratch and sniff card where you can like scratch and you can hold it up. It's like you're really there. Has anyone ever made a porno that's like has a scratch and sniff card like, you know, a polyester from John's daughters? I was going to say polyester. This one smells like fish. Anyway, how about those? Okay, calm down. Goodbye, everybody. Thanks for hanging out. uh we have fun here streamyard just uh did a little update I'm still getting used to transitions here so if things seem weird or jarring that's why also it's all matt's fault too yeah blame it blame it all on me I'm the convenient scapegoat just because I'm drinking from a carton over here you know you think you can blame everything on me uh yeah emmy martian everyone tv at ten she's doing will be later tonight so at ten o'clock if you need stuff to watch that'll be happening on dumb weird check it out check it out uh I love how unhinged this program is becoming, and I'm here for it. I'm completely here for it. I had my finger over the video, and then before I even had a chance to say it, I just pressed click. No, it's perfect. I love it. Tell us what's coming soon to Dumb, Chris. All right, coming up this Saturday. We have an all-new Jackie Naiman Jones Paint Parties. And Paint Parties is the online art class for everyone. We do every fourth Saturday of the month, we do Jackie Naiman Jones, The Hands of Paint, which is our B-movie-themed online art class. But then every... Second Saturday, we do paint parties where we paint just all kinds of stuff, landscapes, pets. Everyone did their pets last month. This month, we're doing the Tree of Life. This is the painting Jackie is going to be working off of. nice it's beautiful I can't wait to see what students do with this um and I keep saying this but I feel like even if you feel like oh I can never do art or I'm not an artist or whatever I still urge you sign up for class it's completely free for your first month And just hang out. I am not an art person. I tell the story all the time about how when I was in high school art, you know, we had to do like a self portrait one time and then we got to like the part where we had like shade the portrait and mine looked OK, but we got like the shading part and I shaded mine and then I looked like a burn victim like in my picture and I had to like turn it in. So that's the kind of person I am. I do a lot of things. Well, like I play music, I, you know, I, I do the stuff for our, our programs here, but I have never been like a drawing or painting kind of, that is not one of my gifts. And I've done several of these and they've all turned out, uh, fairly. All right. You know, it's a, I love the work you've done in this class. So if I can, if I can do it, if, if, if my degenerate ass can figure this out, then you can too. So, uh, just come even if you don't want to draw just come for the hang like it's just very relaxing jackie is teaching us live from her studio in portland she tells like neat stories about her childhood and stuff yeah she's just so uh encouraging and relaxing and inspiring and take a nap to it you know it's a saturday afternoon when it happens if you want to just put it on and have like a bob ross kind of figure you know because it's it's a very asmr kind of experience you know like she has a good microphone that picks up all the brush strokes like we're not offended if you just turn this on at three and then just like take a big nap during it you know like and you've got uh yeah no exactly and you've um you've got the whole back catalog to go through we've been doing the show for the class for almost three years so there's tons of classes you can just put on and paint to and I do a pre-show for all of them, which is someone described it the other day as like me using my powers for good, which I like that because it's like it's me finding just like stuff that's what is going on with. Because I'm still I'm still learning all the different ways that this could go wrong. Oh, no. It's five-ish again. But what I was going to say is. I love it. I always love raffling off a seat to class for Jackie's classes. If you're watching this live, enter hashtag paint parties and you'll be in the running for a free class this Saturday, March eighth at three PM Eastern. You too can paint the tree of life. Is that like the tree from like, cause it doesn't like the don't like the Thor movies. They have like a tree of life or something. Is that like a Norse mythology thing? I think it is just like a mythology thing. You could make it like Loki kind of themed or something. Yeah, if you wanted to. What's fun about these classes is everybody puts their own little kind of personal spin on the paintings. So if you have a particular tree of life you're looking to do, do it, you know, and show us all. Email your pictures when you get them done to Chris or Emmy and we'll put them on the show. Yes, that's my favorite part is just putting everyone's paintings on the screen. That's great. It's a neat time. It's a good hang. We have a couple shout-outs to do while you guys are getting your entries in. First one. Oh, it's so sweet. This one comes from Jackie B. Jackie, thank you. Matt B. donated earlier. Our fellow distant lover from earlier. Yeah. That sounds weird the way you phrased that. Not mine, but you know, like it's, you know, I'm going to stop talking. Jackie says, so thankful for all of dumb. Could Gollum sing a welcome home song for Matt B.? Oh, interesting. What's a good welcome home song? Uh, Oh, you know what I could do? Uh, I could do like the welcome back. Cotter theme song is Gollum. There you go. Oh, it's like, hang on. I, I'm Googling all the, the words to this because this was a program that was on like three years ago. I was born. I know most of it, but I, it's like, so yeah. So you can do mom. I'm coming home. Ooh. Yeah. I was doing the Aussie thing earlier. That's, that's better. I'm going to do that. Uh, so, uh, So here we go. Here's Gollum singing Mama, I'm Coming Home by Ozzy Osbourne. I think I've done this before, but that's okay. Times have changed and times are strange. Here I come, but I want the same. Jacky, I'm coming home. Times go by, it seems to be. You could have been a better friend to me. Jacky, I'm coming home. You took me in and you drove me out. Yeah, you had me hypnotized. Lost and found and turned around by the fire in your eyes. Selfish love, yeah, we're both alone The rise before the fall But I'm gonna take this hardest turn I've just got to have it all I'm almost done I've seen your face a thousand times Every day we've been And I don't care about the sunshine, yeah. Cause Jackie, Jackie, I'm coming home. I'm coming home. Thank you, Jackie. Adrian Brody, everyone. Did you see that? Adrian Brody gave the longest Oscar speech in history. Oh, yeah, I saw that where he was like, don't play the music. He was such a dick, too. Yeah, he was so rude about it. He was like, no, no, no, come on, cut that off. He's like, I've been up here before. So I dislike Adrian Brody. I think he's a fine actor, whatever. He seems like he's a bit of an ass of a person to be around, though. It's between that and the Halle Berry thing that he did. And then also there's that famous clip of him on SNL when he just does a Jamaican impression. That was bad. uh recent adrian brody thing I guess it's not recent it's been the last ten years I watched uh because I love houdini I have a weird houdini fascination and there was a houdini miniseries that adrian brody was in And there's a great scene where he's in the hospital after that and he's like, you know, he did like one of his Houdini experiments. He's in the hospital and he's like, I need to think of a new trick or something to do. And then a nurse puts down a glass of ice water on his bedside table and he just looks at it and he goes, ice. And then it cuts to him doing like the ice trick that Houdini does. And I'm like, I love that. It's ice. All right, let me pick a winner here. You're going to win a seat to class this Saturday. Jackie Damon Jones Paint Parties. The Tree of Life. sharp sharp doggy way to go I feel like sharp doggies won a seat to this class a few times you rigging our contest I'll cut you no I'm kidding congrats I'm gonna cut you uh sharp doggy shoot me an email chris dumb dash way to go uh a regular I love your I and I've never counted on this before I love your magneto was right uh avatar it's fun oh I didn't like it I just I I've always seen that but I've never really looked at it now I see it now Magneto is a great character. Who would ever thought in the sixties when someone made a character named Magneto that they would through the years, uh, make it, you know, a character so good that it's literally better than every other X-Men combined. I remember as a kid, when I first saw the name, I, for a long time, me and my friends, we all said Magneto until some comic book nerd corrected us. Oh, interesting. I guess I grew up in the nineties when that show was already a thing. Right. The show wasn't on yet. So it was just, there was no, magneto it was just we were like oh magneto he sort of like when I read harry potter for the first time and I just called hermione hermione in my head the whole time and I watched the movie I'm like oh that's how you say that okay that's great um okay way to go sharp doggy congrats congrats uh and then what else we have coming up uh yeah so uh so there's that paint parties and then tuesday march eighteenth twenty twenty five it's the next movie joe night uh we're back on our usual tuesday schedule we did friday last time but we're back on tuesdays this time and uh this month we are doing I'm very excited about this I found the clip and everything for it we're doing baffled starring leonard nimoy as a psychic race car driver I'm not making any of that up uh so if you would like to watch that and watch chris and mary jo comment on it it's uh I know that's a bit of a spoiler but I feel like it's one of those minor spoilers that's more liable to make people watch it than not yeah because he's he's a he's a he's a psychic formula one race car driver leonard mr spock uh it's gonna be baffling russ morianky you said it and this is also we did shatner before he was on uh pray for the wildcats so now we have had uh this is our second foray into to star trek stars just uh uh having no shame and just trying to make money in the seventies before the movie started so um so it'd be a good time yeah come back for that tuesday march eighteenth it'll be right here on twitch and ad free in the marriage appeal show clubhouse um And I still need to get back to someone messaged me in Facebook saying they have a nice HD copy of this that they could send me. Yes, I think I got that same message. I think it was Eric who sent me that. So if you're listening, I got your message. My life is a mess. I'm sorry I haven't responded yet. But yes, we are very interested in that. okay then Tuesday March twenty fifth is an all new episode of the marriage appeal show we're doing a game show episodes we haven't done in a while and we're still sorting out the details of that but Mary Jo and I have something super fun in the works yeah those game nights you do always always do really well because you've done you've done several kind of these before you did a dating show you've done uh we did password password um so it's gonna be another one of those so so if you enjoyed the the here comes the dinosaurs to tell the truth you did that one time oh yeah that's right so if you like that kind of vibe that's gonna be happening on the so check that out And we've got a lot of stuff in March. Head to our website, Get on our newsletter. I urge you. That's the best place to keep up on all things dumb. Next week we have a free Tuesday, so you never know what might pop up in that time slot. That's right. So get on the newsletter, everyone. And what do you say, Matt? Should we get into our feature presentation? No! Okay. All right. So we finally made it. Thank you, everybody, for listening to our spiel. We appreciate it. Now is the time that you have all been waiting for. There's donuts in the hallway. There's donuts in the hallway. This feels like one of those things in the nineties where it's like, you know, they would pitch you like a timeshare and then you'd get like free satellite TV. It's like, you've all listened to our spiel. So now go. You all get your DirecTVs now. That actually happened to my parents, and they got into a giant argument with the timeshare people because they didn't want to give up the DirecTV, and my mom was like, we sat here and listened to your bullshit. You were going to give us that satellite, and it was like a three-hour argument, and she won. We'll have her on to tell that story sometime. uh but on tonight's festivities becky riser a hero of the people went to a timeshare thing uh and got the free satellite tv without buying a timeshare a real a real bench uh nineties cartoons for tonight uh so as I said at the top of show we will not be doing x-men or spider-man because those are legitimately good and I have all of just the weirdest shittiest uh nineties shows for all of you to pick from tonight in terms of marvel cartoons part of the same continuity though these are all in the same continuity as X-Men or Spider-Man. But we have first off Silver Surfer, which is probably the best of these. They made a whole Silver Surfer cartoon in the nineties. This is not the pilot. This is a doctor. It's like an island of Dr. Moreau take with Silver Surfer. So, so that can be fun. I watched this show in the nineties. I have a Galactus toy. That's like giant from this show somewhere in my parents' house. And, uh, it's pretty true to the lore, very Jack Kirby ish. So, uh, so that's fun. And then after that we have Spider-Man unlimited. This was a program that was made in the late nineties. That was a response to Batman beyond kind of where Spider-Man, uh, attached to a rocket flown by Jonah Jameson's son, who was an astronaut, went to somewhere called Counter-Earth, which is controlled by the... Who was the bad guy from Guardians of the Galaxy III? I wanted to say the Ultra-Humanite, but that doesn't sound right. I still haven't seen the third one. It's the bad guy from Guardians of the Galaxy III who made, like, animal people. He controls this whole, like, alien Earth, and Spider-Man is doing Spider-Man stuff on, like, an alien planet with, like, animal people, basically. Mm-hmm. The Grand Evolutionary. I think that's what his name was. The High Evolutionary. There we go. There you go. There you go. Thank you, everybody. So that guy. So that's the big bad guy in Spider-Man Goes to That Planet. And I have the pilot of that, but I think I have just episode two where it explains everything from the first episode. Spider-Man Unlimited. Spider-Man Unlimited. Okay. Thank you. After that, we have the Iron Man cartoon. I have an episode of this. This was a horrible show that I watched as a child. And this is the episode about Ultimo, I believe. So if you would like to watch Iron Man and Force Works, his horrible version of the Avengers that he put together in the nineties that featured Hawkeye and Spider Woman and Sentry, but not the Sentry that's going to be in Thunderbolts. and War Machine. If you'd like to watch all of them fight a shitty hero or a shitty villain called Ultimo while the Mandarin and Modok watch in the background, that is what that episode is. And then lastly, we have the Fantastic Four. There was a Fantastic Four cartoon in the nineties. And this one specifically is the one featuring Mole Man that includes the, the Human Torch rap, which I have featured in our pre-shows before where the Human Torch sings an entire horrible rap song. And that song is featured in its entirety in this episode. So Mole Man rapping Human Torch. What's not to love? Lastly, we have our wild card. From last week, we did some Mystery Hour favorites, and what came in second place is Supermarket Sweep. So if you would like to watch Dave Ruprecht just have contempt for a number of, you know, sort of simple-minded people while they run around a fake supermarket set throwing a thousand hams in their carts, that is what that is. So, yeah. Why is Master Torgo saying no wild card this week? It's Supermarket Sweep! My favorite show. That is the wild card. I like the from the year five thousand. The Human Torch was denied a bank loan from Anchorman. Uh, it is a good selection. I'm excited. I personally, if I have to recommend one, Spider-Man Unlimited is very unhinged and it is, uh, and it's, I actually have both parts one and one and two in our, uh, iCloud if you, depending on how, because they're like, I don't know how crazy Chris wants to get with stuff tonight, but definitely you should put on part two if you're, uh, if we get that one, because it does explain part one, you know, and like when those previously on Spider-Man, it's like the entire episode in five minutes and you're like, Oh yeah. Uh, but if you want to go a little longer there, you can, you can do it. There's one more shout out we got here. Okay. What you got? Uh, this is from Ryan S. Thank you so much. Ryan. Thank you, bud. This is great. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. Ryan says, David Lynch asking Randy Newman to make a theme song to Eraserhead. Okay. You'll be Randy Newman. I'll be David Lynch. I love it. Randy, I'm so glad to run into you. Can I ask you something? Oh, sure, David. I'm Randy. What do you want? I'm working on a new movie. It's called Eraserhead, and I need a theme song. Is that something you could come up with? I think I could do that. Do you have a pointed-up film synopsis you could send me? Oh, I could just tell you about it. It's about a baby that's kind of like an alien, but it's not. And it's also in the presence of being supervised by his father who has no idea what it is. And he's horrified and it's scary and dark and weird. Say no more, fam. I got you. Erase ahead Erase in the future I got a little baby and it looks like a woman I wanna fuck the lady across the hall But my girlfriend had a baby who don't got no balls I said erase ahead baby Whoa, scary! Eraserhead, baby! Your family's weird, I said! Eraserhead, baby! My hair is crazy! Eraserhead, baby! What the fuck is this sound? Randy! Randy, I only have one question! Oh, sure. Do you accept Venmo? What's that? thank you ryan and scene thank you ryan um randy newman's still alive right he's still alive yeah I need to include he did an entire musical about faust that I found clips from and it's exactly what you would expect from a randy newman musical about faust where it's like faust there's a thousand circles of hell underneath the like it's that kind of vibe it's You know, they're doing a Toy Story vibe. I wonder if he's still got it in him. You got a friend in Faust. That's Randy. I mean, I love all the Toy Story movies, but... Toy Story four is all right. I keep saying that like Disney, they're obsessed with those live action remakes right now. Instead of doing those, just do like like, you know how they do like video game remakes where they have the same video game. They just like update the graphics. Just do that to some older Pixar movies because I watched Toy Story four and it's a fine movie. But I was I mean, it's all right. But it's like but I was really impressed because it's like, you know, like there's like light shining in through the windows. You can see like the dust in the air and like, man, if they gave that kind of treatment, the old movies, it would look great. well did you see the trailer for Shrek five people are freaking out because Shrek looks slightly different he doesn't even look that different I know I watched the trailer and I was like wait what's different and then I had to like watch twelve YouTube videos to just get like a side by side and I was like actually they're destroying our childhoods by making Shrek look slightly different it's so odd okay let's see whatever youtube videos were like all the thumbnails were like a guy looking like this yeah while shrek is on the screen it was I just couldn't believe that that we need to have one of those kinds of youtube presences where we just put a bunch of weird videos with us being like yeah on the side oh we will we will we got macaulay culkin um all right I'm gonna hit show all right let's see whatever's in the top spot is what we shall watch oh silver surfer by two wow supermarket sweep was two votes behind wow look I'm just happy I don't have to hook up my apple tv so uh so that's cool uh that's what would happen if we watched fantastic four uh yeah silver surfer that's uh I don't know if a lot of people have seen that cartoon but yes I very purposely chose not the origin because the silver surfer has a very boring jack kirby like uh you know very dune-esque kind of origin so uh so this is him just already silver surfer getting into island of dr moreau shenanigans enjoy everyone wait why is it uh hold on I heard it but I didn't see it There it is. There we go. Start over. It's Galactus's hand. It's Galactus's hand. Galactus is such a silly concept that the biggest threat to Earth is this weird purple man out in space who just eats planets. Look at him. Oh, so they mixed some CGI stuff. Yeah, they were big on that during this era. The Iron Man cartoon has a lot of that in it. The Spider-Man cartoon was like that too. Yeah, yeah. The planet of Dr. Moreau. The universe has been torn asunder. I have been betrayed. I have no penis anymore. It makes me sad. Do they, in the comics, do they explain how, like, all these alien beings in all parts of the galaxy all speak English? Uh, no. Thor. I think it's just, like, the Star Trek logic where you kind of assume they're speaking their own language, but they just do it for you. Right. Galactus! Return, Zella! Give me my Shalabal! He looks like he's riding on it like a giant tongue depressor yeah more so than like a surfboard I So now Julia Garner is going to play Silver Surfer in the Fantastic Four movie, apparently. Yeah. She'll be like, I don't know shit about fuck about Galactus. I don't know shit about fuck. Oh, it's the Watcher. It's a Watu. Oh. So this show is like really heavy on the Marvel cosmic type of stuff. Yeah, on all that Jack Kirby kind of shit. I love Watu the Watcher, just a giant baby in a toga who's like, I can't interfere with history, but I interfere with history all the time. Oh, Sharp Doggy says it's Eternity, not the Watcher. Well, he looked like the Watcher. I'm sorry. I think the Watcher was on What If, right? It was Jeffrey Wright. Yeah, yeah. He also shows up on The Guardian of the Galaxies, I think. Oh, did Jeffrey Wright voice him? No. It was the Stan Lee cameo in, like, the second, third one, something like that. Come on. Could you please put some pants on? We can all see your junk. Oh my god, Darth Plagueis. Look, it's Keith Richards. Oh my god. She has like that smoker mouth, you know, that weird wrinkly mouth like old smokers get. She's like an alien. That is kind of cool. Okay. This could come out now and it would be, like, praised as, like, going stylistically back to early CGI. Oh, yeah. You know, it's, like, actually really well done. The thick lines and everything. Silver Surfer's smooth between the legs like a Ken doll. Please, no trouble. The drinks are on the house. I need neither food nor drink. However, I do require information. I do require weed. Do you have anyone on your planet who sells it? What does the Herald of Galactus want with a world his master has already decided is inedible? No longer do I serve Galactus. I merely seek to return to my home world. So that's why Galactus turned away. I'm merely a Vin Diesel impersonator lost in the universe. By providing you to take him to other victims instead. That was never the intention. Intentions mean nothing, Surfer. What the fuck is happening? I know. When Silver Surfer was in the second Fantastic Four, did he have anything in his groin or was it just flat like that? I think it was just flat, yeah. That's the worst part of becoming a Herald of Galactus is your genitals are just taken from you. Can my mind accept what I've just heard? He didn't even leave a tip. Did the Fantastic Four ever pass through the show? No, I don't think so. Weird. I don't think Silver Surfer ever showed up. Well, I actually don't remember, but I think Galactus shows up in the Fantastic Four show, but I don't remember if Silver Surfer does. Silver Surfer's one of those characters I just never got into. I've always known about him, but... This show briefly got me into Silver Surfer, and then I tried to read some of the comics as a child, and it was just like, nah. I don't give a fuck about Norrin Rad and Zenlon. Oh, and he says Silver Surfer was on Fantastic Four. Okay. I know they did the Galactus plot on there, I couldn't remember. But is it the same Silver Surfer? Probably not. Even though it should be. Was this on Fox? This was on Fox. boxers where it was at one of the shows but there's actually a trailer I've included on some of our pre-shows where it's like hank hill and the silver surfer talking to each other I'm having encounter at farpoint flashback from star trek tng watching this yeah you don't even know what I'm talking about chris no idea I'm too old to get into Star Trek. You know? I have enough... You should at least watch TNG. TNG is a good show. I mean, I've seen a lot of Star Trek. I'm just too old to really dive into that. To really dive into it. Just watch the movies in Star Trek The Next Generation. That's all you really need. Yeah. As a casual person, it's like Doctor Who. I'm never going to get. Oh, I keep trying to get into Doctor Who, and that will never happen for me. It seems like one of those things I should be into, and I just cannot make myself care how I ended up outside the car that night. Just a few bruises and a lot of tears. And this is Nova. This is the current Herald of Galactus, also from Fantastic Four. Where is the next world upon which I can feed? Oh, you know, it's just around the corner. The guy doing the voice of Galactus in the new movie is, like, going to be perfect. Galactus has, like, lockjaw on the show. Like, he can't unclench his jaw. Everything he says has to be... Be sure to pick me up some jello, because I can't eat solids after my jaw surgery, Nova. Jackpot! How's that old saying go? No rest for the weary? Said there ain't no rest for the surfer. Money don't grow on trees. just taking a nap this is the best animation they did post like x-men and spider-man you took a tail break and fall Why do you sound like the tiny lady from Poltergeist? then why never heard of it this is pip and I'm keely oh the troll is in this named by our wonderful employers he's played by patton oswalt in the after credit sequence of the eternals I think anyway slave force patton's been in so much marvel stuff yeah he was also modok Yeah, he's Mudok, and he's in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. too. He's in Blade, yeah. Or Blade Trinity. I am free now! This abomination cannot be born! Don't do it! I wish Silver Surfer would just show up on my planet. I'd just show him what a gravity bong is. We're just hanging out in my apartment, and he's just like, chrome. Hey, he seems pretty chill. On Xen'la, the Master taught us... Silver Surfer, do you know what galaxy gas is? We're gonna go down to the bodega. We're gonna get some for you. It's scrotum, man! Lighten up, guys. It'll take more than a little static to fry a prime hunk of manhood like me. I will not forget what you have done for me. Oh, hey, don't worry. I won't either. You've got to be careful. The callers have their own built-in defense. As slaves, we're completely governed by them and the voices they put into our heads. time for our shift unless you want another taste of creed it should have just had the pat and oswald modok be the modok in that ant-man movie but like yeah it just looks like the cartoon modok you know that would have been better I was making it yeah that's a hard one to make work in live action and I don't exactly so it's like just make it a total cartoon like don't try to make it realistic They need to put Mojo in a Marvel movie. Do you know what Mojo is? Yeah, the X-Men villain. That X-Men villain that lives in, like, Mojo World. That looks like Ambush Bug in the front. I think I used to confuse him and the blob. That makes sense. And now you. You might want to put some pants on around all this machinery, Surfer. Hey, who says the Kree don't have a crazy little sense of humor? This is how your iPhones are made, people. If you want to know what a lithium ion mine looks like, it's Pip the Troll and the Silver Surfer with mine control. The Kree are like the shapeshifters, right? Oh, no, that's the... That's the Skrulls. The Skrulls, yeah. Yeah. The Kree is like Captain Marvel. Yeah. The Kree do fight the Skrulls. Right. Shit is so nerdy. The Kree fight the Skrulls. Is he discovering auto-erotic asphyxiation right now? All the shocking is really turning me on. This is how David Carradine died. Please stop touching my tits. There is a way to change that. Let me show you. Feel the energy, my son. Feel how it becomes part of you. That gentle voice. It's been speaking to us ever since we got to Morovus. It is the voice of the master of Xen'la. trying to follow this is like it's like token times thirty like I don't know what the hell they're even saying yeah this was a show made for like nine-year-olds in nineteen ninety eight and they expected them to keep up with all this like it's not bad it's just I mean yeah exactly I can't do that. There are too many. Master, Master, where are you? There's only one place he can be. Up at the main base, Merobis Prime. To me, my boy. Is that like an X-Men riff? To me, my Silver Surfer. The Master, working with the... Then I must unite. Of course that is possible only if I can reach him. Him talking about the Master so much makes me think that he's gonna get there and it's gonna be like Torgo's gonna be his new, like, herald. Galactus is in need of new planets. He could not rely on you, Surfer. I know of you, Silver Surfer. How dare you disturb a Kree combined intelligence? No civilization has the right to subjugate another. Am I in cum right now? What is this? Pretty much. That is precisely why they were created. Now, however, this group is useless. You have shown our slaves that the callers can be overcome. Their minds have been polluted by the possibility of freedom. Fortunately, they are expendable. We have billions more to replace them. This is what Elon Musk wants for our country. Nothing is responding. Master, it is truly you. But how? Why? There is no time, my fellow governors of Morovas have chosen...
Matt & Chris close out a busy month at Dumb Industries with an all-new Mystery Hour to discuss all the latest happenings at Dumb, chat with Emmy Martian about being the world leaders of screaming content, and discuss some of our favorite Mystery Hour watches of years past all before watching yet another episode of Bigfoot & Wildboy!
Matt & Chris close out a busy month at Dumb Industries with an all-new Mystery Hour to discuss all the latest happenings at Dumb, chat with Emmy Martian about being the world leaders of screaming content, and discuss some of our favorite Mystery Hour watches of years past all before watching yet another episode of Bigfoot & Wildboy!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
50% off all original paintings by Jackey Neyman Jones w/ promo code ARTWORK50
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join
ALL Dumb+ memberships are now FREE for your first month!
The Mads Are Back: Phantom From Space just $6 thru Sunday w/ promo code INVISINUDE
This Week In Dumb:
Friday, February 21, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Doctor Strange (1978)
Saturday, February 22, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint: The Green Slime
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show: Ask Us Anything!
Wednesday, February 26, 2025: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: Il Grande Silenzio (1968)
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Friday, February 28, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse: Chit-Chat & Tidbits #22
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Martian Shadows: Episode 12
Saturday, March 8, 2025 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Feature Presentation: Yet another episode of Bigfoot & Wildboy!
Transcript: There's not one, there's not two, there's not three, but there's four, and they're great. Ladies and gentlemen, the fantastic, the Muppets. Give them a nice hand. Oh baby, I am a new man, ain't no one stopping me now motivation is the key these specially designed exercises wake kids up to make them take responsibility for their lives So according to your mom, you've been watching this cartoon called Pokemon, and now all you do is run around the city trying to capture these so-called creatures. Is that true, Tommy? I'm not Tommy. I'm Ash. I have to train Pokemon for battle. I gotta catch them all. Look, Ash, what you have to do is learn to differentiate between fantasy and reality. A good way is to remember that fantasy is good, whereas reality, bad. You can't keep me here. Yes, I can. No, you can't. Pikachu, I choose you! Pikachu! Right. Right, too. I'm a Pokemon trainer. That's right. Squirtle, I choose you! You've chosen a water Pokemon. He's no match against my electric Pokemon. Electric? I'll be in my shell. You tell me how it works out, okay? Pikachu, attack! Quit hiding. You're a fighting Pokemon. I trained you to fight. What training? We sat around, drank coffee, and watched women's tennis. You said you were gonna work out on your own. Fine. Butterfree, I choose you. Tweet, tweet. Butterfree, whirlwind attack. I don't want to do the whirlwind attack. It's too girly. I want to do something else. I want to throw a chair at him. Charmander, I choose you. Turn on this fire with your water, Squirtle. Actually, I have a rash, and it hurts when I squirtle. Jesse. James. There you are, Ash. Team Rocket is here to steal your Pokemon. Yeah, well, you can have mine. I'm just gonna use this one for soup anyway. We gotta end this now, Pikachu. Thunder Shock! You're a worthy adversary. We will meet again. You know, providing I survive the series of skin grafts and years of painful physical therapy. and then turn the foot to the outside and work the testicle area, which is on the lateral side of the foot, again midway between the ankle bone and the tip of the heel. I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic. You know, taking a family out to dinner can be a nightmare. One kid wants chicken, one wants burgers, another wants fish. A nightmare. That's why I recommend Burger Queen. They got it all. Chicken, burgers, fish. And you don't have to rob your life savings to pay for it either. Tell you a little secret. The food and prices are so good, you'll keep coming back for more. May I take your order, please? Yeah, another fish. Gee, I never would have guessed. They oughta teach this in school It's not always cool to be cool You try to play it for a fool Like you see a girl who's unique It's a dream, cause she's sweet And she really seems to knock it off your feet You wanna say hey, but you don't Your mom says tell her how you feel, but you won't Cause you're just too cool to tell her truly That your feelings are getting unruly Don't try to school me So she passes you by in the hallway. You're staring at the wall, trying to play while I say, man, you're cool. Really cool, slick, just like ice. But she didn't realize you'd never get this chance twice. So you're busy playing cool, now she's gone. Gone onto another while I sing my funky song. I never pass up a chance. I know the story seems long. But when I know the time is right for me and you, I just flame on. Keep calm, everyone. Don't panic. Flame on! What's happening? We're sinking into the center of Drum kit up. All right. Put it up there. That's it. All right. Stand by for this, sweet. And here are the drumsticks, sooty. That's it. It's all right. I'm bringing them up. There's one. Here's the other one. There we are. Right. Well, give yourself four in on the bass drum. Go on. Off you go. That was amazing! Sweep, what do you ring to Sooty Solo? It was dreadful... It was not dreadful, it was... What on earth is all this banging and crashing about, Matthew? Well, it's Sooty and Sweep. They've got their drum kits. They're going to enter them for the talent show. Anyway, that wasn't really banging and crashing. If you want to know the meaning of banging and crashing, then let me ring a friend of mine. Hang on a minute. It's the drummer, and he will show you exactly what the meaning of the word drummer really is. Hey, that was fantastic. Now, that is what I call drumming. Let me introduce you. This is a friend of mine called Nico McBrain, and Nico drums with a band called Iron Maiden. Hi, Nico. Hello, Matthew. Hello, Nico. This, of course, is Sooty, and that's Sue, and that's Sweep over there. What? Oh, Sweep? Hand wrestling, okay, and you've been doing this for a while. Yeah, about a month or two. So your hands wrestle one another, and you don't know which one's going to win when you do this, right? I put my mind elsewhere, and I let my hands decide who's going to dominate. Wow, all right, well, please, let's see this. This sounds very engaging. Now, does the right often win? Usually it's the left one, because I'm my friend. So the left has an advantage, I guess. Just look. Whether they're young or old, the best kind of friends are people who are friends of God. Your book, Sister Smith. And your brochures. The cane is a sign of weakness. But in that deception alone lies its great strength. The ancient Korean noble class knew the power of the cane, and they developed a series of techniques and exercises with the cane. The cane must become an extension of your mind and body. The cane must become an appendage. My friend Jack lost his leg when he was twenty-four. His crutches have become an appendage. Jack and I hike the trails down here and he's incredibly agile. When somebody enters your space with ill intent, you need to strike. Time and distance are crucial. Are crucial. Are crucial. are crucial the cane an appendage he's incredibly agile his crutches are crucial an appendage his crutches are crucial I want to parachute into a faraway jungle somewhere and tell the cannibals about Jesus. I want to risk my life, end up in a stew pot. Oh, I don't care. Of course I'd convert them all at the last minute. Here's a lovely song about my favorite food. Lima, lentil, soy, and pinto, navy, northern, and garbanzo, kidneys, and frijoles, negros. I love beans. I love beans. Woo, woo, woo. I love beans. How about you? High in fiber, low in fat. I bet you didn't know that. When I eat beans, I say it in my own little cloud. Nobody comes to visit me in my little cloud. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm cutting muffins. Because... I love beans. Hey, hey, hey. I love beans every day. Beans are an excellent source of protein. I love beans. You think I'm ugly I don't care you think I'm dumb I don't care you think I'm scum I don't care bitch I make my money Let's stay on this earth, let the dollar maker work, work People always hatin', but the more they hate, the more I work Everybody say they're lit, but all they do is showin' shit In my street, like they're slaves, bitches always kiss my feet Stay out of my way, you bitch, I can deal with you fake-ass meat They thought that I had stopped, it was over, I had dropped Bitch, I had my plans out here, I'm only just at my start You will have to kill me to make me fuckin' stop I was already dead again, you can't hurt me, only God Make it work, work, work I am scared of death, but I fear your damnest, deadest breath All the drugs in your veins, I am blessed with the smartest brain I remember your laugh when I was at my worst Let me tell you, piece of scum, I'm supported from above Your man in my DMs, while you're talking shit behind my back All the shit you said, made you look like a little bitch flathead Your opinion, bitch, fuck that, what do I think of you? How I love in your face, bitch, if you only knew Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha Shake that money maker in my face It's a favor, ooh, I love your misbehavior P-p-p-p-p-p-p-party till I die With my chin up high, f-k'em all, f-k'em back T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-twerk Like it's my last day on this earth Let the dollar maker work, work Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shake that money maker in my face It's a favor, ooh, I love your misbehavior P-p-p-p-p-p-p-party till I die Once you've had Invisible, you'll never go back, baby. It's not a helmet, it's a slow cooker. Wouldn't the theremin at least make you turn around? Want to go out for breakfast? Let's not forget he's still nude under there. Don't come near me. If he were a male comedian, she should be worried. I'm warning you, don't come near me. Rock beats scissor. Oh no, he's going to start crafting. hello my baby hello my darling hello my ragtime gal he's tapping out get me some pants coming soon to weird and wonderful wednesday watch alongs everyone knows the story of the bird over the merry antics and experiences of Hoppity, the sentimental grasshopper, his sweetheart honeybee, and all their friends. We got fun, we got freedom, we got joy. Now if there be any Tom, Dick or Harry Who knows the reason why these two should not marry Let him now speak there is suspense action and excitement aplenty as you'll discover when you see the fun-packed fantastic adventures of these tiny lovable creatures it's a package of sheer joy for the entire family see hoppity goes to town the delightful tune-filled cartoon adventure in glorious technicolor All right. What is the first name of the wagon leader? Glennis. Wait, what was that? Glennis? This is the first name that popped into my head. Glenn. Yes, like that. Glennis, yes. Oh, I hit a rock. Glennis drowned? Oh, no. Oh, crap. You killed everybody. Well, how far did you get? That was a pretty good run. Oh, yes! Aw, Glennis. You made it the furthest, Glennis. What would you like on a tombstone? He was a real piece of shit. No changes. When you guys choose the paintings, they always seem to fit. We're coming into some difficult times, I think, and I'd like to think that the guy in office right now just pissed off a whole lot of people. To me, I don't know, it just kind of feels a little bit empowering in a time when I don't feel like I have much control over much of anything at the moment. So I have control over this. I can do this. You know, that's funny you said that, because when I was painting her the first time, I was thinking the same thing. She looked kind of queenly. Majestic, you know? Ooh! Oh, gracious. Jessica Walton. Hubba hubba. I love that he's still in the cape the giant heavy cape take off the ring there it is fine it won't come off okay Nobody expects the Ironside Inquisition. Yeah, watching him walk around and do nothing is so much more interesting than seeing the killings by the monster. Will he walk into another room? Or stay in this room? Oh my god, the suspense is killing me! Aye, aye, aye. I've got his cataracts. Oh, damn. There, it's agrees with me. Oh, now I can't do the Harpo Groucho theater scene. Jimmy Lee Curtis is in there. Well, that was a productive afternoon. This is like a real estate video. My dinner with Andre didn't have this many indoor scenes. Thank you. What up, what up, what up? Hello, everybody. Welcome. Welcome, folks. Tonight's going to be a good show, man. Good evening, Detroit! Whenever I see Matt dancing backstage, I'm like, all right. It means his medication's working tonight, baby, and we're going to have a good one. It's going to be a good one, everyone. uh welcome everyone to the dumb industry's mystery hour it's another thursday and uh you've almost done it you have one more day left in your week uh so we appreciate you letting us be that thing that that gives you that last little nudge to make it through the week yeah no think of us as like a little like a pep talk for you before you before you finish up the week I feel like we're describing ourselves in the way that like soft rock djs do now like it's like it's like we're just here on your drive from after work to prop you up and give you encouragement with some love songs from the seventies yeah I'm delilah coming up fleetwood mac don't stop thinking about a letter dear casey My dog ran away, and when I found it, it had been torn into pieces by coyotes from the woods. Her favorite song was Wildfire by Michael Martin Murphy. Could you please play that for me? Will do. Ponderous. That's my take on Casey Kasem. That's my hot original impression of Casey Kasem. I like it. We are your soft rock DJs for the night. Uh, so, uh, we're just gonna be talking about everything that's been going on in dumb industries, news, uh, stuff that we did in the past week, stuff we got coming up. And I'm excited about tonight. Cause how long we've been doing the show, Matt, like three, two, two and a half years or something. uh something like it was like october I can I can always date this very specifically because it was when I was having my bad time october twenty twenty two is when we started this so yeah so we're twenty twenty three october twenty twenty four so like two years and change yeah uh so tonight we're gonna be voting on uh Mystery Hour favorites because we've been doing the show for a while now and of course at the end of every episode we put it to a vote of what we're going to watch this week we're doing for the very first time Mystery Hour favorites kind of like a greatest hits of Mystery Hour presentations that we've watched yeah some stuff that yeah chris is I mean in our our marketing on social media gave it away too but we're doing baywatch nights is one of the options I believe I found a new episode that we haven't seen yet we're really working our way through the whole series um I really know it's getting to that point it was like I was like we've already watched two or three of these and I'm afraid of picking the same one over again yeah uh yes as oliver puts it our hits will never be the same Oh, Forklift is torn between Vampires and Baywatch Knights. Who says that we're doing Vampires? I know. Where did this info come from? Where are you getting this information from? Do we have leaks from inside our... We might have a leaker. Who leaked? No. We're not doing Vampires, so it doesn't make any sense. We're not doing Vampires. We might be doing Vampires. We're not doing Vampires. We're also not doing Bigfoot Wild Boys. No. Just don't get your hopes up. It ain't happening. We're going to be watching I don't know. I don't know. You just Mitch McConnell'd there. I just totally Mitch McConnell'd. You know when you think that something will just come to you in the moment and then it doesn't? Yes. That's seventy-five percent of my life. It's just moments like that. We're just going to watch a lot of Red Eye with Greg Gutfield. I think those are going to be the other options. When you said Red Eye, I thought you meant the Wes Craven movie that I saw. We could also have that be an option. We'll have a bunch of different things called Red Eye and we'll let people vote on it. Speaking of movies... Matt, I messaged you the other day because they just announced they're re-releasing Star Wars Episode III, Revenge of the Sith. Yes, you want to see this in the theater, and I don't understand why. Well, because, okay, so they're putting this back. It's the twentieth anniversary of Episode III, which... which makes me feel very old feel old yeah for sure I saw online that they had like a line of figures that they were putting out and they're using like the special vintage packaging I was like oh I was around for when that was just what the new packaging was like and it was yeah and now it's a a retro novelty for gen zers who still care about star wars which I don't know that they do but But, you know, I'm excited to go see this in the theater. And Matt, you're going, so don't even, like, I'm getting your ticket. I saw this on opening night as a child when I was, like, thirteen years old. I wasn't a child, but I was with my brother and literally eighteen of his work friends, and we had to save an entire row of seats for all eighteen of his work friends. Could you imagine that opening night? That's a hard task for an opening night of a Star Wars movie to try to save a whole row. Midnight screening, right? yeah it was as you know twenty years ago so before assigned seating uh yeah for you know big reclining seats whatever it was it was a nightmare oh my god and it wasn't a great experience because it was also midnight so it was like I was kind of tired it was like during the week yeah and then um my brother and I we ate weed cookies that we had made earlier in the day and this was like the beginning of like my brother experimenting with like you know making edibles and stuff and he put way too much weed in them oh no and uh so you were just a time bomb waiting that happened it was it was rough And I remember like when the Wookiees show up and they're like doing that. I just remember like that memorable part. Yeah. But I remember just being like, so, you know, I guess I was like twenty one years old and like stoned out of my mind and sitting there in a theater at midnight and. honestly like just kind of feeling like the world was going to end in that theater and just kind of overstimulated sort of and yeah like you ever get so high you get like paranoid and scary I mean it was like it was like that but Well, that's a movie with just, like, a lot going on in it. I don't think I'd want to see that in the theater too, Stone, because, like, that battle at the beginning where there's just so much shit on the screen, it's, like, it's a lot. There's, like, three different battles going. Yeah, then at the end, there's, like, another three or four battles, and all the Jedi are getting wiped out and stuff. It scared me. It took me a while. I had to go see that again just to fully process the movie. To reabsorb it. Yeah. We found before, and I think this is more true as I get older, because we've alluded at before the time that me and you tripped together at your parents' house and we played When we first did it, we tried to watch the Super Mario Brothers movie, but we found out that when you're really wigged out on stuff, what you really want is a nice, grounded film. So we instead watched Office Space, which is a much better choice. Highly recommend Office Space if you're going to do things. A classic. I also love the Mario Brothers movie. It's a good movie. It was just not the right movie for that time. We were in your parents' basement. I started feeling enclosed. I was like, I have to get out of here. Why do I keep disappearing? You were freaking out. Anyway, all that to say, Star Wars Episode III in theaters in May, I think. Sometime in May. That's been our important Star Wars news update. Also, Kathleen Kennedy is leaving Star Wars. Did you see that? I saw that, but then I think they took that back. She ain't going anywhere just quite yet. She's going to retire soon. She's like a bajillion years old. She helped make the Temple of Doom. She's been around for a while. I bet you all the um people hate on kathleen kennedy a lot she's fine she's no worse than no I mean what I find funny is when people criticize her but it's like they list like oh all the good things like in star wars like she had nothing to do with it's like yeah but she was in charge so she did have something to do she was green lighting all these projects that you love yeah dumb dumb anyway Anyway, Star Wars. This is your update in Star Wars news. Before we get going, just want to remind everyone we are on Blue Sky. Follow us there. I'm going to put all of our handles in the chat. Uncle Cracker? Did you just change that, or has that been that the whole time? I did that during the pre-show. Oh, my God. Follow us on Blue Sky and on Discord. Remember Uncle Cracker? I do. I do remember Uncle Cracker. Follow me and everything. He was like a kid rock side person, and then he decided to make music for moms who drove minivans. It was such a weird career pivot he did. Uncle Cracker. Uncle Cracker. I mean, once you're an affiliate of Kid Rock, it's like the sky's the limit. I mean, who else in the Kid Rock, you know, entourage? There was that little guy and there was Uncle Cracker and then there was Kid Rock. And I think the little guy got off the best because... Unfortunately. He went early enough to not see Kid Rock become what he's become. Anyway... I also want to... I mean, he's always been terrible. It's not like it was a heel turn or anything. Well, no, but he was like... I don't know. At least he was bipartisanly awful at one point and... yeah maybe uh yeah maybe maybe you're right um also I want to remind everyone you can uh if you head to dumb donate and you send a donation of any dollar amount throughout tonight's show matt and I will give you a shout out in the form of one of our patented terrible impressions or you can ask us a question or you can challenge us to do something wacky or challenge us to do uh an impression whatever you want to do um we've already had a couple of these here oh very nice I had an idea if nobody puts anything in the prompts I've been thinking a lot of like eighties you can do it music you know those you know in movies they used to have songs you know where it's like you know like you can go the mile dirt dirt dirt like it's you'll you'll know what I mean but I'll maybe do some of those as some of my guys like kind of like uh like you're the best yeah exactly those types of songs yeah that was an entire genre of song the eighties you can do it song in the end we're gonna win in the end that's from teen wolf Well, you'll see. As people donate, I'll break some of those out, maybe. Probably mostly as Gollum, but maybe as some other things. We'll see. Here's our first one. Okay, here we go. Oh, this is awesome. We got a donation here from Michelle N., Oh, thank you, Michelle. Michelle, who's a longtime supporter of ours. Yes. Thank you so much for hanging with us all this time. For hanging with us live tonight. Michelle says, just happy to have you guys in the chat tonight. Oh, thank you so much, Michelle. We're happy you're here. Yeah. We love having all of you. We definitely notice when we see names over and over, and we see y'all, and there's some weeks where you're like, oh, that person's not there, because it's like we see them so much. And sometimes people disappear for a few weeks, and they come back. Which is not to say that if you have a life outside of this, that stuff happens, and it's cool, because people drop away. No, only us. Take breaks. You're going to get real sick of us if all you watch is... But we do notice when you're not there. We do. Not in like how your pastor would notice that you hadn't been in church for a couple weeks and would say something kind of snide to you the next time you came back. Like, oh, it's been a while. Yeah, like that kind of. That's happened to me a few times. Anyway, what do we got? So, no prompt here. Just go nuts with our shout out for Michelle. Okay, so here is the song Push It To The Limit from Scarface with your name incorporated, Michelle, as best I can. Push it to the limit. Limit. Walk along the razor's edge. Don't look back, just keep your head near it. Michelle, doo-doo. Welcome to the limit. Limit. Past the point of no return. Michelle, you got to keep it burning till you get it. Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo. Uh, thank you. I love it. Thank you so much. Thank you. Appreciate your support. Um, all right, next one here we got from Misty Jamie, Misty Jamie. Thank you. Our huge Canadian supporter who we love so much. Yes. Misty Jamie says no shout out needed. Just appreciate the great content. Oh, thank you so much. Oh, thank you. Misty Jamie. Uh, But you're going to get one anyway. Here is, you know what, I'm going to keep Gollum going. Here is him singing the song St. Elmo's Fire from the song St. Elmo's Fire, trying to incorporate your name into it. I can see a new horizon underneath the reddened sky. I'll be with Misty Jamie. It was Misty Jamie, right? Misty Jamie. Misty Jamie. I'm with Misty Jamie going higher and higher. Gonna be a man in motion. All he needs is powers. Take a look at the future of Misty Jamie. That was great. Thank you. Well done. Sorry, I had to get my cat away from all this stuff. I was freaking out. Chris's detached approval always makes me laugh. You do something weird and you're just like, amazing. I was trying to prevent my cat from ending everything tonight, including my own life. It was scary. Okay, anyway. Thank you, Mr. Jamie. I know you're a big Colombo fan, and I hope you enjoy tonight's show. Just one more thing. I couldn't help but notice, but our countries are not on the best terms right now, and perhaps maybe you can help me solve the crime of the unneeded tariff. All right. That was dumb. I might be needing to crash on your couch soon. Things are going kind of south. Mrs. Colombo and I have decided to join that antifa, and we have become political dissidents, so we may need to... Can I ask you one more thing? Is your couch a pull-out? That's very important in our travel plans, trying to figure out... I love the idea of Columbo going Antifa. Okay, what do we got? We got one more here. Oh, this is a good one. Okay, so this comes from our friend Spiroscythe, who is such a huge supporter of ours. Yes, the meme lord. I've been told to look out for a reference to Glennis in this, so... And a reference to Glenis you shall get here. So every week Spiroscythe does a new meme and we like to describe these as if you watched all of Dumb Industries programs since last Thursday, this is a fever dream you might have. So this is this week's. Oh, I love that Columbo drawing. That's like. I know. It's a cool little... It looks like an Entertainment Weekly caricature. It looks like a caricature artist from Coney Island. Columbo gave him a couple bucks on his break and had that drawn. There I am driving the Y-Wing. Or is that I was trying to figure out, what is that ship? I can see it's you driving it. Is it the Gobots ship, maybe? It could be a Gobots thing. It might be a Gobots ship. Oh, and there's the Glenys. Oh, yeah, you're Emperor Palpatine. That's great. Let's see, we got... Ooh, look, all the bounty hunters made it. That's fun. Those look like the action figures too, like the Kenner ones that I had in the nineties. Yeah. I loved all those other bounty hunters much more than Boba Fett. I thought that they were Bosk. Bosk is the top tier. IG-Eighty-eight. All of them except Dengar, who's a little kind of goofy. Dengar is like, yeah, what's your deal? Dengar is like the Joey Fatone of the Valley Hunters. I had a Dengar action figure. It's one of those action figures you buy and you're like, why do I own this? What else is here? I think that's the Winnebago from Spaceballs in the top. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that is what that is. You are correct. Oh, a pile of french fries. Is the pile of french fries a reference to my McDonald's trouble? Oh, must be. Here lies Glennis. He was a real piece of shit. That's, of course, from Super Dumb Brothers. And we're all standing on what appears to be a Windows XP background for a computer. Oh man, it's great. Thank you so much. That is wonderful. You are a twisted genius and we love you. We don't always understand you, but we love you. You're like David Lynch. What Matt said. Spireside says, how about improv eighties montage theme against, oh, against the meme of the day. Oh crap. All right. Let me put this back up. Oh, okay. You're becoming like the Riddler. You have like, I know we have to backwards. Okay, so I have to think of an inspirational song that goes off of this. Or you could just, you know, do, yeah, your own, you know, whatever you want. I took some Benadryl, Benadryl, and I woke up in the desert and it looked like the background to my computer from two thousand thrill. Columbo was there. Columbo was there. And he was standing by some french fries. And he looked like a real nice guy. But I ran. Chris, I think, has got her something. Got her something lurking in the sky above with a lady from Arrested Development and maybe a thing from GoBots. I don't know. Fantastic. And also the Spaceballs thing, is there? Did we mention Jessica Walters on there? I don't know if we did. We might have. She was so hot in that movie, can I just say? Yeah, she is smoking, yeah. She was great, Doctor Strange. She made the movie. It's just weird when you look at the Arrested Development cast and you're like, which of these people has the most Marvel cred? You wouldn't think her, but... I guess you're right. I mean, who else on that show is... Yeah, I don't think anybody else from that show has wound up in any Marvel stuff. So it's... Weird. And she made it in before anybody else in like, like, Thank you so much, everyone, for your donations. Thank you. We'll be doing that all night. So send your donations in, slash donate. We'll do some more at the next break. But right now, we get into this week's Dumb Deal. Dumb Deal. Take it away Johnny All right. This week, every week, we have amazing deals at slash deals. This week is no different. This week, you can get fifty percent. That's right. Fifty percent off any original painting by Jackie Naiman Jones. She's got some great ones still in the store. I'm kind of shocked. These usually go pretty, pretty quick. These are very great ones. they're very well priced and they are painted by jackie you know it's uh yes I've always been asked do we like include like a certificate of authenticity or anything with these when we send them or no I mean she personally sure she does them so it's yeah I mean they're coming from her literal address so it's uh she packages and ships them I mean I don't know what other authenticity we need but maybe we should make like a dumb certificate of authenticity just to oh that could be fun yeah like like like the troma diploma I got when I was doing stuff at troma which was just printed off of like a computer from uh wait what about nick fury who was in nick fury that was on arrested development I'm confused did aselhoff show up in arrested development ever John Mills? Who was John Mills in? All right, you guys are freaking me out. Freaking me out. I'm standing by my statements until someone explains themselves better because I'm not Googling things right now. That's the kind of person I've become in my age. Okay, so anyway, half off. All original paintings by Jackie Naim Jones. Use promo code ARTWORK. Check it out. And then speaking of Jackie, I don't even know where I was going with that. I thought I was on a different thing. Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is a thing that exists, everybody. If you're watching us on Twitch, we love you and we welcome you. You know, feel free to use your free Amazon subscription on us or... Anything like that. But if you would like to watch tonight's program completely free, completely ad-free, that's happening over on our website right now simultaneously as this thing is happening here on Twitch. So go to forward slash mystery hour and sign up for the Mystery Hour Mystery Club. And once you do that, you can watch the most recent episode for an entire week until we swap it out for a newer one. Or for two bucks, you can watch us watch everything, including a lot of the programs that we're going to potentially revisit tonight. So... That's right. That's right, Johnny. And all dumb plus memberships. I feel kind of like one of those time life kind of videos, you know, where we should be sitting on a couch next to like a nice fireplace explaining, you know. Matt, why does your face keep disappearing? I don't know what's happening with my lights today. I've even turned on my other lights. I think you just got to face the camera. It's like it's detecting. I have to be like really in it. I think you just got to look at the camera. I think it just can't do profiles. Ah! No, don't do that. Put those back on. okay have to hide my serial killer eyes uh all dumb plus memberships are now free for your first month what's a dumb plus membership you might ask well that's where you get all the uh back catalog of stuff with our membership so marriage appeal show clubhouse plus uh mystery hour plus super club plus jackie naman jones's online art classes you could try all those out access all the content on there and don't pay a dime I was about to say, you get access to the Odds and Ends catalog for subscribing to any one of those, which has all sorts of fun little extra little things. Martian Shadows, Witch and Hours, Matt and Chris, some other things that we're going to be announcing soon. Check it out. As always, we are doing our weekly Mad Sale. We have a download that we put on sale every week. We have realized that we have exactly fifty two or fifty three of them now, so we can just start from the beginning and do one up every week. And so by the end of the year, we will have gone through the entire series. So it's a fun way to chart how this year is going instead of just the decline of, you know, government and civilization around us. Just chart it by how you're going through the MADS catalog like this. Uh, but so this week, uh, we have made it all the way to Phantom from Space. So if you would, uh, like to purchase Phantom from Space for six dollars around the cost of one of my, uh, drama-filled trips to McDonald's costs, uh, it's, uh, that's going to be on sale through Sunday with promo code Invisinude. I-N-V-I-S-I-N-U-D-E, I believe. Yes, Phantom of Space. That was Bill Corbett's first time on the show. He did the Q&A that evening. Great show. Yeah, it's the invisible guy who has a big, like the sea captain from Scooby-Doo. He's got that helmet on. Yep. And, yeah, so it's, and we'll be, you know, we'll bring it up again later, I'm sure, but it's also tomorrow's Full Man's Friday film, so if you would like a preview of it before committing to a purchase, feel free to check it out tomorrow on Twitch at nine p.m. yeah but also but also we're gonna do one now get a free download you can enter hashtag invisinude in the live chat right now um and uh you'll be in the running for a free download um yes all right give you guys a minute to give you a second to oh by the way I don't know if she's watching or not but it's mary jo peele's birthday yes happy birthday mary jo Happy birthday, Mary Jo. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. I texted her this morning. I said, happy birthday. She didn't respond. No, she did, actually. We're happy that you have let us spend another year doing stuff with you, Mary Jo. You rock. We're coming up on four years of doing the Mary Jo Peele show. That's crazy. That's wild. It's bananas. Remember when we started doing these streaming things, it was like, all right, we'll just stream for a little bit until things go back to normal. And then it just never really went back to normal. And then just my life was altered. Like, there's a sliding doors version of me where the pandemic didn't happen and I just have a completely different life, basically. Jackie B asked, did I get her pancakes again? Yeah, I got her an IHOP gift card last year, I think. Maybe the year before. This year I got her a Menards gift card. Ooh, slick. She said she was having lunch with her dad when she read it and they were both, they thought that it was very funny. so oh that's sweet I'm glad I'm glad mayor peel got to spend the day with her important um okay let's see who's all right let's see who did it who did the thing who did the thing which of you door mouse won the thing do do congratulations I think it's door moose I was at door moves. I've been saying door mouse. I always forget because then you always say that. And then I'm like, wait, am I wrong? Are you wrong? I think it's just like, it's like, I just, it's like an, an Ikea kind of spelling. It's, you know, it's, uh, there's something very European about it. I think it's, uh, I I'm going with mouse. That's my, until I corrected otherwise by the. Oh, let me saying we're both right. But I think door moves will give us the correct answer. It's just like one of those words like Caribbean or Caribbean where either one can be correct. Yeah, I guess so. Tomato, tomato. Who the hell says tomato? Well, I was about to say, and nobody says, you know, people say you can say the Caribbean or Caribbean, but no one says Pirates of the Caribbean. That sounds weird, I think. No one says Pirates of the Caribbean? Yeah, I always say Pirates of the Caribbean. I think most people do. Yeah, because that's how you hear it when you go to Disney as a kid. It's like Pirates from the Caribbean. Yeah, but Pirates of the Caribbean is also... right but no one says outside of Pirates of the Caribbean no one says the word Caribbean as Caribbean no one yeah not many or are you a caramel caramel person like where do you fall on that side of the debate I'm not a big fan of caramel so I guess it doesn't affect your life a lot caramel caramel you were such a soft man you don't even have a hard opinion on the word caramel I guess I'm taking I say as I'm picking a word as I'm yelling at you about I'm like I am on side caramel I've decided caramel does make the most sense but I do say caramel at times still so Well, either way, Dormoose, shoot me an email. Anyway, long-winded way to go, Dormouse. Yes, I will get that download sent right out to you. I like Oliver O'Leary's Uma Oprah reference. Oh, yeah. Uma? Oprah, Oprah, Oprah, Oprah. All right. All right. Oh, we got it. We had a busy week. Yeah, we got it. We got to move it on through. Let's get into this. Okay. All righty, baby. Oh, first. Yeah. Okay. Friday, February twenty first. We had a very special Friday edition of movie tonight. And we watched Doctor Strange, the aforementioned Doctor Strange, the nineteen seventy eight made for TV movie, which was clearly clearly a pilot for potential Doctor Strange TV series. Yeah, like really what would they have done every week with that show? Yeah, you can only have so many psychotropic adventures like that on the nineteen seventies budget. This is the era of that seventy Spider-Man show where they couldn't even give him real villains or really. Yeah. And I'm pretty sure that was like a high budget show. Like, I think those effects were like pretty groundbreaking for TV in nineteen seventy eight. Yeah. I don't know what they were planning through, like a whole kaleidoscope thing. And, you know, there's like big demons that Jessica Walters talks to with like floppy puppet mouths that I thought were great. lots of very ornate costuming uh yeah um I don't know but it's a it was a very slow movie uh it's pretty slow I had a lot of minutes out of it I don't think it really affected anything or you also sped up some stuff which I think we're gonna start doing more of because the speeding up is like it's funny in its own way but then it's also like oh thank god like get through this a little quicker Yeah, I debated speeding up some of the scenes where he was traveling in the other dimensions, and I was just like, eh, these are kind of fun. I'm just going to leave these parts be. But all the scenes where Jessica Walters is just stalking someone for five and a half minutes and just... Oh, look at this. Rocket Dave hated the speeding up. Oh. Well, we will consider that. Well, in that case, we'll just not do it then. We have one person opposed, so we're going to be like we're in the Senate where it's like, unless all of us agree. Yeah. Yeah. That's my hot take on politics. We're going to think about it. We're going to think about not speeding up. All right, I thought about it. I like just speeding things up. I don't know. There were a couple scenes where I sped them up at first, and then I was like, you know what? How much is this really adding? And I just took them out, and it didn't seem to affect much because we may have to do a little trimming because this next movie we're doing, which we're doing, what's it called again? The Leonard Nimoy Baffled. Oh, baffled. Yes. That's a little bit of a longer one, so I might have to do a little trim in there. Treadwell J is anti-speeding, but also anti-editing. But I'll still show up. I'm very pro-editing. Maybe that's just the producer in me. Matt, you know this from producing New York City comedy shows. There's nothing worse than sitting... cat just tried to jump up and failed miserably um like a stand-up comedy show that goes on for like two hours is like the most grueling thing oh yeah and even like concerts when they go on too long unless you're like you know springsteen or something once you get to about like yeah that two hour mark you're just like I'm good yeah it's like I don't know I don't like overstaying my welcome and that applies to um the movies we do yeah well that being said I only did yeah like take out I guess it depends on the movie because a lot of these seventies movies are just full of filler too so there are things where even if it's not a length issue it's just you're just following someone around the hallway for forever there's just not a lot to comment on and it doesn't add anything But it all depends on the movie. Doctor Strange was a little bit tougher to trim down than, say, like, Pray for the Wildcats, where I think if I just sped up a lot of those scenes where they're just driving across the desert for, you know, twenty minutes, that would have been fine. So it depends on the film. Anyway, yeah, so check that out. That is on the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse or in the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse? What is the correct nomenclature? In the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse. Okay, in the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse. So check that out, forward slash clubhouse. Yes. Uh, yeah. And then, so that happened on Friday and then Saturday, uh, February, for those of you keeping up at home, uh, we did the next Jackie Naiman Jones, uh, hands of paint. We did. This was the green slime. Everybody had lots of great interpretations. We did the green slime. We had a blast doing this. The green slime has a great theme song, by the way. We played it for a little bit. Let me just show you guys some paintings from students. Let's see. This one's Slime Freak Out by Charlie Greenwell. That one rocks. I know. I know. They look like they're dancing, but they also like when you first glance at that circle in the at the front, it looks like it's like, you know, like a pentagram or something like maybe doing some kind of ritual in front of it, which would also be cool. Good job. Let's see. This green slime monster by Love Bee Jones. I love that. nice this is oh I know who made that one by inga wogelmuth which is also one of uh this year's diy valentine's day cards you can get in the dumb industry store uh let's just do oh this one I love so much by claudia burton it's um michigan j slime that rocks funny Uh, this is my green slime Kaiju by shade. So, uh, this one, this is the blue slime by Travis Reese. That's kind of neat looking. It almost looks like a Rorschach test almost or something. Yeah, totally. All of these are on the website in the student gallery. So please, everyone, go take a look. See who did what. And join us for the next class. Like I said, all memberships are free for the first thirty days. So get on that. Join us. It's so much fun. Do it. So that was Saturday. That was Saturday. Fast forward to Monday. we had super dumb brothers, our weekly retro gaming live stream. And we're starting to returned. Yeah. We're starting Matt returned from the dead. You missed the previous week. I was clinically dead until I was resurrected through a cult ritual, much like the one in that green slime painting I was alluding to, where a bunch of people danced around me. And I was resurrected, but not before I had to travel the river Styx and solve many riddles. You know, it's a long story. Let's just keep talking about this. I don't think people are interested in my hell journey. Yeah. We've been playing games over multiple weeks lately, which I really like because it gives us a little more time to hang out in the game itself. Yeah, to get into stuff. Though I found in playing... Well, first of all, we played Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword more, but I found that in trying to play these kinds of games where you have to think too much and then you're also trying to talk to the chat like I was having a stroke trying to do everything at once and I did not get... Oh, we could tell. Quite as far as I would have liked in the game. No, but that's fun because everyone was like... We're all just hanging out, so even if we're not even watching you play the game, Matt, it's still fun. Because my quest, for those of you who tuned in, I was at the beginning of Skyward Sword, and I'm at the part where you have to find these things. They look like little testicles with faces on them, basically, but you have to locate so many of them around the map, so it's like this... trying to focus on like have I been over here yet or what to do over here and then I'm trying to talk to people and do shout outs and it made my brain explode a little bit so I'm oh my god Matt we've been raided what who raid who raid oh game up level up raided with a party of one oh well thank you for coming yeah we'll take it thanks for raiding us I think they just asked a question too hold on let me see um um but anyway yeah that's skyward sword that's not related to us um well hey raider thanks for joining us skyward sword is uh part one of our skyward sword playthrough is now on demand in the super club and uh and I will be back next week playing through a wee bit more of that I may try to to find all the little testicle things in my spare time so we can just move on to the next part of the quest but uh But yeah, it was interesting trying to play something a little bit more involved than, you know, we're trying it out anyway. So that was Monday, Tuesday, February twenty fifth, twenty twenty five. For those you keeping up, it was the next Mary Jo Peel show. We didn't ask us anything. Oh, my God. We we didn't ask. Ask us anything. I got to explain my McDonald's story to Mary Jo, which I never thought I would do. We were not planning on that at all. Someone wanted to know, I guess. Someone wanted to know which McDonald's was your local McDonald's, probably because they heard. I think it was in the news for some other reason, but I was able to jump on and say, no, that is not the McDonald's where that happened. And then we explained to Mary Jo why people were asking which McDonald's you go to. Yeah, and I had to briefly explain it again, and I've already explained that story nine hundred times. I feel like I'm doing it now. And well, that was the thing was like I was trying to save you from having to explain it all again. So, yeah, but you were missing certain details. No, I wasn't. No, I hit all the I hit all the points that were necessary, mainly that you were picking your feet in McDonald's. You know that's bullshit. You son of a bitch. That episode is now available on demand. We also did polls for the upcoming March livestream. We established Baffled will be our next movie, Joe. Which I've never heard of before. It's Leonard Nimoy's I think it's just a TV movie, but it looks like they were trying to make that. He plays a race car driver, as we could tell from the whole trailer, who maybe has psychic powers. I don't know. It's going to be fun. I still need to respond to someone who messaged me saying they might have a good HD copy available that I can source from. oh nice and crispity clear perhaps unlike you know you know like the very clear doctor strange that y'all watch this month just a muddy black for most of it I mean I think there is like a blu-ray copy of doctor strange but it's like yeah put it out I didn't want to I didn't want to no I you know I got the one I get the one off internet archive whenever possible I feel like that's usually pretty safe so I'm a fan of that um and then also next month's episode is going to be uh wait what did we decide on for the mary joe peel show next month oh we're doing another game show episode so we don't know which uh game we're gonna play yet but we'll let you guys know really soon we haven't done one of those in a while and uh that's gonna be fun I think you should do that game show where you hook each other up to lie detectors and then ask each other questions like we were gonna do on our game show night the oh that's a good idea do we know do you know anybody with a lie detector like or do you have to like hire is there an app can we just get a lie detector app and see if that works but how would that work I don't know it's uh like you want to get tracks your pulse or something I don't know well but half the half the enjoyment of doing that you hook them up to the thing and it's like drawing the little lines and there's like you know like a man who looks like a keebler elf off to the side looking at it like shaking his head but an app can do that what if you it was just like a watch app yeah but you're but you're missing the visual element of uh you still have the thing on the app going like crazy when you're lying you know I suppose I mean it's no meet the parents scene is ralph from the mori show in the chat tonight who's ralph from the mori show I love the Maury Povich. It's funny that you bring up the Maury. Oh, Ralph. OK, he's the lie detector expert on. Oh, that's what it is. OK, I didn't know that. I was actually that's so funny. You're talking about Maury, though, because I keep debating using one of these in one of our pre shows. But then I just can't decide or not, because it's a do you remember the brief period when Maury would bring on people who had specific phobias? yes like and they would be on and they would be on there just like deathly afraid of something irrational like yeah but this one lady I think she was uh she like had a thing against like cotton balls they literally brought had a guy walk out who had like a suit covered in cotton balls like had her and like chased her around the stage there was one woman who was like afraid of cats and she's just sitting on a stage and they just this guy brings a cat out and I just the look on her face is like tattooed on my brain because she was just like like ran off stage because yeah if I if I ever include those it's clearly it's very sad listening these people because they all have pretty legitimate reasons why they're freaked out by stuff but then it's just so funny that mori at first just like he's treating them very nicely and he just goes like bring out the olives and then a person brings out a giant thing of olives and rocket dave never watched mori what were you never home sick as a kid my god that was like I would fake sick just to watch mori like I've never been unemployed during the early um uh yeah it's fucked up anyway uh last night yeah uh was another we're wonderful wednesday watch along with miss emmy martian And here with an update on all the shenanigans that went down last night is Emmy Marshall. yeah hello did you get a haircut I did get a haircut nice I got glowed up yeah yeah love it um howdy everybody good to see you um hey hey hey oh my goodness I've got notes but first and foremost you know that the uh creator of the lie detector uh uh or the creators of the lie detectors uh william morton morstan and uh his wife also also the creator of wonder woman yeah That's a real thing. That's a real thing. And it makes sense. That's why she's got the lasso of truth and all that. That is mind-blowing. How did I never know that? It's a weird thing. And yeah, she would have gotten more credit on actually Wonder Woman had they like... you know she went to oxford but it was you couldn't get a degree back then because you were a woman kind of thing so yeah she was she was involved in all that so uh she's the one who put all the valuable things into wonder woman and then like william marston was like the I want my lie detector to kind of be her lasso and also I want to put all my sexual fetishes into this comic as much as possible pretty much a lot of weird psychology a lot of bondage going on in those early wonder woman's Right, right. Lie detectors. Yeah, lie detectors. Last night, speaking of lie detectors, speaking of lassos, we watched a spaghetti western last night. Don't you see what I did there? Um... Il Grande Silenzio, The Great Silence by Sergio Corbucci. And it is a beautiful, dark, bleak film set in the snowy hills of Utah in a very real blizzard of eighteen ninety nine. If you look up the blizzard of eighteen ninety nine, like I think Utah got down to negative fifty. um it's like the lord it's it's like the like coldest year in history in recorded history and so it's set during that uh blizzard and that uh And yeah, it was a lot of fun. Has Klaus Kinski and a lot of other, as a very, very evil villain and some strange unconventional leads that kind of take tropes and put them on there. One of the things about that I didn't get to talk about last night is that, you know, most of the time, Western heroes, it's always about their prowess and how they can draw fast and all that. This guy, like... it's just about his gun is mechanical and it's just really like it's just a very good gun like like it it subverts tropes like that he's faster on the draw just because he has a really good and accurate gun um but he shoots some potatoes with it and uh and I won't say it was a lot of fun necessarily but it was a really great movie That is amazing. Lots of other cowboy themed stuff there. You know, I do a whole pre-show and a whole cartoon fun house afterwards. And there was lots of, uh, lots of homes on the strange content to it involved. Yeah, as always. You always do such an awesome... You package a whole evening. You know, kind of make the whole thing. And I just saw you've already picked your movie for next week. Yes, indeed. There was a trailer for that. Now the trailer for that, Hoppity Goes to Town, the trailer is... It's tough to find a trailer that's not in crap condition. So that's the only trailer. But the movie itself that I have a copy of is, of course, beautiful high definition color. This is one of those cartoons where everybody's kind of bouncing all the time. no no this is uh this is like the highest quality animation like like had they they should have beaten out disney basically they they came up with like a style of three d animation that's not multi-layered cells which is what disney was doing um it's more like a sort of type of rotoscope type effect right that's what they did on the superman yeah yeah exactly so yeah it's it's this is their only their second and only uh other feature presentation outside of uh gulliver's travels so oh yeah but uh it's a it's it's kind of this film got buried for years and years and I figured after such a bleak movie last night we needed some we needed a night of animation and fun so to next week it'll be There'll be cartoons galore, both before and after. It's just going to be a whole big night of animated fun and Fletcher goodness and stuff. I love it. Everyone, get on Emmy's membership. It's totally free to join. You'll get email reminders. And coming soon, you'll start to get some previews of upcoming movies and stuff. Right. Totally free. Head to slash weird. You can also kick in two dollars a month or five dollars a month. All that goes to Emmy to keep the show going. Thank you, Chris. You're so good at that. You know, I also have some other notes here. Just briefly, I have to say this. Julia Louise Dreyfus is Valentina Allegra de Fontaine in the Marvel Universe. Judy Greer is also in the Ant-Man movies, if I'm not mistaken. She's in Arrested Development. Oh. Oh, yeah. Wait, who was the other one you said? Julia Louise Dreyfuss. Oh, right, Julia Louise Dreyfuss. I didn't remember she was on Arrested Development. She's the Baroness or something, basically. She's like the Hydra Baroness or something. I forget. she's like new nick fury for oh right yeah I will say uh you know carl weathers there is a deadpool in deadpool uh or deadpool and cable I think by nicea there's a character named carl weathers that I think is based on the actor carl weathers that's cool uh emmy do you have a minute to stick around for our intermission video do you have a minute for me to stick around for I just thought I'd try something. If you got yourself into that riff, you're going to have to get yourself out. That's exactly what I was aiming for. You dig your hole, you wind up down there. So tonight's video, we're doing old favorites, and I thought I would bring up an old favorite topic that I like to show videos of occasionally. People who are in love with slash have sex with inanimate objects... We've previously talked about a man who was in love with his car, he named it Chase, and he was kissing it and stuff, and then a lady who married the Eiffel Tower. So this is a man who loves balloons in a sexual way. Thank you, TLC. But that wasn't, like, a sexual love. She was just, like, obsessed with it. Wait, are you... Are you sure you haven't seen this, or did I just... It does seem familiar, right? Oh, have I already showed this one? There's also one with a guy who's in love with a pool float. my first reaction was wow maybe all these people are just the same person I think they're kind of just these are running together in my brain over five decades it started when after four years attraction to the shapes and colors people are saying they've we've seen this okay with over fifty thousand balloons and can't sleep yeah now I remember There's also another guy who's in love with a pool float, and that's maybe what I was getting mixed up with. Is it one of those long, skinny tube floats? I think I got a better one. We've watched this one before. It fits the theme of Mystery Hour Favorites a bit more. All right. yes we are the world leaders I said this before I love this guy's art like I think sort of but I feel like I'm probably differentiating his different screams I can't tell the difference between your pain and your joy Some of them sound like when Charlie Brown gets upset. He could be, you know, he just stubbed his toe or he's having sex or something. That first one with the stub, see, that's a I've seen something. That's a disgusting... I would love to have a piece of art by this guy just knowing that every inch of it was screamed at. No, for real. He's mixing his spittle in with the paint. He probably had to close up shop during COVID. I was going to say, he probably gave someone COVID. Now he sounds like he's going to evacuate his mouth. oh god lord help me I can't do another painting they're getting kind of sexual a little bit sometimes sometimes they're angrier and sometimes just like I mean aren't they all sexual I'm gonna skip forward a little bit because it's literally seven minutes but look at that painting it's not like yeah it's not bad It kind of looks like a baby bop from Barney on the far right, like a little bit, like with the head. It's hard for me to describe through this, but... I like that the lower register of his voice has grown tired, so now he's leaning on the upper register. He started off down here, and then he's like, nah, I can't do that anymore. He's not really exploring, yeah, like, the basement of his voice. There's no, like, guttural, like, kind of screams. I think that's gone. I think that he's shredded that to YouTube after that. There's a thirty-one minute version on YouTube. Oh, good lord. Awesome. Maybe that could be something we could offer for Jackie's paintings when she ships them. If you want to specify in your shipping instructions that you want her to scream at your painting before she ships it, maybe we could get her to do that. Maybe that should just be a part of the Jackie name in general, where we all just take a moment out of the class to just sort of... Yeah. Kind of like Pee Wee's Playhouse, you know? When somebody says the magic word. you scream it out loud we'll just scream it out loud because we will because we're good enough and we're smart enough gosh darn it people like us shout shout let it all out these are the things I can do without um emmy I also want to say before you uh before you take off you have a new episode oh yeah oh marsh and shadows right we have a new episode coming up on tuesday is it is this tuesday yeah yes yeah all right yeah sure February, it does that. It's a short month. It's literally like there's a tenth less, which means that we should all be paying a tenth less rent for the month of February because there's literally exactly three days missing That's the tenth of a month. We should get ten percent off for February. February, you should pay less in rent. I agree. It's not like I get to work the same amount of hours. This is my... Exactly. You should get paid for... two extra days in February, and you should get a rent reduction for at least two days. Yeah, it should be both. It should be three days for the rent reduction. We are the corruption that they're trying to weed out, okay? and we should be we should be throw a wrench in the works everybody no but everybody also just come around later I've got some tv at ten later we're still watching emma and stuff and I'll have some other stuff next week but um but also on sunday you know we do a chat in the discord on sunday nights where we people get together and chat sometimes but I think this sunday we might end up uh indulging in some oscars there yeah so the oscars are this sunday right we're not doing um an official watch party but yeah if you are yeah I don't know who else is I mean I don't think anyone else is gonna I'm gonna be there but everybody everybody who wants to is welcome to just a reminder yeah like big events like that head to the discord server I'm sure there's always going to be people there's stuff going on yeah yeah and we love having everyone there so fun times anybody got any favorites that they're open when stuff or I haven't seen like anything I mean you know the substance I saw the substance flow flow will probably win for animated movie and it probably deserves to which is cool But the best movies of last year were Love, Lies, Bleeding and Bird and The Thicket. I haven't seen any of those. You haven't seen Love, Lies, Bleeding with K-Stew? No. Oh, dude, you got to see Love, Lies, Bleeding. That's a peak A-Pony for a film. Oh, okay. I'll check it out. Yeah, Conan's hosting. I love Conan O'Brien. Yeah, it is a decent... Exactly. We've got Conan hosting, so it won't be like... It won't be terrible. I don't want to shoot myself in the face. It won't be like when they wheel out Jimmy... Or what's his name? Jimmy Kimmel now? And he hosts and it's the most mediocre host of all time. It's almost worse than a bad host when they're just like that middle of the road and you're like... No, he's just a bad host. Yeah, he sucks. He's like the one step above the Joe Rogans, you know? Yeah, I agree. We still got so much to get to, so we're going to kick you out. Yeah, I'm going to get out of here. I love y'all. Take care. I'll see you later, and have fun. Watch some Bigfoot and Wildboy for me. Who says we're watching Bigfoot and Wildboy? I'm just saying I love Bigfoot and Wildboy. I know y'all love some Baywatch nights, too. I really do. I do, but I love Bigfoot and Wildboy. You people are going to be real disappointed when you get to the end, and the only thing I have are three different Ken Burns documentaries for you to pick from. We're going to sit here and watch jazz together for the next four hours. It's the three-episode finale of Vampires. It's the big epic conclusion. Big epic. All right, Emmy. We'll talk real soon. Ciao. And me, everybody. And me, Martian, everyone. Let's get right into it. Let's get into what's coming soon. oh yeah we didn't have uh... we didn't have any shout out to the ball to me or anything during all that and now we're all kind of a political just double check in there because I know sometimes that happens uh... okay so coming soon to dumb uh... coming in in most recent news my track pad is just died so watch me smelt we try to plug it in very quickly uh... but yeah coming soon we've got uh... it's the next marriage appeal show clubhouse chit chat and tidbits Yeah. So if you would like to come hang out with Chris and Mary Jo and just chat. Yeah, we go live completely unprepared, unrehearsed. We have some questions that we didn't get to during the Ask Us Anything episode that we're going to answer. And you can only access that in the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse. It's open to all Clubhouse members. And the Marriage Appeal Show Clubhouse is also free for your first thirty days. So chill with us. Super chill. Super good times. And then we already mentioned this Tuesday, we got an all new episode of Martian Shadows that will debut on Twitch. That's episode twelve of Martian Shadows. And Martian Shadows is Emmy Martian riffing on old episodes of Dark Shadows. The most action-packed television show you'll ever see in your life. I'm sure in this one, someone will like look at a doorframe or be near a painting or something. But no, it's a lot of fun. She does a good job making fun of it and that kind of stuff. It's awesome. It rocks. And those go on demand in the Dumb Odds and Ends library. So if you're in any Dumb Plus membership, you can also access all of those on demand. yeah very cool uh so so yeah so that's happening on tuesday and then uh saturday march eighth it's the next jackie naman jones paint party that's right and I actually I think I know the poll is up for what we're painting I don't know if we've actually announced what we're painting yet but if you're a student head to the blog and place your votes for the next painting because students get to vote on uh what jackie shows us how to paint each month Yeah, and please feel free to share the word about this one in particular around, because like we say, you know, House of Paint, Jesus Christ, Hands of Paint, that's the one that's more B-movie themed and stuff, and this one, you know, it's more, it's a more kind of general vibe, so yeah, so if you just have anyone in your life who you think might enjoy, you know, painting with someone live, but, you know, still having their own space and autonomy and hanging out with a cool group of people, I do a fun little pre-show for those. Yeah, your pre-show's... Those are great, by the way. Everyone loves those. Someone said in the chat last time, it's what happens when I use my powers for good. I like that analogy. It's just stuff that I find neat and people who I find personally inspirational and just neat little stuff. You find some really cool, interesting things. All those things happen. Feel free to invite folks. Invite people. I say this all the time, but even if you feel like you don't have an artistic bone in your body I still urge you sign up for the free trial come to a class and just hang out with us because it's just uh it's just the chillest hang I do not have any artistic skills either and even I've done a few of these now and uh yeah or put them on and hang out with a friend just keep you know both paint together whatever like that's the jen and I do that during the class it's it's the best. So it rocks. And we, and we might be, uh, working on new stuff with Jackie right now too. So keep your ears peeled for some, some interesting developments happening there, uh, that are all good in the works. Got so many little, so many little pokers in the fire. So many different little, there's like a, it's like a campfire and we got on one poker, we got a marshmallow and another like a wiener and then another like a sausage patty and then like a severed hand on one, all these pokers in the fire. Uh, yeah so and uh we have a lot of things coming up in march you can head to you can subscribe to our google calendar get on our newsletter we always have announcements and giveaways in there um and thank you guys for uh hanging out with us I think yeah are we already at that time I think we're already we're all caught up we uh we've gone through all of our business for the night so uh it is now time for the feature presentation All right, so tonight I have compiled four different Matt Walsh movies that we'll get to pick from to... Wait, seriously? No, it's a Matt Walsh movie, then a Kirk Cameron one, and then the Kenneth Copeland film, and... Wait, Matt Walsh is the weird right-wing guy. Yeah, he's the one who's trying to be right-wing Borat. He made this horrible movie called Am I Racist, where he tried to dress up as a leftist and sneak in places, and everybody's like, what? Yeah. Uh, our actual options, uh, so I have found, uh, basically all of you guessed everything. So we got a new Baywatch Nights to pick from, where hopefully I didn't have a Dimension episode, like, during our intermission video, and pick an old one. And, uh, I don't think I, I don't think I did. I think this is a new one. It's also from the second season of Baywatch Nights, because for those of you that don't know, they tried to make a spin-off of Baywatch where... He's a private detective at night in addition to being a lifeguard during the day. Then in between season one and two, David Hasselhoff saw the X-Files, so now it's like Baywatch adventures with paranormal bullshit. He's still got the day job at the beach, too. But what was weird is it was supposed to be that he was a lifeguard during the day and he did this at night, but then a lot of Baywatch nights also takes place during the day, so I don't understand how he... When are you lifeguarding, Mitch? Baywatch Nights, so that is an option. It's probably our longest option, too, so that's something to consider. Next up, we have an episode of Supermarket Sweep. I have located off Internet Archive a Nineteen Ninety-Four episode of Supermarket Sweep, a game show that we enjoy watching, mainly because the host seems like he's so full of contempt and hatred for everyone around him. He's barely keeping it held in. a man named dave ruprecht who's amazing and I just love watching you know you know like uh simple people from the nineties compete for an easily obtainable amount of money it's uh he's also yeah he's just like a a host that you don't really see anymore he's like he is like he's kind of a dick and it's not even like he's playing up like a persona like no he's actually kind of a dick Yeah, he doesn't have that quality that Alex Trebek has, you know, when Alex Trebek listens to people's stupid stories on Jeopardy, you know, he has that way where he can seem like, you know, like, oh, like he really engages with them. You really believe that he gives a shit, even though he doesn't, you know. Hey, Nemesur Kobith says it was called Baywatch Nights because at the start of the show he was operating out of a club called Nights. But the marketing for it was all like, you know, even the theme song for the show was like, after the sun goes down, and like the sun goes down, and they're all the lifeguards outside, and then like once it's night, it's David Hasselhoff in his like Don Johnson suit entering a club. That's the season one opening. The season two opening has a lot of taxidermy dog heads, and it's like, ah! But Maybe you'll get to see that. Anyway, supermarket sweep. I need to be on Adderall real bad. People are saying the poll's not working. Oh, ruh-roh. Well, keep going over the options. Yeah, I'll keep going through the options. Next up, we have an episode of Bigfoot and Wildboy. I've selected a... Ooh, interesting. An episode of Bigfoot and Wildboy for us to watch. We've watched this a couple times. Again, I'm pretty sure I found a new one. But regardless of what episode it is, I'm pretty sure we can look forward to seeing Bigfoot jumping in slow motion. wild boy jumping in slow motion and a giant paper mache boulder getting thrown at someone in slow motion which are all the people saying the votes are they're going in okay okay okay cool last one then here we go Okay, whatever. And then next I have another episode of Vampires. If you are true sadists, we've watched this twice and it's been a nightmare both times. But people seem intrigued by the premise of people who merge with cars to become like Transformers who have to feed off of other cars in the way a vampire does. in order to keep existing, and all of that convoluted backstory is because they thought of the name vampires first and worked backwards. And John Entwistle from The Who, basically. John Entwistle did the music for it. He did all the music for it. And then lastly, we have our wild card. Last week, we were doing a cartoon series based off of nineties movies, such as like Mid and Black, Jumanji. And what came in second place was Godzilla the Animated Series. So you can watch an episode of the... ...the movie-inspired Godzilla cartoon... ...which starred Matthew Broderick... ...and it uses that model of Godzilla. But he does fight other kaiju in that one... it's a little closer to... ...Godzilla-ness than the movie is. The movie just wants to be Jurassic Park real bad, but... straw poll appears to be down right now I think that's what's going on oh uh-oh uh because I just duplicated the poll and did a test vote and it's doing the validating thing spinning huh and then results still is didn't register my my vote so oh yeah what should we do oh uh everybody just throw uh oh some master torgo says oh people are saying it works now okay uh boba fettuccine says they saw that supermarket sweep was winning oh oh okay all right now it works try again it's working now it's working now wait now I'm seeing results all right all right we got it we got this baby we were almost gonna have to act like we don't rig this and um hey oh oh wow hey when you guys uh while you guys get your votes in we just got a couple more donations here let's do this oh let's do those real fast okay this is great this one comes from patrick m patrick thank you in the amount of four dollars and twenty cents I might add metal love it um patrick says how about henry kissinger singing whole lot of love I think I can do that let's get the lyrics up can I be the I'll be your backing so yeah You need cooling, baby. I'm not cooling. I'm gonna send you back to schooling. A way down inside. Honey, you need it. I'm gonna give you my love. I'm gonna give you my love. That was fun. That was fun. Good job. Nice collab. That was a I know, I like those. What did we do, War Pigs? We did War Pigs in a similar manner, yeah. All right. Thank you so much, Patrick. Next one here comes from Jackie Barton. Oh, my God. Jackie, thank you. Thank you so much, Jackie. You're so sweet. I think Jackie and Matt just got back from Disney World or Land, one of the two. And her Etsy shop, I believe, is... back up and running she'll probably correct me in the chat if that's not true but uh she's got some really cool custom-made dumb industries merch that you can only get there including uh dumb industries popcorn bins there's earrings there's there's glasses aren't there glasses yeah it's very cool check out everything over there a lot of neat stuff I would love to go back to disney world that sounds it's it's nowhere near what it was when I went as a kid but it's uh yeah I would love to go back um ride the tower terror nine hundred times that is a great ride Jackie has a question here for us. Where can I find the Beauty and the Beast episode Emmy did? I think that was last week's or maybe two weeks ago. We don't archive the Weird and Wonderful Wednesday watch-alongs just for copyright reasons, but Emmy and I have talked about before just archiving just her intros and outros and stuff and then... having those all available for members so if amy's got the recording of that I mean we can we can see what we can do about getting that up on the website yeah honestly if you just like uh went on discord and asked her she would probably just send it to you if you're curious enough uh get on our discord our discord's a good place uh yeah uh oh but uh but yes that is to watch too um thanks so much jackie and yeah thanks for that uh thank you oh so is it so yeah so that was the question that went along with that okay okay um all right what do you think should we let's see what's winning this baby all right now people have verified that results are showing so let's see Alright! Bigfoot and Wildboy, you got your wish, Chris. You're gonna get to see more paper mache rocks get thrown around. Bigfoot, Wildboy, Bigfoot, Wildboy. I really hope I haven't fucked up in shows. I think it's... It's hard to tell. They are all basically the same show over and over to an extent. Alright, here we go. And now, Bigfoot and Wildboy aired in like... The late seventies? Mid to late seventies? Oh, you're back, but you're glitchy. Yeah, hold on. I look like I'm on one of them AOL chat rooms with you. I gotta unplug my camera. Not a problem. I can't believe I chose a video we've already watched before. I knew this would happen to me at some point, because this all just kind of blurs together in my brain, but... Wow, it's... Can you hear me? I can hear you. I can see a blobby still of you. Okay. Now we just got the Baywatch thing. Am I on screen? Oh, there I am. There you are. There you are. Okay. That was scary. All right. Bigfoot and Wildboy, everyone. Oh, yes. Let me turn our music off. Music off. Shit out of here. Okay, oh, I was going to say, Bigfoot and Wildboy aired in like two, like they would do like two episodes, right? Like one back to two ten minutes. So is that what this is? This is like, what is this? I thought this was like a full twenty. Yeah, it's a full, yeah. Here we go, everyone. Our favorite show, Bigfoot and Wildboy. theme is great out of the great northwest comes the legendary bigfoot who eight years ago there he is lost in the vast wilderness bigfoot had a real moment in the seventies like he was just everywhere good reason he's showing up in blurry movies and people were all convinced that there's a bigfoot I do believe that some Bigfoot sightings are legit admit, but that there's probably not a real Bigfoot. There's probably just like weird men who have just decided to live in the woods and grow their hair out like Gruber. And if you just saw one of them from a distance, it would look like Bigfoot. That's my thoughts on Bigfoot. That was a real run on sentence there. Oh, I love this show so much. There's Sid and Marty Koch, right? Yes, the people who made H.R. Puff and stuff and Sigmund the Sea Monster. Who's your favorite cryptid, Chris? I love the Mothman. Oh, the Mothman's a good one, yeah. I don't know, Bigfoot's good. Bigfoot is good. I like the Chupacabra. Ooh, yeah. I like to say Chupacabra. I've been to the city where the Mothman happened and seen the giant Mothman statue they have there in person. It rocks. I would love to go to the festival. Have you ever seen the Mothman Prophecies? No, I need to. Oh, that's a good movie. I know everything about that legend, though. Kind of looks like Zach Wilde. Okay, Brady Bunch versus Bigfoot. Who wins? My satellite reception is horrible out here. What are they trying to do? Just get him to leave? They're like playing Grateful Dead or something. This is my antenna because I heard you were talking shit about me like I wouldn't find out. Oh look, he's jumping in slow motion. I can't believe this is happening. He changed into like two different actors. That jump killed three different stuntmen. Wait, is he talking now? Is this a later episode? He could kind of talk a little bit in the other ones, but he sort of talks like the Hulk, you know, where he's like, you know, wild boy, go there. And the wild boy is like, you know, what Bigfoot's saying to you is that this area is dangerous. Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman versus Bigfoot now. Who wins? Or Little House on the Prairie maybe versus Bigfoot. Are they a gay couple? Oh, look, boom mic. Oh, yeah. Craig, I'm not going to lie to you. This entire mission is bogus. I just wanted to spend more time with you. Matt, the chat is saying we saw this one. Oh no, really? I think we did see this. Or they all have the same plot. They all kind of have the same plot a little bit. I don't remember this personally. I don't remember this exact thing, yeah. A few people are fucking with me. I don't think we've seen this one. Pretty cool. Now, Victor, nothing can stop us. Don't touch me. This kind of reminds me, did you ever have those things? Oh, it's, yeah. At least I know they use a boom mic for this. Oh, and more, Victor. Much, much more. This guy on the right should be Bobcat Goldwaite. Oh, that'd be good. That girl must have heard everything. Oh no, we've scared little Debbie away. kill it with lightning oh my god this might explode her you know that's kind of a real thing the government does have weapons that use sound that they put on top of tanks where they can just fire like a certain sound frequency at you and just makes you double over in pain those men are doing something to her with that machine bigfoot has great hair Does he use, like, suave for panting? They're playing can. I can't take it. I hate the Grateful Dead. This is bullshit. Ow, ow, ow. Why does Wild Boy dress like that? He's seen people. He knows what pants look like. Keep being afraid with these low angles. We're going to see Wild Boys grundle in one of these shots soon. I mean, you see Bigfoot's grundle play. You see Bigfoot's grundle a lot, but at least it's covered. I don't know what he's got on underneath that little loincloth of his. He's grundles in the opening credits. There's just so much grundle in this show. Oh, my heart. You can tell this is clearly inspired by the Bigfoot episode of Six Million Dollar Man the most between like all the like slow motion jumping and like dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun. And also Bigfoot was a villain on multiple episodes of that show. And he looks kind of like that. Mr. Corollator. Ow. They're evil. The one guy just really looks to me. He reminds me of like Mr. Furley era of Don Knotts. The other guy reminds me of Bobcat Goldwaite. Bigfoot better get to that rock before they do. I would love to see the footage of Bigfoot running in like a regular speed just to see how stupid it looks with him just, you know, traipsing all over this stupid valley. Oh no, a paper mache rock is going in slow motion. Who could have foreseen this? We have this one boulder, we gotta work it into every show. Uh-oh. Oh no, little Debbie died! Nah, she's fine. She's like that girl from Bad Ronald, the Bad Ronald kids. Yes, jump bigfoot. Oh, they flipped the image on that one. That was cool. Usually jumps right to left. See, this shot's completely different because he's going in the other direction, you see. Are you? Yeah, fuck your rock. Y'all's DirecTV ain't ever gonna work now. Totally gonna miss the Meriwether fight. Mayweather fight. Meriwether? Oh, fight. Fuck you, old man! Are we on mushrooms? Do these people never just have guns with them? Nope. The amount of fucking around Bigfoot and Wildboy do, I'm surprised they haven't been shot at more. What's the matter? Susie, why'd you scream? Are you kidding? Wouldn't you scream if you woke up and saw him staring down at you? Hey. Now I know what Alan Moore's wife feels like. Oh, swell. I sprained my ankle. Very believable acting. You can do as much damage as I thought. Good. I can't wait to put as much distance as we can. If you have one more of those red, white, and yellow cables, this one's broken. Hey, boom mic guy, hand me that mic. It just pans over to the crew, and he's like, oh, sure. He helps them. I had the rare pleasure of seeing Bigfoot. That thing was Bigfoot? Who the fuck did you think it was? I know. Maybe he just thought it was a hairy mountain man. And this boulder blew up like it was nothing. And the one called the professor said he was going to do the same thing to Grand Kilo Dam. Bigfoot went and got band-aids. We can't go after them, Professor. That thing is a giant. Victor, you can't prove my point. He's no taller than Shaquille O'Neal. That's fine. See, Larry David's always looked old. He has a nice perm. Look at the kind of volume that old man's hair has. It's good for him. Eastern. Is that eastern or mountain standard? Bigfoot's planner is specific. Bigfoot is always running in semi-slow motion. Spacemacon says Bigfoot kind of looks like he might have crabs. He does. He's running like a man with crabs. Well, he fucks a lot. How do you think Wild Boy came about? He had sex with a human woman, and that's what Wild Boy's the product of. He didn't just find him, no, he is Wildboy's biological father. That was going to be the series end twist. He gets his DNA results back. Do you think Bigfoot has a regular penis or does he have one of those weird things like dogs have? Yeah, it would definitely be attached to his stomach in a weird way. Sound off in the chat what kind of penis you think Bigfoot has. Oh look, we kind of got to see Wildboy's grundle there for a second. How do you know? I love when we do that. I love holding you, wild boy. The editing is just... These scenes could be in literally any order, and I don't think it would make much of a difference. Exactly. And also, they all exist in their own shots. You never see anyone together. It's all patched together, which is random. Froggy Wizard says that they believe I've asked that question before. Well, there's only so many things I think of when I think of Bigfoot, I guess. And, uh... Question number one, is he actually a mountain man when people see him? Question number two, if he is fake, what's his dick like? He is, you know, mythological. You know, Metal Machine music gets such a bad rap, but I think it's cool. Oh, my kidney stones are so stuffed. Thanks, evil bad guy. Oh, lots of styrofoam rocks fall in this episode. Oh no, they're trapped. Are we going to get left on a cliffhanger? Tune in next week. Same Bigfoot network, same Bigfoot time. Good work today. We're so good at bad guy stuff. We murdered a child and a Bigfoot. Way to go, us. I don't think we should watch the second part of that. I think we should just stop watching the series and just assume that both Bigfoot and Wild Boy died in that tragic cave-in. No, I need... I need some kind of closure here. Oh, do we get to watch all of it? Maybe you're right. Maybe this is two of them packaged together. I wanted to just believe that they were dead. Right, but watch. We're basically watching the episode again. Yeah, the previously on is going to take up half the episode. That's why they let them do that in the X-Men cartoon, because they were like, we can save runtime and just use the same animation over previously on X-Men. Oh no, they're playing Yoko Ono! Why? Does he have super hearing? Because Bigfoot is an omniscient god, man. Shit all fucked up! Eric says, Matt, my fourteen year old daughter walked in. We were discussing Bigfoot's dick and started giggling. Awesome. Thank you for sharing that with me. That makes me feel like a special part of your your daughter's future therapy. That rock looks like a pinata my mom made for me when I was thirteen. Yeah. I love the way he punches this out of the way, too. He's just like, fuck you, rock. Totally betraying the fact that that rock actually weighs nothing, you know? Literally saying the entire episode again. You know, it's the bare minimum aspect of this show that is so enjoyable about it. Ow, my freaking ears! So, well, it's good to know, just know it in the future, we can basically just watch the second part of any Bigfoot and Wildboy episode, and it'll just be the whole episode again. It's a real Silent Night, Deadly Night, too situation. Bouncy-ass rocks. Woo-ha-ha-ha! I like the way he slapped that thing. Let's go. Come on. Let's get out of here. Good job murdering. You did it. Atta boy. Let's go get Dairy Queen. Oh, new footage. This girl only wakes up surrounded by Bigfoot and Wild Boy. Maybe there's more to this. Scott, the research center with the millions of dollars the government... It's a nice Jeep. I want to see Bigfoot fuck up that Jeep. Yeah, it's too expensive. This is the producer's Jeep. Oh, Bigfoot. You so crazy. I think I want to have your baby. Name him Wild Boy. Yeah, Treadwell Jay. The whole show is a fever dream. It's like she's just going in. This entire show is just her going in and out of consciousness. While Bigfoot and Wild Boy like stand over her. grabbing her we need to make a show across state lines he just wakes up in a new location surrounded by monsters every fifteen to twenty minutes and or villainous men and the monsters are the least scary of all it's the normal people in the show who are all evil so yeah oh he pushed the styrofoam off him He's arisen from the dead, not unlike Jesus. Yeah, fuck your rocks. Fuck that rock, fuck that one too. Yeah, fuck up those rocks! Bigfoot's back, bitches! Fuck up those rocks! Look, his hair still looks great. Bigfoot have to poop. His hair was perfect. oh he's taking a piss it'd be great if he just like masturbated onto the rocks and walked away without doing anything they're like wait wild boy at first they just let him finish they're like well maybe he just needs to get this out and then he'll get to us and they sit through him uh jerking off to completion and then he just leaves them behind the rock wall Sid and Marty Croft call me. I have a new script idea. Are they still around? One of them has died, at least. Their production company has to still be around. They made a new Sigmund the Sea Monster just a couple years ago. If we split up, we can stop them before they get to the lake. Olata! Palo! Did he say, I would like that? I like that! Me and my super speed walking will come get you. He didn't look that into the running that time. He was just like... He's really phoning it in. Well, this is like episode twelve, so he was pretty over it by this point. I'm certain they filmed this entire show, like the entire season in a day. No, I don't know about a day, but definitely over the course of like a couple days, you could have knocked out this entire show, basically. So yeah, he's been out in this desert for a while. He's pissed. He's in the suit. He doesn't want to be there. Long live the king! She's gonna catch her. He throws her off. Oliver O. Lang says it's the beginning of Cliffhanger. That's a great movie, I need to watch that again soon. I mean, it's schlock, but it's great. My name's actually Pete. I wish people would stop calling me Wild Boy. I have a real name. She could so easily pull herself up. No, Bigfoot, we're trying to save her. Don't knock her off with this tree. I just want the camera to pull away and it turns up they're like three feet off the ground and all this is for nothing. Baby, baby. Was Bigfoot helping her up or trying to push her off the ledge with that giant stick? I know. He was like, just trying to knock her off. Fuck you, stick. He kind of did like the Tusken Raider thing for a second. Now I know why they always say watch your first step. Because it can kill you. Why don't you try to not fuck up for five seconds or knock yourself unconscious or whatever? She's just really clumsy. You make Daphne on Scooby-Doo seem like fucking Batman. Do you like my Mr. Bean cosplay? The two of them together kind of look like the band Air Supply with their poofy hair. Yeah, there's something weird going on with these two. Uncle, nephew, or something like that, I don't know. This is the production just realizing, oh, are they going to talk to a hawk? I don't understand why he talks the way he does. He was raised by Bigfoot. Yeah, he speaks perfect English. And Bigfoot has like a chewy language that he speaks. I've never understood that in movies where something is speaking like clearly nonsense and the other person's just like, mm-hmm, Farfaneuil wants you to know that you're not welcome on his planet. The shots are getting more and more Dutch as the show goes on. We're going to have just a shot by the end that's completely vertical. Or horizontal. Depending on how you look at it. You know what I mean. Shut up. Running. Marco. Bolo. Marco. Marco. Bigfoot! Wildboy! Bigfoot! Wildboy! That's a fun game to play in a pool like a new version of Marco Polo called Bigfoot and Wildboy where you just run in slow motion like the Bigfoot in the pool to get people. Feel free to use that this summer. God damn it. Ah, it finally got around to the big in part of Abbey Road, and I was so excited. This whole eight track all over again. Are they like launching him off the trampoline? How did they get that kind of air with him? They did that in the Ninja Turtles movies a lot. He looks like you could edit him in perfectly with those, like, The End of the Man Show, the girls on the trampolines montages they used to do, just like, insert a Bigfoot in there of him jumping. Treehouse! Going somewhere, Professor? How does he know the Professor? ten feet tall he ran like a horse there was no way to stop him yeah sure okay they don't know that bigfoot's in cahoots with that guy and he's actually going to take him back to bigfoot's lair to be used as food listen susie do you know anything about a giant monster and some wild boy they say caught them I heard about it on Rogan. I've been watching that ancient alien show a lot on the History Channel at night. It's filling my head with ideas. That's a great truck. See? Even a man as brilliant as the professor can do evil if he becomes too selfish. We really should have taken a ride into town. That was quite the moral we learned there. really uh the big takeaway even professors can be evil who would have thought is this actually like the beginning of the anti uh college propaganda you know that like you know the right is kind of taken up now where it's like actually professors will brainwash you and all kinds of woke propaganda like bigfoot being real and uh yep and going evil and trying to use a sonic weapon to take down a valley That's what the woke left wants from your universities. Master Toriko says way more fun than Baywatch for me. Well, I'm glad. The people voted and I hope you all enjoy what you chose. We should just have more Baywatch Nights where it's like we know we're going to watch a Baywatch Nights episode. We will do more Baywatch Nights at some point. We do love the Hasselhoff on here. There will definitely be more Hasselhoff content in the future. We need to bust a Knight Rider out on something soon, I feel like. Michael. Yeah, we should totally. Michael, you were fighting the Grim Reaper the last time you showed up on Dumb Industries. Actually, that's not true. Thank you so much, everyone, for hanging out tonight. This has been a blast. It has been a blast. And thank you to everybody who donated. We're all caught up there. right? Oh, we are all caught up. Super, super, super. We didn't forget anybody, but yeah, thank you everybody. Uh, it's been a lot of fun. Uh, make sure to, to, you know, embrace your inner Bigfoot and go on a slow motion run later. You're going to say tip your weight staff, make sure you tip your weight staff, tip, tip your Bigfoots and your wild boys. Uh, they're out there throwing paper mache rocks at people and keeping our forests safe. Yes. Um, uh but yes dumb television will resume momentarily uh you know yeah chit chat and tidbits tomorrow night only in the clubhouse join the marriage appeal show clubhouse totally free to join and and uh full meds friday tomorrow night as well wow phantom uh I want to see a phantom plan and it's not the phantom from space that's the Yes, Mads are Back Phantom from Space, which will also have Bill Corbett's appearance on there. Yes. Sorry, I'm trying to type on my keyboard. Any final words, Matt? Chattahoochee. Nights will never be the same. After the sun goes down. Thank you, everyone. Bye. Sorry, I'm trying to get that. All right, here we go.
It’s yet another Thursday and that means only one thing: MYSTERY HOUR TIME! This week, Matt & Chris reconvene to discuss the week in Dumb and Matt’s colon health, followed by a chat with Emmy Martian and then to discuss cartoons based on nineties movies, of which there were many, and close it out by watching The Mummy: The Animated Series!
It’s yet another Thursday and that means only one thing: MYSTERY HOUR TIME! This week, Matt & Chris reconvene to discuss the week in Dumb and Matt’s colon health, followed by a chat with Emmy Martian and then to discuss cartoons based on nineties movies, of which there were many, and close it out by watching The Mummy: The Animated Series!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
Buy any 4 books by Frank Conniff, Get 1 Free (no promo code needed)
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club
ALL Dumb+ memberships are now FREE for your first month!
The Mads Are Back: The Choppers just $6 thru Sunday w/ promo code HATBAND
This Week In Dumb:
Monday, February 17, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Grand Theft Auto III (Part Three)
Wednesday, February 19, 2025: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: The Abominable Snowman
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Friday, February 21, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Doctor Strange (1978)
Saturday, February 22, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint: The Green Slime
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show: Ask Us Anything!
Friday, February 28, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse: Chit-Chat & Tidbits #22
Feature Presentation: The Mummy: The Animated Series
It’s Thursday and Matt & Chris are ready to hand this week’s ass to itself, first by recapping the week in Dumb, then chatting w/ Emmy Martian about her screening of Beauty & The Beast (1947), then watching an anti-union video from FedEx that was presumably used to intimidate independent contractors nationwide!
It’s Thursday and Matt & Chris are ready to hand this week’s ass to itself, first by recapping the week in Dumb, then chatting w/ Emmy Martian about her screening of Beauty & The Beast (1947), then watching an anti-union video from FedEx that was presumably used to intimidate independent contractors nationwide!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
DIY Valentine’s Day Cards from Inga Wohlgemuth!
Frank Conniff’s The Time Tummlers: The Audiobook
Buy any 2 Poster Prints, Get 1 Free (no promo code needed)
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club
ALL Dumb+ memberships are now FREE for your first month!
The Mads Are Back: A Night of Shorts 2 just $6 thru Sunday w/ promo code WALTER
This Week In Dumb:
Saturday, February 8, 2025: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties: Paint Your Pet Day
Monday, February 10, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Grand Theft Auto III (Part Two)
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mads Are Back: Bride of the Gorilla
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Friday, February 21, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Doctor Strange (1978)
Saturday, February 22, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint: The Green Slime
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show: Ask Us Anything!
Feature Presentation: An Anti-Union FedEx Video
Matt & Chris hop back into the Mystery Hour van to recap the ongoing saga that is Dumb Industries, chat with Emmy Martian about her birthday and screening of NOTHING LASTS FOREVER, then turn their attention to one of their very favorite genres of film: TRAINING VIDEOS! Viewers vote to watch a 1947 Bob’s Big Boy training video, which is about as condescending as it sounds.
Matt & Chris hop back into the Mystery Hour van to recap the ongoing saga that is Dumb Industries, chat with Emmy Martian about her birthday and screening of NOTHING LASTS FOREVER, then turn their attention to one of their very favorite genres of film: TRAINING VIDEOS! Viewers vote to watch a 1947 Bob’s Big Boy training video, which is about as condescending as it sounds.
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
25% off all framed artwork w/ promo code FRAMED25
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club
ALL Dumb+ memberships are now FREE for your first month!
The Mads Are Back: Santa Claus vs. The Devil just $6 thru Sunday w/ promo code HOHOHOMEINVASION
This Week In Dumb:
Monday, February 3, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Grand Theft Auto III (Part One)
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Martian Shadows: Episode 11
Wednesday, February 5, 2025: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: NOTHING LASTS FOREVER (1984)
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Saturday, February 8, 2025 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties: Paint Your Pet Day
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mads Are Back: Bride of the Gorilla
Friday, February 21, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Doctor Stranger (1978)
Feature Presentation: A Bob’s Big Boy Training Video from 1947
Matt & Chris hop back into the Mystery Hour van to recap the week at Dumb and discuss this week’s topic: celebrity vehicle cartoons! You know, cartoons that existed solely to stroke the ego of whatever comedian some network prayed would be the next Seinfeld. Plus, Emmy Martian stops by to discuss CREATION OF THE HUMANOIDS, and Matt & Chris watch the Louie Anderson cartoon Life With Louie!
Matt & Chris hop back into the Mystery Hour van to recap the week at Dumb and discuss this week’s topic: celebrity vehicle cartoons! You know, cartoons that existed solely to stroke the ego of whatever comedian some network prayed would be the next Seinfeld. Plus, Emmy Martian stops by to discuss CREATION OF THE HUMANOIDS, and Matt & Chris watch the Louie Anderson cartoon Life With Louie!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
This Week’s Dumb Deals 10% off all sherpa blankets w/ promo code SHERPA10
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club
Any "Plus" membership gets you access to the Dumb Odds & Ends library
The Mads Are Back: The Brain From Planet Arous just $6 thru Sunday w/ promo code SHIRLEYTEMPLE
This Week In Dumb:
Saturday, January 25, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint | The She-Creature
Monday, January 27, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Back to the Future Games
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mid-To-Late-Evening Show with Mary Jo Pehl
Wednesday, January 29, 2025: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: CREATION OF THE HUMANOIDS
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Martian Shadows: Episode 11
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mads Are Back: Bride of the Gorilla
Friday, February 21, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Doctor Strange (1978)
Feature Presentation: Life With Louie
Transcript: Stephen Flo Stephen Flo Stephen Flo It's Stephen Flo Oh Stephen Flo Stephen Flo is on his way Oh Stephen Flo Stephen Flo Stephen Flo Stephen Flo Stephen Flo Oh Stephen, Stephen's been thrown and he's been thrown away Oh hell yeah, Stephen lives somewhere I don't know where he is though Stephen's thrown Stephen's thrown, Stephen's thrown, Stephen's thrown Oh, what a dilemma. Do I stay or do I pee? Well, what if Eddie said was true? Mr. Toilet Man eating your pee-pee? Oh, well. I guess I really don't believe that. But then, on the other hand, what if there is a Mr. Toilet Man? Well, I think I better just turn the light on just to make sure. Ah, just as I thought. Just a regular old toilet, huh? I'm gonna tell Eddie about this. Eddie and his bonehead ideas. Hey, you! You little pisha! I'm talking to you! Oh no, what is that? Hey, you're supposed to give me some pee-pee! Where's that pee-pee? We're talking about pee-pee here! I need that pee-pee! Oh no, Mr. Toilet Man! Listen, I've had it with you. You better give me that pee-pee. Give it to me, or the next time you sit on me, I'm gonna bite off your tushy! Yes! Yes! Start making your noise. Start making your noise. Start making your noise. Roll around on the floor and make your noise, Alden. Can you make your noise? Alden, if you could start crawling on the floor and making some noise, that would be so beautiful. Cry for me. Crawl on the floor and cry like a little baby. Can you do that, Alden? Can you cry out like a little baby for the film? It would be so beautiful. Crawl over there and crawl around and cry like a baby. See, real loud. Can you do it? Can you do it? Crawl and cry like a baby. Alden, do that thing. That would be so beautiful. That's great, like that. Can you make noise? Keep making noise. Make some crying noise, some sad, loud crying noises. Don't be happy. Don't be happy. Roll around and be upset. Roll around and be upset. There you go. That's beautiful. Roll back the other way. Roll back the other way. Roll back the other way. Same thing. Roll back. Roll back. No, no, no, no. It's too happy. Roll again. Get over there and roll. Really in pain. Really in pain. Can you scream like you're at a concert? Scream out like you're at a concert. A rock and roll concert. Scream out. Scream out at the man at the door. I'm Lindy, and welcome to the world of Ghostbusters. On this rooftop, a spectacular battle was fought with an ancient demigod known as Gozer. That was strange. No. There's no such thing as... ghosts. Uh, you know, I never noticed these sound effects before. I'm such a thing as ghosts. I'm such a thing as ghosts. This is Lindy on Soundstage Fifty. Calm down! Listen to me, and this is a story. You! Oh, what? Oh, me? Are you a god? Oh, I got a real nutcase here. I said, are you a god? Well, no. Then die! I don't die, I'm here to destroy you. No way! Oh no! Help! Somebody, please help me! Ghostbusters! Yeah! I've just been slimed! That's mad funny! Winston, look out! Whoa! Gozer Destroyer has returned! Listen, you had better just go back to wherever it is you came from because these men are not afraid of you! None can stand me, Bob Gozer! Hey, man, she's taking the girl. I hate it when that happens. Hey, hey, man. This chick is toast. Sniff a little, Minx, isn't she? All right, no fooling around this time. Hey, hold your fire. We don't want to demolecularize the girl. Some creatures, you have seen your fate. Choose and perish. We did it! Hey, look! It's the girl! All right! Are you all right? Thank you, Doctor, for saving my life. Well, this is gonna cost you, you know. Tell your boss the check can be made out to... Ghost! When we were in Manassas, Pennsylvania, shooting the steel mill, Peter's upstairs. We were up two or three floors. He had to go upstairs to get to him. We had an explosion behind him. We make the explosion hot, we're ready to go. I went upstairs and I was carrying I don't know, about eight Oreos in a stack. I'd hand him his weapon. I'd say, Peter, safety's off. And he wouldn't take the pistol. And he says, Robo wants an Oreo. And I look at him and go, no, it's just you and I, Peter. Robo doesn't get an Oreo. Peter wants an Oreo. Peter can have an Oreo. And he clip-clops in the suit over to the edge of the railing. And Peter starts bellowing, Robo wants an Oreo. And when the steel mill just echoes, Randy has Oreos or Robo? What's an Oreo? And Steve Lim over the radio goes, Randy, do you have Oreos? So I stuffed that whole stack in my mouth and then crunched them and let them fall down three stories onto everybody below me. And I, not anymore. And Robo got upset. I haven't got a damn clue about Randy Moore and his fucking Oreos. Randy Moore's a friend, but half the time, I don't know what the hell he's talking about. So he's got all these stories from RoboCop. I don't remember him. Steve Lim's going, can we get this shot? And then Robo can have an Oreo. And Peter said no. So they had to cut. They were rolling. They were ready to go. Now we're hot on the explosive. They had to send a PA up the stairs. They feed him an Oreo. And now he's got Oreo in his teeth. So then the PA has to pick the Oreos out of his teeth. And then he says, OK, I'm ready. And then we shot it. So after that, Peter would always say, Rovo wants an Oreo. So I had a gentleman that worked with me, and his official title should have been the Peter Feeder, because that's what the crew called him, was the Peter Feeder, because for some reason, weapons had to feed Peter Oreos. Randy, love you madly. Don't believe one fucking word out of your mouth, bro. Itsumo. Something new. We can truly experience the universe. Panasonic. Itsumo. Something new. Images are universal like one big problem. For example... Now, images are making the world one. Pass on it. I don't like to watch movies on the small screen. The big screen enhances the enjoyment of the movies. Just that? Well, picture quality is also important. Is that all? Get out of here. You can call him Sparky. Sparky. There are no ordinary things in this world. There are moments when children are just like angels. To create images is always a challenge. Digital magic. Panasonic. Red is beautiful, but red is difficult. Pure red. I am always thinking of new dreams. George Lucas. I dream the vision as much as I want to be seen. In this universe, new dreams and new friends. Panasonic. Always making wonderful friends. Panasonic. It's more about you. It's about us. Panasonic. It's about something new. There's no time to explain, Robin. I want you both to play exactly the same tune that you just heard. Batgirl, you take the east side. Robin, you take the west side. East side, west side. I'll go through the midtown, and we'll meet each other at the docks. But... Just play, Robin. Play for all you're worth. Sing a song for me. All right. I'm called Little Buttercup, dear Little Buttercup, though I could never tell why. A little louder. But still I'm called Buttercup, poor Little Buttercup, sweet Little Buttercup. A little louder. Holy metronome. What a fate. Wait a minute. A minute's too long. Robin, with every ounce of breath that's left in you, sing along with me. Sing what? No last questions, Robin. Sing each note precisely as I do. When I sing, you sing. Ready, Robin? Sing. You shake a pretty mean face Batman. I'm a little buttercup, dear little buttercup. I could never tell the water a little about it. But still I love water, poor little water, sweet little water. Buttercup, dear little buttercup. I could never tell why. A little louder. But still I love buttercup. Poor little buttercup. Sweet little buttercup. We made it. By selecting the right combination of flute toots. The Pied Pipers of Gotham City. You might say that. What's the matter? I'm pregnant. You never kissed me like that before. Wow. I got a lot of catching up to do. I never missed you so much before. You should stay away more often. Like now. Where's Dan? I've been saving up some tongue for him, too. Oh, you know Dan. Playboy at heart. One week in the mountains and he has to go to Las Vegas to recuperate. Rip Taylor's playing there. What's the matter, Steve? nothing's the matter but are you different I don't know what you mean different I'm still the same old lovable character I always was just not in this movie anxiety man oh geez why did I marry shirley temple excuse me he was married to shirley temple folks are you fact checking me yes Oh won't you come and join us? Oh won't you come and join us? That was weird. I'll tell the world. Go ahead. That was weird. Weird, weird, weird. You ever seen Patrick? No, I haven't seen Patrick. Patrick's a dumb movie about a kid who kills everybody from his coma. He's just in a coma the whole time and like kills them with like telekinesis in his coma. Patrick has the same expression that Mitch McConnell has when he's just in public. Mr. McConnell, are you running again in twenty twenty six? And then he just looks like that. This comes from Trevor Murray. This is horrifying. Yeah. Oh, my God. When you guys choose the paintings, they always seem to fit. We're coming into some difficult times, I think, and I'd like to think that the guy in office right now just pissed off a whole lot of people. To me, I don't know, it just kind of feels a little bit empowering in a time when I don't feel like I have much control over much of anything at the moment. So I have control over this. I can do this. You know, that's funny you said that, because when I was painting her the first time, I was thinking the same thing. She looked kind of queenly. Majestic, you know? Ooh! I have found this, though, and this might be useful to you as you start the new year. I have found that six or seven donuts first thing in the morning really curbs my appetite. Well, until breakfast, of course. I tease. I tease donuts. But did you know that scientific studies have found that sugar as an addiction is worse than heroin. Yes, worse than heroin. So I'm going to transition to heroin and then ease off that. I tease heroin. I'd eat me a banana I'd live in a treehouse and swim on a boat Thank you. What up, what up, what up? Hey. What's up, what's up, everyone? How's it going, folks? Matt, you're a little perky right now. Can you just bring it down a notch? My goodness. It's been a fucking day, man. It's just been one of those days where you don't want to wake up, to quote our great philosopher Fred Durst. That's been pretty much every day for me the past two and a half months or something. Just putting this, putting the pre-show together and everything for tonight. I had it completely put together and then I went to export it and just wouldn't export no matter what I did. So I had to go back and quickly re-download all the videos on a different website in lower quality. And then I also found out because it would only do them in lower quality for whatever reason than the one that I had been using. And then I also put together that new Bride of the Gorilla post. I had double checked to make sure the date was correct on it and then somehow still put the wrong date on it. So so for those of you who just saw that ad, that date is incorrect. I didn't even see this promo until like twenty seconds before we went live. And then I didn't notice that I didn't notice it either until it just played. I even I even made a point of going on the events page and looking at it. And I was like, and I thought for sure I had the right date. But yeah, you scared me because I went on the website and I checked and it definitely says February eleventh. like everywhere I'm just having like a fucking aneurysm today I don't know what's happening uh it's like yeah no it's possible I make mistakes like that all the time like maybe I put february somewhere but no matt you're just having a stroke I'm just having a stroke, yeah, like, it's, uh, yeah, and I was just, uh, putting all that together, and, uh, yeah, and then getting all the clips and stuff, but it's, uh, it's been a weird one, uh, but, you know, whatever, we're here now, we're gonna have fun, it's, uh, we've made it, so it's, uh, now is my favorite part of the night, all the prep work is always the most, uh, tedious and stressful but once we're here it's all gravy so now we just get to hang out and watch stuff and make fun of your life decisions plug our nine hundred shows plug our nine hundred shows but Matt I think a lot of people are curious you know last week we heard from you about your trip to McDonald's you were wearing flip flops and almost you got into a argument with a McDonald's security guard This is all factual. And I think a lot of people want to know, are you still wearing the flip-flops in this weather? It's warmed up a little bit. I am not wearing them for long journeys anymore. I did wear them earlier. There was a pizza place directly across the street from me. It's weirdly enough, it's the pizza place that's featured in the film Big Daddy. If you've watched the Adam Sandler film Big Daddy. Yes, I know this place. I live right across the street from the pizza place in that movie, which, you know, it's the pizza place from Big Daddy because you walk inside and it's like a tiny shrine to Adam Sandler. I don't understand that when it's a movie like Big Daddy, like I went to the bar where they filmed some scenes from Goodfellas. And understandably, they're very proud of that. Or when you go to the Exorcist stairs or the hockey stairs. It's like these legendary movies that just the locations carry a lot of aura. But Big Daddy? The pizza place from Big Daddy? There's a scene for five seconds in a pizza place in Big Daddy in this place. It's called Luigi's in Park Slope, not to dox myself too much. So wait a minute, wait a minute. But you wore flip-flops to this pizza place. I did wear flip-flops to go there, but it's literally right across the street from me, basically. Okay. So it was not a journey. I'll let it slide. It is thirty-one degrees out. I'm glad the flip-flop police have decided that it's okay for me to... No, it's just, you know, I don't have to bug you about, like, why would you choose flip-flops. Like, you're just going downstairs across the street in flip-flops. Like, that makes sense. Yeah. And no one yelled at you about your open-toe shoes? No, yeah. It's a pretty in-and-out trip to go just grab a slice over there. So yeah, nobody got onto me for that. But you reminded me, we were talking about this at our meeting the other day. I was reminded of another altercation I got into several years ago. If you'd like to hear another awkward argument that I've been in in my life. Yes, Matt, you have the floor. This is going to become the whole show. It's just Matt's various. I'm going to say nothing until you're done with your story and then we'll break it down. It wasn't even so much a fight or anything. It was just a weird altercation. I got into an altercation with an Elvis impersonator at an old internship. which was, I don't know, altercation, confrontation. I'll let you be the judge of what happened. When I was in college, I was a communications major, which was a giant mistake. That's what I was too. When I was a senior though, I got my senior internship at the Greenville Little Theater, as it was called at the time. I'd been doing theater there. I was in a play and a couple one-act reviews there, and the director was very kind to give me a marketing internship at this place, even though I just kind of came in hungover most days and stuck around for two hours and then had to go back to class. But we had a review come through. I think it was called Shake, Rattle, and Roll. It was one of those kinds of things. And this guy came through to do the review, and he was the official Elvis impersonator from Anaheim, California, in Disneyland. So this is like the official Disneyland Elvis came in to do this Elvis concert for two or three nights at our theater. And his name is Scott, if anybody wants to look him up. But he was one of those people where he had work done to look like Elvis. It was even creepier. I was there when he got off the bus in the middle of the day, and he looks exactly like Elvis or like a wax figure of Elvis or something. But he was wearing like a bowling shirt and like cargo shorts. It was a very bizarre juxtaposition. But I got to go to the preview the first night and everything. I got free tickets. And beforehand, you know, they're doing like the big, you know, they had like a big party upstairs in the theater where everybody's like hobnobbing. And I'm getting along with Elvis's band pretty well. And but Scott's just like over in a corner, kind of like keeping to himself, being like very kind of aloof and all this and that. And and I watch the show and it's and it's fine. It's you know, it's a good show. All the old people are there and they're having fun and they're in their seats, you know, kind of jiving. And he did early Elvis. He did, you know, like Elvis from the beginning up to, you know. like you know I guess like I don't know but it was yeah he was very kind of like a fit and trim and he took being an elvis impersonator very seriously and uh the concert gets done I'm standing outside with me this other guy who worked at the theater and his friend and then a couple members of elvis's band and they're all having a cigarette and scott comes out to like uh talk to it to his band and us and everything everybody's like hey scott you did great good job And I'm like, yeah, you did good, Scott. And I was I was just trying to like, you know, be jokey, you know, or whatever with them. And I'm like, hey, have you ever thought about doing like later Elvis before? And he kind of like laughs to himself. He's like, I would never do that. And, you know, and I'm I'm like twenty two. So I can't see when someone's kind of uncomfortable and is trying to like brush, you know, off, you know, whatever. And I'm like, oh, no, come on. You get like a big fat suit and like, you know, the mutton chops and the big glasses. And he just looks at me in the face and he goes, fuck. fuck that shit, I would never fucking do that. Like right in my face. And everybody goes quiet and we all just stand there for a second. And then Scott just kinda goes, well, I'm gonna go back inside and talk to everybody. And we're all like, okay, great job again, Scott. And he goes back inside the theater. And that was that. And then me and Corey, the guy from the theater and Elvis's band all went out drinking and everything the rest of the night. They were all cool guys. And then I went into the theater the next day and Corey was working on something. He's like, there's Matt. There's the guy that pissed Elvis off. I've gotten some further context for that because we were kind of telling that story around the theater and one of the carpenters kind of chimed in while we were talking about it later in the day. He's like, you know, there's like a weird rivalry between people who do early Elvis and people who do that kind of fat Elvis, later Elvis. Oh, I didn't know that. It's kind of like an improv stand-up situation, you know, where it's like they don't, you know, like people who do early Elvis feel like the people who do that kind of Vegas Elvis are kind of hacky and they're, you know, they're doing like weddings and stuff like that and they're not taking the craft of, you know, impersonating the king and honoring his legacy as well as they should. And I'm like, where's that movie about, you know, just the rivalry between different types of Elvis impersonators? yeah I thought that was just very interesting I never knew there was different like classes of Elvis impersonation I always just assumed if you were an Elvis impersonator you did everything like the whole era the whole Elvis like And that was just the joke I was making because, you know, he was a fit trim guy. So I figured he'd find the humor and, you know, me saying that he should get like a big fat suit and the mutton chops and everything. But but yeah, apparently they don't like that. Or maybe he's just had that joke made to him so many times that he's just kind of over it. You never know. Or maybe he was just joking. and it came across like he was really angry. Well, he got, like, in my face. He didn't, like, scream or anything, but he got, like, really close to me, and he, like, pointed at me, and he was like, fuck that shit. I would never fucking do that. Yeah, but I do that all the time to you, and I'm just joking, so... Well, he was also being very aloof. He would only really talk to any of the women who worked at the theater. He didn't really talk to any of us. But anyway, so that's my weird altercation. I've kind of slightly angered the official Disneyland Elvis before in a past life. So I have lots of weird little stories like that where I get into to rouse with people. That's one where I sympathize you a little bit. Although I do question how much you were pressing him with the, you should get fat sued in the mutton chop. Well, yeah, because he tried to be like, no, that's not for me at first. And I'm like twenty two years old and I can't see when somebody is doing that. You know, like when Tom Cruise gets kind of mad, you know, and he kind of like laughs, you know, like he's trying to like cool himself down like he did that at first. And I should have just went like, oh, well, but, you know. You live, you learn, I guess. But yeah, if anyone wants to co-write the Elvis versus Elvis movie, do it like the Warriors, where it's like the young Elvises versus the old Elvises, and they get into fights all around Memphis or whatever. That's a movie. Warring Elvises. Oh, well, this is come out to play. So, yeah. So that's a that's another story in my youth of your youth. The story you told last week happened literally hours. It literally happened earlier that day. So I've not changed much, I guess. There's just something about me, I guess, that just inspires hatred. Yeah. Some people seem to really, really want everybody to like them, and I kind of seem to thrive on people hating me. Really? I wouldn't have guessed that, but now that I think about it... I just have one of those faces. But if you'd like to hear more about my weird, bizarre life, you should check out the Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club on our website, where you can watch tonight's show for completely free, or you can... chip in two bucks a month and watch our whole back catalog where I have uh various uh life crises uh and and we watch all kinds of uh weird trash we've watched you know the garfield christmas special bigfoot and wild boy oh yes vampires twice for some reason uh vampires twice the mystic knights of tyrannog oh that was a bad one we've watched a couple of xenas we've watched some good stuff too We've watched it. We've been all over the place. And tonight's theme is celebrity vehicle cartoons. Now, what does that mean, Matt? What is a celebrity vehicle cartoon exactly? Well, I'm so glad you asked. So there was a brief period in the eighties and nineties where they would just make a cartoon to basically just to star a certain celebrity, you know, like I'll give one of ours away. I have an episode of Life with Louie here where it was an entire cartoon built around the childhood of Louie Anderson. Where it's about him as a child and Louis Anderson plays both himself and his dad in the show. And there were lots of shows about younger celebrities. Like there was Bobby's World, which was kind of like the Howie Mandel one. I don't have an episode of Bobby's World. Good. I hate Howie Mandel. Because it's fucking annoying. With a passion. But yeah, so I think you'll be there's one of them in particular that I think is is a little more off the beaten path than what you would assume. And I think I hope that that's what wins. And I'll explain it a little bit more when we get there. So that's the next theme. And then I have two short little videos for intermission today. I was trying to find a nice kind of five minute one, but I could only find some shorter ones. So we've got two of them together. And I think that that'll be. That'll be a good time for everybody. So, uh, so yeah, we're just going to talk about our, our, our little company and we're going to watch some garbage and uh, what? little little company in the Fortune five hundred Matt we went public last week uh you can you can buy a stock you can buy our Bitcoin now no I'm kidding we're gonna be like the hawk to a girl and have our own Bitcoin and then bankrupt everybody who believes in us oh my God okay everyone uh real quick We're on Blue Sky. I just put all those links to follow us in the chat and also join our Discord server, And a great way to follow us, keep up with everything happening at Dumb Industries. And also, we are doing shout outs tonight to anyone who sends a donation into slash donate or scan that QR code below that. And we do shout outs. Thank you guys to anyone who donates any dollar amount. Doesn't matter. And you can put little requests in there. We've been doing bad impressions. We've been doing improv. We begin answering specific questions. If you have a question for us that you really want answered. A very sensitive question that is imperative that you get answered. We go through the chat too, but the chat goes by kind of quick. It goes by so fast. You blink and you miss it. If you really want to ask us something that is the way to do it uh but if you leave it blank we'll just you know come up with our own stuff you know I like singing songs as gollum uh you know I uh well speaking of tiny tim uh okay what what okay we have our first we have a few donations here already it's very exciting first one comes from our good friend what would mitchell do thank you mitchell thank you thank you what would mitchell mitchell And they say happy Lunar New Year. That's right. It was Lunar New Year yesterday to my two favorite dudes. I still don't understand completely what that means. Lunar New Year. In honor of my mom being released from the hospital. Oh, nice. I think last week she was watching her in the hospital. So that's awesome. um in honor of my mom being released can I please get brother ichabod making kissinger the newest general of the kiss army hellbound of course cameo by paul stanley giving his approval love what would mitchell do oh my gosh I'm gonna have to bounce between a bunch of voices okay for me to do ichabod well I need to warm up my voice for a second so let me let me mute myself Okay, I think I can do this. Go for it. Sinner! Are you ready to join the ranks of the worst army in all of hell? Who are you talking to me? Yes, you, the portly one who looks like a turtle slightly. Yes, what can I do for you? Yes, we need some people to join the biggest army in ALL OF HELL! We of course have the Foreign Legion here, as well as the... ...seventy-seven Philadelphia Flyers, but YOU will be joining... ...the KISS army, because as we know, EVERY KISS fan goes to hell because they SUCK SO BAD! Right, Paul? Oh yeah! You said it! Yeah! Well, I'm glad you asked. It's good to have a curious mind and to ask plenty of questions. The KISS Army fights for the power of corporate radio rock around the world! Uh, they wear makeup as various types of, uh, demons and animals and star people. What are you exactly, Paul? Star Child, you're right! Okay, good. Uh, I wasn't quite sure what that means exactly, but, uh, awesome. Do you have a makeup design in mind, Henry, that you could perhaps use for this? We could use someone with your war experience as a general. Yes, perhaps I could be the Eliminator, and I would just look like a corpse of someone that I murdered. Well, I'm not so sure we can copyright that makeup design. Gene won't be very happy with that. We have the Vinnie Vincent Egyptian warrior makeup that nobody wants to wear. Would it be acceptable if you wore that? Yes, I would like that very much. Okay. Welcome aboard, General. Oh, my God. What would Mitchell do? Thank you so much. All right. Let's see. We have another one here. Go Google Vinnie Vincent if you want to see the stupidest Kiss makeup. Because when they started replacing members of Kiss in the eighties, they started giving them all their own unique makeup. And then when they came back in the nineties and started replacing them again, they just gave up and just gave the Mason Peters makeup. They're just like, fuck it. We're not doing that again. Yeah. We have another donation here, but I'm going to wait until we bring Emmy on because it requires her skills. Okay. Specific impression. This next one comes from Lucius C. Lucius, thank you so much. Lucius says, you guys and Tom Sharpling, oh my God, my idol, are the main folks keeping me sane these days. So could I hear Gollum meeting Philly boy Roy? Tom Sharpling, host of The Best Show. huge inspiration to me I had no idea there were other best show fans that watch this stuff so that is good to know I'm only vaguely familiar with that program I do not know who Philly Boy Roy is I could do Philly Boy Roy and you can be Gollum so I guess just approach me so just approach me okay Hello, are you an Orcses? Nice to meet you. What's your name, little boy? My name's Smeagol. No, it's Gollum! Oh, it's Smeagol. It's Gollum. Oh, nice to meet you, little boy. My name is Philly Boy Roy. Philly Boy Roy. Where are you from, preciouses? Are you from Rivendell, or...? Oh, it's pretty obvious, don't you think? It's Philadelphia. I don't know what is a Philadelphia, Preciouses. It's a place down in Pennsylvania, and I love it there. I'm turning into Michael from One Month's Crossing. It's really hard to do John Worcester's voice. Preciousles, what is Philadelphia like? What happens there? I've never been. It's the best place on the planet, don't you know? You can run up those stairs that Rocky ran up. That's what I do with most of my days. Oh, stairs! One time I had to run up the stairs in Mordor! There were so many of them, it just kept going and going and going and going and going! Well, that sounds great! I'm gonna get going, little boy! Goodbye! Oh, okay. Hey, you haven't seen a ring anywhere, have you? No! Alright, um... Fillet cheesesteak? That sounds gross, Processes! That was a terrible Philly Boy Royale. No one send that to Tom Sharpling. I'm trying to think of what it reminded me of. Ben Dale says it's a damn good Philly Boy Royale. All right. You were kind of getting into Fred Durst territory a little bit. It had that kind of like, it's all about the he said, she said. Now you know we all be loving this shit right here. Thank you so much, Lucius. Yeah, thank you. Great, great, great concept. We have some gifted writers here. uh okay we got a lot here let's um let's get into this week's dumb deals yeah and then we'll come back and we'll do some more uh but right now I think we should really get into this week's take it away johnny Okay, this week, we have an all new page on the dumb industries website, dumb dash slash deals where we have All sorts of deals, digital deals, T-shirts, hoodies. This week, we've got ten percent off all Sherpa blankets and all all pillows. We have a lot of pillows have been selling like crazy in the dumb industry store. The wonderful Wednesday watch long pillows. I think we should make some dumb industries flip flops. I think that those would, you know, really well. I think we can do that. Okay. I will wear the dumb industry's flip flops if those become a thing. But yeah, get your Sherpas, get your pillows. They're so comfy. The Sherpas are truly, truly comfortable. The deal for t-shirts is you buy any three, you get your fourth free. Or you can just get any t-shirt, twenty percent off. Promo code t-shirts twenty. But head to slash deals. All the info is on there. And we change those up every week. So yeah. And checking it out. Yep. And as I said at the top of show, excuse me, I'm real burpy today. There is also the Mystery Hour Mystery Club. If you're watching us on Twitch, we love you. Feel free to keep watching us on Twitch. We also get paid by Twitch revenue. Use your Amazon free subscription if you want to. This is also where dumb television happens. So, you know, you get a lot of use out of that. But if you'd like to watch this specific program ad free, You can do that on our website at forward slash mystery hour. Watch the most recent episode completely free. We leave it up for an entire week until a new episode replaces it. And as I said before, if you kick in just a little coin, you get access to the full back catalog. And there's a secret chat over there, which is fun. And if you sign up for that Mystery Hour Plus membership or any Plus membership on our website, you unlock access to the Dumb Odds and Ends library, which includes all the other stuff we've produced for Dumb Industries that hasn't been attached to a specific show or regular program like the Witching Hour, Martian Shadows, all the Matt and Emmy and Chris's are up there. I'll be releasing my sex tape on there later this month. He filmed a pretty wild sex tape. And that's going up at It's just by myself, Noah. And as we mentioned earlier, there's digital deals at And this week is no different. Is that right, Matt? That's correct. Yeah, so yeah, we do every week a big Mads or Back download sale. We've been going back through the show from the very beginning because we have exactly a year's worth of program if you do it every week. Yeah, it's like we hit that syndicated sweet spot. Yeah, there's there's exactly fifty two of them. DC Comics is favorite number. The new fifty two. The Mads are back. See Frank and Trace and brand new high collared outfits with lots of lines all over them. But anyway, this week's sale is The Brain from Planet Eris. So if you don't have that yet, it's six bucks through Sunday with promo code Shirley Temple. Just go to forward slash The Brain from Planet Eris. Pretty easy. That's right. And that was a great one. That was with Dana Gould. Yep. That was our Q&A guest. Yep. And I'm feeling quite generous. What do you say we do a giveaway for that episode? No! Let them suffer. Okay, let's do one. uh if you're watching this live enter hashtag shirley temple you'll be in the running for a free download of the mads are back to bring them from planet aros and uh if you already have that download just let me know if you win just let me know and we'll get you another download like last week's or next week a a purchase of of equal monetary value yes um god going back to the best show matt you have to get into the best show I need like I don't know anyone else who listens to the best show regularly I've seen clips of it online I just have no well they just move the time he's been tuesdays at eight for like years and years like decades and now he's going to be doing it at or it's tuesday at nine and now it's going to be at six p.m eastern so I can like actually watch it live again it's very exciting Right here on Twitch, too. They do it on Twitch. Very nice. Very nice. Very nice. Okay, we have some more shoutouts here. Next one. Okay, sock it to me. This one comes from Mercenary Elf. Mercenary Elf. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Mercenary Elf says, dealer's choice. Dealer's Choice. You got to go wild, Matt. I really should have brainstormed some more weird songs. Here's Gollum singing Jackson. We got married in a fever, higher than a pepper sprout We've been talking about Jackson ever since the fire went out We're going to Jackson, gonna run around Well, we're going to Jackson. Ooh, Jackson Town. Me and Mercenary Elf are going to Jackson. Go ahead and wreck your head. Go do-do-do-do-do, you sweet talking man. Do-do-do-do-do-do, I don't remember the words. Uh, thank you, Mercenary Elf. Thank you, Mercenary Elf. That was a great one. Next one here comes from Scribbler Johnny. Thank you, Scribbler Johnny. Scribbler Johnny, thank you. Scribbler Johnny wants Brother Ichabod to sentence sinners to play Candy Crush. Ooh. Ooh, okay. That's all you, Matt. Okay, let me get... I have to work myself up to do this one. You're there! Oh, wait. Has my audio been... Oh, let me adjust that. Okay, I got it. There you go. You there, new sinner! I notice you're in hell and you have nothing to do with your hands! Well, good news for you, because we've just got this shipment in of Windows phones! Remember the Windows phone? It's the official phone of hell! It's your only choice, it runs off of Windows seven, it fucking sucks! And the only installed game is Candy Crush! You will be just swiping and swiping and swiping and swiping and swiping. And then you'll have to charge your phone for a bit. And then you'll be swiping and swiping and swiping and swiping. And then it'll get a little too hot and you'll have to put it down for a little bit. And then swipe and swipe and swipe until your fucking fingerprints fall off! Does that sound like a miserable time to you? Huh, Scribbler Johnny? Well, too bad! You have no choice! Shut up! No eye contact! We should set up a cameo for Brother Ichabod. He just gave me the idea. Um, thank you so much for Johnny. Okay. We got one here and then we'll, we'll take a break, pick a winner here. Um, this one comes from Spirocythe. Thank you. We have to get an applause button or something. We need to get like a soundboard, like we're drive time DJs, you know, where it can have like the horn sound effect and like the, the, the Voiva Zella or whatever it's called. Yeah. Spireside Every Week creates a new meme for us based on things we've discussed in the past week. This week is no different. We discussed a lot over the past week, mainly Matt's feet and his trip to McDonald's, but other things as well. Here we go. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it would have something to do with this. All right, look at this. It says save Matt on the top there. Save his frostbitten toes, I'm assuming. Oh, you're wearing a Matt TV t-shirt. That is cool. Nice. And he put your face onto some other guy's face, looks like. Let's see. I love that he gets only the most flattering photographs of me to put in things. He's got me. I look like I'm very cold outside of... I'm at the border of New York State. Are you on like a... I'm trying to figure out. You look like you're on a mascot hedgehog costume or something. I don't know. Yeah, it's the proportions very odd. Let's see. We got a very special episode. What is this? What? What is that from? That's just like a generic special episode. And then we got Sammy Stevens, the guy from the Montgomery flea market flea market Montgomery. Yeah. Who is that to the left? Oh, that's the pimp my ride. Oh, yeah. Is that the the lady who got the the nurse mobile? Yeah. We put a full MRI machine in the trunk of your car. There's a full MRI machine in the trunk of her car. Now your car is useless. Enjoy. We also got Bill Bixby as the Hulk there. Yeah. Oh, is that a bottle of Smirnoff Ice? Yeah, I was drinking a Smirnoff Ice Screwdriver last week. The attention to detail is incredible. I love it. Thank you so much, Pyrocythe. Pyrocythe here also has a request. It says, how about Don Knotts asking Peter Weller if the Oreo cookie story is real? So you want to be Peter Weller? Should I be Peter Weller as Robocop? I'm trying to think if I can do that. I think just the curmudgeon-y Peter Weller would be... would be good. Okay, okay, okay. Oh, excuse me, Mr. Weller, can I ask you something? Yes, what is it? Oh, I won't take too much of your time, but I'm a huge fan of the Robocop series, and I heard an interesting story that you were fed Oreos on the set of Robocop. Is that true? Look, have you been talking to that idiot Randy again? Randy! Randy, that's the one who told me! Look, look, I've told Randy a thousand times I don't know anything about him and his fucking Oreos, okay? But he's very convincing. He said that you would just open your mouth and a PA would put Oreos in your mouth. Look, I don't know where he's getting these stories from. Look, I've lived a full life. I was in Star Trek Into Darkness at one point. I was in the Dark Knight Returns cartoons. I've done a lot. I have a PhD, and all anybody wants to know is about the fucking Oreos, and I'm sick of it. I will go full Robocop on the next person who asks me about the Oreos. Well, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Oreos are delicious. Hey guys, it's Randy. You've been talking to Peter over here? Randy, are you the one that told him about the Oreos? Yeah, I'm the one that told him. Oh my god. See, it's funny because you thought it was the other Randy, but it's me, Randy Newman. I'm the one spreading the Oreo story. I'm going to shoot you in the dick just like Robocop. No, don't do that. Oh no. My dick. Can't have that. Thank you so much, Spiroscythe. Thank you, Spiroscythe. All right, let's pick a winner here. I'm going to draw a name. Whoever wins is going to win a free download of The Mads Are Back, The Brain from Planet Aros. And old Misty Jamie. Misty Jamie, awesome. Congratulations, a huge dumb supporter. Well deserved. Canadian even. Matt, we have several Canadian viewers. I got an email this morning from someone in Nova Scotia who said they just love everything we're doing. Wow. That's awesome. Keep up the great work. I literally get emails like that every day. It's the most uplifting thing. It's what keeps me going. I also wake up to mean emails occasionally, but then I get a nice one like thirty seconds later and it makes up for that. If things keep going south in this country, we might be crashing on your couch soon, Misty Jamie, because we've got to keep up our Canadian audience so we can flee whenever we need to. Okay, we've still got so much to get to, and it's already eight-forty. What do you say we get into This Week in Dome? Okay. Take it away, Chris. I'm Randy. Saturday, we had an all-new episode of Jackie Naiman Jones, The Hands of Paint. We did. You may have seen it in the promo I made. Oh, yeah. I love that promo. The subject was She-Creature. This was Jackie's painting that she was working off of. She-Creature. I spelled it wrong on this flyer, I realized later. The She-Creature, the Pretty terrible movie. But everyone did such a great job. Here are some of the paintings here. This one is... Oh, this is cool. See the She Creature by Shade. Very nice. Here's an alternate version of that. Shade does really cool colors, different versions. It looks like the Shroud of Turin or something. I think I've said that before about... This one is great. This is Pin Up by Charlotte Greenwell. That is a boobalicious sheep creature. Oh, you think that's a boobalicious? I am slightly aroused. Here's She's Serving Fish by Blue. Oh, my God. I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me. I know. This one is probably my favorite. This is She Can Do It by Rebecca Biggs. That's awesome. Isn't it? This one's cool too. Pretty Now by Tom Watson. All these she creatures have great tits. You're all great at the she tits on the monster. Y'all nailed the she tits. Here's mine. She looks kind of like... Yeah, it's good. You went with a very traditional kind of model that Jackie had. He looks like he's wearing some kind of, I don't know, mask or something. I'm trying to think of what he reminds me. He looks kind of like a Thundercats character or something. He looks kind of like a... Who was the one guy, like Pantera, Panthro, whatever his name was? Yeah. Oh, here's a great one, and this is going to be on a new set of digital Valentine's Day cards. This is by Ingo Woldemuth. Yeah. That's my favorite. Last year we sold a set of four digital Valentine's Day cards. You can print them at home, fold them up, use them as Valentine's. We're going to have a new set in the store very soon, so be on the lookout for that. Yes, I was a consultant on that design. Ooh, look at that. But yeah, it was a great class. Everyone should join the Hands of Paint class because it's free for your first thirty days. And every month we watch a B-movie and then we paint something from that B-movie. So we've done so many Mystery Science Theater movies. The Christmas Dragon... Was She-Creature a Mystery Science Theater movie? Yeah, it was like a later one. I think it was season eight or nine or something. Okay. I'm really showing how little I know about this show, even though I work with everybody from it. Plan Nine from Outer Space, we've done a bunch, and it's just a super relaxing... Several monos designs of... And everyone can check that out over at slash Jackie. Check out the student gallery, too. It's right on the page there. Just click on gallery right on our homepage. And you can see all the amazing work people are doing. And if you paint an older painting, you should still send us a photo of your painting. And we'll throw it on there and talk about it on our social media. I'll put it up in my shrine in my room. That class is every fourth Saturday. The gallery will blow you away, as Shade says. The gallery will blow you away. away. Gotta finish your sentences there. Okay. I think I blew myself too early. What else? Alright, so yeah, so that happened on Saturday and then on Monday, it was the next Super Dumb Brothers. We played Back to the Future games. Yes. Poorly. And... there are some we found back to well they're all nes games but they had back to the future and then back to the future two and three they combined into one game you never got past part two though I don't think right no yeah I was I was very confused it was like a mario kind of game but it was yeah yeah we got very lost very quickly and uh and then you played back to the future one which is essentially what if the paper boy uh sucked a lot more and it was very lame had nothing to do with back to the future How do you mess that up? Back to the Future has some of the most iconic props, costumes. How do you mess that up? I know graphics were limited back then, but they could have put a little pixelated vest on Marty McFly, you know, or... Or, yeah, had the DeLorean there somehow, or, you know, they just, yeah. It was like E.T. the game levels of, I don't think they even watched this movie before they made the game. No, they did not. But we had a fun time playing them. And we played some Rift Tracks game, I think, right? Yeah, we played all Christmas clips of the Rift Tracks game. Because we forgot to turn that off, and... because we forgot to turn it off. Oh, EQ Washu says we need to play the Universal Studios Minecraft DLC. I think I did play that with my nephew because he's obsessed with going to Universal Studios. The marketing has worked on him. That's all he wants to do. But yes, the Back to the Future episode is now on demand in the Super Dumbo's Super Club. our most recent live stream is always available to watch on depend so you could check that episode out completely for free yeah do it and uh yeah and while we're talking about that what are we doing next week for oh so next month we're going to start uh we're going to do games over multiple episodes so we're starting in february we're going to do grand theft auto three for for two weeks and yes we're gonna do that for two weeks and then uh and now I'm gonna be playing that and then matt's going to be playing uh more of legend of zelda skyward sword Yeah, so if you watched, we did a long play of the beginning of that, which was basically just all the beginning exposition of that game. I did a lot of reading, so now that all that's out of the way, we'll actually be playing the game. Yeah, so if you're curious about how the Legend of Zelda series began, because that's chronologically the very first game in the timeline, you can check that out. And I, I've been, I got the grand theft auto trilogy. I'm almost done with grand theft auto three, but I think that would be a, it's kind of a fun place to jump in and play with you guys. Cause they may be able to like finish the game, uh, on, on during the stream. So that'll be nice for a change, you know, right. Instead of just playing the first level and being terrible at it. Uh, yeah. So, so y'all got that, got that to work to look forward to, uh, so yeah, Monday. And then, God, Tuesday. This week has been... Wild. Tuesday, we had the Mid to Late Evening Show with Mary Jo Peel, an all-new episode of the Mary Jo Peel Show, and it was late-night talk show themed. And I think we nailed it. I think we did a good job of making the show a late-night talk show. Mary Jo did her monologue from the garage. We had guests, Jackie Naiman-Jones. We had a great interview with Jackie. Dave played a song. Dave played a song, one of my favorite Valley Lodge songs. And Mary Jo's next door neighbor, Ian, stopped by. And that was so much fun. I was the band leader for the night. I had a whole band behind me. You did a great job editing everything. It was a nice, slick production. uh I wouldn't say it was slick but it was a nice production and I was literally I said this in the discord server I think yesterday but I was literally editing a final episode like minutes before the pre-show went on like I I started the pre-show and I was still exporting the uh the video for that night and uh yeah so it came out great I was really happy with everything and um Yeah, and we threw you in there. We threw the Brother Ichabod commercial in there because I realized we're cutting the brakes all the time, but we didn't really have any ads to put in there. So I slid in the Brother Ichabod ad. nice because yeah we were trying to think if I could do anything for it and then just how everything was kind of put together and then just how we were scheduled and everything we just couldn't quite make it happen so uh so it was nice to to still have popped up for a second I was just happy having made the pre-show like I like I usually do so it's uh you know I don't it doesn't have to be matt time all the time you know yeah eric mckinnon says next time you do it have ian be the sidekick the whole time that's not a bad idea plus wacky neighbor needs to be a thing Yeah, it was like the way we filmed it, Mary Jo had to film everything separately. So it was like as a sidekick, I couldn't really do much. She said one thing to me during the monologue and then I had to edit myself talking to her. and uh did I mention I was editing this until like thirty seconds before it aired um but I I filmed a bunch of stuff of me playing guitar and then a lot of it just ended up like unusable so I had to kind of like there's a lot there's a lot to that episode I didn't know you could play guitar that's uh oh yeah oh I've been playing guitar since I was twelve thirteen or something huh You knew that. I know you played drums, but I've never seen a guitar in your place. I play drums way more often. But yeah, I have a Fender Strat, American Strat. Great guitar. Oh, wow. I have a Mexican Strat at my parents' house, and it is not great. mexican strats can still be pretty good but um the thing with strats is now I'm gonna deviate for a little bit uh strats are good but the the stock pickups on them are not great if you get a strat uh you should probably change the pickups on it because they're single coil and they buzz we gotta form a band matt me you that's it just the two of us and uh We'll be like the white stripes. Yes. But yeah, God, Tuesday. So much fun. That episode is now on demand in the Mary Jo Peele Show Clubhouse, available for all Clubhouse members. And let's see. And you also picked what we're doing for the next Movie Joe Night that night, too. Yes, the next Movie Joe Night is going to be the first movie made for TV movie, Doctor Strange. Yeah, so come back in February. Jessica Waters is in it. and uh yeah february and we're doing it on a friday next month because we've got uh we had a we had a we had a reschedule a few things so so a nice a nice friday night movie joe night that'll be yeah those are fun we've done it once before I think we did pray for the wildcats on our friday Something like that, yeah. That'll be great. So, yeah, you get a full Mads Friday and a new movie Joe all at once. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, so, yeah. And then Wednesday, we did Weird and Wonderful Wednesday, as always. And I was in the middle of putting my tax stuff together and, you know, fun adult shit like that, so I didn't catch it. But we have the person who made it. So, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Burt Bacharach. I mean... That's Miss Burt Bacharach. I'll have you know. That's Miss Burt Bacharach. The timing was perfect. How do you say, is it Bacharach? Is that right? It's Bacharach, isn't it? I'm always just quoting Austin Powers when I do that. When he just goes, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Burt Bacharach. Well. Emmy, how are you? Welcome to the program. You know, things are good. Things are good. Yeah. I mean, look at all these people in the chat. They're all going nuts for you. Look at this. You know. It's six days till my birthday. I know. We've been counting down over here at the headquarters. It's one of the ones with the zero at the end of it, I think. Oh, really? That's what they tell me. I did not know this. I think it might have a zero at the end of it. That's crazy. You're the same exact age as my sister-in-law. So last night Speaking of of creating and all that we had creation of the humanoids or a movie about about racism and and and other weird Tangential stuff from yeah, but it was very very uh very ahead of its time. What year did that come out? nineteen sixty two Yeah. And look at that. Chris actually edited down this poster or something. You did something special with this. You just found that one online. That's an alternate one of the one I think I'd sent you. Oh, cool. It's almost the exact same poster. But it's got a nice black border. I like the black border. I know. It's cool, right? It looked good in the emails. Yeah, it looked nice. That's why I was like, I got that email. And I was like, ooh. I was like, that's nice. I was like, that stands out more. Thanks, Chris. um yeah that movie so you you've you've seen it you watched it yes on sven ghouli back in four four years ago when a while ago yeah it was four years I had and um tell you the date and uh god the movie the ending it's got like an amazing ending It does. You're expecting the twist, but then the twist is slightly different than you're expecting. That's really how you do the twist. You've got to double-blind people like that. But also, it's just really competently written. The script is amazing. The colors are amazing. The sets and the costumes are amazing. The camera work and the budget is crap. Yeah, the makeup and everything looks pretty cheesy. Yeah, they've got one camera and one microphone, and the camera's just not moving. Yeah, but otherwise, what a film. Totally, yeah. I wasn't able to watch last night, but you always have such a huge crowd that tunes in every Wednesday. It was well over a hundred people last night for Creation of the Humanoids. That was so great. I was honored. So everyone should join Emmy's membership, slash weird. She hosts a new movie every Wednesday. The movie starts at eight, but you have a whole pre-show. It starts earlier at seven. I have some cartoons. We do Emmy Martian's Cartoon Funhouse afterwards. I had a lot of robot cartoons. There was Gumby's Robot Rumpus, and Ernest had the full-length director's cut. I love Ernest. He went to camp. That's a different Ernest, but every time, Matt, every time. He went to Africa one time. Yes. He was in the army. Have you ever seen Doctor Otto and the Riddle of the Gloom Beam, Matt? Yeah, that's a weird one. Speaking of weird movies. I remember I rented that as a kid because it was the only Ernest movie in the store at the time. And I was on an Ernest Jag at like eight years old. What is that, the original... No, that's like a different thing. It's really bad. It's like a character showcase for Jim Varney back when Ernest was more of a commercial character. Ernest pops up for a second in it, but mainly Jim Varney plays a supervillain, basically, called Doctor Otto. It's pretty weird. He also did Slam Dunk Ernest where he becomes like a basketball star. Ernest. We also had We Bare Bears and lots of other great, great robot themed cartoons and so forth. Yeah, I think it's always y'all never seen we bear bears y'all aren't The kid they got it they got it y'all tune in later tonight And you can see some we bear bears on on cartoon fun house later tonight on on TV at ten that over a dumb weird So there'll be there'll be some more we bear bears yeah, and lots of other cool things but uh But really what I want to say is that before we move on is next week, it's my birthday. It's my birthday on next Wednesday. It's actually on the Wednesday. So it's going to be a big blowout and I'm going to have nothing last forever. I had a big blowout earlier. It wasn't me. You don't drive. I had to change my pants. Have you ever even driven a car? I have driven a car. I was in a wreck that almost killed me when I was like twenty-two years old when a Greyhound bus hit my Honda Civic and put it into a guardrail. Wait, wait, wait. Who was driving the bus? Was it the Elvis impersonator? Yeah, it was the same guy. That's right. It was just to tell my Quentin Tarantino story, too. Oh, yeah. It's almost nine o'clock. We'll do that. My point was, I do really need to say this. I'm trying to get this sentence out. Um... Next week is my birthday, and so I will be having the movie Nothing Lasts Forever. Nothing Lasts Forever is a dystopian sci-fi film that stars the lead of Gremlins and Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd and Terry Garr and Sam Jaffe and Imogene Coca and Bud Melman and both the Belushi brothers are in it in a rare appearance together. It's a fantastic movie. It's a... It's about a young man who wants to become an artist, and a bunch of homeless people send him on a bus to go shopping with senior citizens on the moon. It's truly incredible. And Zach Galligan, star of A Very Delicate Matter, which was shown on The Witching Hour. This is also, see, it's the synergy. Zach G., He's mainly well known for being on that and an episode of Star Trek Voyager and nothing else. Yeah. Well, this movie that I'll be playing has never been released officially or commercially or anything. It was aired on TV one night and one night only, I believe in the early nineties. Someone made a videotape copy of that. I have a very high, high definition copy of, actually I used to have like a, For years, I actually had a crappy copy and a few months ago. I actually ran across like a Much nicer nicer copy of As I said never been officially released partly because of copyright reasons And and other other but but that makes it easy for us to play because we're not stepping on anyone's toes amazing uh emmy we have uh a donation here that requires your peter laurie impression um is who go ahead this this comes from ryan s thank you so much ryan ryan thank you ryan says colombo asks jill cairo played by peter laurie about the maltese falcon wait who asked peter laurie Columbo. Okay, so it's you two. Ask Joel Cairo, played by Peter Lorre, about the Maltese. Like the movie? Just ask him about the movie? It's a drink for my two-liter during this. Excuse me, sir. I'm sorry to bother you. Obviously got a lot going on right now, but I was hoping maybe you could tell me about that film, The Maltese Falcon. Have you never seen me and the fat man? Is the fat man here? Has he come here already? So, you know, I like the pictures, but Mrs. Columbo's a huge fan, and she's seen all of them, and that's one of the ones that she wants to go see this weekend. You should definitely let her in on that, because it's going to be an experience she'll never forget, if you know what I mean. I think I know exactly what you mean. Now, just one more thing, sir. Would you care to tell me, is that movie a remake of an older movie? It is indeed. It was made like four years previously and it sucked. The one without me, it was terrible. It was really slow and it didn't have Humphrey Bogart or Elisha Cooke Jr. or Sidney Greenstreet or anyone in it. It really sucked. It was one of the worst ever. I don't know. Luckily, we remade it with a brand new enamel finish. Well, that's good to hear. Mrs. Columbo is going to be very thrilled. Hey, guys, it's Randy. What movie are you talking about? The Maltese Falcon. Have you heard of it? I think I have heard of it. That's the one about the guy with the Chewbacca and they fly the ship, the Maltese Falcon, right? Yeah, I think you're confused there. I think you're thinking of the aluminum Falcon. Yes, that's it, the aluminum Falcon. I've seen that with Lucas Starfryer. I'm very familiar with that. young kids these days you know um yes and and singing the next one you got a maltese falcon oh my god all right thank you thank you thank you so much ryan thank you ryan I also want to thank uh I just want to thank daniel s I want to thank uh I want to thank dare n And I also really, really want to thank Rocky. Rocky, I really appreciate you. But also, Darren, you know, see, I don't want to, it's tough when people, when they send us, I don't want to dox anybody. I know, yeah. I don't want to thank them. I've just been thanking first name, last initial, just to, you know, I don't want to dox anyone. Unless we've already said their name eight thousand times on the show, in which case they seem fine with us doxing them. I'd like to thank the Academy, and I would like to thank our Lord Jesus Christ. Emmy, do you have a minute to stick around for our intermission video? As long as you have a minute. Do you have a minute? Okay. See, that was good timing. So I found two short little ones. And to start off this, I love news videos that kind of seem like they could vaguely be Monty Python skits. This is a skit about a man who cars keep hitting his house and the county won't do anything about it. So let me hit the bed music real fast. Thank you, Chris. It is a sight to see the signs in front of this Cleveland Heights home after dealing with crash after crash. We told you about one of those crashes back in twenty twenty one. Another happened in twenty twenty two. Honey, I'm home. Tell you about a near miss. And it's like a Tesla jumping. He still feels like this city has not done. Your Uber's here to prevent this from continuing to happen. How is it happening? It shows you now how it's got to be like a steep off South Taylor Road. There's flashing lights, a speed bump. What's going to happen when a car going eighty five miles an hour hits that speed bump? and even this guy's like ned flanders I love him put those rocks in place as a what they call temporary measure oh my god it's still not enough to keep his home safe from erratic drivers I'm painting another sun this side just put all these weird signs Did it say chicken shit? It does say. Oh, this guy rules. We have to blur one of them out. Wait, why are they... Is there like a swastika on that one? Nah, I think it just swears. Yeah. Cars just keep flying into only his house. I'd be terrified to hang out I like how they're totally doxing him too with like the street address and everything yes the second was in the other billy joel I can't get homeowners insurance. I currently have insurance, but they've jacked the rates, and if I have one more claim, I'm being dropped. Wow. This guy's yard is like a Twitter comment section. It's great. This guy needs to move. Well, his house is paid off. Yeah. I don't have a mortgage. The house is paid off. What can I buy where I won't have to pay that's comparable to where I'm currently living? If you had to pay, at least a car wouldn't fly through your window. I think that's a fair trade-off. As far as I'm concerned, this house has a giant target on the side. and the city has done nothing to alleviate that until he gets it gal plans to keep painting and so do you think these signs help no they help me not at all they help me mentally exactly they just let him event yeah I think he actually admitted that too they helped me idiots that one sign just says idiots that helps him not kill people in like a random like killing spree at least he's good at anger management So there's that one. That was a quick little video. And I found another quick little video. There's people on TikTok. Wait, I need to set this up. There's people on TikTok who claim to be telekinetic and it's the goofiest thing ever. I've been on their account before. They have like a whole page full of videos where they even coach people on how to be telekinetic. And just watch how stupid this is. Imagine there's an Instagram account where the creator claims to have telekinesis abilities. He insists he can control the air, something similar to popular anime. The account breeze the creative seriously tries to prove to people that he can manipulate objects. Just watch how stupid this is. Oh look, they moved an empty water bottle. The main character can crush a soda can or move objects just with her mind. But in the case of this Instagram account, things are much funnier. That's so stupid. They're knocking it down with air. Yes. But they think that they're, like, amazing. This guy posted a video where he showed a girl he claims he taught the art of telekinesis. She was physically able to move aluminum foil with just a wave of her hand. Whoa! Moves in the wind. It's a simple childhood trick. The foil on the table is very light, and the wave of the hand creates a gust of air that pushes the foil. That's it. I like that they have to, like, use an infographic to explain this to people. They're like, are you this dumb? Whoa! Look, I also invented the paper airplane. Yeah, Gleapster idiots. Yeah, they need the sign from that guy's yard. Who would have thought some wind could move an elastic water bottle? Yeah, this woman is all my energy. The creative teaches people this questionable magic. He even has a Patreon. How about health is wealth for twenty two dollars a month? It seems some people for twenty two dollars a month. You can learn how to move things by three hundred and twenty members. Wow. Let's go. We're doing something. Where's my new grift? Yeah. It's people like this are the reason why Trump is in power again. whoa incredible so yeah so that's probably what does believe in this that's probably if you take that is you'll be able to move tinfoil with all the telekinetic you know it just comes naturally but the worm in my brain lets me move water bottles with my mind Is that a good RFK? You know, it needs to be raspier. Both of ours needs to be, we need more rasp in our RFK. I actually did not say that. My cousin found out that I was putting mice into a blender to feed my hawk, and that's a new thing that actually happened to me. I wish you'd had time. I had brought a video, too, this week, but because of failed celebrity pilots, Chris saw the video that I brought already, the Pryor's Place video. Uh-oh. I thought about it. I thought about it. Well, how long is it? We probably don't have... I mean, it's, you know, it's like two minutes. It's the open... It's like a minute, so it's like the opening to a... Do you have it? Do it. Do you have it ready? I have it ready. I think I... Can I just drag and drop it in the... Is that how that works? If you go to present at the bottom in video file, you should be able to open it from your documents or downloads. Oh, look at that. You're the smart one. yeah you're acting like you've never used stream yard before you know some of these things they baffle us sometimes okay so is it ready it is totally ready it is ready and loaded up just hit add to screen Right. Did I not hit the add to screen? I don't see it in the videos at the bottom here. Yeah. Not seeing it. I think there might just be too many videos, but... No, you can put a lot of videos on. Oh, no. This video uses a codec. Well, next time. Next time. Next time, maybe, to quote Terrence Howard from Iron Man. We'll have to share the wonders of Pryor's Place with Matt, because it's just... It's great. Ever since I've seen this, I've been thinking of Matt and, like... You need to see this, Matt. Put it in the Discord. Check out our Discord later if you're not a member of our Discord. That video will be in there. I posted a picture of my feet earlier today. There's all kinds of neat bonus content. I'm going to ban you from the Discord if you keep that up. Please, please do that. Look, we keep flip-flopping on this issue. If we just stop flip-flopping on this issue, I think that... I'll get out of here. Where's my... All right. Okay. Thank you, Emmy. Thanks, Emmy. We will see you real soon. See you later. Bye-bye. Bye. Conway Twitty, everyone. Okay. Oh, my God. We still got so much to get to. Let's get right into it. Let's get into coming soon enough. All righty. Coming soon to Dom. Oh, yeah, you go first on this one. Coming soon. Well, we got a really busy February. We have a really buzzy February. Really buzzy February. Bees everywhere. Bees everywhere. I'm going to get a buzz cut. But I'm just going to highlight a few things coming up. First off, oh, we forgot to ask Emmy about this. Tuesday, February fourth, an all new episode of Martian Shadows. That's going to be episode eleven of Martian Shadows. Maybe they'll like go through a door or something. They might enter a door in this one. Someone might burp, you know. When we debut new episodes of Martian Shadows, we do a mini marathon leading up to it. So if you haven't seen past episodes, get caught up. The new episode will debut shortly after eight PM. I think we run a couple episodes. Yeah. I kind of, I kind of time it up to where the whole thing ends around like, like nine or whenever it's, it's supposed to end. So yeah, like, so yeah, you get there like quarter after eight. Yeah. You should be good for the new one, but check that out on Twitch right here on our Twitch channel. Yeah. yes sir and then tuesday february eleventh uh which is the correct date unlike in the promo I made earlier uh it's the next mads are back show bride of the gorilla yay we got oh we've got our q a guest I don't want I want to announce it in the newsletter tomorrow but Okay, well, I'm glad I didn't add it to the promo then. Q&A guest confirmed. Can I tease that it's a returning guest? It's a returning guest. Yes, it's a returning guest. That narrows it down a little for some of you. But yeah, it's going to be a fun time. Frank and Trace have new riffs. It's a stupid movie with Raymond Burr and Lon Chaney. It's basically, I was kind of scanning through it when I made the promo. It's essentially the story of the Wolfman, but with a gorilla. and also launching in it but not as it's also not really a gorilla it's like a demon that looks like a gorilla yeah and it's just kind of like raymond burr with like dark makeup around his eyes a little bit like they yes very very odd it's uh but yeah everyone I hope everyone can make that jokes for that I'm really looking forward to it This was before Valentine's Day. So this is our big Valentine's Day episode. And I didn't know this. We didn't know this until after we announced it. MJ and Bridget did a riff on Riff Trax of Bride of the Girl. Oh. Well, since Riff Trax did it, we obviously can't anymore. You know, it's... yeah no uh it's it's fine it's funny like I think after we did the witching hour stoned riff tracks released like mj and bridget watching that like within days of each other there was there was one like that and then there was another one too didn't like master pancake or something else like there was like two other riffs of stone that all happened at the same time as ours it was very strange Um, all right. Bri the gorilla. Don't miss it. That's our big show. Next show. Q and a guest is going to be announced in the new tomorrow. So get on the newsletter, dumb dash slash newsletter. Hang on. I just want to Spiros. I just want to highlight this comment by Spiro side. Cause I think they had some auto correct happening. I think they meant to say the get off my lawn t-shirt, but they put the get off my mom shirt, get some great looks. And I think that's a wonderful type. Get off my mom. Wow. Make that shirt. I think we have to now. Who would the mom be though? It would have to be like a mom from like a show or movie that was known for like a Stifler's mom or something. Get off my mom. That's my mom. I don't know you. uh that was that was a very funny typo that made me giggle thank you uh for that uh uh okay so then uh later on in the month we mentioned this earlier friday february twenty first twenty twenty five eight p.m eastern all new movie june night and we're gonna be watching the original doctor strange I love nothing more than trying to shove our comic book nerddom in Mary Jo's face and to educate her against her will about it. She knows about some comics and stuff, but she really has zero interest in it. But she enjoys watching this stuff and having us kind of try to, you know, it's fun watching it with someone who has really fresh eyes about it. And it's also fun watching you watch it because you do know more about it. And these things from the seventies, sometimes very, they're, they're only, they're very loosely adapted from the source material. So it's, it's interesting to see what liberties they take. But Wong is in this. I saw Wong. I don't know. I've never seen this movie. I've never seen this one either. I just know Jennifer Walters or Jessica Walters is in it. Yeah, I know Jessica Walters is in it. And yeah, Wong is in it too, a character based on Wong. That's all I know. It looks fantastic. It looks kind of like a softcore porn in some way. Yeah, well, Dr. Strange does look like, what's his name, John Holmes or whatever, the famous porn star. Yeah, it's weird. Yeah, I wonder if he'll pop up in the MCU as a multiversal character. That would be awesome. But yeah, everyone, check that out. That'll be streaming right here on Twitch and in the Mary Jo Peel Show Clubhouse. Yep. Don't miss it. I'll put some fun commercials in and all that good stuff. And we have so much coming up at Dumb Industries in February. Get on our newsletter, as I mentioned earlier. Head to our website. Check out the calendar. We've picked all of the Super Dumb Bros games we're playing for next month. We've picked all the Mystery Hours we're doing next month. You can subscribe to the Google Calendar now if you want. You can get alerts and everything. I've thought of all the embarrassing stories I can talk about. We got them all. We got it all, baby. We got it all. We got a Google Doc. List every embarrassing thing you've ever done, Matt. Okay, I think it's finally that time. You all sat through our numerous sales pitches, so it is feature presentation time. All right. So as we said at the top of the show, this is our celebrity vehicle cartoons episode, and I have some weird ones. We mentioned at the beginning that Life with Louie is going to be one of them, but the others are... Excuse me, I almost burped again. Also of note, so first off, we have Camp Candy, which was a TV show about a summer camp where John Candy is the camp counselor. He plays himself loosely. Yes. And it's just, yeah, it's just camp shenanigans. You know, speaking of Ernest Goes to Camp, it's basically What If That, but with an animated John Candy. Or it's like the Camp Krusty episode of The Simpsons, kind of. Oh, nice. uh enjoy your counselor mr wow you know I remember that show kind of confusing me as a kid though because I was just like wait he's just john candy and he would show up like in live action I think at the beginning and end oh did he I I don't maybe they trimmed it down when I watched it on tv much later but uh yeah is this like a multiversal john candy where if he never became an actor he would have just been a camp counselor maybe oh I put the wrong link I put the wrong link. As usual, Treadwell J is pointing out. Hold on one second. God, I'm such a mess up. You're such a piece of shit, Chris. While Chris is fixing that camp candy. Look, Strawpole, StreamYard. You can see how I get the link wrong. Please don't join our StreamYard. Well, you can. We did that once. I accidentally put the StreamYard link into Mary Jo Beale's show and all hell broke loose. All hell's breaking loose. So, yeah, Camp Candy. And then after that, as I mentioned before, Life with Louie. Louie Anderson plays himself as a child and also plays his dad. And it's just sort of like his stand up about his family, but as a cartoon. After that, we have Chuck Norris Karate Commandos. This was a TV show or a cartoon, rather, where Chuck Norris has a team of karate commandos. Very self-explanatory. And in this episode, they fight someone called the Dolphin. So it's some type of a dolphin man, maybe. So if you would like to watch an animated Walker, Texas Ranger fight a dolphin man, there's that. That sounds amazing. And then we have what I hope wins an episode of Bruno the Kid, which Bruce Willis apparently had a TV show where he plays a spy child named Bruno. who gets into spy adventures, and he sometimes also talks to a CGI Bruce Willis head, which is done in bad Max Headroom-esque CGI on a giant computer screen, and that's how, because a lot of these, you know, they would have the live-action cameo by the real celebrity at the beginning, you know, and this is sort of that show's version of that, and it looks very bizarre. Wow. and uh and I remember bruno the kid being a thing when I was younger but I I just never realized that it was like a bruce willis vehicle so I'm I'm very curious to watch that and then we have don't even really remember this but uh it was a nineties thing so it's a little bit newer than than some of the others but now what was didn't bruce willis do like an album something with bruno the return of bruno yeah or that's where respect yourself that was his nickname I guess oh okay Yeah, the respect yourself and devil with the blue dress are on that. He had a brief period where he was kind of fancying himself as like a blues man. He would play like harmonica on stage. Understandably, yeah. When you think of the blues, you think of the star of Hudson Hawk. And then we have our wild card parental control, which as I mentioned last week, it feels like a Tim and Eric sketch. Every single human being on this is the most ridiculous person I've ever seen in my life. Serena makes a good point. No Hammer Man? I thought about Hammer Man. I looked at an episode, but all the ones that were available were very low quality, and I scanned through them, and they looked like there was not a lot to talk about. Yeah, that's the thing. Hammer Man is great to watch the opening credits. After that, it's just like, okay. I did think of it, but I scanned through it, and the one episode was just about graffiti. It was like Hammer Man handling graffiti. It seemed kind of boring, and the quality was just super, super low, so I I opted not to do that, but I did think of it. Thank you for pointing that out. But yeah. And then we have an episode of parental control, which is also a wonderful show. I cannot recommend. I really hope Bruno, the kid or parental control wins tonight, honestly. So so if you would like to watch an MTV terrible reality show where parents get to pick. someone for their daughter to go on a date with and then watch the dates on TV with the daughter's boyfriend that the parents don't approve of, hence them picking dates for the daughter. You should check that out. It's a fun time. Check it out, everyone. All right, we have a couple donations to get through here. Okay, let's do it. Let's see. We got one from Charlotte Greenwell. Charlotte. Charlotte, thank you. We just showed her painting earlier. Charlotte's an amazing artist. She did not put a prompt in here, so I guess I'll just thank you as combo. Thank you very much, Charlotte. Thank you, Charlotte. Trying to think of... Oh, the George Lucas thing you had in the pre-show. I haven't done George Lucas in a while. Oh, yeah. Do you do a good George Lucas? Yes, I guess you could say that. Well, thank you, Charlotte, for your donation. You know, when I was writing Star Wars, I had an idea that the bad guys would be all colorless and the good guys would be wearing color. It's pretty interesting. Why don't you think about that? Thank you, Charlotte. Awesome. And for my contribution to this here is... Well done. That George Lucas clip is crazy. All those Japanese commercials he was in. I think that's a Neil Cicerega compilation. For my contribution to this, here is the song Safety Dance as sang by Tiny Tim attempting to incorporate your name into it. One verse. We can dance if you want to. We can leave your friends behind. Cause your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, then they're no friends of mine, Charlotte. We can go if we... Thank you, Charlotte. Thank you, Charlotte. Let's see. All right, we got two more here. This next one from Keesh, thank you, Keesh. I love Keesh. quiche says uh gollum singing miss you by the stones oh I I can I can pull that off I'm gonna look up the lyrics to make sure I'm saying them correctly though uh Yeah, that is when the Stones went disco. It's not my favorite Stones song, but it's a disco. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, here we go. I've been holding out so long. I've been sleeping all alone. Lord, I miss you. And I've been hanging on the phone. I've been sleeping all alone. I want to kiss you sometime. Nice. That was amazing. Thank you. Miss you. All right, last one here. What's the matter with you, boy? We're going to do show results and see what we're watching. This next one comes from Eric. Eric, thank you. Oh, from Eric McKeddon and Blue Eyed Lady. Oh, thank you so much, guys. Oh, thanks, y'all. You guys are awesome. And they say, can David Lynch and brother Ichabod do a total eclipse of the heart? Oh, Jesus Christ. Uh, the lyrics, but yes, I think we can do that. Yeah. Let me, let me just, I know this one pretty good, but I, uh, so, so, uh, which one do you want to be the, uh, the turnaround person or yeah, I'll be the turnaround person. That's perfect. Okay. Turn around. Oh, is my sound okay? Oh, let me... We have to turn the noise gate off so I can do this correct? Okay. Okay, start again. Turn around. Every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never coming round. Turn around. Every now and then I get a little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears. Turn around. Every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by. Turn around. Every now and then I get a little bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes. Turn around, bright eyes. Every now and then I fall apart. Turn around, bright eyes. Every now and then I fall apart. Let's cut to the chorus. And I need you now tonight. And I need you more than ever. And if you only hold me tight. We'll be holding on forever. And we'll only be making it right. Uh, is that enough? I can taste blood in my mouth. Uh, painful. Okay. Thank you so much. Eric McKenna, blue eyed lady. You guys rule. Oh my God. I just got a notification in my apartment. Uh, I just got a notification from Netflix. Guess what's coming February first. Oh, I thought you're about to say your notification said that Netflix was doing a price hike, uh, because that's happening. That is happening too, but it's all worth it because they're going to have home improvement on Netflix. Uh, um all right let's uh hit show results let's do it and thank you so much everyone hanging out with us tonight there's a hundred and fifty nine of you wow that is crazy pants hit show results whatever's in the top spot is what we shall come on bruno Oh, life with Louie by a vote. Look at that. It's almost a three-way tie. That is crazy pants. No love for Bruno or, well, there's some love for Bruno. Well, first of all, we have a hundred and sixty people watching and how many people have voted total in this? Only sixty-seven. You know, it's just like the U.S. elections. This is what happens when you don't participate in democracy. Life with Louie wins. Well, I think a lot of people actually really wanted to watch it. Okay. Well, maybe it is the will of the people. So Life with Louie, I think that's an older upload that I already had on there. So it's not one of the new ones. But if you type in Life with Louie, it is on there somewhere. And while you're doing that, I will turn our bed music off. Oh, turn that off. Turn that funky music off, white boy. More people voted for parental control than I thought that they would. So that's nice. Okay. We get it. We won't do reality television anymore. The people have spoken. Hold on one second. Why is this not uploading? Life. Louie. There we go. Upload. There we go. There we go. Okay, this one's about a homeless man, I think, that's living in Louis' garage. It's very strange. It's like that ALF episode we watched. Basically, yeah. Let me tell you about my family. See? He pops up in there. Oh, I was talking about... Well, Cam Candy, he does too. Yeah, that's what I was talking about. So now, is Louis Anderson born... like like the louis anderson basically yeah I mean it's like you have to imagine you know the louis that's portrayed in this it's like you know it's his act that he had been working on for like yeah it's it's based off his stand-up yeah But he's a kid, so it's kind of cheating when you think about it. A lot of celebrities had these kind of shows. Like we said, there's Bobby's World. Ellen DeGeneres had a show about a younger version of her. Rosie O'Donnell had a show. Rosie O'Donnell. Roseanne had one. Little Rosie. Seinfeld had one. Was that about him or just about the women he was trying to date at the time? But we never got to buy any of the stuff I wanted. Attention shoppers. Louie Anderson, your mother is looking for you. Please drop the cookies and come to the front of the store. Really? What are the odds? What was this on, like, Fox? This was on Fox. Yeah, this was on, like, Fox Saturday morning, so you could get up and watch, like, Batman the Animated Series. Every kid's favorite stand-up comic, Louie Anderson. The big three. I love Louie Anderson. I think he was hilarious. I do, too. Like, as a kid, like, I don't think any kid gave a shit who Louie Anderson was at this time. I think this show is more for parents who are just watching stuff with their kids. It's like you throw in a little something for the parents so they don't, you know, put a gun in their mouth during the cartoons in the morning. Thanks, Pete, but we got it. How is everything? You know, getting better. You remember Louie? This is Louie? It kind of looks like Joaquin Phoenix on David Letterman that one time. Well, we must be on the same schedule, Pete. I saw you here last week. The mom has a head like one of the Go-Bots. She has that suppository head. He's a bum! He smells like booze! Never give him money because he'll spend it on heroin! Anyway, Pete's the one who put Dad up for the job at the factory. This lady kind of sounds like the secretary from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I wonder if it's the same lady. He's a righteous dude. He's a real righteous dude. Weebies, dickheads, sluts. They all love him. The punks, the skins, the bluds, the grips. They all love him. Croc noted that the homeless guy was wearing flip-flops. Oh, Matt. It's premonition. It's premonition. This is my future. Oh, so he does the dads. Yeah, he was both the dad and him, yeah. The dad's the best character on this show. Louie has quite the camel toe. He really did try to disguise his voice. Did you clean the garage like I asked you to last week? They should have sped up little Louie's voice so that it sounds a little bit more youthful. I'm in the planning stages. I don't know. It's kind of funnier this way. He's fasting. Uh-huh. So what you're saying is... Go, Ryan. I'm going. Aw. Families. Who needs them? cookies louie you're gonna ruin your appetite wow on your mind you're making this poor kid self-conscious fattening up on cookies there boy you're a little pig boy aren't you little louie whoa oh wow He almost died. That was a close one. Are you all right? Almost tossed my cookies. It's perfectly normal to feel sick after a life-threatening experience. Is that Brian Doyle Murray? Yeah, I was just going to say that. Beat me by a second. That's so cool. Rick Springfield told me not to talk to strangers, too. Okay, okay. So maybe I'll just... Is he eating dog biscuits? Brian Delio Murray in Vacation, often pointed out by The Best Show as being one of the funniest scenes of all time. He's like eating a... In Christmas Vacation? Is that... No, in the first vacation, Brian Dole Murray plays like a hotel manager. Chevy Chase is like, what do you need my address for? And Brian Dole Murray just goes, we'd like to send out a mailer. He's like eating his Uncle Watermelon. I was just thinking, who's the boss in Christmas Vacation? Oh, yeah. Right. If I come over for dinner, they're gonna ask all those questions I don't wanna answer. Where are you living? Where are you working? What's that smell? What are those marks on your arms? I can't do it, Lou! But you're hungry, right? Hungry? I could eat a horse. Well, it's your lucky day. My dad's cooking tonight. And in other news, a portly boy was murdered by a homeless man outside. Ew. Louie. Pass the horse meat, please. Hey, how many is that for you, Louie? I don't know, Dad. Who's coning? I am. Let's see. Two more for Louie. All right. Dad is like a perfect hourglass figure. Look at him. It's Tommy's turn. Do you think his dad really sounded like that? I mean, it's a comedic exaggeration, I'm sure. I'm trying to think of who Louie reminds me of. Here's the raspy. Oh, these are great, Lou. Wow. Well, with dad's meatballs, it's amazing what the human body. Do you like tasting my dad's balls? Let me just say one more time, Lou. You really should never harbor strangers in your garage. You want one? Nah, I gotta do the dishes. Never let a stranger touch your dad's balls. I hear you. Families are tough. You mean you got a family? Where are they? They're dead. I killed them. It's the boss, man. Gotta go. You know, you can stay here for the night if you want. Really? Just one thing. You have to be gone by the time Dad leaves for work. Whoa, I'm not exactly an early riser. No problemo. I'll take care of it. Oh, and Lou, I like a good pillow. Rather picky for a... Do him and the mom sleep in separate beds? They must. Oh, well. Looks like he's wearing like the cap to a preparation H bottle on his head. I hope I'm not too late. Well, that guy could have just slit his throat in the car and he would have never seen it coming. Those aren't pillows. Good one. Yes, it's the woman from Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Yeah, she was in Ferris Bueller, too. Oh, so it was that lady. Okay. The one who keeps blowing the ferns out of her hair. Gobble, gobble. I don't know if that's impressive or sad that we can identify all of these comedy people in this stupid children's cartoon. Willy's pants go up to like his nipples. I know. He's in like the Tony Soprano fit with the pants that are like super high and the polo shirt. It's like when I try to make Jen laugh and I pull my shorts up really high and tuck my t-shirt into it. That's one of the joys of being in a couple and doing stupid stuff like that. Like I like to put my arms in like the opposite sleeve, you know, and then go around like this. His dad is pretty great. Maybe so, but he's going in the wrong direction. One more time. Heat the pie. And then I want one scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of the pie. Wow. And two scoops of strawberry on the side. See, this is actually a cautionary tale about the welfare state. If you... If you allow someone to just live with you for free, they'll become dependent and they'll start getting, you know, more and more demanding. If you give a mouse a cookie... Thanks a million. So I put a bug bomb in the garage and I gassed him out. Oh, just five more minutes. No, Pete. He just let the car run him over. Yeah, just kill him with carbon monoxide poisoning. Great. What I was wondering, and please let me know if I'm on the line, but what do you do about money? That's easy. Bigger yes it is, Brian. What about a job? Look at me, Lou. Who's going to hire me? He kinda looks like the Hamburglar now with that outfit. Maybe I can help. I can't believe Dad wears these. Geez! No wonder Mom fell in love with him in his uniform. See? I told you. You look like a new man. Yeah, a new man who got dressed with a blindfold on. Oh, would you rather just looked like the dirty piece of shit that you were? Golf outfit? That's Andy Anderson. Poor guy, down on his luck and absolutely no fashion sense. How'd the job hunt go today? Eh, not too good. It's a tough market out there. But I gave it the old college try. I got something for you. Getting a job the hollerin' way. never read her it's full of great advice you need to make an account on linkedin no did you agree to upload your resume sunshine smile and uh firm but not threatening handshake every time lou staccato says he looks like rich cause now that's funny oh look read the book we'll talk later I'm going to check out the classifieds Try not to drip on the chair, okay? I gotta nod my stomach whenever I think about being unemployed. Can't live with them? Can't recycle them. Hey, Dad? Can I take a look at the paper? What for? Trying to keep up on world events. Oh, classifieds, huh? You're not thinking of putting me up for sale again, are you? There goes my master plan. I like that there's a real TV show on in the background. I know. That's pretty cool. What are you doing? That was Swan Lake. Change it back. You're not going away. You missed the pirouette. A pirouette for you is going to make you feel better. Alright, let's see one. That's great. You promised me a pirouette and I want to see it. He's built like Donkey Kong. He has massive arms and Aww. Aww, he moves like a little angel. Dad, you're losing it. I'm just kidding you. How about a plan? Gotcha, kid. Louie has, like, no articulation. He's built like Ram Man from He-Man. He just, like... You're right. That is Andy Anderson. Yesterday, he was at the bus stop. Is that the grandma from Looney Tunes? I had no idea they were having money problems. I have an idea. Let's bring her a Bundt cake. You're sure it was him? I'm really into this plot. This isn't bad. I'm enjoying this more than I thought I would. I mean it can't be worse than the weird science show. Remember that era when you could just come home from work and just take out everything on your spouse? Well that man has no ass. He's built like me. Yeah, it's weird. It's like Louis has nothing but an ass. It's like the Arnold Schwarzenegger twins principle where one of them got all the traits and the other one got none of them. Yeah. So, I was wondering, since we got a few minutes, how about we go through the
It’s another Thursday and Matt & Chris are here to recap the week in Dumb, starting off with Matt recounting a harrowing tale of visiting his local McDonald’s in flip-flops, then they welcome Emmy Martian on to chat about her recent screening of The Incredible Hulk, and finally watch an episode of Challenge of the GoBots, because no one wanted to watch a 2000s dating show. Gee, thanks.
It’s another Thursday and Matt & Chris are here to recap the week in Dumb, starting off with Matt recounting a harrowing tale of visiting his local McDonald’s in flip-flops, then they welcome Emmy Martian on to chat about her recent screening of The Incredible Hulk, and finally watch an episode of Challenge of the GoBots, because no one wanted to watch a 2000s dating show. Gee, thanks.
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
New Page! This Week’s Dumb Deals 10% off all sherpa blankets w/ promo code SHERPA10
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club
Any “Plus” membership gets you access to the Dumb Odds & Ends library
The Mads Are Back: A Night of Shorts 1 just $6 thru Sunday w/ promo code CAUTIOUSTWINS
This Week In Dumb:
Monday, January 20, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Superman Games
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Scream Pretty Peggy
Wednesday, January 22, 2025: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: THE INCREDIBLE HULK (1977)
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Saturday, January 25, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint | The She-Creature
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mid-To-Late-Evening Show with Mary Jo Pehl
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mads Are Back: Bride of the Gorilla
Feature Presentation: An episode of “Challenge of the GoBots”
It’s Thursday and Matt & Chris are mourning the loss of their Lord and Savior David Lynch, who sadly passed away today, offering memories, anecdotes, and of course bad impressions, of the man himself. Then, after recounting a previewing a busy month at Dumb, they are forced to watch a Transformers rip-off they’ve actually watched already once before: Van-Pires, scored by John Entwhistle of The Who — true story.
It’s Thursday and Matt & Chris are mourning the loss of their Lord and Savior David Lynch, who sadly passed away today, offering memories, anecdotes, and of course bad impressions, of the man himself. Then, after recounting a previewing a busy month at Dumb, they are forced to watch a Transformers rip-off they’ve actually watched already once before: Van-Pires, scored by John Entwhistle of The Who — true story.
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
Buy 3 T-shirts/Hoodies Get 1 Free or 20% off any t-shirt/hoodies
Join the FREE Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club
Any “Plus” membership gets you access to the Dumb Odds & Ends library
The Mads Are Back: Walk The Dark Street just $6 thru Sunday w/ promo code BLUBLUB
This Week In Dumb:
Friday, January 10, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse: Chit-Chat & Tidbits #21
Saturday, January 11, 2025 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Monday, January 13, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Arkham Asylum
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Matt TV
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Scream Pretty Peggy
Saturday, January 25, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint | The She-Creature
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mid-To-Late-Evening Show with Mary Jo Pehl
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mads Are Back: Bride of the Gorilla
Feature Presentation: Yet another episode of Van-Pires (we’re sorry)
Matt & Chris are back in the Mystery Hour van to recap yet another week at Dumb Industries and discuss this week’s theme, weird 90s Christian shows, which ends up being moot because no one wants to watch any of that! Instead, viewers vote to watch this week’s wild card option, an episode of the John Hughes-inspired TV show Weird Science, which is also pretty damn terrible.
Matt & Chris are back in the Mystery Hour van to recap yet another week at Dumb Industries and discuss this week’s theme, weird 90s Christian shows, which ends up being moot because no one wants to watch any of that! Instead, viewers vote to watch this week’s wild card option, an episode of the John Hughes-inspired TV show Weird Science, which is also pretty damn terrible.
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
New Page! This Week’s Dumb Deals! Buy 3 T-shirts/Hoodies Get 1 Free or 20% off any t-shirt/hoodie
The Mads Are Back: The Tingler just $6 thru Sunday w/ promo code TINGALING
This Week In Dumb:
Monday, January 6, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Super Mario Galaxy
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Martian Shadows: Episode 10
Wednesday, January 8, 2025: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: The Blob (1958)
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Friday, January 10, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse: Chit-Chat & Tidbits #21
Saturday, January 11, 2025 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Scream Pretty Peggy
Feature Presentation: An episode of the USA Network show, Weird Science
It’s the first Dumb Industries Mystery Hour of 2025 and Matt & Chris are both not feeling too hot, but that doesn’t stop them from recapping the past couple weeks at Dumb and then discussing this week’s topic: John Hughes TV shows, all before watching an episode of the ill-fated/conceived sitcom Uncle Buck!
It’s the first Dumb Industries Mystery Hour of 2025 and Matt & Chris are both not feeling too hot, but that doesn’t stop them from recapping the past couple weeks at Dumb and then discussing this week’s topic: John Hughes TV shows, all before watching an episode of the ill-fated/conceived sitcom Uncle Buck!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
All Mads Are Back Collections are 30% off thru Sunday w/ promo code LASTCALL2024
The Mads Are Back: Glen or Glenda just $6 thru Sunday - NO PROMO CODE NEEDED
This Week In Dumb:
Friday, December 20, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse: Chit-Chat & Tidbits #20
Monday, December 23, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Santa Games
Saturday, December 28, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint: The Christmas Dragon
Wednesday, December 25, 2024 & January 1, 2025: WWWW
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Martian Shadows
Friday, January 10, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse: Chit-Chat & Tidbits #21
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Scream Pretty Peggy (1974)
Feature Presentation: Uncle Buck “Pilot” (1990)
Matt & Chris are back in the Mystery Hour van for their final Mystery Hour of 2024! This week, the two dudes recap all the incredible things happening at Dumb, then chat with Emmy Martian and watch a video about a woman obsessed with gingerbread, all before sitting through what is probably the worst episode of X-Men: The Animated Series ever, “Have Yourself A Morlock Little X-Mas,” even though it’s still a fun watch!
Matt & Chris are back in the Mystery Hour van for their final Mystery Hour of 2024! This week, the two dudes recap all the incredible things happening at Dumb, then chat with Emmy Martian and watch a video about a woman obsessed with gingerbread, all before sitting through what is probably the worst episode of X-Men: The Animated Series ever, “Have Yourself A Morlock Little X-Mas,” even though it’s still a fun watch!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
New Page! This Week’s Dumb Deals
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club
The Mads Are Back: Teenagers From Outer Space | Just $6 w/ promo code TORCHA
This Week In Dumb:
Saturday, December 14, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Saturday, December 14, 2024 @ 8pm ET: DJ Sally Jessy Raphael DJ’s The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse
Monday, December 16, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Die Hard
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 @ 8pm ET: W&WWW: A Midwinter’s Tale
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Friday, December 20, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse: Chit-Chat & Tidbits #20
Saturday, December 28, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint: The Christmas Dragon
Feature Presentation: X-Men: The Animated Series "Have Yourself A Morlock Little X-Mas"
It’s another Thursday in December which means it’s time for Matt & Chris to watch some crappy Christmas specials! This week, the boys recap their very busy week in Dumb, chat with Emmy Martian about her recent Cartoon Funhouse, watch a clip about woman who has sex with Christmas trees or something, and then get into year-end shenanigans all before watching the incredibly boring Garfield Christmas Special which is totally boring.
It’s another Thursday in December which means it’s time for Matt & Chris to watch some crappy Christmas specials! This week, the boys recap their very busy week in Dumb, chat with Emmy Martian about her recent Cartoon Funhouse, watch a clip about woman who has sex with Christmas trees or something, and then preview year-end shenanigans happening at Dumb, all before watching the incredibly boring Garfield Christmas Special which is totally boring.
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
New Page! This Week’s Dumb Deals
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE
The Mads Are Back: The Best of A Night of Shorts | Just $1 w/ promo code ONEDOLLARSHORTS
This Week In Dumb:
Monday, December 9, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Home Alone
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mads Are Back: A Night of Toons
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 @ 8pm ET: W&WWW:Emmy Martian’s Cartoon Funhouse
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Saturday, December 14, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Saturday, December 14, 2024 @ 8pm ET: DJ Sally Jessy Raphael DJ’s The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night Holiday Special
Friday, December 20, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse: Chit-Chat & Tidbits #20
Feature Presentation: A Garfield Christmas Special
Matt & Chris are getting into the holiday spirit as evidenced by their snowy backgrounds and cheery demeanor, and the duo are here to recap the week at Dumb, catch up w/ Emmy Martian, watch the trailer for “A Wrestling Christmas,” and then get caught up discussing Christmas specials all before watching an episode of Xena: Warrior Princess, “A Christmas Solstice.” Wow.
Matt & Chris are getting into the holiday spirit as evidenced by their snowy backgrounds and cheery demeanor, and the duo are here to recap the week at Dumb, catch up w/ Emmy Martian, watch the trailer for “A Wrestling Christmas,” and then get caught up discussing Christmas specials all before watching an episode of Xena: Warrior Princess, “A Christmas Solstice.” Wow.
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
New Page! This Week’s Dumb Deals
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE
The Mads Are Back: Santa Claus vs. The Devil | 50% off with promo code LUPITA thru Sunday
This Week in Dumb:
Saturday, November 23, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint
Tuesday, November 26, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show QVC Special 2024
Monday, December 2, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Christmas Batman Games
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Martian Shadows
Wednesday, December 4, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mads Are Back: A Night of Toons
Saturday, December 14, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Saturday, December 14, 2024 @ 8pm ET: DJ Sally Jessy Raphael DJ’s The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night Holiday Special
Matt & Chris are both dead inside, well, at least Matt is, but that doesn’t stop them from hosting another terrific episode of The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour! This week, the two dudes recap the week in Dumb, watch a Mortal Kombat Live promo w/ Emmy Martian, and then watch part one of a Thanksgiving episode of ALF!
Matt & Chris are both dead inside, well, at least Matt is, but that doesn’t stop them from hosting another terrific episode of The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour! This week, the two dudes recap the week in Dumb, watch a Mortal Kombat Live promo w/ Emmy Martian, and then watch part one of a Thanksgiving episode of ALF!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join
The Mads Are Back: Battle of the Worlds | 50% off with promo code PHALLIC thru Sunday
Dumb Black Friday is coming up! Sign up for an alert and exclusive discount
This Week in Dumb:
Friday, November 15, 2024 @ 12pm ET: Manos Day Returns
Monday, November 18, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Donkey Kong 64
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Death Car on the Freeway
Wednesday, November 20, 2024 @ 8pm ET: W&WWW: Tokyo Drifter (1966)
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Saturday, November 23, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint
Tuesday, November 26, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show QVC Special 2024
Matt & Chris return after a mysterious hiatus to recap the week in Dumb and discuss this week’s theme: SPIKE TV! The “Network for Men” that was just as misguided and awful as it sounds. Viewers detest Spike TV so much, in fact, they vote to watch a series of clips from Days of Our Lives in which Marlena got possessed by a demon. Fun stuff!
Matt & Chris return after a mysterious hiatus to recap the week in Dumb and discuss this week’s theme: SPIKE TV! The “Network for Men” that was just as misguided and awful as it sounds. Viewers detest Spike TV so much, in fact, they vote to watch a series of clips from Days of Our Lives in which Marlena got possessed by a demon. Fun stuff!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
New Page! This Week’s Dumb Deals
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club
The Mads Are Back: Manos: The Hands of Fate | 50% off with promo code MANOSDAY thru Sunday
Dumb Black Friday is coming up! Sign up for an alert and exclusive discount!
This Week in Dumb:
Saturday, November 9, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Monday, November 11, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play The Oregon Trail
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Playthrough Bonus Episode
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 @ 8pm ET: W&WWW: The Big Clock
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Friday, November 15, 2024 @ 12pm ET: Manos Day Returns
Tuesday, November 19 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Death Car on the Freeway
Tuesday, November 26 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show QVC Special 2024
Feature Presentation: A playlist of clips from Days of Our Lives in which Marlena was possessed by a demon.
Matt & Chris are back in the Mystery Hour van after the longest 48 hours of their lives to recap the past couple weeks at Dumb, at least the parts that don’t involve fascism, to catch up with Emmy Martian, to preview the month ahead at Dumb, and then to discuss this week’s theme: Pokémon Rip-offs! Culminating in a viewing of the pilot episode of Fighting Foodons, a show Chris has a difficult time stomaching for obvious reasons.
Matt & Chris are back in the Mystery Hour van after the longest 48 hours of their lives to recap the past couple weeks at Dumb, at least the parts that don’t involve fascism, to catch up with Emmy Martian, to preview the month ahead at Dumb, and then to discuss this week’s theme: Pokémon Rip-offs! Culminating in a viewing of the pilot episode of Fighting Foodons, a show Chris has a difficult time stomaching for obvious reasons.
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join
Dumb Black Friday is coming up! Sign up for an alert and exclusive discount
Manos Day Sales start tomorrow! Get on the Dumb newsletter for details
This Week in Dumb:
Friday, November 1, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Chit-Chat & Tidbits
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Saturday, November 9, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Playthrough Bonus Episode
Friday, November 15, 2024 @ 12pm ET: Manos Day Returns
Feature Presentation: Fighting Foodons pilot episode
It’s the final Mystery Hour of Spooky Season and Matt & Chris have a lot of sPoOoOoOkY stuff in store to close out October, including an all-new episode of The Mads Are Back and a screening of Jason X: Live at the Rosendale Theatre! Then they close things out by watching the 2002 Twilight Zone episode, “It’s Still A Good Life,” starring Billy Mumy and Cloris Leachman!
It’s the final Mystery Hour of Spooky Season and Matt & Chris have a lot of sPoOoOoOkY stuff in store to close out October, including an all-new episode of The Mads Are Back and a screening of Jason X: Live at the Rosendale Theatre! Then they close things out by watching the 2002 Twilight Zone episode, “It’s Still A Good Life,” starring Billy Mumy and Cloris Leachman!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join
The Mads Are Back: A Night of Shorts 9 | 50% off with promo code DIRTWITCH thru Sunday
Frank Conniff’s The Time Tummlers (PHYSICAL COPY NOW ON SALE)
This Week in Dumb:
Saturday, October 19, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Co-Op Day!
Monday, October 21, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Splatterhouse
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show’s Third Halloween Special
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 @ 8pm ET: W&WWW: Emmy Martian’s Horror Anthology
Coming Soon to Dumb:
Feature Presentation: The Twilight Zone “It’s Still A Good Life” (2002)
Matt & Chris hop back in the Mystery Hour van to recap a busy week at Dumb, then invite Emmy Martian on to watch an Air Sex Competition, followed by writer and comedian Eric Fell stopping by to discuss this week’s sPoOooooKy topic: horror anthology shows, culminating in watching an excellent episode of Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction!
Matt & Chris hop back in the Mystery Hour van to recap a busy week at Dumb, then invite Emmy Martian on to watch an Air Sex Competition, followed by writer and comedian Eric Fell stopping by to discuss this week’s sPoOooooKy topic: horror anthology shows, culminating in watching an excellent episode of Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club
The Mads Are Back: The Devil Bat | 50% off with promo code LOTION thru Sunday
Frank Conniff’s The Time Tummlers (eBook version) now available!
This Week in Dumb:
Friday, October 11, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Matt TV
Saturday, October 12, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Monday, October 14, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Luigi’s Mansion 3
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: The Hardy Boys Mysteries
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 8pm ET: W&WWW: The Woman In Black (1989)
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Saturday, October 19, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Co-Op Day!
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show’s Third Halloween Special
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mads Are Back Halloween Special: The Giant Gila Monster
Feature Presentation: Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction?
Dumb SpOoOoOoOkY Season is in full effect as Matt & Chris recap the sPoOoOoKy week in Dumb, test their mics, workshop their Perry Farrell impressions, and then bring on Emmy Martian to watch a disturbing music video all before watching a SpOoOoOkY episode of Sabrina: The Teenage Witch!
Dumb SpOoOoOoOkY Season is in full effect as Matt & Chris recap the sPoOoOoKy week in Dumb, test their mics, workshop their Perry Farrell impressions, and then bring on Emmy Martian to watch a disturbing music video all before watching a SpOoOoOkY episode of Sabrina: The Teenage Witch!
This Week's Dumb Deals:
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join!
Happy Birthday, Ed Wood! 25% OFF “What Wood Ed Do?” design by Emmy Martian and The Mads Are Back: The Ed Wood Collection w/ promo code ANGORA thru Sunday
The Mads Are Back: Bride of the Monster | 50% off with promo code LOBO thru Sunday
This Week In Dumb:
Friday, October 4, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Chit-Chat & Tidbits
Monday, October 7, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Maniac Mansion
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Matt & Emmy & Chris & Hider in the House
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Friday, October 11, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Matt TV
Friday, October 11, 2024 @ 9pm ET: Full Mads Friday: Bride of the Monster
Saturday, October 12, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night
Feature Presentation: Sabrina: The Teenage Witch, "Good Will Haunting"
It's officially sPoOoOoKy season and Matt & Chris are ready to watch the spookiest thing they can think of: A SOAP OPERA! But first, the duo recaps a busy week at Dumb, invite Emmy Martian on to watch Martha Stewart awkwardly talk to children, and then preview all the sPoOoOoKy stuff they have planned in October, all before watching an episode of the sPooOoKiest soap opera of all time... PASSIONS!
It's officially sPoOoOoKy season and Matt & Chris are ready to watch the spookiest thing they can think of: A SOAP OPERA! But first, the duo recaps a busy week at Dumb, invite Emmy Martian on to watch Martha Stewart awkwardly talk to children, and then preview all the sPoOoOoKy stuff they have planned in October, all before watching an episode of the sPooOoKiest soap opera of all time... PASSIONS!
This Week's Dumb Deals:
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join!
New Dumb items are in the Dumb Store, sign up for the newsletter to get 15% off your first order!
The Mads Are Back: Night of the Ghouls | 50% off with promo code TESTES thru Sunday
This Week In Dumb:
Monday, September 30, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play NBA Jam
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Martian Shadows
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 @ 8pm ET: W&WWW: The Juniper Tree (1990)
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Friday, October 4, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Chit-Chat & Tidbits
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Matt & Emmy & Chris & Hider in the House
Friday, October 11, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Matt TV
Feature Presentation: Passions
It's Thursday, which can mean only one thing: Matt & Chris are hosting an all-new episode of The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour! This week, the dudes recap the week in Dumb, and then discuss this week's topic: nineties anime! Which goes absolutely no where because viewers vote to watch this week's wild card pick: Bill Nye The Science Guy. Weirdos.
It's Thursday, which can mean only one thing: Matt & Chris are hosting an all-new episode of The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour! This week, the dudes recap the week in Dumb, and then discuss this week's topic: nineties anime! Which goes absolutely no where because viewers vote to watch this week's wild card pick: Bill Nye The Science Guy. Weirdos.
This Week's Dumb Deals:
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club
All Mads collections are 25% off through September 30 w/ promo code SEPTEMBERMADS
The Mads Are Back: The Brain From Planet Arous | 50% off with promo code SHIRLEYTEMPLE thru Sunday
This Week in Dumb:
Saturday, September 21, 2024 @ 12pm ET: The Dumb Telethon
Monday, September 23, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Fan Fiction Episode
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 @ 8pm ET: W&WWW: Breakfast of Champions (1999)
Coming Soon to Dumb:
Saturday, September 28, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Martian Shadows
Friday, October 4, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Chit-Chat & Tidbits
Feature Presentation: Bill Nye The Science Guy
Matt & Chris kick off the Dumb Telethon with an all-new bonus edition of their weekly livestream The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour by watching a creepy clown short, then they're joined by Emmy Martian to watch some Supermarket Sweep and Big Bad Beetleborgs!
Matt & Chris kick off the Dumb Telethon with an all-new bonus edition of their weekly livestream The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour by watching a creepy clown short, then they're joined by Emmy Martian to watch some Supermarket Sweep and Big Bad Beetleborgs!
It's Thursday and Matt & Chris have a hankering for some bickering! Following a chaotic opening, the duo recap the week in Dumb, chat with Emmy Martian, watch a yo-yo video, then discuss this week's theme, edutainment, before scrapping that idea entirely to watch a cursed Chicken McNugget training video.
It's Thursday and Matt & Chris have a hankering for some bickering! Following a chaotic opening, the duo recap the week in Dumb, chat with Emmy Martian, watch a yo-yo video, then discuss this week's theme, edutainment, before scrapping that idea entirely to watch a cursed Chicken McNugget training video.
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club
All audiobooks are $2 off through Sunday! No promo code needed
The Mads Are Back: A Night of Shorts | 50% off with promo code CAUTIOUSTWINS
This Week In Dumb:
Friday, September 13, 2024 Dumb Industries and the Rosendale Theatre Present Jason X
Saturday, September 14, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Monday, September 16, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Golden Axe
Tuesday, September 17, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Buck Rogers
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 @ 8pm ET: W&WWW: Doppelganger (2003)
Coming Soon to Dumb:
Saturday, September 21, 2024 @ 12pm ET: The Dumb Telethon
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Fan Fiction Episode
Feature Presentation:
A 1983 McDonald's Training Video
Matt & Chris are back for an all-new edition of The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour on the road! This week they recap all the happenings at Dumb, then invite Emmy Martian on to watch "The Pineapple People," an employee training video for Super 8 Motels which is about as hilarious as it sounds.
Matt & Chris are back for an all-new edition of The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour on the road! This week they recap all the happenings at Dumb, then invite Emmy Martian on to watch "The Pineapple People," an employee training video for Super 8 Motels which is about as hilarious as it sounds.
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join!
All Dumb Memberships are now FREE for your first 30 days
Any “Plus” membership gets you access to the Dumb Odds & Ends library
The Mads Are Back: The Tingler is 50% off with promo code BLUBLUB thru September 15, 2024
This Week In Dumb:
Friday, September 6, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Chit-Chat & Tidbits
Monday, September 9, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Destroy All Humans
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Matt & Emmy & Chris & Terror at London Bridge (1985)
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 @ 8pm ET: W&WWW: Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010)
Coming Soon to Dumb:
Friday, September 13, 2024 Dumb Industries and the Rosendale Theatre Present Jason X
Saturday, September 14, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Tuesday, September 17, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night
Saturday, September 21, 2024 @ 12pm ET: The Dumb Telethon
Feature Presentation:
The Pineapple People (Super 8 Motel Employee Training Video)
Matt & Chris discuss their favorite VH1 Celebreality shows of the early aughts, recap the week in the Dumb, discuss all their amazing programming coming up, and then watch a Gary Busey- starring episode of The Celebrity Paranormal Project!
Matt & Chris discuss their favorite VH1 Celebreality shows of the early aughts, recap the week in the Dumb, discuss all their amazing programming coming up, and then watch a Gary Busey- starring episode of The Celebrity Paranormal Project!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join!
All Dumb Memberships are now FREE for your first 30 days
Any “Plus” membership gets you access to the Dumb Odds & Ends library
The Mads Are Back: The Tingler is 50% off with promo code TINGALING thru September 8, 2024
This Week In Dumb:
Monday, September 2, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Mega Man
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Martian Shadows: Episode 7
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 @ 8pm ET: W&WWW: Short Cuts (1993)
Coming Soon to Dumb:
Friday, September 6, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Chit-Chat & Tidbits
Friday, September 6, 2024 @ 9:30pm ET: Full Mads Friday: Darkstar
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Matt & Emmy & Chris & Terror at London Bridge (1985)
Friday, September 13, 2024 Dumb Industries and the Rosendale Theatre Present Jason X
Saturday, September 14, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Saturday, September 21, 2024 @ 12pm ET: The Dumb Telethon
Feature Presentation:
The Celebrity Paranormal Project (w/ Gary Busey, Hal Sparks, Jenna Morasca, Toccara from America's Next Top Model, and Donna d'Errico)
Go on a shopping spree with Matt & Chris during an all-new Mystery Hour as they recap the week in Dumb, preview all the exciting happenings coming up, and then watch a Trick or Treat episode of the game show Sale of the Century!
Go on a shopping spree with Matt & Chris during an all-new Mystery Hour as they recap the week in Dumb, preview all the exciting happenings coming up, and then watch a Trick or Treat episode of the game show Sale of the Century!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join!
All Dumb Memberships are now FREE for your first 30 days
Any “Plus” membership gets you access to the Dumb Odds & Ends library
The Mads Are Back: Glen or Glenda is 50% off with promo code WHATAMI thru September 1, 2024
The Dumb Labor Day Sale August 30 thru September 2
This Week In Dumb:
Monday, August 26, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play Pokémon
Tuesday, August 27 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Focus Group
Coming Soon to Dumb:
Tuesday, September 3, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Martian Shadows: Episode 7
Friday, September 6, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Chit-Chat & Tidbits
Friday, September 13, 2024 Dumb Industries and the Rosendale Theatre Present Jason X
Saturday, September 21, 2024 @ 12pm ET: The Dumb Telethon
Feature Presentation:
Sale of the Century - Trick or Treat edition!
Chris is on the road and Matt just severely injured his ankle, but that doesn't stop them from hosting yet another incredible Mystery Hour as the boys recap the week in Dumb, then discuss their favorite comfort TV shows before watching another episode of Bigfoot & Wildboy, their favorite comfort show yet.
Chris is on the road and Matt just severely injured his ankle, but that doesn't stop them from hosting yet another incredible Mystery Hour as the boys recap the week in Dumb, then discuss their favorite comfort TV shows before watching another episode of Bigfoot & Wildboy, their favorite comfort show yet.
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club
The Mads Are Back: Mutiny in Outer Space | 50% off with promo code HUGO
Frank Conniff’s Dark Apnea Audiobook now on sale for $10
The Mads Are Back: The Complete Fourth Season now available
This Week In Dumb:
Monday, August 19, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play BattleToads Cuphead
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: Fantasy Island
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: On Our Merry Way
Coming Soon to Dumb:
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Focus Group
Feature Presentation:
Bigfoot & Wildboy, "Return of the Vampire"
Matt & Chris hop back in the Mystery Hour Mystery Van to recap the week in Dumb, and discuss this week's topic: TV's weirdest cameos of all time, before watching an episode of the PBS children's show The Magic Schoolbus, featuring a very weird cameo by Carol Channing!
Matt & Chris hop back in the Mystery Hour Mystery Van to recap the week in Dumb, and discuss this week's topic: TV's weirdest cameos of all time, before watching an episode of the PBS children's show The Magic School Bus, featuring a very weird cameo by Carol Channing!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
Kay’s Going Back to School Sale ENDS AT MIDNIGHT!
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club
The Mads Are Back: A Night of Shorts 14 | 50% off with promo code GASSY
Frank Conniff’s Dark Apnea Audiobook now on sale for $10
The Mads Are Back: The Complete Fourth Season now available for pre-order
This Week In Dumb:
Saturday, August 10, 2024 @ 10am ET: Chit-Chat & Tidbits
Saturday, August 10, 2024 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones’ Paint Parties
Monday, August 12, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play BattleToads Double Dragon
Tuesday, August 13, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Dave Hill Goodtime Hour Reunion Special
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: The Minus Man (1999)
Coming Soon to Dumb:
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Focus Group
Feature Presentation:
"The Magic School Bus: In the Haunted House" featuring a weird cameo by Carol Channing
Matt & Chris dig through the archives to find all sorts of crap we never got the chance to watch for an all-new episode of The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour, which culminates in an epic viewing of their favorite show: Supermarket Sweep!
Matt & Chris dig through the archives to find all sorts of crap we never got the chance to watch for an all-new episode of The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour, which culminates in an epic viewing of their favorite show: Supermarket Sweep!
This Week’s Dumb Deals:
This Week’s Dumb Deals: 25% off all home items
The Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club is FREE to join
ALL Dumb+ memberships are now FREE for your first month!
The Mads Are Back: The Lost Missile just $6 thru Sunday w/ promo code LOGGIA
This Week In Dumb:
Monday, March 17, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Super Dumb Bros. Play The Walking Dead (Part Two)
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 @ 8pm ET: Movie Jo Night: BAFFLED!
Wednesday, March 19, 2025: Weird & Wonderful Wednesday Watchalongs: The Informer (1935)
Coming Soon To Dumb:
Friday, March 21, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Clubhouse: Chit-Chat & Tidbits #23
Saturday, March 22, 2025 @ 3pm ET: Jackey Neyman Jones: The Hands of Paint: Prince of Space
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 @ 8pm ET: The Mary Jo Pehl Show Game Show Night
Feature Presentation: A 1994 episode of Supermarket Sweep
Transcript: Yeah, Jackie and I'm starting this off. The Rams get down so nobody's scoffed. And don't you worry cause the Rams are rapping. When game time comes, we'll be back to zapping. We can't sing and our dance is not pretty. But we'll do our best for the team and the city. So get on your feet and clap your hands. Let's ram it right now with the L.A. Rams. Hollywood handsome, Dodge City tough. If you throw it my way, it's gonna get rough. I like to ram it as you can see. Nobody likes ramming any more than me. They call me Jeter. Nobody dresses sweeter. But under this cool is a quarterback, Mr. Jeter. I come from the end, looking for the sack. I don't stop coming till I put him on the back. It's a limousine, Woody. My moves are like dreams. They call me the demon on special team. I know how to rock from the toes to the head. When I pull the trigger, I'll knock you dead. I'm a mountain man from West VA. They call me Herc, and I came to play. I learned long ago if you ram it just right, you can ram it all day and ram it all night. Ram it. Take a look at my stock I catch what they told me and I like to block I'm quick off the line as I can be Cause I don't want dick running over me This is Babyface and I don't yield I'm a tackling fool on the football field From the Jersey Shore to Boboa Bay If you run at me, you'll have a bad day This is R.B., no speedball brown Fastest man in the whole damn town Cars and ladies are a part of my creed But more than that, I feel the need for speed This is Catcher, out to make a run With shades on, I can catch a BB in the dark So now you're ready and I'm sure you'll agree That ramming is fun when you're ramming with me So let's ram it today. Redden here, I'm a pumpin' iron man. If Eric can't get it, I will and I can. I'm stronger to come, but I've got a brain. And stopping me is like stopping a train. I'm Carly, the General of the Duke. I make the calls and the coaching they'll do. This motorcycle hit has got style and class. If you come my way, I'll knock you on your ass. Toucha is the name to intimidate. Passing my way, I'll see you later. Quick on my feet, the ladies agree. Before they know it, they'll ram it with me. The Iceman, come on, Leroy is the name. I cover the corner, interception's my game. Score more than anybody else on the D, cause I move like a cat, as you will see. The guys call me Dick instead of Dick the Sun. I lead the Rangers, I'm the Rams' top gun. They say I'm as smooth as a runner can be. Even Sweetness and the others are talking about me. I like to dance and have a lot of fun. When it comes to ladies, I want a brainy one. But it's never about me. We're here to ram it, you see. If you ram it just right, you can ram it all night. Ram it. I sucked up the aroma of stuff that smells and made Gak that smells like stuff. What do you mean? Smell my Gak. Gak that smells like popcorn. Hot dogs. See, it sucks. Yes. Smell your what? New Nickelodeon. Smell my Gak. Smell my Gak. Smell your what? Smells so good, makes your eyes roll back. Nickelodeon. Separately new from the town. Who could ask for more? The crime wave is high With muggings mysterious All police and detectives are furious Cause they can't find the source For this lethally evil force This is serious, so give me a quarter I was a witness, get me a reporter Paul April O'Neil in on this case Ain't you better hurry up, there's no time to wait We need help right quick on the double Have pity on the city police Like the Lone Ranger When Tonto came pronto When there was danger They didn't say we'd be there in half an hour Cause they displayed was hot on the trail determined to put these crooks in jail she spied the bad guys and saw what happened but before she knew it she fell in the trap and got caught yeah she was all alone with no friends and no phone now this was beyond her worst dreams because she was haunted by some wayward scenes headed by shredder they were anything but good misguided unloved they call it the flip they can tell a Out of the dark came an awesome sight. Shout out cowabungas, they hit the ground. From the field of weeds, the heroes rescue the flower. They're on a mission When there's a battle, got the enemy wishing that they stayed at home Instead of fighting these ninja masters with moves like lightning They're once normal, but now they're mutants Swift is the teacher, so they are the students Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Donatello Make up the team with one other fellow, Lafayette He's the leader of the group, transformed from the norm by the nuclear group. Pizza's the food that's sure to please, these ninjas are into pepperoni and cheese. Back to the story, it's not hard to find, ninjas not just for the body but for the mind. Those were the words that the master instructed, but a meta from Shredder has split or abducted. That was the last straw, spring into action. Step on the foot, now they're going with traction. Now this is for real, so you fight for justice. Your shell is hard, so you shout the game. Like some old coffee table Since you've been born, you've been willing and able To defeat the snake, protect the weak Fight for rights and your freedom is free Now the villain is chilling, so you make a stand Back to the wall, put your sword in your hand Remember the words of your teacher, your master Evil moves fast, but good moves faster than light Shining through your illumination Good versus evil equals confrontation So when you're in trouble, don't give in and go sour Try to rely on your dreams Hi, honey. Are you ready to dance with me? I'm not much of a dancer. I don't like this song. Play a little bit dude, come on. Okay. Hi honey. Who's that? Come on, come on out here. What are you doing over there? I'm just dancing. I'm just dancing. Do you dance? You look like a good dancer. I can dance. We can dance together. Come on, come join us. Come on. I'm not dancing. Come on. No question. Come on and enjoy yourself. No way. Everybody's dancing. Not me. You look silly not dancing. This is a dancing place. Okay, okay. I'll dance. Stop it! Stop it! I'm a DJ. Stop it! This is a place of love. We were dancing and happy and all fell apart. He doesn't like that. He makes happy music. He doesn't like people in person. Oh, my God. Embrace slowly poisoned ever surrounded by sickness and death forced to embrace everything stolen ever being choked until our last breath. Looking closer A very old child, never complains Because it gives me a hint, it's built of gold No one escapes, no one finds me Forced to embrace, slowly poisoned Ever surrounded by sickness and death Forced to embrace, everything stolen Ever being choked, until our last breath This is the place Why are you here? The hell dream was falling and reality was more akin to my dream. Much worse, we carry all chains. Never complain because the cage we are in is painted gold. No one escapes, no one fires back. Forced to embrace, slowly poisoned. Ever surrounded by sickness and death. Forced to embrace, everything stolen. Ever being choked until our last breath. No, no. It's built to take shock. Enough plutonium to blow up all of New York. And Staten Island. We're about four miles from the missile base. Boy bands were not so cute back then. Are they what, hoodlum farmers? A jeep, no less. Come on. Let's juvie it up. Oh, so it does work. It's really too bad there's no possible way the jeep could drive around that car. Hey, get that car out of the way! It's a gang of rival nuclear scientists. What are you nuclear proliferating against? What do you got? You ruffians, don't you know science always triumphs? Isn't it like a jet to bring a knife to a nuclear war? They could drive around. Stop! There's a bomb in that case! Yeah, yeah. Nice Beatles cover. Coming soon to Weird and Wonderful Wednesday Watch-A-Longs. Thank you. So you can suck his rubber ducky with your vacuum, and then you can shoot it against the thing. Ah. Oh, okay. Wait, there he is. Just keep sucking. Keep sucking, Chris. Whatever you do, don't stop sucking. Oh, yeah, look at that. I got him. Oh, okay, I should suck him. You got to shoot him toward the bomb, I guess. Got it. There we go. or deflate his thingy and just some man okay now he's up there try to run up on the thing and like flash him and get him come on all the things like your objectives are to flash and suck these ghosts that doesn't sound right at all do you think anyone's doing more than one wife I wonder Some people might, it amazes me when we get at the end of class, I'll see people's paintings and how much extra things that they've put into their painting that, you know, they get all these extra, like, did you start yesterday? Or, you know, it's... I don't know how they do it so we do sometimes get paintings in advance if a student knows they can't make it but they want us to show their work we've had that happen a couple times ah okay I just love the wrestling theme on the sand and uh and I still have memories of that of them like ah I'm getting sand in their eyes and stuff but that was just too much going on in the painting to get it done in this amount I'm neither. And I have none of the powers which I'm convinced that you have. I had a turtleneck like his in college. But I'm not scared of black cats, Friday the thirteenth, or walking under ladders. As a matter of fact, every once in a while, I get my kicks walking under a ladder. Not strange at all, considering who you are. No, go on, you were doing beautifully. Evil forces do exist, always have. She makes a side gig. Her side gig is doing caricatures. And you will see that there were three instances of an experience almost exactly like yours. I like that lamp. Oh, wait, I missed it. I love that. So that's the manners I was there supposed to find? Oh, my God. It's the place. Look. It looks like every other... Wyndham in Devon. Are you kidding me? They all look like that. Oh, yeah. Look at that. Pardon me. Nobody expects the Ironside Inquisition. Yeah, watching him walk around and do nothing is so much more interesting than seeing the killings by the monster. Will he walk into another room? Or stay in this room? Oh my god, the suspense is killing me! Ay-yi-yi. I've got his cataracts. Oh damn, marriage agrees with me. Oh, now I can't do the Harpo Groucho mirror scene. Well, that was a productive afternoon. This is like a real estate video. My dinner with Andre didn't have this many indoor scenes. Thank you. What's up? Hello. What up everyone? Hello. Oh, what's that song? I like it. Is there a new bed music? You guys like it? I'm very into that. This is going to be the song that I exclusively make love to from now on. I'm just going to have that playing in the background. dude it's a banger I had no idea brian austin green was that talented I would love to have gone behind the scenes and just known exactly what the thought process was behind doing this weird rap because when you watch it it's very clearly being set up like he's gonna do like maybe like a big band thing and then at the last minute they decided that they were gonna do a rap and it's and he does all these weird dance moves and stuff and I love it so much. It rocks. You put that in the pre-show a few times, and I think there was one... The first time I saw it, I think I thought it was like a mashup that you put together or something. No, that's from a real episode of the Fantastic Four. Yeah, it's mind-blowing. The the Silver Surfer instead, and it was... I think it was worth it. It was... Silver Surfer is pretty solid. But speaking of things that we almost watched, but then we didn't, tonight's theme is Oops All Wild Cards. So if you're new joining us, I'm Matt, that's Chris. We run Dumb Industries and the Mads are Back, Mary Jo Peel Show. But we also get together here every week and watch VHS Trash with all of you after we get done kind of talking about our week and what we got coming up and... plug uh you know uh plug in our various uh wares and goods I feel like a man in the eighteen hundreds who has like a cart that he's bringing into town full of like you know hides and like you know pelts and elixirs and uh here ye here ye yeah back with a new one And in case you missed it, Matt is traveling. He's in the Himalayas right now. Hence the, you know, the breeze and a winter coat and everything and sunglasses. A winter coat Miami background made sense to me. Yes. And I'm coming from prison. No, Forest Hills, Queens. They're coming from inside Leonard Nimoy's subconscious. Yes. This artwork, by the way, I wish we had the rights to it because this would look awesome on a t-shirt. It rocks. so good it's pretty rad uh speaking of that if you missed that the other night uh just I'm just gonna say this up top I'll be playing this again come nine forty five ish at the conclusion of this program so if you playing what again oh baffled movie joe nights so uh if you stick around for the whole thing we will be playing an encore full live stream representation of that immediately following tonight's program but oh I just wanted to throw that in up top uh to just you know just to give people a little you know something something keep them stick around stick around you know uh but uh but yeah how are you doing man Oh, I'm doing great. It's Thursday, my favorite day of the week. We made it to Thursday, everybody. Cheers. We made it, folks. I have another beatbox. You're about to get another silly buzz off of a gas station alcohol, Matt. There's a new Snow White movie in theaters I'm very excited about. I don't care. how many of those like I don't understand how she keeps getting work and I'm not trying to be just like oh gal gadot anti like you know like I don't know because you know some people just get mad at stuff I just don't think she's a very good actress and I just have never seen anything with her in it where I was like yeah wait you're saying you saw batman be superman and weren't impressed not really no and I mean and I I love one I've I've Look, I have gone on record as saying that I did enjoy Wonder Woman eighty four more than I think most people did. That's true. She was good in it. You hold that film in high regards, which I understand. It's not good, but I do hold it in higher regards, I think, than yes, than most people. It's a it's a silly movie. But but yeah, I don't understand how she keeps getting stuff. I don't know. I know, it's bizarre. Does she pop up in one of those Mission Impossible movies? No, she's in the Fast and Furious movies. Really? Before she was super famous, she was in those. I don't know if she still is. Probably not. She probably got too expensive. We're a family. Vin Diesel's like, no, man. Gal Gadot's too big. Gal Gadot's not in the family anymore. Gal Gadot's not in the family no more. You're family. The Fast and the Furious, when you're here, you're family. Like the Olive Garden. Hey, that's a new impression we can do. Vin Diesel. Vin Diesel. You and the family, yo. You know, Vin Diesel had an amazing song a few summers back. That should be our new bed music. Really? He wrote like a dance song and it was actually really good. oh my god cats are brawling over here sorry I always just think of stuff like uh and I guess it's because I'm the type of person I am and find the stuff I do for all of us when I think of vin diesel I always think of that video of him from the eighties where he's break dancing and that other video of him at like the new york toy fair where he's uh like the salesperson for the street sharks line of figures oh and it's like him being like you know this is so and so he's the leader of the street sharks and this is and he has like a little bit of hair still and he's kind of dressed like he's in Right Said Fred for some reason uh talking about sharks but uh Yeah, those are my thoughts on Vin Diesel. I don't even know where I was going with this. Anyway, folks, if you enjoy the minds behind that witty banter you just witnessed, you should check us out on BlueScore. BlueScore, Jesus. BlueScore. BlueScore and DisGuy. It's the social media platform that's taken over the world. Wait, what did you call it? BlueScore? BlueScore and DisGuy. I almost... I almost did that we are on blue sky and discord jeez yes and you just witnessed me have a full embolism uh right in front of all of you good lord uh yeah so check us out over there on those things those are our favorites we're also on all the other conventional media but uh blue sky and disco uh blue scored and disguise are the ones where we're really those are the ones we're putting we're putting all of our efforts into those two yeah those are those are the good ones Blue score and who's this guy? Thanks, Rush Marine. This guy could be a new platform. Oh, this guy. Yeah, this guy over here. That's like the Italian social media service. Like this guy. Hey, you want to know this guy? Yo, come on over to this guy. No Nazis over here. You might not know this guy. If you don't know this guy, just pass him on up. This guy ain't down with Nazis. Come over to this guy. Or this guy should be like the Italian dating service app where it's... Yeah. Get a load of this guy. Get a load of this guy? Eh? No. And you can either go A by swiping right or whack him by swiping left. uh yeah the mafia is also the people behind this we have to we have to we're giving away too much right now we gotta scale it back this guy is a genius idea um Look, we have a brilliant pitch to the Italian community provided that you're all down with stereotypes. I can speak on behalf of the Italian community. My grandfather was Italian. Okay. I think that makes me like a quarter Italian or something. You've got a taste of Italy in you as the Olive Garden would say. Bring it back around. Taste of Italy. Just a taste. This guy. This guy over here. Anyway, and also we are doing our live shout outs as, oh, my camera has been reversed this whole time. I was wondering why I felt off again. It keeps tearing my camera there. For you, not for us. I feel more natural now. If you enjoy our weird impressions and stuff like that, we are doing our live shout outs all night. So scan the QR code, go to forward slash donate. And we have been known to do a myriad of songs here lately. Songs, impressions. Act out little scenes. You can give us suggestions. Or you can leave it up to us and we'll just start. Oh, and I'm so glad Master Torgo pointed this out. Yeah, we got new Twitch emotes on Twitch. So if you subscribe to our Twitch channel, you get a bunch. There's Mia's Columbo. There's Ichabod. There's a bunch of Mary Jo ones. We're going to add more because they're super fun to play with. We even have a Big Ed. Big Ed is in there. I put a Big Ed emote in there. Which I've been watching so much Twin Peaks lately with my girlfriend. I thought you were talking about like Big Ed Hurley who owned the gas farm at first. No. You were talking about our little necklace friend who uses mayonnaise on his hair. That's right. I found out recently, I think my roommate is also using some type of mayonnaise thing in the bathroom on his hair, because there's like some type of thing in our bathroom and it's definitely like a weird mayonnaise-ish condiment. I don't think it's mayonnaise. It's like mayonnaise-esque and it's definitely not like, I don't know. Because he saw Big Ed do it. I don't know if he arrived at this. He's, he's a very kind of a like hippy dippy, like everything is very organic and blah, blah, blah. Nothing against any of that, but I'm just trying to explain. I like these, I got the little Mystery Hour van emotes too. The two dudes that Inga did for us. Oh, yeah. All that to say, we have some donations already. All right, let's do some shout outs. First one here comes from Charlotte Greenwell. Charlotte is a huge, huge, huge supporter of ours since the beginning. She's the best. Charlotte says, I'm going to miss the show tonight due to work. Oh, no. No impression needed, but maybe tell a knock-knock joke. Ooh. Do you know any good knock-knock jokes? I mean, I know all the typical ones. I'm trying to think of. Sure. What was the first knock-knock joke you remember? I could tell you what mine is. Knock-knock. Who's there? Mickey Mouse's underwear. Oh. That's it. Or it is also knock-knock. Who's there? Interrupting cow. Interrupt. That's, that's probably one of the earliest ones I remember. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like I'm on the spot right now and I can't think of the only one I'm, I can think of is, you know, it's like a knock, knock, you know, who's there? Uh, uh, you know, banana, banana, who knock, knock, who's there? Banana, banana, who knock, knock, who's there? Banana, Banana who? Knock, knock. Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad I didn't say banana. oh yeah I was confused but it was the payoff was yeah it was there it was I I was I was debating how many times I could just do the knock knock in a row before it would just people would wonder if I'm having a stroke or if something's wrong with the stream or uh but yeah there's uh there's those uh I'm trying to think of my favorite just kind of childhood joke in general. I can't think of a knock-knock one in specific, but I've always loved this one. How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it. That's revolting, but I like it. I love that one so much. It's good. Anyway, but thank you so much, Charlotte. That's a great idea. I need to think of more. If I think of a good knock-knock along the way, Charlotte, I'll just randomly toss it in. Thank you so much. Thank you so much, Charlotte. All right. We got another one here from Punk Nerd. Punk Nerd, thank you. Another big supporter of ours. We love Punk Nerd. Yeah, Punk Nerd. Thank you. Yes. Punk Nerd says, how about David Lynch and Randy Newman finding really cheap eggs while shopping? All right. Okay. Uh... You start as Randy. So we're shopping together, let's say, at Food Town. Okay. Do-do-do-do-do-do. David found some eggs. Do-do-do-do-do-do. I haven't found them yet. Randy, come here. I need you. I can't believe it Randy. I found some eggs. They're cheap, too What kind eggs you got? What are the price? It's a dozen of eggs for twelve Can you believe it Randy? Twelve ninety-nine, that's kind of a lot. Sort of out of my budget. Cause I need Randy Piano's stuff. Randy, I think we should get these eggs. I haven't seen eggs in months. And these look pretty good. They're brown. So I guess we should do it. I haven't had an egg sandwich in months. I need to get these eggs, Randy. We'll do the eggs proper if you Venmo me for them. Randy, can I ask you another question? Yeah, do-do-do, what's it, Mr. Lynch? Can you cover these eggs for me? I'm all out of cash. I just said they're out of my budget. Wait a minute. Have you thought about shoplifting some eggs? If you're really good at it, it's not the dregs. I've got my piano in here cause I sing where I go. So if we stash the eggs inside, then we could just walk out. So do do. Look at the eggs in the piano. All right. Yes, we are practicing improv on you guys, JL Sieber. I don't know. I think I kind of found it toward the end. I think if we would have just had Randy Newman then teach David Lynch about how to shoplift. I like that the guy who writes twelve hundred bad jokes before every live stream is saying we're practicing improv on you guys. they're not all winners we got to get warmed up a little bit too you know like as as we go on jl siever we love you and keep that we love the bad jokes too it's uh it's a staple of dumb industries I love that we had like one hundred and forty one people watching, then it dropped like one hundred and thirty as soon as I started screaming. Yeah, well, no, just like that improv scene. It was just like, yeah, I'm out. OK, I got I got one more here and we're going to move on with some more stuff. This one comes from Ryan S. Ryan, thank you. Ryan says Paul Stanley singing story of a girl. What story of... Oh, like, this is a story of a girl. Ladies and gentlemen! I gotta tell you a story! This is the story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world. And when she looked so sad... I know that I absolutely love her when she smiles. I got a feeling this is the story. Hey. Hey. Oh, thank you so much, Ryan. How you doing, girl? okay I think people have had enough of this uh unprovoked improv show we've been giving them what do you say we get into this week I gotta get warmed up dumb deals It's like we're doing an ambush comedy show. Have you ever been at a bar where it just turns into a comedy show? Oh, I've been on many of those. Oh, I've been on them too. It ain't good. That's why I left South Carolina because that was like every comedy show was like you would be booked for the corner of an Indian restaurant and you'd get there. You got like twelve guys sitting at the bar watching a game and they turn the sound on the game off so that you can do your show. And then you have twelve angry dudes who are like, what's this dude talking about? or there's just like a family in there that's trying to eat and you're trying to do your jokes that are about you know like dating and you know and sex and drugs and stuff like that and it's like everybody's like offended you're like look I was booked to come here and do these but this family just wants to eat indian food and it's awkward and uh it's basically what this stream is yeah Uh, so, uh, so I can relate. I can relate. I can relate. I think this week, uh, anyway, this week's dumb deals, what we, what we got going on. Oh my God. We have great deals in the dumb store every week. This week is no different, Matt. We have. All home items at dumb industries that includes, uh, pillows, blankets, and other fine products over at dumb dash Just use promo code home. Twenty five. And yeah, check out dumb dash industries dot com slash deals. There's lots of great deals on there. Change them up every week. So everyone check it out. Home is where dumb is where I want to be. So yeah, so that's going on. And then also, if you're watching us on Twitch, hey, everybody on Twitch, we love you. Twitch is definitely an awesome place to support us. Use your free Amazon subscription on us if you feel moved by the Holy Spirit to do so. But if you would just like to watch tonight's program or the entire week's prior program until a new one's put up, you should check out the Dumb Industries Mystery Hour Mystery Club, which is free to join. This exact program is happening over there right now, completely commercial free. forward slash mystery hour. Yes. As I've said before, very intuitive URLs over on the dumb industries website. If you type in forward slash whatever you're thinking of, there's like a one in two chance that you'll find it. One in two. I'd say it's even higher than that. it's uh it's pretty oh I I think you're probably right yeah I think I'm just bad at math I meant whatever a good one is uh so you should definitely uh check that out there yeah and if you missed tonight's program and uh and you want to check this program out uh it'll be up for an entire week until we do a new one or if you'd like to kick in two bucks a month you can check out the entire back catalog where we watch all kinds of stuff including the various programs that tonight's wild card buffet uh will be drawn from so you can witness the origins of uh some of the the choices that we have here there are lots And I'm so glad you mentioned Plus Memberships because every Plus Membership is free for your first thirty days. So if you're in the free tier, you want to check out all the videos we have in the Plus tier. You can do that for a month completely on us. Head to slash memberships. memberships um and I also just want to say we're closing in matt we almost have nine hundred hours of content on the dumb industry where we're almost there a couple more weeks we'll hit that um I just want to thank everyone who's joined any any of the memberships you guys are keeping us alive uh you guys are the best seriously can't thank you enough um so thank you all the dumb members And we're always working on improving the member sites and all this stuff. All that to say, stay tuned. We're working on some really cool things. Yeah, there's some neat stuff we've got in the works for sure. Yes, get on our newsletter, slash newsletter. So you'll be the first to know anything, really. But in the meanwhile, this week, we're doing our weekly Mads download sale as we always do. And this week is no different. The Lost Missile is our movie that's on sale. Robert Loja versus a rogue missile. Yes. Six bucks through Sunday with promo code Loja. That's L-O-G-G-I-A. It's fun to say and fun to spell. You won't forget it. And fun to type. in your keyboard oh it's trying to be slick here hold on there we go enter hashtag lozia you'll be running for a free download to the lost missile and while you guys are getting your votes in uh we got a couple more uh shout outs here okay let's do it oh this is cool this comes from paul r who we assume Based on the information we have, this is Paul Reiser, the famous actor, comedian, star of aliens. Star of aliens, author of that weird comic book where what if his character survived aliens that nobody asked for? Wait, he wrote that? He wrote that, yeah. Like unsolicited? I think it's probably like a treatment he had already made up and then like some comic writer, you know, took it and adapted it. So it's... Does he get eaten by aliens at the end? I don't know. I haven't read it, but yeah, Paul Reiser has authored an entire comic book about what if whatever his character's name was, I can't even remember if he survived aliens, what would have happened? I love that character because it has just been recreated like eight thousand times since then I mean and even polarizer is probably like there you probably found some other kind of characters that were similar but uh yeah yeah it's like such a um cliche now it's like the The guy seems like a nice corporate dude. He's like the one with the heart, but really. Paul Reiser has chimed in to remind us that the character's name is Burke, so thank you. Oh, wow, and it is Paul Reiser. Oh, thanks so much, Paul Reiser. I love you in One Night at McCool's. Paul did not put any prompt in here. You just reminded me of One Night at McCool's, like The title of that movie stays in your head. I don't think I've ever seen it, but as a punchline, it's very funny. One Night at McCool's. He's in it. I know that because occasionally I will try to Google myself and you'll get results for Paul Reiser and you're like, oh yeah, he was in One Night at McCool's. There'll be some link about... Matt Dillon is also in it. Helen Hunt says hello. Oh, nice. Oh, my God. Helen, we love you. And we missed you in Twisters. I didn't see Twisters. Did she show up in Twisters? I don't know. I like Twister. I like the first one with Helen Hunt. She never really did. Well, she did as good as it gets. But then after that, I don't know. Helen Hunt. Yeah, like she was in What Women Want with Mel Gibson. That was kind of like the last big thing I remember her being in. The only thing I remember from that is in the trailer, you hear her voice and she's going, don't look at his crotch, don't look at his crotch, don't look at his crotch. And then he looks at it and then Mel Gibson's like... Oh, yeah. He laughs like a psychopath. Yes. That was kind of like the last hurrah for both him and her, because I think he at right after that, he did like Passion of the Christ and then like, oh, yeah, all this stuff happened with him. So that was like that was his last like normal hooray in Hollywood. Oh, yes. Anyway, I should give a shout out to Paul Reiser. Hang on. I will say, I think my brain is kind of dead today. Because there's been a few times I've gone to do something and I'm like, wait, what am I doing? Why am I here? What's my name? Who's president? Okay, here's Gollum singing the Crossfire song with your name worked. Like the toy? The game Crossfire? Paul Reiser! You'll get caught up in the Paul Reiser! Paul Reiser! You'll get caught up in the Paul Reiser! Paul Reiser! Paul Reiser! Paul Reiser! Paul Reiser! Paul Reiser! maybe someone can put together a commercial where it's a game called Paul Reiser and it's like the crossfire commercial it has like different versions of Paul Reiser on the little floating platforms and there's two kids playing it and they're super thrilled like every move Paul Reiser does something and they're like yeah Paul Reiser Paul Reiser I call Matt about you, Paul Reiser. Well, thank you, Paul Reiser. Thank you, Paul Reiser. What do you say we pick a winner here? Let's see. Who's it going to be? Wouldn't it be great if that really was him somehow? It is. Look. I refuse to believe it's not. Older Evil Twin. Way to go. Older Evil Twin. Congratulations. But look, Matt, it says Paul Reiser. And Helen Hunt says hello. I mean, it just checks out. It all checks out. They still hang out, right? Wasn't she married to Hank Azaria for a little bit? He was. Yeah, you're right. Older evil twin, I love your avatar. Nice. That's from When Loving Lovers Love. Nice. Send me an email, chris at We will get that sent right out to you. Get that out of here. Get out of here. Get out of here. What is that from? I don't know. That's just if I'm going to be, like, when I flunk out of New York, I'm just going to go down to, like, Louisiana and become a very Cajun man. So I'm working on saying how to get on out of here now in a full Cajun way. Get on out of here now. I like it. All right. Thank you so much for entering. Matt, what do you say we get into this weekend? Chris, tell us about Monday. Oh, Monday. I'm so glad you asked. Monday, we had an all-new Super Dumb Brothers. Our retro gaming livestream we do every Monday at eight p.m. Eastern right here on Twitch and at It was our second part of playing through the Walking Dead Telltale game. finished the first chapter got about halfway through the second chapter I think something like that yeah what were some of the new developments that happened there was a lot of just like this kid that's not your daughter is definitely your daughter metaphorically yeah I had to decide even though she's not your daughter I had to decide which of the group of ten was going to get food. Oh yeah, you got to distribute compelling gameplay of having to distribute crackers to various people. A guy yelled at me, I think. Oh, I got an axe and someone ripped it out of my hand or something. I don't know. The Walking Dead Telltale Games. Very fun. to play and maybe we'll do more of that I'm gonna save I saved that game I haven't touched it since we ended but yeah I'm still not sold on if I actually like those types of games or not because I'm ever tempted to pick up the Batman Telltale game because I just love Batman in general and I don't know if it's like worth it or not because I don't know if I enjoy that so I was telling you this the other day Matt but I got my Xbox One working again and one of the games I have on there is the Batman Telltale game oh okay so maybe we could do that in the whole future okay okay uh but that episode is now on demand monday's episode of super numbers for all members of the super club just put that link in the chat In the club, we're family. In the club. And next Monday, we're going to be doing Ghostbusters. Yeah. The new Ghostbusters game for a pretty good deal. So we're going to be playing some old Ghostbusters games, and then you'll be playing the new Ghostbusters. Yeah. I don't know how new it is. It's a remaster. Is it the one that has the voices from everybody in it again? Oh yeah, it's all their likenesses and everything. That's what everybody kind of considers the unofficial Ghostbusters three, I think. Yeah. yeah it's gonna be fun they got everybody back for that and uh yeah so that'll be fun and I'm gonna try to find I don't know if I'll succeed but I'm gonna try very hard to find the the ghostbusters for sega genesis game which I remember renting from a video as a child and it's awful and it yeah it's like ghostbusters and name only in the most like disappointing way that even as a kid I was like oh this sucks uh so that'll be a lot of that out and we'll be talking about ghostbusters so bring any ghostbusters questions for us uh I got opinions ghostbusters like ghostbusters lore I love it all cartoon cartoons are great they're the best the cartoons are better follow-ups than any of the other sequel movies I feel like yeah Real Ghostbusters is great. They should just do another season of that, like X-Men. You know, like instead of making another movie, I think most of those people are still alive. Just make more of that. Oh, Mr. Z natural says there was a real Ghostbusters arcade game. I don't remember that, but that sounds really cool. I'd be down to play a real Ghostbusters game if they made it. Oh, GB says find the one for Commodore. Oh, that's going to be painful. We found if you go any older than NES, the results are often just like they sound murder on your ears. We had we have multiple viewers tonight who have a Commodore. Wow. All right. Well, if there's enough, if there's that much love for it, we will take that into account when looking for our games for next week. Frozen Empire was kind of disappointing. Yeah. it was kind of disappointing but it's more what I wanted a ghostbusters sequel than any of the others where it's not quite so throwbacky and they're just fighting like a new thing you know yeah but like there's just too many characters in it that's yeah and then just you could tell bill murray doesn't want to be there he's only in like one scene he's like phoning it in um make more real ghostbusters stop with the movies yes uh so yes that was uh monday ghostbusters that was a horrible show tuesday what did we have tuesday matt tuesday I'm so glad you asked uh march eighteenth we did the next movie joe night it was we watched baffled starring litter nimoy as a psychic race car driver And so many questions. I think we all had a lot of questions about baffled. It was truly baffling for multiple reasons. And I was reading after there's two versions of baffled. There's a UK version, which has like an extra ten minutes in it. And then there's a version that we watched. Yeah, Tim, who did the rip that we watched, he was asking me, he's like, yeah, I actually have both versions of it, but I figured you probably want the shorter one. I was like, yeah, we want it. Tim, you assumed correctly. That was a really nice looking print. Thanks again, Tim. Oh my God, that was incredible. But I love I used it as the preview scene. It wasn't the most engaging scene in the movie, but I just thought it was so silly at the beginning that he draws a sketch of a castle that looks like a five year old drew it. And she goes, I know that before. And she just happens to have a book on her that has the exact photo from his stupid drawing. It's so ridiculous. It was I laughed so hard when I watched that. It was great. there's also just because it was a failed tv pilot but yeah it has there that you could tell when they made more episodes it would you know the montage at the beginning would yeah would be different but it's all just other scenes from the movie because there's kind of why did they do that because movies don't do that they don't have opening title sequence where they show you clips from the movie you're about to watch like aside from like the mission impossible movies they show like brief little snippets and stuff but like yeah like um but yeah it's just odd like they could have just done away with that and it would have felt more like a movie but right from the get-go you're like what is this Yeah, I debated because I know we were trying to make a shorter cut for the movie because it kind of ran a little long. I debated just cutting that out because it is just like the same stuff over again. But I'm like, nah, this feels for flavor. I think you and Mary Jo needed to watch him, you know. Yes. Drive around in his little Model T car with his little hat on to funky seventies music. matt this is huge paul riser confirmed in attendance now we got helen hunt in the chat and she's saying you should you should play the tiger handheld twister game oh what is there a tiger handheld twister game you remember those tiger games you're probably too young no I definitely had some I I had a weirdly enough I had a universal monster one that I got on christmas Those things were such trash. I remember like halfway through Christmas Day I accidentally broke like I put my thumb on the LED screen too hard and I like broke it and then I was just like I just like threw it behind like the entertainment center in my room because I was just like sad because I was like six and I was an idiot and like oh I had this for like less than a day and I've already destroyed it. Uh Yeah, those were awful. Those were like for if you were too poor for video games. Yeah, they'd have like the the tiger handheld like, you know, Pac-Man or whatever. And it was awful. I'm I'm searching twister tiger handheld game nothing's coming up I'm not seeing it but that would be really that would be hilarious when did that come out in nineteen ninety five or ninety six or something you know what's uh great in twister there's like it has one of the few good sammy hagar van halen songs in it like they asked van halen to do a song for the twister movie and it's you know like yeah there is just enough christ in me to make me feel almost guilty uh yeah and it's uh because yeah most of the sammy hagar years were them you know just at their like peak sell out you know or they're just like crystal pepsi ads and it was I guess it's also kind of sell outy to you know make a soundtrack song for twister but you know that was the thing back then uh yeah you don't have that anymore like you know like the brian adams theme for like a robin all over the place they don't make like a like a like a love ballad for a movie anymore that's like on the radio yeah godzilla had a soundtrack a bunch of songs that weren't even in the movie yeah it was like music inspired by the hit film godzilla That's what we're missing in our Batman movies that are coming out now. Because the older Batman movies, they all had a song that was big from the soundtrack that was a deal with all of them. Except Batman Returns. Batman Returns had a Susie and the Banshees song as part of its soundtrack. That was kind of a thing. That's right, that's right. but then uh but then forever of course had both kissed by a rose and that stupid u-two song flaming lip song on there too and the offspring covered a damned song and there's a bunch of weird stuff on that soundtrack Yeah, we need to get an adult contemporary artist to make a soundtrack song for the next Batman movie, and that's how we'll make a cultural impact. We'll get Josh Groban to do a song about Batman. Oh, my God. The Batman! Okay, so that was Tuesday. That episode is now on demand. Baffled, MovieJay and I, Baffled, joined the Married to Appeal Show Clubhouse. Last night was Wednesday, so of course we had an all-new Weird and Wonderful Wednesday Watch Along here to tell us more about what went down at last night's watch party. Is there very own missing line? Hello out there in TV land. What up, what up? Hello, hello. Oh, Emmy, I like the New York hat. Thank you, thank you. You know, trying to represent, you know, while I'm here. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. wow uh uh weird and wonderful wednesday watch along we watched uh uh the batman no we watched I'm sorry the informer um you know that new batman it did have a song matt it had that nirvana song didn't nirvana did that song for the for the batman for that for that for that movie um actually I'm a big fan of the flaming lips song on on the uh that's that's one of the flaming lips best songs and that is one like the first time I ever heard them too that version is better than the album version by the way it's not the same one that appears on the album that version only appears on that soundtrack yeah um anyways we watched the Informer and it was a lot of fun because you know it was very Irish despite not having a whole lot of Irish cast members beyond Uno O'Connor but but it did have Dennis Day and Dennis Day is very Irish and sang some very Irish songs for us um yeah I need to go close my window real fast it's starting to rain This is from, uh, in form or came out. So this is like, you know, it's early talking cinema. That's what I was telling people last night is, is, you know, I mean, Dracula and stuff was . So we've been doing, you know, good production talkies for a while at this point, but is like a pinnacle year of high production cinema cinema. When they, they started doing lots of like. extremely high budget adaptations of classic literature and stuff and it's a it's a great year in in film history but this is one of the best films made that year and the the lead in that falls you don't even he disappears into the character so much like it doesn't matter you can't you can't see the actor behind the character at all like it's so good and yeah one one I believe he won the Oscar for that. That won a ton of awards. It was definitely nominated for like, twenty Oscars or something. I'm looking at it right now. Former won Best Picture and Best Director. I mean, it was about something. It was about, you know, it takes place thirteen years prior, so it was about something that was kind of still topical at the time. You know, the IRA and stuff was still, yeah. But next week, oh my goodness, next week, next week, did you see the trailer for Peter Pan? Yeah, that was a cool trailer. We're going to go even further. We're going to boom, boom down way back to nineteen twenty four. This is a silent movie and it is based on, you know, Peter Pan started as a play. Before the book, before anything else, it was a stage play and this is as close to the original J.M. Barrie stage play as you can get. He oversaw a lot of it himself and they pretty much stick straight to the play. So this is the real deal, not any of that Disney-fied craziness crap or whatever it's gonna have mermaids people love your watch parties I have to say it's uh it's so much fun debaser here says wednesdays are always my favorite thing that I didn't know about yet if you guys haven't checked it out that's it yeah Uh, but yeah, it's a totally free every Wednesday, uh, APM. You do a pre-show like an hour long pre-show starts at seven PM. So show up early. And next week is going to be a doozy since it's going to be, I've got a real special, it's going to be an all public domain show, uh, so it's gonna be I'm gonna pull out a lot of stops next week if you've got friends you've got family you've got loved ones and you're thinking maybe I should share the magic of the weird and wonderful wednesday watch alongs with them next week and you're like well maybe it's not the right next week is the week you bring them and they're gonna be like okay I'm convinced also also and I've said this before the most convincing performance of a man as a dog you've ever seen. There's a man in a dog suit And within two minutes, you will forget that there's a man in there. His dog mannerisms are so dog-like, you will not believe that there's a man in a dog suit playing a dog. Now, how does it compare to Howie Mandel's portrayal in Man's Best Friend? Comedy from the eighties. you know as as someone who's seen howie mandel live in constant I've seen howie mandel's live stand up in concert because I worked at that because I worked at the place so I was I was working there I didn't didn't choose to go there I didn't pay money for the tickets that he put on his head to blow up or I I believe there was some balloon it was a long When you watch a comedy special on TV, like one of those big-name comedy specials from back in the day, that hour you see... they've taken they've taken away the hour hour and a half that's painful okay they've taken the best in the choices bits um yeah no totally um we digress how does it measure up in terms of like a dog suit performance to the guy in the shining who's giving that guy a blow job uh that one scene that's my favorite dog suit in a movie Matt, can you get up on your mic just a little bit? Oh, yeah. There you go. There you go. I'm not sure how it measures up to that, Matt, but phrasing. We're still doing phrasing. Sorry, I wasn't sure if you'd started, you'd delve into the Archiverse yet. Oh, no. I still got to get around to that. We were mentioning it the other day. You know, if you saw the pre-show yesterday, I made a Twin Peaks Season Three Episode Eight joke while we were watching some World's End Girlfriend. And I was like, man, if Matt was here, he would totally be slayed. Inga and I just watched part five of The Return. We're working our way through it again. That stuff gets nuts. there's some heavy stuff in there too there's some stuff that's like just super heart-wrenching heavy like heavy hell yeah did I say heavy oh I'm just there's something wrong with the atmosphere here in earth in twenty twenty five all right that's oh yes people um gravity something wrong with gravity emmy I'm not even gonna ask you this week you're sticking around for our intermission video so let's just get right in god dang all right so tonight's video uh uh tonight is another matt works through his religious trauma on camera night uh this is a video of y'all have heard of snake handling churches before right Yes, of course. Oh, that kind of snake. OK, yeah. They like they handle snakes. This is from a show called it's like Beyond Belief. It's not beyond belief, but it's like it's one of those types of shows where they went and they watched one of those services and it looks kind of awesome. There we go. We have a... Boy, that's little. Is it also a restaurant? Why is there... Yeah, it's like a fish camp. I thought he was going to be mixing with lens. I don't know why. I don't know why. okay I gotta say these old people got a lot of energy for old people maybe they're onto something that's because you have to have your adrenaline up high to be dealing with venomous snakes every other day I need it Oh. Get me some. Anyone else watching White Lotus this season? Uh, no. But I did watch the Perry Mason one. Wait, I know this narrator. Chat, help me out. Hi. Yeah, this is some British dude. Strange practice of handling deadly snakes originated sometime during the summer of nineteen oh nine in the hills and hollows of eastern Tennessee. All these people look so jacked up. A creature named George Wentensley took a literal reading of Mark sixteen. They shall take up serpents and if they drank any deadly thing it shall not hurt them and they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I've done plenty of stick handling myself, but I don't think we're talking about the same thing. Oh, man. I almost made that mistake. I just mostly feel, oh, is that Adam's convene? I mostly just feel bad for all these people. You know? And with Cardinal, Northern Copperheads, Southern Copperheads, Broadband Copperheads, Western Diamondback, and, um, we'll see. DJ, this is the freakiest rave I've ever been to. This looks like a party, man. They got the snakes and the tambourines. I just like the guy in the background playing the guitar. He looks bored as hell. Getting his check. and I need subtitles I just can't understand anything this guy's saying yeah I'm glad there's subtitles you get a snake It's Adam, it's old Adam, isn't it? Adam the guy, Adam Levine, what's his name? I ruined everything, Adam. Oh, no. Adam, you coming over? Sure. Archie Bunker. Why is this dead? Archie. Yee-haw! Jesus can do what he wants, alright? If he wants to raise the dead, that's fine. That's up to him. He comes around. Straight nine. What? Uncontrollable jerking. That's the snake handling Matt was talking about earlier. That lady's so bored about snakes. She's like, man, it's like... I think if you get to a point where you can be mellow about this, like you're no good sinners, without your brain, that through God, But I mean, clearly there's not going to be strychnine in that bottle, actually. It's like powdered sugar water or something, right? Or maybe like very little. No, it's got to be kayfabe. They get their asses sued. This is also experienced by many of these believers. Do you think these people care? They're in like a shack off the side of the highway. I think the person who's taking all the money from this person damn well does care, yes. casting out how long is this man holy cow I don't know that's working out his religious trauma by giving everyone else religious trauma I know you're just passing it down the line it's the cycle of abuse continues and that crew was given permission to remove a sample of the liquid I have to take this out on somebody no see what they're gonna find from the exact jar that everyone wouldn't drag from I'm gonna find out if it's kayfabe man Los Angeles where chemists tested the liquid to determine its makeup the results may shock you hold me in liquid these believers drank that day was unquestionably one hundred percent strict nine poison I believe in drinking straight now okay and speaking tongue and all I mean, we'll line it down, a narrator of a TV show. This footage would all be great for just taking and re-dubbing, like, different rap music, you know? There is, you know, I don't know if you... We don't give a damn, we don't give a fuck, right? Joe Bob Briggs used to do these specials that was kind of like whiffs. Joe Bob Briggs used to do these specials that were kind of like riffs type things. He has a televangelist special that I have that maybe we'll have to watch sometime. Wait, who is this? Joe Bob Briggs. Oh, Joe Bob Briggs, yeah. Yeah, he's got a whole hour-long Best of Crazy Televangelists special. I think it's got that Popper guy or whatever and all those... John Popper? I think so. I think it's got... Bruce Traveller? No, maybe not. Bruce Traveller, yeah. Different... Popovich or whatever, that guy. I handled some serpents in the church. Next time, I'm going to have to bring some Francis E. Deck. on the deck. Matt, your volume keeps going low. I don't know. What do you want me to turn? I'm not doing anything different. Your input settings on your Mac, like your sound settings, the input level sounds like it's just really low. That's so weird. I think it's StreamYard. StreamYard does it automatically. StreamYard will turn down your volume automatically. It does it to me all the time. I had to download an extension to get it to stop doing that. It's crazy. like like what do you mean the input setting I'm trying to figure out like you know your mac sound settings okay system settings yeah go to sound and then input there's like a fader that's probably all the way to the left horizontal We control the vertical. Control the horizontal. Okay, how does this sound? Oh, there we go. Got some volume here. That's the one. Okay, cool. There we go. Now you're good. We solved the puzzle. Case closed, Nancy Drew. We did it. I mean, goodness gracious me, oh my. I'm back! Uh-oh. What have we done, Chris? I don't know. Just turn me up, like, too loud so I can just speak in a creepy whisper and then it's... What monster have we only... I'm just going to do the rest of the show like this. That sounds pretty good, actually. How about this? Just do, like, ASMR. Oh, Manbox says it's scary loud now. Is it too loud? I'm going to do the rest of the announcements. Let's just mute Matt. It's too much hassle. I'm going to turn the sound off. It's too much hassle. I'm coming for your soul. That should be the next... What is it? the other one witching hour that should be the next witching hour is brother ichabod just loses his voice and asmr whispers oh I like that that is a great idea it'll end with like a whole meditation with ichabod plus it'll be nice for my roommates and my my neighbors I think you should still scream even though it's Wouldn't that be so great? It's like, breathe in! Relax! are you calm calm down be still calm down okay we have to do this when I had my input up real high for a second I kind of felt like black bolt from the inhumans I'm like if I speak a little whisper I could destroy just destroy entire worlds yeah with your voice uh emmy we love having you on the program and I love being here but I have tv at ten to prepare for those of y'all who will be uh at tv at ten I just want to quickly say I found a lost nineteen fifty nine sci-fi pilot it's it's kind of like if they made star trek before star trek but it was more like deep space nine come check out outpost in space from nineteen fifty nine a lost television pilot tonight on tv at ten over at uh over at dumb weird someone was saying the other day though that they were like where the hell does that happen it happens the same place the weird and wonderful wednesday watch alongs happen which is on the sister channel dumb weird so please drop by that after after the uh I mean um um the uh uh uh what was the what's the the the the the feature presentation ends up being Oh, the wild cards? Wild card! Okay, I had no idea what you were talking about. I was like, wait. Are we doing another show tonight? I don't remember that. Is there some type of neurotoxin in the air? I've secretly strychnine poisoned everyone at Dumb Industries with Folger's Crystals. Let's... see if they notice the difference this has been the night of like me going like the kitchen and being like I could you please hand me that uh oh god what's the word for it a fork like I've just been having like one of those days yes that's it's been like that for me all day I I don't know what it is I'm glad I'm not alone something in the air is it a full moon or something I'm telling you, Dave. There was a blood moon that happened the other day. Purity of essence. And not just the blood moons from the Legend of Zelda series that reset all the bad guys. Link, the blood moon is happening again. wait a minute, Emmy, before you go, we got a couple more donations here. One of them's for you. This comes from Misty Jamie, who says, thank you for the movie last night. I mean, I had a fun night. Oh, Mr. Jamie, you rule. Thank you, Mr. Jamie. I'm really glad. And yeah, we had some cartoons last night too. Like that weird Susan Pitt pinball cartoon. Where are you going to, where else are you going to see stuff like that? Uh, Any impression you want to do? Yeah, Misty Jamie. I just want to send out my love and all my deepest affection to Misty Jamie. Misty Jamie, let me tell you, we've been doing this show a long time and myself and I've come to find out that, you know, sometimes the best thing to do is to just sort of go off the cuff and, yeah, you just sort of make up somebody as you go along. That's the kind of guy I am, and that's the kind of show I like to do. So please join me for another Weird and Wonderful Wednesday once more on next Wednesday. Oh, I hear I come in straight. I don't know. Thank you so much. Was that Dick Cheney? Yeah, it devolved into Dick Cheney. Emmy, we will see you real soon. I love you. I'll take care. Peace out. Don't do anything I would do. Bye. Bye. Miss Emmy Martian, everyone. One more round of applause for those of you who are clapping along at home. I want to get an applause. I have to get an applause button for this show. We need to get, like, a laugh track, too, to really convince people, like, you know, when to laugh at our funny jokes, even if it doesn't seem plausible for a livestream, because I've been watching a lot of Hanna-Barbera cartoons lately, and I've talked about this with you before. I don't understand why, like, the Flintstones has a laugh track in it. It doesn't make a ton of sense. Like, are we supposed to believe that this animated show was filmed in front of a live audience somehow? I guess so. But there's inexplicably a laugh track in the Flintstones. So we could add a laugh track and get away with it, I think. And, you know, zhuzh up the vibe around here. Oh, did you hear that, Matt? This is how I dance in the club. Ooh, I got the kitty groove in the flame on. Brian Austin Green, everyone. Sing my funky song. There was some other song that he sang when he was on nine Oh two one Oh, but I shared on my Instagram a while back where someone commented that it sounded exactly like Eric Cartman when he tries to sing something like need you here in my life. I need you by my side. It's got like synthesizers. It's a, yeah, it's great. It's, it's, it's funny. Oh Matt, we still have so much to get to. Were there any more donations besides that one for me? I thought you said that there were more. Yes, we have one more. We'll do that in just a minute. Let's get into Coming Soon to Dumb. Coming soon to dumb. I know everyone likes seeing the cat. This is the sound that I make when I'm trying to find my place in the document. Most of the time, he doesn't respect the fact that If you could step on anything right here, it could potentially cut the whole stream off. It's happened before. There have been so many catastrophic failures caused single-handedly by usually that one cat. It's not even all your cats. It's just like one or two. One of them used to, because the router I have is like a cube and it emits heat. So they like standing on top of it. One night, yeah, we were doing, I think, a mystery hour and they just jumped off of the router. Midstream, I'm like mid-sentence and everything just cuts out. Always fun. Always fun. Okay. What do we have coming up, Matt? Well, first of all, the next thing we got going on Saturday, March twenty second at three p.m. is the next Jackie Naiman Jones hands of paint. We are going to be painting the Prince of Space, a.k.a. this is Crankor. Is that correct? Am I? I think so. Yeah. Am I talking out of turn here? The guy is very recognizable. Again, looking like he's hosting his own Johnny Carson style talk show and he's giving the monologue. Yeah. yeah it was his prince of space it was uh it was a japanese movie um and this was featured on mystery science theater three thousand I don't know what season I think this was an earlier one I don't know but uh yeah that's what jackie painted this painting It kind of looks a little like Waluigi, I think, too. Oh, it does. Oh, the season eight. Yes, that was a later one. So starting at one p.m. Eastern on Saturday, we'll be watching Prince of Space, just the Unrift movie. And yeah, then we're going to paint it. Yeah, so you have no excuse to be like, oh, well, I haven't seen that one. I don't know what's going on. Bullshit. I cry. I decree bullshit. Nay, I say nay. Look, we're doing a free screening for all students. Because there's a screening. uh people always have so much fun when they come to this class so in that spirit what do you say we raffle off a seat to class do one of our patented raffles yes get in on the raffle by typing hashtag prince of space oh yes prince of space you'll get a free seat to saturday's class you guys are entering there we got another donation here This one comes from Jackie B. Oh, thanks so much, Jackie. Jackie, thank you. Another big supporter of ours. Also, check out her Etsy shop created by Jackie for some custom Dumb Industries merch. Officially licensed, I might add. Jackie says, Matt B. will finally be done with his month-long of weekly travel. All right. Oh, nice. That's right. Matt was gone for a while. Could Gollum and Columbo sing Welcome Back, Cotter theme song? Thank you for everything. uh yeah I think I can I can probably pull that off uh this is like one of those theme songs where it's like I always know like the first line of it yeah it's like that's about it welcome back so yeah so it's uh You know, I had the lyrics to this pulled up the other day when I was going to do it, and then I did. Oh, yeah. So, yeah. Are you ready? Yes. This is for you, Jackie. Five, six. Welcome back. Your dreams were your ticket out. Tokyo Colombo. Welcome back to the same old place that you laughed about. Will the gnomes have a chance since you're hung around? But those dreams have remained and they've turned around. Welcome back. Welcome back. Welcome back. I never really watched Welcome Back, Cotter. I know that was like on Nick at Night for a while. Yeah, it was one of those shows. That's the definition of a song whose theme song I know literally the first line of and none of the rest. And I hope for just winging it that that was cool. That's all you need to know. Welcome back. Welcome back. I know John Travolta was on it. Sweathogs. Sweathogs. Horshack. Horshack. That's the one who also shows up in Friday the Thirteenth Part Six. And he's one of the people that resurrects Jason at the beginning for some reason. That's right. Poor shack from welcome back. Cotter is responsible for, for Jason Voorhees continued existence. Canonically Dan Wally says without welcome back Cotter, there would be no Saturday night fever. So maybe we should go back in time and delete welcome back hotter. Cause then we wouldn't have Saturday night fever. I like the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever. How different would our world really be if we lost John Travolta? He's a good actor, but I don't think there's anything he was ever in that was like, if we lost it, it would be devastating to us culturally. Yeah, he's done some amazing stuff, but overall... Even people like Stallone or Schwarzenegger, you know, like if you... Broken Arrow. It's a good one. It does have an awesome soundtrack, Saturday Night Fever. It's just everything else about it that I don't like. I don't even say I don't like. It's an entertaining movie. I understand why it It has the level of stature that it does, but it's also deeply disturbing for multiple reasons I don't want to get into. I love that one of the plots of that movie is how badly it sucks to live in Brooklyn and how much he wants to be in the city. Cut to now, everybody wants to be in Brooklyn. That's the whole thing. He's kind of a dork. It's like the Boogie Nights plot. Let's pick a winner here. Let's see. Who's it going to be? Who's going to win a seat to class this Saturday for Prince of Space? Rushmore Yankee. I feel like Rushmore Yankee has won at least two other seats to class. Congratulations. You're doing some type of trickery, aren't you? You're like that guy on Press Your Luck that they're making a movie about. Have you seen that? Oh, they're making a movie about that? They're making a movie about that guy who memorized the pattern or whatever so well that they literally took the game off the air and then redesigned everything to randomize it more so that could never happen again. Yeah. Rushmore Yankee. You're like that guy. Congratulations, Rushmore Yankee. I hope to see you in class. Shoot me an email. Chris at I'll send you that link so you can join us. We promise we're not favoring people over here on our end. We're just pushing the button, and that's what's happening. That's why we do it this way, because it's completely random, you know? You see it. We all see it. We all saw it. I was there. Don't tell me what happened. I saw what happened. um okay so that's saturday everyone if you have not yet signed up it's free for your first month head to dumb dash jackie uh and then coming up on tuesday um oh I'm looking at the outline here now sorry about it well yeah like we we flip-flopped around no it's yeah well I did the first one so I figured you would just take the second one it's all good Should we start having dress rehearsals, folks? Sound off in the chat. No, I'm kidding. It's fine. Tuesday, March the twenty fifth is an all new episode of Marriage Appeal Show. It's our game show night episode. Yeah, that's going to be fun. It's going to be really fun. We had a run through of what we're going to be doing. We're going to be doing this live on Tuesday. There's going to be an audience participation aspect to it. So everyone turn up live. Even some people will even get the chance to play with us. So don't miss that. It's going to be right here on Twitch. Yep. And special guests. Yes. And then marriage appeal show clubhouse, which is completely free for your first month as well. Get on in there. Get on, get on down, get on down the road. And there's a lot coming up still to close out March. And then April is, Oh my God, April's going to be... April, we do have some. We've been teasing at a couple things for a hot minute. I think April's finally when those are going to happen. Aside from the fact that both Matt and I celebrate our birthdays in April. Yeah. And it's tax season. Yeah. It's going to be really fun, April. So, yeah, check out our newsletter, slash newsletter, and find out all that's going on with Dumb. All right, are we ready to do... I like how you brought me up to, like, it's our birthdays. I was like, yeah. And also, it's tax time. You're like, oh, yeah. What a horrible time to have a birthday as an adult. That's why every Aries is the way that they are. No, seriously. As a kid, people would be like, oh, you're born on tax day. And then you get older as an adult. And I usually do my taxes way before tax day. But there have been a couple times in my twenties where I've waited until the last minute. And then I'm literally trying to file my own taxes on my birthday. It's depressing. Yeah, that's a bummer. Matt, what do you say we get into our feature presentation? Yes. All right. All righty. Oh, my gosh. First off, I just want to acknowledge Mastermind Rodiac said taxes are easier now that I no longer have self-employment income. That setup is the worst. This is my first year being fully self-employed, and let me tell you, if anybody out there is thinking of going fully into being a freelancer, are you really sure? Are you sure? Are you sure you don't want to have something else going on that some type of W-II works so you don't get hit with that fucking self-employment tax that just ruins your... shit for an entire season uh just stuff to think about if those because you know I remember when I was younger being like wouldn't it be so great to get to do this full time you know and uh and it is great but uh but you know to to quote our great philosophers uh mo money mo problems you know Anyway, that's my brief rant against the system. Anyway, it's feature presentation time. What if there wasn't a feature presentation? What if I just ranted about the tax system for the next, like, thirty-five minutes? We could do that. no these people want to be entertained matt let's do it well I I think uh the the nuances of our tax code are quite entertaining okay so we have all wild cards tonight and these are uh the wild cards that I double checked were already in our icloud drive first of all and second of all that seemed to be kind of fairly popular but sort of different enough to where there was a little bit of everything to pick from so First off, we have The Weakest Link. I have an episode of the television game show The Weakest Link. It was a two thousands game show. I believe this is one of our picks during our two thousands game show night hosted by a very mean but funny British lady. And yeah, and it's just her basically just calling people stupid for, you know, forty minutes. and uh and doing trivia every day in college it's great and then they replaced the mean british lady with like a slightly nicer person and it just didn't it didn't have the same vibe to it nobody jived with it anymore uh ann robinson I think is that lady's name she rocked uh so that's pick number one pick number two these street sharks I think we did like a ninja turtles ripoff show I believe this is one of the picks from that So if you would like to watch, we were just discussing the street sharks earlier that Vin Diesel was plugging back in his early days. So if you want to watch some human, some anthropomorphic sharks who are wearing jean shorts, fight crime. They're wearing jorts, yeah. That is the pick for you. After that, we have Parental Control. I picked this specifically because all of you keep rejecting our reality show pitches and going full wildcard on them. And this was the wildcard on that episode. And this episode of Parental Control, it seems ridiculous in the best kind of way. I know that some of you are like, I don't want to pick this because it seems painful to watch, but... That's kind of the point. And parental control was a show that was on MTV in the two thousands. I think we did this during our dating shows night or something like that. MTV show where, uh, there's like, uh, you know, a girl who's dating a guy who her parents really don't approve of. So she sets up their daughter, like, or you know the parents set up the the daughter on like a blind date with another guy and they sit there with the guy that they don't like who's currently dating her on a couch and watch through cameras how the blind date's going and it's uh and it's it's weird and everybody on it's over top parental control I definitely should have never worked at a video store in my youth. I'm terrible at summarizing things. Next up, Stanley Stripperella. We had a night where we tried to do shows from Spike TV, the ultra over-the-top, macho, vaguely sexist, vaguely misogynistic channel that was... a big deal in the early two thousands the network for men and there was a show a cartoon starring pamela anderson where she played a stripper themed superhero that had input from stanley somehow and uh so if you would like to watch uh stripper pamela anderson fight crime that's the one for you I think Stan Lee's contribution was he sat in on one meeting. Maybe he was just on speakerphone for that meeting. I think they maybe just wrote him an email where they were like, hey, if we pay you enough money, can we just stick your name on this cartoon? And he was like, okay. Yeah. And that's that. And then lastly, we have Supermarket Sweep. I had a different pick I wanted to do because I thought there was a little bit more variety, but Supermarket Sweep has been very popular lately. So if you'd like to watch Chris's favorite, Dave Ruprecht, a man who has so much contempt for everybody around him. It's the best. And this has been the wild card for like two or three weeks in a row. It has been really popular. Yeah. So let's come on. Let's watch some supermarket sweep. We could do that, yeah. It's a great show. Like I said, we discussed it a lot. The host, yeah, he seems like he doesn't want to be there. He kind of actively hates the people on the show. Everybody on the show seems a little simple, and they're all competing for an easily achievable amount of money, which is all very endearing and kind of down. While you guys are getting your votes in, we have another donation here. Nice. jesse h thank you jesse h jesse thank you jesse says love you all can't think of anything clever go nuts oh we love you too jesse I love you. I could be too mad. I could do Gollum singing, what's that one song by Dido? It was like the thank you song. It's like... I want to thank you for giving us a money just so. And I... Thanks for hanging out. But mainly thanks for the money. No, just kidding. Your friendship's important. Thank you so much, Jesse. Thank you, Jesse. All right, let's see. We're going to choose a winner, whatever's in the top spot. Last week, we had to do a tiebreaker, so... Yeah, that was pretty intense. You never know. All it takes is one person to decide what we're watching sometimes. All right, let's see it. And only, like, forty of you vote. Like, more of you get on here and decide the fates of what you're watching. It's free to vote, everyone. It's a free and fair election. Okay, let's hit show results. Supermarket Sweep. Yes, by five votes. All right. Oh, I love you guys. Stripperella is the wild card of this, so that will... Oh, no, that's... You have dug up a new wild card from beyond the grave, everyone. You don't realize what you've done. Oh, my God. Okay, Supermarket Sweep. the wild card of a wild card that sounds like we have like three episodes here in the drive which does it matter the most recent one if you can sort them by when they were uploaded potentially yes okay got one here supermarket sweep this is an episode from september of nineteen ninety four I can't wait to see what this is um There's basically, there's like two different eras of, of supermarket suite. There's like, hold on. Why is the video not cutting? Um, Oh, there was like, uh, the early seasons where he David wear is like a sweater that these gigantic sweaters. And, uh, and then there's like a second era where he's dressed more like a supermarket manager. Yeah. He's got like a tie and kind of stuff. It's a little bit more formal. So we'll see. I think this falls like square in the middle. Okay, this is a transitional period in the supermarket sweep aesthetic. Sweater or no sweater? Let's see. The people who are on the show all seem, like, simple and kind of an enviable way. Like, I'm like, I wish anything made me as happy as growing hams. Oh, wow. This is a special episode. Let's give away two brand-new GeoTrackers worth over twenty-five thousand dollars. That thing looks like it's waiting for you to die in a car accident inside it. Okay, you're on. Who's got the sweet and low? Okay, you're on. Who's got the... Who has the Astroglide? You can go. I always just want him to bust his ass running. I'm sure it has to happen. reset and cut that really special month here on supermarket sweep it's our twin car giveaway yeah do you think he was mad when I told him he was gonna have to start wearing a tie will be competing for the chance to win not one but two geo trackers that's one for each team member and this is how it works at the end of our third week we will take the twelve teams who have the highest sweep totals Everything about the show is overly complicated. It drives me insane. Like, just get to the people throwing shit in the carts. Twenty-five thousand dollars is like nothing now. And we're gonna give somebody a chance to pick up ten seconds in a cash bonus, so get your hands on your buzzers over there. Over there? Finding good replacement bags is an easy maneuver. Pick the brand name the same as- Hoover. Corey? Hoover. That's it, J. Edgar Hoover. I was gonna say, Newer. Is it rhyme? Okay, now, Cindy, if you can find the specially marked package of Hoover out there, within thirty seconds, I'll give you fifty dollars. Hoover, nobody does it like you. Okay, Cindy, go! Is she looking for, like, a bag? Oh, she can't run. She doesn't know how to run. You wore your worst mom jeans for all the activity you're gonna have to do. You have to wear something that flexes. Those pants. Don't wear your mom jeans if you're gonna be on the supermarket sweep. I love this when he's just like yelling. Come on, Cindy. Don't fuck this up, Cindy. Get your shit together, Cindy. This is our one time in the spotlight. Oh, she ain't going to make it. See, she can't run. She's an idiot. I told you not to wear those stupid fucking pants, Cindy. I mean, it's literally like she's never ran before. Ah, it drives me insane. We're best friends, and we used to be neighbors. Amy says he has, like, never used her legs before. She runs like a Jennifer Love Hewitt, and I know what you did last summer. My husband is actually my fifth child. I see. Richard, how do you know Maurice? Oh, that's hilarious. Your husband's a complete child. And what do you do, Maurice? We're both front desk agents. Oh, both of you. Tough job. This has a classic supermarket sweep. Clearly a gay couple, but are lying about it through their teeth. What do you do, Corey? I'm currently struggling as yet unpublished writer. And how about you, Cindy? I'm a recruiter for an aerospace company. We're both models for giant glasses. All right, let's do it. He asks what they do for a living and then just moves on. There's no following. Cool, whatever, loser. All right, on with the show. We'll see you all in a few minutes. Now I'm about to show you the brand name of a product, but I'll only reveal the letter that it starts and ends with. Then I'll give you three clues about its identity, okay? So get your hands on your buzzers. Here's the first one, and it begins with H and ends with S. Hemorrhoids. In Pennsylvania. Corey? Hershey's? Is it? That's it. Well done. Now this next one is just the opposite. It begins with S and ends with H. Three M. Sushi. Staff. Staff wouldn't fit. Scotch. Let's find out. No, it wouldn't, actually. Yes. Ah, scotch. Okay, now this name begins with B and ends with T. Gourmet. French. Bob Robert. Big Wombat. Darlene. Bon appetit. Let's see. That's it. Get you on the board, darling. Here's the last one, and this one also begins with B, but it ends with E. Two-wheeler. Shuffling. Boobie. Bicycle. Let's find out. Yes, bicycle playing card. Bicycle. All right, so everybody's on the board. Darlene has a minute and forty. Maurice has a minute and forty. Corey, you're in the lead with two minutes. Hey, listen, stick around. We're gonna come right back with another mini-sweep. I'm gonna go chain-smoke a cigarette behind the studio real quick. Welcome back to Supermarket Sweep. Okay, are you all ready to run our second mini-sweep? Okay, get your hands on your buzzers. If your aim in life is to get really slim, try the time-release capsule called Richard's Dexatrim. That's the one, Richard. Okay, Maurice, you know what you have to do. Hurry up and get the tag Dexatrim out there and go! What is Dexatrim? Go, Maurice! Go, Maurice! Go, Maurice! Oh, he was wearing his hat. You know these cameramen have like made contact with these people before. Oh, yes. Because they're like right on their asses. Come on. Do it. I would fuck this up so bad. This is where I would... This is like a bad dream. Oh, you dum-dum. This is where they zoom in on it. I love this part. There, you idiot. Look, you fucking idiot. It was right there. Ten seconds. I can't pay my rent with ten seconds, Dave. You're sleeping on the couch tonight. Peace. Now, would you look at these three items over here for me, please? We have a box of six Eskimo pie ice cream bars, a seventeen ounce Marie Callender's apple cobbler, and a thirteen point four ounce box of Krusty's buttermilk waffles. Krusty's? Krusty's. Under two dollars. One, two, or three. What company made these waffles? Krusty's. You're all wrong you fucking idiots it's number one But it was the waffles. Well, let's hope. I would love to see everybody get an extra thirty seconds. The product up here that sells for under two dollars is... It is the waffles! Michelle gets thirty seconds. Richard gets thirty seconds. And Cindy gets thirty seconds. Alright, let's go on to our next game. We're going to play Check Stand Headlines. This guy in the middle, I don't know if those women are just really short or if he has like fucking Marfan syndrome or something. He's very tall. Because he looks like Lurch or something. He's a wisecracking guy who still enjoys his trademark cigars. And he's still going strong at ninety... George Burns. That would be George Burns. They're clapping like they're in communist China with dictators on stage. Well, she certainly looked fully grown when she starred in the movie Ten. Go Derek. That's it. I've seen that movie. Okay, here's the last one. Talk about an outrageous career move. Junior is the name of a movie all about the world's first pregnant man. And it stars this He-Man last action hero. Ron Jeremy. Richard Arnold Schwarzenegger. That's it. This guy knows his movies. Let's play our round robin game. Come on up here, partners. Dave Ruprecht is just so checked out mentally. I know. Just going through the motions. He can't wait to go home. He doesn't even have the contempt that we love in those earlier episodes. He's just like an empty husk now. The man is one. He never would have gotten that. Like, like, you're in light? I don't know. Flavors. Darlene. Dryers. Let's see. That's it, James. Dryers? What are these brands? Potato. Richard. Pringles. Slug nip. It is, James. And the next one. Let's see. You can't stop. RC Cola. RC Cola. Could be. CR Loka. CR Loka. Croatian Republic crazy. Dryers. Dryers isn't ice cream. Isn't that Breyers? Maybe there's both a Breyers and a Dryers. And a Dryers. No Breyers. Breyers mint chocolate chip ice cream. I think it's my favorite ice cream. Breyers and Breyers. Two different governments. They're having a turf war. He's going to embarrass the shit out of themselves. I'm going to try real hard not to get hit with the card again. That's my favorite. I've got to include it one these days. There's an entire compilation of Dave Ruprecht getting hit by the card at the end. Cindy, she doesn't know how to run and she doesn't know how to clap. Look at her. She's an alien. Is she, like, being Ratatouille-ed around? Is there a little rat in there, like, controlling her movements? Yeah. Remi the Rat wanted to get on Supermarket Sweep. I love that the bad guy of Ratatouille is just the bad guy because he didn't want a rat near his food. What a horrible man. That's right, at the end of the big sweep, the team with the highest total not only plays the five thousand dollar bonus round, they will also have a chance to be invited back to go for two brand new cars worth over twenty-five thousand dollars. Looks like some shit I'd buy at Radio Shack. I know, that's a piece of shit car. You would not survive a car accident in that thing at all. That'll go right over a cliff. Even if you're not driving anywhere near cliffs, you'll drive over a cliff. You would have a better chance of surviving an accident when those Barbie toy jeeps that kids have, I think, than one of those. Okay, everybody, just take a look. Everything out there in our supermarket aisles is up for grabs. Now, remember, the faster you shop, the more money you will make. Oh, Dan Wally had a friend that had that exact model. How long did it last? I'm so curious. Now, listen very carefully because these are the big money makers in today's big sweep. We have a real special treat for you today in the market. Step out on it, man. I can't. It's a G.O. My dad had a Geo Metro. That car was like slightly bigger than our body and gave me no confidence in us having an accident in it. So listen carefully, I can tell you this only once. Here's what I want. Three salt bagels, two egg bagels, and one onion roll. These are just things he wants for his dressing room later. He's just too lazy to ask. Knock on my dressing room door. Leave it on the floor. Knock. I need you to pick up three salt bagels, my dry cleaning from down the street, and my kid from his soccer practice later. Whoever comes back with all three wins the night. Okay, runners, get ready. The clock is set at three minutes, and that's when Richard's taking off. On your mark, get set, go! Oh, he almost fucked up right away. He's running like a Hanna-Barbera cartoon. He's like, whoa! It does drive me crazy that they never mention there's a five-item limit. Like, you can only get five of any item. Yeah. Because I would just be throwing hams in. Exactly. You'd fill the whole thing up with hams. That always looks like it's the most fun part of doing these, the people just shoveling those giant hams in. I think if I was ever on this show, I would just creep people out. I would just go to the condom aisle and just be putting, like, as many different types of condoms into the cart just the whole time. And Matt is still in the condom aisle. Technically, he's choosing different brands, so he's not going over the five limit, but it's starting to creep us all out over here. Wow. Now he's moved on to the loo. He's going to be here for a while. By the way, they don't keep any of these groceries. In fact, I think all the meat is not even real meat. It's like fake. It would have to be. Madeline has put some rancid meat into her cart. Don't actually eat that, Madison. Are you familiar with ringworm? Oh, this guy's going to have a party. This guy sure does love nuts, doesn't he? Oh, Cindy, hustle. Come on, man. You're killing me. Oh, I hate Cindy. Now Matt's shoveling in a bunch of cough syrup. What kind of night do you have planned, Matt? You're going on a list. Here comes a second customer for candy. It's Cindy. I want to sit Cindy down and just be like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Come on. Hustle. There's money on the line here. Close enough. That's one hundred dollars for Shell. Remember, this sweep is part of our... Now Matt is selecting pornographic videos from the video kiosk. The team not only can try for five thousand dollars, they have the chance to try for two brand new cars worth over twenty-five. Yes, Jackie B. Run, bitch, run. Look at her. You got to wear good pants. They're wearing the wrong outfits for this. This lady's got it right. She's dressed the yellow shirt lady. She's got to get back to the... None of this is going to... Your hubris is your undoing, Cindy. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You're like Icarus. Cindy ruined it. Look. All right, everybody, come on back. Thanks again, Johnny. All right, the checkers are going to add all this up. We'll find out everybody's totals. But Sandy didn't come back, so do they not get... I don't think so, yeah. Like, it's her... Her greed got the better of her. Where is she? She died. There she is. We're back with Supermarket Sweep, and the checkers have already entered everything into the registers. Now we're going to hit the total buttons, find out who won the big sweep. I bet you the biggest amount of money these people get, nobody gets more than four thousand dollars from this. Oh yeah. You got a bag of candy, that's a hundred dollars. Let's find out how much your bonus is worth. I bet you Cindy screwed up both of the special shopping list items. That's all your groceries. It gives you a grand total today of one thousand thirty three dollars. Wow. That's pretty good. Cindy on the other hand. Cindy, you fuck up. Oh, oh. I knew it. Oh, you dumb. Cindy. Cindy, you dumb bitch. You fucked up. You're such a stupid bitch, Cindy. Oh, well, and they got the super bonus, of course. You're such a fuck-up, Cindy. Wait. Oh, she really sucked. Cindy. If she didn't get that bonus, it would have been embarrassing. There's a lot of symbolism around the two guys. Their cart is full of nuts and meat and there's a cock right behind them. I'm just saying. You can eat tonight. They almost kissed for a second. Oh my god, those. Five thousand dollars in cash hidden behind a product out there. You've got a whole minute to find it and three clues to help you out. You chose bonus envelope number one, so this is your first clue. When it gets so hot you need a fan, you might need to roll on the one called fan. Oh, do they both get to run? Yes. They gotta solve them together. He called him baby. Oh, my God. Did he really? Or maybe he was just like, come on, baby. You know how people say that. But after everything else that's happened. I bet you these guys are still together, too. There was a supermarket sweep couple that was this exact situation. It wasn't these guys, but it was that. Yeah, they went on. They're like, we're friends. But they turn out to be a couple, and they're still together. It was very sweet. Let's go. Let's go. We got it. Right here. If a lady was wearing wonderful perfume, it might lead you to Al Pacino. Scent of a woman. Pacino. Pacino. Scent. Scent. Scent of a woman. Scent of a woman. Where's that? Where's that? Where's that? I saw part of that. Scent of a woman. Come on. Come on. Where's that? Look. Look. Oh. Oh, you fuck up. Scent of a woman. Oh, you dum-dums. Now, in years to come, they'll never be able to watch Sins of a Woman together. They'll always think of... Well, now... But if Cindy had gotten... I mean, there's no way Cindy would have gotten that far. Cindy would have been like, I don't know what that means. You got so close. But listen, you ran out of time, but your big sweep total could bring you back for a chance. Dave Ruprecht looks like he's talking to like the fucking like Roswell aliens. They're so much taller. I wonder if they won the G.O. Sexy sax music. So that's four hundred dollars. We add that to a great sweep to give you a grand total today of one thousand six hundred and ninety six dollars. Just Jackie B asked, has Cindy become the new Gwyneth? Cindy, you're such a fuck up, Cindy. Cindy's my new arch nemesis. Whoa. He's on coke. You can just tell. It's America's favorite jelly bean, Jelly Belly. I can't think of another type of jelly bean. They cornered the market. It's more, if you're the only option, you can't really say you're the king of it, though. You just are the jelly. We are the jelly bean you can have. That should be their slogan. See, it's right here, you fucking moron. Yes! Look, you stupid idiot. It was right there. You guys are such dipshits. Way to fuck up, idiots. You see? It was there. You didn't see it. You got to see it to win. You could have had all this money, but you didn't find it. You see? Such an asshole. Anyway, I hope you two lovers have fun in your suite later. There's no way they put these contestants up in a hotel. He's like the cheapest game show ever. They were competing for, again, like, they're out, like, thirteen hundred dollars, having not won that. Like, oh, no. Oh, wow. What do we do without thirteen hundred dollars? Not that I wouldn't love to win thirteen hundred dollars, but it's not life-ending. It's not ground. It's nothing life-changing, yeah. Even back then, it would just be like, what? Like, oh, cool, I paid, like, two months of rent, as opposed to the one that that would pay now. uh thank you so much everyone thanks for watching everybody it's been a fun time it has we've had some laughs we've had some you know we've shared some some fun times together we've cried a hundred sixty nine folks still hanging out with us we've learned the real mystery hour is the friends we've made along the way I think so uh but I think I need like a jerry's final thoughts segment at the end of mystery hour where I just kind of uh philosophize about with the last little bit as men. Ah, yes. Ah, yes. Um... Thanks for watching everybody. And as I said, at the top of the show, if you missed a movie, Joe Knight baffled, I will be doing an encore presentation of that live stream in its entirety, immediately following this show. So here we go. Everyone feel free to check in at TV on tin. If you don't want to watch the pre-show for that. And by the time that wraps up, the baffled should be starting or watch the whole thing from the get go. That's how we roll around here. But, uh, thank you so much for watching. What are we doing next week for mystery hour? next week you always ask me this and I never know um well I can't even remember either that's why I ask you so I guess that's a problem on my end you could just look it up and then say we're doing this okay now school sitcoms we're doing okay yeah uh dumb industries mystery hour we'll be watching school sitcoms there's a lot of them maybe welcome back cotter will be one of them yeah maybe um and uh and we were all caught up on donations too right We are all caught up on donations. Thank you, everybody who donated so much. All your contributions are very much appreciated. Yes, we love it. We hope our stupid impressions and goofy little scenes are enough to warrant how generous you all are towards us. But thank you so much for hanging out. Thank you, everyone. And we love you all, and we will be back next week. Next week, school sitcoms, baby. Full Mad's Friday tomorrow, too. So come back and watch at nine p.m. tomorrow night. The Lost Missile. Lost Missile. And also it's a new Chit Chat and Tidbits, right? Oh, new Chit Chat and Tidbits. Oh, my God. We forgot to mention that. Yeah. Tomorrow, eight p.m. Yeah. So check that out in the clubhouse. Okay. All right. For real. Bye, everybody. I want you to step back from the guacamole dip. I want you to put the chicken fingers down. Sushi. Saki. Mmm. Sushi sake high, sushi good. Sake to me. Sake to you. Feeling good. Sushi food. Now you can say... Bobby, I want you to meet my colleague, Dr. Hamilton. And I'd like you to get the fuck out of here. Get out of here! Get out of my room! Get out of here, bitch! Get out of here!